New Members. - Pacific Mariners Yacht Club

New Members. - Pacific Mariners Yacht Club

New Members. - Pacific Mariners Yacht Club


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O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E<br />

P A C I F I C M A R I N E R S Y A C H T C L U B<br />

Volume 46 Number 9<br />

September 2008

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1ST AID SEMINAR AND COMMODORE'S BREAKFAST: On September 13, 2008, at 10:00 am we will start the event with<br />

breakfast. It will be a complementary breakfast. The at 11:00am, our own Fleet Surgeon, Darlena Monet, MD, with give the 1st aid<br />

seminar for us. The material is for a recreational boater like most of us. We all hope that we have no accidents or serious illness while<br />

out to sea, going to Catalina or where ever. This material is not a short course on how to do surgery while at sea, but rather, what to<br />

do until you can get the injured person to the nearest medical facility. Personally I thought this was a perfect class for my wife, so she<br />

could save my life. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Since we will have limited space, I request that you sign up at the<br />

club. Our own sign maker Mary Ellen W. will be doing the art work for the sign up board and we sincerely thank her for her great<br />

work.<br />

CRUISE TO EMERALD BAY. September 26, 27 and 28 will be the days that we will be in Emerald Bay for the last regular cruise<br />

of the 08 season. Our own Fleet Captain promises to have a full agenda for a fun filled weekend. It all starts Friday evening and goes<br />

right through Sunday morning for our traditional Bloody Mary Breakfast. Once again Mary Ellen has produced a really cute sign-up<br />

board that is available now in the club. You are invited to not only sign up but put your name down to bring one of the items that we<br />

need for the event. We never have too much or too many, so join us for the fun.<br />

NEW BATHROOM: For those of you that have not been to the club in the last week or so, when you come to the club now, you<br />

will see our new addition to the <strong>Club</strong>. We have waited for this new addition for a long time and now it is a reality. The ladies of the<br />

club will have their own bathroom.<br />

Now for the important part of the new addition. What will we call the two rooms It has been suggested that "Captain" and "1st<br />

Mate" could do the trick. I am sure there are a number of other sets of names you can think of, so I invite you to let me know what<br />

your pair of names for the rooms should be.<br />

Not to be outdone, the men's bathroom will under go a revamping and redecorating after the ladies bathroom is finished. We are<br />

really getting thing done and I personally thank those that helped to do this project. In our next edition of the Log, after the project is<br />

finished, names will be included in this thanks.<br />

CLUBHOUSE PAINTING: Again for those of you that have not been to the club lately, when you come next time please note the<br />

newly painted and replaced metal stairs that lead to the back patio. The stairs that lead to the bar area have been painted as well as the<br />

patio and balcony. That leaves the front stairs. The plan so far is that our landlord has promised to fix the front stairs so that then they<br />

can be painted. I hope this will be done soon so that along with the repaving of the parking lot and painting of the clubhouse, we will<br />

really look clean.<br />

Not this month, but soon, we will resurface the dance floor and that will complete the decorating that I planned for the club house for<br />

2008.<br />

That is all for this edition, but I want to plant the seed of interest. For those of you that are interested in running for office and the<br />

Board, I ask you to get in touch with me so that I will be in a position to give your names to the election committee. By next month,<br />

we will have an election committee in preparation for the 2009 year.<br />

FRIDAY NIGHT DINNERS: Although it is the duty of the Rear Commodore to be in charge of the Friday night dinners, I want to<br />

urge some of you to step up and give it a try at being the guest chef. If you want to do it but have never cooked for 40, please talk to<br />

me and I will get you joined with an experienced chef to make the experience a fun event.<br />

See you all soon at the club while we have some fun. There are other events that will be going on at the club and I invite you to look<br />

through this edition of the Log to find out what is going on and join us.<br />

Wear your PFD while your boat is out of the slip. It only works when you wear it.<br />

Be safe.<br />

Irv Osser, Commodore

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We have been having a lot of great events this year and more are still being planned!<br />

The Luau Cruise was a lot of fun!!! Special thanks to Kimberly LeVern for putting together a great cruise and to Candy Brown for<br />

the marvelous fest!!! Congratulations to Tina Michael, Tamara Nelson, and Christine Bruno, the big contest winners!!<br />

