western maryland college december, 1963 - Hoover Library

western maryland college december, 1963 - Hoover Library

western maryland college december, 1963 - Hoover Library


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page<br />

two<br />

The Editor<br />

Western Maryland College MAGAZINE<br />

'Westminster, Maryland<br />

I want to congratulate you on the high<br />

quality of the Western Maryland College<br />

MAGAZINE. It is most enjoyable.<br />

I do have one suggestion. A magazine of<br />

this type at times should be and is provocative,<br />

and there should be II forum of some<br />

kind for alumni and others to express their<br />

opinions and feelings. I am thinking of a<br />

section for letters to the editor.<br />

The articles on religion at WMC provoked<br />

me some, nnd this is one of the<br />

reasons I suggest space for comments and<br />

rejoinders. I felt that there was much rationalizing<br />

about forcing Chapel services upon<br />

the students, and the compulsory attendance<br />

defeats the goals it hopes to serve. If there<br />

is good or value in religion, a bright group<br />

of <strong>college</strong> students will find it and come to<br />

it. If it must be forced upon them, it becomes<br />

suspect in their eyes. Why can't it<br />

stand on its own merits Why must it demand<br />

respect From a practical point of<br />

view, many of the students I knew treated<br />

it as an inconvenience, or as a joke, or as<br />

time to be occupied in some other way, or<br />

as something to be evaded through trickery.<br />

I am not sure it had much value at all ..<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

Dr. Malcolm L. Meltzer, '51<br />

Editor's Note<br />

Some time ago readers were invited to<br />

address comments to the editor. We have<br />

Ead. a lot of comments-all contained favorable<br />

reecncns. As it would hardlv be<br />

proper to begin a letters column in that way<br />

none were printed. Now, we have two letters<br />

that do more than congratulate and the<br />

Letters to the Editor column begins.<br />

We invite vour participation. Letters<br />

slwuld not be of book length. Mr. Goodley's<br />

letter illustrates the maximum that can be<br />

printed in full. All letters mese be signed<br />

and names will be printed.<br />


Pictures on page 6 are by Ralph Robinson,<br />

The Sun, David Robson, '64, Official U. S.<br />

Navy Photographer.<br />

Expansion pictures by Walt Lane.<br />

Photos of the E08, adapted from color pictures<br />

by Capt. Moore.<br />

socus pictures, Walt Lane.<br />

Basketball, the athletic department.<br />

November 5, <strong>1963</strong><br />

The Editor<br />

Western Maryland College MAGAZINE<br />

Westminster, Maryland<br />

I was much interested in the October issue<br />

the Western Maryland College MAGA-<br />

of<br />

ZINE, featuring "Religion on Campus." The<br />

discussion is most timely and relevant.<br />

First, I want to commend the Western<br />

Maryland College administration for engaging<br />

a competent and dedicated campus chaplain.<br />

As a good military chaplain is said to<br />

be "worth his weight in gold," so may we<br />

expect that a campus chaplain will be a<br />

priceless asset to a <strong>college</strong>. In this day of<br />

professionalism and professional specialization,<br />

he can fill a definite need on the campus,<br />

if he is available to students and 'has<br />

the time and freedom to be a spiritual leader.<br />

I must confess I was a bit annoyed by<br />

the "Analysis by a Student," Any of us who<br />

has lived at least 50 years and has followed<br />

campus life for the past 30 years<br />

would be hard put to recall any time in this<br />

there has been<br />

momentous period when<br />

anything which could be called enthusiasm<br />

for religion on the campus. To bemoan the<br />

present situation is either to lack historical<br />

perspective or to fail to realize an awesome<br />

challenge spiritual leadership. It calls for<br />

to<br />

dedication, initiative, and commitment by<br />

that small group of students who really care;<br />

it means the practice of spiritual disciplines<br />

by small groups who will come together to<br />

find spiritual reality through sharing with<br />

one another and having an outreach into a<br />

world of need; it indicates the necessity of<br />

experimenting for an effective campus chapel<br />

program.<br />

In response to "A Parent's Viewpoint:' I<br />

would feel that we need both the reality<br />

and appearance of religion on the campus.<br />

Might it not be that we have been so<br />

nakedly practical about religion that we have<br />

dehydrated it of beauty and worship and<br />

emotion would hope that the campus becomes<br />

I<br />

unashamedly a place where students<br />

worship as well study. Then, in the<br />

as<br />

phraseology of Wesley, we would unite<br />

knowledge and piety (without being obnoxiously<br />

pious).<br />

In reading the new Dean of the Chapel's<br />

"The Cross and the Mortarboard," I am<br />

thrilled by the approach and insight indicated.<br />

The recovery of wholeness is a responsibility<br />

of specialized and trained and<br />

dedicated spiritual leadership. I hope the<br />

Dean will be allowed much freedom in experimenting<br />

with small groups on the campus<br />

as well as perhaps a major overhauling<br />

of the traditional weekly compulsory chapel<br />

service. As a parent of a recent W.M.C.<br />

graduate, 1 will watch with interest tbe<br />

future developments of the religious life on<br />

your lovely campus.<br />

Sincerely<br />

yours,<br />

George W. Goodley<br />


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