Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu


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You are not an engineer becau se you own a<br />

slide -rule!<br />

You are not an artist becau se yo u wear a beard!<br />

You are not an expert on electro nics if yo u have<br />

a Television licence!<br />

And you are not a Ch ristia n becaus e yo u conform<br />

to an outward Reli gious Form or Ce remony.<br />

You are not a Ch in aman because yo u ea t with<br />

chops ticks.<br />

You are not a Sco tsm an beca use yo u wear a kil t.<br />

You do not become a horse hy being born in a<br />

Stable.<br />

And you a re not a Ch ristian because you have<br />

been born in a so-called Ch rist ia n cou nt ry .<br />

H ow th en d o you becom e a true Ch ristia n<br />

The things mention ed above a re ou twa rd cha racreri<br />

srics, It is possible to imitate, to d ress up and<br />

10 co p y certai n national cha rac te ris tics, but to be<br />

a Chinaman, yo u must be born of C hinese pa rents,<br />

to be a true Sco tsman you m ust be born o f<br />

Scotch parents, a nd so on and to be a true Ch rist<br />

ia n, you mu st be bo rn ag-ain by th e Sp irit o f Go d .<br />

T he Lord J esus Christ sa id :<br />

" Very, ver ily, I say unto th ee , ex cept a m an be<br />

born again, he cannot see the Kin gdom of God<br />

. .. Verily, verily, r say unto thee, ex cept a ma n<br />

be born of water and o r the Spiri t, he can no t en te r<br />

in to the Kingdom of God . T ha t whi ch is born of<br />

th e flesh is flesh : a nd that wh ich is born of the<br />

Spiri t is Spirit. Ma rvel not that I sai d unto th ee,<br />

Ye must be born again ." (John 3: 3-7.)<br />

No th ing less than new birth, a spi ritua l experience<br />

whereby you a re born ag ai n in to the family<br />

o f God, ma kes yo u a child of Cod, therefor e, a true<br />

Ch ristian.<br />

1t is possible to be ou twa rd ly ve ry reli giou s and<br />

to d o a ll th e things that yo u are su p posed 10 do ,<br />

anti yet remain unconv e rted. It is possible 10 be<br />

very ungodly, indifferent and ca rel ess in you r manncr<br />

of life a nd to be in exac tl y th e sam e position,<br />

'hat is, un con verted.<br />

There were many who prid ed themsel ves on th eir<br />

an cestry, their religious background and on their<br />

conform ity to certa in outward religio us p ractices<br />

and sta ndards an d even claimed to hav e one<br />

Father, even God , bu t because th ey h ad not experienced<br />

a change of heart and we re not prepa red<br />

to ask God for this cha nge, Jesus sa id to th em ,<br />

"Ye a re of you r fa ther the devil".<br />

T o be a rrue Christian you must be born again.<br />

To be born ag ai n you m ust be prepared to<br />

ac kowledge yo ur need and r eceive the Lord Jesus<br />

Christ, wh o now offers you a full an d fre e pardon<br />

fro m your sin and a new life by Hi s H oly Spirit.<br />

Ar e you p repared to receiv e H im <br />

He challenged th e pe ople of H is day, even as<br />

He challen ges yo u now .<br />

"He was in the world and th e wo rld was<br />

made by Him and th e world kn ew H im not. Rut<br />

as many as receiv ed H im , to them gav e He the<br />

power or the right to become the sons of Go d,<br />

even 10 th em that beli eve on H is name, wh ich<br />

we re born not of th e bl ood , nor o f the will of the<br />

/lesh , nor of th e will of man but of God ." (John<br />

I: 10-13.)<br />

T he pe na lty for sin has been paid b y Christ in<br />

His deat h upon the Cross. This is a fact o f<br />

hi sto rv, It can becom e a very definite fact of<br />

experie ucc in yo u r own heart and life if you a re<br />

prepared to do as Christ Himself invites you to<br />

do : "Verily, verily, 1 say unto lOU he th at<br />

beli eveth on Me hath everla sting Ii e". To be a<br />

true Ch l'istja D., you have 10 believe, th at is commit<br />

you rsel f 10 Ch rist, thanking Him for His death for<br />

you personally, in viting Him 10 co me into your<br />

h eart ant: life a nd henceforth, trusting Him a nd<br />

Him a lo ne for you r salvation now and forever.<br />

'Th is i i Life eternal, th at you might kn ow th e<br />

t rue (; od and J esus Ch rist Whom He has sent.<br />

J esus said : " I am the Way, the Truth and th e<br />

Lir e. no mar; come th unto rh e Father but by Me".<br />

" Him t ha t cometh to Me, I will in no wise<br />

cast o ut."<br />

Are you prepared to come to Je sus Christ r i ~h t<br />

now, receiving Him into yo ur own heart and Iife ,<br />

believing tha t He can and will do a ll th at He<br />

has promised , b oth for lime and eternit y There<br />

is no li fe to be co mpa red with th e true Christian<br />

Li fe. Only the foolish pass this by. There is no<br />

way other than that indicated in th e Bible, which<br />

ha s been quoted in the pass age s a bov e. Act now.<br />

P rove for you rsel f the jo y an d certainty of th e<br />

true a nd only Christian life, which is, Christ in<br />

yo u.<br />

Man y stud en ts of this College have found L ife<br />

with a capital "L" throu gh trusting Ch rist as their<br />

Saviou r and living for Him. Through the Cautec<br />

Ch ris tian Felo wship we have sought to m ak e<br />

kn own this new li fe to peopl e, you ng and old.<br />

Weekly meetings have inc luded informal Bible<br />

stud ies, film s and a variet y of Speaker s, centred<br />

on the Ch r istia n life. We have been privileged<br />

th rough the year to h ear Nationals from Indonesia<br />

and India; and have di scus sed vital Social issues<br />

fro m Communism to Marriage relationsh ips.<br />

During August a su ccessful house-party was held<br />

a t Macedon . .. down from th e top of the mountain<br />

ma y re ma in painfully in th e memory of so me.<br />

Alt ogether we have had a lot of fun and a great<br />

d eal of fellowship together; we are hoping you will<br />

make a point of meeting with the C.C.F. next<br />

yea r as we are planning 1963 with you in mind.<br />

Peter Sumner.<br />


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