Men's League Championships - Bowls WA

Men's League Championships - Bowls WA

Men's League Championships - Bowls WA


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Men’s <strong>League</strong><br />

Championship Events<br />

Policy and Conditions of Play<br />

Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong><br />

Approval Date: 20 June 2012<br />

Amendment Date:<br />

F:Administration\Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong>\Men’s <strong>League</strong> <strong>Championships</strong> Events Policy and Conditions(updated 20 June. 2012).docx


All <strong>League</strong> Champion of Champion Events shall be rotated between affiliated clubs.<br />

All players participating in <strong>League</strong> Fixtures must be capitated with <strong>Bowls</strong> <strong>WA</strong>.<br />


(i) The Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> Match Committee is responsible to review, add to, delete or<br />

alter the Conditions of Play for <strong>League</strong> events.<br />

(ii) Recommendations for changes to these Rules or Condition of Play are to be submitted in<br />

writing to the <strong>League</strong> Secretary for the appropriate Match Committee for consideration.<br />

(iii) The Match Committee reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or abandon the event.<br />

(iv) Alterations to the draw and Conditions of Play; All games shall conform to the Laws of the<br />

Sport of <strong>Bowls</strong> are under control of the Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> Match Committee who<br />

shall have the power to alter or vary, if necessary, the draw and other conditions.<br />


2.1 Must be the current Club Champion/s<br />

2.2 Male players only are eligible to play in these events, when these events are designated<br />

as ”Men’s” events.<br />

2.3 Cross gender substitution is not permitted.<br />

3. INTEGRITY<br />

(i) A team or player representing his club in <strong>League</strong> Fixtures shall respect and act with honesty<br />

and truthfulness to uphold the intent and spirit of the competition.<br />


(i) Each Club Champion will play-off to determine the Champion of the LEAGUE<br />

5. FORMAT<br />

(i) All <strong>League</strong> Championship events shall be Round Robin format events consisting of:<br />

<strong>League</strong> Singles - 17 up – 4 bowls each<br />

Veteran Singles - 17 up – 4 bowls each<br />

Novice Singles - 17 up – 4 bowls each<br />

<strong>League</strong> Pairs - 14 ends of 2x2x2x2<br />

<strong>League</strong> Triples - 14 ends – 2 bowls each<br />

<strong>League</strong> Fours - 12 ends - 2 bowls each<br />

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6. TRIAL ENDS<br />

6.1 Before start of play in any game the Controlling Body may permit one trial end each way<br />

using as many bowls as will used in the game according to the Laws of the Sport of <strong>Bowls</strong>.<br />

6.2 Trial ends are not part of the game; the start of play is rolling the jack in the first end. All trial<br />

ends shall be completed by the scheduled starting time of the game and if still in progress at<br />

the scheduled starting time shall cease immediately.<br />

6.3 In Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> events, trial ends shall be restricted to the first game to be played<br />

on any day and on any one green by a team or player.<br />


(i) <strong>League</strong> Singles and Triples to start at 8:30am. Trial ends to commence no later than<br />

8:15am and must be completed before the scheduled starting time.<br />

(ii) <strong>League</strong> Fours to start at 8:00am. Trial ends to commence no later than 7:45am and must<br />

be completed before the scheduled starting time.<br />

(iii) The <strong>League</strong> Pairs shall have two rounds on Saturday afternoon starting at 1:00pm. Trial<br />

ends to commence no later than 12:45pm and must be completed before the scheduled<br />

starting time.<br />

(iv) Sunday there will be three rounds played. Play will commence at 8:30am.Trial ends to<br />

commenced no later than 8:15am and must be completed before the scheduled starting<br />

time.<br />

8. SCORING<br />

8.1 All <strong>League</strong> <strong>Championships</strong> events will be determined by points scored:-<br />

(i) Two (2) points for a win<br />

(ii) One (1) points for a draw, then if required greatest margin (shots up)<br />


