Sezona 2005/06 - RTV Slovenija

Sezona 2005/06 - RTV Slovenija

Sezona 2005/06 - RTV Slovenija


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simfonicniorkester<br />

rtvslovenija<br />

the rtv slovenia symphony orchestra<br />

50<br />

abonma <strong>2005</strong>/20<strong>06</strong>

Založba kaset in plošè<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

s ponosom predstavlja<br />

nove izdaje zgošèenk<br />

Bravo orkester!<br />

Simfonièni orkester<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Dirigenti: Walter Proost,<br />

David de Villiers, En Shao,<br />

Marko Munih, Lior<br />

Shambadal, Anton Nanut,<br />

Helmut Imig<br />

Big Band <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>:<br />

60 let<br />

Adamiè, Soss, Privšek,<br />

Gregorc, Krajnèan, Lazar,<br />

Spruk, Tomšiè, Mikuletiè,<br />

Lunder<br />

Boštjan Lipovšek, rog<br />

Strauss, Krek, Lebiè<br />

Simfonièni orkester<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Dirigent: David de Villiers<br />

Blaž Arniè:<br />

Simfonija št. 8, op. 40<br />

Na domaèi grudi<br />

Simfonièni orkester<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Dirigent: Lovrenc Arniè<br />

Karmen Peèar:<br />

violonèelo<br />

A. Dvorak: Koncert za<br />

violonèelo in orkester<br />

v h-molu<br />

D. Šostakoviè: Koncert za<br />

violonèelo in orkester<br />

št. 1 v Es-duru<br />

Simfonièni orkester<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

S. Prokofjev:<br />

Peter in volk,<br />

glasbena pravljica<br />

Dirigent: David de Villiers<br />

Pripoveduje: Boris Ostan<br />

Zgošèenke lahko kupite v vseh bolje<br />

založenih trgovinah, prek spletne strani<br />

www.rtvslo.si/zkpprodaja ali po<br />

telefonu 01 475 4647, 01 475 4629.

simfoni ni orkester rtv slovenija<br />

abonmajski koncerti sezone <strong>2005</strong>/20<strong>06</strong><br />

the rtv slovenia symphony orchestra<br />

<strong>2005</strong>/20<strong>06</strong> subscription season<br />

9 vznemirljivih, nepozabnih glasbenih dogodkov<br />

Nine exciting, unforgettable musical events<br />

Nova sezona _ stare cene<br />

Vpis od 13. do 17. junija in od 12. do 16. septembra<br />

Preprost nakup pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma ali po telefonu 01 24 17 300.<br />

Veè o nakupu na strani 22.<br />

New season _ old prices<br />

Purchase from June, 13 to June, 17 and from September, 12 to September, 16.<br />

The tickets are available from the Cankarjev dom ticket office or by phone on 01 24 17 300.<br />

More about purchasing on page 22.<br />

1<br />

29. september <strong>2005</strong><br />


I Pagliacci<br />

David de Villiers<br />

Janez Lotriè, Sabina Cvilak,<br />

Valentin Enèev, Jo e Vidic,<br />

Matja Stopinšek<br />

Zbor Opere SNG Maribor<br />

Mladinski Pevski Zbor <strong>RTV</strong><br />

<strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

R. Leoncavallo: Glumaèi<br />

I Pagliacci<br />

2<br />

27. oktober <strong>2005</strong><br />


Hommage maestru<br />

Samu Hubadu<br />

Karmina Šilec<br />

Carmina Slovenica<br />

Arvo Pärt, Hildegarda iz<br />

Bingna, Kodeks Las Huelgas<br />

3<br />

24. november <strong>2005</strong><br />


Lior Shambadal<br />

A. Bruckner: Simfonija št. 8<br />

Symphony No. 8

6. december <strong>2005</strong><br />

ALDO<br />


Walter Proost<br />

Aldo Ciccolini<br />

S. Rahmaninov:<br />

Koncert za klavir št. 2<br />

Piano concerto No. 2<br />

S. Prokofjev: Simfonija št. 5<br />

Symphony No. 5<br />

2. marec 20<strong>06</strong><br />

BARTOK<br />

En Shao<br />

Stefan Milenkoviæ<br />

B. Bartok: Štiri skladbe za orkester<br />

Four pieces for Orchestra<br />

Koncert za violino št. 2<br />

Violin concerto No. 2<br />

Koncert za orkester<br />

Concerto for Orchestra<br />

30. marec 20<strong>06</strong><br />


UROŠ<br />


Lovrenc Arniè<br />

Èrtomir Šiškoviè<br />

U. Prevoršek: Concerto grosso<br />

B. Arniè: Koncert za violino<br />

Violin concerto<br />

D. Šostakoviè: Simfonija št. 1<br />

Symphony No. 1<br />

4 5 6<br />

7<br />

20. april 20<strong>06</strong><br />


DEVETA<br />

Anton Nanut<br />

Mateja Arne , Mirjam Kalin,<br />

Ivo Gamulin, Peter<br />

Wimberger<br />

Zbor HRT iz Zagreba<br />

Zbor Opere HNK iz reke<br />

L. van Beethoven: Simfonija št. 9<br />

Symphony No. 9<br />

8<br />

18. maj 20<strong>06</strong><br />


Stanislav Macura<br />

Radu Lupu<br />

Dan Dediu: Frenesia<br />

L. van Beethoven: Koncert za<br />

klavir in orkester št. 4 Concerto for<br />

piano and orchestra No. 4<br />

M. Lazar: Novo delo za simfonièni<br />

orkester New symphonic work<br />

L. Janaèek: Taras Buljba<br />

9<br />

1. junij 20<strong>06</strong><br />


BURANA<br />

David de Villiers<br />

Martina Zadro, Jo e Vidic,<br />

Matja Stopinšek<br />

APZ Tone Tomšiè<br />

C. Orff: Carmina Burana

Dragi ljubitelji glasbe,<br />

spoštovani prijatelji Simfoni nega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>,<br />

rad bi izrazil iskreno hvaležnost za vašo<br />

zvesto podporo Simfoniènemu orkestru<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> v minuli sezoni.<br />

Z orkestrom se zavedamo vašega priznanja,<br />

to pa nas navdihuje, da igramo najbolje,<br />

kot je po naših moèeh mogoèe. Upamo,<br />

da bodo programi, ki smo jih pripravili<br />

za prihodnjo sezono, zbudili v vas posebno<br />

zanimanje.<br />

Prihodnja sezona bo posebno slovesna, saj bomo praznovali<br />

petdesetletnico obstoja Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>.<br />

Ob tej priložnosti bi želel èestitati orkestru za ta pomembni<br />

mejnik v zgodovini. Posebej bi rad poudaril, da mi je v izredno<br />

zadovoljstvo biti šef dirigent tako izvrstnemu sestavu<br />

glasbenikov, in povedal, da uživam v vsakem trenutku našega<br />

sodelovanja. Hkrati èestitam <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> in se zahvaljujem<br />

tako instituciji kot tudi vodstvu orkestra za nenehno podporo.<br />

Da simfonièni orkestri delujejo v okviru nacionalnih ali<br />

regionalnih institucij radia in televizije, kaže izjemnost<br />

srednjeevropske kulturne tradicije. Posebni znaèilnosti te<br />

tradicije sta izredno kakovostno igranje in nenehno spremljanje<br />

sodobne glasbene ustvarjalnosti v posameznih državah.<br />

Simfonièni orkester <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> zgledno sledi tej programski<br />

usmeritvi, zato je pomembno združiti naše sile in zagotoviti<br />

prihodnost tega vrhunskega orkestra vsaj še za petdeset let!<br />

V prihodnji sezoni bodo sporedi obujali zgodovino<br />

Simfoniènega orkestra, zgodovino njegovega repertoarja in<br />

sodelovanja s šefi dirigenti.<br />

<strong>Sezona</strong> se bo zaèela s koncertno izvedbo opere Glumaèi Ruggiera<br />

