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To the shareholders in Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA,<br />

(non-official office translation)<br />

20 May 2011<br />

<strong>NOTICE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>MEETING</strong><br />

The shareholders in Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA are hereby summoned to the annual<br />

general meeting on Friday 10 June 2011 at 10:00 hrs at the company’s offices at<br />

Tjuvholmen, Bolette Brygge 1, 0252 Oslo, Norway.<br />

The Board of Directors has proposed the following<br />

Agenda<br />

1. Opening of the meeting by the Chairman of the Board and registration of<br />

shareholders present and proxies.<br />

2. Election of chairman of the meeting and one person to countersign the minutes.<br />

3. Approval of the notice of the meeting and the agenda.<br />

4. Approval of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2010.<br />

5. Approval of remuneration to the company’s auditor.<br />

6. Approval of remuneration to the board members.<br />

7. The Board of Directors’ statement regarding determination of remuneration to<br />

the CEO and senior management.<br />

8. The Board of Directors’ proposal that the Board of Directors is granted power of<br />

attorney to increase the company’s share capital by issuance of new shares<br />

where the shareholders’ preferential rights may be set aside.<br />

9. The Board of Directors’ proposal that the Board of Directors is granted power of<br />

attorney to acquire the company’s own shares.<br />

10. Nomination committee<br />

a) Election of members to the Nomination Committee<br />

b) Approval of the Committee’s remuneration<br />

c) Approval of guidelines for the Nomination Committee<br />

11. Election of chairman of the Board

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Further information and the Board’s proposed resolutions under item 7-9 and 11 of the<br />

agenda are enclosed.<br />

Proposal for candidate(s), remuneration and guidelines under item 10 a-c will be available<br />

on the company’s web site in due course before the annual general meeting.<br />

Information to the Shareholders<br />

The company’s annual report and annual accounts for 2010 are available in the company’s<br />

offices and on the web site: www.camillo-eitzen.com.<br />

The company’s share capital is NOK 201,332,255.-, divided into 40.266.451 shares, each<br />

with a nominal value of NOK 5 and each representing one vote at the general meeting. The<br />

company holds no own shares.<br />

The shareholders have the following rights in connection with a general meeting:<br />

- Attend the general meeting, either personally or by a proxy.<br />

- Speak at the general meeting.<br />

- Bring one adviser and give him/her the right to speak<br />

- Claim information from the members of the Board and the CEO at the company's<br />

general meeting pursuant to the provisions in section 5-15 of the Public Limited<br />

Liability Companies Act.<br />

- Have matters dealt with by the general meeting which he or she reports in writing<br />

to the Board in time that it can be entered on the agenda, or if there are at least three<br />

weeks left before the date of the general meeting, so that a new notice can be sent.<br />

- Propose amendments to resolutions in those matters the general meeting shall<br />

consider in accordance with its agenda.<br />

The company requests that the shareholders fill out and return the attached notice of<br />

attendance and/or power of attorney to Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA, P.O. Box 1794, 0122<br />

Oslo, Norway, fax no +47 24 00 61 01, no later than 9 June 2011 at 12:00 hrs.<br />

A power of attorney may be granted to the chairman of the Board, Axel C. <strong>Eitzen</strong>.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

on behalf of the Board of Directors of Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA<br />

Axel C. <strong>Eitzen</strong><br />

Chairman<br />


Bolette Brygge 1, P.O. Box 1794, 0122 Oslo, Norway<br />

CVR no. 977 311 632 * www.camillo-eitzen.com<br />

Tel.: +47 24 00 61 00 Fax: +47 24 00 61 01 * E-mail: ceco@eitzen-<strong>group</strong>.com

3/11<br />

Item 7<br />




1. Guidelines for 2011<br />

This statement applies to the senior management of Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA. The<br />

company’s determination on the remuneration to the senior management shall reflect the<br />

responsibility and obligations resting on the company’s senior management, including the<br />

responsibility to maximise the values for the company’s shareholders. The company wants<br />

to appear as an attractive employer for qualified senior managers and be on a competitive<br />

level nationally and internationally.<br />

The Board of Directors determines the remuneration to the company’s CEO. Salary and<br />

other remuneration to the other senior managers are determined by the CEO pursuant to the<br />

directives given by the Board of Directors. These directives are set out in the company’s<br />

corporate governance manual and in this statement.<br />

The remuneration to the CEO and the other senior managers consists of a fixed salary and<br />

of variable parts. The fixed salary consists of salary, plus special payments such as free<br />

telephone, car allowance etc. The variable part is described below regarding bonus<br />

payments.<br />

Bonus to senior managers is given on a discretionary basis limited up to 6 months salary<br />

based on the principles set out in the company’s corporate governance manual. Bonus<br />

exceeding 6 months salary can be granted on special occasions if this is clarified with the<br />

