A Poisonous Mix - Human Rights Watch

A Poisonous Mix - Human Rights Watch

A Poisonous Mix - Human Rights Watch


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It is really difficult to combine school and work. One cannot do the two at<br />

the same time. I am always tired. 314<br />

Pupils who work in artisanal mining frequently do not turn up at school, resulting in high<br />

rates of absenteeism and dropout. 315 School directors and teachers described the negative<br />

effects of artisanal mining on pupils’ performance. 316 One teacher for grades five and six<br />

explained that about half of the children in his class were working at the mine. He said:<br />

The fact that children in fifth and sixth grade work in the mine has<br />

consequences. They do not do their homework and are tired. 317<br />

Education Policies: Failing to Reach Child Laborers<br />

The Malian government aims to provide education for all, and support the educationrelated<br />

Millennium Development Goals, 318 through access to education up to grade nine<br />

(basic education), better access to education for girls, teacher training, and non-formal<br />

education. Decentralization is a key element in the government’s strategy, aiming to<br />

strengthen community ownership over education. 319 Donors provide significant funding to<br />

the education sector, including sector budget support. In 2009, donors gave US$161<br />

million in official assistance for education in Mali. 320 Donors have also helped fund a<br />

remarkable expansion of community schools. 321<br />

However, education policies have given insufficient attention to children who are<br />

vulnerable due to their economic status, gender, family situation, health, or other reasons.<br />

The current government education program fails to propose specific measures to reach out<br />

314 <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>Watch</strong> interview with Nanfadima A., estimated age 11, Tabokoto, April 2, 2011.<br />

315 <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>Watch</strong> interview with school director, Worognan, April 8, 2011; ILO, “Etude transfrontalière des enfants<br />

dans l’orpaillage,“ pp. 45-46.<br />

316 <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>Watch</strong> interview with school director and teacher from Sensoko, Kéniéba, April 2, 2011.<br />

317 <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Rights</strong> <strong>Watch</strong> interview with school director and two teachers, Baroya, April 3, 2011.<br />

318 Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 2 aims to achieve universal primary education: “Ensure that, by 2015, children<br />

everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.” MDG 3 aims to “eliminate gender<br />

disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015.” United<br />

Nations, “Millennium Development Goals”, http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/index.shtml (accessed August 8, 2011).<br />

319 Government of Mali, “Programme décennal de développement de l’éducation (PRODEC): Les grandes orientations de la politique<br />

éducative," 2000, p.8-9, http://www.education.gov.ml/IMG/pdf/1_GRANDES_ORIENTATIONS_2000.pdf (accessed August 1, 2011);<br />

Government of Mali, “Programme d’Investissement pour le Secteur de l’Education: Descriptif de la Troisième Phase 2010-2012,”<br />

March 18, 2010, pp.5-8, http://www.education.gov.ml/IMG/pdf/le_Descriptif_PISE_III_18mars10_VF.pdf (accessed August 9, 2011).<br />

320 Education For All Fast Track Initiative, “Mali,” July 25, 2011, http://www.educationfasttrack.org/partners/developingcountries/mali/<br />

(accessed August 9, 2011); Oxfam, “Delivering Education for All”, p. 24; Overseas Development Institute<br />

(ODI)/Mokoro, “Sector Budget Support in Practice. Case Study Education Sector in Mali,” November 2009, p. 12.<br />

321 USAID, “Meeting EFA: Mali Community Schools”; Oxfam, “Delivering Education For All,” p. 19.<br />


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