Spanish 12 Form A - QuestionBank.CA

Spanish 12 Form A - QuestionBank.CA

Spanish 12 Form A - QuestionBank.CA


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<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong><br />

Examination Booklet<br />

August 2007<br />

<strong>Form</strong> A<br />



Contents: 22 pages<br />

Examination: 2 hours<br />

48 multiple-choice questions (maximum of 48 marks) Additional Time Permitted: 60 minutes<br />

3 written-response questions (maximum of 42 marks) © Province of British Columbia

You have Examination Booklet <strong>Form</strong> A. In the box above #1 on your Answer Sheet, fill in<br />

the bubble as follows.<br />

Exam Booklet <strong>Form</strong>/<br />

Cahier d’examen<br />

A B C D E F G H<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 1

Value: 10 marks<br />



Suggested Time: 10 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: For questions 1 to 10, select the answer which best completes the sentence and record<br />

your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Using an HB pencil, completely fill in<br />

the bubble that has the letter corresponding to your answer.<br />

Receta para La Fiesta Perfecta<br />

Ponle sentimiento a tu fiesta. La ranchera es un estilo de música popular mexicana. Está íntimamente<br />

asociada con los grupos de mariachis 1 se desarrollaron en Jalisco a comienzos 2 siglo XX.<br />

El 3 deriva de la palabra RANCHO, que es una hacienda 4<br />

ya que ése fue precisamente su origen.<br />

a la explotación agrícola y ganadera,<br />

Los mariachis 5 a popularizar la ranchera en las fiestas de casamiento en los ranchos, pero poco a poco<br />

se fue convirtiendo en un símbolo de una 6 conciencia nacional en oposición a los gustos aristocráticos<br />

7 época.<br />

A lo largo del camino, la ranchera 8 inspiración en el espíritu de las danzas folklóricas mexicanas, de<br />

fuerte carácter festivo. Antes y hoy, su característica al cantarla es el mantenimiento prolongado de la nota<br />

del final de cada frase en un tono agudo 1 que completa la estrofa. Por eso, 9 mejores intérpretes son los<br />

mariachis, conjuntos instrumentales de tres a doce integrantes que<br />

alternan 10 instrumentos de cuerda y metales como la<br />

trompeta y el clarinete. Por eso, si quieres ponerle<br />

sentimiento a tu fiesta, que toquen y bailen ranchera.<br />

1 agudo: high-pitched<br />

Adapted from a Kraft Foods advertisement. ComidaKraft.com<br />

Page 2<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

1. A. que<br />

B. cual<br />

C. quien<br />

D. cuanto<br />

6. A. nieve<br />

B. nueva<br />

C. nuevo<br />

D. nueve<br />

2. A. de<br />

B. en<br />

C. del<br />

D. de la<br />

7. A. de<br />

B. del<br />

C. de la<br />

D. de lo<br />

3. A. nombre<br />

B. número<br />

C. nominado<br />

D. nominación<br />

8. A. encontró<br />

B. encontrar<br />

C. encontrará<br />

D. encontrando<br />

4. A. dedicar<br />

B. dedicada<br />

C. dedicado<br />

D. dedicación<br />

9. A. su<br />

B. sus<br />

C. suyo<br />

D. suya<br />

5. A. comenzó<br />

B. comenzar<br />

C. comenzarán<br />

D. comenzaron<br />

10. A. a<br />

B. en<br />

C. entre<br />

D. antes<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 3


Value: 9 marks<br />

Suggested Time: 10 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following information carefully. For questions 11 to 19, select the best<br />

answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Your answers must<br />

be based on the information provided.<br />

Andalucía<br />

Andalucía es la comunidad más extensa y meridional de España, con<br />

2<br />

87.268 km de superficie. Tiene tres grandes unidades de relieve: al norte,<br />

las montañas de la Sierra Morena; en el centro, el valle del Guadalquivir,<br />

y al sur, las montañas de las Cordilleras Béticas.<br />

Su clima general es de tipo mediterráneo. Se caracteriza por sus<br />

veranos secos y calurosos y unos inviernos de temperaturas suaves,<br />

con precipitaciones irregulares. Sin embargo, en la gran extensión de su<br />

territorio se dan regiones de climas contrastados, desde áreas de<br />

desierto a sierras con temporadas de lluvia y montañas nevadas. El<br />

rasgo más distintivo del clima andaluz es el número de horas de sol al<br />

año que disfruta en general, con más de 3.000 en el Bajo Guadalquivir,<br />

costa atlántica y litoral de Málaga, Granada y Almería.<br />

Este clima produce una atmósfera de luz que afecta<br />

el carácter de la gente. Son innumerables los<br />

testimonios literarios que confirman esto. En<br />

gran parte las cualidades que adornan al ser<br />

andaluz, la hospitalidad y el concepto de la<br />

calidad de vida, tienen mucho que ver con unos<br />

cielos purísimos y unas temperaturas agradables.<br />

La distribución de los núcleos de población superiores<br />

a los 20.000 habitantes señalan las áreas de mayor<br />

densidad demográfica a lo largo del valle del<br />

Guadalquivir y de las costas atlántica y mediterránea.<br />

Adapted from information in Andalucía—Guídas Prácticas.<br />

Turismo Andaluz S.A. Centro Internacional de Turismo de Andalucía.<br />

Page 4<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

11. How can the province of Andalusia best be described<br />

A. It is the largest.<br />

B. It is the smallest.<br />

C. It is the most mountainous.<br />

D. It is the most centrally located.<br />

<strong>12</strong>. Geographically, Andalusia is made up of three different regions. Identify them.<br />

A. three distinct mountain ranges<br />

B. a river, a lake region and a coastal area<br />

C. two mountain ranges with a valley in the middle<br />

D. the high plains, a lake region and a mountain range<br />

13. Generally, the climate includes<br />

A. very long rainy periods.<br />

B. dry summers and cold winters.<br />

C. dry hot summers and warm winters.<br />

D. tropical weather with unexpected rain showers.<br />

14. There are, however, specific areas that are subject to<br />

A. desert wind storms.<br />

B. distinct climate conditions.<br />

C. almost constant precipitation.<br />

D. extreme winter weather conditions.<br />

15. According to the brochure, why is the Andalusian climate famous<br />

A. for the windy Atlantic coastline<br />

B. for the many hours of sunshine per year<br />

C. for the longest summer season in Europe<br />

D. for the long days with the most hours of daylight in Europe<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 5


Page 6<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

16. According to the article, what has been influenced by the Andalusian climate<br />

A. the people<br />

B. the air quality<br />

C. the atmosphere<br />

D. the arts in Spain<br />

17. How does the author describe the residents of Andalusia<br />

A. They resist change.<br />

B. They love the outdoors.<br />

C. They are friendly and appreciate life.<br />

D. They are educated and enjoy reading.<br />

18. Which communities are indicated on the map<br />

A. those with 20 000 residents or less<br />

B. those with 20 000 residents or more<br />

C. those with 20 000 foreign residents or more<br />

D. those that can accommodate up to 20 000 tourists during the summer season<br />

19. Most people live<br />

A. outside of the Guadalquivir region.<br />

B. in cities of fewer than 20 000 people.<br />

C. on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast.<br />

D. in the Guadalquivir and the coastal regions.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 7

Value: 8 marks<br />


Suggested Time: 10 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following information carefully. For questions 20 to 24, select the best<br />

answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Your answers must<br />

be based on the information provided.<br />

La cena de Navidad va a ser en tu casa<br />

Quiero cocinar.<br />

¿Cómo lo hago<br />

o<br />

Un libro dedicado a quienes quieren aprender a cocinar y no saben cómo. Aquí encontrarás una<br />

explicación de los términos más usados, el equipo básico que debe haber en la cocina, una tabla de<br />

medidas y un recetario básico para todo tipo de comidas. Encontrarás desde una sopa de fideos<br />

hasta un suflé de espinacas pasando por un pastel de chocolate. Las recetas corresponden a la<br />

época del año, para que puedas organizar tus comidas con los mejores ingredientes de la<br />

temporada. Si quieres recibir a tus familiares para Navidad, aprovecha los dos menús para festejar.<br />

Déjate llevar de la mano por la autora, quien explica paso a paso las recetas. Buena suerte, y<br />

recuerda leer la receta con calma antes de empezar a cocinar.<br />

Quiero cocinar. ¿Cómo lo hago<br />

Laura B. de Caraza Campos, Editorial Planeta, de venta en Gandhi (gandhi.com.mx), costo $93.<br />

