July 2012 - Southeast Michigan Mensa

July 2012 - Southeast Michigan Mensa

July 2012 - Southeast Michigan Mensa


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M-Pathy Page 14<br />

By Claire Carpenter<br />

Winner of the Grosswirth-Salny $500 Scholarship<br />

During my freshman year of college, I took my first linguistics course. In the course, I was introduced<br />

to a new world of language in which sounds, words, and sentences are units to be broken down, strung<br />

together, and analyzed in every way imaginable. I was in awe of the beauty and complexity of<br />

language, something that most of us take for granted, but that is so integral to the human experience.<br />

Later, I learned of speech-language pathology as a practical means of turning my love of linguistics into<br />

a career, so I declared Communicative Sciences and Disorders (CSD) as my major and never looked<br />

back.<br />

Through my studies, I have learned that speech-language pathology is a quickly growing profession<br />

and also wonderfully diverse. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work in a variety of settings,<br />

including everything from children with difficulties producing the /t/ sound, to stroke patients who have<br />

lost their agility to effectively communicate. Every setting is unique and captivating. Eventually, I will<br />

have to narrow my focus to a specific client population and work setting, but for now I am content<br />

gathering as much knowledge as possible about the different branches of speech and language<br />

services so that I can eventually find the niche that is most suitable for me. Therefore, my current goal<br />

is to prepare myself for success in a highly ranked graduate program. Also, I hope to someday open a<br />

private clinic to provide low-cost services to clients who need speech and language therapy but lack<br />

the resources to receive it. I believe that every person deserves access to needed services in order to<br />

maximize communication abilities. If clients have no other options, I would be honored to provide them<br />

with their right to services, regardless of insurance policies, socioeconomic status, or other financial<br />

considerations.<br />

In order to achieve my goals, I have adopted many success-driven strategies. First, beyond majoring<br />

in CSD, I am a member of the Honors College with minors in Spanish and linguistics and a<br />

specialization in health promotion. My extra degrees have expanded my knowledge of fields related to<br />

CSD and they will make me more marketable to graduate schools and future employers. I am also a<br />

research assistant in the MSU Speech Lab and an active member of the National Student Speech<br />

Language and Hearing Association. Being a member of those profession-focused groups allows me to<br />

increase my career-based knowledge and skills, volunteer, and become more involved in CSD<br />

research.<br />

Additionally, as the world continues to globalize, it is increasingly important for SLPs to understand the<br />

multicultural aspects of communication. In order to prepare myself for the global demands of the<br />

modern world, I have been involved in several multicultural and international experiences including:<br />

serving as co-chairperson of La Organizacion de Logopedia y Audiologia (a student group that<br />

promotes multicultural awareness in the field of CSD), tutoring international teaching assistants through<br />

the Technology Enhanced Accent Modification program, and participating in the Communications<br />

Disorders United Kingdom study abroad trip. While I still have much to learn and experience, I believe<br />

that my involvement in research, clubs, and cultural experiences will allow me to broaden my horizon,<br />

become more well-rounded, and increase my success in the future. Not to mention, I am having the<br />

time of my life in the process!

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