V 14 No.4 - The Scottish Ornithologists' Club

V 14 No.4 - The Scottish Ornithologists' Club

V 14 No.4 - The Scottish Ornithologists' Club


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258 A. Hogg (Ed.)<br />

S8 <strong>14</strong> (4)<br />

In contrast, the House Martin showed a<br />

white belly, throat and vent, as well as a<br />

distinctly notched tail. <strong>The</strong> bird was last<br />

seen just after 10.00 a.m., having been<br />

seen for a period of about one hour. It was<br />

searched for later that day, but it was not<br />

rediscovered.<br />

Description: Plumage:- obvious broad rump-patch<br />

extending slightly on to sides of the body. <strong>The</strong> patch<br />

was square. symmetrical and extended roughly half<br />

the distance between the trailing p edge of the wings<br />

and the tail tip. Possibly contained some grey flecking<br />

just as it merged into the darker plumage of the rear<br />

flanks. Large pale throat patch. similar to that of Swift.<br />

Pale feathering on the forehead merging into the dark<br />

grey crown giving the appearance of pale face. Dark<br />

area round and including eye. <strong>The</strong> upper surfaces of<br />

the wings were dark and seemed to contain less brown<br />

than Swift. In comparison they also appeared more<br />

reflective or slightly paler. particularly so on the<br />

primaries and secondaries. Lower surfaces of wings<br />

similarly dark. Belly. hreast. lower-rump and tail very<br />

dark brown or black. Back. mantle and scapulars<br />

darkest of all. again lacking the chocolate tone of<br />

Swift.<br />

Structure: tail clearly blunter than Swift. the feathers<br />

being proportionally shorter. Usually appeared square<br />

except when in power flight. causing it to narrow<br />

slightly in a streamlined fashion . or when turning.<br />

when it splayed out more. Clearly not notched or<br />

needle-like. Wings similar to Swift but stouter and<br />

with slightly less tapering tips. Approximately same<br />

length as bill to tail tip length. Body quite robust. and<br />

head broad; very Swift-like. Length of body similar to<br />

accompanying Swallow.<br />

Bare parts: Eye dark. bill dark. legs not visible.<br />

Habits: fed with Swift. often swooping lower. very<br />

close to road. Actively chased Swift individuals.<br />

allowing good comparison. Wing beats sballower and<br />

faster. spreading wings and tail more broadly than<br />

Swift when banking. Wings constantly held rigidly<br />

outwards. No call heard from any of swifts present.<br />

Discussion<br />

<strong>The</strong> bird was identified as Little Swift<br />

Apus affinis and this constitutes the first<br />

<strong>Scottish</strong> record of the species. Great care<br />

was taken with the identification, the<br />

elimination of aberrant Swifts being a<br />

pitfall which the observer was aware of. In<br />

addition, close attention was paid to both<br />

the symmetry of the rump, and the tail<br />

structure. Although the fonner is not so<br />

important, the latter feature displayed the<br />

square shape, lacking even a notched<br />

appearance, typical of the species.<br />

Angus C. Wilson<br />

Razorbills.<br />

~ ,!~ .. t W<br />

____ ,- -s<br />

R. Tulloch<br />


G.M.Ad.lm. M.E.Ad.lm. R.G.Ad.lm. S.R.Adllm. C.A_. G.AddisoD. A.AitcbisoD. G.L.Altcblsoo. P.AlIcblsoo. E.AIdenoD.<br />

H.AIIaa. R.AIIaa. C.AIIea. R.AIIiooo. G.ADdenoa. J.E.ADdenoa. R.ADdersoa. D.G.ADdrew. I.J.AadffWI. G.AppletoD.<br />

W.B.Appleyanl. S.J.AspIaaII. P. W.AtJdaooa. R.P.AttriU. R.Auger. B.Avoris. C.O._b. T.R.BaIa. I.P.Balabrldge. G.Baker.<br />

A.BaJcIridae. S.BaIcIrid&e. E.J.Balfour·MeIvIIJe. J.H.BsIIutyDe. A.BaaweU. A.M.Bsn:lay. J.Barday. A.W.BsrII.er. J.Barr.<br />

J.&C.Barrdt. Mn.N.8uroD. P.IIany. A.S.BaIes. DJ.BoIes. G.&I.Botes. L.G.Buter. M.J.Bo)'DO. D.Beamlsh. K,Bedt. D.Bdford.<br />

D.BdJ. M.V.BdJ. P.T.BeII. s._. J .G.BamIe. J.Beny. F.Beveridge. W.A.S.Bews. D.Bidde. M.Bias. A.BiIsIaDd. B.BiIsIaDd.<br />

H.B.BIrd. P._. C.R.IIIakeIy. A.JIoood. H.Boad. R.I.Booker. C.J.Booth. C.M.Booth. E.J.Bootb. MrsJ.Bootb. P.N.Bootb.<br />

M.J.IIorndaIIe. P.BoaId. H.Boyd. W.R.BrKkearldge. S.Bnodbury. A.J.B.BnunhaII. A.T.BramhaII. N.B .......... K.W.BffWIller.

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