Overview - Corporate Executive Board

Overview - Corporate Executive Board

Overview - Corporate Executive Board


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Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

<strong>Overview</strong><br />

Application and Due Diligence Interview<br />

Lockheed Martin gathers detailed information about<br />

vendors, consultants and other representatives of its<br />

business interests during its due diligence process, including<br />

interviews that evaluate the third party’s compliance and<br />

legal soundness. It has developed a standard set of questions<br />

third parties are required to respond to. Key focus areas<br />

include:<br />

1. Ownership structure and key employees of the<br />

company<br />

2. Involvement of government officials<br />

3. Use of subcontractors and subconsultants<br />

4. Provision of gifts and hospitality<br />

5. Compliance with local law, including any license<br />

and registration requirements<br />

6. Conflict of interest<br />

7. Competitors’ proprietary information<br />

8. Reputation<br />

9. Compliance program<br />

10. Commitment to compliance and credibility<br />

Potential Audience<br />

• Compliance and Ethics Staff<br />

• Procurement Department<br />

• Foreign Agents and Representatives<br />

Company Background<br />

Institution:<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

Industry:<br />

Defense<br />

2005 Revenue: US$37.2 Billion<br />

2005 Employee Size: 135,000<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation; Compliance Source: Lockheed and Ethics Martin Leadership Corporation.<br />

Council research.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

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Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

Interview Outline for Current or Proposed Representatives, Consultants, and Sponsors<br />

I. Introduction of the interviewers and the purpose of the interview, i.e., to explain and help ensure compliance with LMC’s<br />

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and foreign and US laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Acct (“FCPA”)<br />

1. Interviewed by:<br />

2. Place of Interview:<br />

3. Date of Interview:<br />

II. Identification of the representative, consultant or sponsor (the “Consultant”)<br />

1. Name of consultant interviewed:<br />

2. Name of consultant company:<br />

3. Address:<br />

4. Nationality:<br />

5. Residence:<br />

III. Background and capacity of the Company<br />

1. What kind of entity (i.e., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship)<br />

2. What is the territory in which your company provides services for [the Company]<br />

For others more generally<br />

3. When was your company formed<br />

4. Where was your company formed (i.e., place of registration/incorporation)<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

5. Who formed your company<br />

6. Does your company have other offi ces/facilities<br />

a. Where are they located<br />

b. Are they separate entities<br />

c. Where were they formed<br />

7. Does your company have any subsidiaries Other affi liates Does it participate in any joint ventures<br />

If so:<br />

a. Where are they located<br />

b. Where were they formed<br />

c. What type of business do the subsidiaries/affi liates/joint ventures perform<br />

d. [If joint venture, obtain details for each joint venturer and of the joint venture vehicle.]<br />

8. Who are the owners of your company<br />

a. What are their nationalities<br />

b. What are their occupations<br />

c. What are their ownership interests<br />

d. Please provide resumes for each.<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

4<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

9. Who are the directors of your company <strong>Executive</strong>/non-executive<br />

a. What are their nationalities<br />

b. What are their occupations<br />

c. What are their ownership interests<br />

d. Please provide resumes for each.<br />

e. What are the roles and responsibilities of the <strong>Board</strong> and each Director<br />

10. Who are the other (i.e., non-director) offi cers of your company<br />

a. What are their nationalities<br />

b. What are their occupations<br />

c. What are their ownership interests<br />

d. Please provide resumes for each.<br />

11. If publicly owned:<br />

a. Exchange on which it is traded<br />

b. What is the regulating authority<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

c. Get annual report for last 3 years.<br />

d. Brochures<br />

e. Most recent fi nancial statement<br />

12. How many employees does your company have<br />

a. How many are professional employees<br />

b. How many are non-professional support employees<br />

c. Where are they located [get number of employees at each location]<br />

13. Please provide resumes for everyone who will work for LMC.<br />

14. Does any owner, director, offi cer or employee own 5% or more in any other company<br />

15. Does your company use consultants or subcontractors<br />

16. Will any consultants or subcontractors help you provide services to LMC<br />

If so:<br />

a. Who are they<br />

b. Where are they located<br />

c. How can we contact them<br />

d. Do any government offi cials, candidates for public offi ce or offi cers or employees of a political party have any direct,<br />

indirect or benefi cial interest in the subcontractor or consultant<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

