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Opticks 1717 - Up

Opticks 1717 - Up


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Cdtntogzle of Books prdafed for a?zzd J&V&<br />

Will. Innys, dt~.de. Prince’s-Arms ix2 652. PauY.x<br />

Church-yard.<br />

1-l E Pofihumous %Vorks of Di. Roherf Hoeke; in which;<br />

I. The prefent Deficiency of natural PhiIofophy is difcourl’cd<br />

of, with the hlethods of rendring it more cei-.<br />

II. Of the Nature, Marion and Eff&% of<br />

Light, particularly that of the Sun and Comets. III. An hypothetical<br />

Explication of Memory; how the Organs made uTe of<br />

by the Mind in its Operation may be mechanically anderttood,<br />

IV. An HypotheGs and Explication of the Caufe of Gravity, or<br />

Gravitation, Magnetifm , .vc. V. Difcourfes of Earthquakes,<br />

their Caul‘es and Effc&s, and Hiflories of feveral : To which ar&<br />

annex’d, l’hpfcal Explications of feveral of the Fables in Ouiri’s<br />

Metamorphofees, very different from orher Mythologiclr Intefpre-<br />

Cers. VI. LeRulcs for improving Navigation and Afironomy,<br />

with the Defcriptions oi‘ fevera new and ufeful Iilfiruments and<br />

Contrivances ; the whole full of curious Uifquifitions and Expeti:<br />

ments, illufirated with Sculptures. To there Difcourfes is predx’d<br />

the Author’s Life. By Richard IVdh, R. S. Seer. Folio.<br />

A Treatife of Algebra, both Hiitsrical find Poetical ; with<br />

fame additiona Trcatifes. I. Of the Cono-Cuneus. II. Of angular<br />

Se&ions and Trigonometry. ZII. Of the Angie of Contafi,<br />

with other things appertaining to the Compofition of Magnitudes,<br />

the Inceptives of Magnitudes, and the Compofition of hlotions,<br />

with the R&Its thereof. IV. Of Combinations, AIternadons,<br />

and aliquot Parts. l3y 3obrt.~irllis, D. D. polio,<br />

New Experiments I-‘hyfico-hlechanical, touching the Air and<br />

its EffeAs, mJdc, for the mofi part, in a new Pueumaticai Engine.<br />

The third Ediiion. Whereunto is added, A Defence of<br />

the Author’s Explication of the Experiments againit the Obje-<br />

Aions of k~ranci~~~~r Linus, alld Th. H&e,; with Cnts. By the<br />

Honourable Robwt Boyle, El‘q; 4:o.<br />

Jo. Alph. Borellus de tiIotu Animalium. Editio Nova; 4t.9.<br />

Phil. Cl,ilverii Introdu&io in uniyerfam Grographiam tati<br />

veterem qulm - novam. Editio Nova, a Joban; Bunone, 4ru.<br />

Land. 17;~.<br />

R&a Eruditoruns publicata Lip&z at Initio, A. D. 1682 ad<br />

r7 17. incl. cum Supplementis & Indicibus, in 43 Tom. vei fe‘epa-,<br />

ratim.<br />

36% Craig Methodus Figurarum, 4to. ’<br />

: Euclides demonfiratus Per Coetiium, 8~0.<br />

-Land, p53g;<br />

Lugd. Bat. 1692.<br />

Geographic Praffique, par. N.Chemerau, 4ro. An@. 171cj.<br />

i( Kcrmanni (Jac.) Phoronomia feu de motu Corp.@p, Apn/t.r7r6.<br />


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