Special thanks to Peter Steinberger, Mike/Candy Blumenthal, Frankie Chute, Patty Garcia, James Conti and Pat Deel for making the<br />

new Ladies Powder Room a reality!!!!!<br />

Don’t miss the Hors d’oeuvres Cruise at Emerald Bay the weekend of September 26th. Please sign up so we have a head count and<br />

make sure you get a mooring. If you have room, please offer space to some of those members who do not have a boat. This is always<br />

the best cruise of the year!!!!<br />

Thanks to Tony Millazzo for coordinating these special events. The End of Summer Fall Kick-Off Party will be held on Saturday,<br />

September 13th and the Third Annual Comedy Night is scheduled for Saturday, November 15 th .<br />

Tom Hall and Tony Milazzo have been organizing another special event and club mixer for us for Saturday, October 11th. Bring<br />

your friends. The more the merrier! Keep checking the schedule for more upcoming events.<br />

Thank you to all the members that have been preparing our Friday night dinners and<br />

helping with the other club events. I want to encourage everyone to get involved<br />

with club projects. We have a lot of events being planned for this year and all your<br />

help is greatly appreciated!<br />

See you at the club!<br />

Leslie Bond, Vice Commodore<br />

Hola!<br />

Ahhhhhhh, Me Hee Kooooo…We never wanted to leave, but gotta pay for the trip somehow….<br />

Our good Swedish friends Pia and Thed own a small 13 room hotel and bar in the heart of Playa Del<br />

Carmen – a 45 minute ride from Cancun. It’s just ½ block of the main drag, 5 th , and just up the hill from<br />

the most gorgeous white sandy beach with the Caribbean turquoise blue “bathtub warm” waters. It’s a<br />

place Kia and I have returned to many times and meet up with old and make new friends each time.<br />

Pia and Thed joined us down in Cabo last year for my 50 th as did Barry and Kathy Harnett. Barry had a<br />

big B-Day to celebrate this year, and with all the stories we shared of Playa, well the planning had just<br />

begun………… and that’s how the Andersson’s, Harnett’s (3 with Joe) and friends Greg and Fred ended<br />

up in Playa this past week and celebrated Barry in style!<br />

Days were filled with beach, fabulous dining, little napping and nightlife – mostly in “our” bar. We<br />

took an amazing day-trip with a private driver to the Mayan ruins of<br />

Coba (because Gustav made sure we couldn’t get to Cuba – the spelling<br />

was close enough). Coba was built in around 200BC and is filled with<br />

various temples – one of the highest (120’) is dedicated to the God of<br />

the honeybee. Of course being that Barry had a BIG birthday, he had to<br />

climb it, and out ran most to the top I might add! Ran down too!<br />

Continues on page 20

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Better late than never :) Are we good<br />

Whew!! What a busy summer we’ve had… I can’t believe it’s almost over! Time really does fly when you’re having fun…<br />

Looking back…Our July 4 th Home Cruise was a huge success with big attendance on both days. Friday, July 4 th was filled with the<br />

usual debauchery – dinghy raft up, tons of munchies, jello shots (of course), potluck BBQ, with the day culminating with gorgeous<br />

fireworks. I don’t know how I did it, or how any of you did it either, but somehow we rallied for Part 2 of the Home Cruise on Saturday<br />

with copious amounts of mouth-watering food, thanks to Candy (can you believe she made homemade potato salad for 80!),<br />

and fortunately lots of dancing (so we could work it all off:) to the tunes of Hot Pocket, Jeff Jeffries’ band. And of course, I must<br />

give myself one quick pat on the back for making 5 batches of homemade ice cream (with the help of a few ice cream elves). They<br />

all turned out really tasty, if I do say so myself. And many thanks to everyone who pitched in with the food prep, decorating, etc.!<br />

The beginning of August found us back at the Isthmus for our Annual Luau Cruise, along with hundreds of other people. Turned<br />

out, Beneteau was having a big event that weekend with over 150 boats, in addition to a few other groups that were there for the<br />

weekend as well. So, obstacle #1 was finding moorings for all the PMYC cruisers – being as adaptable as we are, we made due with<br />

a few sideties and a few anchoring out a bit. OK, now that we were all situated boat-wise, it was time to get it together for the potluck<br />

on Friday. I know there were quite a few people who didn’t make it for dinner that night, and they really missed out! We had<br />

SO much delicious food – it was truly insane!! Trish was a huge help in cleaning up the aftermath, and we were both literally begging<br />

people to take the leftovers! I have to say that’s a first for me! I’ve never had to beg any PMYC member to eat before…LOL!!<br />