6<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

e. Has due diligence been performed in regard to each subcontractor or consultant If so, give details.<br />

f. What contract or arrangement is there with each subcontractor or consultant Is each ad hoc, temporary or permanent<br />

g. What are your reasons for using subcontractors or consultants (are there areas of expertise that your company<br />

cannot provide)<br />

17. What is your company’s experience/expertise in the industry<br />

18. Is registration required to do business in the territory<br />

19. Is your company registered to do business in any country If so, where<br />

20. Does the local law in the territory require the use of agents, representatives, consultants or sponsors<br />

21. Are there any restrictions on the use of agents, representatives, consultants or sponsors in the territory<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

22. Is the proposed relationship between LMC and your company legal under the laws of the territory<br />

23. Would you have any objection if LMC were to disclose its relationships with you and your company to the territory<br />

government To whom would such disclosure be made<br />

IV. Involvement of Government Officials<br />

(Note: For our purposes, “government offi cial” includes any elected or appointed offi cial and any offi cer or employee of a<br />

government agency, government-owned (in whole or in part) enterprise or enterprise that performs a governmental function,<br />

or of a public international organization (such as the United Nations or the World Bank), or (possibly) a member of the Royal<br />

Family (if applicable). Also included in the defi nition of “governmental offi cial” are close family members and business associates<br />

(partners, consultants, advisors and agents).<br />

1. Are any of the owners, shareholders, directors, offi cers or employees of your company government offi cials<br />

a. Family members of government offi cials<br />

b. Close business associates of government offi cials<br />

2. Are any of the owners, shareholders, directors, offi cers or employees of your company, or their family members, candidates<br />

for public offi ce or offi cials or employees of a political party<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

8<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

3. Have you or anyone affi liated with your company ever given, offered, or promised to give money or anything of value directly<br />

or indirectly to a government offi cial, a candidate for public offi ce or an offi cial or employee of a political party for any<br />

reason (For example, to obtain or retain business)<br />

4. Have you or anyone affi liated with your company ever made a facilitating or “grease” payment, e.g., to unload cargo, to<br />

obtain work permits, or to secure electric, telephone, police or similar services<br />

If so:<br />

a. What was given<br />

b. To whom was the payment made<br />

c. Why was the payment made<br />

d. When was the payment made<br />

e. Where was the payment made<br />

f. Was anyone at LMC aware of the payment If so, who, and when and by what means was he or she made aware<br />

5. Does your company have a policy concerning gifts or business courtesies, such as meals and entertainment, provided to<br />

government offi cials or to candidates for public offi ce or offi cials or employees of a political party<br />

6. Have you or anyone affi liated with your company ever had occasion to provide gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies to<br />

a government offi cial, a candidate for public offi ce or an offi cial or employee of a political party<br />

If so:<br />

a. To whom were the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies given<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

b. What were the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies<br />

c. What were the circumstances<br />

d. Why were the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies given<br />

e. When were the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies given<br />

f. Where were the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies given<br />

g. Was anyone at LMC aware of the gifts, entertainment, or business courtesies<br />

If so, who, and when and by what means was he or she made aware<br />

7. Have you, your company, or any individual employed by or affi liated with your company made any contribution to a<br />

candidate for public offi ce or to a political party within the past 5 years<br />

If so:<br />

a. Who made the contribution<br />

b. To whom was the contribution made<br />

c. How much was contributed<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

10<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

d. Was the contribution made in consideration of a past action In anticipation of future consideration<br />

e. When was the contribution made<br />

f. Where was the contribution made<br />

g. Was anyone at LMC aware of the contribution If so, who, and when and by what means was he or she made aware<br />

V. Conflict of Interest<br />

1. Has your company ever represented an individual or entity that provides the same or similar services or that sells the same or<br />

similar products, as LMC if so, please explain.<br />

2. Who are your company’s other clients in our industry for which it has provided services over the past 5 years<br />

3. What services does your company provide to each of them<br />

VI. Competitors’ Proprietary Information<br />

1. Who competes with [Company] in the territory for the products or services you handle or similar products or services<br />

2. Have you or anyone connected with your company ever disclosed or received confi dential business information concerning<br />

one of these companies (e.g., bid or proposal information)<br />

a. What type of information<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

b. From whom was the information received<br />

c. To whom was the information disclosed<br />

d. What, if anything, did you do in return for the information<br />

e. What did you do with the information (e.g., give to [the Company]/use for benefi t of [the Company] etc.)<br />