Time Out México DF. December 2004.<br />

Page 8<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

20. Who would be most interested in the book reviewed in this article<br />

A. someone who does not know how to cook<br />

B. someone who wants to prepare simple, inexpensive meals<br />

C. someone who would like to learn traditional Mexican cooking<br />

D. someone who wants to prepare sophisticated and elegant meals<br />

21. What information cannot be found in this book<br />

A. a recipe organizer<br />

B. the use of seasonal ingredients<br />

C. basic recipes for all types of meals<br />

D. an explanation of common cooking terms<br />

22. What special feature(s) does the book contain<br />

A. a family restaurant guide<br />

B. day-to-day meal planning<br />

C. an editorial comment by the author<br />

D. recipes organized around the seasons<br />

23. What special meals are offered in the book<br />

A. New Year’s dinner<br />

B. a birthday party menu<br />

C. two menus for Christmas dinner<br />

D. one New Year’s dinner and one Christmas dinner<br />

24. What should you do before attempting a recipe from this book<br />

A. Wash your hands.<br />

B. Prepare the ingredients.<br />

C. Read through the recipe.<br />

D. Assemble the necessary equipment.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 9

Value: 4 marks<br />


Suggested Time: 8 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following information carefully. For questions 25 to 28, select the best<br />

answer and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Your answers must<br />

be based on the information provided.<br />


Toma horas o días para camines o te levantes a menos que sea<br />

que el veneno de la absolutamente necesario. Lo mejor es que entre<br />

mayoría de las<br />

dos te suban al coche y que traten de que tus<br />

serpientes pueda matar piernas queden extendidas y se muevan lo menos<br />

a una persona, pero con posible. Mientras te trasladan al hospital,<br />

los antídotos que hay asegúrate de que alguien llame y avise lo que te<br />

ahora, las mordidas de pasó, de esa manera al llegar al hospital ellos ya<br />

serpiente no son tan estarán preparados.<br />

graves como antes.<br />

PROTECCIÓN DE <strong>CA</strong>DA DÍA:<br />

Después de una mordida de serpiente lo primero<br />

es evitar que el veneno se expanda. Lo mejor es<br />

• Evita atravesar por llanos y pastos altos.<br />

atar 1 el area arriba la mordida fuertemente lo más • Sé precavida en las épocas del año en que<br />

rápido posible. Lo ideal sería que fuera con una las serpientes abundan.<br />

venda 2 , pero seguramente no tendrás una a la<br />

• Si encuentras una víbora mantén la calma, no<br />

mano, así que deberás improvisar con una media,<br />

te muevas o trates de lastimarla, lo mejor es<br />

un pedazo de tela o una toalla. La presión debe<br />

esperar a que se aleje y entonces deberás<br />

ser fuerte pero no que corte la circulación. No<br />

retroceder con mucha calma.<br />

trates de lavar la herida o de exprimirla. No<br />

1 atar: to tie<br />

2 venda: bandage<br />

Veintitantos. January 2005.<br />

Page 10<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

25. Why are snake bites not as serious as they used to be<br />

A. Most poisonous snakes are now extinct.<br />

B. There are much better remedies available.<br />

C. Most snake bites take several days to be fatal.<br />

D. Snake poisons are less venomous than before.<br />

26. If you are bitten by a snake, what is the most important first step<br />

A. Try to extract the poison.<br />

B. Wash around the wound carefully.<br />

C. Wrap a cloth tightly above the wound.<br />

D. Stay calm and cover yourself with a blanket.<br />

27. When being transported to the hospital after a bite, you should<br />

A. sit still with your legs straight out.<br />

B. sit between two other passengers if possible.<br />

C. sit up straight and move your legs if necessary.<br />

D. sit still but massage the wound for good circulation.<br />

28. What should you do if you encounter a snake<br />

A. Stay calm and do not move.<br />

B. Try to frighten the snake away.<br />

C. Move away calmly and slowly.<br />

D. Move away quickly to avoid injury.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 11


Value: 8 marks<br />

Suggested Time: <strong>12</strong> minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following article carefully. For questions 29 to 36, select the best answer<br />

and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Your answers must be based<br />