Leoncavalla. Izvedbe opernih del so dolgoletna tradicija orkestra.<br />

Nekdanji šef dirigent Samo Hubad jih je z orkestrom posnel<br />

celo vrsto, med njimi pa so tudi nekatera pomembna slovenska<br />

operna dela. V naši izvedbi opere Glumaèi bodo nastopili sami<br />

slovenski umetniki - tudi svetovno znani solist Janez Lotriè in<br />

nekaj izredno obetavnih mladih pevcev.<br />

Drugi koncert bo opozoril na pomembno tradicijo sodelovanja<br />

med orkestrom in razliènimi slovenskimi zbori. Koncert, na<br />

katerem bo nastopil tudi zbor Carmina Slovenica, bo vodila<br />

Karmina Šilec, ena naših najvidnejših zborovskih dirigentk.<br />

Na tretjem koncertu bo nekdanji šef dirigent Lior Shambadal<br />

interpretiral Brucknerjevo Osmo simfonijo. Velièastna<br />

romantièna stvaritev bo posebno odlièen prispevek k tej jubilejni<br />

sezoni.<br />

Naslednja koncerta bosta vodila dirigenta, ki sta se z našim<br />

orkestrom v preteklih letih posebej dobro ujela, dela železnega<br />

repertoarja pa bosta interpretirala dva svetovno znana solista.<br />

Ugledni italijanski pianist Aldo Ciccolini bo nastopil pod<br />

dirigentskim vodstvom Walterja Proosta, mladi virtuoz Stefan<br />

Milenkoviæ pa se bo kot solist pridružil En Shaovemu programu.<br />

Dirigent Lovrenc Arniè bo predstavil spored, sestavljen v èast<br />

prvemu šefu dirigentu orkestra Urošu Prevoršku, ki je bil tudi<br />

odlièen skladatelj. Slišali bomo njegov Concerto grosso za<br />

godalni orkester, izveden pa bo tudi Koncert za violino in<br />

orkester dirigentovega oèeta Blaža Arnièa.<br />

Èastni dirigent orkestra in njegov dolgoletni šef dirigent in<br />

umetniški vodja Anton Nanut bo dirigiral Beethovnovo Deveto<br />

simfonijo. Prav maestro Nanut je z vrsto navdihnjenih<br />

posnetkov Beethovnove, Mahlerjeve in Brucknerjeve glasbe<br />

pridobil orkestru mednarodni ugled.<br />

Stanislav Macura, tretji šef dirigent orkestra, bo vodil koncert,<br />

s katerim bo nastopil tudi sloviti romunski pianist Radu Lupu.<br />

Abonmajski ciklus bo zaokrožila kantata Carmina Burana<br />

Carla Orffa, ena najveèkrat izvajanih in najpopularnejših skladb<br />

20. stoletja.<br />

Še enkrat želim vsem veliko lepih skupnih trenutkov ob<br />

poslušanju glasbe in uspešno jubilejno sezono.<br />

David de Villiers<br />

šef dirigent Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />


Dear music lovers,<br />

Dear friends of the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra,<br />

let me express my heartfelt gratitude for your faithful support of<br />

the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra during the past season!<br />

The orchestra members and myself are very much aware of your<br />

appreciation, which always inspires us to perform at our best.<br />

Therefore we hope that the programmes we have prepared for you<br />

for the coming season will be of particular interest.<br />

This coming season will be a very special one, since we shall<br />

celebrate the 50th anniversary of the orchestra's foundation! On<br />

this occasion I wish to congratulate the orchestra on this important<br />

milestone in its history! I would particularly like to emphasize<br />

what a great pleasure it is for me to be the chief conductor of such<br />

an excellent body of musicians, and to state that I am enjoying<br />

every single minute of our partnership! By the same token my<br />

congratulations go to <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia and I wish to thank both the<br />

company and the orchestra management for their constant support.<br />

It is part of a unique Central European tradition that symphony<br />

orchestras are taken under the wings of national or regional Radio<br />

and Television Companies. Particular characteristics of this<br />

tradition are the exceptionally high quality of performance and<br />

a constant mirroring of the contemporary music scene of each<br />

individual country. The <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra<br />

eminently fills its role within the scope of this important tradition.<br />

Therefore we must all gather our forces and continue to ensure<br />

the future of this top ensemble for at least the next 50 years!<br />

In the coming season the programmes will reflect the history of<br />

the orchestra, its repertoire and its collaboration with its chief<br />

conductors.<br />

A concert performance of an opera will mark the beginning of the<br />

season, so as to continue a long-standing tradition, which flourished<br />

under the chief conductor Samo Hubad. He was responsible for<br />

numerous recordings of well known operas, often in the Slovene<br />

language. Our performance of I Pagliacci by Ruggiero Leoncavallo<br />

will be sung by an all-Slovene cast, including world renowned<br />

artists and some extremely promising young singers.<br />

The second concert acknowledges the great tradition of cooperation<br />

between the orchestra and various Slovene choirs. The <strong>RTV</strong><br />

<strong>Slovenija</strong> Symphony Orchestra and the Carmina Slovenica choir<br />

will be conducted by Karmina Šilec, one of the foremost choral<br />

conductors on the international scene. In the third concert, the<br />

former chief conductor Lior Shambadal will conduct Bruckner's<br />

8th Symphony - a commendable contribution to the celebratory<br />

season.<br />

Two well honoured guest conductors of past years will lead the<br />

following two concerts. You will be able to enjoy the orchestra<br />

playing the best of its standard repertoire, with two world renowned<br />

soloists. The concert conducted by Walter Proost will feature the<br />

venerated Italian pianist Aldo Ciccolini, whereas the young<br />

American violin virtuoso Stefan Milenkoviæ will join in as soloist<br />

in the programme conducted by En Shao.<br />

Next, Lovrenc Arniè will present a programme in honour of Uroš<br />

Prevoršek, the very first chief conductor of the orchestra. Works<br />

by Uroš Prevoršek, who also is a renowned composer, and of Blaž<br />

Arniè, the conductor's father, will be included in the programme.<br />

These will thereby highlight the special dedication to Slovene<br />

composers in the programming policy of the orchestra.<br />

Anton Nanut, Honorary Conductor of the orchestra will then<br />

conduct Beethoven's 9th symphony. This performance will honour<br />

the exemplary series of recordings, with which he and the orchestra<br />

gained world-wide acclaim.<br />

Subsequently Stanislav Macura, who acted as the third chief<br />

conductor of the orchestra, will conduct a concert with the pianist<br />

Radu Lupu as soloist. And finally, to round it all off, we shall<br />

perform Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, a work that has acquired<br />

cult status in the world of music.<br />

Once again I wish us all many wonderful moments enjoying live<br />

music together, as well as a successful anniversary season.<br />

David de Villiers<br />

Chief Conductor of the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra<br />


