Minutes 2012-06-18.pdf - East Ilsley Parish Council

Minutes 2012-06-18.pdf - East Ilsley Parish Council

Minutes 2012-06-18.pdf - East Ilsley Parish Council


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<strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

<strong>Minutes</strong> of the <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Meeting<br />

on Monday 18 th June, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Present:<br />

Cllr. G. Allsop (Chairman), Cllr. B. Gatrell, Cllr. J. Clarke, Cllr. A. Sharp and Dr. S. Marshman (Clerk).<br />

Also present: one member of the public.<br />

1) Apologies<br />

Apologies were received from Cllr. R. Hick, Cllr. B. Studart.<br />

2) To receive any personal or prejudicial declarations of interest<br />

The Clerk declared a personal interest on item 20) mobile phone.<br />

3) To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 14 th May.<br />

The minutes of the Annual <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Meeting held on the 14 th May, <strong>2012</strong>, were agreed by all and<br />

signed by Cllr. Allsop.<br />

4) Open Forum<br />

There was a query about the presence of a cherry picker on the layby on the High Street.<br />

5) Finance report:<br />

a) Bank account totals;<br />

Treasury Account £ 18,733.71<br />

Reserve Account £ 51,907.77<br />

Payments received since the last meeting:<br />

Treasury interest £ 7.22<br />

Reserve interest £ 20.25<br />

Allotment rent £ 240.00<br />

11A Churchside £ 470.40<br />

b) Cheques to approve and sign;<br />

Date Number Payee Payment For Amount<br />

18/<strong>06</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> 226 G. Tooke <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> Communicator £ 18.70<br />

18/<strong>06</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> 227 Jonjo Stiles Strimming £ 70.00<br />

18/<strong>06</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> 228 Simon Stiles Strimming £ 70.00<br />

18/<strong>06</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> 229 3 Valleys Lawncare Weedkiller application £ 135.00<br />

18/<strong>06</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> 231 Came & Company Tractor insurance £ 154.26<br />

c) Payments made since the last meeting;<br />

Date Number Payee Payment For Amount<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 217 <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> Baptist Room hire £ 100.00<br />

Church<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 218 S. Ackrill Postage costs £ 20.78<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 219 Oakes Bros. Ltd Tractor battery £ 91.99<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 220 Kantara Domain name renewal £ 136.80<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 221 John Clarke Tree purchase £ 118.15<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 222 Came & Company Insurance £ 911.56<br />

14/05/<strong>2012</strong> 223 SLCC Subscription £ 83.00<br />

21/05/<strong>2012</strong> 224 S. Ackrill Clerks Fees £ 367.84<br />

23/05/<strong>2012</strong> 225 Michael Cairns Removal of two trees £ 440.00<br />


23/05/<strong>2012</strong> DD Douglas Tonks Payroll/fees £ 401.85<br />

d) To consider making an application for a new bank account;<br />

No contact has been received from Barclays. It was suggested that the Co-op Bank has a charity<br />

account. Cllr. Allsop will find out further information in order to discuss making an application at<br />

the next meeting. Cllr. Allsop<br />

At this point, the meeting was reverted to the open forum in order to allow PC Matt Allen to speak. He stated<br />

there had been approximately 4 burglaries in the area in the last 6 months. PC Allen will look in to the<br />

presence of a cherry picker that has possibly been abandoned in the layby on the High Street. Speeding was<br />

discussed, Cllr. Allsop has recently completed training to use a speed gun and PC Allen will soon be looking for<br />

volunteers for Community Speed Watch.<br />

e) To update the bank mandate.<br />

The bank mandate was updated in order to remove Sandi Ackrill, add Sarah Marshman and<br />

update the address details. All six councillors will be signatories for the account.<br />

6) Annual audit<br />

The report from the internal auditor was read out and payment for her invoice for £175 was agreed.<br />

The annual audit, completed by the Acting Clerk Sandi Ackrill, was agreed and signed.<br />

7) Planning Applications:<br />

a) To consider planning applications received;<br />

12/00892/LQN – Crown and Horns Inn<br />

The following questions /comments were made:<br />

Adequate public notice has not been given for this application.<br />

Does development of the external courtyard requires planning permission<br />

How do they propose to control the noise from the smokers outside late at night<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

How do they propose to control the noise from the fans late at night<br />

How do they propose to control the noise of people coming and going late at night<br />

What is the definition of ‘bonafide guests’<br />

How will they police the sale of alcohol<br />

There are concerns that the application form is incomplete and therefore does not address what<br />

steps will be taken to promote the following licensing objectives as a result of the proposed<br />

variation:<br />

The prevention of crime and disorder;<br />

<br />

<br />

Public safety;<br />

The prevention of public nuisance;<br />

The protection of children from harm.<br />

It was agreed to object to the variation of this license.<br />

b) To receive a report on recent West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong> planning decisions.<br />

None.<br />

8) Prestwell Field<br />

Cllr. Clarke provided the documents to register Prestwell Field to the Clerk to sign.<br />

9) Fencing<br />

Cllr. Clarke is attempting to contact Michelle Sherman to discuss the fencing at Prestwell Field.<br />

