Templer Record - temple society australia

Templer Record - temple society australia

Templer Record - temple society australia


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<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong><br />

Published monthly in AUSTRALIA since 1946<br />

(originally “CIRCULAR of the TEMPLE SOCIETY in AUSTRALIA”)<br />

Happy Fathers’ Day!<br />

Thank You to all our Dads and Opas<br />

REFLECTIONS ................................. 2<br />

Thank you to our fathers.............. 2<br />

The K-not Prayer .......................... 3<br />

Ditch ‘Kingdom of God’? .............. 3<br />

To be the best we can be............... 5<br />

REGIONAL MATTERS.................... 6<br />

Notes from RC Meeting................ 6<br />

Next TSA Membership Directory. 6<br />

Social Care .................................... 7<br />

Blood 4 Harmony .........................8<br />

Annual Reports.............................8<br />

- Elders, Religious, Spiritual FG ..8<br />

- TSAL......................................... 10<br />

- Welfare & Distant FG................11<br />

- Heritage & Culture FG ............. 13<br />

MEMBERS AND FRIENDS...........17<br />

Birthdays .....................................17<br />

New Member ...............................17<br />

Bereavements ............................. 18<br />

Women’s Retreat........................ 19<br />

Congratulations .......................... 21<br />

SYDNEY .......................................... 22<br />

50 th Anniversary 27.11. .............. 22<br />

YOUTH............................................24<br />

Youth Calendar...........................24<br />

Good Health Expo ......................24<br />

Summer Camp 2012...................24<br />

KIDS’ CLUB ................................... 25<br />

Upcoming Events ....................... 25<br />

Family Games Afternoon ........... 25<br />

CONTENTS September 2011<br />

Tennis Morning/Health Expo ... 26<br />

Glenk Farm Visit ........................ 28<br />

TTHA .............................................. 29<br />

Dear Friends............................... 29<br />

NOTICES .........................................31<br />

Coming Services..........................31<br />

Flower Roster ..............................31<br />

Presentation Service ...................31<br />

CV Tynong...................................31<br />

Deutsche Schule Oktober Fete....31<br />

Multifaith Youth Retreat............ 32<br />

Fashion Parade & Lunch............ 32<br />

Ecumenical Lunch...................... 33<br />

Craft Sessions............................. 33<br />

Yarra Bend Walk ........................ 33<br />

Playgroup Leader wanted .......... 34<br />

Summer Camp 2012................... 34<br />

Family Camp 2012/2013............ 34<br />

THE HERITAGE PAGES.............. 35<br />

Wilhelma .................................... 35<br />

LAWNMOWING ROSTERS.......... 42<br />

Sausage Machine available ........ 42<br />

CALENDAR SEPTEMBER ............ 43<br />

In deutscher Sprache<br />

Frühling ............................................ 2<br />

TTHA – Liebe Freunde................... 29<br />

Das Leben ist... ............................... 30

Page 2 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />



Butterblumengelbe Wiesen,<br />

sauerampferrot getönt –<br />

o du überreiches Sprießen,<br />

wie das Aug dich nie gewöhnt!<br />

Wohlgesangdurchschwellte Bäume,<br />

wunderblütenschneebereift –<br />

ja, fürwahr, ihr zeigt uns Träume,<br />

wie die Brust sie kaum begreift.<br />

Christian Morgenstern<br />

With its birdsong and wonderful blossoms,<br />

Spring opens our hearts and senses…<br />


We appreciate your hard work and protection<br />

Father: Someone we can look up to no matter how tall we get.<br />

‘By the time a man realises that his father was usually right, he has a child<br />

who thinks he’s usually wrong.’ L.J. Peter<br />

Any man can become a father. It takes love to become a dad. M.C. Garretty<br />

‘Since I have been a father, the pendulum of my life swings through a wider<br />

arc. Before J and R, I rarely whispered and I rarely yelled. Now I do both all<br />

the time. Before J and R, I merely strode through the world like a man. Now<br />

I crawl, lumber, scramble, hop on one foot, often see the world from my<br />

hands and knees. Before J and R, I knew nothing about waterslides. Now I<br />

hold several records in the over-35 division. Before J and R, I heard only the<br />

sound of my own voice. Now I sometimes hear the principal, asking to see<br />

me at my “earliest possible convenience”. Now I always carry two small<br />

voices in my soul. Before J and R, the world was plain. Now it’s fancy, full of<br />

portents and omens, comic books and ant farms, solemnity and awe.<br />

From ‘A Man called Daddy’ by Hugh O’Neill

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 3<br />


Dear God,<br />

Please untie my knots<br />

that are in my mind, my heart and my life.<br />

Remove the have nots, the cannots and the do nots.<br />

Erase the will nots, may nots and might nots<br />

that may find a home in my heart.<br />

Release me from the could nots,<br />

would nots and should nots that obstruct my life.<br />

And most of all, dear God,<br />

help me to remove from my mind,<br />

my heart and my life<br />

all of the ‘am nots’<br />

that I have allowed to hold me back,<br />

especially the thought that I am not good enough.<br />

Amen.<br />

Used in Renate Weber’s beautiful Reflection on Sunday morning at the<br />

Women’s Retreat.<br />


Scholars researching what the historical Jesus actually said agree that his<br />

statements in the Gospels about ‘the Kingdom of God’ (or ‘Kingdom of<br />

Heaven’ in Matthew) are very likely to be authentic. There is also widespread<br />

agreement that this concept was of central significance to him, and probably<br />

the core of his message (as <strong>Templer</strong>s have been saying for 150 years).<br />

But what did Jesus mean by this ‘Kingdom of God’, which we, too, have<br />

trouble explaining? It is instructive to consider the language, the words used<br />

in the various translations.<br />

In English, kingdom is masculine. The gospels written in Greek use basileia,<br />

feminine (Jesus probably spoke Greek in debate with the scribes). In his<br />

home language Aramaic (which he would have spoken with his followers),<br />

kingdom translates as malkuta, feminine. In the corresponding version<br />

written in Hebrew, it is rendered as mamlaka, also feminine.<br />

In our Western understanding, kingdom ‘denotes royal power and<br />

domination, privilege, exclusion and hierarchical control’. The feminine<br />

versions Jesus used mean ‘something more egalitarian, liberating and<br />

empowering, a quality of leadership that enables and empowers others to<br />

take the next step(s)…’

Page 4 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

For much of its history, Christianity colluded with imperial or ‘kingly power<br />

and fortune, often modelling its rules and norms on those of patriarchal<br />

kingship’. Jesus had offered instead ‘a radical alternative characterised by<br />

empowerment from the bottom up, rather than power from the top down…’<br />

Within a few centuries, the process of organising Christianity ‘produced the<br />

equation: the Kingdom = the Church’. [It also gradually shifted the Kingdom<br />

of Heaven to a future afterlife.] There were, however, periods in Christian<br />

history when the alternate vision of God’s reign blossomed. In the 12 th and<br />

13 th centuries, for instance, several feminist and ecologically-based<br />

movements (like that of St Francis of Assisi) flourished; ‘interestingly, many<br />

Church historians describe that period as a dark age of the Church’. In the<br />

19 th century, some liberal German and British theologians tried to focus once<br />

more on the Kingdom of God, ‘with limited success’.<br />

There seems no doubt that Jesus envisioned faith communities to embody<br />

his vision – but basic Christian communities rather than an institutional<br />

Church. God’s Kingdom continues to be studied intensely amongst scholars,<br />

yet not in the theological colleges or seminaries. Could part of the reason be<br />

that humans are reluctant to follow a vision that could lead to places we<br />

would rather not go?<br />

As a number of philosophers have indicated, language dictates and limits<br />

consciousness and controls our lives more than we realise. New expressions<br />

are often necessary to move us towards new possibilities. So, time to throw<br />

out the term Kingdom of God?<br />

<strong>Templer</strong>s have debated this over the years (it’s archaic, irrelevant,<br />

meaningless to many, has to be explained…) but have stuck with the term<br />

because we did not have a better one to express this central concept of our<br />

faith.<br />

John Dominic Crossan suggests a companionship of empowerment, something<br />

all the parables point to; this also honours the feminine Aramaic<br />

malkuta, the right to rule, but as ‘the power of vision and leadership that<br />

empowers others towards a more empowering future’. This also transcends<br />

the current paradigm of competitive individualism, so alien to the time and<br />

culture of Jesus.<br />

Jesus envisaged setting relationships right, co-creating communities and<br />

networks through which are embodied transformative justice, healing and<br />

forgiveness, empowering love and enduring liberation. We do not look to<br />

others to do it for us (as in the kingly, hierarchical model) – we empower<br />

each other to do it together, for each other and for the earth we inhabit. The<br />

Beatitudes also speak of this vision, the radical option for which Jesus lived<br />

and died.

