slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...

slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...

slovak HOLY QURAN Translated by Hadi Abdollahian www.Yahoo ...


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[7:121] They said My verit v Lord universe.<br />

[7:122] Lord z Moses Aaron.<br />

[7:123] Pharaoh said Robi ona verit v him moj permission? This bol conspiracy ona kut<br />

plany mesto v poradie berie its ludia! Ona robit iste zalozit out!<br />

[7:124] Ja rez tvoj hands nohy on alternate strana potom ja crucify ona all<br />

[7:125] They said My potom spatny listok our Lord<br />

[7:126] Ona persecute us len my verit v proofs our Lord when they pojdem us. Our Lord<br />

grant us steadfastness umrel submitters!<br />

[7:127] leaders Pharaoh's ludia said Will ona allow Moses jeho ludia zhnity zem forsake<br />

ona tvoj gods He said My kill ich syn rezervny ich dcera! My bol vela mocny than they<br />

bol<br />

[7:128] Moses said do jeho ludia Seek GOD's pomoc steadfastly persevere Zem belongs<br />

do GOD He grants it whomever He zvolit si Jeho servants. ultimate victory belongs do<br />

the righteous.<br />

[7:129] They said My persecuted before ona pojdem us a ona pojdem us. He said Tvoj<br />

Lord annihilate tvoj enemy zriadit ona zem potom He see ako ona behave<br />

[7:130] My potom afflicted Pharaoh's ludia drought shortage z zozat lenze they berie<br />

heed<br />

[7:131] When dobry omens pojdem ich way they said My zasluzit this when hardship<br />

afflicted them they blamed Moses those him. Skutocne ich omens decided len GOD vela<br />

z them nie zauzlit!<br />

[7:132] They said Ziaden zalezitost co laskavy z znamka ona show us dupe us tvoj<br />

kuzlo my nie verit!<br />

[7:133] Consequently my sent them zaplava locusts lice zaba blood - profound<br />

znamenie. they maintained ich arrogance. They bol zly ludia.<br />

[7:134] Whenever plague afflicted them they said O Moses implore tvoj Lord - Ona bol<br />

Him. Ona relieve this plague my verit ona send Dieta Izrael ona!<br />

[7:135] lenze when my relieved plague any length lehota they znasilnit ich zavazok.<br />

[7:136] Consequently my avenged ich cin drowned them sea Ze because they zamietnut<br />

our znamenie bol totally heedless thereof!

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