10) Recreation Ground Safety Inspection<br />

The report provided by Digley Associates was discussed. There were some concerns raised about the<br />

accuracy of the report as some of the information is out of date and there are inconsistencies as some<br />

items listed have been rectified previously. The report will be compared to the previous report and this is<br />

to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.<br />


11) Baptist Church<br />

There is no further update at this time.<br />

12) Traffic<br />

The parking arrangements on the High Street (in the area adjacent to Broad Street) were discussed. It was<br />

thought that the land next to this area could be used to form a layby. Cllr. Allsop will contact Glyn Davis at<br />

West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong> for further advice. Cllr. Allsop<br />

13) Working groups<br />

Traffic group – See the update in item 12).<br />

Environment – There was a query as to whether this relies on the design statement The village clear up<br />

was not carried out this year so it was agreed one should be arranged for Sept/Oct. It was suggested that<br />

there is the ability to use people on community service to do this work. Cllr. Clarke will find the<br />

information for this scheme. Cllr. Clarke<br />

Pond – The grass has recently been cut, but this may need to be done again soon.<br />

14) Village S1<strong>06</strong> Money Tidy Project<br />

This was moved to next meeting due to the absence of Cllr. Hick.<br />

15) Notice boards<br />

Money has recently been received with regards to 11A Churchside and it was discussed that this money<br />

could now be used to reinstate a notice board near the Recreation Ground. It was agreed to provide a<br />

larger notice board by The <strong>Ilsley</strong>s Primary School, rather than to place a notice board at the entrance to<br />

the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that the main <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong> notice board also needs replacing. The<br />

Clerk is to find information on possible replacements. Cllr. Allsop will discuss the matter of the school<br />

notice board with the Headteacher. Clerk/Cllr. Allsop<br />

16) Recreation ground gate<br />

The recreation gate requires rehanging. Cllrs. Clarke and Gatrell will do this. Cllrs. Clarke/Gatrell<br />

17) Cutting and strimming of open areas<br />

Another strim of the village has been carried out since the last meeting, and the invoices for payment to<br />

Simon and Jonjo Stiles for £70 each were presented for payment. Payment of these invoices was agreed.<br />

Another strim will probably be required before the next meeting and it was agreed that another cut<br />

should be done just before the next meeting.<br />

18) Tree surgery<br />

Some residents have raised concerns about the trees in the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that a quote<br />

should be obtained for pruning the trees.<br />

19) Online file backup<br />

The Clerk is to check if some online storage is available through the <strong>Parish</strong> Online facility that the council<br />

use and, if not, sign up to a free online storage site. Clerk<br />

20) Mobile phone<br />

Recent advice from the SLCC suggests that Clerks should be provided with a phone, owned and paid for by<br />

the <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, rather than receive a taxable expenses payment to cover phone expenses. The Clerk<br />

should check with Douglas Tonks as to the details of this and should research PAYG vs. contract in order to<br />

find the cheapest option through the course of a year. Clerk<br />

21) Christmas lights<br />

This was moved to the next meeting due to the absence of Cllr. Hick.<br />

22) Jubilee<br />

The Jubilee accounts will be presented to the Trust Fund at their next meeting. This item should be placed<br />

on the next agenda.<br />


23) Matters for consideration and future discussion<br />

Olympic Torch – One <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> resident will be a torchbearer. The torch will be available to purchase and<br />

the idea of the village purchasing this, possibly for display in the school was discussed. This will be placed<br />

on the next agenda and Cllr. Allsop will discuss this idea with the school. Cllr. Allsop<br />

EIC printer – the printer used for the Communicator is broken. This will be placed on the next agenda.<br />

Compilations – Compton <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Council</strong> have contacted EIPC as they have not invoiced EIPC for the copies<br />

distributed in <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong>. It was suggested that EIPC purchase a set number of copies in future to put in<br />

places such as the pubs and suggest that Compilations be made available online in future.<br />

Code of Conduct training – Cllrs. Clarke, Studart and Hick and the Clerk to attend.<br />

Superfast broadband event – Cllr. Sharp to attend.<br />

Churchyard – Mick Crockford is no longer able to take this on on a regular basis. It was suggested that Pete<br />

Goddard could take this on, possibly with Richard Vellender using the tractor to cut the open areas. There<br />

is also a large pile of gravel in the Churchyard that could be used to level out ruts. These items will be<br />

placed on the next agenda.<br />

24) Reports and meetings attended<br />

None.<br />

25) Correspondence<br />

West Berkshire newsletter<br />

Audit commission: Consultation on appointment of external auditor for <strong>2012</strong>/12 and future years. They<br />

propose to re-appoint Mazars LLP to audit the annual returns of small bodies and request that if there are<br />

any reasons not to, they be advised by the 29 th June.<br />

West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong>: Request for nominations to the Standards Committee.<br />

West Berkshire Highway Improvement Resurfacing Programme<strong>2012</strong>/13: Copies of the resurfacing<br />

programme. <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> is listed for the High Street from Church Hill to Broad Street using micro asphalt.<br />

West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong>: Revised Code of Conduct Training to be held on 30 th July at 6pm.<br />

West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong>: Flood leaflets.<br />

West Berkshire <strong>Council</strong>: Superfast broadband for Berkshire event to be held on 17 th July at 7pm.<br />

26) Date of next meeting<br />

There will be an extraordinary meeting on Monday 9 th July at 7:30pm to cover the purchase of a new<br />

printer for the <strong>East</strong> <strong>Ilsley</strong> Communicator in time for the next print run.<br />

The next full meeting will be on Monday 23 rd July at 7:30pm.<br />

Meeting closed 9:20pm.<br />


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