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 5<br />

The Rev. Dr Lorraine Parkinson’s new book The World According to Jesus…<br />

(Spectrum Melbourne, 2011) suggests the best possible world for kingdom of<br />

God on earth. Speaking with our Confirmands recently, I said that<br />

<strong>Templer</strong>s strive to be the best they can be and so help create the<br />

best possible world. These were words they could relate to; this was a goal<br />

they were happy to make their own, and even talk to their friends about. For<br />

us, these words acknowledge our responsibility before God.<br />

We probably cannot do without the old term altogether, but we should keep<br />

looking for relevant, meaningful words that express Jesus’ insights better for<br />

us today. Let us know if you come up with good ones.<br />

Based largely on Rev. Dr David Merritt’s article (in the PCNV August<br />

Newsletter) about a piece on Diarmuid O’Murchu’s website entitled<br />

provocatively ‘Let’s get rid of The Kingdom of God’ at<br />

www.diarmuid13.com/christian-life-essay-2 More in O’Murchu’s new book<br />

‘Christianity’s Dangerous Memory’, Crossroads (NY) September 2011.<br />


Herta Uhlherr<br />

It is harder to work on ourselves to be the best we can be if the people<br />

around us lie, cheat, steal, bully and ‘don’t give a stuff’. What kine of people<br />

surround you – not that we should judge carelessly.<br />

Looking at the largely superficial and sensationalist reporting in the media,<br />

sensible people ask: where is reasoned argument and balanced analysis?<br />

What has happened to values like decency, moderation, empathy, selfcontrol,<br />

clear thinking and ‘emotional intelligence’? Current business<br />

practices do not model these; they urge us to indulge ourselves to consume<br />

ever more (often useless) stuff, which does not really satisfy our hunger for<br />

the real and the true and is not sustainable.<br />

Wisdom and experience teach us that we are more fulfilled and at peace<br />

when we behave ethically and contribute to the greater good. Many religions<br />

advocate the Golden Rule: some say ‘don’t do to others what you wouldn’t<br />

want done to you’. Others leave more scope for greater kindness and<br />

compassion: ‘treat others as you would like to be treated.’<br />

Our materialistic, secular Western world needs to refocus on teaching and<br />

modelling responsible and ethical behaviour, and to mature beyond ego<br />

gratification: gimme, gimme, me first! That is a normal stage in young<br />

children, but a civil <strong>society</strong> requires us to grow up, even though that takes<br />

effort, self-discipline, integrity and learning to deal with the setbacks life will<br />

inevitably throw at us. Continued on page 28

Page 6 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />


NOTES from the RC meeting of 5 th August<br />

Firstly, I would like to remind everyone of the availability of the internet<br />

kiosks located at Bentleigh and Bayswater – it is a shame to note they are<br />

not being used more often. The kiosk at Bayswater means that a ‘WiFi’<br />

connection is available to members for their laptops or smart phones in the<br />

general area of the Hall and Chapel – contact me at the Office if this is<br />

something you could utilise.<br />

It’s that time of year again to issue invoices to everyone for their 2011–2012<br />

financial year Membership Contributions. The (blue) pro forma invoice<br />

for this year is enclosed with this TR. I trust everybody is now familiar with<br />

the self-determining method of contribution and donations, but if you have<br />

any queries in relation to the invoice, please contact me.<br />

Two items from the minutes of the August RC meeting may be of general<br />

interest. You may be aware that our Member Loans and Deposits Scheme<br />

has been under some doubt over the past few months as we attempt to get<br />

both ASIC* and APRA** exemptions to be able to continue. It is starting to<br />

look like we may be OK with the ASIC (loans) side, but that is subject to<br />

APRA approval on the deposits and other detail they have not shown us yet. I<br />

will keep you informed, but in the interim the whole scheme is ‘on hold’.<br />

The ‘Think Tank’ has now been running successfully for a few months and is<br />

zeroing in on various elements for more detailed discussion and assessment.<br />

New participants would still be welcome – contact Mark Herrmann for<br />

further information.<br />

John Maddock, Administration Manager<br />

* ASIC – Australian Securities and Investments Commission (credit licencing)<br />

** APRA – Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (banking)<br />


The next Directory will be made available to Members soon. Have you<br />

notified the Office of any of your details, including phone numbers and email<br />

addresses, that still need to be updated? It will be important for us all to<br />

dispose of our superseded copies in an appropriate manner. The Directories<br />

contain personal details for all TSA Members and so, when no longer<br />

needed, should be shredded and not just thrown into the rubbish or recycling<br />

bin. Please be mindful of Members’ privacy in this regard.<br />

Mark Herrmann, Regional Head


Dear Friends,<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 7<br />

The second half of this year is shaping up to be a very busy one in the TSA<br />

calendar, particularly for me as Care Worker. Having just returned from the<br />

Women’s Retreat on Phillip Island (see report on page 19), I am now gearing<br />

up for the Good Health for Life Expo and family fun day coming up<br />

on Sunday 11 th September in Bayswater (see flyer insert). This is going<br />

to be a fantastic day with lots of free workshops, seminars and exercise<br />

classes you can participate in! Make sure you wear comfortable clothes if a<br />

free Zumba class or mini-boot-camp interests you! The activities begin at<br />

11:00am.<br />

There are lots of people to thank for making our Women’s Retreat run so<br />

smoothly. They are, in no particular order: Ingrid Turner, Marianne<br />

Herrmann, Anne Wied, Christine Ruff, Tony Beilharz, Renate Beilharz, Deb<br />

Symes, Amanda Seward, Renate Weber, Caroline Lloyd, Island Healing, Pan<br />

McMillan books, T2, Tanya Lewis, Emmy Hoffmann, Annette Wagner-<br />

Hesse, Phillip Island Adventure Resort and all the women for coming along<br />

and making it such an awesome weekend! Special thanks to the family who<br />

looked after our son on the weekend so I could be away.<br />

Coming up on 3 rd to 5 th February 2012 after some suggestions from the<br />

women at this year’s retreat is an Omas’ Retreat. So, if you are an Oma and<br />

want to be pampered and have a lovely weekend away with other<br />

Omas/Omis, Nannas or Grandmas, please contact me or Ingrid Turner. This<br />

will be held at the same venue we go to for the Women’s Retreat.<br />

NB: Age is NOT a barrier to this weekend.<br />

I will be heading up to Sydney in November for the celebration of their 50 th<br />

birthday. I look forward to seeing lots of Sydney folk whilst I am up there.<br />

Keep smiling and I look forward to seeing you at the Good Health for Life<br />

Expo!<br />

Martina Eaton, Community Care Worker<br />


At the hymn service on 7 th August, $82.20 was raised for the Olivia Newton-<br />

John Cancer and Wellness Centre, in memory of Marianne Haering. Thank<br />

you to all donours.<br />


Page 8 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

BLOOD 4 HARMONY – Knox Inter-faith Network<br />

New and current blood donors are invited to support an initiative of David<br />

Cohan – Blood 4 Harmony – which he recently presented to the Knox Interfaith<br />

Network for their backing and promotion. David has booked places for<br />

donations at the Seventh Day Adventist Community Centre (119 Mountain<br />

Highway, Wantirna – Melway map 63, E7) for Thursday 6 th October<br />

from 7:00pm.<br />

David sees donating as part of a multi-faith/inter-faith activity as a very<br />

important and worthwhile project.<br />

• A simple and rewarding way to contribute to the community.<br />

• Feel good about yourself and those you’re with. We’ll be helping save<br />

lives!<br />

• Foster harmony and goodwill between people of different faith<br />

positions.<br />

• A powerful symbol of our common humanity.<br />

• A public opportunity for faiths and the inter-faith movement.<br />

• The scope to start small, then expand.<br />

• The need for blood never ceases, so Blood 4 Harmony can continue,<br />

and hopefully grow.<br />

New donors will have to complete an enrolment form to help determine their<br />

eligibility to donate. Do you have an hour to spare? To book your seat please<br />

contact David Cohan at Blood4Harmony@live.com<br />


Mark Herrmann, Treasurer, Knox Inter-faith Network Inc.<br />

Please read these reports carefully so that they can be taken as<br />

read at the Annual General Meeting on 23 rd October.<br />


The Elders are responsible for the religious and spiritual wellbeing of the<br />

community and continue to tackle this task with enthusiasm, creativity,<br />

wisdom and much hard work. About 60 Services are conducted over a year<br />

and include all the main celebrations surrounding Easter, Christmas, New<br />

Year and family events such as Fathers’ and Mothers’ Days and<br />


<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 9<br />

Services are generally conducted in English, but the monthly service for<br />

TTHA residents continues to be held in German. The needs of country<br />

Victorians and those interstate (Sydney and Tanunda) are also addressed.<br />

Elders contribute regularly to the <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong>.<br />

The highlight of the Elders’ activities this year has been the organisation and<br />

presentation of a number of events to celebrate the 150 th birthday of the TS.<br />

In April, technology was used to connect three major groups of <strong>Templer</strong>s in<br />

