Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu

Gryphon 1962 - Adm.monash.edu


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Back Row : M ick Cr oft, Fr ed Whel an , Rex Keogh , John Harford, Ge off Eastwood , Don !lally , Fr ed Ma tyear Bob<br />

Somerv ill e, Ro'S Pond , Rosemary Veal , Joh n Fischer, Jud y Sandwc ll, Inqo Kli nert , Fay Nev...·Iand, Alan Wau gh ,<br />

Terry Bird<br />

Middle Row : Margaret Skelow , Karen Shocsmith, Pauline Tu rner , Mar gar et Thompson, Hil ary Sav igc, Laurel Waugh, Judy<br />

Bye, Sylvia T homas . J enny Stevens, Helene Lewin ski.<br />

Fron t Row : Hilary Waller. Jo Mo rcom, Car ol Pickerin g, J a n Gr ah am, Leon ie Go dridge , M arl ene J enkins, Bob Luk eis,<br />

Hele n Crunden , Bereni ce Cooper. Steve Jakymczuk .<br />

" T o th e Hospital I 'll take yon , five bob a r ide ,"<br />

Diane and Bev Anderson with gusto cried.<br />

Roger bawled out, "I'll take you for free."<br />

Jim yell ed , "If too many, th e rest com e with m e. "<br />

In th e middle of this, Geoff Edwards lashed out,<br />

lt was poor old Brent Moncrieff he was ab out<br />

to clout.<br />

J ohn Harford r em arked th at a (Me lbo urn e<br />

Teache rs' College trainee teacher) sho u ld<br />

not , . .<br />

Interrupted b y Dav id Harwood , who exclaime d ,<br />

"What rot !"<br />

Second ed b y Churcher, his ve ry best pal.<br />

Jan Bligh screamed out, "You ca n a ll go to<br />

weill "<br />

Hilary waller-ed and sang with glee,<br />

As she hit Helen Bullock on the knee.<br />

Viv and Pam dashed in to help,<br />

When suddenly Miss Turner let out with a yelp.<br />

Quick to her rescu e came Ro semary Veal,<br />

Followed by Helene, dashing on with much zea l.<br />

A little group huddled by the gat e,<br />

Thomson and Shoesmith for Fred Matyear did<br />

wait.<br />

But Fred we noticed at a glance<br />

Was being taught by Claire how to dance.<br />

Sand well a nd Sti elow were keeping sco re,<br />

With them a t t he goals, we 'd win fo r su re .<br />

Judy and Alison, all tanned fr om the snow,<br />

Were there with vigour and lots of go.<br />

In Val G rose's car a t rio we found.<br />

Anne Basanqueue an d J oan Strickland th e sirens<br />

did so und .<br />

The chee ri ng squad was led by Brown and Gow<br />

Churn ed. " Come on th e S,A,C.'s, you' ll win like<br />

wow l"<br />

But Merilyn strongly opposed this mo ve,<br />

For she thinks engineer Barry ·is ri ght in th e<br />

groove.<br />

Now we come to the sin ging Au er,<br />

Elaine chorusing as if in the shower.<br />

" Can you h ear us " sang Berry and Steve .<br />

I'm afraid we cou ld not, as a bl ow they received .<br />

" W ho made that loud Blair," R oss mumbled.<br />

Sylvia replied, ''' T is th e way th e Kr emlin<br />

cr um bled."<br />

Ka y Pea ce and Sandra half- time did sound,<br />

And Jo Morcom with refr eshm en ts, rushed on to<br />

the ground.<br />

Ma rian and Sue danced Gracefully so<br />

T o th e tune of "Midnight in (Lousy) Moscow."<br />

They all joined Bev and sang with high glee,<br />

..Ma , he' s making eyes at me ,"<br />

"S, A-C SAC's," Marg Hamilton sang,<br />

Just as th e bell for half-time rang:<br />

Late to the scene came Joy and Pam,<br />

They'd been caught with Gr aham in a traffic jam .<br />

Late also were Carol and Fay ,<br />

They'd been down at Mac's " making hay"<br />

Lorraine and Hilary, savage atall,<br />

Sto p ped the play by ru nning off with the ball.<br />

Quick to the r escue was dashing Irene,<br />

With ranting and Ran-in g she could hardly be<br />

seen.<br />

So ended upon this memorable day<br />

S.W .B. S.M .A.<br />

Back ro w : Bruno Leli Michael Croft , Re x Keogh , Geoff Edwards, Joh n H arf or d, Bob Some rvi lle , Graham T aylor Do n<br />

Batty, lngo K~ ein e rt J Jan Graham , Leoni e Godridg e, John Fischer, Fred Ma tyear , Tr evor Norton, Glen Fu!l crton .<br />

Middle ro w : Fay Newland t Carol Pickering, .lo Morcom , Leola Loft , Jan e Mu rray, Lorraine Le Plast cricr , Iren e Blin ­<br />

strubus, jo H upfield Marl ene Jenkins.<br />

Front row : Claire Hen nan , ~{ ar g Hamilton, Su e Gu est , Be ver ly Lo ng , Marian McMillan l<br />

Kay Peace, Sand ra McPherson,<br />

Pam Kubiel.

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