1.<br />

Èetrtek, 29. september <strong>2005</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

R. Leoncavallo: Glumaèi I Pagliacci<br />

koncertna izvedba concert performance<br />

David de Villiers Dirigent Conductor<br />

Janez Lotriè Tenor Tenor<br />

Sabina Cvilak Sopran Soprano<br />

Valentin Enèev Bariton Baritone<br />

Jo e Vidic Bariton Baritone<br />

Matja Stopinšek Tenor Tenor<br />

Zbor Opere SNG Maribor Zbor Choir<br />

Mladinski pevski zbor <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Zbor Choir<br />


I Pagliacci<br />

j. lotriè<br />

j. vidic<br />

v. enèev<br />

Ruggiero Leoncavallo je v svoji operi Gluma i (1892)<br />

prikazal tragièen, po resnièni zgodbi posnet ljubezenski<br />

zaplet v potujoèi gledališki družini. Odloèna glasba<br />

uèinkovito zgošèa odrsko napetost zgodbe, v kateri se<br />

prepletajo prepovedana ljubezen, ljubosumje, zavist in<br />

tragika umetnikove usode. Leoncavallovo delo je med<br />

najbolj priljubljenimi operami železnega repertoarja.<br />

Odrsko izvedbo bodo skupaj s Simfoniènim orkestrom<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> in zborom Opere SNG Maribor pripravili<br />

naši najboljši operni pevci. Posebej se veselimo nastopa<br />

svetovno znanega tenorista Janeza Lotrièa.<br />

s. cvilak<br />

m. stopinšek<br />

In his opera I Pagliacci, Ruggiero Leoncavallo presented a<br />

tragic love scenario in a travelling theatrical family. Energetic<br />

music effectively concentrates the tension on the stage, where<br />

the forbidden love, jealousy, envy and tragedy of the artist's<br />

faith are simmering. Leoncavallo's work is one of the most<br />

popular operas of the core repertoire. The <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia<br />

Symphony Orchestra and the Maribor Opera Choir will<br />

present a stage performance of this excellent opera with our<br />

best opera singers. We particularly look forward to hear the<br />

world famous tenor Janez Lotriè.<br />


2.<br />

Èetrtek, 27. oktober <strong>2005</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

Arvo Pärt, Hildegarda iz Bingna,<br />

Kodeks Las Huelgas<br />

Karmina Šilec Dirigentka Conductor<br />

Carmina Slovenica Zbor Choir<br />


Hommage maestru<br />

Samu Hubadu<br />

Simfoniènemu orkestru <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> in zboru Carmina<br />

Slovenica bo na drugem koncertu jubilejne sezone dirigirala<br />

Karmina Šilec, ki je tudi sestavila spored. Pärtovo uglasbitev<br />

enega od Davidovih psalmov je postavila ob bok hvalnicam<br />

srednjeveške skladateljice Hildegarde iz Bingna in<br />

polifonskim skladbam iz kodeksa Las Huelgas. Prav dognani<br />

sporedi, izjemna pevska kvaliteta in do potankosti izdelani<br />

nastopi so mariborskemu dekliškemu zboru Carmina<br />

Slovenica in njegovi dirigentki Karmini Šilec prinesli<br />

svetovno slavo.<br />

Koncert jubilejne sezone Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong><br />

<strong>Slovenija</strong> je posveèen dirigentu Samu Hubadu.<br />

Samo Hubad (rojen leta 1917 v Ljubljani) je eden<br />

najuglednejših slovenskih dirigentov. Kompozicijo in<br />

dirigiranje je študiral pri Slavku Ostercu in Danilu Švari,<br />

izpopolnjeval pa se je pri C. Schmiedlu in C. Zecchiju ter<br />

pri Vaclavu Talichu v Pragi. Dirigiral je v Operi in baletu<br />

SNG v Ljubljani, kjer je bil med letoma 1958 in 1962 tudi<br />

direktor, v zagrebški operi, med letoma 1947 in 1966 pa je<br />

bil šef dirigent Slovenske filharmonije. Kot gostujoèi dirigent<br />

je nastopal po vsej Evropi. Leta 1966 je postal šef dirigent<br />

Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> Ljubljana. To delo je opravljal<br />

do upokojitve leta 1980. Orkester naše radiotelevizije je<br />

povzdignil na najvišjo umetniško raven in mu odprl pot<br />

na svetovne glasbene odre. Pod njegovim vodstvom je bil<br />

orkester nedvomno najboljši tovrstni sestav v tedanji<br />

Jugoslaviji. Z njim je posnel veèji del simfoniènega<br />

repertoarja, veèino slovenskega simfoniènega opusa in vrsto<br />

celotnih oper, med katerimi naj posebej omenimo prvo<br />

celotno izvedbo Èrnih mask Marija Kogoja.<br />


The <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphonic Orchestra and the Carmina<br />

Slovenica choir will feature in the second part of the anniversary<br />

season conducted by Karmina Šilec, who also put together the<br />

program. Pärt’s musical setting of one of David’s psalm’s is<br />

put alongside the hymns of the medieval composer Hildegard<br />

of Bingham and the polyphonic compositions of the Las Helgas<br />

codex. Excellent programming, outstanding singing quality<br />

and highly polished stage performance have brought the<br />

Carmina Slovenica women’s choir and its conductor Karmina<br />

Šilec world fame.<br />

k. šilec<br />

carmina slovenica<br />

carmina slovenica<br />

The second <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra concert of the<br />

season is dedicated to the conductor Samo Hubad.<br />

Samo Hubad (born in 1917 in Ljubljana) is one of the most<br />

distinguished Slovene conductors. He studied composition and<br />

conducting at Slavko Osterc and Danilo Švara, and<br />

complemented his knowledge at C. Schmiedel, C. Zecchi, and<br />

Vaclav Talich in Prague. He worked as a conductor at the<br />

SNG Opera and Ballet House of Ljubljana, where he was<br />

also the managing director from 1958 to 1966. He was the<br />

chief conductor of the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra from<br />

1947 to 1966 in the Zagreb Opera House. As a guest conductor<br />

he has performed throughout Europe. In 1966 he became the<br />

chief conductor of the <strong>RTV</strong> Symphony Orchestra of Ljubljana,<br />

where he remained until his retirement in 1980. He raised<br />

the quality of our orchestra to the highest artistic level and<br />

opened doors to the world's stages for it. Under his leadership<br />

the <strong>RTV</strong> Symphony Orchestra of Ljubljana was the best of<br />

the kind in the former Yugoslavia. He recorded the main part<br />

of the symphonic repertoire with it, most of the Slovene<br />

symphonic works and numerous complete operas, among which<br />

The Black Masks (Èrne Maske) by Marij Kogoj is particularly<br />

notable.<br />


3.<br />

l. shambadal<br />

Èetrtek, 24. november <strong>2005</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

