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2014 <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> State Standards for English Language Arts<br />


HC Price QTY HC ISBN Title Series PB Price QTY PB ISBN GRL<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-1426-2 Explore with Jacques Cartier Travel with the Great Explorers $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1432-3 S<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-1427-9 Explore with Leif Eriksson Travel with the Great Explorers $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1433-0 S<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-1428-6 Explore with Marco Polo Travel with the Great Explorers $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1434-7 S<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-1429-3 Explore with Ponce de León Travel with the Great Explorers $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1435-4 S<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-1430-9 Explore with Sieur de La Salle Travel with the Great Explorers $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1436-1 S<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0627-4 Deserts Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0673-1 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0633-5 Grasslands Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0706-6 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0635-9 Oceans Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1457-6 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0637-3 Rain Forests Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1458-3 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0639-7 Tundras Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0724-0 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0641-0 Wetlands Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0726-4 Q<br />

<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Reading Standards for Informational Text<br />

RI.4.5. Craft and Structure: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas,<br />

concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.<br />

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$16.95 ______ 978-0-7787-9946-7 Egyptian Treasures (explanation) <strong>Crabtree</strong> Connections $6.95 ______ 978-0-7787-9968-9 Q<br />

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$16.95 ______ 978-0-7787-9954-2 Head-to-Toe Body Questions<br />

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<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Reading Standards for Informational Text<br />

RI.4.8. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.<br />

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