Can Shift to a Funded Pension System Affect - ASERS

Can Shift to a Funded Pension System Affect - ASERS

Can Shift to a Funded Pension System Affect - ASERS


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Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields<br />

Once established that a long run cointegration exists, Equation (3) is estimated. A maximum lag order of one<br />

is allowed in the ARDL model using the Schwarz Bayesian Criteria since it presents the smaller residual sum of<br />

squared. The following ARDL (4,3,2,3) specification is used.<br />

Table 5 reports the results of the ARDL where the regressions fit reasonably well and pass the main<br />

diagnostic tests. All levels estimates are highly significant and have also the expected signs. The results suggest that<br />

there is a strong evidence between what the theory predict (about the relationship between savings and pension<br />

funds) and the estimated variables. The constant term is positive and highly significant at 0.01 level.<br />

The estimated retirement savings variables (RPENS, RPAYG and RINS) show the coefficients with correct<br />

signs and are statistically significance at 0.01 and 0.05. The variable DR is with the right signs and statistically<br />

significant at 0.01 level.<br />

Section 1, Short-run coefficient estimates<br />

Table 5. ARDL (4,3,2,3) Equation (3)<br />

Lag order 1 2 3 4<br />

ΔSAV 0.6874** 0.3213** -0.1703*<br />

( 8.971) ( 3.466 ) ( -1.972)<br />

ΔRINS 7.9250**<br />

(4.0295)<br />

ΔRPENS<br />

0.25532 ♦<br />

(1.6884)<br />

ΔRPAYG 9.9141**<br />

( 4.0232)<br />

ecm<br />

-0.028164 ♦<br />

(-1.8313)<br />

Section 2, Long-run coefficient estimates<br />


1.679842** 0.62959* -0.93436* 0.09025* -0.128499**<br />

(3.156399) (2.352) (-2.3852) (1.689) (-4.0493)<br />

Dummy4 -0.04248*<br />

(-2.2338)<br />

Section 3 Diagnostics<br />

Adjusted R-squared: 0.84591; Durbin-Watson stat: 1.8272;<br />

Serial Correlation 2 SC(2) 1.412[0.235] ;<br />

Functional Form 2 FF<br />

(1) 0.52528[0.469] ;<br />

Normality 2 N<br />

(2) 6.847[0.6321] ;<br />

Heteroscedasticity 2 H<br />

(1) 0.33334[0.564] .<br />

♦significant at the 0.10 level; *significant at the 0.05 level; **significant at the 0.01 level ; Obs. 152 ( monthly)<br />

The results of Equation(3) for the short run estimations show the complex dynamics that seem <strong>to</strong> exist<br />

between changes in saving and changes in the pension funds. The coefficients are all significant. Among them,<br />

ΔRPENS is the only one statistically significant at 0.10 level.<br />

The equilibrium correction coefficient (ecm), estimated (-0.028) is statistically significant at 0.10 per cent and<br />

has the correct sign, implying that a deviation from the long-run equilibrium, following a short run shock, is corrected<br />

by about 2.8 per cent after one month. Finally, Table 5 (Section 2) shows the results of the dummy4 used 17 . It is<br />

statistically significant at 0.01 level and the coefficients‟ value is -0.0242.<br />

Overall, our results are consistent with the ones by Granville and Mallick (2004) that found evidence<br />

suggesting that increases in manda<strong>to</strong>ry pension funds financial assets increase national saving.<br />

As regards the relation between dependency ratio and changes in national saving, it should be noted that<br />

population ageing will itself generate changes in saving which may have a major macroeconomic impact.<br />

According <strong>to</strong> the life cycle theory, savings rates tend <strong>to</strong> decline in countries where there are larger numbers of<br />

17 We made estimations including all the dummies selected in 4.2.2. and dropped those not significant.<br />


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