(i) The LEAGUE Championship pairs to be played over a consecutive Saturday<br />

afternoon and Sunday, that it be in January with two (2) rounds on Saturday and<br />

three (3) rounds on Sunday.<br />

(ii) Draw to allow for the team with the greatest distance to travel to have the first bye on<br />

the Sunday and the team with the second greatest distance to have the last bye on<br />

Sunday. The home club and the next nearest to have the byes on Saturday (which means<br />

they will only play one game each on that day).<br />


(i) The LEAGUE will run a Novice Champion of Champions singles event, to be played on the<br />

same date and same venue as the LEAGUE Singles.<br />

(ii) To be eligible a novice must not have played more than two seasons and must not have<br />

previously won a Novice Championship event.<br />

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The <strong>League</strong> will run a Veterans Champion of Champions singles event, to be played on the<br />

same date and same venue as the <strong>League</strong> Singles.<br />

(i) If a Veteran Singles winner wins both his club open and veteran single event, he will then<br />

be required to nominate which <strong>League</strong> singles event he will participate in.<br />

(ii) If that is the case the Veteran’s club will need to advise the Host Club so that the draw can<br />

be re-drawn to suit.<br />

(iii) All clubs will be advised to the changes to the draw prior to the commencement of the<br />

event.<br />

(iv) To be eligible the entrant has to be a minimum of 70 years of age.<br />

12. RINKS<br />

All Clubs holding LEAGUE fixtures will make available six (6) rinks at all times to allow for<br />

neutral rinks.<br />

13. BOWLS<br />

<strong>Bowls</strong> used by a player during a game must be from a matching set with identical<br />

markings, in accordance with the Laws of the Sport of <strong>Bowls</strong>.<br />


All Players playing in LEAGUE Championship events shall have their bowls stickers,<br />

representing their club league colours. (Stickers are to be supplied by the player’s Home Club).<br />

15. BYE<br />

In the event of a bye, the team or singles player shall receive no points.<br />

16. FORFEITS<br />

(i) A team representative or singles player must notify the appropriate authority of the<br />

Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> and the host club as soon as possible prior to the start of an event<br />

if they are unable to participate and intend to forfeit.<br />

(ii) The recipient of a forfeit shall be awarded a win.<br />

(iii) A team or singles player that forfeits during a <strong>League</strong> Champion of Champion event shall<br />

be liable for a fine (per player), except that if in the final game of play the result of the<br />

singles players or teams drawn to play against each other, will have no effect upon the<br />

final result. Players must get the consent of the Controlling Body.<br />

(iv) Failure to notify the Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> match committee prior to the start of an<br />

event of an intended forfeit may result in a fine of $30.00 per player.<br />

(v) Failure to notify the venue on the day of play of an intended forfeit may result in a fine of<br />

$30.00 per player.<br />

(vi) A player or team is to forfeit the game through illness or an injury and no substitutions<br />

are available, the player and team shall not be fined.<br />

‣ The recipient of the forfeit shall be awarded a win and points.<br />

‣ Shots For and Against shall be averaged from the previous games.<br />

‣<br />

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Replacement players and substitutes may only be used in accordance with the Laws of the<br />

Sport of <strong>Bowls</strong>; Domestic Regulations.<br />


18.1 In the case of Extreme Weather ( Heat, rain, electrical disturbance or any other inclement<br />

weather phenomenon) that forces a game to be abandoned the Batavia Match Committee<br />

or the Umpire of the Day shall re-schedule the game/s or the event.<br />

18.2 Heat Guidelines: Player and Club Officials need to be aware of the temperature restrictions<br />

of the particular event being held.<br />

In the best interest of the competition continuing, whilst bearing in mind the risk associated<br />

with heat stress, the following principles shall apply:<br />

‣ It is understood that the temperature will not be 40C at the start of play, therefore play<br />

will commence with the first game of the days play.<br />

‣ Play shall cease when the temperature exceeds the appropriate temperature as shown<br />

by the venues thermometer.<br />

‣ Play shall re-commence at the discretion of the umpire of the Day.<br />

‣ Any player can appeal to the Umpire of the Day at any time. Refer to the <strong>Bowls</strong> <strong>WA</strong><br />