3. Are you familiar with provisions of LMC’s Code of Ethics and your (proposed) agreement which indicate that you must not<br />

obtain or provide us with any information not legally available in the territory or which is procurement sensitive, proprietary or<br />

classifi ed where there is reason to believe that possession of such information is unauthorized, illegal or unethical<br />

VII. Reputation<br />

1. Has your company or anyone presently or formerly employed or affi liated with your company, ever been arrested, charged or<br />

convicted or a crime<br />

a. If so, please provide details, including the outcome or disposition.<br />

2. Is your company now, or has it ever been, under investigation by a government or government agency<br />

3. Have there ever been allegations, including in the media, of illegal, improper or unethical conduct made against the<br />

company or against anyone presently or formerly employed or affi liated with the company<br />

If so:<br />

a. What were the allegations<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

12<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

b. When were they made<br />

c. Where (and how) were they made<br />

4. Has your company or anyone presently or formerly employed or affi liated with your company ever been barred or disqualifi ed<br />

from doing business with a government department, government agency or by an enterprise owned by the government or an<br />

enterprise performing a governmental function<br />

If so:<br />

a. When did this occur<br />

b. What was the governmental entity<br />

c. What were the circumstances that led to the debarment or disqualifi cation<br />

5. Has your company ever been terminated or not renewed by a client because of ethical or legal concerns<br />

6. Has your company ever been subject to an investigation by a client because of ethical or legal concerns<br />

VIII.<br />

Relations with LMC<br />

1. What is the status of your current/new agreement with LMC<br />

2. Does your company have any oral agreement or non-written agreements with LMC<br />

3. Does your company have any subcontracts or post-award service agreements with LMC<br />

4. What are you compensation arrangements with LMC<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

a. What are your fees<br />

b. Will you be paid a commission<br />

c. Is there a success fee or bonus<br />

d. When are payments to be made<br />

e. Where are payments to be made<br />

f. How are payments to be made<br />

g. What documentation must be provided to LMC<br />

h. Is your company required to submit activity reports<br />

i. What is the process for reimbursing expenses<br />

5. Would your company be willing to provide a representation and warranty that, with respect to your company’s past and<br />

future services performed and to be performed for LMC, no payment or offer, gift, promise to pay or authorization of a<br />

payment of money or anything of value has been made or will be made to a government offi cial, a candidate for public<br />

offi ce or an offi cial or employee of a political party to obtain or retain business.<br />

IX. Compliance Program<br />

1. Are you familiar with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt practices Act<br />

2. Please explain what it prohibits.<br />

3. Have you received training<br />

a. If so, when and where did you receive training<br />

4. Does your company have a code of conduct<br />

a. If so, please provide a copy of the code.<br />

5. Does your company have internal compliance procedures to implement the code<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.<br />

© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />


© 2006 <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Board</strong>. All Rights Reserved.<br />

14<br />

Compliance-Focused Due Diligence Questionnaire<br />

Lockheed Martin Corporation<br />

a. If so, please provide a copy of the procedures.<br />

b. Will you agree to adopt LMC’s Compliance Code and program<br />

6. Does your company provide training to its employees concerning the laws and regulations that govern doing business in your<br />

territory<br />

a. What are those laws and regulations (e.g., local laws regarding bribery, use of agents, etc.)<br />

7. Does your company regularly audit compliance with the legal requirements and with the code<br />

a. Please provide copies of the reports of the last three audits.<br />

8. Would you agree to independent audits, as requested or required by LMC, of:<br />

a. The implementation of your Compliance Code and program<br />

b. Your company’s books and records, as they relate to business and transactions with LMC<br />

X. Explain LMC’s commitment to FCPA compliance.<br />

1. NO WINK.<br />

2. LMC would rather walk away from business than risk violating U.S. or territory law or our Code.<br />

3. LMC wants to avoid even the appearance of impropriety (New York Times test).<br />

4. LMC wants you to let us know if your company is ever approached with an improper or questionable request by a foreign<br />

offi cial or LMC employee.<br />

5. No work without a written agreement or outside its scope.<br />

XI. Evaluation and comments:<br />

Source: Lockheed Martin Corporation.

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