November - temple society australia

November - temple society australia

November - temple society australia


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Templer Record<br />

Published monthly in AUSTRALIA since 1946<br />

(originally “CIRCULAR of the TEMPLE SOCIETY in AUSTRALIA”)<br />

REFLECTIONS ................................. 2<br />

Remember .................................... 2<br />

Text: Jesus heals on the Sabbath . 2<br />

Lessons from a Grandfather......... 4<br />

Getting out of Bed ........................ 5<br />

They teach it at Stanford .............. 5<br />

OMG – a sign of the times............ 6<br />

REGIONAL MATTERS.................... 7<br />

TS150 Jubilee Supplement........... 7<br />

Social Care .................................... 7<br />

MEMBERS AND FRIENDS............ 9<br />

Birthdays ...................................... 9<br />

Births ............................................ 9<br />

Bereavements ............................. 10<br />

Sängerfest in Tanunda............... 10<br />

CV Tynong .................................. 14<br />

SYDNEY ...........................................15<br />

50 th Anniversary ..........................15<br />

YOUTH.............................................17<br />

Youth Calendar............................17<br />

Werribee Zoo Outing...................17<br />

Go-Karting Report...................... 18<br />

Family Service & Picnic.............. 19<br />

TG Break-up & Planning Day..... 19<br />

Summer Camp............................ 19<br />

KIDS’ CLUB ...................................20<br />

Upcoming Events .......................20<br />

Glenk Farm Visit ........................ 21<br />

TTHA............................................... 22<br />

TTHA Weihnachtsmarkt ........... 23<br />

President’s Annual Report ......... 25<br />

Remembrance<br />

CONTENTS <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

CEO’s Report.............................. 27<br />

NOTICES ........................................ 29<br />

Coming Services......................... 29<br />

Flower Roster ............................. 29<br />

Family Service & Picnic.............. 29<br />

Volkstrauertag........................... 30<br />

Remembrance Service.................31<br />

<strong>November</strong> Walk ..........................31<br />

Position vacant........................... 33<br />

Scrapbooking.............................. 33<br />

German School Adventsfeier ..... 33<br />

Bentleigh German Classes ......... 33<br />

Advent in Bentleigh.................... 34<br />

Advent in Bayswater .................. 35<br />

Christmas Greetings in TR......... 35<br />

Community Christmas Ba.......... 35<br />

Adventskranz Making................ 36<br />

Craft Sessions............................. 36<br />

Welcoming Bayswater................ 37<br />

German Pension Survey............. 37<br />

New Year’s Eve in Bayswater..... 38<br />

THE HERITAGE PAGES.............. 39<br />

LAWNMOWING ROSTERS.......... 46<br />

CALENDAR NOVEMBER ............. 47<br />

In deutscher Sprache:<br />

TTHA Liebe Freunde..................... 22<br />

Boronia Halle................................. 44<br />

- - -<br />

Flyers: Comm. Picnic, Adventsfeier

Family Service ...... 11am<br />

Sunday 6 th <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

Bayswater Chapel<br />

This service will feature performances<br />

of some of our very finest young<br />

musicians; the inaugural appearance<br />

of our ...... YOUTH ROCK BAND!!<br />

Please come to support our talented musicians, for some entertainment<br />

and to enjoy a little reflection time and community spirit.<br />

We hope to see lots of young people and families there!<br />

... followed by Community Picnic<br />

Families, young and old are invited to enjoy a great day under our<br />

beautiful trees at the Bayswater Chapel! There’ll be a sausage sizzle<br />

communal lunch, afternoon tea and fun games for the kids.<br />

Please BYO all your picnic gear as well as a salad & /or afternoon tea<br />

to share — sausages, bread, sauce, tea, coffee and cordial supplied.<br />

If the weather is warm there’ll be water games for the kids so you<br />

may need to throw in a towel and some spare clothes!<br />

At 3pm we will also be holding the FIRST<br />

‘Annual Teenage Group Tug of War Challenge’<br />

To enter you MUST be a TEENager – thirTEEN to<br />

nineTEEN years old! So get your friends together<br />

and see if your team can rise to the challenge!<br />

...... BUT be warned!!<br />

This will be a tug of war with a difference!



An invitation is extended to everyone to attend<br />

our<br />

traditional German Advent celebration.<br />

To be held in the<br />

Temple Society Hall<br />

152 Tucker Road Bentleigh<br />

Sunday 4 th December<br />

commencing at 2:30pm.<br />

The afternoon includes singing<br />

Christmas Carols, listening to our<br />

Ladies’ choir, stories and poems in<br />

both German and English.<br />

Coffee and cake will be served.<br />

Attendees are asked to bring some<br />

Christmas fare that will be shared.<br />

Special Christmas decorations<br />

and gifts will be available for<br />

purchase from our bazaar at<br />

the conclusion of formalities.<br />

Admission is free.

Page 2 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />



<strong>November</strong> is traditionally remembrance month<br />

Give me your hand, my love,<br />

don’t let me sink into sadness.<br />

My body has already learned<br />

the grief of your absence,<br />

but despite the blows<br />

it still wants to live.<br />

Don’t go away, love,<br />

meet me in my dreams,<br />

defend your memory,<br />

my memory of you<br />

that I don’t want to lose.<br />

We are voice and echo,<br />

mirror and face,<br />

give me your hand – Wait,<br />

I have to rearrange my time Claribel Alegria<br />

until I reach you. Nicaraguan poet, tr. C. Forcheé<br />

TEXT OF THE MONTH – John 5:1-18 and Matthew 12:1-14<br />

Jesus heals on the Sabbath<br />

On two separate occasions Jesus healed sick men, one who had been unable<br />

to walk for 38 years and one with a paralysed hand. Jesus believed it was his<br />

duty to heal these men; he knew he had special powers to help people and he<br />

felt he had to use these powers when they were needed – this was the right<br />

thing to do.<br />

It’s like one of us helping the other when we can, in a general way or perhaps<br />

with a particular talent we have. Can you remember a time when you were<br />

able to help someone with something special, or when another person<br />

offered you a much-needed hand? Can you remember the good feeling it<br />

gave you and probably the other person, too? To help and to let yourself be<br />

helped are both wonderful things.<br />

These stories about Jesus helping the sick men both occurred on the<br />

Sabbath, the day of rest. The Jewish laws, strictly kept by the Pharisees,<br />

stated that no one must work on the Sabbath (a bit like our Sundays used to

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 3<br />

be!). The Pharisees regarded what Jesus was doing as work and were not<br />

pleased that this work was carried out on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were so<br />

fanatical about keeping their laws that they could not see the good in what<br />

Jesus was doing. They could not appreciate how the healed men, whose legs<br />

and hand were healed, must have felt. All they could see was that someone<br />

had broken the law. Theirs was a narrow-minded belief, a blinkered view<br />

which could not tolerate anything different, even if it was positive. To us it<br />

seems absurd that the Pharisees were angry with Jesus, doesn’t it?<br />

But Jesus knew that what he was doing was right. His reply to people who<br />

questioned him was that, above anything else, it was ‘kindness that God<br />

wanted. …What does our law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To help or to<br />

harm? To save a man’s life or destroy it? You would rescue a sheep from a pit<br />

on the Sabbath. Aren’t people more important?’ Jesus felt that, on this<br />

occasion, being kind to the sick men was more important than the law, which<br />

didn’t even allow the cured man to carry his mat home on the Sabbath.<br />

We think that Jesus did not make a habit of breaking rules and we know that<br />

not all rules are nonsensical. Fortunately, most of our modern-day rules do<br />

not prevent us from being kind to and looking after others – most actually<br />

facilitate this! The rules we have in place at school, at home, in the workplace<br />

and in broader <strong>society</strong> exist to maintain order, to protect us and to encourage<br />

us to respect each other, our property and the world around us. In short, to<br />

do what we can to make the world the best possible place to live in. Rules<br />

and laws which sometimes seem to restrict us in our activities or to limit our<br />

choices usually aim only to help us live in harmony with each other.<br />

The overriding thing we need to remember is why he broke the law – it was<br />

to help others in genuine need. Jesus did not believe there was a good time<br />

and a bad time to help people. Why should it be OK to assist people at<br />

certain times and not at others? He believed that other people and our love<br />

for them is the most important thing and that any time is a good time to help<br />

someone in their moment of need. As Templers we believe this, too, it is<br />

reflected in our aim, emanating from the twin commandments of love in<br />

Matthew 22:37-39: Love God with all your being, and love your neighbour<br />

as yourself.<br />

We firmly believe that to give of ourselves and to be of best service to others<br />

and our community, in whatever way we are able, is a demonstration of<br />

utmost respect and love. Let us try to remember this as we go about our<br />

business, doing our best to stay within the law and simultaneously observing<br />

the Temple Society’s aim, which is based on Jesus’ teaching. It is not always<br />

an easy task!<br />

Christine Ruff<br />

From a Family Service in October 2001.

Page 4 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />


A Quaker grandfather to his grandchildren<br />

Take advantage of today – for your own sake and the sake of your family,<br />

your community, and all of humanity. Know that ‘way will open’, no matter<br />

how difficult the present may appear.<br />

Learn to trust your own mind, with its wonderful richness and<br />

versatility – this is how you find out who you really are, what makes you tick.<br />

Hold high expectations for yourself and for others. People rise to<br />

expectations. Listen to your gut, trust your instincts and your common sense.<br />

We can adjust to change, improvise and proceed as ‘way opens’ – as we sense<br />

guidance when we hold still.<br />

Play a team sport you love!<br />

You learn things you need to know to get along successfully in life.<br />

� Be ready for anything, knowing that there’s only so much you can<br />

control.<br />

� Function at your highest level, knowing that you are only one person in<br />

a company of equals.<br />

� Remain composed under pressure.<br />

� Get to know and enjoy the variety, uniqueness, and humanity of people<br />

who may be very different from you.<br />

� Experience the happiness that comes from doing your best and from<br />

performing well, whether you win or lose.<br />

� Learn to keep going despite overwhelming odds.<br />

� Learn to win and lose gracefully.<br />

Playing a team sport is a powerful antidote to self-centredness and part of<br />

the functioning intelligence that guides the way you manage your adult<br />

business and the way you make the best of every day.<br />

Make your love visible in the world through your work. Much time<br />

and energy goes into work – make it count. Find a sense of self-worth in your<br />

work by making yourself an instrument for healing, for service, for siding<br />

with light against darkness. Try what love will do.<br />

Look for the light of God in every person. It’s the challenge that<br />

defines our humanity. Improve yourself and the world as you can.<br />

Let your life speak. Have the patience to be silent and listen for truth. The<br />

way you conduct your public and private affairs shows who you are. Be the<br />

best you can be.<br />

Based on ‘A Quaker Book of Wisdom’ by R.L. Smith. The thinking of the<br />

Society of Friends is very like Templer thinking in many areas.