Saturday we began the festivities with the Tropical Drink contest, and there was some tough competition. Congrats to Tina Michel<br />

for taking first place, and Mike Blumenthal for taking second place – both were really yummy. The Limbo contest was truly entertaining<br />

to watch, and as more and more people were eliminated, it became mesmerizing. Who knew we had so many flexible and<br />

somewhat balanced members!! Kudos to Tamara Nelson – we now know how low she can go – low enough for First Place anyway!<br />

I think everyone had worked up quite an appetite at that point, so we headed over to the BBQ to see what Chef Candy had<br />

cooked up for us, and as usual, she did not disappoint!! With full bellies, there weren’t too many people up for the Hula Contest, but<br />

Christine Bruno rallied to win First Place. Many, many thanks to Karen Otterbein’s granddaughter, Bobbie for teaching/leading us<br />

in the Hula Contest and for her expert judging. And of course, thanks to everyone who helped out with everything!! These cruises<br />

would never happen without you!<br />

Looking ahead…we have one last cruise in this season…and you definitely don’t want to miss it! September 26-28 th we will convene<br />

at Emerald Bay for one of our most popular cruises, our Annual Hors d'oeuvres Cruise. (Am I the only one that has to look up<br />

the spelling on that every single time!!) We will begin with a potluck dinner at 6pm on Friday, followed by the main event at<br />

4pm on Saturday, the judging of the Hors d'oeuvres. Competition is fierce on this one folks, and both presentation and taste factor in<br />

on the final scores. Only one rule – your entry must be prepared while underway to and/or on the island. I can’t wait to see what<br />

everyone comes up with this year! And don’t forget to drag yourselves back to the beach on Sunday morning – 9ish – for some<br />

hangover vittles and bloody marys - $5/per person. The sign up sheet is at the club…I look forward to seeing you there!!<br />

Kim LeVern, Fleet Captain

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Commodore’s Complementary<br />

Waffle Breakfast<br />

and First Aid Seminar.<br />

Saturday<br />

13th.<br />

10 AM<br />

Monday Night Football.<br />

<strong>Members</strong> Birthday Celebration.<br />

Friday Night Dinner September 19th<br />

2 – Buffy Cavaness, Barrie Harnett, Ken Sullivan<br />

3 – Janet Flemmons<br />

4 – Steve Cordova<br />

7 – Jesse Grasse<br />

8 – Carol Graves<br />

10 – Roger Daugherty<br />

12 – Moira Broadwell, Paula Roseland<br />

13 – Jack Barrish<br />

15 – Al Berry<br />

18 – Linda Thoresen, Dimitri Vitkoff<br />

19 – Ann Broadwell<br />

20 – Kathy Cordova, Kimberly LeVern,<br />

Richard Toohey<br />

22 – Dennis Peitso<br />

23 – Rebecca Valles<br />

26 – Khan Griffith<br />

30 – Trevor Bazeley, Kathy Harnett<br />

We cook for<br />

20 people.<br />

Sign up early.<br />

First MNF pool winner, Natalie<br />

There ‘s a “new” sheriff back in town.<br />

Goal: To publish The Log on or as soon after the 1st of each month as possible.<br />

Deadline: 3 days before end of month (this month, May, articles and other content<br />

are due on 28 th , 5.59pm).<br />

Guidelines:<br />

1. (see deadline)<br />

2. Pictures must be accompanied by description or written article. Pictures without will be discarded.<br />

3. CDs left in glass box will be ignored, unless you make prior arrangements with Editor.<br />

4. Pictures left on disc in Internet Work Station will be ignored.<br />

5. Submit articles inside e-mail or in WORD or PUBLISHER format. Submit to: LogEditor@pmyc.org<br />

Thanks, Kent Andersson. Many thanks to Ehren for doing a great job with the Log for past 12 months.