Germany, Melbourne and Sydney in a combined Service. With the theme of<br />

Facing the Future – Reflecting the Past a number of speakers, young and<br />

older, shared their thoughts with the extended community. It was a<br />

momentous occasion in the history of our Society, to be connected in real<br />

time with so many people!<br />

In June, the Australian <strong>Templer</strong>s in Melbourne joined with their Sydney<br />

counterparts to commemorate our Founding Day. We shared the singing, the<br />

readings and the musical interludes. We thank all those people who worked<br />

hard to make both occasions as successful as technologically possible. Rolf<br />

and Vyrna Beilharz, along with Winfried and Carol Beilharz, ably represented<br />

us in Germany at the TGD’s TS150 celebrations in June.<br />

Ten children were presented at two ceremonies, and the families were<br />

promised love and support by the <strong>Templer</strong> community. Our registered<br />

marriage celebrants officiated at five weddings and Elders contributed to or<br />

conducted fourteen funerals.<br />

Six young people, all from Melbourne, are attending the 10-session confirmation<br />

course and will be confirmed in September.<br />

Elders’ meetings and discussion groups were held throughout the year and a<br />

number of pamphlets, booklets and brochures providing information about<br />

the TSA have been reviewed and revised, ready for publication and<br />

redistribution.<br />

In keeping with the TSA goal of reaching out to the wider community, Elders<br />

and community members participated in the Welcoming Bayswater Street<br />

Party, as well as at the Knox Festival and Glen Eira Party in the Park.<br />

Some of our Elders attend the meetings of the Progressive Christian Network<br />

of Victoria; Mark Herrmann and Rolf Beilharz represent us at the Knox<br />

Inter-faith Network.<br />

As with all community work, it is the efforts of many that produce a<br />

successful outcome. The Elders wish to express their gratitude to those who<br />

complement their work. So, thank you to the Sunday School teachers, the<br />

coffee makers, the flower arrangers, the cleaners, the support people who<br />

work quietly in the background and a BIG vote of thanks to our marvellous

Page 10 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

musicians (pianists, choir and brass band), who add such beauty and joy to<br />

our services.<br />

We are always open to ideas and suggestions on how things can be done<br />

better, so please let us know your thoughts and ideas. We also appreciate<br />

positive feedback if we have done something well.<br />

TSAL<br />

Renate Weber, for the Elders’ FG<br />

The Directors of the Temple Society Australia (Limited) – TSAL – met<br />

at five Board meetings during this financial year. For most meetings our<br />

interstate director Peter Leszinsky (Sydney) was linked by conference<br />

telephone or Skype, although he was also able to be present in person on<br />

occasion. The Focus Group Leader/Chairman position was filled by Dietmar<br />

Jürgensen, and Wolfgang Frank held the Vice-Chairman position. The other<br />

Directors were Mark Herrmann, Paul English, Dieter Glenk, Herbert<br />

Hoffmann and Helmut Eppinger. John Maddock had the role of Company<br />

Secretary.<br />

At the last AGM of the Temple Society Central Fund (in October 2010), the<br />

membership agreed to adopt our new constitution, and also agreed to a<br />

name change of the company to ‘Temple Society Australia (Limited)’. The<br />

new constitution changed the membership base from individual TSA<br />

members to the members of the TSA Regional Council only, these<br />

individuals being the elected representatives of the greater TSA membership.<br />

This will enable the TSAL AGM to be held prior to the TSA AGM, and any<br />

significant matters from the company AGM will then be presented at the TSA<br />

AGM (on 23 rd October 2011).<br />

The names on the relevant bank accounts have been changed, and the<br />

complex process of amalgamating the accounts of the TSAL with those of the<br />

TSA was carried out with assistance from our auditor in the first half of 2011.<br />

A document proposing Limits of Authority and an investment policy for the<br />

TSAL Board has also been drafted and will shortly be ratified by the Regional<br />

Council.<br />

Major matters dealt with in the past year by the Directors included:<br />

Property Issues – A replacement commercial property (e.g. factory or<br />

warehouse) is still being sought, and auctions attended, however a suitable<br />

property has not yet been identified.<br />

The residential units in Bayswater and Bentleigh, together with the factory in<br />

Moorabbin owned by the TSAL, continue to be fully tenanted.<br />

There were further discussions held with the TTHA Committee of

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 11<br />

Management on the proposed sale to TTHA of the land on which the Aged<br />

Care complex is built. The TSAL contributed financially to an accounting<br />

review of the TTHA financial documentation by a third party accountant, to<br />

assist TTHA in developing a financial plan and potentially a strategy for<br />

financing the purchase. Negotiations on the sale are continuing.<br />

The TSAL has also been involved in the review of proposed changes to the<br />

TTHA constitution, as landowner (which implies certain responsibilities)<br />

and also on behalf of the interests of the TSA.<br />

Financials and Investments – There has been some encouraging<br />

improvement in capital values of our equity investments, however volatility<br />

of the markets is continually affecting values, so we continue to maintain a<br />

conservative approach to investing.<br />

TTHA has repaid the remaining $200k of the $600k loan principal from the<br />

TSAL (on behalf of the TSA) in advance of the due date, and this loan is now<br />

acquitted.<br />

The ability to earn sufficient income for the TSA from investments made by<br />

the TSAL remains a challenge as the recent below-average income and<br />

growing expenses of the <strong>Templer</strong> Community are not in balance.<br />

Expenditure by the Focus Groups has been below plan for 2010/2011, and<br />

our investment returns have been somewhat better than forecast, so the final<br />

account figures have not been as high in deficit as budgeted, however future<br />

expenditure will still need to be carefully regulated. We are continuing to<br />

explore strategies to maintain positive cash flow in the future.<br />

My sincere thanks to my fellow honorary Directors and Secretary for their<br />

professionalism, dedication and continuing support in our efforts to manage<br />

the TSA's financial matters responsibly and for the best outcome for the TSA<br />

and its members.<br />

Dietmar Jürgensen, Chairman TSAL<br />


The Welfare & Distant Focus Group met on average every six weeks. Due to<br />

the distances involved, we attempted various forms of technology in order to<br />

facilitate our meetings. As there is a mixture of working and non-working<br />

members it is not always easy for all of us to meet at the same time; we have<br />

still had very productive and interesting meetings. Both Community<br />

Workers, Martina Eaton and Ingrid Turner, attend our meetings and/or<br />

report to us. We find this invaluable as it alerts us to the needs and issues<br />

within the community.

Page 12 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

With the assistance of Martina Eaton, we ran two successful Seminars:<br />

Raising Boys on 9.10.2010, and Raising Girls on 21.5.2011, both presented<br />

by Rod Dungan, the Chaplain at Brentwood Secondary College. Rod looked<br />

at the positive development of girls and boys between the ages of 10 and 18.<br />

He looked at support, empowerment, boundaries, expectations and positive<br />

use of time and how these work in building resilient young men and women<br />

with a commitment to learning and positive values, who are socially<br />

connected and possess a positive sense of self.<br />

It is our intent to attempt to run two welfare-related seminars each year and<br />

we always welcome input from you. It is also our intention that the wider<br />

community be invited to all seminars. We feel that we have much to offer,<br />

not only to <strong>Templer</strong>s but to everyone.<br />

As Martina is running a Good Health for Life Expo in September, for which<br />

we have offered to be of assistance, and the TSA Calendar is very full, we will<br />

not be running another seminar this year.<br />

Country Victoria Services<br />

In cooperation with the Elders, we liaise with community members in<br />

Central and Western Victoria and Gippsland to set dates and venues for<br />

services in country areas in an effort to give our members further afield a<br />

chance to have a community experience in their own area. Over the past<br />

year, Erika Christian has been a support in this role but has now resigned.<br />

This year we have had a service in Bendigo, Tynong, Phillip Island and<br />

Tatura. These Services would not occur were it not for the support of<br />

members in those areas. We appreciate the help received from Lilli Kuhnle in<br />

finding a venue in Tatura. Thank you all. The Elders are prepared to travel<br />

quite some distance for these Services, which is much appreciated. To the<br />

bus drivers, life is much easier for all through your assistance, you make it<br />

possible for some to attend who might otherwise not be able to. Thank you.<br />

Telelink<br />

This has been ongoing on every second Friday. Martina coordinates this,<br />

while Erika Christian leads it. Ladies, thank you for your efforts. Telelink is a<br />

Victoria-based, Home and Community Care funded phone link-up for people<br />

who are older or who have disabilities and for whom social isolation could<br />

become an issue. If interested, please let Martina know. This service is<br />

especially valuable for members who cannot always go out or who live at a<br />

great distance from Melbourne.<br />

In conclusion, I would like to thank all members of the Focus Group and<br />

Martina for their support and efforts this year.<br />

Dot Ware, for the Welfare & Distant FG


<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 13<br />

Current Focus Group members: Monika Strasser and Resi Schwarzbauer.<br />

At the coming AGM, Resi will retire and we will then require two new<br />

members for the focus group. We have been one member short since the last<br />

AGM and, due to family and other commitments of the existing focus group<br />

members, our activities for the year have been minimal.<br />

We were partially successful in being the recipients of a Community<br />

Development Fund Grant of $5,000 (we requested $12,000) provided by the<br />

Knox City Council to assist us with producing a documentary based on<br />

interviews with older <strong>Templer</strong>s. As this project overlapped with a similar<br />

idea proposed for the TS150 celebrations, this grant money has not been<br />

utilised as yet. Additional grant applications have been submitted by the<br />

anniversary organising committee to meet the shortfall in the required<br />

funding and the results of these applications are not known yet.<br />

We have held a few additional one-on-one training sessions to show<br />

members the facilities available in the Bayswater Heritage Room, but there<br />

has not been a great deal of interest shown. Future training sessions can still<br />

be scheduled on request and I encourage you to contact me if you are<br />

interested. The Heritage Room was also the venue for our 2011 Sommerfest<br />

presentation of updates of the heritage work underway in the ‘Sarona colony’<br />

in Israel.<br />

Resi has been working on updating and adding to the TSA Christmas<br />

songbook in conjunction with members of the Social & Recreation Focus<br />

Group. This book is used every year at the Bayswater and Bentleigh Advent<br />

celebrations.<br />

There has been continuing interest in the Temple Society and its history<br />

from external parties, largely through email enquiries. We thank Erika<br />

English for her continuing assistance in answering these queries and also<br />

thank Horst Blaich for his continued efforts in creating interesting historical<br />

exhibitions for the <strong>Templer</strong> Gallery in TTHA. Thanks also go to Horst and<br />