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 5<br />


An addendum to the 17 th October Service<br />

You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment<br />

and then disappears. James 4:14<br />

In the thanksgiving service, I said:<br />

We all may have times when we wonder if it is worth getting out of bed,<br />

pruning the roses, donating to World Vision, going to work, being patient<br />

with the neighbour, correcting essays, walking the dog, cleaning the house<br />

and so on. Nevertheless, most of us manage it. We are not overwhelmed by a<br />

sense of insignificance. Why not? Two ideas come to my mind: faith and<br />

love. I am sure there are more, and the reasons vary from one person to<br />

another.<br />

The next day, I finished reading a most amazing story which explores love,<br />

life and death. The Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder is written from the point<br />

of view of a 15-year-old boy, who is reading a letter that his late father wrote<br />

to him twelve years ago. The novel embeds a thoughtful philosophical<br />

discussion of the value of life, in the context of a life cut short by death. It<br />

addresses the ideas I touched upon in the thanksgiving service in a deeper,<br />

more logical manner, culminating in a rational and poignant conclusion.<br />

I recommend this novel to anyone wishing to further reflect on the value of<br />

life. This book will most likely be available from your local library.<br />

Renate Beilharz<br />

Collection – The Piggy Bank Appeal and the collection at the above service<br />

for Very Special Kids came to $281.80. Thank you.<br />


I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the<br />

mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The<br />

speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one<br />

of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a<br />

woman, whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her<br />

health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.<br />

At first everyone laughed, but he was serious.<br />

Women connect with each other differently and provide systems that help<br />

each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically, this<br />

quality ‘girlfriend time’ helps us to create more serotonin – a<br />

neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general

Page 6 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

feeling of well-being. Women share feelings, whereas men often form<br />

relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk<br />

about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are<br />

going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But<br />

their feelings? Rarely.<br />

Women do it all the time. We share from our souls with our sisters and<br />

mothers, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that<br />

spending more time with a friend is just as important to our general health<br />

as jogging or working out at a gym.<br />

There’s a tendency to think that when we are ‘exercising’ we are doing<br />

something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we<br />

are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged – not true. In<br />

fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships<br />

with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking.<br />

So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on<br />

the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health!<br />

We are indeed very, very lucky. So let’s toast to our friendship with our<br />

girlfriends. Evidently it’s very good for our health.<br />


Driving along Dandenong Road recently, I had to<br />

smile at a new sign on the belltower of St Pauls’<br />

Malvern/Caulfield North (opposite the south end<br />

of Glenferrie Road). It was just the three letters<br />

OMG, reclaiming for Christians the exclamation<br />

‘Oh My God’ often used by young people.<br />

Apparently some people find it offensive; I<br />

wonder if they SMS it, though.<br />

Another sign at street level says:<br />

‘We pray; stuff happens’.<br />

It also made me smile.<br />

Have you seen any good signs lately?<br />

From the Women’s Retreat, sent in by a reader<br />

Herta Uhlherr Photo H. Uhlherr

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 7<br />


NOTES from the Regional Council<br />

We have just completed the statutory accounts for TSAL which now<br />

administers all of the finances of the TSA and shares the same name.<br />

Under the new arrangements it is the RC members who are the members of<br />

the company. An Annual General Meeting for the company was held by RC<br />

just prior to the TSA AGM to accept the Directors’ Report and Accounts, as<br />

well as to confirm Board appointments for the following year.<br />

An abridged version of the financials was handed out to those attending the<br />

TSA AGM for information and discussion on the day, although the accounts<br />

no longer need to be a formal part of the TSA AGM. If you did not attend the<br />

AGM and would like to receive a copy of these accounts, or indeed a full set<br />

of the statutory accounts, please contact us at the Office – they can either be<br />

mailed or emailed to TSA members.<br />

Analysis comments on the accounts will follow in a later TR.<br />


John Maddock, Administration Manager<br />

The special TS150 Jubilee Edition goes out with this TR. It contains a<br />

cross-section of Templer thinking after 150 years of our existence: extracts<br />

from the TS150 Services and articles by Elders in Australia and in Germany.<br />

The opinions expressed are diverse, which is normal in the TS, since we<br />

expect our members (in whom be believe God’s creative spirit is at work) to<br />

do their own reading, thinking and research. The Elders also remind us how<br />

unusual, and well worth preserving our spiritual legacy is.<br />

We hope you will keep this booklet and also show it to your family and<br />

friends. More copies are available from the TSA Office.<br />


Dear Friends,<br />

Herta Uhlherr, Editor<br />

There are so many wonderful things happening this month and into the<br />

coming year and I hope you will participate in some of them (if not all).<br />

Please take the time to read this article as there are a few changes to some of<br />

our planned events which may alter your ability to participate. I am currently

Page 8 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

planning for the coming year and would appreciate if you could let me know<br />

if there is an event you would like me to organise. More information in the<br />

next TR.<br />

There are currently three independent living units (ILUs) vacant at<br />

TTHA and it is imperative that we fill these as soon as possible. The move<br />

out of your family home is a big step and should be considered carefully.<br />

However, once the decision has been made to move into a unit, it can be a<br />

big weight off one’s shoulders. No more big gardens to upkeep or large house<br />

to keep clean and warm/cool during the changing seasons. Many people are<br />

leaving these decisions until the last minute and I urge you to consider<br />

down-sizing earlier rather than later! Please contact me ASAP if you are<br />

interested in looking at one of the available units.<br />

The Omas’ Retreat has been changed to a ‘Golden Girls Pamper Day’, as<br />

we didn’t have the numbers to book the venue at Phillip Island. We apologise<br />

if you were planning to attend the Omas’ Retreat, but we hope you will still<br />

consider attending the Golden Girls Pamper Day which will include some<br />

fine dining, pampering and time to catch up with friends and to make some<br />

new friends. The date will be just before the Women's Retreat on Thursday<br />

16 th August 2012, with the venue to be confirmed. Ingrid and I guarantee<br />

you will have a fantastic time! Some of you may wish to continue on to the<br />

Women's Retreat (if you are not helping out with grandchildren) and Sydney<br />

women may wish to stay on in Melbourne for the weekend and spend some<br />

time with their friends. Please let me know if you would like to receive more<br />

information about this day. Even if you have previously booked into the<br />

retreat, please contact me about this day, too, and I will send you more<br />

information once the details are finalised<br />

On Thursday 1 st December I will be attending an event titled ‘Stepping<br />

out to end violence against women’ at Lillydale Lake. This is being<br />

hosted by Women’s Health East and I invite anyone interested in attending<br />

and walking the 2.5km around the lake with me (or as far as you wish to or<br />

can walk) from 9:30am. I am happy to drive the Rosa bus from Bayswater if<br />

there are enough people (men, women and children all welcome). There will<br />

be activities and morning tea for the children and morning tea for the adults,<br />

as well as information regarding services available in the region. Please call<br />

me if you are interested in attending the walk. We will be leaving Bayswater<br />

at 9:00am sharp.<br />

I will be unable to drive the bus for Frauenverein in <strong>November</strong>, but will<br />

see you all in December.<br />

Martina Eaton, Community Care Worker<br />

email: careworker@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au


Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 9<br />


Wir gratulieren herzlich zum Geburtstag unserer Mitglieder:<br />

und wünschen auch allen hier nicht angeführten Geburtstagskindern alles<br />

Gute und Schöne zum neuen Lebensjahr – Happy Birthday!<br />

BIRTHS<br />

Horst Blaich Alfred Steltenkamp<br />

Hermann Uhlherr Hanskarl Baldenhofer<br />

Lucie Weller Hedl Beilharz<br />

Lotte Lange Ruth Weller<br />

Esther Gassmann Georg Weber<br />

Georg Bauer Willy Loebert<br />

Hetty Meyer Karl Richter<br />

Ilse Birkner Irene Ruff<br />

Heidi Vollmer Ingeborg Gronau<br />

Lara Jane Glenk, a sister for Oriel<br />

Parents: Brendon and Nevila Glenk<br />

Josefine Else Neve Volz<br />

Parents: Monica Neve and Thomas Volz<br />

Warm congratulations to these couples!

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Martha Wansky passed away suddenly at TTHA on 25.9.2011,<br />

aged 92. Martha joined the TSA in 2003 and was a resident in the<br />

Altersheim Wing. She had two daughters, Ingrid Regel (dec.) and<br />

Renate. Martha was an inward, reflective person who loved<br />

meditation and crystals.<br />

� � �<br />

Tine (Katharine) Luise Hunter née Beck, born 7.10.1921,<br />

passed away 30.9.2011 at almost 90 years of age. She was the<br />

daughter of Rudolf Beck and Marie née Krügler, and had been a<br />

long-time resident (hostel and nursing home) at St Hedwig Village<br />

in Blacktown. Ruhe ist Dir nun gegeben.<br />

Missed by daughters Sieglinde and Angelika with their families.<br />


Our condolences to these families<br />

Here are some snippets from the singers and groupies who attended the<br />

German Sängerfest in Tanunda from 30 th September to 3 rd October.<br />

Seventeen choirs singing together as one on stage was an exhilarating<br />

experience. The sound was phenomenal! I loved the interaction between the<br />

German choirs from all over Australia. I enjoyed the neat and pretty streets<br />

of Tanunda and surroundings with their German heritage. Helga Jürgensen<br />

I thoroughly enjoyed the Tanunda Sängerfest. The Templer Choir was<br />

among the best, well disciplined, harmonious and didn’t read from their<br />

folders! I also enjoyed the massed choir. Well done Monika [Strasser,<br />

conductor] and choristers – great! Dieter Glenk<br />

I enjoyed singing in the massed choir, especially when conductor Robert<br />

insisted on a piano section and everyone did their best, not loudest. Also,<br />

succeeding in presenting our Templer Choir pieces as Monika wanted<br />

(almost) was very satisfying. Volker Bulach<br />

It was lovely to be organised for a picnic lunch up on Menglers Hill Lookout.<br />

