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8<br />

ya andu a history na andu aria marenda guthoma bururi miaka miingi. They have a lot of information na ona Constitution ya thira<br />

ni iguthii to the National Achieves; nigetha miaka mirongo itano igithira kana igana andu no magathii ku-find out constitution iyo<br />

yandikirwo atia and whether the information was correct.<br />

Ndina karatathi kangi haha kararia uhoro wa kiria andu mari na bata muno makiria. In other words, ni subject iriku andu<br />

maririie muno makiria Na subject ya mbere iria andu maririe muno ni Parliament, kana itagwo Legislature. Niyo ugithii<br />

document iria turi nayo ugukora ati pages 3,700 iraria uhoro wa parliament. Na kaingi andu maragia uhoro wa Parliament<br />

tondu nimendaga maundu maingi maria mekaguo ni President matwarirwo parliament. Tondu ni mari very focused kweheria<br />

powers cia President, mamitware Parliament kana kundu kungi niundu woria monete ati hinya ucio munene wa President<br />

niutumite bururi wage guthii na mbere. Angi ni maragia uhoro wa uria Mbunge athurwo handu ha guikara miaka itano, makoiga<br />

ati angi mathurwo machokaga kuri andu magitia miti ringi. Kwoguo nimendaga right of recall, mete Mbunge ucio acoke mucii<br />

mathure Mbunge ungi.<br />

Ningi andu ni marakaritio muno ni mushara wa parliamentarians, makoiga mbeca icio marehe half a million, niyo maretuera,<br />

nanio maratwara uhoro ucio parliament na makautua na maka implement tondu makiri othirikarini. Kwoguo makoiga<br />

matikwenda Wabunge merihage mishara. Ningi nimuogaga angi matiri offices in the constituency kwoguo unaungimwenda<br />

ndungimuona in the constituency. Kwoguo andu angi ni maririe muno uhoro wa bunge, na uria twikite uria andu angi mendaga<br />

noguo tucoketie in the document na ngwiciria mungirora haria parliament iri page 13 at the bottom column ya kana mwisho biu.<br />

So the information is on page 14. Na uria twikite ni kwaria uhoro wa role ya parliament ngwiciria ni murona hau turaria<br />

parliament iagirirwo ni gwika atia na nitumihete powers nyingi muno gukira iria irari nacio. Powers imwe cirari kwa President<br />

turaciruta tuwatwara Parliament. Kuogwo mungirora hau nimukuona cirari na President in the current constitution, tucitwarite<br />

kwa Parliament. Nimurona the role of Parliament tarora J at the bottom – approving declaration of emergency and war. Wira<br />

uria President aragirirwo ni gukorwo akiruta tugacokia Parliament nigetha tweherie power from the individual.<br />

Look at E again, scrutinizing and overseeing actions of the National Government nigetha thirikari itigage gwika maundu iike na<br />

gutiri mundu ararora. Kwoguo ona appointments nyingi nituroiga ninginya parliament iapprove taguthura PS, Chair of the<br />

Electoral Commission, Chair of the Public Service Commission, ciothe positions icio no nginya ithurwo ni parliament. I think<br />

you have seen the approval of appointments by parliament. Nituheanite appointments nyingi muno, you can see them ni nyingi<br />

muno riu turachokia parliament. Na appointment ici nyingi cirathuragwo ni President no andu ni macomplainire muno powers<br />

cia President. So we have taken the power to the parliament.<br />

Na uhoro wa kuapprove expenditure ya Parliament. Uria kuhana umuthi ni ati, Parliament ndi ammendaga budget and they<br />

don’t participate in the preparation of the National budget. Riria mbeca iragayo thirikari ikoragwo ikiruta wira na Minister of<br />

Finance. Na nikio mwonaga okaga na gathanduku kahinge. So it is like a secret uria planning arenda. Na riu the argument is<br />

angikorwo mbeca ici iroima kwi tax payers, na iracoka kuri andu ri, na parliament niyo mathuritwo ni andu ri, then they should

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