Helmut Glenk for their contributions to the Heritage Pages of the <strong>Templer</strong><br />

<strong>Record</strong> and to Peter Hornung for editing them.<br />

Monika Strasser, for the Heritage & Culture FG

Page 14 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> German Schools<br />

Bentleigh<br />

We currently have an enrolment of 80 students, of which five are from<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> families. We run four classes on both Monday and Wednesday<br />

evenings at the Bentleigh Hall.<br />

We have a dedicated team of teachers: Josefine Hennel, Sigrid Schweiger,<br />

Monika Hendrix, Arev Fava, Katrin Schneider and Maria Hohlweg. Our<br />

emergency teachers are Annette Wagner-Hesse and Agata Rome (both have<br />

children attending).<br />

We are very grateful for the involvement of Annette Wagner-Hesse as a<br />

teacher adviser. In 2011 Annette provided a great deal of support when we<br />

were doing our TS150 project.<br />

Dot Ware continues to support our school by organising our reading books.<br />

She also assists by showing all parents what is expected when reading with<br />

our students.<br />

Highlights<br />

• We had three students represent our school at the Regional Association<br />

of German Teachers of Victoria (AGTV) Poetry Competition on 4th August 2010. Two of our students were invited to attend the AGTV<br />

Poetry Final on Saturday 28th August 2010. One of our Grade 6 students<br />

was awarded second prize.<br />

• Our Winter Concert was held on Sunday 29th August 2010 with the<br />

theme of Cultural Diversity – Kulturelle Vielfalt. We were pleased to<br />

welcome representatives of the German Consulate, the AGTV and the<br />

Goethe Institut. Most students attended.<br />

• We held our German school Adventsfeier in December to finish the<br />

2010 school year.<br />

• Our school began its study of 150 years of the Temple Society on<br />

Monday 21st and Wednesday 23rd March, with Annette Wagner-Hesse<br />

introducing a Temple Society Timeline.<br />

• On Monday 28th and Wednesday 30th March our school invited ‘our<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> living treasures’ to come and talk to each class about their<br />

experiences on an aspect of <strong>Templer</strong> life. We had thought that each<br />

speaker would spend about 20-30 minutes with his or her class. Most of<br />

our speakers spent the whole lesson relating their stories. Students were<br />

very interested in ‘our <strong>Templer</strong> history’.<br />

• Instead of a Winter Concert in 2011, our school held a presentation of<br />

150 Jahre Tempelgesellschaft on Sunday 29 th May. Each class did a<br />

short play and displayed their project work on aspects of <strong>Templer</strong> life.

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 15<br />

Non-<strong>Templer</strong> families were interested in hearing our <strong>Templer</strong> history<br />

and supper was enjoyed by all.<br />

• On Sunday 3rd July Arev Fava and I represented the Bentleigh German<br />

School at the Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria (ESAV) Annual<br />

Conference together with teachers from the Bayswater German School<br />

and the Sonnabend Schule in Clifton Hill.<br />

Our funding sources (apart from student fees) have been:<br />

• $600 from the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) towards our<br />

Adventsfeier in 2010.<br />

• $300 from the VMC towards our TS150 project.<br />

• $1000 from the VMC for Teacher Professional Development (PD) for<br />

the 2010-2011 year.<br />

• For 2011 we will be receiving $15066 from the DEECD Per Capita Grant<br />

for 81 students enrolled in Term 1. The State Liberal Government<br />

increased our funding and we are now entitled to $186 per student<br />

enrolled.<br />

We now have a reading program happening on Monday and Wednesday<br />

evenings. Agata Rome, a parent, and Dot Ware are happy to assist with<br />

reading with all students attending on Wednesday evenings. On Mondays we<br />

have parents Gerd Diegelmann, Werner Hennecke, Ralph Stoeckl and Ulrike<br />

Springler doing reading with their children’s classes when they can.<br />

Our teachers continue to upgrade their First Aid qualifications. Katrin<br />

Schneider completed a Methodology course conducted by the Ethnic Schools<br />

Association of Victoria (ESAV). All teachers attend Professional Developments<br />

(PDs) conducted by the Goethe Institut, the ESAV, Modern Languages<br />

Association Victoria and the Education Department (DEECD) as they are<br />

able to. Our German School will always pay the associated costs of the PD for<br />

teachers to attend and we are grateful that they do this in their own time.<br />

We continue to share ideas and PDs with the Bayswater German School.<br />

Thanks to Ursula Fisher and the AGTV for providing up-to-date teaching<br />

material via email. We are also grateful for the support of the TSA Office in<br />

Bentleigh, particularly Mark Herrmann and John Maddock for putting up<br />

with the constant interruptions on Monday and Wednesday evenings.<br />

Marianne Herrmann, Bentleigh German School Coordinator<br />

Bayswater<br />

The Bayswater-Boronia <strong>Templer</strong> School continues to be a small, but dynamic<br />

Community Languages School. Currently we have an enrolment of 24

Page 16 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

students, four of which are from <strong>Templer</strong> families. Nine students attend a<br />

tutorial session on Monday evenings with Brigitte Ankenbrand, and fifteen<br />

attend classes on Tuesday evenings at the Bayswater Hall from 5:00-7:30pm<br />

with Marie Ankenbrand. We are extremely grateful to Marie, who began the<br />

year as a Language Assistant and has progressed to very successfully taking<br />

the Tuesday evening class solo.<br />

Doris and Irene continue to deal with the administration. Thanks again to<br />

Erika English who coordinates the Reading Program with a number of<br />

parent volunteers, ensuring that the children regularly have an audience to<br />

read to in German.<br />

We hold a Parents Consultative Council meeting each year and we thank the<br />

parents for their participation. We appreciate John Maddock’s (TSA)<br />

assistance in purchasing a new printer and organising broadband access<br />

from the hall. We are extremely grateful to the Bentleigh School for not only<br />

administrative, but also financial support in the past twelve months.<br />

Victorian government funding increases ensure the financial viability of our<br />

school. Student fees are supplemented by:<br />

$1000 Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) grant for Professional<br />

Development of Teachers<br />

$1000 VMC grant for a school project: Tell us about your German<br />

background<br />

$2025 from the Education Department (DEECD) Per Capita Grant<br />

On Sunday 3 July, Brigitte and Marie Ankenbrand, Ruth Stuettgen and Irene<br />

Bouzo represented the Bayswater-Boronia German School at the Ethnic<br />

Schools Association of Victoria (ESAV) Annual Conference together with<br />

teachers from the Bentleigh German School and the Sonnabendschule in<br />

Clifton Hill. This is always a great opportunity to network with other<br />

Community Language teachers.<br />

We had one student represent our school at the Regional AGTV Poetry<br />

Competition on 10 August 2011 and she was awarded third prize.<br />

We collaborate as much as possible with the Bentleigh German School and<br />

maintain strong links with the Association of German Teachers of Victoria<br />

(AGTV) as part of the Knox Area Network. Professional Development<br />

sessions have been conducted by the AGTV, the Community Language<br />

Schools Association and DEECD.<br />

Irene Bouzo and Doris Frank for the Bayswater/Boronia <strong>Templer</strong> School


<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 17<br />


Wir gratulieren herzlich zum Geburtstag unserer Mitglieder:<br />

und wünschen auch allen hier nicht angeführten Geburtstagskindern alles<br />

Gute und Schöne zum neuen Lebensjahr – Happy Birthday!<br />


Klaus Hoffmann Manfred Mischker<br />

Sigrid Katz Manfred Frank<br />

Lilli Waechter Hildegard Hoffmann<br />

Elfriede Weller Charlotte Dravenieks<br />

Liselotte Faig Gerhard Breisch<br />

Emma Polacsek Ernst Ruff<br />

Erika Schulz Uta Faig<br />

Heinz Margate Erika Beilharz<br />

Anneliese Herrmann Gertrud Frank<br />

Olga Kroh<br />

We welcome<br />

Anna Waechter and hope she feels at home among us.