All the choir was there enjoying ourselves, in between rehearsals and<br />

performing. Gisela Bulach<br />

The choir sang beautifully, making all their hard work during rehearsals<br />

worthwhile. A couple of my ‘musical’ friends from Adelaide commented on

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 11<br />

how disciplined and attentive the Templer choristers were, and how nice it<br />

was to hear a choir that sang with varying dynamics. Monika Strasser<br />

The weekend was brilliant – wine and song aplenty in one of the best settings<br />

in the Barossa. Theo Richter<br />

‘My’ Sängerfest will be remembered<br />

as a mix of camaraderie<br />

(the fun of shared<br />

experiences), last-minute<br />

cramming of words and music,<br />

the satisfaction of knowing our<br />

choir performed well,<br />

admiration of Monika for<br />

getting us there, a yummy<br />

dinner and good dancing on<br />

the Saturday night (albeit in a<br />

very cold shed), and the thrill of singing in the huge mixed choir (but why<br />

does Heimat always cause me to choke up, especially during the soft bit,<br />

when it’s not even my Heimat anyway?). Vyrna Beilharz<br />

It was interesting to meet Theodor Stoll, who remembered the performance<br />

of Wilhelm Tell in the Tatura Internment Camp when he sang solo.<br />

Kurt Eppinger<br />

I loved Tony Beilharz [chorister and bus driver] pointing out the Barossa<br />

landmarks from Menglers Lookout. I also loved seeing the rows of carob<br />

trees and the flowing wisteria. It was lovely to be able to participate and see<br />

cousin Monika do such a wonderful job as conductor.<br />

Annette Wagner-Hesse [former conductor]<br />

Thank you to the TSA for supporting our trip. We did the Temple Society<br />

proud in Tanunda. Loved socialising with the choir, talking, singing,<br />

drinking, singing, eating, singing. Renate Beilharz<br />

It was fun. I enjoyed ferrying people around the place. Tony Beilharz<br />

Die Organisation von den Templer-Freunden war erstklassig. Die<br />

Hilfsbereitschaft von meinen Chorkollegen mir gegenüber hat mich<br />

überwältigt und mir sehr gut getan. (Tr: organisation first class, everyone’s<br />

assistance greatly appreciated.) Brigitte Hapke<br />

I have a feeling of satisfaction with the staging of our Templer Choir and the<br />

singing of the combined choirs. The teaching by Monika Strasser of the new<br />

songs and also the four-part version of Lobe den Herren was clearly very<br />

good. Thank you, Monika. Rolf Beilharz

Page 12 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

Wonderful companionship with lots of chatting and laughter, and social<br />

interacting when not rehearsing or performing. Singing itself, whether<br />

during rehearsals or performances, is very uplifting. A member from another<br />

choir told Irene that, in her opinion, our choir was the best – klein aber fein<br />

– with difficult songs sung perfectly. Inky Arndt<br />

Thank you, Ingeborg and Kurt, for all those emails so that we were wellinformed.<br />

A great team effort! Heidi Richter<br />

The Templer Choir weekend was absolutely enjoyable, very well organised,<br />

and I wish to heartily thank all those involved in the organisation and the<br />

execution of these four days. Heidi Vollmer<br />

Heute sind wir per Bus auf Menglers Lookout gefahren. Die zwei Renaten<br />

besorgten das Lunch, das aus salad rolls und Orangensaft bestand. Bei dem<br />

Lookout hatten wir ein Picknick. Anschließend machten wir einen<br />

Spaziergang und besahen viele artefacts die aus Marmor gehauen waren.<br />

Die Aussicht war wunderschön. Irene Eppinger<br />

I was very impressed with how everything was so well organised from the<br />

start to the end. The concert was the best I have experienced for a long time.<br />

I would like to thank everyone for their input. Christl Dermietzel<br />

I like the tenor. He was a cutie. The puppet song of the Gendarme was great.<br />

Dorothea Franz<br />

After a shaky start – airline strike, coiled mattresses, the older choirs not<br />

hitting their notes – the 2011 Tanunda Sängerfest took a turn for the better.<br />

The singing improved and then it was our turn. I was so proud of our effort!<br />

We watched Monika, we modulated our notes, sang in time and in tune.<br />

Magic! I loved how Monique touched her hands to her heart. It is a moving<br />

experience singing in a group, large, massed or small. The sound resonates in<br />

your heart and soul and lifts it heavenwards. The bus group was farewelled<br />

bright and early on their return trip by a pyjama-clad Annette.<br />

Renate Weber<br />

The Templer Choir was very attentive, watching their conductor Monika<br />

intensely, not requiring their books – impressive. The combined mixed<br />

choirs, several hundred members singing in full voice, was a highlight. A<br />

most entertaining musical weekend enjoyed by a ‘groupie’. Traude Glenk<br />

And so another Sängerfest comes to an end. We are all somewhat worn out<br />

but also greatly uplifted by the experience. It was so good to be able to<br />

perform, even more than credibly, in our little choir in front of an audience<br />

of 17 other choirs and then to hear, and of course critique, each of the other<br />

17 choirs. As usual, it was overwhelming to be one of over 400 choristers in<br />

the massed choirs – what energy, what a sound! And of course it was

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 13<br />

wonderful to socialise with so many other singers, to catch up with old<br />

friends, to make new friends and to experience German culture through<br />

song.<br />

The next Sängerfest will be held in Canberra in 2014, probably<br />

during the Floriade (flower festival) around the end of September. So now is<br />

the time to consider joining in for this big event. We need more singers and<br />

new faces. It’s your chance to sing your heart out, both in a little choir and in<br />

the massed choir – not many people get the chance to experience this from<br />

the inside. You don’t need to be able to read music. You don’t need to come<br />

to every practice. Our music is becoming more modern. We are working on<br />

improved uniforms. There is nothing left to stop you from joining in, so hop<br />

to it and contact me or anyone else from the choir.<br />

Sängerfest Tanunda: massed choirs,<br />

dinner cabaret, coffee time<br />

Pictures Ingeborg Imberger<br />

Kurt Imberger<br />

email: kurti@optusnet.com.au

Page 14 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

COUNTRY TEMPLERS – Tynong 2 nd October<br />

A warm sense of community prevailed in Heinz Bulach’s spacious lounge<br />

room overlooking the green slopes down to Western Port Bay. It was lovely<br />

to catch up with Heinz’s family, and a bunch of Wilhelmaner caught up, too.<br />

Texts read from<br />

the Psalms expressedadmiration<br />

and praise<br />

for the Creator,<br />

wonder, jubilation<br />

and gratitude.<br />

We thought<br />

about steadfast<br />

love and faithful-<br />

Photos D. Bulach<br />

ness, rendered<br />

Güte und Wahrheit in German; about sensing the Divine in Nature, but God<br />

cannot be confined to Nature, which is cruel, not kind, in the competition for<br />

survival of the fittest; and about how our knowledge of the cosmos is quite<br />

different from the psalmist’s picture. And that, although we cannot fathom<br />

‘God’, some of us nonetheless experience divine benevolence and guidance –<br />

always and everywhere – the more we open our eyes to see it.<br />

In the Temple Society, questions are not only allowed, but welcome.<br />

Thinking about deep things helps us grow and expands our horizons and that<br />

is surely a good thing. We also heard music and sang.<br />

Some visitors were<br />

not aware of daylight<br />

saving and<br />

came in time for<br />

lunch and convivial<br />

conversation.<br />

We thought of our<br />

friends in Tanunda<br />

for the Sängerfest,<br />

also sharing camaraderie.<br />

Communal lunch at Heinz Bulach’s, 2.10.2011<br />

A sincere thankyou<br />

to Heinz and his<br />

sons Dieter (with family Marietta, Ruby and Darcy), Steven and Carl, who<br />

made us feel right at home and looked after us – lovely to relax in good<br />

company! Herta Uhlherr

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 15<br />

SYDNEY<br />

The 50 th Anniversary Celebration within our Sydney Community is on<br />

this month! Emmy Hoffmann, our Sydney Focus Group leader, with her<br />

courageous crew (Rolf Beck, Peter and Bev Leszinsky, Anita Jensen and<br />

myself) have our sleeves rolled up and are pouring all our efforts into<br />

organising this big celebration on Sunday 27 th <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Program for the day<br />

10:30am – Arrive in time for the official opening ceremony when Ilse<br />

Birkner, our revered former leader, will tell us about the early days of the<br />

Sydney community. A copy of the beautiful Templer Journey: Fabric of<br />

Society wall-hanging will be unveiled, and a traditional Advent ceremony<br />

will be held.<br />

• Outside: Kids’ fun games; free jumping castle; plant, jewellery and craft<br />

stalls.<br />

• 12:30pm: buy a traditional lunch of German sausages and salad,<br />

pretzels, and there’s a German beer tent – dine al fresco in a covered seating<br />

area.<br />

• Inside: we’ll be showing films on the history of the Temple Society and<br />

on the making of the wall-hanging. Our older members will become ‘Living<br />

Books’ by sharing their memories of Palestine and Tatura. See Templer<br />

treasures from the Archives in Melbourne and hear about the work of our<br />

amazing Heritage Group.<br />

• Displays: traditional and contemporary Templer art and craft display,<br />

photos of past Sydney Community events; Children’s family tree<br />

competition.<br />

• The day will end by 3:30pm with a delicious afternoon tea, lucky door<br />

prize draw and the obligatory Giant Raffle.<br />

What can you do?<br />

1. Bring all your relatives and friends. Our aim is to have one hundred<br />

Templers attend, be they old, new, borrowed or blue! It will be a magical day,<br />

so why not convince that distant cousin, who has not been to our hall in<br />

years, to come along.<br />

2. Draw up your family tree with your grandkids, nieces and nephews and<br />

present this on an A2 display board (that we will provide).<br />

3. Let Ingrid know if you have any art or craft items that we can display,<br />

whether from Palestine, the Tatura camp or work done in Australia by kids<br />

and grandkids – we’d love to showcase Templer talent. We need the items by<br />

13th <strong>November</strong>.

Page 16 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

4. Offer to be a ‘Living Book’; let Ingrid know if you can spend an hour with<br />

your photos and any items from Palestine or Tatura you can show people.<br />

5. Email or send photos of past Sydney events to Ingrid by 13 th<br />

<strong>November</strong>.<br />

6. Bring a prize for our Tombola raffle.<br />

7. Offer to help set up or clean up, serve afternoon tea.<br />

8. Bring a cake and/or potato salad.<br />

9. Bring a smile, be proud of your heritage and be ready to warmly<br />

welcome any long-lost faces.<br />

Calling all kids – who wants to be in our Christmas play?<br />

Sunday 18 th December at 4:00pm<br />

Once again we will have a little nativity play for Christmas. We need at least<br />

8 children to participate. Please let me know by 5 th December if your kids<br />

are willing to perform at the Christmas service. Also, please register any<br />

children aged 12 and under to receive a gift from Santa Claus.<br />

September<br />

Renate Beilharz came up with husband Tony to give a much-appreciated<br />

service in our hall. We had a small congregation, as many of us were away,<br />

but all those who attended commented on Renate’s enjoyable and thoughtprovoking<br />

service. Thanks Renate and Tony.<br />

Our new chairs are a hit, well done Sydney Focus Group and, in particular,<br />

Emmy for her elegant and practical choice.<br />

The Seniors’ Group indulged in another feast at Blacktown Workers’ Club. A<br />

pity that I picked the wrong Blacktown Workers’ Club, yes, we have two. But<br />

everyone eventually found their way to the restaurant and we had an<br />

enjoyable time.<br />

Our church is less musty thanks to new underfloor vents – thanks Rolf for<br />

organising this. Our front fence needs repairs as a result of a group of<br />

teenagers missing the turn; sadly, no number plates or acceptance of<br />

responsibility, so an insurance job.<br />

Seniors’ Group<br />

Seniors’ Group will have their end-of-year celebration at 12:00 noon on<br />

Friday 11 th <strong>November</strong> at Manly Bavarian Bier Café. You can arrive there<br />

by train and ferry; or rivercat and ferry; or car – although parking is tricky. I<br />

am taking less mobile members by car, so let me know if you want to come<br />

with me. The River Cat leaves Meadowbank Wharf at 9:45am and arrives at<br />

Circular Quay in time for the 11:00am Manly Ferry. There is ample parking<br />

at the Meadowbank Wharf.