on the article.<br />

Churros…¡por fin en Vancouver!<br />

La novedad del verano vancouverita 2005<br />

Cuando Tito y Beatriz Ohep se propusieron<br />

establecer un negocio propio para sacar mejor<br />

partido a sus capacidades tanto de trabajo como<br />

empresariales, tal vez no sospechaban que<br />

darían un golpe certero en el corazón de los<br />

latinoamericanos que viven en Vancouver.<br />

Tras largos meses de investigación y luego de<br />

desarrollar un detallado ‘business plan’ estos<br />

jóvenes emprendedores<br />

lanzaron en junio pasado<br />

“Churrolicious”, una tienda que<br />

vende churros en variadas<br />

formas y al más puro estilo<br />

tradicional. Esta delicia cuando<br />

se acompaña de un espeso<br />

chocolate caliente despierta<br />

inmediatamente los recuerdos<br />

del pasado. Nos lleva al lugar<br />

que ocupa en nuestra memoria<br />

emotiva la sensación crujiente<br />

pero delicada de esta masa que nos acarició<br />

tiempo atrás en nuestras tierras originarias.<br />

Esta tradición adquirida de los españoles cuando<br />

se establecieron en tierras americanas se<br />

expandió rápidamente por todo el continente y se<br />

transformó en un alimento común a todas las<br />

naciones latinoamericanas. Cada cultura le fue<br />

agregando sus propias peculiaridades y es muy<br />

natural que hoy conozcamos no sólo el churro<br />

tradicional, sino una amplia gama de variedades:<br />

churro con canela, churro con azúcar, churro<br />

relleno con dulce de leche o fresa o chocolate o<br />

bañados en chocolate o leche condensada, en fin,<br />

un sinnúmero de variantes para el mismo<br />

producto. Lo que está claro es que todos los<br />

conocemos. Y la participación de Churrolicious<br />

en el Latin Summer Festival del domingo pasado<br />

fue tan sólo una comprobación de la popularidad<br />

de los churros dentro de la<br />

comunidad residente. La fila<br />

para comprarlos era extensa<br />

y pudimos constatar que<br />

durante todo el día se<br />

mantuvo igual, grandes y<br />

chicos, uno tras otros<br />

desfilaban por el stand de<br />

Churrolicious para adquirir<br />

tan preciado manjar. Un<br />

éxito total.<br />

“Churrolicious” está ubicado<br />

en el 3143 de W. Broadway en Vancouver. Allí se<br />

preparan en el momento todas las variantes de<br />

churros que mencionábamos y se pueden<br />

acompañar del exquisito chocolate caliente a la<br />

española o café, también, en una amplia variedad<br />

de tamaños y mezclas. La particularidad, sin<br />

embargo, es que el grano de café que se utiliza<br />

es 100% orgánico y responde a los parámetros<br />

del “fair trade” o “trato justo” en todos los<br />

aspectos de producción, procesamiento y<br />

distribución del café.<br />

Page <strong>12</strong><br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

El lugar está muy bien decorado, y los tonos de<br />

su espacio son cálidos, alegres y acogedores.<br />

Se respira limpieza y pulcritud en la preparación<br />

de los churros y en las mesas del local. Una<br />

mención especial se merecen la dedicación y<br />

esmero con que los dueños de Churrolicious y el<br />

personal que allí labora atienden al público. Si el<br />

producto nos recuerda nuestras tierras, Tito,<br />

Beatriz y su equipo logran hacernos sentir en<br />

casa.<br />

Qué bueno que estén aquí y esperamos que la<br />

fiebre de los churros invada también a la cultura<br />

local y veamos surgir por todas partes de la<br />

ciudad nuevas tiendas de Churrolicious.<br />

Milenio. August 23, 2005.<br />

29. When Tito and Beatriz Ohep decided to start their own business,<br />

A. they expected to enjoy work as if it were a game.<br />

B. they wanted to apply their business skills and their energy.<br />

C. they decided to locate their store in the heart of Vancouver.<br />

D. they knew they were going to make a hit with Latin Americans in Vancouver.<br />

30. Which statement about Tito and Beatriz is true<br />

A. They started developing their idea last June. After many months, they opened their store.<br />

B. They worked for a long time researching their possibilities. Last June, they opened<br />

their store.<br />

C. They worked for many months researching their idea. Last June, they finished their<br />

business plan.<br />

D. They had to work at their research jobs for many long months. Finally, they had enough money<br />

to open their store.<br />

31. Which way of eating churros awakens memories of the past<br />

A. eating them while drinking hot chocolate<br />

B. eating them coated in chocolate and sugar<br />

C. eating them with the traditional ingredients<br />

D. eating them while drinking a particular type of coffee<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 13


Page 14<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

32. Where did the “churros” tradition originate<br />

A. The Spaniards introduced it, and it spread throughout the continent.<br />

B. The Spaniards acquired the tradition when they settled in the Americas.<br />

C. The Spaniards brought it and imposed it as part of the basic diet in Latin America.<br />

D. The Spaniards discovered it in Latin America and spread it throughout the continent.<br />

33. At the Latin Summer Festival, Churrolicious<br />

A. had free samples for the residents.<br />

B. had such a success that it sold out.<br />

C. had a long line-up throughout the day.<br />

D. had different sizes of churros for young and old.<br />

34. The coffee served at Churrolicious<br />

A. comes in many sizes and blends.<br />

B. is prepared in the traditional <strong>Spanish</strong> style.<br />

C. is a particular variety grown only for fair trade.<br />

D. is ground in the store to ensure it is 100% organic.<br />

35. Why has Churrolicious been especially successful with the Latin American community<br />

A. The prices are very reasonable.<br />

B. It reminds them of their countries.<br />

C. It is the only place where churros are sold in the city.<br />

D. It is a popular meeting place for all <strong>Spanish</strong> speakers.<br />

36. The owners of Churrolicious<br />

A. hope to open new branches throughout the city.<br />

B. make their customers feel at home in their store.<br />

C. operate all aspects of their business by themselves.<br />

D. also sell their churros at other stores in the Vancouver area.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 15


Value: <strong>12</strong> marks<br />

Suggested Time: 15 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following article carefully. For questions 37 to 48, select the best answer<br />

and record your choice on the Answer Sheet provided. Your answers must be based<br />

