Comprehensive English
Comprehensive English
Comprehensive English
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J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
<strong>Comprehensive</strong> <strong>English</strong><br />
12 Dec. 2011<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
For Christmas I wish<br />
Santa will bring me……!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Today……….,<br />
Easy <strong>English</strong> Special!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Skit!!<br />
For lovers<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
M: Do you have any plans this Christmas for us<br />
F: How about having a romantic dinner together at a French<br />
restaurant<br />
M: At Christmas all the restaurants are crowded and expensive.<br />
F: Shall we stay at a hotel in the city<br />
M: The rooms must be fully booked during the time.<br />
F: Then, what do you want to do<br />
M: Letʼs stay at home and celebrate it together.<br />
F: O.K. You will cook for us, all right<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Skit!!<br />
For single or<br />
unmarried<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Do you mind if I sit here<br />
Havenʼt we met before<br />
Do you come to this club often<br />
Are you waiting for someone<br />
Whoʼs coming with you tonight<br />
Iʼd like to go to a quiet place where we can actually talk<br />
together.<br />
I like you when you smile like that.<br />
Can you call me sometime<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I want to see you again. Hey, how about lunch<br />
next Monday<br />
Are you dating anyone special<br />
Will you give me a ride home<br />
(Will you drive me home)<br />
Do you have your cellphone<br />
Hereʼs my phone number.<br />
May I borrow your cellular phone I am giving<br />
you my number.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
<br />
Iʼve got an early start tomorrow so Iʼd better go.<br />
Iʼm going to miss my last train so Iʼm leaving.<br />
My curfew is at 10:00 so Iʼd better go home.<br />
My parents want me back by ten.<br />
Thank you very much for dinner and a lovely<br />
time.Bilking!!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Uhh, I canʼt do<br />
my work with this<br />
hungover!!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Skit!!<br />
at the office<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Uh, oh…Iʼm late again! I do hope the boss isnʼt there<br />
yet.<br />
I didʼt have my breakfast. Itʼs going to be tough holding<br />
out till noon.<br />
The boss is taking the day off Hey, I can kick back<br />
and relax today!<br />
I have to do paper work all day. Itʼs really stressful!<br />
Aahh! Looking at nothing but numbers makes me so<br />
sleepy.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Whew, I am dead tired. Think Iʼll relax and have some<br />
coffee.<br />
O.K. Itʼs five oʼclock. I wonder who Iʼll go for a drink<br />
with this evening.<br />
Aahh---overtime again! Looks like Iʼll miss this weekʼs<br />
Shiroi-kyoto, too.<br />
Hm, I have to do overtime again tonight. Time for a<br />
vitamin drink!<br />
Oh, it is five, already<br />
Itʼs only 4 oʼclock<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I punch my time card.<br />
I didnʼt punch out until 10 oʼclock.<br />
I sit down at my desk.<br />
He is not at his desk right now.<br />
I open my drawer.<br />
I answer the phone.<br />
I run off copies.<br />
I send a fax.<br />
I faxed the document.<br />
I write using a word processor.<br />
I use a calculator.<br />
I count the money.<br />
I put the official seal on documents.<br />
I staple papers together.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
My shoulders are stiff.<br />
I stretch out.<br />
I turn my head.<br />
I work overtime.<br />
I sharpen pencils.<br />
I use an eraser.<br />
I draw a line.<br />
I cut out articles from newspapers.<br />
I sort out the mail.<br />
I file reference material.<br />
I prepare documents.<br />
I clip the documents together.<br />
I re-route the phone call.<br />
I answer complaints on the phone.<br />
I check to see how others are doing with their work.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Skit!!<br />
Taking out<br />
drinking<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I have a lot of people to take out this week.<br />
This guyʼs company is one of our most<br />
important clients; Iʼd better do a good job<br />
entertaining him.<br />
Ah, so what the manager likes best is sake!<br />
The manager is a heavy drinker. Itʼs going to<br />
be hard to keep up with him.<br />
The oysters here are really something!<br />
Uh-oh. My feet have gone to sleep on me.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
There are a lot of good-looking hostesses at<br />
this club.<br />
Iʼd like to wrap things up now.<br />
Maybe I shouldnʼt keep on singing so much;<br />
after all, Iʼm the host.<br />
Iʼd better go ahead and sing the first song.<br />
Yech! Heʼs a terrible singer.<br />
He has a poor voice.<br />
I wish I could plug my ears.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
This guy really spreads it on thick; his non-stop flattery<br />
is getting on my nerves.<br />
I got ripped off!!!<br />
This guy just canʼt hold his liquor.<br />
Iʼm glad thatʼs over with me.<br />
OK! The negotiations are going to be a success! I<br />
know it!<br />
Next time, I want someone to take me out.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I check to make sure our schedules<br />
conflict.<br />
donʼt<br />
I reserve a table at a restaurant.<br />
I go and pick up guests.<br />
I take off my jacket.<br />
I sit down on my heels.<br />
I sit cross-legged.<br />
I pick up my glass.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I pour some beer.<br />
Karaoke is a music recording of popular songs<br />
without the singerʼs track. We enjoy singing<br />
along with it when we have parties.<br />
I sing to a karaoke back up.<br />
I sing with someone in duet.<br />
Give him big hands!<br />
I pay the tab.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Skit!!<br />
Argument<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
M: Iʼm sorry Iʼm so late.<br />
F: Iʼve been waiting for almost an hour.<br />
M: But I have a reason! Hey, cut it out! Iʼm really sorry.<br />
I mean it!<br />
F: So what You are always late!! I donʼt care what kind<br />
of reason you have for being late. Today is my birthday,<br />
you idiot!<br />
M: Hey, hold on! Wait a minute! Listen to me!<br />
F: Forget it! I donʼt want to see you today!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
M: I was buying you a present! Look!<br />
F: A present<br />
M in mind: You are unbelievable…<br />
F: So, where are we going<br />
M in mind: I hope she stays in a good mood.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
A: I donʼt want to see you anymore.<br />
B: Why What did I do wrong this time<br />
A: You mean to say that you donʼt remember what day it<br />
is<br />
B: Is it your birthday<br />
A: No, it isnʼt. You forgot<br />
B: Come on! Tell me!<br />
A: All right. Itʼs a very special day. We met for the first<br />
time on this day last year. Today is our first anniversary.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
B:Iʼm really sorry. Let me make it up to you by taking<br />
you to your favorite restaurant tonight.<br />
<br />
Youʼre always like that!<br />
So tell me, what am I supposed to do<br />
<br />
Please forgive me.<br />
Sorry. Hope you donʼt mind.<br />
I was wrong. I apologize.<br />
Thereʼs a valid reason for what I did.<br />
Please accept my report.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Final skit, quiz!!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Try it!!<br />
At the bank….<br />
How much is the<br />
exchanging rate<br />
Find out the error of this sentence!!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
What the exchange rate<br />
How much is the Euro<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Try it!!<br />
At the yakitori restaurant….<br />
What time is the last order<br />
Find out the error of this sentence!!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Last call is at 2:00.<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Can I call it a day<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
Thanks for your<br />
attention!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine
J. Sekine, D.D.S., Ph.D.<br />
I wish you a Merry Christmas<br />
and<br />
A Happy New year!<br />
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Shimane Univ., Faculty of Medicine