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For those of you who don’t come around to the <strong>Club</strong> very often,<br />

( I ) Larry Koch and Darlene Hill tied the knot at PMYC on Sunday, August 31 st .We figured that five and a half years of just living<br />

together was long enough so we decided to make it all legal. We hope everyone in attendance had as wonderful a time as we did.<br />

Rather than describe the events of the day since so many of you were there, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone<br />

who made our wedding a tremendously happy day for both of us. In no particular order: Thanks to Kent Anderson for reminding<br />

me to write this article for the LOG. Thanks to Bob Leger for running all over town to numerous places and getting us enough additional<br />

plates and forks to feed all 80 plus invited guests. Thanks to Barrie for telling us that Miguel (the head chef at the Whaler) has<br />

Sundays off and could prepare the meal for all of us to enjoy. Thanks to Tony Milazzo for the sound system so that our good friend<br />

Richard Goodwin (the judge who married us) could be heard by everyone. Thanks to Kent Anderson, Richard Toohey, Fred Whitman,<br />

Gonzo (I’m told they were the culprits who instigated this event) and everyone else who took me out for .one unforgettable<br />

Bachelor’s night. They got me sooooo drunk that I was not allowed into the Wild Goose! Thank goodness, they didn’t take the opportunity<br />

to then put me on a train to Denver and call you know who to pick me up.<br />

Thanks to Ellen McKay, Sandy Breindel, Carol Graves, Violet Tissot. Mary Ellen Woolery and all the girls for taking Darlene out<br />

for the bachelorette thing and getting her so happy. (But someone has got to explain to me how it only took till 8:30 P.M.)<br />

Thanks to Sparky for the guest dock and to Janet for making the garden look so nice. Thanks to Peter Sternberger, Patty Garcia,<br />

Candy Brown, Frank Chute, Jim Conti and everyone else who worked on the new bathroom for the ladies. Thanks to Jim Conti for<br />

doing what he does best…..painting the decks and the stairways. Thanks to Dusty Brown for all his help around the club and for his<br />

help setting up the back room. Thanks to Violet Tissot, Carol Graves, Sandy Breindel and all who helped in decorating the place for<br />

our special day. Thanks to Mike Blumenthal for taking all those photos from every imaginable angle and to Candy for just enjoying<br />

the day for a change. Thanks to Foots (disc jockey king from the Venice Whaler) for your extraordinary music collection. Thanks to<br />

Larry Laurino for tending bar. Thanks to Rosa for doing the cleanup. Thanks again to Barrie for his wine and champagne connections<br />

…..<strong>New</strong> Zealand hooch sure beats Two Buck Chuck.<br />

Thanks to Richard Toohey for being my best man, you have been a true friend for so many years. Thanks to all our club friends who<br />

came to celebrate with us and our 40 family members and guests.<br />

And now I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, but to whomever you are……my apologies and thanks again!

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The 2008 Chuck Stein Series had some surprises<br />

Sunday, July 13 featured the annual Chuck Stein Series races 2 and 3; race number 2 being the PMYC lone high point event. Race<br />

number one of the day was Chuck Stein number two and the series was determined by the results of the Inverted Start Race of April<br />

12 and the boat in line to take the series didn’t show for race number three and there were no throw outs. All ‘Bravura’ (second place<br />

overall of April 12) had to do was finish the third race (second race of the day) to take the series.<br />

Confused It’s no wonder the sailing rules are re-written every four years-odd years no less. If we ever host a weigh-in....<br />

This year marked the first time we have co-run the event with Marina Venice <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, and the first year in recent memory that<br />

had an additional Cruising Class offered.<br />

MVYC hosted the event and we supplied the doomed markset boat, some RC personnel, and the winning yacht and crew of the<br />

aforementioned Cruising Class (!).<br />

The weather cooperated and with exception of a few grumblings about ‘more knots’, the day was a Chamber of Commerce Day to<br />

be out on the Olympic Circle. Winds hovered around nine and increased during the afternoon.<br />

The markset boat used was the classic Squid; she has been a fixture of PMYC racing for sometime now. Her classic lines and<br />

wooden hull have drawn praise from yachties throughout the area. But this day we got as far as re-anchoring the ‘U’ weather mark<br />

during mid-race 1 when our trusty steed coughed and sputtered. Frequent attempts to revive her diesel engine failed and we consequently<br />

called Vessel Assist. They responded by stating that they had just towed a vessel back into the Marina, ‘would we mind if we<br />

were towed by Baywatch’<br />

Enjoying a nice drift (beam to seas no less-she refused to be ‘oared’) lost out to the extreme humiliation of being towed in by L.A.<br />

County Lifeguards. ‘Was Pamela Anderson aboard ’ that would have made it a day to remember.<br />

