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• Roggenkamp & Boekholt (2014)<br />

M.M. Roggenkamp & H.D. Boekholt, 'Schaliegas: hoeveel houvast biedt de Aanbeveling<br />

van de Europese Commissie voor effectieve gezondheids- en milieubescherming en de<br />

ontwikkeling van onconventioneel gas?', Milieu & Recht 2014/66.<br />

• Schoukens (2014)<br />

H. Schoukens, 'Mitigation <strong>and</strong> Compensation under <strong>EU</strong> Nature Conservation <strong>Law</strong> in the<br />

Flemish Region: Beyond the Deadlock for Development Projects?' Utrecht <strong>Law</strong> Review<br />

2014, Vol. 10, Iss. 2, pp. 194-215.<br />

• Woldendorp (2012), part 1<br />

H.E. Woldendorp, ‘Ondergrondse regelingen opgediept (deel 1)’, Bouwrecht 2012/91.<br />

• Woldendorp (2012), part 2<br />

H.E. Woldendorp, ‘Ondergrondse regelingen opgediept (deel 2)’, Bouwrecht 2012/112.<br />

8.3 European official publications<br />

European Commission<br />

• Commission Communication on the precautionary principle (2000)<br />

Communication from the Commission of 2 February 2000 on the precautionary principle,<br />

COM(2000) 1 final - Not published in the Official Journal.<br />

• 2050 Energy roadmap<br />

2050 Energy roadmap, COM(2011) 885.<br />

• Legal Assessment (2012)<br />

Legal Assessment of the European Commission, Ref.Ares(2012) 91850, 26 January 2012<br />

• European Commission, Guidance on the Application of the Environmental Impact<br />

Assessment Procedure for Large-scale Trans boundary Projects, 16 May 2013.<br />

• Public consultation report (2013)<br />

European Commission DG Environment, Final report: Analysis <strong>and</strong> presentation of the<br />

results of the public consultation "Unconventional fossil fuels (e.g. shale gas) in Europe", 3<br />

October 2013.<br />

• Commission Recommendation (2014)<br />

Commission Recommendation of 22 January 2014 on minimum principles for the<br />

exploration <strong>and</strong> production of hydrocarbons (such as shale gas) using high-volume<br />

hydraulic fracturing (2014/70/<strong>EU</strong>).<br />

• Commission Staff Working Document Executive Summary (2014)<br />

Commission Staff Working Document, Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment<br />

(COM(2014) 23 final).<br />

• Commission Staff Working Document Impact Assessment (2014), part 1/4 - part 4/4.<br />

Commission Staff Working Document Impact Assessment, accompanying the<br />

Communication from the Commission on the exploration <strong>and</strong> production of hydrocarbons<br />

(such as shale gas) using high volume hydraulic fracturing in the <strong>EU</strong>, COM(2014) 23 final,<br />

22 January 2014, part 1/4 - part 4/4.<br />

• Commission Communication (2014)<br />

Communication from the Commission on the exploration <strong>and</strong> production of hydrocarbons<br />

(such as shale gas) using high volume hydraulic fracturing in the <strong>EU</strong>, COM(2014) 23<br />

final/2, 17 March 2014.<br />

• Citizens' summary (2014)<br />

European Commission, Citizens' summary on fracking in the <strong>EU</strong> to extract shale gas <strong>and</strong><br />

other hydrocarbons, 2014.<br />


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