on the article.<br />

De turista a viajera<br />

Mi mamá dice que viajar es lo más lindo de<br />

la vida; conocer otros lugares, otras<br />

personas, otras formas de vida, otras<br />

modas…le encanta hacerlo, sólo que<br />

no puede con la frecuencia que<br />

quisiera. Según ella, viajar es una<br />

actividad complicada y el dinero<br />

nunca es suficiente. Si no tiene<br />

suficiente dinero para los hoteles,<br />

ir de compras, salir de noche,<br />

enviar como 20 mil tarjetas<br />

postales y llevar regalitos para<br />

todos, no está contenta.<br />

Viéndolo desde ese punto, mi<br />

mamá necesita ser millonaria para<br />

poder viajar y, por ser su hija, las<br />

posibilidades de que yo vaya a<br />

algún lado son remotísimas.<br />

Un día, se organizó en la escuela<br />

un campamento de fin de semana,<br />

y mi mamá me ayudó a empacar. Para<br />

mí, fue de lo más natural llegar a la estación de<br />

autobuses con mi mochila al hombro, mi maleta con<br />

rueditas y la cartera llena de dinero (por si acaso) y<br />

ver a Regina, Adriana, Julia y Lorena con el mismo<br />

número de paquetes y parecidas cantidades para<br />

los imprevistos. La sorpresa fue ver a Ana Pau sólo<br />

con su mochila. ¿Qué no llevaba siquiera un cambio<br />

de ropa, ¿cómo puede alguien salir sin nada a un<br />

viaje<br />

“Sólo una maleta por persona” fue la frase más<br />

horrenda que escuché ese día. ¡Imagínate!, todo<br />

era indispensable. Como no había remedio y la de<br />

rueditas era más grande, metí todo lo que pude en<br />

ella y, con todo mi dolor, dejé mi mochila en manos<br />

de mi mamá, que tenía un ataque de pánico.<br />

Para llegar a nuestro destino, tuvimos que caminar<br />

como dos kilómetros dentro del<br />

bosque. Ana Pau iba adelante<br />

porque sólo cargaba su mochila.<br />

Nosotras, en cambio, tuvimos que<br />

sufrir cargando las maletas.<br />

El fin de semana fue genial;<br />

lástima que no salimos con chicos<br />

ni pudimos usar nuestros jeans a<br />

la cadera ni las blusas que<br />

llevábamos; ni tampoco, en mi<br />

caso, mis zapatos nuevos<br />

(porque se habrían enlodado y<br />

echado a perder). No fue<br />

necesaria la secadora para el<br />

pelo; no pude escuchar mis cd,<br />

porque decidimos que sería<br />

mejor cantar; no pude abrir mi<br />

álbum de fotos familiares ni<br />

tampoco me puse mi tratamiento<br />

facial de aguacate con pepino.<br />

Ni pude abrir mi maletín de<br />

manicura: ¿para qué pintarme las uñas en<br />

medio de los árboles<br />

Al siguiente campamento me pasó lo mismo: llevé mil<br />

cosas, y de esas mil ninguna usé. Durante el año<br />

escolar, Ana Pau y su familia (tres hermanos y sus<br />

papás) habían viajado por gran parte del país,<br />

mientras que mi familia (mis papás y yo), no habíamos<br />

salido ni a la esquina.<br />

Mi mamá decía que viajar era cosa de ricos, por lo que<br />

llegué a la conclusión de que Ana Pau tenía más<br />

dinero de lo que parecía o…simplemente sabía cómo<br />

viajar.<br />

Le pregunté si podía ayudarme, y acordamos vernos<br />

esa tarde. Yo llevé la lista de las cosas esenciales<br />

que se llevan en la maleta para un campamento de fin<br />

de semana.<br />

Page 16<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

Aunque lleva la chaqueta puesta, los lentes de sol,<br />

los documentos y otras cosas en su cangurera 1 , Ana<br />

Pau siente que va muy cargada. Sabe que si se<br />

ensucia, sólo tendrá que lavar algo de su ropa.<br />