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 17<br />

<strong>November</strong><br />

• Seniors’ Group: Friday 11th <strong>November</strong>, about 12:00 noon at Manly<br />

Bavarian Bier Café.<br />

• 50th Sydney TS Anniversary: Sunday 27th <strong>November</strong>, Meadowbank<br />

Hall, 10:30am-3:30pm – do come!<br />

December<br />

• Seniors’ Group: Friday 9th December, 11:00am Wentworthville<br />

Leagues Club, optional event.<br />

• Christmas Saal: Sunday 18th December 4:00pm (Mark Herrmann).<br />

Ingrid Turner, Community Development Worker<br />

email: ingridt@tpg.com.au<br />


Sunday 6 th <strong>November</strong><br />

YOUTH<br />

Family Service and Community<br />

Picnic<br />

Sunday 13 th <strong>November</strong> TG Break-up and planning day TBC<br />

Bayswater<br />

11:00am<br />

8 th – 14 th January 2012 Summer camp 2012 Cape Otway<br />


The 2011 confirmation group's day out at Werribee Open Range Zoo was<br />

amazing and lots of fun. Feeding the giraffes was probably the best activity,<br />

as they were all so cute! Despite the weather, which worsened over the<br />

afternoon, we all still enjoyed ourselves immensely. The entire trip was<br />

definitely worth the while, and a memory that will stay with me. Many<br />

thanks to Susi and Mark for organising the whole day! Jess Kemper<br />

I really enjoyed the whole zoo, but the best was feeding the giraffes! They<br />

were so cute and it was a wonderful experience standing under them, seeing<br />

how tall they are! Elizabeth Etherington<br />

It was an absolutely amazing day! A big thankyou to Susi and Mark for<br />

making it possible! Tessa Decker<br />

Our Confirmation Celebration Day was a great day out and I had an amazing<br />

once-in-a-life-time opportunity to feed a giraffe! It’s an experience I will<br />

never forget! Teah Edelmaier

Page 18 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

In the safari bus at the Werribee Zoo Photos Susi Richter<br />


On Sunday 16 th October twelve TGers went Go-Karting and Laser Tagging at<br />

Le Mans in Dandenong. This is what they had to say about the day:<br />

It was a really fun day! I enjoyed both the Go-Karting and Laser Tag. We all<br />

had a really good time. Elizabeth<br />

I had a great time on the Go-Karts. Brody<br />

It was wild, fantastic, exciting and amazing! Sam<br />

We had a fabulous time. Jack<br />

We had an amazing time! Dean & Peter<br />

The Go-Karting was incredible, the Laser Tag was magnificent, and I had<br />

heaps of fun! Dane<br />

It was fantastic and enjoyable! Brad

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 19<br />

It was very cool and I enjoyed the carts most. Laser Tag was fun. Jonny<br />

The day was pretty good; the Go-Karting and the Laser Tag were great. Corey<br />

I had a fabulous time at the Laser Tag and Go-Karting at Le Mans. Jayme<br />

... and Brent was so overjoyed he couldn’t comment!!<br />

FAMILY SERVICE & COMMUNITY PICNIC – 6 th <strong>November</strong><br />

The day will start off with a Family Service in the Chapel at 11:00am<br />

featuring the inaugural appearance of our Youth Rock Band! So please<br />

come to support our talented musicians, for some entertainment and to<br />

enjoy some reflection time and community spirit!<br />

The service will be followed by the Community Picnic, where we’ll be having<br />

the FIRST ‘Annual Teenage Group Tug-of-War Challenge’ (with grand prize<br />

for winning team!).<br />

To enter you must be a teenager – thirTEEN to nineTEEN years old! So get<br />

your friends together and see if your team can rise to the challenge! BUT be<br />

warned... this will be a tug-of-war with a difference!<br />

See also page 29 and flyer for details about the rest of the day.<br />

TG BREAK-UP PLANNING DAY – Sunday 13 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Planning for 2012 has already started and I am putting together the program<br />

of activities for the Teenage Group.<br />

Come along to a great day out on our last TG activity for 2011 and bring<br />

along a couple of suggestions for the 2012 program. We haven’t decided<br />

where to have our day out as yet, but all details will be emailed to TG<br />

participants.<br />

If you’re turning 11 years old by the end of this year, you’re invited to our<br />

break-up planning day too! You may also like to start the New Year off with<br />

Summer Camp in January and then join in with all the great TG activities<br />

that will be happening in 2012.<br />

Contact me if you (or your family) have any questions or to let me know if<br />

you would like to come on Sunday 13th <strong>November</strong>.<br />

SUMMER CAMP 2012 – Sunday 8 th to Saturday 14 th January 2012<br />

Bookings for Summer Camp 2012 are now open to all children aged 11 to 15

Page 20 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

and need to be sent to Susi no later than Monday 5 th December! Please<br />

contact me to obtain information and booking forms.<br />


Sunday 6 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Sunday 20 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Saturday 17 th December<br />

Saturday 24 th December<br />

Sunday 25 th December<br />

30 th March to 2 nd April<br />

2012<br />

Susi Richter, Community Youth Coordinator<br />

email: susi@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

KIDS’ CLUB<br />

Family Service & Community<br />

Picnic See page 29 and flyer<br />

Service, Sunday School &<br />

Community Afternoon<br />

‘Weihnachtsfeier’ Community<br />

Christmas Pageant<br />

Christmas Eve Service & Sunday<br />

School<br />

Christmas Day Service & Sunday<br />

School<br />

Kids’ Club camp at The Briars<br />

Outdoor Ed Camp<br />

A Happy Birthday to:<br />

Elyssa Breisch<br />

Andreas Hoffmann<br />

Savannah Messner<br />

Kirsten Hughes<br />

Bayswater<br />

11:00am<br />

Bentleigh<br />

3:15pm<br />

Bayswater<br />

Bayswater<br />

4:00pm<br />

Bentleigh<br />

10:15am<br />

Mt Martha


Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 21<br />

Tapping into<br />

some primal<br />

urges by the big<br />

bonfire<br />

Photos<br />

Rolf Glenk<br />

Kids’ Club Farm Weekend was on 8 th and 9 th October. Ralph, Diana, Evan<br />

and Hugo Richter, Andy Walch, Prue Webb and Tim and Rolf, Alex and<br />

Danyon Glenk had a great time. The BBQ was on all the time, cows were fed,<br />

motor bikes whizzed around, the tractor<br />

got a flat tyre, there was sleeping<br />

around the campfire, jokes were<br />

swapped, and the world’s problems<br />


Page 22 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

TTHA<br />

We returned from our caravanning holiday to blustery, rainy<br />

Melbourne weather, but hopefully the sunny spring will show<br />

through soon. I thank Mr Hubert Kirchmann (Vice-President)<br />

for deputising during my absence.<br />

Our Home is, as always, a hive of activity and the new signage with our<br />

TTHA emblem over the entrance looks good.<br />

We presently have full occupancy with 38 (33%) TSA and 80 (67%) AGWS;<br />

however, we have no waiting list at the moment and anyone interested in<br />

coming to our Home should contact either the TSA or AGWS care worker or<br />

our CEO at the Home. The Home had another unannounced routine audit<br />

visit from the government department on 14 th October and we passed all the<br />

points which were examined.<br />

Our consultants, Como Parade are continuing with the review into all areas<br />

of our Home’s operation. Improvements to our ACFI (Aged Care Funding<br />

Instrument) are already evident in the budget.<br />

The three new units being built at 38 Elizabeth Street are progressing well.<br />

We have two independent living units being renovated and available soon.<br />

Any interested parties should contact our CEO.<br />

The Home is working on a huge Weihnachtsmarkt to take place in the<br />

Home’s car park on 20 th <strong>November</strong>. It will feature 15 stalls ranging from arts<br />

and crafts to cakes and German sausages. We will cater for all ages with<br />

entertainment for children, including an animal farm, face painting and a<br />

children’s Bastelgruppe. Cakes donated for sale will be very welcome, but<br />

please remember that each cake must have an ingredients label.<br />

We have three resignations and one retirement from our CoM, being Mr<br />

Hubert Kirchmann, Mr Matt Kirchmann and Mrs Susan Wood from the<br />

AGWS, and Dr Irene Bouzo from the TSA. I sincerely thank them for their<br />

valuable contribution and since I will be stepping down from the CoM<br />

Presidency this month, I want to take this opportunity to thank my<br />

colleagues on the Board for their support over the years.<br />

Hartmut Weller<br />

Liebe Freunde,<br />

Nach unserem Campingurlaub sind wir in ein trübes, verregnetes Melbourne<br />

zurückgekehrt, doch hoffentlich werden wir bald schönes Frühlingswetter<br />

haben. Ich danke Herrn Hubert Kirchmann (Vizepräsident), der mich

während meiner Abwesenheit vertreten hat.<br />

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 23<br />

Das Schild mit unserem neuen TTHA Logo macht sich gut über dem Eingang<br />

zum Heim.<br />

Wir sind mit 38 (33%) TSA und 80 (67%) AGWS voll belegt, jedoch gibt es<br />

im Moment keine Warteliste. Wer Interesse hat, in unser Heim zu ziehen,<br />

kann sich entweder an Martina Eaton (TSA), die Sozialarbeiterin der AGWS<br />

oder direkt an CEO Natasha Wilkinson wenden. Das Heim hatte eine weitere<br />

unangekündigte Betriebsüberprüfung von der Regierung am 14. Oktober.<br />

Alle Untersuchungen haben wir bestanden.<br />

Unsere Gutachter, Como Parade, werden unser Heim weiterhin in allen<br />

Bereichen überprüfen. Verbesserungen unseres ACFI (Aged Care Funding<br />

Instrument) sind bereits aus dem Budget ersichtlich.<br />

Die drei neuen Wohneinheiten in 38 Elizabeth Street machen gute<br />

Fortschritte. Wir haben zwei unabhängige Wohneinheiten, die gerade<br />

renoviert und bald zur Verfügung stehen werden. Bei Interesse kontaktieren<br />

Sie bitte unseren CEO.<br />

Unser Heim hat mit den Vorbereitungen zu einem riesigen Weihnachtsmarkt<br />

begonnen, der auf dem Parkplatz des Heims stattfinden soll. An 15<br />

Ständen werden kunstgewerbliche Artikel, Kuchen, deutsche Würste usw.<br />

zum Verkauf angeboten. Wir bieten Unterhaltung für Besucher jeden Alters,<br />

inklusive einer Bastelgruppe, Gesichtsmalerei und Tiershow für die Kleinen.<br />

