Issue #15 - Space Goddess.fm - Naruto & Bleach Mania Forums

Issue #15 - Space Goddess.fm - Naruto & Bleach Mania Forums

Issue #15 - Space Goddess.fm - Naruto & Bleach Mania Forums


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December 2008<br />

Member Interview: MD<br />

By Fresh1<br />

NM Exposed: Alright, how did you come across NM and why did<br />

you decide to stay and become an active member?<br />

MD: Well, frankly, "i lieked nartoe," and I wanted to download free<br />

nartoe. I was completely new to the internet at the time, anime<br />

especially. I didn't really post actively on NM until a few months<br />

after I joined. I started posting actively mainly because of the Lounge<br />

It was pretty funny back then, and trolling has always been a hobby<br />

of mine. Oh, I googled for free <strong>Naruto</strong> downloads too. That's how I<br />

came across NM.<br />

NM Exposed: Now you were a pretty s****y member in my eyes<br />

when you joined. In fact, I can't even pinpoint when you started<br />

being cool. What inspired this change?<br />

MD: You probably needed glasses back then, in that case. But<br />

seriously, I don't think I really changed much. I started getting used<br />

to the forum. At first, I just trolled and flamed whoever annoyed me<br />

(which turned out to be just about every active member, judging by<br />

the flame pit). Eventually, I knew exactly who I liked and who I<br />

thought were retards, so I knew exactly where to focus my flaming.<br />

NM Exposed: Considering you were new to the internet then,<br />

how did you find entertainment before you discovered it and<br />

became active?<br />

MD: Social life, though, that's become obsolete. I used to go out with<br />

friends at least once every two days, now, due to living in the country<br />

as opposed to the city (and the incredible difficulty of getting to the<br />

city), I'm lucky to go out socially for more than once or twice a week.<br />

I also enjoyed TV (f**k yeah, re-runs of old-school Cartoon Network<br />

stuff), and my PS2.<br />

NM Exposed: Seems like a lame change; city life is too good. So<br />

you go to school, I am guessing? Any idea what you plan on<br />

trying to become?<br />

MD: Yeah, 'twas pretty lame; but meh, I got over it pretty quickly.<br />

Yeah, I'm currently in the process of doing nothing, not attending,<br />

and failing all my exams. Not the best of decisions, but yeah. As for<br />

what I want to become? I've been geared towards becoming a<br />

surgeon from the start.<br />

NM Exposed: Do you think you may end up living with your<br />

parents forever if you never find the motivation to care enough?<br />

MD: No. I'll seriously just jump off a bridge if I'm still living with<br />

my parents by the time I'm 30 (I don't want to be like Cane and<br />

Tony). I kind of care, but waking up every morning at 6 AM... it's so<br />

much easier to just go back to sleep<br />

NM Exposed: Being as you don't have much of a social life, I<br />

guess girls are out of the question currently, but do you have a<br />

chick you’re trying to get?<br />

MD: Not particularly. I have a few really close female friends; I<br />

always go for a cup of coffee or a movie or something with them and<br />

a few guys every Friday (well, every Friday that I'm not too lazy to<br />

go to school, which has been three Fridays in the past three months),<br />

but they're just friends. I got to sort out my shit and get back on track<br />

academically before I even think of getting into a relationship.<br />

Member Interview<br />

NM Exposed: Tell me, how things are with your family though?<br />

MD: Well, at the moment, not too good. Due to our (Ireland) government's<br />

latest decision to cut free medical care for pensioners, my grandmother now<br />

has to pay ridiculous sums each year for medical care. And I mean ridiculous;<br />

she's in a really tight spot. I live with my mother at the moment. It's just me,<br />

my mother and our two dogs. We do argue a lot, but that's mostly due to me<br />

"wasting my potential." I have a brother, but he's a lot older than me and<br />

moved out since long before I could remember.<br />

NM Exposed: Is your family religious?<br />

MD: My mother and I? Not particularly. I consider myself Christian (I've<br />

considered atheism, and that didn't appeal to me), but I'm a pretty f***ing bad<br />

Christian (I don't practice my religion at all). My grandmother is extremely<br />

religious; she wanted to pray before dinner last Christmas.<br />

NM Exposed: Does your online personality reflect your real life one at all<br />

Like, do you randomly flame people in person who piss you off? Lol<br />

MD: Yeah. Ireland is pretty lax when it comes to insults. There's nothing<br />

quite like being with a group of friends and flaming the sh** out of each other<br />

(or, as well call it, "taking the piss").<br />

NM Exposed: Cane is Irish as well and enjoys drinking. Brags about it all<br />

the time. Are you a stereotype of the Irish and do you get drunk everyday<br />

MD: Cane is only really Irish in his own mind. He was born in Northern<br />

Ireland, which is controlled by England, and anyone from the Republic would<br />

be quick to refute his claim. But yeah, I don't drink much. I haven't been<br />

really, really wasted since St. Patrick’s Day.<br />

NM Exposed: You are very dedicated to your country as far as I can tell,<br />

but do you have any plans to see some other places one day? If so name a<br />

few.<br />

MD: There are a few. 1) Canada. Really interesting place, I know a lot of<br />

people who studied there for a few months. They all have nothing but good to<br />

say about it. 2) Scotland: I have a lot of Scottish lineage. Hm... I think that's<br />

about it. I know that about 90% of NM members would answer "Japan". To<br />

those 90%, you're all weeaboo's and you should PM me your address's, so that<br />

I can burn all your houses down.<br />

NM Exposed: Lmao. Yeah, Japan is one of the more popular places, but<br />

it’s an anime forum. What do you expect? Speaking of addresses, though,<br />

do you have any people on NM you would meet in person if given the<br />

chance?<br />

MD: Hmm... Maybe LT because I want definitive evidence that he's not as<br />

awesome and manly as he claims he is, Ravi's pretty cool and, of course, any<br />

of NM's resident females (Sexy Latina, Nat, Arukas, etc).<br />

NM Exposed: Well, let’s see…provided NM stays up for awhile longer,<br />

do you see yourself being on there for a few more years if possible?<br />

MD: Yeah, for sure. The Lounge is in desperate times; it is now more than<br />

ever that MD must defend the empire of lulz from Patrck, zshortysmall,<br />

Rollin' 20's, and all those other abortions.<br />

NM Exposed: I laughed pretty hard at that, mainly because it holds some<br />

truth. Well, in closing, do you have any idea of where you'll be in life and<br />

such, say, in about five years?<br />

MD: If I'm optimistic, I'll have burned and pillaged the houses of every NM<br />

member I don't like. If I'm neutral, I'll be pretty close to getting a degree in<br />

medicine. If I'm pessimistic, I'll be living with my parents posting on NM<br />

24/7 and trying to convince myself that I'm still as awesome as I was five<br />

years ago (not the ideal choice).<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 15 Page 14

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