A. Bruckner Simfonija št. 8 v c-molu<br />

Symphony No. 8 in C minor<br />

Lior Shambadal Dirigent Conductor<br />

Avstrijski skladatelj Anton Bruckner (1826-1896) je<br />

glasbeno govorico Ludwiga van Beethovna in Franza<br />

Schuberta nadgradil z zvoènostjo pozne romantike.<br />

Posebej je obèudoval razkošno orkestracijo Richarda<br />

Wagnerja. Tako je svoje, v kršèanski duhovnosti utemeljene<br />

glasbene stvaritve ovenèal z wagnerjanskim blišèem.<br />

Ustvaril je osem velièastnih simfonij ter vrsto maš in<br />

nabožnih skladb. Njegova zadnja dela nosijo peèat<br />

duhovnega zorenja za veènost. Izvedbo Osme simfonije bo<br />

vodil Lior Shambadal, ki je bil med letoma 2000 in 2003<br />

šef dirigent Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>.<br />


The Austrian composer Anton Bruckner (1826 - 1896)<br />

revolutionised the musical language of Ludwig van Beethoven<br />

and Franz Schubert with the sonority of late romanticism.<br />

He particularly admired the rich orchestration of Richard<br />

Wagner and adorned his own musical compositions, especially<br />

those drawing on religious themes, with wagneresque splendour.<br />

He created eight magnificent symphonies and numerous masses<br />

and religious pieces. His later works bear the imprint of an<br />

increasing spiritual maturity looking towards the eternal.<br />

The Eighth Symphony will be conducted by Lior Shambadal,<br />

who was the chief conductor of the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony<br />

Orchestra from 2000 to 2003.<br />

Èastni pokrovitelj koncerta<br />


4.<br />

Torek, 6. december <strong>2005</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

S. Rahmaninov: Koncert za klavir št. 2<br />

v c-molu op. 18 Piano concerto No. 2<br />

in C minor op. 18<br />

S. Prokofjev: Simfonija št. 5 v B-duru<br />

op. 100 Symphony No. 5 in B major op. 100<br />

Walter proost Dirigent Conductor<br />

Aldo Ciccolini Klavir Piano<br />

ALDO<br />


a. cicciolini<br />

w. proost<br />

Drugi koncert za klavir in orkester Sergeja Rahmaninova<br />

je eno najprivlaènejših del klavirske literature, saj združuje<br />

formalno popolnost, romantièni zanos in virtuozno<br />

pianistièno ekshibicijo. Solist bo znameniti italijanski pianist<br />

Aldo Ciccolini, ki je v Ljubljani prviè nastopil pred<br />

štirimi desetletji. Spored bo dopolnila Peta simfonija Sergeja<br />

Prokofjeva, nastala leta 1944, delo, s katerim se je Prokofjev,<br />

kot je dejal, kljub vojnim strahotam želel pokloniti velièini<br />

èlovekovega duha.<br />

The Second Concerto for Piano and Orchestra by Sergej<br />

Rachmaninov is one of the most attractive pieces of all the<br />

compositions for the piano, as it combines the perfect form,<br />

romantic verve, and a virtuosic piano part. The solo pianist<br />

will be Aldo Ciccolini, whose first performance in Ljubljana<br />

dates back as far as four decades ago. The program will be<br />

complemented with The Fifth Symphony of Sergej Prokofjev<br />

from 1944, which was, according to Prokofjev himself,<br />

dedicated to the greatness of the human spirit, despite the<br />

horror of the war.<br />

Pokrovitelj koncerta<br />

Èastna pokrovitelja koncerta

5.<br />

Èetrtek, 2. marec 20<strong>06</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

B. Bartok: Štiri skladbe za orkester op. 12<br />

Four pieces for Orchestra op. 12<br />

Koncert za violino št. 2 v h-molu<br />

Violin concerto No. 2 in H minor<br />

Koncert za orkester Concerto for Orchestra<br />

En Shao Dirigent Conductor<br />

Stefan Milenkoviæ Violina Violine<br />

Odlièni kitajski dirigent En Shao je redni gost<br />

Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>. Za svoj nastop v<br />

jubilejni sezoni orkestra je izbral spored, sestavljen iz del<br />

Bele Bartoka. Štiri skladbe za orkester iz leta 1921<br />

zarisujejo poseben razpoloženjski svet, v katerem liriène<br />

trenutke prekinjajo èustva elementarne tesnobe, tako<br />

znaèilne za srednjeevropski kulturni svet v obdobju velikih<br />

pretresov sredi prejšnjega stoletja.<br />

BARTOK<br />

Koncert za violino in orkester št. 2 je nastal leta 1938 in<br />

pomeni vrhunec Bartokovega prizadevanja, da bi v glasbi<br />

utelesil idealno sožitje med èlovekom in naravo. Koncert<br />

za orkester je simfonièna oblika, ki predstavlja kompaktnost<br />

in uigranost vseh orkestrskih skupin ter umetniško<br />

senzibilnost njegovih solistov. Bartokov koncert za orkester<br />

je morda najlepši primer te umetelne glasbene oblike, v<br />

kateri so se sicer z uspehom preizkusili tudi skladatelji<br />

Walter Piston, Zoltan Kodaly in Witold Lutoslawski.<br />

The excellent Chinese conductor En Shao is the regular guest<br />

of the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. For his performance<br />

in the orchestra's jubilee season he selected a program of works<br />

by Bela Bartok. The Four Compositions for orchestra from<br />

1921 create a special atmosphere, where the lyrical moments<br />

are interrupted by a sense of elemental unease, typical of the<br />

Central European cultural world during the period of<br />

disquieting events in the mid twentieth century.<br />

The Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 was composed<br />

in 1938 and represents the peak of Bartok's aspiration to<br />

achieve the ideal relationship between a human being and<br />

nature. The Concerto for Orchestra is a symphonic piece which<br />

represents both concision and the mutual interplay of all the<br />

orchestral groups and the artistic sensibility of its soloists.<br />

Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra may be the most beautiful<br />

example of this elaborate musical form, which also successfully<br />

served as the artistic expression to Walter Piston, Zoltan Kodaly<br />

and Witold Lutoslawski.<br />

e. shao<br />

s. milenkoviæ<br />


6.<br />

Èetrtek, 30. marec 20<strong>06</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