Board of Directors. Bonus payments shall reflect the values brought to the company and<br />

the shareholders. Circumstances of importance to the result, which the senior manager has<br />

limited influence over, is not a criteria for bonus payments.<br />

There are no share option programmes/share value based remuneration to the company’s<br />

employees.<br />

Those of the senior management who are employed in Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA<br />

participate in a pension scheme with 66 % of salary up to 12G with 67 years as retirement<br />

age. The company has, with effect from 1 January 2007, established a top pension scheme<br />

for these employees which cover 66 % of salary exceeding 12 G.<br />

The company’s CEO is entitled to 3 years severance payment in case of termination of<br />

employment as a consequence of change of control, 2 years severance payment in case of<br />

termination of employment by the company and 6 months’ severance payment in case of<br />

termination of employment by himself. The company’s CFO and Chief Legal Counsel are<br />

entitled to 1 year severance payment in case of termination of employment as a<br />

consequence of change of control or termination by the company. In addition CFO and

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Chief Legal Counsel are entitled to 1 year severance payment in case of termination of<br />

employment as a consequence of liquidation of the company provided that they stay in the<br />

company for as long as the company decide. Apart from this, there are no other severance<br />

pay arrangements in the company.<br />

None of the company’s employees have loans or other outstanding accounts with the<br />

company. Nor do any of the senior managers receive any other special contributions from<br />

the company.<br />

2. Policy on remuneration to the CEO and senior management in 2010<br />

The directives set out above for 2011 were also followed in 2010. The directives for<br />

remuneration to the CEO and senior management are set out in writing in the company’s<br />

corporate governance manual.

5/11<br />

Item 8<br />

THE BOARD <strong>OF</strong> DIRECTORS’ PROPOSAL THAT THE BOARD <strong>OF</strong><br />




The Board of Directors wishes to be able to strengthen the company’s financial position<br />

through issuance of new shares, and to be able to strengthen the company’s balance sheet.<br />

Therefore, the Board of Directors has proposed that the existing power of attorney is<br />

renewed and that the annual general meeting make the following resolution:<br />

1) The Board of Directors is granted a power of attorney to increase the<br />

company’s share capital by up to NOK 40,266,451 by issuance of new<br />

shares.<br />

2) The statement of total share capital and number of shares in section 4 of<br />

the articles of association shall be amended accordingly.<br />

3) The shareholders’ pre-emption right pursuant to the Norwegian Public<br />

Limited Liability Companies law, § 10-4, may be set aside.<br />

4) The terms and conditions for subscription for shares, including but not<br />

limited to the subscription rate, shall be determined by the Board of<br />

Directors.<br />

5) This power of attorney comprises decision of merger, cf. the Norwegian<br />

Public Liability Companies Act, § 13-5.<br />

6) This power of attorney expires one year after the date it is approved.<br />

7) This power of attorney covers both increase of share capital by way of<br />

cash deposit and contribution in kind; cf. the Norwegian Public Limited<br />

Liability Companies Act,§ 10-2.<br />

8) This power of attorney replaces any previous power of attorney to<br />

increase the company’s share capital.

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Item 9<br />

THE BOARD <strong>OF</strong> DIRECTORS’ PROPOSAL THAT THE BOARD <strong>OF</strong><br />



The Board of Directors wishes to be able to acquire the company’s own shares if such<br />

acquisition is considered adequate. Therefore, the Board of Directors has proposed that the<br />

existing power of attorney is renewed and that annual general meeting resolve the<br />

following:<br />

1. The Board of Directors is given a power of attorney to acquire the<br />

company’s own shares, in accordance with The Norwegian Public Limited<br />

Liability Companies Act, Chapter 9.<br />

2. The Board of Directors may acquire and sell shares the way it finds<br />

adequate, yet so that the principle of equal treatment of all shareholders<br />

shall not be deviated from.<br />

3. The Board of Directors may acquire shares at a total nominal value of NOK<br />

20,133,225.50. However, the company cannot at any time own more than<br />

10 % of the company’s outstanding shares. The purchase price for each<br />

share shall be minimum NOK 1 and maximum NOK 100.<br />

4. The power of attorney shall expire one year after the date it is approved.<br />

5. This power of attorney replaces any previous power of attorneys to acquire<br />

the company’s own shares.

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Item 11<br />

ELECTION <strong>OF</strong> CHAIRMAN <strong>OF</strong> THE BOARD<br />

Today the board consists of Axel C. <strong>Eitzen</strong> (chairman), Aage Figenschou, Toril Eidesvik,<br />

Ola Røthe og Siv Staubo.<br />

It is proposed that Aage Figenschou is elected chairman of the board. Axel C. <strong>Eitzen</strong><br />

continues as board member. Apart from this, the composition of the board is unchanged.