Cuando vi su mochila, me quería desmayar 2 . Está<br />

completamente loca o es hippie.<br />

Le pregunté sobre esto, y chequen la respuesta que<br />

me dio:<br />

–Es que yo soy viajera, no turista. Los viajeros vamos<br />

ligeros, nos gusta conocer, caminar, investigar y<br />

pasarla muy bien; los turistas, sin embargo, pasan el<br />

día entero cuidando sus maletas, cambiándose de<br />

ropa, buscando las grandes tiendas y los regalitos<br />

para su familia, amigos y vecinos; se toman las fotos<br />

típicas y necesitan mucho dinero para ir a los lugares<br />

que se ofrecen en<br />

las guías.<br />

Los viajeros sólo necesitamos una mochila para<br />

movernos con libertad; poco dinero, porque<br />

buscamos lo menos turístico y lo más natural, y no<br />

nos preocupamos por el glamour, sino por conocer<br />

más del mundo. Vamos limpios y frescos a todos<br />

lados, lavamos la ropa que necesitamos, no<br />

acumulamos cosas que nos pesen y nos adentramos<br />

en los lugares que visitamos para conocer gente que<br />

viva y sea del lugar. Ésas son algunas de las<br />

diferencias.<br />

Al regresar a casa, le dije a mi mamá lo que ocurrió y<br />

casi se muere: “¡Cómo es que no lleva la secadora<br />

para el pelo!, ¡ya me imagino la facha 3 en la que<br />

andará!”<br />

Y tú, en tus próximos fines de semana, ¿serás turista<br />

o viajera<br />

Margarita Cerviño. Tú magazine. Editorial Televisa. July 2003.<br />

1 cangurera: pouch<br />

2 desmayarse: to faint<br />

3 la facha: sloppy appearance<br />

37. Why does Margarita’s mother not travel as much as she would like<br />

A. She is tired of poor hotel service.<br />

B. She cannot afford to travel in style.<br />

C. She does not have a frequent flyer plan.<br />

D. She cannot leave her daughter home alone.<br />

38. When travelling, Margarita’s mother<br />

A. never sends postcards.<br />

B. visits many remote locations.<br />

C. does not enjoy shopping and buying gifts.<br />

D. plans every trip as though it were a great expedition.<br />

39. Why did Margarita bring a lot of money on her school trip<br />

A. She wanted to buy a lot of souvenirs.<br />

B. She wanted to be prepared for anything.<br />

C. Her mother told her to be wary of exchange houses.<br />

D. She did not want to have to use a foreign bank machine.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 17

40. What did Margarita notice at the bus station<br />

A. Ana Pau was the only one with a sleeping bag.<br />

B. Four of her friends had packed as much as she had.<br />

C. There were students without any baggage for the trip.<br />

D. She found out that one overnight bag was not enough.<br />

41. What surprised Margarita and caused her mother to panic<br />

A. They did not know that it was only a weekend excursion.<br />

B. They did not realize that the students were allowed only one bag.<br />

C. Despite their best plans, Margarita did not pack enough for the trip.<br />

D. The trip involved walking tours through the woods that would ruin Margarita’s shoes.<br />

42. How did Ana Pau impress Margarita<br />

A. She brought cosmetics for manicures and facials.<br />

B. She showed a lot of leadership potential on the hike.<br />

C. She had a great attitude towards hiking and camping.<br />

D. She was able to travel efficiently because she packed lightly.<br />

43. Margarita came to the realization that<br />

A. she got homesick looking at her family photos.<br />

B. camping was not an enjoyable experience for her.<br />

C. most of the items that she brought were unnecessary.<br />