U. Prevoršek: Concerto grosso<br />

B. Arni : Koncert za violino Violin concerto<br />

D. Šostakovi : Simfonija št. 1 v f-molu<br />

op. 10 Symphony No. 1 in F minor op. 10<br />

Lovrenc Arniè Dirigent Conductor<br />

rtomir Šiškoviè Violina Violine<br />


UROŠ<br />


Koncert je posveèen violinistu, skladatelju, dirigentu in<br />

glasbenemu kritiku Urošu Prevoršku (1915-1998), ki<br />

je od ustanovitve leta 1955 do leta 1966 vodil Simfonièni<br />

orkester <strong>RTV</strong> Ljubljana. Z velikim idealizmom je zgradil<br />

orkester, ki so ga tedaj sestavljali veèinoma študenti srednje<br />

glasbene šole ter akademije za glasbo in mu vdihnil svojega<br />

iskrivega duha in glasbeno vitalnost, ki je še danes ena<br />

poglavitnih ansamblovih odlik. Maestro Prevoršek je po<br />

študiju violine pri svetovno znanem violinistu Albertu<br />

Poltronieriju v Milanu deloval kot violinski virtuoz, vendar<br />

po njegovih lastnih besedah njegov ideal ni bila "virtuoznost<br />

violinista, ki premalo zaposluje duha, temveè komponiranje<br />

in dirigiranje." Med letoma 1941 in 1945 je bil koncertni<br />

mojster Simfoniènega orkestra Radia Beograd, po vojni je<br />

postal profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Do<br />

upokojitve leta 1981 je pouèeval teoretiène predmete,<br />

komorno igro in z velikim uspehom vodil akademski<br />

orkester. Veè sezon je pisal tudi glasbene kritike za èasopis<br />

Delo. Njegov Concerto grosso za godala je nastal leta 1936.<br />

V duhu baroène tradicije napisana skladba v treh stavkih<br />

izprièuje avtorjev glasbeni okus in poznavanje zakonitosti<br />

godalne igre.<br />

V zadnjih letih opus Blaža Arnièa ponovno odkrivamo in<br />

zdi se, da glasbi tega samorastnika iz Savinjske doline èas<br />

dodaja vrednost. Virtuozni Arnièev Koncert za violino in<br />

orkester op. 41 bo odigral violinist Èrtomir Šiškoviè.<br />

V drugem delu koncerta bo dirigent Lovrenc Arniè<br />

interpretiral Prvo simfonijo Dmitrija Šostakovièa<br />

(19<strong>06</strong>-1975). S tem delom se je tedaj devetnajstletni sovjetski<br />

skladatelj uveljavil kot najveèji ustvarjalni talent med<br />

glasbeniki svoje države.<br />


l. arniè<br />

è. šiškoviè<br />

The concert is also dedicated to violinist, composer, conductor<br />

and musical critic Uroš Prevoršek (1915 - 1998), who<br />

lead The <strong>RTV</strong> Symphony Orchestra of Ljubljana since its<br />

establishment in 1955 up to 1966. With great idealism he<br />

formed the orchestra, which was at the time mostly composed<br />

of students from the secondary music school and the musical<br />

academy and inspired it with his radiant spirit and musical<br />

vitality, which is even today one of the orchestra's qualities.<br />

After completing the study of the violin under the world famous<br />

violinist Alberto Poltroniery in Milan, maestro Prevoršek<br />

performed as a violin virtuoso. However, according to him his<br />

ideal was not "the virtuosity of a violinist, which underoccupied<br />

his mind, but composing and conducting." Between<br />

the years 1942 and 1945 he was the concert master of the<br />

Beograd Radio Symphonic Orchestra, and, after the war,<br />

became a professor at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana,<br />

where he thought theoretical subjects and chamber music and<br />

successfully lead the academy orchestra until he retired in<br />

1981. He wrote copious musical critique for the Delo daily<br />

newspaper. His Concerto Grosso for String Orchestra was<br />

composed in 1936. This musical piece in three movements,<br />

written in the spirit of the Baroque tradition, testifies the<br />

composer's musical taste and his knowledge of the techniques<br />

of string music.<br />

The opus of Blaž Arniè has been rediscovered in the recent<br />

years and it seems that this self-made composer from the<br />

Savinjska valley is becoming increasingly appreciated.<br />

The virtuoso Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Op. 41 by<br />

Arniè will be played by the violinist Èrtomir Šiškoviè. In the<br />

second part of the concert, conductor Lovrenc Arniè will<br />

interpret the First Simphony composed by Dimitri Schostakovich<br />

(19<strong>06</strong> - 1975). This work, written when only nineteen years<br />

old, asserted this Soviet composer as the greatest musical talent<br />

in his country.<br />


7.<br />

Èetrtek, 20. april 20<strong>06</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

L. van Beethoven Simfonija št. 9 v d-molu<br />

op.125 Symphony No. 9 in D minor op. 125<br />

Anton Nanut Dirigent Conductor<br />

Mateja Arne Sopran Soprano<br />

Mirjam Kalin Alt Alto<br />

Ivo Gamulin Tenor Tenor<br />

Peter Wimberger Bas Bas<br />

Zbor HRT iz Zagreba Zbor Choir<br />

Zbor opere HNK iz reke Zbor Choir<br />

Beethovnova Deveta je presegla okvire stila in glasbene<br />

oblike, pa tudi okvire umetniške dejavnosti same. Postala<br />

je mejnik v duhovnem razvoju èloveštva, saj idealno izraža<br />

obèutje brezpogojne povezanosti med vsemi ljudmi in vero<br />

v humanistiène ideale, ki predstavljajo temelj naše civilizacije.<br />

To veliko delo je pogosto izvedeno ob praznovanjih<br />

pomembnih in veselih dogodkov.<br />

Simfonièni orkester slovenske radiotelevizije je v prvih<br />

petdesetih letih svojega obstoja izvedel veè kot 1500<br />

koncertov doma in v tujini ter posnel veè tisoè glasbenih<br />

del, njegovi posnetki pa so izšli na veè sto zgošèenkah,<br />

plošèah in kasetah. Orkester je posnel skoraj ves simfonièni<br />

opus slovenskih skladateljev. Èeprav ansambel deluje v<br />

utesnjenih delovnih razmerah in ima na voljo skromna<br />

materialna sredstva, se je pod vodstvom odliènih šefov<br />

dirigentov povzpel na svetovno raven. Na njegove dosežke<br />

smo ponosni in prav je, da njegov jubilej proslavimo z<br />

izvedbo veène Beethovnove mojstrovine. Izvedbo bo vodil<br />

Anton Nanut, dolgoletni šef dirigent in sedanji èastni<br />

dirigent orkestra.<br />


DEVETA<br />

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony outgrew the framework<br />

of the symphonic style and musical form, as well as artistic<br />

activity itself. It became a landmark in the spiritual development<br />

of mankind, as it perfectly embodies the feelings of unconditional<br />

connectedness among all human beings and the belief in<br />

humanistic ideals, which are the foundation of our civilization.<br />

This remarkable piece is often performed to accompany a very<br />

grand or joyful event.<br />

The Slovene National Radio and Television Symphony<br />

Orchestra has, in its first fifty years of existence, performed<br />

more than 1500 concerts in Slovenia and abroad, recorded<br />

several thousand musical pieces, which were released on<br />

hundreds of CDs, LPs and cassettes. The orchestra has recorded<br />

almost the complete symphonic repertoire of Slovene composers.<br />

Despite working in modest work conditions and limited<br />

financial means, the orchestra has attained world renown due<br />

to its excellent chief conductors. We are proud of its achievements<br />

and it is appropriate to celebrate its jubilee with this timeless<br />

Beethoven's masterpiece. The performance will be conducted<br />

by Anton Nanut, the long-time the chief conductor and now<br />

the honorary conductor of the orchestra.<br />

a. nanut<br />


8.<br />

Èetrtek, 18. maj 20<strong>06</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

Dan Dediu: Frenesia<br />

L. van Beethoven: Koncert za klavir in<br />

orkester št. 4 v G-duru op. 58 Concerto for<br />

piano and orchestra No. 4 in G major op. 58<br />

M. Lazar: Novo delo za simfonièni orkester<br />

New symphonic work<br />

L. Jana ek: Taras Buljba<br />

Stanislav Macura Dirigent Conductor<br />

Radu Lupu Klavir Piano<br />


r. lupu<br />

m. lazar<br />

Èeški dirigent Stanislav Macura je bil šef dirigent<br />

Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> Ljubljana v sezoni 1981-82.<br />

