NUCIS number 10. December 2001. 48 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 10. December 2001. 48 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam

NUCIS number 10. December 2001. 48 pages (full ... - IAMZ - ciheam


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approved Network structure is based on a<br />

Coordination Centre and only six subnetworks<br />

instead of the previous nine (see<br />

back page of the issue). The Subnetworks<br />

on Almond and Stone Pine are now<br />

included in the Coordination Centre and<br />

the Subnetwork on Pecan has been amalgamated<br />

to the Subnetwork on Walnut.<br />

By refocusing its Network, FAO and CI-<br />

HEAM will be able to continue to serve in<br />

research cooperation and act as a link<br />

between the nut producing sectors<br />

throughout the Regions.<br />

Changes of four Liaison Officers and<br />

new appointments<br />

There were considerable changes in the<br />

composition of the coordination team.<br />

During 2001 two key Liaison Officers, E.<br />

Germain and N. Kaska, who have<br />

success<strong>full</strong>y managed the Subnetworks<br />

on Walnut and Pistachio respectively, since<br />

the start of our Nut Network in 1990,<br />

retired. Also G. Catalán, Liaison Officer<br />

since the establishment of the Stone Pine<br />

Subnetwork in 1995, retired. Ö. Tuzcu,<br />

the former Pecan subnetwork’s Liaison<br />

Officer is no longer coordinating its activities.<br />

All four have made an outstanding<br />

service to Network activities and members<br />

and we acknowledge their important<br />

contribution to the development of activities.<br />

J. Chat from INRA Bordeaux, France,<br />

replaced E. Germain and B.E. Ak,<br />

from the University of Harran, Turkey,<br />

took over N. Kaska’s position.<br />

Nut Network on the web<br />

In addition to the already existing information<br />

on the Nut Network at http://<br />

www.iamz.<strong>ciheam</strong>.org/ingles/nuts.htm,<br />

from July 2000 the FAO European System<br />

of Cooperative Research Networks in<br />

Agriculture (ESCORENA) has opened a<br />

website Nuts Network at http://<br />

Almond trees at bloom in Teruel, Spain<br />

www.fao.org/regional/europe/escorena/<br />

nut-crops.html on which up-to-date information<br />

regarding the Network and subnetworks<br />

can be found. This is a useful<br />

step forward to becoming more global.<br />

<strong>NUCIS</strong> on the web<br />

A short version of the Newsletter (editorial,<br />

contents and back page) from issue<br />

<strong>number</strong> 6 and onwards, is available on<br />

the Internet web <strong>pages</strong> of both FAO<br />

(http://www.fao.org/regional/europe/public-e/nucis.htm)<br />

and CIHEAM (http://<br />

www.iamz.<strong>ciheam</strong>.org/ingles/nucis6.htm).<br />

The contents of this Newsletter can be<br />

browsed through and also copied and<br />

printed.<br />

Contributions to <strong>NUCIS</strong><br />

As in past <strong>NUCIS</strong> editorials, we again<br />

stress that this Newsletter must be an<br />

effective vehicle of communication for all<br />

the Network members. The <strong>pages</strong> of this<br />

bulletin are open to all readers who would<br />

like to suggest ideas or to express their<br />

opinion about the work developed by the<br />

Network (activities carried out and planned)<br />

or to publish short articles and reports<br />

on relevant horticultural subjects of<br />

general interest. We receive a sufficient<br />

<strong>number</strong> of contributions from the Mediterranean<br />

Basin and overseas for the articles<br />

and reports section. However, the<br />

sections on news and notes and also on<br />

congresses and meetings are usually difficult<br />

to cover due to the scarce information<br />

received and thus, contributions are<br />

most welcomed. Otherwise, the Editor<br />

has to report on the issues he is aware of,<br />

but certainly there must be many more issues<br />

on-going throughout the year which<br />

merit reporting. Also, the place for ‘grey’<br />

bibliography (references and documents<br />

which are difficult to search like Masters<br />

or Ph Theses) is scarcely filled.<br />

The dissemination of information originated<br />

by the Network is of paramount importance<br />

and through this bulletin has been<br />

largely successful. The first <strong>NUCIS</strong> was<br />

published in 1993, this issue of the NU-<br />

CIS Newsletter is <strong>number</strong> 10 and during<br />

these eight years a wide editing task has<br />

been made. I acknowledge and grate<strong>full</strong>y<br />

thank all contributors for their effort and<br />

interest to produce and send me valuable<br />

information. The exchange of information<br />

between Network members through the<br />

<strong>pages</strong> of this Newsletter is the basis for<br />

developing collaboration. The editing task<br />

in the ten <strong>NUCIS</strong> issues already published<br />

has been huge (<strong>NUCIS</strong> 1, 9 <strong>pages</strong>; 2,<br />

20 <strong>pages</strong>; 3, 24 <strong>pages</strong>; 4, 28 <strong>pages</strong>; 5,<br />

36 <strong>pages</strong>; 6, 52 <strong>pages</strong>, 7, 44 <strong>pages</strong>, 8, 46<br />

<strong>pages</strong> 9, 68 <strong>pages</strong> and 10, <strong>48</strong> <strong>pages</strong>).<br />

This time-consuming major editing can no<br />

longer be provided by the Coordination<br />

Centre of our Nut Network as time and resources<br />

are limited. Therefore we are asking<br />

contributors who send articles, news,<br />

notes, bibliographic references, etc., to<br />

the different sections to provide them well<br />

organized and elaborated. Information<br />

should be sent in satisfactory English.<br />

Contributions could be sent through Internet<br />

using the Editor’s email. The alternative<br />

is to provide them on diskette and also<br />

in printed format. This bulletin is reproduced<br />

in black and white only, including slides<br />

and photographs. We thank all who<br />

have contributed to this issue. Please<br />

send your contributions for the next issue,<br />

<strong>number</strong> 11 (<strong>December</strong> 2002) by the end<br />

of October 2002. Finally, we wish all Nut<br />

Network members and collaborators a<br />

peaceful and happy 2002.<br />

The Editor<br />

The designations employed and the<br />

presentation of material in this publication<br />

do not imply the expression of any<br />

opinion whatsoever on the part of the<br />

Food and Agriculture Organization of<br />

the United Nations concerning the legal<br />

status of any country, territory, city or<br />

area or of its authorities, or concerning<br />

the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.<br />

This publication contains the collective<br />

views of an international group of experts<br />

and does not necessarily represent<br />

the decisions or the stated policy<br />

of the Food and Agriculture Organization<br />

of the United Nations, the International<br />

Centre for Advanced Mediterranean<br />

Agronomic Studies nor of the Organization<br />

for the Economic Cooperation<br />

and Development.<br />

Contributions should be written concisely<br />

in English. Please send contributions<br />

on paper and diskette (Microsoftâ Word<br />

or Word Perfectâ). Authors are responsible<br />

for the content of their papers. Reproduction<br />

of the articles is authorized,<br />

provided that the original source is<br />

clearly stated.<br />

2 FAO-CIHEAM - Nucis-Newsletter, Number 10 <strong>December</strong> 2001

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