Page 18 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />


From Munich we hear that Isolde Weller died suddenly on<br />

20.7.2011, aged almost 78. She and her husband Heinz were in<br />

Melbourne for a Jugendgruppe reunion in March.<br />

Missing her terribly are:<br />

Heinz Weller<br />

and their children, Karen and Jochen and families.<br />

They say thank you for your kind calls and cards.<br />

Du bist nicht tot,<br />

Du wechselst nur die Räume.<br />

Du lebst in uns und gehst<br />

durch unsere Träume.<br />

� � �<br />

Lothar Böhmer passed away peacefully at TTHA on 4.8.2011,<br />

aged 90 years. Many thanks to Mark Herrmann for the beautiful<br />

service and the staff at the Tabulam & <strong>Templer</strong> Homes for the Aged<br />

for their care over the last few weeks.<br />

In loving memory:<br />

Inge and Kurt Imberger with Krista and Hayley<br />

Doris and Erich Frank with Tony, Veronika<br />

and Murray, Belinda and Tanya<br />

Karin and Ross Walduck with Thomas and Kristin<br />

Gary Böhmer and Rita Filonjuk with Morgan,<br />

Emma, Douglas, Esther and Joshua.<br />

� � �<br />

Helmut Katz (born 1935 in Haifa) passed away in the early hours<br />

of 4.8.2011 at the Dandenong Hospital, with his family at his side.<br />

He was 76.<br />

Our loving brother, brother-in-law, uncle and great-uncle will be<br />

sadly missed.<br />

Kurt Katz and family<br />

Waltraud Christoph and family.<br />

Our sincere condolences to all these families

WOMEN’S RETREAT – Report<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 19<br />

The best-kept secret of the Temple Society is out! The Women’s Retreat is a<br />

fabulous weekend of fun, laughter and relaxation and if you want to go next<br />

year, you better book early.<br />

I’m fairly sure that the 42 women who went this year would like me to tell<br />

you that it was terrible so we can all go again next year without competition,<br />

but that would be unfair to those who have not yet experienced this<br />

wonderful weekend.<br />

On Friday 12 th August we all met up at<br />

Phillip Island Resort to begin our<br />

fantastic time together. We had<br />

women from all over Victoria and<br />

New South Wales, some even brought<br />

their mothers along.<br />

There were many activities to choose<br />

Making new friends at the retreat<br />

from: walks to the beach, spa,<br />

massage, flying fox, a ‘Declutter your<br />

life’ workshop, psychic readings, a<br />

healing circle, singing, women’s trivia and foot spas and, if that didn’t<br />

interest you, there was always plenty of conversation and laughter. Plus lots<br />

(and I mean lots) of yummy food! You really couldn’t ask for a better<br />

weekend.<br />

A huge thankyou to Martina Eaton and Ingrid Turner for organising this<br />

weekend, for without all their hard work these weekends would not be<br />

possible.<br />

Blissed-out, Anne Wied<br />

It was obviously awful! ☺ – fun with the Trivia Quiz photo Martina Eaton

Phillip Island, August 2011 Photo Martina Eaton<br />

Page 20 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 21<br />

At the Women’s Retreat<br />

Photo Martina Eaton<br />


to Bendigo polar adventurer and community health<br />

worker, Linda Beilharz, who recently received a prestigious La Trobe<br />

University Alumni Award. Only 35 of these have been given out over the<br />

University’s history.<br />

As executive officer of Women’s Health Loddon Mallee, founder of nonprofit<br />

Journeys for Learning and president of Alpine Search and Rescue, Ms<br />

Beilharz could have won the award for any number of reasons. But she<br />

admits it’s probably her ‘polar plodding’ to both the North and South Poles –<br />

which earned her the 2010 Australian Geographic Adventurer of the Year<br />

Award – that got her over the line.<br />

‘I’m a little bit amused that I can win an award for going to the North and<br />

South Poles because, for me, that was a privilege in itself.’ Ms Beilharz added<br />

that her adventures helped strengthen her work at Women’s Health. ‘It’s<br />

about trying to change the expectations of what women can do; you don’t<br />

have to be limited by traditional expectations of gender and age.’<br />

‘That can be quite a powerful message; I do a lot of guest speaking and I<br />

know that can inspire people to do what they want to do. The trips are quite<br />

selfish, but when you can share them with others, it gives them some social<br />

value.’<br />

Ms Beilharz completed a Graduate Diploma of Community Development at<br />

La Trobe University in 1993 and obtained her Master of Health Sciences in<br />

1999. She said she enjoyed her time as a student and has also taught at and<br />

worked with the University: ‘I love learning, having something stimulating in<br />

your life to make you think.’<br />

Based on an article by Elise Snashall-Woodhams in ‘The Bendigo<br />

Advertiser’ of 12 th August 2011.

Page 22 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

SYDNEY<br />

Refreshed and revitalised, I and my seven Sydney lady mates have returned<br />

from the Women’s Retreat. Martina’s careful planning led to a great<br />

weekend. We loved being part of the special close gathering of women at<br />

Phillip Island. It was terrific to see the slightly older Sydney girls, Jo Steller<br />

and Nella Kruck, enjoy the weekend so much. Thank you to our Melbourne<br />

friends for welcoming us and sharing with us so lovingly. And now back to<br />

reality…<br />

At our 5 th August Seniors’ Group outing, we all once again consumed<br />

large amounts of delightful food from the smorgasbord bistro at St Mary’s<br />

Bank Club. None of us went home hungry, neither physically nor socially, as<br />

the jolly mood amongst the group reflected the abundance of good food on<br />

offer. It was a joy to see some members who have not been able to come for a<br />

while, and some new faces, too.<br />

Hartmut Beck’s August service was about the life and contribution of our<br />

Society’s co-founder Georg David Hardegg. This clear and fascinating exposé<br />

on his life and achievements was appropriate in this our 150 th anniversary<br />

year. I valued Hartmut’s insightful description of this complex man’s<br />

passion, drive, commitment, organisational abilities and struggle, without<br />

which the <strong>Templer</strong>s would never have gone to Palestine.<br />

I must end on a sad note. My colleague and co-worker of 6 months, Julie<br />

Drinkwater, has resigned from her position. She contributed an energy and<br />

vitality to her work that was appreciated. She has moved on for a variety of<br />

reasons and we wish her well in her future life steps and thank her for the<br />

contribution that she made to our Sydney Community.<br />

Coming events<br />

Sydney’s 50 th Anniversary – Sunday 27 th November<br />

The Sydney Focus Group extends a warm welcome to all members, active or<br />

less active, to join in our 50 th Anniversary celebrations. Please pen this into<br />

your diaries now, as that time of year can get a little hectic. There will be a<br />

strong heritage focus on the day, with talks, exhibits, documentaries, talking<br />

books and significant items being brought up from the Melbourne <strong>Templer</strong><br />

archives. There will also be a formal component and some fun for little kids<br />

and big kids. Please let all your relatives know, as there will be much on offer<br />

regarding family history. As details become clearer, I will report them, but at<br />

this stage just save the 27 th November and if you are interested in<br />

participating, please contact me. For those in Melbourne or from other cities<br />

who want to travel up especially for this event, please contact Nanne in the

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 23<br />

Office, as she will help coordinate the arrangements. It will be a very special<br />

day.<br />

We want to display photos of special celebrations that happened in our<br />

Meadowbank community centre – did you get married, confirmed or<br />

presented there? Please send me a copy of your photos (with names, event<br />

and date – they will be returned) or scan and email them to me (with names,<br />

etc.).<br />

Family trees on a sheet of cardboard, a project for the kids to do with their<br />

grandparents – perhaps in the holidays? There will be prizes. Use your<br />

imagination.<br />

September<br />

Seniors’ Group: 11:30am on Friday 9 th September, we will be going to<br />

the Café at Dural’s Flower Power Nursery for lunch. It is a most beautiful<br />

venue and the food is excellent, however a tad expensive. So I have talked to<br />

the chef and arranged a less expensive set menu option of either Caesar salad<br />

or quiche, with coffee or tea and a large biscuit or scones and cream for $23.<br />

If you know you are coming, please contact me a few days before the date<br />

and let me know if you would rather order your own meal or the set menu<br />

and whether Caesar salad or quiche. That being said, numbers and orders<br />

are flexible and if you don’t or can’t book beforehand, please do come<br />

anyway. A few extras can easily be catered for.<br />

Service: I am excited to announce that Renate Beilharz will be coming from<br />

Melbourne to conduct our Service on Sunday 25 th September at<br />

10:30am. I encourage you all to come and hear her, as her services are<br />

always engaging and uplifting.<br />

October<br />

Seniors’ Social Group: Friday 14 th October<br />

Service: Sunday 23 rd October 10:30am (Duty: Renate Herrmann)<br />

Ingrid Turner, Community Development Worker

Page 24 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />


YOUTH<br />

Sunday 11th September Good Health for Life Expo<br />

Bayswater<br />

11:00am<br />

Sunday 2nd October Dark Zone or Go-Karting TBA<br />

Sunday 6th November Family Service & Community Picnic Bayswater<br />

11:00am<br />

Sunday 13th November TG Breakup and planning day TBA<br />

GOOD HEALTH FOR LIFE EXPO – Sunday 11 th September<br />

This is a great day full of activities and discoveries for ALL AGES! So come<br />

along to the Bayswater Hall and check out what’s happening anytime<br />

between 11:00am and 3:00pm. For more details see flyer in this TR.<br />


TG will be going to one of these on Sunday 2 nd October and YOU get to vote<br />

on which! So contact me soon to let me know what your preference is.<br />

SUMMER CAMP – Sunday 8 th to Saturday 14 th January 2012<br />

Bookings are now being taken for Summer Camp 2012. Please contact me or<br />

the TSA Office for all enquiries and to obtain the relevant booking forms.<br />

Invitations to Summer Camp will be sent or emailed to all children aged 11 to<br />

15 and, as always, your friends are most welcome to come along!<br />

Susi Richter, Community Youth Coordinator<br />

email: susi@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

The dolphins were really smart.<br />

They’d trained people to throw them fish five times a day.<br />

Which animals get up first?<br />

Ducks – at the quack of dawn.<br />

What word is wrong when it’s pronounced right, but can be<br />

right when it’s pronounced wrong? – Wrong!