Über Kuchenspenden freuen wir uns sehr, doch bitte denken Sie daran, die<br />

Zutaten anzugeben.<br />

Wir haben drei Kündigungen und eine Ausscheidung von unserem CoM<br />

erhalten: Herr Hubert Kirchmann, Herr Matt Kirchmann, Frau Susan Wood<br />

von der AGWS und Dr Irene Bouzo von der TSA. Ihnen allen möchte ich<br />

herzlich für ihren Einsatz danken. Ich selbst werde diesen Monat von<br />

meinem Amt als CoM Präsident zurücktreten und möchte bei dieser<br />

Gelegenheit meinen Kollegen für ihre Unterstützung während der<br />

vergangenen Jahre danken.<br />

TTHA WEIHNACHTSMARKT — Change of Date<br />

Sunday 20 th <strong>November</strong> 10:00am to 2:00pm<br />

Hartmut Weller<br />

TTHA is holding their annual Weihnachtsmarkt on a Sunday so everyone<br />

can join in. This year it is bigger, with more to see and do.

Page 24 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

There will be lots of stalls and great gift ideas:<br />

Templer Handcraft Group, hand-made Christmas crafts and gifts,<br />

Genuine German chocolates,<br />

Christmas decorations, hand-made jewellery,<br />

Children’s Bastel area (craft stall), face painting, animal farm,<br />

The ‘Wurst Man’ gourmet German lunch, Brezeln, coffee van, homemade<br />

cakes stall,<br />

Father Christmas with family photos,<br />

Huge Christmas raffle,<br />

and many more stalls with special gift ideas, either to keep for yourself (!) or<br />

to buy for others, and fun for the kids as well.<br />

Enquiries: Karin Schwarz, Activities Mangager


Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 25<br />

Your CoM representatives for this year were, from the AGWS: Hubert<br />

Kirchmann (Vice-President), Matthias Kirchmann (Treasurer) Susan Wood,<br />

Karl Haak and Dr Jens Mohr. From the TSA: Dieter Edelmaier (Secretary),<br />

Dieter Blaich, Heinz Edelmaier, Dr Irene Bouzo and myself.<br />

The CoM met eleven times during the year at designated meetings and at a<br />

significant number of extraordinary meetings. This year has been<br />

particularly challenging for many reasons.<br />

Our CEO Mr Johannes Achilles resigned and relocated to Germany. I take<br />

this opportunity to thank Mr Achilles for his efforts and contribution to our<br />

Home over a period of nearly three years. Ms Natasha Wilkinson, previously<br />

our operations manager, was appointed as CEO with a six-month contract,<br />

which will shortly come up for review.<br />

TTHA finished the financial year with a somewhat disappointing deficit of<br />

just under $347,000 after an initial surplus budget forecast. This figure does,<br />

however, include the final repayment of $200,000 to each parent <strong>society</strong> of<br />

the original $600,000 building loan and we sincerely thank them for this<br />

loan and for their continued support.<br />

The Board has been looking at ways in which TTHA would be in a position to<br />

purchase from the TSA (TSAL) the land on which the buildings are sited. To<br />

this end an experienced professional accountant was engaged on a 50/50<br />

cost-share basis with the TSA to thoroughly examine our financials and to<br />

project forward earnings under the current status quo. This report, tabled<br />

earlier this year, indicated that our expenditure to income ratio would not be<br />

sustainable in the longer term. The Board then engaged the consultancy firm<br />

Como Parade, highly experienced in the aged care sector, to review the total<br />

TTHA operation including our ACFI (Aged Care Funding Instrument), i.e.<br />

Government funding, the nursing and management structure, maintenance<br />

and ILUs. Initial indications show a much improved income potential. This<br />

review will be ongoing with consultancy personnel first attending on a parttime<br />

weekly basis and then reducing to ‘as required’. The budget for 2011/12<br />

foreshadows a good surplus.<br />

The TTHA standard accommodation bond is currently $350,000. The<br />

government stipulates that a minimum 16.7% of residents be on a concession<br />

basis. Our current residents on a concession rate represent 27% of our total.<br />

The Home underwent a government re-accreditation audit earlier in the year<br />

and is now accredited until <strong>November</strong> 2013.<br />

The Home has acquired Unit 13 in the Templer Village and this will become<br />

one of the Home’s ILUs. I am also happy to say that the construction of the

Page 26 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

three units at 38 Elizabeth Street is progressing well, after a very protracted<br />

start.<br />

The Hostel for our international volunteers has been completed, on time and<br />

within the $300,000 budget.<br />

Our attempts at acquiring The Haven land from Knox City Council were not<br />

successful. The local councillor who was assisting us was unfortunately not<br />

accurate in his discussions with our previous CEO and gave him misleading<br />

feedback. We were not aware that a very strong anti-sale lobby by the Scout<br />

group was taking place. On the evening of the critical Council vote on this<br />

issue, our councillor did not even attend the meeting.<br />

Our efforts to secure a doctor for our medical clinic have so far been<br />

unsuccessful. This search will continue. The Home was successful in securing<br />

another ten CACPS (Community Aged Care Packages) which brings our total<br />

to 20.<br />

The demographic of our residents is slowly changing. The government is<br />

encouraging ‘ageing in place’, that is in people’s own home, for as long as<br />

possible, for which the CACPS were designed. Where possible, we try to keep<br />

the CACPS recipients in fairly close proximity to our Home, preferably in the<br />

ILUs, as this helps to keep down costs and maximises the amount of care we<br />

can provide. We find that our residents now come to us later in life and their<br />

incumbency is shorter. We presently have no waiting list, and the Home has<br />

had to look beyond our traditional parent <strong>society</strong> membership to fill beds.<br />

Our CEO, together with the consultants, is looking at marketing strategies to<br />

increase the profile of our Home in the wider German-speaking community.<br />

Our Maintenance Department was busy with renovations to the original<br />

Altersheim, now completed, and one ILU was renovated during the year.<br />

As before, we have had considerable assistance from volunteers in many<br />

areas of our Home. This assistance is invaluable to the Home’s staff and also<br />

for social interaction with our residents. I sincerely thank all our volunteers<br />

and hope they will continue their good work. A particular thankyou to all our<br />

fundraising ladies who work tirelessly to raise money for our Home.<br />

We are also grateful for any bequests and donations to our Home and ask<br />

that you keep us in mind for such a purpose.<br />

I would like to thank our CEO, our Director of Nursing, senior staff and<br />

nursing personnel for their efforts and the loving care they give to our<br />

residents.<br />

This year we have four retirements from the CoM, Dr Irene Bouzo from the<br />

TSA and Hubert Kirchmann, Matthias Kirchmann and Susan Wood from the<br />

AGWS. I sincerely thank them for their contributions, particularly Mr

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 27<br />

Hubert Kirchmann and Mrs Susan Wood who have been Board members for<br />

many years.<br />

Hartmut Weller<br />

Additional information from the CEO’S REPORT<br />

(condensed to avoid repetition)<br />

In opening my report as the new CEO, on behalf of all at TTHA, I would like<br />

to acknowledge the contributions the TSA and the AGWS have made to<br />

TTHA. Your continual support and guidance ensures the success of our<br />

Home.<br />

2010-2011 was a period of continual construction: a new staff room, a hostel<br />

for the international volunteers, Altersheim renovations and make-overs of<br />

the ILUs. The quality of care remains paramount to the essence of TTHA. We<br />

continually strive for excellence to ensure our residents enjoy the later part<br />

of their lives in our German-speaking Home.<br />

Residential Care<br />

• 2010-2011 saw 52 admissions (40 last year) and we remain at full<br />

occupancy. I am happy to report residents have remained 100%<br />

German-speaking. A short waiting list is currently being maintained<br />

with the AGWS and TSA.<br />

• ‘Turnover’ in residential care has accelerated, largely because people are<br />

moving into residential aged care later in life, when they require higher<br />

care.<br />

• Residential Accreditation was conducted in <strong>November</strong> 2010. We had<br />

two minor non-compliances which were rectified,<br />

• The TTHA international volunteers’ hostel was completed; 10 young<br />

Germans have moved in. They are a breath of fresh young German air<br />

for our residents, on a 12-month program, which we look to continue<br />

well into the future.<br />

• TTHA has recently created a men's shed to encourage men’s activities.<br />

These are well received.<br />

• TTHA maintains a high quality of dedicated staff to ensure care<br />

standards remain the best possible, a number speak German and all<br />

understand the cultural differences we need to be aware of.<br />

Community Care<br />

• 2010-2011 saw one admission into the units (three last year).<br />

• CACPS remains a viable program allowing for individualised services<br />

for each client. CACPS have enabled community members to stay<br />

independent in their own homes longer, so unit turnover is slower.