Extreme Weather Policy.<br />


19.1 All winners and runner-ups of <strong>League</strong> events shall receive their prizes at the<br />

Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> Awards night.<br />

19.1 <strong>League</strong> Championship Winners and Runners-Ups will receive the following prizes/cash:-<br />

Singles Winner - Medal<br />

Singles Runner-Up - $50.00<br />

Novice Singles Winner - $30.00 Plus perpetual shield<br />

Novice Singles Runner-Up - $20.00<br />

Veterans Singles Winner - $30.00 Plus perpetual shield<br />

Veterans Singles Runner-Up - $20.00<br />

Pairs Winners - $50.00 Each<br />

Pairs Runner-Ups - $25.00 Each<br />

Triples Winners - $50.00 Each<br />

Triples Runner-Ups - $25.00 Each<br />

Four Winners - $50.00 Each<br />

Fours Runner-Ups - $25.00 Each<br />

F:Administration\Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong>\Men’s <strong>League</strong> <strong>Championships</strong> Events Policy and Conditions(updated 20 June. 2012).docx<br />


20. PRACTICE<br />

20.1 If a team or singles player that has not yet played is due to meet a team or singles player<br />

that has already played on the same, day the team or singles player can practice as long as:<br />

‣ The Controlling Body gives approval;<br />

‣ There is enough time available without delaying the event; and<br />

‣ Another rink is available apart from that on which the team or singles has been drawn<br />

to play their next game<br />

20.2 The Controlling Body should allocate the rink on which a team or singles player can practice.<br />

20.3 The format of, and number of bowls used in, the practice should be decided by the players<br />

concerned according to the Laws of the Sport of <strong>Bowls</strong><br />


21.1 In all Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong> events 30 minutes is allowed beyond the scheduled starting<br />

time. If at the end of 30 minutes a side, team or player is not present and no replacement<br />

player or substitute is available the opponent will be awarded a forfeit.<br />

21.2 In the case of extenuating circumstances (e.g. Traffic hold-ups), the team or a single player<br />

to make every effort to immediately notify the host club and the Controlling Body of the<br />

extenuating circumstances which will delay their arrival at the venue.<br />

Entrants arriving later than the 30 minute period for the first round of play, will be classed<br />

as a forfeit.<br />

22. MEALS<br />

All players playing in LEAGUE Championship events shall pay for lunches provided by the host<br />

club at the distribution of the first game card. The cost of meals will be determined by the<br />

<strong>League</strong> Delegates at the Annual General Meeting each year and will stay at that price for that<br />

year. Cost of meals are $15.00 per head.<br />


All games schedules for LEAGUE Championship events shall be played unless directed<br />

otherwise by the controlling authority.<br />


Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on the greens during<br />

any Batavia <strong>League</strong> event. Refer to <strong>Bowls</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Smoking and Alcohol Policy<br />


(i) All mobile phones must be turned to silent (or vibrate) during play.<br />

(ii) Permission to use a mobile phone must be given by the Umpire of the Day.<br />

(iii) Electronic Devices are not permitted on the green during play e.g. iPod’s or radios.<br />

26. GREEN SAFETY<br />

Player directly participating in a game are not permitted to sit on the banks with any portion<br />

of their body in the ditch or on the green whilst play is in progress.<br />

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27.1 Death on the Green<br />

Should a player, official, spectator, employee or any other person at the venue die then<br />

all play shall cease.<br />

27.2 The Controlling Body of the <strong>League</strong> shall determine when and if the event shall be<br />

replayed/ rescheduled.<br />

F:Administration\Batavia Bowling <strong>League</strong>\Men’s <strong>League</strong> <strong>Championships</strong> Events Policy and Conditions(updated 20 June. 2012).docx<br />


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