Koncertni spored bo prinesel izvedbo novega dela Milka<br />

Lazarja, ki ga je naroèila <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>, in simfonièno<br />

pesnitev Taras Buljba Leoša Janaèka, nastalo po istoimenski<br />

kozaški epopeji Nikolaja Gogolja. Skladba mladega<br />

romunskega skladatelja nam bo prinesla informacijo o<br />

visoko razviti, a pri nas malo znani romunski glasbeni<br />

kulturi. Osrednja toèka veèera pa bo nedvomno Beethovnov<br />

4. klavirski koncert v izvedbi slavnega romunskega pianista<br />

Raduja Lupuja, enega najveèjih imen svetovne pianistike.<br />

s. macura<br />

The Czech conductor Stanislav Macura was the chief conductor<br />

of the <strong>RTV</strong> Symphonic Orchestra of Ljubljana in 1981- 82<br />

season. The Concert program will feature the preformance of<br />

a new symphonic work by the composer Milko Lazar which<br />

was commisioned by the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia. Also included is the<br />

symphonic poem Taras Bulba by Leoš Janaèek, inspired by<br />

the Cossack epic with the same title, written by Nikolaj Gogolj.<br />

The composition of the young Romanian composer will give<br />

us an insight into the highly developed Romanian musical<br />

culture that is not so well known in Slovenia. The central<br />

performance of the evening will without doubt be the Beethoven's<br />

4th Piano Concerto, performed by the famous Romanian<br />

pianist Radu Lupu, who is one of the most renowned names<br />

among the world pianists.<br />


Gostovanja Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

v letu <strong>2005</strong> je s prevozi omogoèil AC-Intercar d.o.o,<br />

generalni zastopnik DaimlerChryslerja AG za znamko Mercedes-Benz.

9.<br />

d. de villiers<br />

Èetrtek, 1. junij 20<strong>06</strong>, ob 20. uri<br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

Program Programme<br />

C. Orff: Carmina Burana<br />

David de Villiers Dirigent Conductor<br />

Martina Zadro Sopran Soprano<br />

Jo e Vidic Bariton Baritone<br />

Matja Stopinšek Bariton Baritone<br />

APZ Tone Tomšiè Zbor Choir<br />

Nemški skladatelj Carl Orff je leta 1937 uglasbil 24 pesmi<br />

iz kodeksa srednjeveških potujoèih klerikov in študentov,<br />

ki so ga našli v arhivu bavarskega samostana Benediktbeuren.<br />

Prodorna orkestracija, izpostavljene solistiène arije, odloèen<br />

ritem in privlaèna vsebina, ki nam kaže, da je bil srednji<br />

vek mnogo bolj barvit in manj mraèen, kot si predstavljamo,<br />

so Orffovi kantati zagotovili uspeh. To popularno delo bo<br />

uèinkovito sklenilo jubilejno sezono Simfoniènega orkestra<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>. Zborovski del bo odpel APZ Tone Tomšiè,<br />

za solistiène vloge pa je dirigent David de Villiers po skrbni<br />

izbiri angažiral sopranistko Martino Zadro, baritonista<br />

Jožeta Vidica in tenorista Matjaža Stopinška.<br />

m. stopinšek<br />


BURANA<br />

In the cantata Carmina Burana, The German composer<br />

Carl Orff set the music to 24 songs from the codex of the<br />

medieval travelling clerics and students, found in the archive<br />

of the Bavarian Benediktbeuren monastery. The penetrating<br />

orchestration, the exposed solo arias, energetic rhythm and the<br />

immensely enjoyable content brought Orff's cantata world<br />

fame and show us that the medieval times were much more<br />

colourful and less gloomy and bleak than we often imagine.<br />

This popular composition will effectively bring the jubilee<br />

season of the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra to a close.<br />

The vocal part will be sung by the APZ Tone Tomšiè academic<br />

choir. The roles of the soloists were, after a careful consideration<br />

by the conductor David de Villiers, entrusted to the soprano<br />

Martina Zadro, baritone Jože Vidic and tenor<br />

Matjaž Stopinšek.<br />

m. zadro<br />

j. vidic<br />


napovedujemo<br />

Terrafolk & Simfonièni orkester <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Terrafolk & The <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra<br />

Torek, 13. septembra <strong>2005</strong>, ob 20.00<br />

Križanke (samo stojišèa)<br />

Dirigent Conductor: David de Villiers<br />

Produkcija Production: <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>,<br />

Festival Ljubljana<br />

Predprodaja<br />

Advance sale: 3.500 SIT / 15<br />

Na dan koncerta<br />

On the day of the event: 4.500 SIT / 19<br />

Za abonente <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> 10-odstoten popust.<br />

Special 10% discount for season ticket holders of the <strong>RTV</strong><br />

Slovenia Symphony Orchestra.<br />

Vstopnice lahko kupite na blagajni Križank, ki je odprta<br />

od 17. 5. 05 naprej vsak delovnik od 10.00 do 13.30 in<br />

od 16.00 do 20.00 ter ob sobotah med 10.00 in 13.00.<br />

Blagajna: (01) 241 60 26, (01) 241 60 28,<br />

www.festival-lj.si. Vstopnice po predprodajnih cenah<br />

lahko kupite do 30. 6. <strong>2005</strong>.

Koncert ob 70-letnici Marka Muniha<br />

The concert at Marko Munih’s 70 th birthday<br />

m. munih<br />

d. tomšiè srebotnjak<br />

Dirigent Marko Munih praznuje<br />

sedemdesetletnico. Njegova umetniška pot je<br />

tesno povezana s Simfoniènim orkestrom <strong>RTV</strong><br />

<strong>Slovenija</strong>, saj mu je dirigiral na mnogih uspešnih<br />

koncertih in snemanjih, med letoma 1999 in<br />

2003 pa je bil tudi njegov stalni dirigent.<br />

Za svoj jubilejni koncert je izbral posebej<br />

praznièen program. Po dramatièni uverturi<br />

Egmont bo pianistka Dubravka Tomšiè odigrala<br />

Beethovnov 5. klavirski koncert. Z briljantnimi<br />

interpretacijami tega dela je umetnica navdušila<br />

obèinstvo in kritike v mnogih glasbenih središèih.<br />

V drugem delu koncerta bo prviè izvedeno novo<br />

vokalno-instrumentalno delo skladatelja Lojzeta<br />

Lebièa, kar daje koncertu v poèastitev<br />

življenjskega jubileja Marka Muniha poseben<br />

lesk.<br />

Sreda, 22. februar 20<strong>06</strong><br />

Gallusova dvorana, CD<br />

l. lebiè<br />

L. van Beethoven:<br />

Uvertura Egmont v f-molu op. 84<br />

Egmont Overture in F minor op. 84<br />

Koncert za klavir št. 5 Piano concerto No. 5<br />

L. Lebi :<br />

Fauvel za mešani zbor in orkester (krstna izvedba)<br />

Fauvel for choir and orchestra (premiere)<br />

Marko Munih Dirigent Conductor<br />

Dubravka Tomši Srebotnjak Klavir Piano<br />

APZ Tone Tomši Zbor Choir<br />

The conductor Marko Munih is celebrating his<br />

70th birthday. His artistic path is strongly linked<br />

to the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, as he<br />

has conducted it in many successful concerts and<br />

recordings, and was their conductor between the<br />

years 1999 and 2003. He has selected an especially<br />

festive program for his jubilee concert. Following<br />

the dramatic Egmont overture, the pianist<br />

Dubravka Tomšiè will play Beethoven’s 5th Piano<br />

Concerto. With her brilliant interpretation of this<br />

work Dubrovka Tomšiè has enraptured her<br />

audience and critics in many of the musical centres<br />

around the world . In the second part of the concert<br />

the vocal and instrumental work of the composer<br />

Lojze Lebiè will be performed for the first time in<br />

honour of Marko Munih’s birthday, which will<br />

give it a special lustre.