After several minutes of hanging out (Bounty’s Launch anyone), the guys arrived and we outlined our plan, threw them our bow line<br />

and surfed the three miles to the North end in excess of eighteen knots.<br />

The Squid has never seen that velocity since I’ve known her, and the bottom either lost all the paint or won’t have to be cleaned in<br />

months. We tied her up on an end tie and Rex worked his magic but alas, it wasn’t to be.<br />

Let me say at this point that the four lifeguards from Baywatch were professional, courteous, and a pleasure to work with. They paid<br />

attention, stayed in constant VHF contact and always told us what they were doing next. Thanks so much guys !<br />

When it was time to report to Dennis, the owner, the first words were ‘she’s dead but suffered no cosmetic damage whatsoever’.<br />

Meanwhile out on the water, there was a PHRF and a J 80 Class and MVYC Race Committee ran three races with the help of our<br />

own Jack Barrish as timer extraordinaire.<br />

When the results came in and the tumult and the fury had subsided, CYC skipper Curt Johnson in his J-80 Avet rattled off three bullets.<br />

It is the third time Johnson has won the overall Chuck Stein trophy, and Avet seems to have that stuff that winning boats are<br />

made of. It doesn’t hurt that Curt is out racing every chance he gets. He beat out Bravura by one point.<br />

The PHRF races one and two were won by Mis-Que, a C&C 25 that was outfitted for full time racing. Aqua Cheetah, an Olson 30<br />

won race three.<br />

<strong>New</strong> PMYC members Bob Hayward and Cheryl Watkins managed to get a second and third in the competitive J 80 fleet. If they<br />

keep at it they will be a force to reckoned with.<br />

The big news was that one of our members won first place ‘on the road’.<br />

Peter Leffe sailed his Swan 371 Flying Tiger to victory in a hard fought battle with MVYC Staff Commodore Gary Green’s Green<br />

Dragon Catalina 380. Peter mis-rounded one mark but held on during a tacking duel and prevailed over a lower numerically handicapped<br />

(translated-faster under most conditions), newer vessel and got the first place trophy.<br />

Peter went with a 135% jib to take advantage of the handicap allowance over the 15.9-mile course.<br />

It’s the first time in a while that a PMYC member has taken home some first place silver. Congratulations Peter !<br />

Peter’s crew consisted of wife Emily Bloom and a couple that own another Swan. Familiarity certainly may have helped his cause.<br />

Kudos are in order for Jack Barrish who did his usual fine job of timekeeping, Dennis Peitso for the loan of the Squid, Rex Michel<br />

for answering the ‘emergency’, and Gonzo who helped get her into her slip.<br />

The next club racing event is Saturday, September 20: PMYC is hosting the Women on Water first day.<br />

Keep those boat bottoms squeaky clean and remember balance and angle of heel.<br />

Andy Kopetzky, Race Chair

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September<br />


1200-1600 HRS<br />

5 Friday Paul Delaney<br />


1600-2000 HRS<br />

6 Saturday Pat Deel John Grote<br />

7 Sunday Jeff Jeffries James Jones<br />

12 Friday Dana Kristoff<br />

13 Saturday Barry Moore John Montgomery<br />

14 Sunday James Dalby Mark O’Shea<br />

19 Friday Steve Bindman<br />

20 Saturday Henry Adams Rex Michel<br />

21 Sunday Ron Oren Scott Roseland<br />

Officer Of The Day<br />

Please, wear your nametag<br />

when you are in the <strong>Club</strong> House.<br />

PMYC members guest policy.<br />

As a member you are entitled to invite<br />

guests to your club.<br />

But you must be present,<br />

and issue a guest nametag.<br />

Sign them into the guest register under<br />

your name as sponsor.<br />

Visitors from other <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s should<br />