Page 28 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

• Our HACC group now operates four days a week and provides<br />

community outings for our housebound wider German community,<br />

enabling socialising, adventure and independence. The program is well<br />

regarded and has waiting lists, the clients are able to enjoy activities<br />

they normally could not in their own home.<br />

Operations<br />

• Change of CEOs. Our Head Chef, Heike Gohr, resigned and has been<br />

replaced with an existing staff member, Julia Bell. Julia has already<br />

made a number of positive changes to the running of the Home’s<br />

catering department. The new buffet service in the kitchen gives<br />

residents more choice. The kitchen had its annual audit and was<br />

successful.<br />

• The volunteer base of TTHA is continually growing. Our volunteers<br />

truly are a blessing.<br />

• TTHA introduced a new roster system for staff, a clinical software<br />

system for the residents and a payroll system. The roster system is fully<br />

operational and working well, the clinical software system is well<br />

advanced.<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

• Three new units, fully funded by their residents, are under construction.<br />

Increase in nursing hours to ensure the care required by the residents is<br />

provided. Also a restructure of nursing hours to ensure accountability<br />

and knowledge of residents. Greater financial understanding and<br />

departmental budgeting amongst all departments. Increased marketing<br />

to make more people aware of TTHA’s services. Work Safe – was<br />

successfully audited.<br />

I would like to extend a heartfelt thankyou to our CoM, who, during the<br />

recent changes, showed their commitment to ensuring the success of TTHA.<br />

The staff are dedicated and have a passion for aged care which is very<br />

obvious when you walk around our facility. I commend them on their<br />

positive attitude and for always looking to ensure our residents have a loving,<br />

caring and entertaining life.<br />

A special mention must go to our residents and their families. The laughs,<br />

decisions, sometimes tears and discussions I have had with so many of you<br />

have made my job so much more enjoyable. It is a privilege to be able to<br />

spend time with you and make a difference to your lives.<br />

Natasha Wilkinson, CEO


Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 29<br />


Sun 6.11. TTHA 10:30 Service Hulda Wagner<br />

Sun 6.11. Ba<br />

9:30<br />

11:00<br />

Elders’ Meeting<br />

Family Service<br />

& Community Picnic<br />

Sun 13.11. Bo 13:00 Volkstrauertag<br />

Sun 20.11. Be 15:15<br />

Service & Community<br />

Afternoon<br />

Sun 27.11. Sy 10:30<br />

50th Celebration<br />

& Advent<br />

Sun 27.11. Ba 10:15<br />

Annual Remembrance<br />

Service<br />

Sun 4.12. Be 14:30 Advent Festivities<br />


Ba 6.11. Family Service – Moni Herrmann, Rose Weller<br />

Be 20.11. Community Afternoon – Diana Rainbird<br />

Christine Ruff<br />

Martin Luther<br />

Homes Boronia<br />

Renate Beilharz<br />

Ingrid Turner<br />

Herta Uhlherr<br />

FAMILY SERVICE & Community Picnic – Sunday 6 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Families, young and old and all community members and friends are invited<br />

to come on Sunday 6 th <strong>November</strong> to enjoy a great day under our beautiful<br />

trees at the Bayswater Hall.<br />

We’ll be starting off with a Family Service in the Chapel at 11:00am featuring<br />

performances by some of our finest young musicians – the inaugural<br />

appearance of our Youth Rock Band!<br />

Please come to support our talented musicians, for some entertainment and<br />

to enjoy some reflection time and community spirit.<br />

We hope to see lots of young people and families there!<br />

Following the service we’ll be having a sausage sizzle communal lunch and<br />

some fun kids’ games with afternoon tea. Please bring along a salad and/or<br />

some afternoon tea to share and we’ll supply the sausages, bread, sauce, tea,<br />

coffee and cordial. You will also need to BYO all your picnic gear: chairs,

Page 30 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

table, crockery, cutlery, etc. as well as drinks (other than above).<br />

If the weather is warm, we may have some water games for the kids so you<br />

may need to throw in a towel and some spare clothes!<br />

We will also be having the first ‘Annual Teenage Group Tug-of-War<br />

Challenge’ (with grand prize for winning team!). To enter you must be a<br />

teenager.<br />

If you need some more info or want to let us know you’re coming, contact<br />

me: email: susi@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

VOLKSTRAUERTAG – 13 th <strong>November</strong> 1:00pm<br />

Susi Richter, Community Youth Coordinator<br />

This year’s Hour of Remembrance will be held in Melbourne at the<br />

Martin Luther Homes Boronia<br />

67 Mount View Rd<br />

The Basin 3154 (MEL 65E9)<br />

The program will comprise<br />

short words of remembrance<br />

by Dr Anne-Marie Schleich,<br />

Consul General of the Federal<br />

Republic of Germany, by representatives<br />

of the German<br />

Dreifaltigkeitskirche, Lutheran<br />

Trinity Church, by the Temple<br />

Society, the City of Knox and<br />

the RSL, interspersed with music performed by the Choir of Bayswater South<br />

Primary School and flautist Zinaida Kaynarska, followed by the traditional<br />

laying of wreaths. After the ceremony (about 45 minutes), everyone is invited<br />

to coffee/tea and cake at the Martin Luther Homes’ new Community Centre.<br />

For information contact: Hans Schroeder by email<br />

hansdschroeder@optusnet.com.au<br />

The Rosa bus will depart outside TTHA at 12:30pm. Anyone wishing to go on<br />

the bus is asked to book as soon as possible with the TSA Office on 9557 6713<br />

or nanne@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

Mark Herrmann

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 31<br />

COMMUNITY AFTERNOON BENTLEIGH – 20 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Members and friends are cordially invited to the service at 3:15pm and<br />

community afternoon. Ladies please bring a cake to share.<br />

The following are rostered to help on the day. Please be at the Hall by<br />

2:45pm to set up: Charlotte Laemmle, Christine Leschinski, Moni Maddock,<br />

Ursula Paton, Diana Rainbird and Tania Richter.<br />

REMEMBRANCE SERVICE – Sunday 27 th <strong>November</strong> Chapel<br />

I hold it true, whate’er befall;<br />

I feel it when I sorrow most;<br />

”Tis better to have loved and lost<br />

Than never to have loved at all.<br />

Alfred Lord Tennyson<br />

Dot Ware<br />

For the first time, we will hold a Remembrance Service that will become an<br />

annual event. There will be music, reflections and an opportunity to light a<br />

candle in memory of your loved one(s). We can read out names you want<br />

brought to mind. You may wish to contribute a reading, or verse to be read,<br />

or to read yourself. I invite you to contact me with ideas or requests to make<br />

this service meaningful for you.<br />

Herta Uhlherr<br />

NOVEMBER WALK – Saturday 12 th <strong>November</strong><br />

Marysville Lookout and Steavenson Falls<br />

Where: Picnic Ground Marysville, 11:00 am<br />

Distance: Between 10 and 13km; grade medium with one steep rise<br />

Map: Touring Map 610 (98km from Melbourne GPO)<br />

Access: From Melbourne, follow the Maroondah Highway to Narbethong,<br />

where you turn off to Marysville. We will meet opposite the Marysville<br />

Caravan Park on the Buxton Road, just past the T-intersection, near the<br />

Steavenson River Bridge, at the north-eastern end of the town. Note the late<br />

start, to allow the caravaners a little extra time to get there. (Check-in-time<br />

isn’t until 2:00pm.)<br />

Many of the tracks have been repaired, but there’s no circuit walk available<br />

anymore. From Marysville we can walk to Steavenson Falls and then backtrack<br />

half way, where another track leads up to one of the lookouts.

Page 32 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

It would be lovely if, at the end of our walk, we could do our part for the<br />

rebuilding of the area by purchasing our afternoon tea instead of bringing it.<br />

Furthermore there’s the option of staying overnight and, on the following<br />

day, sampling some of the area’s other attractions.<br />

There would be plenty to do on the Sunday, especially as Marysville has its<br />

farmer’s market in the main street on this, the second Sunday of the month.<br />

Other attractions include: Bruno’s Gallery and Sculpture Garden, Marysville<br />

Trout and Salmon Ponds, Keppel’s Lookout Forest Drive, the Marysville<br />

Country Club (for golf lovers) and also Mantirri Blueberry Farm Winery at<br />

Narbethong. Of course, there are all the wonderful wineries on the trip<br />

home, or you could visit the Maroondah Dam or the many touristy sites<br />

found in and around Healesville.<br />

The Patisserie is now open for dinner on a Saturday night and I can make a<br />

group booking if there is sufficient interest in staying overnight. There are<br />

plenty of accommodation places in Marysville, ranging from B&Bs, motels<br />

and hotels, self-contained units and the Marysville Caravan & Holiday Park.<br />

The Caravan Park has a range of cabins available and plenty of caravan<br />

spaces. They are at 1130 Marysville-Buxton Road and they can be contacted<br />

on 5963 3247. If you wish to have a late 6:00pm check-out on the Sunday,<br />

you can arrange that by paying a little extra.<br />

All this information is easily available on the Marysville information website<br />

www.marysvilletourism.com.au<br />

When booking for this walk, please also let me know if you are planning to<br />

stay for the weekend and whether you wish to participate in the Saturday<br />

night dinner. There will be other couples coming, where only one partner<br />

will be walking, so if you don’t wish to do the walk, I’m sure there will be<br />

several others who would be happy to join in alternate activities.<br />

Call me or e-mail me on murray58@optusnet.com.au if you are planning to<br />

join us. On the day I will have my mobile.<br />

PCNV – Sunday 27 th <strong>November</strong>, 3:00pm-5:00pm<br />

Trudi Murray<br />

At the next meeting of the Progressive Christian Network of Victoria, John<br />

Smith and Andy Calder will speak on Re-interpreting the Gospel Healing<br />

Narratives.<br />

Venue: TBA, website: www.pcnvictoria.org.au<br />


Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 33<br />


The TSA is looking for a new Playgroup Coordinator for 2012.<br />

A full Position Description is available from the TSA Office and the job<br />

involves approximately 4 to 6 hours of work per week.<br />

Please direct all enquiries and applications to Susi Richter (Community<br />

Youth Coordinator): email: susi@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au, post: 152 Tucker Rd<br />

Bentleigh VIC 3204.<br />


We are starting a scrapbooking group in Bayswater, meeting every second<br />

Wednesday from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in the Community Room (9 th and 23 rd<br />

<strong>November</strong>). Everyone is welcome. This is for the complete novice such as<br />

myself or the experienced scrapbooker, a great opportunity to complete an<br />

album and catch up with friends at the same time. If you are interested in<br />

joining us or would like further information, please contact me.<br />

WORKING BEE – 19 th <strong>November</strong> in Bentleigh<br />

Anne Wied<br />

A friendly reminder that we are commencing at 9:00am. Morning tea and<br />

lunch are provided. Further information:<br />

BENTLEIGH GERMAN SCHOOL – Adventsfeier<br />

Peter Ware or Paul Weberruss<br />

On Monday 28 th <strong>November</strong> (Muttersprachler students) and Wednesday 30 th<br />

<strong>November</strong> (2 nd language students) our Bentleigh German School will have<br />

their Adventsfeier in the Bentleigh Hall from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Family and<br />

friends of the Temple Society are invited to come along and join us.<br />

Classes in 2012<br />

Thankfully, enrolments to date for 2012 are a little quieter. In order that<br />