There will also be……<br />

…… a day of FREE activities, seminars,<br />

demonstrations, workshops and stalls<br />

with a focus on healthy eating and lifestyle!<br />

Sunday<br />

11th September<br />

2011<br />

Program includes:<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> Kids’ Club Tennis Activity<br />

White Owl Wellbeing Kinesiology<br />

Chinese Medicine<br />

Essential Oil workshop<br />

Mandala Magic Healing through Art<br />

Walk the Labyrinth<br />

… and much more!<br />

Where...<br />

Temple Society<br />

Community Hall<br />

and tennis club<br />

51 Elizabeth St<br />

Bayswater<br />

Free Zumba classes for all ages with Zumba Love<br />

Free Asthma education seminar with Asthma Victoria<br />

Free Mini boot camp with Contours Bayswater<br />

Free Art workshops with Art Therapists<br />

Free Senior Education Sessions with COTA<br />

Free teenage workshops by the Remedy Group<br />

Free workshop with Curves Wantirna<br />

Free kids’ activities including dress-ups and<br />

dolly hospital<br />

And LOTS of information stalls<br />

Hosted and organised by …...<br />

11 am<br />

to<br />

3 pm<br />

Melway Map 64, F7<br />

For more<br />

information -<br />

please contact<br />

Martina on<br />

0433 335 815<br />

...… and proudly supported by<br />

Come along for<br />

a great day out<br />

with the whole<br />

family!<br />

Food available for<br />

purchase includes:<br />

sushi, fruit skewers,<br />

muffins & slices,<br />

hot drinks & soup,<br />

cold drinks,<br />

etc ...


<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 25<br />

KIDS’ CLUB<br />

Sunday 4th September<br />

Fathers’ Day Service<br />

& Sunday School<br />

Bentleigh 10:15am<br />

Sunday 11th September KC Tennis morning Bayswater 10:00am<br />

Sunday 11th September Good Health for Life Expo Bayswater 11:00am<br />

Sunday 18th September<br />

Confirmation Service<br />

& Sunday School<br />

Bayswater 10:15am<br />

Saturday 8th &<br />

Sunday 9th October<br />

Glenk Farm Visit weekend Caveat (near Yea)<br />

Sunday 16th October Presentation Service & SS Bayswater 10:15am<br />

Sunday 30th October Service & Sunday School Bentleigh 10:15am<br />

Sunday 6th November<br />

Family Service<br />

& Community Picnic<br />

Bayswater 11:00am<br />

Sunday 20th November<br />

Service, Sunday School<br />

& Community Afternoon<br />

Bentleigh 3:15pm<br />

Saturday 17th December<br />

Weihnachtsfeier Community<br />

Christmas Pageant<br />

Bayswater<br />

Saturday 24th December<br />

Christmas Eve Service<br />

& Sunday School<br />

Bayswater 4:00pm<br />

Sunday 25th December<br />

Christmas Day Service<br />

& Sunday School<br />

Bentleigh 10:15am<br />


How much fun can you have<br />

with a newspaper? Heaps! We<br />

started by dressing up as ‘the<br />

emperor’s new clothes’ and had<br />

an array of kings, queens,<br />

pirates and princesses all<br />

created with newspaper! Then<br />

we hop-scotched, searched for<br />

clues, pinned tails, blew<br />

balloons, walked the plank and<br />

bowled our way into the record<br />

books becoming legends in our<br />

own minds right until snack<br />

time, where some more scrummy<br />

creations were discovered.

Page 26 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

Thanks to Prue for organising, Susi for<br />

ideas and of course all the families who<br />

helped and joined in on the day! Beate K<br />

Also a huge thankyou to Beate for<br />

coordinating this activity and pulling<br />

everything together!<br />

Fun at the Kids’ Club family games afternoon<br />

Photos Beate Kuerschner<br />


When: Sunday 11th September 2011<br />

Where: <strong>Templer</strong> Tennis Club, 51 Elizabeth St, Bayswater<br />

Time:<br />

10:00am to 11:00am and then stay on<br />

for more great Good Health for Life Expo activities!<br />

What to bring:<br />

Sunscreen, drink bottle, your own racquet if you<br />

have one<br />

What to wear: Hat, comfortable clothing and runners!

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 27<br />

All racquets, balls and other equipment supplied.<br />

Lots of fun, exercise and fitness, games, prizes and<br />

giveaways!<br />

Bookings for the tennis are essential!<br />

To reserve your place or for further inquiries, please ring Diana or Stuart<br />

Sutterby.<br />

Family Games Afternoon, 7.8.2011 Photos Beate Kuerschner

Page 28 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

GLENK FARM VISIT – Saturday 8 th and Sunday 9 th October<br />

Make sure you mark these dates in your diaries so you don’t miss out on a<br />

great weekend of fun and frolicking at the Glenk Farm! You can come for a<br />

day or camp over the whole weekend. Full details will be sent out to all<br />

interested families – young and old – and will also be appearing in the<br />

October TR. For all enquiries or to book your spot, contact Susi or Rolf.<br />

Continued from page 5<br />

A Happy Birthday to:<br />

Jessica Weller Lachlan Glenk<br />

Brendan Wied Nathan Le Maitre<br />

Kelilah Breisch Alexander O'Brien<br />

Charlotte Breisch Cooper Knaub<br />

Nicholas Franz<br />

As ‘<strong>temple</strong>s’ infused with the divine, we have the task – and want – to set<br />

excellent standards and act as good citizens and conscientious workers or<br />

employers, parents, teachers, sports people… And we want our politicians,<br />

bankers and businessmen to be good citizens, too, working not just for<br />

greedy profit, but also with integrity for the common good, for social justice.<br />

We <strong>Templer</strong>s are fortunate to have the support of our Community. For the<br />

TS to be an effective example, each one of us must do our bit to be the best<br />

we can be.<br />

Herta Uhlherr

Dear Friends,<br />

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 29<br />

TTHA<br />

Our chairman, Hardy Weller, is spending his well-earned holidays in sunny<br />

Queensland and sends his best wishes to us all.<br />

He will be back in early October. In the meantime I will try to inform you<br />

about the latest developments at TTHA.<br />

Currently 113 of 118 beds are occupied. The resident ratio is 72 (64%) AGWS<br />

and 41 (36%) TSA. Furthermore, unit 13/30 Elizabeth Street has been sold.<br />

Settlement date is the 26 th September. Independent Living Units 11 and 19<br />

on site are vacant and will be renovated. Apartment 434 is currently vacant<br />

and has to be renovated before it becomes available for occupation. The costs<br />

for these renovations will be considerable. At this time, only one of the<br />

CACPs (Community Aged Care Packages) is still available.<br />

Como Parade, a consulting company, has started work with the management<br />

of TTHA. Their first job, the proper classification of our residents according<br />

to the rules and guidelines of ACFI, has been done. This should enable TTHA<br />

to receive all the government funding it is entitled to.<br />

We are always on the lookout for volunteers to help our residents. Anyone<br />

who thinks that he or she can spare some time for lonely people and<br />

enlighten their days would be welcome. Please contact Natasha Wilkinson,<br />

our CEO, for further information.<br />

The Annual General Meeting of TTHA will take place on 15 th October<br />

at 11:00am at the <strong>Templer</strong> Bayswater Hall. All members of the Parent<br />

Societies are invited to participate.<br />

Best wishes,<br />

Liebe Freunde,<br />

Hubert Kirchmann<br />

Unser Vorsitzender, Hardy Weller, hat seinen wohlverdienten Urlaub<br />

angetreten und schickt seine Grüße an alle aus dem sonnigen Queensland.<br />

Somit fiel mir die Aufgabe zu, Sie für diesen und den nächsten Monat zu<br />

informieren.<br />

Z.Zt. sind 113 von 118 Betten belegt, davon 72 von Mitgliedern der AGWS<br />

(64%) und 41 von Mitgliedern der TSA (36%). Weiterhin kann ich berichten,<br />

dass Unit 13/30 Elizabeth Street verkauft wurde. Der Übergabetermin ist der<br />

26.9. Die Heim-Units 11 und 19 sind frei und müssen renoviert werden.

Page 30 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

Apartment 434 steht auch leer und muss mit einem erheblichen Aufwand<br />

renoviert werden. Von den CACPs steht zum Zeitpunkt dieses Schreibens<br />

noch eines zur Verfügung.<br />

Como Parade, die von TTHA beauftragte Beratungsfirma, hat ihre Tätigkeit<br />

aufgenommen. Die ersten Neu-Einstufungen entsprechend den Richtlinien<br />

der ACFI wurden bereits durchgeführt. Dies sollte uns helfen, die uns<br />

zustehende staatliche Unterstützung in vollem Umfang zu erhalten.<br />

Wie immer möchten wir uns an Sie, liebe Leser, wenden um für freiwillige<br />

Helfer zu werben. Wir suchen Menschen, die glauben, ab und zu ein paar<br />

Stunden erübrigen zu können, um den Heimbewohnern das Leben zu<br />

erleichtern. Falls Sie interesiert sind, melden Sie sich bitte bei Fr. Natasha<br />

Wilkinson, CEO.<br />

Am Samstag, den 15. Oktober um 11:00 Uhr findet unsere diesjährige<br />

Hauptversammlung in der <strong>Templer</strong> Bayswater Halle statt. Das<br />

Committee of Management (CoM) lädt alle Mitglieder der Trägergesellschaften<br />

herzlichst dazu ein.<br />

Viele Grüße,<br />


The Liedertafel Arion choir (German Tivoli Club) is<br />

performing at Luther College (Croydon)<br />

on Sunday 18 th September from 2:00pm.<br />

Das Leben ist Schönheit, bewundere sie.<br />

Das Leben ist ein Spiel, spiele es.<br />

Das Leben ist eine Pflicht, erfülle sie.<br />

Das Leben ist eine Hymne, singe sie.<br />

Das Leben ist Liebe, erfreue dich an ihr.<br />

Das Leben ist ein Versprechen, erfülle es.<br />

Das Leben ist kostbar, geh sorgfältig damit um.<br />

Hubert Kirchmann<br />

Tickets can be bought at the door for $25 each. A concert<br />

DVD of the singing of old German songs is to be produced.<br />

Net proceeds from the DVD will be donated 50:50 to<br />

Martin Luther Homes (Boronia) and TTHA (Bayswater).<br />

Contact Bill Verran for more information.