also be signed in and issued a nametag.<br />

26 Friday<br />

Dave Smith<br />

27 Saturday Vic Montone<br />

Cal Troupe<br />

28 Sunday Fred Whitman Leslie Bond<br />

It’s time to get some new hats and shirts<br />

with the PMYC logo<br />

for the upcoming boating season.<br />

Get hold of Rex, (Quartermaster) he can open<br />

the cabinet and show you the latest swag and<br />

Don’t forget to check out the website<br />

zazzle.com/tomthemav<br />

PMYC E-Mail Boxes Available for <strong>Club</strong> Activities<br />

Along with our web site hosting, PMYC automatically was<br />

provided quite a few e-mail boxes that are available for persons<br />

performing club duties or who have some specific need<br />

for an e-mail address ending in '@pmyc.org'.<br />

Such as LogEditor@PMYC.org, to whom you submit Log<br />

articles.<br />

If you have such a need or desire, please contact me at<br />

Webmaster@PMYC.org.<br />

Price is right; they're already paid for!<br />

Roger Daugherty<br />

Webmaster<br />

BRING THE DVDs back!<br />

What we need is for the members to bring back the DVDs<br />

they have "borrowed" from the <strong>Club</strong> and never returned.<br />

My definition of never returning is "stolen."<br />

Fully 75% of the DVDs are gone. A lot of work goes into<br />

processing and cataloging them, not to mention the fact that<br />

these DVDs were donated to the <strong>Club</strong> for members to borrow<br />

(not keep)!<br />

There is supposed to be an "honor system"<br />

at PMYC; apparently some members don't<br />

know the meaning of these words.<br />

To all PMYC <strong>Members</strong>:<br />

If you have any old VHS Tapes ,<br />

or DVD'S that you now longer want to watch<br />

and wish to donate to the club, please feel free<br />

to bring them in and place them in the lending<br />

library. We have a good selection, but would<br />

like to improve on it if possible. DVD'S would<br />

really be great if you are done with them and<br />

would like to share with your fellow members.

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P a g e 1 0<br />


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S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 8

12<br />

Event Tent<br />

Tony Milazzo<br />

Great Summer Mateys!<br />

The view from here looks like the fun ain’t done!<br />

The cruises were a lot of fun this season and the luau was a blast, with lots of food, dancing and<br />

prizes. <strong>New</strong> member Tamara Nelson sailed over on “Windwalker” and became PMYC’s “Limbo<br />

Queen”.<br />

If you didn’t make the cruise you still have time to sign up for the Hors D’oeurves Cruise September<br />

26 th .<br />

Happy Birthday to Jack Monroe! Thanks for allowing us to share this special birthday with you. Jeff’s band “Hot Pocket” rocked as<br />

always and the dance floor was packed.<br />

I am planning the Special Events for the rest of the year, so mark these down on your calendar. We are having our annual “End of<br />

Summer Party” Saturday, September 13 th @ 6pm. There will be a DJ, Dancing, Dinner, a Raffle & Prizes. Admission will be $12 at<br />

the door.<br />

On Saturday, October 11 @ 7pm we will be having another <strong>Members</strong>hip Mixer. This is the time to bring your friends and boat<br />

neighbors down to the club and show it off! Admission will be free and the first 50 people will get a 30 day FREE <strong>Members</strong>hip to<br />

Marina Fitness <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by, but our 3 rd Annual Comedy Night is here! Saturday, November 15 th @ 6pm, Johnny Cardinale<br />

will be back with his musical humor and Shawn Pelovsky, along with a bunch of new faces. It’s always a night of laughs, fun<br />

and great food. Admission is $25 at the door, but come early as there are only 99 seats and some standing room. These are nationally<br />

recognized comics and have been seen on TV and in Vegas, so take advantage of the opportunity of having them in your own <strong>Club</strong>house.<br />

That’s it from my Event Tent! Watch the calendar and the postings at the club for the holiday events and parties, and bring your<br />

