slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...

slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...

slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...


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[12:82] ‘Ona ziadat obec my bol caravan pod us. My telling truth. '<br />

[12:83] He said Indeed ona conspired beriem certain kut plany. Quiet patience bol moj<br />

iba recourse. Maj GOD bring them all zadny mna. He bol Omniscient Wise.<br />

[12:84] He turned them saying ja rmutit sa Joseph. Jeho oci turned biely z rmutit sa so<br />

vela; he bol truly sad!<br />

[12:85] They said GOD ona keep rmutit sa Joseph ona become chory al ona zomriet.<br />

[12:86] He said ja len complain GOD moj dilemma zalost ja zauzlit GOD co ona nie<br />

zauzlit.<br />

[12:87] O moj syn ist fetch Joseph jeho brat never zufalstvo GOD's grace Ziaden<br />

zufalstvo z GOD's grace disbelieving ludia.<br />

[12:88] When they zapisat (Joseph's) kvartal they said O ona noble jeden my suffered a<br />

lot z hardship our rodina my brought inferior goods. My hope ona dat us full measure bol<br />

charitable do us. GOD rewards the charitable.<br />

[12:89] He said ona recall co ona Robit robit Joseph jeho brat when ona bol ignorant?<br />

[12:90] They said Ona bol Joseph. He said ja bol Joseph tu bol moj brat. GOD<br />

ZEHNAT us. Je because if 1 leads righteous zivot steadfastly perseveres GOD never<br />

zlyhat reward the righteous.<br />

[12:91] They said GOD GOD truly mat radsej ona over us! My je definitely zlo!<br />

[12:92] He said There nie bol blame ona dnes. Maj GOD forgive ona. Z all merciful<br />

jeden He bol the Vela Merciful.<br />

[12:93] Berie this shirt z bana; when ona throw it moj otca face jeho vision restaurovat!<br />

Bring tvoj whole rodina pod mna!<br />

[12:94] Vecer caravan arrived ich otca said ja zmysel smell Joseph! Ktosi enlighten<br />

mna?<br />

[12:95] They said GOD ona je still tvoj stara zmatok!<br />

[12:96] When bearer dobry zvest arrived he threw shirt jeho face whereupon jeho vision<br />

restaurovat. He said ja nie tell ona ja zauzlit GOD co ona nie zauzlit?<br />

[12:97] They said Our otca pray our forgiveness; my je zlo indeed!<br />

[12:98] He said ja implore moj Lord forgive ona; He bol Forgiver Merciful.

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