D. sharing their family pictures helped the girls to bond together.<br />

44. How did Ana Pau’s situation differ from Margarita’s<br />

A. Ana and her family had lived all over the world.<br />

B. Ana had more travel experience than Margarita had.<br />

C. Ana’s family was bigger and wealthier than Margarita’s family.<br />

D. Ana could not afford to buy all the travel accessories that Margarita could.<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A

45. Why did Margarita want to get together with Ana Pau<br />

A. She wanted Ana’s advice on packing.<br />

B. She wanted to hear about Ana’s travel adventures.<br />

C. She wanted to share her mother’s travel advice with Ana.<br />

D. She wanted to give some of her personal things to poor Ana.<br />

46. How could Ana Pau’s attitude towards travelling be described<br />

A. She looked down on hippies and backpackers.<br />

B. She considered herself a traveller, not a tourist.<br />

C. She was a free-spirited hippie who preferred hostels to hotel trips.<br />

D. She looked down on tourist traps that sold postcards and souvenirs.<br />

47. When the author recounted her experience, how did her mother react<br />

A. She was doubtful about Ana’s way of travelling.<br />

B. She was impressed with Ana’s efficient way of travelling.<br />

C. She was angry that Margarita lost her hair dryer on the trip.<br />

D. She decided that they should take Ana’s advice for their next trip.<br />

48. An alternate title for this article could have been<br />

A. Mamá lo sabe todo<br />

B. Empacar para viajar<br />

C. Un viaje sin problemas<br />

D. Un campamento difícil<br />

You have Examination Booklet <strong>Form</strong> A. In the box above #1 on your Answer Sheet, ensure<br />

you filled in the bubble as follows.<br />

Exam Booklet <strong>Form</strong>/<br />

Cahier d’examen<br />

A B C D E F G H<br />

This is the end of the multiple-choice section.<br />

Answer the remaining questions directly in the Response Booklet.<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 19



Value: 6 marks<br />

Suggested Time: 10 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a message in <strong>Spanish</strong>, using approximately 30–40 words, on the topic given<br />

below. Your finished work should take into consideration the following:<br />

1. Appropriate tense(s)<br />

2. Varied vocabulary<br />

3. Idiomatic <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

Answer question 1 in the Response Booklet. You must not identify yourself<br />

or your school. Answer in ink.<br />

1. Write an e-mail to a friend inviting him/her to a special event or performance.<br />

Organization and Planning<br />

Use this space to plan your ideas before writing in the Response Booklet.<br />


Page 20<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A


Value: <strong>12</strong> marks<br />

Suggested Time: 15 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a brief letter in <strong>Spanish</strong>, using approximately 60–70 words, on the topic given<br />

below. Your finished work should take into consideration the following:<br />

1. Appropriate tense(s)<br />

2. Varied vocabulary<br />

3. Idiomatic <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

Answer question 2 in the Response Booklet. You must not identify yourself<br />

or your school. Answer in ink.<br />

2. A close friend was unable to attend your birthday party because he/she was ill.<br />

Write your friend a letter describing the party and wishing him/her a quick recovery.<br />