Templer families don’t miss out, please advise me as soon as possible if you<br />

would like your child(ren) to attend classes in 2012.<br />

Enrolments are now being accepted. All new beginner students are<br />

required to have completed at least Prep at their day school. For more

Page 34 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

information, please ring me on 9557 6713 (wk), or email me at<br />

nanne@<strong>temple</strong><strong>society</strong>.org.au<br />

In 2012, together with Language Matters, we are looking to provide VCE<br />

Conversation Tutorials for 2 nd language students in Years 11 and<br />

Year 12. German Language Classes for Adults will also continue in<br />

Bentleigh. Day, time and costs for these classes are yet to be confirmed and<br />

commencement will depend on interest and enrolment. For more<br />

information or to register, please contact Sigrid Schweiger at Language<br />

Matters; email sigrid@language-matters.com.au<br />

We thank the Temple Society for continuing to support our German Schools.<br />

Marianne Herrmann<br />

Coordinator, Bentleigh Templer German School<br />

ADVENT IN BENTLEIGH – Sunday 4 th December<br />

We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Advent celebration. The<br />

program will start at 2:30pm and will be in English and German. The bus<br />

will come from Bayswater, leaving at 1:30pm outside TTHA. Bookings for the<br />

Rosa bus must be made with the TSA Office on 9557 6713.<br />

Advent Donations<br />

We have had a number of people making wonderful items for the bazaar and<br />

welcome donations of lots more. You may wish to make food items for the<br />

bazaar – always popular – but please remember to list the ingredients on the<br />

packaging.<br />

Donations of a batch or two of Christmas cookies (Gutsle) would be greatly<br />

appreciated and donations of raffle prizes are welcome.<br />

All donations can be left at the Temple Society Office (152 Tucker Road<br />

Bentleigh) or at Renate & Tony Beilharz prior to Wednesday 30 th <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Bazaar items may also be brought on the day, but they must be priced.<br />

Gutsle Packaging – please help with packing what we hope will be piles<br />

and piles of Gutsle on Saturday 3 rd December at 2:00pm in the<br />

Bentleigh Hall.<br />

Advent Helpers required to set up the hall on Saturday 3 rd December<br />

from 2:00pm to about 4:00pm. We had a wonderful turnout last year,<br />

everything was done in a twinkling!! It would be great to replicate that this<br />

year!<br />

On the fourth, we also require helpers to sell raffle tickets, serve coffee and

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 35<br />

cake and help with the clean up at the end. If you are able to come to the hall<br />

at 2.00pm, you can also help cut up cakes.<br />

Speaking of cakes… while you’re baking your Gutsle, please think about what<br />

type of cake, cookies or Gutsle you could bake for the day itself. We greatly<br />

appreciate people bringing something to share and making those plates on<br />

the table absolutely mouth-watering. On the day, don’t forget your spending<br />

money for the bazaar, raffle and the special table decorations, which will be<br />

available for purchase afterwards. We look forward to seeing you there!<br />

Marianne Herrmann and Tania Richter<br />

ADVENT IN BAYSWATER – Thursday 8 th December 8:00pm<br />

You are invited to join us for carols, candles, readings, Gutsle (please bring<br />

some to share) and lovely Advent atmosphere. All welcome. We need help to<br />

set up and know you will help clean up afterwards. Your donations will again<br />

go to the Borromeo Sisters in Jerusalem.<br />

Before then, we need a few ladies to help get the new Christmas Carol folders<br />

ready.<br />

Resi Schwarzbauer<br />

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to go in the TR<br />

If you would like to have your Christmas Greetings published in the<br />

December/January Templer Record, please forward your name and gold<br />

coin donation to the TSA Office by 18 th <strong>November</strong>.<br />


Saturday 17 th December 5:00pm Bayswater<br />

Call for participants<br />

Marianne Herrmann<br />

Parents (or grandparents) who wish their child(ren) to participate in the<br />

performance on the night are asked to register their interest as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

This year’s play will be Wombat divine, with songs sung by the children and<br />

participatory dances. Children can take a large, small or non-speaking part,<br />

join in the dances and songs, assist in the enactment of the play (many<br />

extras, who enjoy dressing up, will be required) and the nativity scene.<br />

Children are encouraged to attend as many of the following practices as<br />

possible, to rehearse the songs, dances and play.

Page 36 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

• Tuesday 6 th December 5:00pm-6:30pm. This session will focus on<br />

introducing the play, learning songs and assigning parts.<br />

• Sunday 11 th December 4:00pm-6:30pm<br />

• Thursday 15 th December 4:00pm-6:30pm<br />

• Saturday 17 th December 9:30am-12:30pm (Dress rehearsal – it<br />

would be great to have everyone there for this practice)<br />

Please contact:<br />

Phuong Breisch if you know your children would like to participate. Let<br />

her know the age of the participants, and whether they would like a large,<br />

small or non-speaking part.<br />

Renate Beilharz on beilharztr@ozemail.com.au if you can help out with<br />

tasks such as decorating the Christmas tree, making backdrop, props and<br />

costumes, helping with the supper preparations and serving, setting up the<br />

hall, helping Father Christmas, assisting with children’s practices and so on.<br />


Phuong Breisch and Renate Beilharz<br />

The 27 th <strong>November</strong> is the first Sunday in Advent, so it is time to consider<br />

whether you wish to make an Adventskranz (Advent wreath) out of cypress<br />

branches. I am happy to help you make one on Friday 25 th <strong>November</strong> at<br />

7:00pm at the Caretaker’s residence.<br />

Bookings with Renate are essential to ensure that there are enough<br />

materials for all. If you have the ring, candle holders and ribbon from last<br />

year, please bring them. If you are a ‘newcomer’, there will be a small charge<br />

for these materials, which are then reusable (as long as you remember where<br />

you put them after Christmas!).<br />


Renate Beilharz, beilharztr@ozemail.com.au<br />

The TTHA Christmas Market is now being held as part of a larger Open<br />

Day on Sunday 20 th <strong>November</strong> from 10:00am-2:00pm.<br />

Final Bentleigh sessions for 2011 will be held on Friday 11 th<br />

<strong>November</strong> at 25 Catherine Road East Bentleigh from 7:00pm and<br />

Saturday 26 th <strong>November</strong> at the back of the Bentleigh Hall – if not being<br />

used – from 1:00pm. It is important that you let me know if you intend to<br />

come along.

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 37<br />

The Bentleigh Adventsfeier will be held on Sunday 4 th December from<br />

2:30pm and the Bayswater Adventsfeier is on Thursday 8 th December<br />

commencing at 8:00pm.<br />


Marianne Herrmann, for the Craft Groups<br />

The Street Party is an annual community event which celebrates and<br />

promotes the diversity of the Bayswater community. As a collaboration of<br />

Council, traders, residents, schools and community groups it encourages<br />

connection, mutual understanding and a welcoming atmosphere.<br />

It is to be held in and around Macauley Place, next to Mountain High<br />

Shopping Centre (Melway map 64F4) on Saturday 19 <strong>November</strong>, as part<br />

of social inclusion week, from 10:00am to 2:00pm.<br />

Again, the TSA will have a presence. Come along to help or to show your<br />

support.<br />

There will be market stalls including art and craft, kids’ activities including a<br />

jumping castle and petting zoo, free Devonshire tea and sausage sizzle, live<br />

music, food demonstrations, a scavenger hunt and more.<br />

For further information, or to offer some assistance, please contact Mark at<br />

the TSA Office.<br />


Kathrin Stroud, a policy advisor with National Seniors Australia (NSA), has<br />

sent the message below:<br />

With a quarter of a million members Australia wide, NSA is the largest<br />

organisation representing the views of Australians aged 50 and over. NSA<br />

operates for the social and economic benefit of its members and represents<br />

the interests of older Australians in a broad range of community, business<br />

and government forums.<br />

As you may be aware, people in receipt of annuity payments from the<br />

German Government can incur significant additional administrative costs if<br />

they live outside Europe, depending on the receiving bank or payment<br />

provider that is used. Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-<br />

Organisationen (BAGSO), Germany’s main association for German seniors,<br />

and Deutsche Post DHL are investigating more convenient and less costly<br />

payment methods for recipients.

Page 38 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

To this end, they have asked NSA to assist them in locating German<br />

pensioners living in Australia who would be willing to participate in a survey<br />

designed to better understand their needs and requirements with regards to<br />

these payments.<br />

I am contacting you to enquire whether you are able to assist us in this<br />

regard.<br />

We encourage German pensioners living in Australia to take a few minutes to<br />

complete the short questionnaire. Further details about the process are<br />

included in the survey’s introduction paragraph. Any information people<br />

provide will, of course, be treated confidentially and they will not be<br />

identified in any way.<br />

Should you require any further information about this project or have any<br />

associated questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or by<br />

email at k.stroud@nationalseniors.com.au I would also be happy to<br />

communicate in German, if preferred.<br />

Copies of the survey are available from the TSA Office.<br />

NEW YEAR’S EVE in Bayswater<br />

Mark Herrmann<br />

The Service in the Chapel will begin at 6:30pm, followed by a get-together<br />

for anyone wishing to stay. Some nibbles and drinks will be provided. Bring<br />

extra drink and food to share and music to listen to.<br />

You are invited to come and have a good time.<br />

Heinz Wagner, for the Social & Recreation FG

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 39<br />


A little-known Vocational Education Course for Girls called<br />

F.F.M. – Fachschule für Mädchen<br />

was run in Camp 3 Tatura during wartime internment, by Elisabeth Kollat<br />

and others, as shown by the text. Some of the older generation might<br />

remember the course, or at least the ‘venues’ used for it. In lieu of<br />

certificates, booklets containing the following information were handed out<br />

to the participants. This one, now preserved in the Archive, belonged to<br />

Helga Sawatzky née Eppinger.<br />

Cover of booklet<br />

D e d i c a t i o n<br />

This booklet is dedicated to the<br />

students of our Vocational<br />

School for Girls in remembrance<br />

of the hours we shared in serious<br />

work as well as in jovial<br />

togetherness.<br />

I want to thank here all those<br />

who helped make possible and<br />

carry on this school, especially<br />

the teachers, who have expended<br />

so much time and effort and<br />

have given of their best to<br />

provide the girls with challenges<br />

and possibilities for their further<br />

education.<br />

I wish the students the best of all<br />

things for their future and hope<br />

that what they learnt stands<br />

them in good stead in their later<br />

years.<br />

Elisabeth Kollat

Page 40 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

B i o lo g y<br />

The manyfold forms of living nature in the realm of animal and plant life<br />

were presented and compared by using numerous tables.<br />

Thereafter, the physiological processes, such as assimilation, dissimilation,<br />

movement and perception, were discussed. Furthermore, reproduction<br />

throughout living nature was outlined. In particular, the anatomy,<br />

physiology and reproduction of humans were also extensively discussed.<br />

In conclusion, the course dealt with genetics and its significance for choosing<br />

a spouse.<br />

Dr. A. Stürzenhofecker<br />

H y g i e n e<br />

Before we had a textbook, we presented some of the history of medicine,<br />

such as hygiene in Antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Era.<br />

Then we discussed a most meticulous selection of the material contained in<br />

the most recent book on hygiene (Sydney University 1944) pertaining to<br />

personal and public hygiene, as well as dealing with the science of food. After<br />

several repeat lessons, a short summary was dictated to the students before<br />

the final exam. In addition, subjects of general interest exceeding the<br />

framework of the course were presented to the women [of the camp] and<br />

were also attended voluntarily by some of the students.<br />

Dr. O. Rubitschung December 1946

I n f a n t C a r e<br />

In a theoretical course,<br />

the anatomy and<br />

physiology of the<br />

embryo and the newborn<br />

were discussed,<br />

covering care of the<br />

healthy as well as that<br />

of the sick infant.<br />

Special attention was<br />

given to acute and<br />

chronic nutritional<br />

dysfunctions, as well<br />

as to their prevention<br />

and treatment.<br />

Numerous recipes for<br />

nutritional combinations<br />

were dictated.<br />

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 41<br />

During a repeat<br />

course, the entire<br />

School hut<br />

subject was revisited in a wider context to consolidate knowledge and deepen<br />

understanding.<br />

Dr. A. Stürzenhofecker<br />

After one year of D o m e s t i c E d u c a t i o n<br />

which, because of scarce teaching aids and a total lack of visual material, had<br />

to remain limited and theoretical, the Vocational School for Girls [FFM] was<br />

given suitable rooms, which also made practical work possible.<br />

Groups of five girls, changing weekly, cooked for ten to twelve persons on<br />

weekdays for 14 months. The basic purpose of the tuition was to produce<br />

simple and tasty meals by skilful and varied use of the limited choice of<br />

provisions available from what the military authorities supplied to the<br />

camps. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on the preparation<br />

and the serving of food, as well as on setting the table and on the general<br />

observance of table manners.<br />

In addition, the students were given the opportunity during a number of<br />

camp events to prepare snacks and refreshments in larger or smaller<br />

measure. Left to themselves during afternoon coffee gatherings and evening<br />

tea groups, they utilised their own ideas of what they had learned.

