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36<br />

ati ni ta kwira ciana ni ndatiga mwaki mwenda gwicina mwicine. So recommmendation will be in the report.<br />

Na tariu what has happened in Uganda, he njohi itagwo waragi, ni ta chang’aa, no uria thirikari iugaga ni ati we no uthondeke<br />

chang’aa no ndungiendia, ugutwarira breweries, igatestwo, ukenderia acio, nao acio riu menderia aya angi at a cheaper price.<br />

Riu hau ni hegukorwo na control, tondu ngungiciara uhoro wa health ya andu ucoke umere meyurage na kiria marathondeka, so<br />

ngwiciria nikio murona it is not in the constitution.<br />

Consumer rights, consumers ni very vulnerable, tondu tariu ni turona kwihindi irio irarehagwo supermarkets, ciri expired, iyo<br />

niyo right iria tureciria uhoro wayo, iku-protect andu, ona drugs by the way ona andu ni mendagirio ciri expired kwoguo ni<br />

takwenderia andu mirimu but we are saying that thirikari niyagirirwo kumake sure that those consumers… ndui distributers by<br />

the way no udistribute guku na kundu kungi ta Thika uka-distribute, but the consumers meguthii nduka-ini iria watiga indo, na<br />

ringi ni indo njuru, na matiri na any other alternative and they can be destroyed, but I think the issue of distributers rights is not<br />

issue that was considered may be it is something that can be raised.<br />

Now David Chege, now, death penalty ni tweheretie tokoiga iti mundu ohohwo maisha, nikuga ati tutiri na right ya gu-take<br />

away the life of somebody, no tikuga ati uria uroragana ena right ya gu-take the life of the other person. But what we have<br />

done ni kuga atiriri, tumi-substitutete na life sentence ohwo maisha na turoiga ati riu prisons ciambe gwitwo correctional<br />

services. Nigetha prisons citigage gwito, onagutuika turoiga ni njera, twehere kuma kuri iria colonial attitude ya gwitaga andu<br />

mabuthu na ringi ni tui andu aria angi mari njera even upto today nitui kuri andu aingi mari njera for political reasons kana tiguo<br />

Kana ringi tondu ni magire wakiri kana ni kaundu kanini mundu ohirwo tondu niaya nguku, na a lot of this people…. By the way<br />

there are people who even I remember my uncle ohetwo somebody aforgete signature yake makaruta mbeca bengi, na ohetwo<br />

Kamiti na I remember muru wa nyina akinjira atiriri, mamagwo ndironire aikare kuu ari tondu riu niatwaragwo thibitari because<br />

he had a problem with diabetes – niatwaragwo thibitari na ni aheagwo irio cia kuigana, tondu kuria ari aikaraga kwari na thina<br />

muingi muno. (laughter) So prisons itige gutuika ta andu matuika inhuman na nituhetwo submissions nyingi muno ni andu, ati<br />

ona mundu akorwo ee njera, atreatwa like a human being, gugatuika correctional services and we have put them in the<br />

constitution uhoro wa ku-improve prisons and so on, na andu mathii kuo magekaga ati ta indo imwe makaga mundu akaheo<br />

skills nigetha akorwo wohetwo miaka itatu wa releaswa ugatuika a useful member.<br />

But also kuri maundu maingi muno ma prisons, I am talking about prisons tondu kuri maundu maingi muno ma prisons. Tariu<br />

uguo ingi-imagine mundu uria watuikite niwe warathire Pinto arakorwo njera miaka 35 years, mundu wari 21 aroima riu ee<br />

muthuri mukuru wa 56 or so arathii kwambiriria life ha Na gutina prove –o ati ari guilty, that is the other thing. So what do<br />

you do angikorwo mundu atuire njera, naithui ni muii ni andu aingi makoragwo njera by the way, ringi ni ku-framwo na mundu<br />

agathii agatura njera miaka ikumi agacoka akoima gutiri issues of compensation, so we are saying those things should be taken<br />

into consideration.

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