friends and boat neighbors up to your <strong>Club</strong>house.<br />

Dear Officers, Committee Heads, and Event Coordinators,<br />

Like The Log, where the LogEditor can't possibly insert an article or<br />

event announcement into the Log unless you get it to him by the<br />

publication date, neither can I, the Webmaster, insert your events,<br />

announcements, etc., into the web site (www.pmyc.org) unless you send it<br />

to me. Am also looking for articles, etc., from cruisers including<br />

links to logs, blogs, and picture albums.<br />

The big difference is, I have no deadline! Typically, if you send me a<br />

verifiable announcement, it will be on web site in 24-48 hours. If<br />

you need, I will be happy to convert your WORD or other announcement to<br />

.pdf format if I can (much less space and download time required). If I<br />

don't know you, you might want to get the endorsement of an Officer or<br />

Committee Chair, so I know it's a properly scheduled event.<br />

Just send it to webmaster@pmyc.org. [Oh, and if you need an e-mail<br />

address for your own use (@pmyc.org), also let me know. We'll work<br />

something out, and it's free!]<br />

Roger Daugherty<br />

Webmaster, PMYC<br />


13<br />

September 2008<br />


1 2 3 4 Single 5 FND 6<br />

7 8 MNF 9 10 11 12 General<br />

Meeting<br />

13 Waffle /<br />

End of Summer<br />

14 15 MNF 16 17 18 Single<br />

<strong>Mariners</strong><br />

19 <strong>Members</strong><br />

B-Day<br />

20 Women<br />

on water<br />

21Texas<br />

Hold-um<br />

22 MNF 23 Board<br />

Meeting<br />

24 25 26 Hors<br />

D’oeurves<br />

27 Cruise<br />

28 Emerald<br />

Bay<br />

29 MNF 30<br />

October 2008<br />


1 2 Single<br />

<strong>Mariners</strong><br />

3 FND 4<br />

5 6 MNF 7 8 9 10 Meeting.<br />

Land Cruise<br />

11<br />

Mixer<br />

12 Land<br />

Cruise<br />

13 MNF 14 15 16 Single<br />

<strong>Mariners</strong><br />

17 <strong>Members</strong><br />

B-Day<br />

18<br />

19 20 MNF 21 22 23 24 FND 25<br />

26 27 MNF 28 Board<br />

Meeting<br />

29 30 31<br />


14<br />

Support the Log sponsors<br />

Advertise in The Log.<br />

Contact the editor.<br />

logeditor@pmyc.org<br />

Kent Andersson (310) 463-0077

16<br />

Here is the OD assignments for October 2008:<br />

Friday October 3 Late Shift Rick Eiden<br />

Saturday October 4 Early Shift new member Jesse Grasse<br />

Saturday October 4 Late Shift Carol Graves<br />

Sunday, October 5 Early Shift Doug Hamlin<br />

Sunday October 5 Late Shift Kenneth Mars<br />

Friday October 10 Late Shift Steven Rogers<br />

Saturday October 11 Early Shift new member Joe Budzowski<br />

Saturday October 11 Late Shift Helene Smith<br />

Sunday October 12 Early Shift Glen Solomon<br />

Sunday October 12 Late Shift Terry Stephens<br />

Friday October 17 Late Shift Robert Williams<br />

2nd PMYC’ Land Cruise<br />

To Dockweiler Beach r/v trailer park,<br />

Playa del Rey.<br />

Friday<br />

Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

October 10-13<br />

D’oeuvres & cocktails<br />

Margarita Party and BBQ dinner<br />

Bloody Mary Party and Lunch/BBQ<br />

The activities are open to all PMYC members<br />

and their guests whether staying on site or visiting<br />

for the day.<br />

5 trailer sites are currently reserved side by<br />

side.<br />

Saturday October 18 Early Shift new member Bob Hayward<br />

Saturday October 18 Late Shift Michael Tymchak<br />

Sunday October 19 Early Shift Reuben Valles<br />

Sunday October 19 Late Shift Rudolfo Villa<br />

Friday October 24 Late Shift Tony Amato<br />

For park reservations, call (310)322-4951<br />

@least 7 days in advance or<br />

contact Scott Roseland (310)995-3388.<br />

Look for more<br />

info at the club.<br />

Saturday October 25 Early Shift new member Tamara Nelson<br />

Saturday October 25 Late Shift James Garrison<br />

Sunday October 26 Early Shift Eric Hermansson<br />

Welcome <strong>New</strong> <strong>Members</strong>.<br />

Michael & Kim Donovan<br />

Jim Giglio & Charlotte Hefti

17<br />

DRYC Calico Bass Inter <strong>Club</strong> 2008 Annual Tournament!<br />

August 9th RESULTS:<br />

Calico Bass & Ling Cod are the trophy fish and money winners this year!<br />

Congratulations to all the club winners!<br />

Calico Bass Perpetual Trophy Goes To Winners:<br />

John Putman (Angler) & Capt.John Modesti of his "Big Kahuna"<br />

from <strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Mariners</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (PMYC).<br />

Calico Bass 1st place John Putman (PMYC)................. 4.3 LB<br />

Calico Bass 2nd place Cherie Putman (PMYC)..............3.8 LB<br />

Calico Bass 3rd place Brian Baxter (Guest DRYC)........3.5 LB<br />

Calico Bass 4th place Tom Taylor (Guest DRYC)..........3.3 LB<br />

Jackpot Fish:<br />

Ling Cod Winner Vic Jedlicka (DRYC)...........................10.8 LB<br />

Junior Winner Calico Bass Ryan Lambert (DRYC)….... 1.5 LB<br />

Youth Winner Calico Bass Mathew Putman (PMYC)......2.1 LB<br />

The Annual Charity Event is in August each year at our CAT Harbor Facility. It’s open to all clubs on our coast by invitation/<br />

application. This is a give back tournament to the Two Harbors area at Catalina for all the good times we have had and will continue<br />

to have there. At this 2008 event we made a donation of $700 to the Little Red School House. This gives them a cumulative donation<br />

of $1700 since starting in 2006. Thanks to all of you for your participation in making this event successful. We look forward to<br />

seeing you next year to share in the laughs, fun, food, stories and competitive spirit with all our friends.<br />

