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2014 <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> State Standards for English Language Arts<br />


<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Standards: Writing<br />

W.5.3. Text Types and Purposes: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details,<br />

and clear event sequences.<br />

W.5.3.A. Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.<br />

W.5.3.B. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of<br />

characters to situations.<br />

W.5.3.C. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.<br />

W.5.3.D. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.<br />

W.5.3.E. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.<br />

W.5.4. Production and Distribution of Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to<br />

task, purpose, and audience..<br />

W.5.10. Range of Writing: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and<br />

clear event sequences.<br />

HC Price QTY HC ISBN Title Series PB Price QTY PB ISBN GRL<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1653-2 How to Write a Drama Text Styles $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1658-7 P<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1654-9 How to Write a Fantasy Story Text Styles $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1659-4 P<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1655-6 How to Write an Adventure Story Text Styles $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1660-0 P<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1656-3 How to Write Realistic Fiction Text Styles $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1661-7 P<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1657-0 How to Write Science Fiction Text Styles $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1662-4 P<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0408-9 Read, Recite, and Write Free Verse Poems Poet's Workshop $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0412-6 R<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0409-6 Read, Recite, and Write Limericks Poet's Workshop $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0413-3 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0410-2 Read, Recite, and Write Narrative Poems Poet's Workshop $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0414-0 R<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0411-9 Read, Recite, and Write Nursery Rhymes Poet's Workshop $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0415-7 Q<br />

<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Standards for Writing<br />

W.5.9. Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.<br />

• Apply grade 5 Reading standards to literature (e.g., “Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or a drama,<br />

drawing on specific details in the text [e.g., how characters interact]”).<br />

W.5.10. Range of Writing: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a<br />

single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences<br />

HC Price QTY HC ISBN Title Series PB Price QTY PB ISBN GRL<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4507-5 Understanding Chinese Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4512-9 T<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4508-2 Understanding Egyptian Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4513-6 T<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4509-9 Understanding Greek Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4514-3 T<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4510-5 Understanding Roman Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4515-0 T<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4524-2 Understanding Indian Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4529-7 V<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4525-9 Understanding Mesoamerican Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4530-3 V<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4526-6 Understanding Native America Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4531-0 V<br />

$22.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4527-3 Understanding Norse Myths Myths Understood $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4532-7 V<br />

<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Reading Standards for Informational Text<br />

RI.5.3. Key Ideas and Details: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical,<br />

scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.<br />

RI.5.4. Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5<br />

topic or subject area.<br />

RI.5.7. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an<br />

answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.<br />

RI.5.10. Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social<br />

studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.<br />

<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Core</strong> Standards: Foundational Skills<br />

RF.5.4. Fluency: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.<br />

RF.5.4.A. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.<br />

HC Price QTY HC ISBN Title Series PB Price QTY PB ISBN GRL<br />

$18.71 ______ 978-0-7787-2760-6 Refugee Child: My Memories of the<br />

1956 Hungarian Revolution Refugee Child hardcover only P<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0627-4 Deserts Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0673-1 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0633-5 Grasslands Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0706-6 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0635-9 Oceans Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1457-6 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0637-3 Rain Forests Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-1458-3 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0639-7 Tundras Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0724-0 Q<br />

$20.70 ______ 978-0-7787-0641-0 Wetlands Inside Out Ecosystems Inside Out $9.95 ______ 978-0-7787-0726-4 Q<br />

paperback only Acids and Bases Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4246-3 R<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4240-1 Atoms and Molecules Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4247-0 R<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4241-8 Chemical Changes Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4248-7 R<br />

$19.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4242-5 Elements and Compounds Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4249-4 Q<br />

paperback only Mixtures and Solutions Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4250-0 P<br />

paperback only States of Matter Why Chemistry Matters $8.95 ______ 978-0-7787-4251-7 P<br />

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