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January – March 2005 BIO LIFE<br />

27<br />

logy and food security<br />

schooling ranges from two to 20 years, with<br />

many of the poor having at most four years<br />

of primary education. “In short, conditions<br />

are so variable,” says Halos. “It is folly to<br />

provide a single solution to problems of<br />

low productivity which, in general, characterize<br />

Philippine agriculture.<br />

Hence, we believe that biotechnology<br />

is only one of the technological means to<br />

increase incomes.”<br />

She cites as an example the organic<br />

produce market, where products are<br />

priced about twice as much as the nonorganic<br />

ones. “Depending upon market<br />

conditions, income increases can be<br />

achieved by targeting a niche market,” she<br />

continues. “This market is limited to<br />

the higher-income bracket (5 percent<br />

of the Philippine population) and<br />

accessible to farmers mainly around<br />

urban centers.”<br />

Organic farming incurs higher<br />

production cost and lower yields due<br />

to insect pests and diseases, which<br />

today are not reliably controlled by<br />

organic means. Halos likewise<br />

underscores that there is lower<br />

efficiency in organic farming owing to<br />

these factors. “Besides, tropical<br />

conditions breed so many insect<br />

pests and diseases,” she says.<br />

Another means to increase incomes is<br />

to increase yields per unit area. A dramatic<br />

example is the use of hybrid corn compared<br />

with traditional varieties introduced<br />

by the Spaniards centuries ago. Hybrid<br />

corn yields range from 3-9 tons/ha<br />

whereas traditional corn varieties yield 0.3-<br />

2 tons/ha.<br />

On the other hand, income increases<br />

can be achieved by preventing losses<br />

mainly from pests and diseases. These<br />

losses range from 35-100 percent. In corn,<br />

reports on yield losses due to the insect<br />

Asiatic corn borer range from 5-95 percent.<br />

Currently, farmers control this insect<br />

with a chemical pesticide applied by hand<br />

into individual plants. This chemical can<br />

cause nausea and vomiting among the<br />

applicators, death to farm animals, and<br />

can kill any insect species that encounters<br />

it. Moreover, for the chemical to be<br />

effective, it must be applied at a particular<br />

time within a short period during corn<br />

growth.<br />

“Farmers are therefore looking for a<br />

better solution to the borer problem,”<br />

continues Halos. Multi-location trials<br />

conducted with the genetically modified Bt<br />

corn have conclusively shown that the<br />

borer cannot thrive on Bt corn and yield<br />

gains averaged 40 percent. Bt corn is<br />

genetically modified to include a toxinproducing<br />

gene from a soil bacterium,<br />

Bacillus thuringiensis, which poisons<br />

insects feeding on the plant. “For this<br />

reason, planting Bt corn has become<br />

attractive to many farmers who don’t mind<br />

paying for the seeds because they beleive<br />

that their increase in yields will compensate<br />

for the additional seed cost,” says<br />

The increasing hectarage<br />

of GM crops (from 1.6 million<br />

in 1996 to some 50 million<br />

the past few years) implies<br />

that an increasing number of<br />

farmers see more benefits<br />

from planting these crops.<br />

Halos. “If provided credit, they will buy<br />

good seeds and, once they enjoy the<br />

benefits of assured higher yields, they<br />

would rather buy good seeds and reject<br />

seeds of dubious quality even if provided<br />

free.”<br />

The increasing hectarage of GM crops<br />

(from 1.6 million in 1996 to some 50 million<br />

the past few years) implies that an<br />

increasing number of farmers see more<br />

benefits from planting these crops.<br />

Reports from South Africa and China show<br />

that small farmers benefit more from the<br />

technology than corporate farmers.<br />

“I agree that biotechnology research in<br />

developing countries should focus on<br />

solving technical problems of each<br />

country’s agriculture,” says Halos.<br />

“In addition, research should also<br />

address biosafety issues including setting<br />

up the necessary infrastructure to comply<br />

with biosafety regulations. That is, when a<br />

country decides to invest in biotechnology<br />

research it should also establish biosafety<br />

regulations. In this manner, issues raised<br />

against biotechnology are scientifically<br />

addressed. Although this raises the cost of<br />

the technology, it does provide assurance<br />

to the public that proper measures are<br />

adopted to ensure that biotech products<br />

are safe.”<br />

According to Halos, the Philippines has<br />

adopted biosafety regulations covering<br />

biotechnology research since 1991 and<br />

has recently established regulations<br />

covering the import, commercialization and<br />

release into the environment of biotech<br />

plant and plant products. These regulations<br />

define the biosafety research agenda<br />

in developing a biotech crop.<br />

Halos also cites research on<br />

edible vaccines for humans as well as<br />

animals. “The development of edible<br />

vaccines is undertaken primarily by<br />

researchers in industrialized countries,<br />

supposedly for developing<br />

countries,” she explains. “To hasten<br />

this development, it is about time that<br />

we in the developing world actively<br />

participate in developing the effective<br />

edible vaccine for our own country<br />

needs.”<br />

Dependence on agricultural<br />

products makes Asian needs unique<br />

to the region when compared to the<br />

more developed countries in the western<br />

hemisphere.<br />

China is keen about adapting the use<br />

of Bt crops just as India is moving towards<br />

its utilization and other Asian countries are<br />

carefully watching and looking forward to<br />

its use.<br />

The continuing research and development<br />

of agricultural biotechnology is in<br />

preparation for the challenge of food<br />

security in the future.<br />

(Dr. Saturnina Halos provides advice to the<br />

Philippine Department of Agriculture on biotechnology<br />

for agricultural development. She<br />

was trained as a plant breeder and geneticist<br />

and has been doing research in biotechnology<br />

for years. Using public funds, Dr.<br />

Halos and her husband have invented and<br />

are developing the market for a microbial<br />

preparation—a seed inoculant—that improves<br />

plant growth and yield and reduces<br />

fertilizer requirements. She’s also doing research<br />

using DNA analysis.)

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