Page 42 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

Room, possibly school room (furniture and fittings are all<br />

made from scrap timber and other odds and ends)<br />

Kitchen<br />

It must be emphasised<br />

that because of the<br />

limitation of all available<br />

means, full traineeship<br />

was not possible. In spite<br />

of that, the lessons tried to<br />

demonstrate that even<br />

under the prevailing<br />

conditions, satisfactory<br />

and pleasing results could<br />

be attained. Throughout<br />

the instruction, the girls,<br />

who included Miss Helga<br />

Eppinger, have keenly<br />

participated in the lessons<br />

with diligence and enthusiasm,<br />

and I hope that it<br />

will be of benefit to them<br />

in their future years.<br />

Elisabeth Kollat<br />

Texts tr. P.H.

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 43<br />

M E N U<br />

M aca roni C a sser ol e<br />

w i t h H a m and C heese<br />

M utton C hops<br />

P ot at oes<br />

C auliflower wi th S auce<br />

H ollandaise<br />

Baked Fruit with L emon<br />

Snow<br />

Coffee<br />

f f m

Page 44 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />

Die BORONIA HALLE – nach den Templern<br />

Kürzlich kam ich an unserer ehemaligen Boronia Halle vorbei, als die neue<br />

Besitzerin außen in ihrem Garten stand. Sie lud mich ein, die Halle und ihr<br />

angebautes Haus zu besichtigen. Ich war sehr beeindruckt wie sie alles so<br />

schön eingerichtet haben. Es hat mich wirklich sehr gefreut. Auch ist es<br />

schön, dass der zuständige Architekt den Plan zu dem Anbau so einfühlend<br />

und passend zur Halle gemacht hat. Deshalb möchte ich hier alles erzählen<br />

was mir so gefallen hat.<br />

Als das Dach wegen den vielen Einschlaglöchern durch den starken<br />

Hagelsturm vor zwei Jahren abgetragen werden musste, bewunderten alle<br />

die sehr stabile und genaue Arbeit des hölzernen Dachgerüsts, das unsere<br />

Väter gebaut hatten. So erzählte mir die Frau. Sie, Julie, war froh, dass es<br />

versichert war.<br />

Ein Heritage-Mann kam anfangs öfters vorbei und erklärte ihnen, was<br />

außen und innen bestehen bleiben müsse. Die neuen Hausbesitzer nehmen<br />

die Heritage-Vorschriften gerne an. Die Heritage (Denkmalschutz) war sehr<br />

einsichtig und hat ihnen erlaubt, den alten Toilettenblock abzureißen. So<br />

konnten die Leute ein schönes, großes und modernes Haus an die Halle<br />

anbauen. Neben den Eingangstreppen in dem kleinen Gärtle im Eck steht ein<br />

großes, tönernes rundes Gefäß mit Springbrunnen, Wasserpflanzen und<br />

Fischen. Julie sagte, der Kookaburra hole sich manchmal ein Fischle vom<br />

Lindenbaum aus.<br />

Die Küche ist vollständig aufs Neueste eingebaut worden und wirkt groß und<br />

hell. Die kleinen Kästle zu beiden Seiten des vorderen Fensters haben sie<br />

stehen lassen müssen. Sie haben sie frisch aufpoliert und ihre Gläser hinter<br />

den Glastörle ausgestellt. In der Mitte der Küche steht ein schwerer Tisch

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 45<br />

und in der Halle haben sie sich vor einem Fernseher ein Wohnzimmer mit<br />

bequemen Ledermöbeln eingerichtet. Näher zu der Küche hin ist ihre<br />

Essecke. Auf der Veranda sitzen sie gerne zwischen schönen Topfpflanzen<br />

und, wenn nötig, haben sie dort eine Outdoor-Heizung. Der Fußboden, die<br />

Treppe zur Bühne sowie die Leiter im Eingang sind gepflegt und glänzen.<br />

Julie wollte wissen, für was die Leiter da war.<br />

Auf der Bühne stehen auf einer Seite verschiedene Instrumente, dabei auch<br />

das Harmonium auf dem Frl. Dreher – und später Leni Löbert – beim Saal<br />

gespielt haben. Auf der anderen Seite hat Julie ihr Büro mit Computer, wo<br />

sie von daheim aus arbeitet. Die roten Samt-Vorhänge hängen noch an<br />

beiden Seiten der Bühne.<br />

Photos Fred Kroh<br />

Man kommt von der Halle durch einen mit vielen Fenstern erhellten Gang in<br />

den Anbau, ihre schöne, große Wohnung. Sie haben dort ein ‚versenktes‘<br />

Wohnzimmer, das als dritte Wand nur einen schweren Vorhang hat. Als<br />

Julie diesen für mich aufzog, war ich ja soo überrascht, als ich da die<br />

Kegelbahn vor mir sah mit den Kugeln in der Rinne. Die Kegelbahn wollen<br />

sie nun auch auffrischen lassen.<br />

Sie haben zwei Töchter und sind alle ganz happy mit ihrem Heim, auch weil<br />

es so eine ruhige Lage sei. Auf dem Streifen Land zwischen der Veranda und<br />

dort wo die Tennisplätze waren dürfen sie noch ein Haus bauen.<br />

Die runde Gedenktafel mit einer kurzen Geschichte der Halle und der<br />

Tempelgesellschaft ist natürlich noch am Eingang angebracht.<br />

Olga Kroh<br />

Heritage Pages edited by Peter Hornung

Page 46 Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011<br />




6 th <strong>November</strong><br />

20 th <strong>November</strong><br />

11 th December<br />

Holger Messner<br />

David Murrihy<br />

Herbert Neef<br />

Dieter Roscher<br />

Dieter Ruff<br />

Harald Ruff<br />

Keys to lawn mowers etc. can be<br />

collected from Tony.<br />

If working on Sunday, try to avoid<br />

starting machinery before 10:00am to<br />

comply with Noise Restrictions in the<br />

City of Knox.<br />

Tony Beilharz<br />

To arrange an alternate date or a<br />

swap, please contact your partner<br />

and/or the appropriate member and<br />

arrange the swap directly.<br />

19 th <strong>November</strong> Working Bee<br />

10 th December<br />

Peter Ware<br />

Paul Katz<br />

Normal start time is 9:00am. Both<br />

lawn mowers can be operated<br />

without a catcher (the preferred<br />

method). If the grass is too long,<br />

then one of the mowers can have a<br />

catcher installed.<br />

Lawnmowing should include the<br />

Secret Garden area (at back of<br />

Office). Please don’t put lawn<br />

clippings in Secret Garden area<br />

(green waste bin is now available<br />

for lawn clippings).<br />

☺ In a traffic jam, a man was tooting his horn. In the car<br />

next to his, a young woman asked him sweetly, ‘What else<br />

did you get for your birthday?’<br />

☺ Two Hollywood starlets ran into each other before their<br />

psychiatrist’s office. ‘Hi, are you coming or going?’<br />

‘If I knew that,’ the other replied, ‘I wouldn’t be here.’<br />

☺ What would you expect people who couldn’t tell the<br />

truth, to do after they died?<br />

Lie still.<br />

Peter Ware<br />

Paul Weberruss

1 Tue<br />

2 Wed<br />

3 Thur<br />

4 Fri<br />

5 Sat<br />

6 SUN<br />

Templer Record 744 – <strong>November</strong> 2011 Page 47<br />


Service TTHA 10:30; Elders’ Meeting 9:30; Family Service 11:00 + Community<br />

Picnic Ba<br />

7 Mon<br />

8 Tue Be Ladies 12:00<br />

9 Wed Scrapbooking Group Ba 19:30<br />

10 Thur<br />

11 Fri Seniors Sy; Telelink, Craft Be 19:00 �<br />

12 Sat Marysville Walk<br />

13 SUN Remembrance – Volkstrauertag, Boronia 13:00; TG break-up<br />

14 Mon<br />

15 Tue<br />

16 Wed<br />

17 Thur<br />

18 Fri<br />

19 Sat Working Bee Be 9:00; Welcoming Bayswater Street Party 10:00<br />

20 SUN TTHA Weihnactsmarkt 10:00, Service & Community Afternoon Be 15:15<br />

21 Mon<br />

22 Tue<br />

23 Wed Scrapbooking Group Ba 19:30<br />

24 Thur<br />

25 Fri Telelink, Adventskranz making 19:00 �<br />

26 Sat Craft Be 13:00<br />

27 SUN 50 th & Advent Sy 10:30; Annual Remembrance Service Ba 10:15<br />

28 Mon<br />

29 Tue<br />

30 Wed<br />

DECEMBER 2011<br />

4 SUN Advent Be 14:30<br />

8 Thur Advent Ba 20:00<br />

New Moon � Full Moon �


The Templer Record’s principal aims are to promote<br />

Templer Christian thinking and to further communication<br />

and harmonious living amongst the members of the<br />

Temple Society.<br />

It is a community effort; contributions reflect personal<br />

opinion and must be signed; they do not necessarily reflect<br />

the opinion of the publishers. Copy must be with the editor<br />

by the 18th of the month.<br />

Items in the Templer Record now go on to the TSA’s<br />

website. Contributors who do not wish their articles to<br />

appear should state this when submitting copy. Photos<br />

taken at a TSA event may be used in our publications,<br />

including the website.

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