Organization and Planning<br />

Use this space to plan your ideas before writing in the Response Booklet.<br />


<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A Page 21


Value: 24 marks<br />

Suggested Time: 30 minutes<br />

INSTRUCTIONS: Write in <strong>Spanish</strong> on the topic given below. Your finished work should take into<br />

consideration the following:<br />

1. Introduction, development, and conclusion to your piece of writing<br />

2. Appropriate tense(s)<br />

3. Varied vocabulary<br />

4. Idiomatic <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

Answer question 3 in the Response Booklet. You must not identify yourself<br />

or your school. Answer in ink.<br />

Note: For a piece of writing to have “development,” 100 words is a suggested minimum.<br />

3. You have been asked to write an article for a <strong>Spanish</strong>-speaking publication describing the<br />

hobbies and pastimes of a typical teenager in your community. You may want to<br />

include a title for your article.<br />

Organization and Planning<br />

Use this space to plan your ideas before writing in the Response Booklet.<br />



Page 22<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 <strong>Form</strong> A



Question 1<br />

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Question 2<br />

Place Personal Education Number (PEN) here.<br />

Marker 1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

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4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

NR<br />

Marker 2<br />

Course Code = SP<br />

AUGUST 2007<br />

<strong>12</strong><br />

0 1 2<br />

Question 3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

NR<br />

Exam Booklet<br />

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<strong>Form</strong>/<br />

Cahier d examen<br />

A B C<br />

D E F G H<br />

Marker 1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

NR<br />

Student Instructions<br />

Marker 2<br />

1. Place your Personal Education Number (PEN)<br />

label at the top of this Booklet AND fill in the<br />

bubble (<strong>Form</strong> A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H) that<br />

corresponds to the letter on your Examination<br />

Booklet.<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

NR<br />

2. Use a pencil to fill in bubbles when answering<br />

questions on your Answer Sheet.<br />

3. Use a blue- or black-ink pen when answering<br />

written-response questions in this Booklet.<br />

4. Read the Examination Rules on the back of<br />

this Booklet.<br />

45417<br />

Version 0606.1


Place Personal Education Number (PEN) here.<br />

Course Code = SP <strong>12</strong><br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong><br />

AUGUST 2007<br />

Response Booklet<br />

© Province of British Columbia



Question 1:<br />

File Edit Mailbox Message Transfer Special Window Scripts Help<br />

Delete<br />

Out<br />

In Check Mail New Message Reply Forward Attach Document Address Book Search Print… No Spam<br />

Recipient<br />

Para:<br />

Fecha:<br />

Sujeto:<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 Response Booklet Page 1


Question 2:<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 Response Booklet


Question 3:<br />

<strong>Spanish</strong> <strong>12</strong> – 0708 Response Booklet Page 3

Examination Rules<br />

1. The time allotted for this examination is two hours.<br />

You may, however, take up to 60 minutes of additional time to finish.<br />

2. Answers entered in the Examination Booklet will not be marked.<br />

3. Cheating on an examination will result in a mark of zero. The Ministry of Education<br />

considers cheating to have occurred if students break any of the following rules:<br />

• Students must not be in possession of or have used any secure examination<br />

materials prior to the examination session.<br />

• Students must not communicate with other students during the examination.<br />

• Students must not give or receive assistance of any kind in answering an<br />

examination question during an examination, including allowing one’s paper to<br />

be viewed by others or copying answers from another student’s paper.<br />

• Students must not possess any book, paper or item that might assist in writing<br />

an examination, including a dictionary or piece of electronic equipment, that is<br />

not specifically authorized for the examination by ministry policy.<br />

• Students must not copy, plagiarize or present as one’s own, work done by any<br />

other person.<br />

• Students must immediately follow the invigilator’s order to stop writing at the end<br />

of the examination time and must not alter an Examination Booklet, Response<br />

Booklet or Answer Sheet after the invigilator has asked students to hand in<br />

examination papers.<br />

• Students must not remove any piece of the examination materials from the<br />

examination room, including work pages.<br />

4. The use of inappropriate language or content may result in a mark of zero<br />

being awarded.<br />

5. Upon completion of the examination, return all examination materials to the<br />

supervising invigilator.

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