abonma<br />

simfoni nega orkestra rtv slovenija v sezoni <strong>2005</strong>/20<strong>06</strong><br />

Nova sezona - stare cene<br />

Devet koncertov za ceno sedmih:<br />

Glumaèi, O succesores, Bruckner, Aldo Ciccolini,<br />

Bartok, In memoriam Uroš Prevoršek,<br />

Beethovnova Deveta, Radu Lupu, Carmina Burana<br />

Nakup abonmajske vstopnice se preprosto splaèa, saj za ceno sedmih poslušate devet koncertov. Èe abonma plaèate<br />

v enkratnem znesku, boste zanj odšteli še dodatnih 10 odstotkov manj. Tako lahko v primerjavi s cenami v prosti<br />

prodaji prihranite kar 32 odstotkov.<br />

prostor<br />

plaèilo v celoti<br />

ob vpisu<br />

za dijake, študente<br />

in upokojence *<br />

polna<br />

cena<br />

plaèilo v<br />

4 obrokih po<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

25.000<br />

20.160<br />

15.120<br />

/<br />

11.000<br />

8.000<br />

28.000<br />

22.400<br />

16.800<br />

7.000<br />

5.600<br />

4.200<br />

*Število abonmajev s popustom za dijake, študente in upokojence je omejeno.<br />

Zaradi nekoliko drugaène razporeditve sedežev po kategorijah se lahko pri podaljšanju abonmajev cena spremeni.<br />

Abonente vljudno prosimo za razumevanje.<br />


vpis abonmaja<br />

Preprost nakup: abonma lahko<br />

kupite pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma<br />

ali s kartico po telefonu 01 24 17 300.<br />

Pomladni vpis<br />

od 13. do 17. junija, vsak dan od 11.00 do 13.00<br />

in od 15.00 do 19.00 pri blagajni Cankarjevega<br />

doma.<br />

Jesenski vpis<br />

od 12. do 16. septembra, vsak dan od 11.00 do<br />

13.00 in od 15.00 do 19.00 pri blagajni<br />

Cankarjevega doma.<br />

Starim abonentom, ki bodo podaljšali abonma v tem terminu, žal<br />

ne moremo zagotoviti, da bodo lahko obdržali stari sedež.<br />

Pla ilo abonmaja:<br />

Pla ilo v enkratnem znesku<br />

Abonma lahko plaèate z gotovino, kreditno-plaèilnimi<br />

karticami ali ga naroèite z naroèilnico. Pri plaèilu vam<br />

priznamo popust po tabeli.<br />

Pla ilo na obroke<br />

S kreditno kartico lahko plaèate abonma v štirih obrokih:<br />

prvega poravnate ob vpisu, preostale tri pa z<br />

meseènim zamikom. Pri plaèilu z gotovino obroèno<br />

plaèevanje ni mogoèe.<br />

Pla ilo po telefonu<br />

Abonma lahko plaèate po telefonu s karticami NLB,<br />

Eurocard,Visa, Diners ali American Express, in to tako v<br />

enkratnem znesku kot v obrokih. Poklièete lahko na številko<br />

01 24 17 300, vsak delovnik od 9.00 do 18.00.<br />

prodaja vstopnic<br />

Informacijsko središèe - blagajna Cankarjevega doma (Tel: 01 24<br />

17 299, 01 24 17 300), odprto od 11.00 do 13.00 in od 15.00 do<br />

20.00, ob sobotah od 11.00 do 13.00 in uro pred zaèetkom<br />

prireditev. Imetniki kartic (NLB, Eurocard, Visa, Diners, American<br />

Express) lahko vstopnice kupite po telefonu.<br />

Ticket Sales:<br />

Ticket for concerts at the Gallus Hall, Cankarjev dom, can be purchased<br />

at the CD Information Centre / Box Office (Phone: 01 24 17 299,<br />

01 24 17 300). Open weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from<br />

3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and hour before<br />

the performance. Credit cards are welcome (NLB, Eurocard, Visa,<br />

Diners, American Express). Ticket can be purchased by telephone.<br />

Cene vstopnic za posamezne abonmajske koncerte Simfoniènega<br />

orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> v Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma:<br />

Ticket prices for The <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> Symphony Orchestra concerts:<br />

1.4.000 SIT<br />

2.3.200 SIT<br />

3.2.400 SIT<br />

4.1.600 SIT<br />

1.200 SIT<br />

upokojenci, dijaki, študentje<br />

senior citizens, schoolchildren, students<br />

Vse dodatne informacije o nakupu abonmaja vam z veseljem posredujemo v Glasbeni produkciji <strong>RTV</strong><br />

<strong>Slovenija</strong> po telefonu 01 475 24 69, 01 475 24 70; elektronska pošta: gprtv@rtvslo.si<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> si pridržuje pravico do sprememb v programu. The programme is subject to alteration.<br />


