Opticks 1717 - Up

Opticks 1717 - Up

Opticks 1717 - Up


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to flick fi~ii. iii the Pitch, they would by r01hg<br />

11~ alld down grate and fret the ~~bje&?&tal<br />

and fill it f~111 of little holes.<br />

Rut becaufc Metal is more difhcu1.t to polifh<br />

thau CJafss and is afterwards very apt to be<br />

* fpoiled by tarniihing, and rcfle& nat fo ~mzh<br />

Light as Glafs quick-filver’d OVCY &XS; I Lvould<br />

propound to ufe infiead of the .Mctal, a, GM’s<br />

graund CQIIC~+VC on the for&de, and as much<br />

convex 011 the back-fide,, and quick-filve?d o-<br />

ver 011 the convex fide. The Ghfi IIILG be CT&<br />

very wllcr& of the film thkkncfs cXlAly. O-<br />

therMrife it will make O~~CAS 100k COIOLW’CI and<br />

jl&fiin&. Ry filch a a& I tried about five or<br />

fix Years yjo to make a refle8ing Telcfcope of<br />

four Feet in, l.ength to magnify about ‘F $0 times,<br />

and I fatisfied my felf that there mnts nothii~g<br />

but a good Art8 to bring the Ikfign to per-Fe-<br />

Aion. For the Glafs being wrought by one of<br />

our .Lom!on Attiits after fuch a manner as they<br />

grind Glaires for Telefccopes, tho’ it feemed as<br />

well wrought as the Object-glaKes ufe to be, yet<br />

when it was quick-filver’d, the Reflexion dig<br />

covered innumerable Inequalities all. over the<br />

Glafs. And by reafon of thefe Inequnlitics, Obje&s<br />

appeared indiitin& in this Inilrcment~, For<br />

the Errors of refleAed ‘Rays caukd by ally Ingquality<br />

of the C-1 I a E s, are about fix times grcata<br />

er than the Errors of refktk’ed Rays cnuicd by<br />

he like Tncqualitks. Yet by this Experiment<br />

fatisfied my felf that the Reflexion on rhe<br />

concave fide of the Glafs, which I feared would<br />

difturb theVifion, did,no fenfiblc prejudice to<br />

it, and by confequence that nothing is’ wanting<br />


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