<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 31<br />


Sun 4.9. Be 10:15 Fathers’ Day Service Christa Lingham<br />

Sun 11.9. TTHA 10:30 Service Herta Uhlherr<br />

Sun 18.9. Ba 10:15 Confirmation Service Renate Weber<br />

Sun 25.9. Sy 10:30 Service Renate Beilharz<br />

Sun 2.10. CV 11:00 Tynong – Service Herta Uhlherr<br />


Be 4.9. Fathers’ Day – Regina Imberger<br />

Ba 18.9. Confirmation – Ingrid and Lisa Beilharz<br />

PRESENTATION SERVICE – 16 th October Bayswater 10:15am<br />

Parents wishing to have their children presented at this service in the<br />

Community Chapel are asked to contact the Office to register.<br />

COUNTRY VICTORIA – Tynong 2 nd October<br />

The next Country <strong>Templer</strong> Service will be at the home of Heinz Bulach,<br />

starting at 11:00am, followed by communal lunch. Please BYO plates,<br />

cutlery, some savoury and sweet food to share, and a friend or two.<br />

The Rosa bus is unavailable (it’s taking choir members to the Sängerfest in<br />

S.A.). Could those drivers able to take passengers and those wanting a lift,<br />

please advise the TSA Office so that car pooling can be arranged.<br />

Dot Ware<br />

We hope our choir has a wonderful time at the Sängerfest!<br />


On Saturday 10 th September from 11:00am to 4:00pm the parents and<br />

friends of the Deutsche Schule Melbourne (www.dsm.org.au) invite you to<br />

join them at the 4 th annual Oktober Fete.<br />

Everyone is welcome and the ‘Silver Echoes’ band, folk dancers and the new<br />

DSM Children's Choir will provide the fitting atmosphere for visitors to<br />


Page 32 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

sample traditional German Bratwurst, soup, pretzels, coffee and cake and, of<br />

course, German beer! The animal farm, treasure hunt, fairy floss, a box maze<br />

and bouncing castle will keep the kids in action. The ‘Lucky Dip bottle’ stall,<br />

the Silent Auction and Raffle promise great prizes. For children and adults<br />

alike, the plate-smashing stall will give an unusual opportunity to practise<br />

their throwing skills: in German tradition, shards are thought to bring good<br />

luck!<br />

Please join us for a day of family fun at 96 Barkly Street, Fitzroy North.<br />

Bernd Kalinna, for DSM<br />

MULTIFAITH YOUTH RETREAT – 10 th and 11 th September<br />

Shiva Yoga (www.shivayoga.org) in association with Interaction Multifaith<br />

Youth Network (www.interaction.org.au) present a free weekend (Saturday<br />

10:00am to Sunday 2:00pm) residential retreat open to young people (18-26<br />

years old) from diverse faith backgrounds.<br />

Food, accommodation, workshops and activities all provided. The retreat<br />

includes an Interfaith Awards Ceremony. There are limited places available<br />

and bookings are essential.<br />

Learn about shared values of diverse faith traditions; exchange ideas with<br />

people from other faiths and work towards common action; develop skills to<br />

become a future leader in your own faith community; get your hands dirty<br />

helping build a Multifaith Garden.<br />

Where: Shiva Yoga at 27 Tower Road, Mt Eliza<br />

To apply: Ring Amba at Shiva Yoga on by 3 rd September<br />

Cost: Free<br />


Amba for Shiva Yoga, via Knox Inter-faith<br />

St. John's Orana Fellowship and The Ladies' Guild invite you to<br />

a Fashion Parade by Blumes, to be followed by a light luncheon<br />

on Wednesday 14 th September at 10:30am<br />

at St John's Anglican Church<br />

Cnr Centre and Tucker Roads, Bentleigh<br />

Donation $10 includes door prize.<br />

RSVP: by 5 th September to Enid McGrail, Secretary<br />

or Helga Anderson

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 33<br />

ECUMENICAL LUNCHEON – 23 rd September<br />

You are cordially invited. It begins at 12:00 noon at St Paul’s Church, 122<br />

Jasper Road, Bentleigh, in the new Parish Hall. Donation $15.<br />

We hope you will be free to come and enjoy fellowship with your fellow<br />

Christians on that day. The speaker will be Sister Rita Malavisi, RSJ,<br />

Vocations Director, Sisters of St Joseph. We trust that we will see you there.<br />

There will be raffles and a stall.<br />


Patricia Baxter and Aileen Gallagher<br />

The next sessions in Bayswater will be held on Tuesday 13 th and 27 th<br />

September from 10:00am till approximately 12:30pm in the Activity Room<br />

at TTHA. Please advise Helga Kuerschner if you will be attending on the 27 th ,<br />

as this is during the school holidays and Helga needs to know who will come,<br />

to ensure it is worthwhile.<br />

In order to finalise a few things, sessions in Bentleigh will be held on Friday<br />

2 nd September and Friday 7 th October at 25 Catherine Road East<br />

Bentleigh from 7:00pm. We will also meet as per usual on Saturday 24 th<br />

September and Saturday 15 th October at the back of the Bentleigh Hall<br />

– if not being used – from 2:00-4:00pm. Some new faces would be very<br />

welcome. I have a few things organised for others to do, but am happy for<br />

people to come along with their own ideas as to what we can make for the<br />

Adventsfeier craft stalls. Ring me if you intend to come along.<br />

Marianne Herrmann, for the Craft Groups<br />

YARRA BEND WALK – Saturday 3 rd September<br />

10:30am at Studley Park Boathouse car park, Melways 2D, F8<br />

We did not go last month, so we’ll try again. We will start at the Studley Park<br />

boathouse and walk along the Yarra River and Merri Creek, following the<br />

various loops and turns of both. We will be passing Fairfield boathouse,<br />

where we could stop for coffee before returning to the Studley Park boathouse.<br />

Please ring me or email me at murray58@optusnet.com.au if you plan to<br />

come. On the day I will have my mobile. I hope to see new participants –<br />

many of the regular walkers are away on holidays.<br />

Trudi Murray

Page 34 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

ART EXHIBITION – 21 st September to 9 th October<br />

Erica Wagner is having an exhibition called Dark Horse at the Cambridge<br />

Studio Gallery, 52 Cambridge Street, Collingwood VIC. Melways Ref: 2C E12.<br />

Open: Wednesday to Sunday 11:00am to 5:00pm<br />

Websites: www.cambridgestudiogallery.com.au<br />

www.ericawagner.com.au Ed.<br />

POSITION BECOMING VACANT – Playgroup Coordinator<br />

The TSA is looking for a new Playgroup Coordinator from Term 4 (October)<br />

or Term 1 (February) onwards.<br />

A full Position Description is available from the TSA Office and the job would<br />

involve approximately 4 to 6 hours of work per week.<br />

Please direct all enquiries and applications to Susi Richter, Community<br />

Youth Coordinator: email: susi@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

post: 152 Tucker Rd Bentleigh 3204<br />

SUMMER CAMP 2012 – Leaders needed!<br />

Summer Camp 2012 will take place from Sunday 8 th to Saturday 14 th<br />

January and leaders are now being sought. No previous experience is<br />

needed to be a Summer Camp Leader, but you do need to be over 18 years<br />

and will need a current Working With Children Check. If you are interested<br />

in helping out, please contact me as soon as possible (see above).<br />

Susi Richter, Community Youth Coordinator<br />

FAMILY CAMP 2012/2013<br />

Thursday 27 th December 2012 to Wednesday 2 nd January 2013<br />

This family camp in 14 months’ time is again being held in Sydney at the<br />

Lands Edge Chowder Bay campsite right on the harbour in the heart of<br />

Sydney!<br />

ALL families of ALL ages are invited to come and enjoy this spectacular<br />

location! We are taking bookings now, since we have to pay a large deposit,<br />

so contact me (see above) to find out more and please book early.<br />

Susi Richter, Community Youth Coordinator

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 35<br />


Wilhelma presented by Horst Blaich<br />

Wilhelma 1949<br />

Image from The<br />

changing Land<br />

between the Jordan<br />

and the Sea<br />

by Benjamin Z. Kedar<br />

After the Kaiser’s visit in 1898, the ‘Society for the Advancement of the<br />

German Settlements in Palestine’ was founded in Stuttgart. The purpose of<br />

the <strong>society</strong> was the active support of the German colonists in Palestine, above<br />

all by the granting of loans for buying land or for setting up businesses.<br />

The financial support by this association enabled the <strong>Templer</strong>s, after<br />

protracted negotiations with the Arab landowners, to buy eight square<br />

kilometres of land not far from Lydda to establish an agricultural colony in<br />