We are proud to announce that this year’s Church Mouse Marlin Invitational raised over $80,000.00<br />

for Avalon’s youth over the two days of our fun and successful fishing tournament. So many people come together for the Church<br />

Mouse every year to share our love for the ocean, Catalina Island, and our island community; thank you to all of the many individuals<br />

who have participated in this tournament by fishing, volunteering and donating.<br />

The winners of the 2008 Church Mouse is team Magellan who released 5 fish. Congratulations to Magellan’s captain, Rob Webster<br />

and his team of anglers on their win. Second place belongs to the After Midnight, captained by Mike Cromer and his team of anglers<br />

who released 4 fish., followed by <strong>Club</strong> Ted, captained by Ted Butland, and his crew’s release of 3 fish. The Oz, captained by Martin<br />

Curtin Jr. came in forth place with 3 marlin released, Captain Paul Gillett and his anglers won fifth place on Eggcessive with 2 released<br />

marlin. Dumb Luck, Fish Box, Por Vida, Ruckus, and Surly Mermaid, all released two fish, and Broad Bill, Gad Zukes, Knot<br />

for Rent, Lucky L III, Sea Dancer, and Three Daughters released one fish each. Congratulations to all the anglers who fished the<br />

Church Mouse this year, turning in the highest number of fish in tournament history, all 38 of whom were safely released back into<br />

the ocean.<br />

While the hook-up hot spot seemed to be Obsorne Banks on the backside of the island, Mike Elias on Ace Hi was rewarded for<br />

saving fuel and fishing close to home, winning the “Fish Close Win Big” award, a new addition to this year’s award sheet. Ace Hi<br />

released a marlin only 0.8 miles off the coast of Pebbly Beach. Kasey Sherrill won Monday’s Tuna Side Bet by bringing in a 25.78<br />

lb. yellow fin tuna off the Full Circle, captained by her husband Robert, and Jeffrey McElroy won the Tuna Side Bet on Tuesday<br />

with his 25.5 lb. yellow tail tuna on the Reel Crazy (captained by Bob Siemer) who generously donated his winnings back to the<br />

tournament.<br />

As always, the highlight of the tournament banquet is the auctioned-off chance to throw a pie in the face of Avalon Harbor Master<br />

Brian Bray. This year we had a tournament first when Gary Day, off High Cotton, phoned in to win the bid, delegating Kim Butte<br />

to throw the pie in his name. We specially thank the Harbor Master for being such a good sport in this auction every year, and to<br />

Gary Day for donating his $2,250.00 winning bid in the loving memory of loyal Church Mouse friend Jim Stohr, who held the record<br />

for winning the auction over the past 17 years!

18<br />

Luau Cruise 2008

20<br />

Our trip back included a stop at the Grand Cenote – an underwater river system<br />

with caves (complete with bats), for a cool dip in the freshest cleanest<br />

waters full of minerals.<br />

Our last stop was for lunch in the marina, Puerto Aventuras. Restaurants line<br />

the Dolphin Quest pool where we were given a free show by the “babies” being trained for shows.<br />

I turned to return to our table when I see a familiar face at the next table – Harry Privette from<br />

PMYC! Our friends Pia and Thed recognized him as well – He’s stayed at their hotel a few times<br />

and frequents their bar! Small world!<br />

You may have noticed that I have left out Barry’s birthday – I’ll<br />

let him share that with you – but I’ll happily fill in any blanks he<br />

may purposely leave out.<br />

Back here at PMYC we have several openings for Friday Night Dinner left in the year and<br />

Monday Nite Football is back!<br />

“Who let the perro’s out woof woof woof woof!”<br />

Hasta la bye bye for now –<br />

Kent Andersson, Rear Commodore<br />

<strong>Pacific</strong> <strong>Mariners</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

13915 Panay Way<br />

Marina del Rey, CA 90292

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