8/11<br />

<strong>NOTICE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> ATTENDANCE AND POWER <strong>OF</strong> ATTORNEY<br />

We request that shareholders who wish to attend the annual general meeting fill out and<br />

sign the attached attendance slip.<br />

We request that shareholders who wish to authorise a third party to attend the annual<br />

general meeting and vote on his behalf to fill out and sign the attached power of attorney.<br />

Provided the power of attorney is signed without any specification of an authorised person,<br />

the company will insert the name of the managing director or one of the members of the<br />

Board of Directors. In such case, the shareholder has authorised the managing director or<br />

one of the directors to attend and vote on the annual general meeting on his behalf.<br />

Please return a complete and signed notice of attendance/power of attorney no later than 9<br />

June 2011, 12:00 hrs to:<br />

Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA<br />

P.O. Box 1794 Vika<br />

0122 Oslo<br />

Norway<br />

Fax no + 47 24 00 61 01

9/11<br />

<strong>NOTICE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> ATTENDANCE<br />

Name:<br />

Contact person:<br />

Address:<br />

The undersigned will attend the annual general meeting in Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA on<br />

10 June 2011, 10:00 hrs and vote for:<br />

………………..<br />

number<br />

………………..<br />

number<br />

own shares<br />

shares of a third party in accordance with the<br />

attached power of attorney(s)<br />

In total ……………….. Shares<br />

number<br />

_________________________________<br />

Place and date<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Signature (to be repeated in block letters)<br />

Any power of attorney shall be attached hereto and the original<br />

power of attorney shall be brought to the annual general meeting.

10/11<br />

POWER <strong>OF</strong> ATTORNEY<br />

Name:<br />

Contact person:<br />

Address:<br />

The undersigned: ………………………………………………………(name in block<br />

letters) hereby authorize:<br />

<br />

<br />

for my/our<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Axel C. <strong>Eitzen</strong>; or<br />

___________________________(name in block letters)<br />

……………….. shares.<br />

number<br />

to attend and vote on the annual general meeting of Camillo <strong>Eitzen</strong> & Co ASA on 10 June<br />

2011 at 10 a.m.<br />

If none of the alternatives above has been crossed out, the chairman of the Board will be<br />

considered appointed as proxy. If the chairman of the Board has been appointed as proxy,<br />

he can appoint another member of the Board or the management to represent and vote for<br />

the shares covered by the proxy.<br />

If the shareholder so desires and the chairman of the Board has been appointed as proxy,<br />

the voting instructions below can be filled in and returned to the company. The chairman<br />

of the Board will accordingly ensure that voting is carried out in accordance with the<br />

instructions.<br />

Voting instructions:<br />

Resolution Vote for Vote<br />

against<br />

2. Appointment of persons to chair the meeting<br />

and to co-sign the minutes<br />

3. Approval of notice of meeting and agenda<br />

4. Approval of the annual report and annual accounts<br />

for 2010<br />

5. Approval of remuneration to the company’s auditor<br />

6. Approval of remuneration to the Board members<br />

7. The Board’s statement regarding determination of<br />

remuneration to the CEO and senior management<br />

8. The Board’s proposal that the Board is granted<br />

power of attorney to increase the company’s share<br />

capital by issuance of new shares where the<br />

shareholders’ preferential rights may be set aside.<br />

9. The Board’s proposal that the Board is granted<br />

power of attorney to acquire the company’s own<br />

shares.<br />

Vote<br />


11/11<br />

Resolution Vote for Vote<br />

against<br />

10. Nomination Committee<br />

a) Election of members to the Nomination<br />

Committee<br />

b) Approval of the Committee’s remuneration<br />

Vote<br />

withheld<br />

c) Approval of guidelines for the Nomination<br />

Committee<br />

11. Election of chairman of the Board<br />

If voting instructions are given the following applies:<br />

- If the box “Vote for” has been crossed out, this implies that the proxy is instructed to<br />

vote for the proposal in the notice, with any changes suggested by the Board, the chairman<br />

of the Board, the chairman of the meeting or the nomination committee. In case of<br />

amendments of the proposals included in the notice, the proxy can at the proxy’s own<br />

discretion refrain from voting for the shares.<br />

- If the box “Vote against” has been crossed out, this implies that the proxy is instructed to<br />

vote against the proposal in the notice, with any changes suggested by the Board, the<br />

chairman of the Board, the chairman of the meeting or the nomination committee. In case<br />

of amendments of the proposals included in the notice, the proxy can at the proxy’s own<br />

discretion refrain from voting for the shares.<br />

- If the box “Vote withheld” has been crossed out, this implies that the proxy is instructed<br />

to refrain from voting for the shares.<br />

- If none of the boxes has been crossed out, this implies that the proxy can decide at<br />

the proxy’s own choice how the shares shall be voted for.<br />

- In respect of a vote over matters that are not included on the agenda and which may<br />

validly come before the meeting the proxy is free to decide how the shares shall be voted<br />

for. The same applies for a vote over matters of formal nature, such as voting order or<br />

voting procedure.<br />

- If a shareholder has inserted another person than the chairman of the Board as proxy, and<br />

wants to give such person instructions on voting, this is a matter for the shareholder and<br />

the proxy that is irrelevant to the company. In such a situation the company does not<br />

undertake any responsibility to verify that the proxy votes in accordance with the<br />

instructions.<br />

_________________________________<br />

Place and date<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Signature (to be repeated in block letters)<br />

If this power of attorney is granted by a person authorised to sign<br />

on behalf of a company, a copy of the company certificate must be<br />

attached hereto

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