1902 (today Bnei Atarot). A number of the <strong>Templer</strong>s of Jaffa and Sarona<br />

moved to the new location, whose original name – Hamidiyeh-Wilhelma –<br />

was to express the colonists’ thanks to the three persons without whose<br />

support the fifth <strong>Templer</strong> settlement in the Holy Land would not have been<br />

thinkable: the Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid II, King Wilhelm of<br />

Württemberg and the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, Protector of the German

Page 36 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

Protestant Christians in the Holy Land and their keenest advocate at the<br />

Sublime Porte.<br />

Featuring a main road 1400m in length and 18m in width, plus a 520m<br />

central crossroad of 12m width, the colony, designed by Theodor Sandel, was<br />

very generously planned – especially since, to begin with, only two dozen<br />

main buildings and as many outbuildings were erected. By 1903, about 100<br />

settlers populated the settlement, which soon was simply called Wilhelma,<br />

and 30 children attended school in the community house. The agriculturally<br />

productive land was laid out and planted to olive trees, grain fields,<br />

grapevines and a small almond plantation, as well as to artificially irrigated<br />

orange groves.<br />

In addition, an agricultural school with new methods was brought into being<br />

a short time later (1909). Possibilities were targeted to increase crop yields<br />

by the application of chemical fertilisers with surprising success. The<br />

German agricultural production surpassed that of the Fellahs in a ratio of<br />

25:7. The farmers also worked towards upgrading the cattle breeds in the<br />

Holy Land. Feeding practices and regular vaccinations contributed to the fact<br />

that the dairy cows of the German settlers were not only considerably bigger<br />

and more robust than the local cattle, but also yielded substantially more<br />

milk.<br />

from Cultural Change in Palestine… by Jakob Eisler<br />

Wilhelma in the early days Image Matson Collection Library of Congress USA

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 37<br />

Wilhelma Sunday outing from <strong>Templer</strong> Community Collection in Albert Blaich Family Archive (ABFA)<br />

Threshing time in Wilhelma Image from <strong>Templer</strong> Community Collection in ABFA

Page 38 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />


The first nine years of my life were spent living with my parents, aunts and<br />

uncles in the <strong>Templer</strong> settlement of Wilhelma, one of six in Palestine.<br />

What was it like living in Wilhelma? About 50 families, or 200 inhabitants,<br />

lived along its 1.5km long main street and its 0.5km long cross road. Our<br />

school, community hall, hotel and football ground filled the corner sites at<br />

the intersection. We had a blacksmith, a wheelwright, a saddler, a joiner, two<br />

teachers, a school, a kindergarten, a business manager, a shopkeeper, a<br />

Bürgermeister (mayor), but no policeman, no radio, no telephone, no newspapers,<br />

no TV, no gas, no electricity, no sewer, no sealed roads or footpaths.<br />

Gum trees providing shade lined the streets, while peppercorn trees were<br />

common in front yards. Most houses where double-storied with gable-ended<br />

terracotta roofs and with a cellar in the time-honoured German tradition.<br />

Wilhelma main street Image from Hans Richter Collection in ABFA<br />

Most homes had Arab domestic helpers coming to work in the house and<br />

several farmhands to help with the animals. Others worked irrigating or<br />

harvesting crops or delivering produce to the markets. Wilhelma had<br />

extensive orange and mandarin groves, vineyards, maize, watermelon and<br />

rock melon fields, all grown on land about ten or twelve times the size of the<br />

Wilhelma settlement itself. Some of this land could be irrigated with bore<br />

water raised by diesel-powered pumps from bores 30 or more metres deep.

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 39<br />

The sense of community in Wilhelma was palpable, especially on weekends<br />

and feast days; weddings and funerals were always communal affairs. We<br />

kids were treated as if we were part of a very large extended family. One<br />

family’s grief or good fortune was shared by all as if it were their own. The<br />

bell was rung for weddings and, of course, as a call to Sunday divine service.<br />

Funeral processions to the nearby cemetery were accompanied by the slow<br />

and muffled tolling of our bell.<br />

Each family owned a 40x250 metre block of land (1ha), on which they had<br />

their own house built. Each family looked after its own finances, but they<br />

knew that in hard times the whole community would come to their aid. In<br />

fact, during the early years, the <strong>Templer</strong> farmers were obliged to hand 10% of<br />

their produce to a community warehouse for hardship relief. It was a matter<br />

of pride among <strong>Templer</strong>s not to become a burden to others.<br />

There also was a <strong>Templer</strong> Bank, held in high regard in Palestine, to the point<br />

where even Baron Rothschild channelled his funds for Jewish settlements<br />

through it.<br />

Manfred Löbert<br />

Wedding of Eugen Kazenwadel and Erna Richter, 1932 Hans Richter Collection in ABFA

Page 40 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />

Confirmation in Wilhelma 1936 – l. to r. Frieder Vollmer, Ella Dreher, Willi Reichert, Erika<br />

Frank, Alfred Hönig (teacher), Heinrich Sawatzky (Elder), Alma Imberger, Peter Decker,<br />

Hans Richter, Walter Hahn, Otto Sawatzky<br />

Wilhelma 1990 Image from The changing Land between the Jordan and the Sea<br />

by Benjamin Z. Kedar

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 41<br />

Early Wilhelma Image from Christian Imberger Collection in ABFA<br />


at the<br />


August to November 2011<br />

All welcome

Page 42 <strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011<br />




11 th September<br />

9 th October<br />

23 rd October<br />

Rolf Glenk<br />

Manfred Haering<br />

Heinz-D.Herrmann<br />

Richard Herrmann<br />

Uli Hoefer<br />

Thomas Knaub<br />

Keys to lawn mowers etc. can be<br />

collected from Tony.<br />

If working on Sunday, try to avoid<br />

starting machinery before 10:00am to<br />

comply with Noise Restrictions in the<br />

City of Knox.<br />

Tony Beilharz<br />

To arrange an alternate date or a<br />

swap, please contact your partner<br />

and/or the appropriate member and<br />

arrange the swap directly.<br />


Seeking a good home for this sausage<br />

machine, which was initially used in<br />

Palestine. The machine was brought to<br />

Australia in the 1950s.<br />

For further details contact Peter Ware<br />

17 th September<br />

8 th October<br />

Bernie Weberruss<br />

Roland Leschinski<br />

Dieter Kazenwadel<br />

Peter Ware<br />

Normal start time is 9:00am. Both<br />

lawn mowers can be operated<br />

without a catcher (the preferred<br />

method). If the grass is too long,<br />

then one of the mowers can have a<br />

catcher installed.<br />

Lawnmowing should include the<br />

Secret Garden area (at back of<br />

Office). Please don’t put lawn<br />

clippings in Secret Garden area<br />

(green waste bin is now available<br />

for lawn clippings).<br />

Peter Ware<br />

Paul Weberruss

<strong>Templer</strong> <strong>Record</strong> 742 – September 2011 Page 43<br />


1 Thur<br />

2 Fri Craft Be 19:00; Telelink<br />

3 Sat Yarra Bend Walk 10:30<br />

4 SUN Fathers’ Day Service + SS Be 10:15<br />

5 Mon<br />

6 Tue<br />

7 Wed<br />

8 Thur<br />

9 Fri Seniors’ Group Sy 11:30 RC Ba 19:30<br />

10 Sat Deutsche Schule Melbourne Oktober Fete from 11:00; Multifaith Youth Retreat<br />

11 SUN Service TTHA 10:30; KC Tennis 10:00; Good Health For Life Ba 11:00-15:00<br />

12 Mon �<br />

13 Tue Craft Ba 10:00; Ladies’ Afternoon Be 12:00<br />

14 Wed Fashion Parade and Lunch at St John’s 10:30<br />

15 Thur<br />

16 Fri Telelink<br />

17 Sat<br />

18 SUN Confirmation Service Ba 10:15; Liedertafel Arion Concert 14:00<br />

19 Mon<br />

20 Tue<br />

21 Wed<br />

22 Thur<br />

23 Fri Ecumenical Lunch at St Paul’s Bentleigh 12:00<br />

24 Sat Craft Be 14:00<br />

25 SUN Service Sy 10:30<br />

26 Mon<br />

27 Tue Craft Ba 10:00 �<br />

28 Wed<br />

29 Thur<br />

30 Fri Sängerfest Tanunda; Telelink<br />

OCTOBER 2011<br />

1 Sat Sängerfest Tanunda<br />

2 SUN Sängerfest Tanunda; CV Service Tynong 11:00; Youth Activity<br />

New Moon � Full Moon �

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