lani simfoni nega orkestra rtv slovenija<br />

members of the rtv slovenia symphony orchestra<br />

šef dirigent<br />

chief conductor<br />

viole<br />

violas<br />

klarineti<br />

clarinets<br />

pozavne<br />

trombones<br />

David de Villiers<br />

koncertni mojstri<br />

concert masters<br />

Vasilij Meljnikov<br />

Benjamin Ziervogel<br />

Karel Žužek<br />

prve violine<br />

I. violins<br />

Marko Fabiani<br />

Ols Cinxo<br />

Jelka Glavnik-Berak<br />

Vladimir Hrovat<br />

Milko Jure i<br />

Silva Katavi<br />

Tina Krajnik<br />

Marija Naveršnik<br />

Majda Petri<br />

Sonja Trampevska<br />

Vida Udovi<br />

Viktorija Zimšek-Ber on<br />

druge violine<br />

II. violins<br />

Katja Krajnik<br />

Boris Krajnik<br />

Mirko Kolari<br />

Valentina Pasari<br />

Viktor Plestenjak<br />

Matjaž Sekne<br />

Tamara Tasev<br />

Dragan Radoni<br />

violonèeli<br />

cellos<br />

Stanislav Demšar<br />

Igor Mitrovi<br />

Milan Hudnik<br />

Tanja Babnik-Šoštari<br />

Uršula Ivanuš<br />

Branko Marki<br />

Tomaž Sever<br />

kontrabasi<br />

double basses<br />

Budislav Vidrih<br />

Boris Šmon<br />

Davorin Kastelec<br />

Damir Rasiewicz<br />

Matjaž Zorko<br />

Jurij Hladnik<br />

Marko Lednik<br />

Matevž Mercina<br />

oboe<br />

oboes<br />

Irmgard Anderl-Krajter<br />

Maja Marija Kojc<br />

Miran Bolha<br />

fagoti<br />

bassoons<br />

Damir Huljev<br />

Aleksandar Ranisavljev<br />

Stanko Koren<br />

rogovi<br />

horns<br />

Jože Kocjan i<br />

Boštjan Lipovšek<br />

Franci Lipovšek<br />

Edi Pištan<br />

Gregor Dvorjak<br />

Uroš Polanc<br />

Marjan Stropnik<br />

Matej Krajter<br />

Otmar Senega nik<br />

Zdravko Zupan i<br />

tuba<br />

tube<br />

Damjan Jureš<br />

timpani<br />

timpani<br />

Andraž Poljanec<br />

tolkala<br />

percussions<br />

Alojz Gradišek<br />

Marko Juvan<br />

Jernej Šurbek<br />

harfa<br />

harp<br />

Mojca Menoni<br />

Melissa Majoni<br />

Maja Burger-Sili<br />

Alenka Fabiani-Mulej<br />

Lucija Kreuh<br />

Zdravko Pleše<br />

Tjaša Spasi<br />

Andeja Škrbec<br />

Polona Udovi<br />

flavte<br />

flutes<br />

Milena Peri<br />

Matej Zupan<br />

Maja Robinšak<br />

Anamarija Tomac<br />

trobente<br />

trumpets<br />

Matej Rihter<br />

Stanko Praprotnik<br />

Peter Jevšnikar<br />

David Špec-Jezernik<br />

Sofia Risti<br />


foto: branko èeak<br />

v. meljnikov<br />

b. ziervogel<br />

k. u ek<br />


26<br />

Šef dirigent Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

David de Villiers in koncertni mojster Benjamin Ziervogel<br />

vozita novo škodo octavio.

simfoni ni orkester rtv slovenija<br />

the rtv slovenia symphony orchestra<br />

simfonicniorkester<br />

rtvslovenija<br />

Simfonièni orkester <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong> je bil<br />

ustanovljen leta 1955. Vodili so ga dirigenti Uroš<br />

Prevoršek (1955-1966), Samo Hubad (1966-1980),<br />

Stanislav Macura (1980-1981), Anton Nanut (1981-<br />

1998) in Lior Shambadal (2000-2003). S koncerti<br />

po državi in tujini si je že kmalu pridobil izjemen<br />

ugled, v letih 1984-1985 je dobil odliène kritike<br />

tudi v Združenih državah Amerike. Temeljna<br />

dejavnost orkestra so koncertna snemanja. Izvaja<br />

obsežen in raznovrsten repertoar od baroène do<br />

moderne simfoniène glasbe, oper, oratorijev in<br />

kantat, scenske in filmske glasbe, po veèini s<br />

poudarkom na ustvarjalnosti domaèih skladateljev.<br />

Za najboljše poustvaritve domaèih skladb je dobil<br />

številna visoka priznanja. Èeprav je veèino<br />

posnetkov orkestra slišati na vseh radijskih in TVprogramih,<br />

sta njegova domaèa in mednarodna<br />

diskografija izjemno obsežni (veè kot 150 zgošèenk).<br />

Ob vsem tem tudi redno gostuje po vsej Evropi.<br />

Septembra 2003 je mesto šefa dirigenta prevzel<br />

David de Villiers. Orkester je v zadnjih sezonah<br />

najveè pozornosti zbudil z dirigenti in solisti, kot<br />

so: Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, En Shao, Sian<br />

Edwards, Angela Gheorghiou, Roberto Alagna,<br />

Marcello Alvarez, Giora Feidman, Dmitrij<br />

Sitkovetsky, Miša Majski, Stefan Milenkoviæ,<br />

Emanuelle Bertrand ter na koncertu s skupino<br />

Siddharta, med posebnosti pa lahko uvrstimo tudi<br />

izjemno uspešno sodelovanje z vrhunsko kanadsko<br />

plesno skupino Compagnie Marie Chuinard.<br />

<strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra was established in<br />

1955. The orchestra was subsequently led by the conductors<br />

Uroš Prevoršek (1955-1966), Samo Hubad (1966-1980),<br />

Stanislav Macura (1980-1981), Anton Nanut (1981-<br />

1998) and Lior Shambadal (2000-2003). The orchestra<br />

had soon achieved a considerable success by touring<br />

extensively throughout Slovenia and abroad, and between<br />

the years 1984-85 it performed to great critical acclaim<br />

in the USA. The main activity of the orchestra is concert<br />

recording. It performs a vast and diverse repertoire, ranging<br />

from baroque to modern symphonic music, from operatic<br />

music to oratorios and cantatas, from incidental music to<br />

film soundtracks, always giving a special emphasis to the<br />

creativity of Slovenian composers. The orchestra has been<br />

awarded many top prizes for the best performances of new<br />

Slovenian compositions. The majority of its recordings can<br />

be heard regularly at all radio and TV programmes in<br />

Slovenia, while its domestic and foreign discography is<br />

quite extensive (more than 150 CDs). The orchestra<br />

regularly tours throughout Europe. Since September 2003,<br />

its chief conductor has been David de Villiers. In the past<br />

seasons the orchestra received most attention with conductors<br />

and soloists such as: Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, En Shao,<br />

Sian Edwards, Angela Gheorghiou, Roberto Alagna,<br />

Marcello Alvarez, Giora Feidman, Dmitri Sitkovetsky,<br />

Mischa Maisky, Stefan Milenkoviæ, Emanuelle Bertrand<br />

and a major concert with the rock group Siddharta, and<br />

also, as a specialty, the collaboration with the top Canadian<br />

dance group Compagnie Marie Chuinard must be<br />

mentioned.<br />


vrhunska tehnologija v sozvocju<br />

s sodobnim oblikovanjem


nedeljske matineje Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Mojstrovine klasi ne glasbe tudi v prihodnji sezoni.<br />


Sunday Matinee Concerts by the <strong>RTV</strong> Slovenia Symphony Orchestra<br />

Masterpieces of the classical music also in the following season.<br />

15. januar, 5. februar, 12. marec, 9. april <strong>2005</strong>, vsakiè ob 11. uri<br />

January 15, February 5, March 12, April 9, 20<strong>06</strong>, Always at 11:00 a.m.<br />

Božièni koncert<br />

Simfoniènega orkestra <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong><br />

Božiè na filmskem platnu Christmas on the screen<br />

Nedelja, 18. december <strong>2005</strong>, ob 18.00<br />

Gallusova dvorana Cankarjevega doma<br />

Program: Najlepša glasba iz filmov z boži no tematiko<br />

The most beautiful film music with a Christmas theme<br />

Dirigent: David de Villiers

simfonicniorkester<br />

rtvslovenija<br />

Simfonièni orkester <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>, sezona <strong>2005</strong>/20<strong>06</strong><br />

Izdala Glasbena produkcija <strong>RTV</strong> <strong>Slovenija</strong>,<br />

Kolodvorska 2, 1550 Ljubljana,<br />

zanjo Boris Rener, uredila Tina Rupnik, besedilo Matej Venier,<br />

prevod Aleksandra Furlan, jezikovni pregled Eva Blumauer,<br />

oblikovanje Andreja Martinc, naklada 15.000 izvodov<br />

Ljubljana, maj <strong>2005</strong><br />


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