Love - Rhema

Love - Rhema

Love - Rhema


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“Too many people are paying their<br />

tithes instead of giving their tithes.<br />

God is not a bill.”<br />

—Craig W. Hagin<br />

From “Lord, You Want<br />

How Much?”<br />

“Sometimes we want the power before<br />

the task. But God has given us the<br />

task, and then the power becomes<br />

available.”<br />

—David Vasquez<br />

From “If It Feels Good, Do It?”<br />

“Everyone has the ability to doubt.<br />

Let’s use that ability to doubt what the<br />

devil says. Dare to believe what the<br />

Bible says.”<br />

—Matt Flanders<br />

From “You Da Man:<br />

Valor vs. Victim”<br />

“God didn’t ask you to give up<br />

anything. He said to give of yourself.<br />

Give yourself to the will of<br />

God, thereby giving yourself to<br />

your wife, because she is made to<br />

help you with the will of God.”<br />

—Mark Bintliff<br />

From “Solving the<br />

Marriage Mystery”<br />

Guest<br />

Speakers<br />

David’s Mighty<br />

Men of Valor<br />


In First Samuel 22:1–2 (NKJV) we see David hiding<br />

from King Saul. When his parents and brothers heard of<br />

it, they joined him. So did everyone who was in distress,<br />

in debt, and discontented—about 400 men. And David became<br />

their captain.<br />

This was a poor, deplorable group. But God changed them<br />

into men of valor. God took them where He found them and<br />

brought them where He wanted them to be.<br />

David’s men started out with great needs—they were in<br />

trouble, in debt, and dissatisfied. But they ended up performing<br />

great deeds (see 2 Sam. 23:8–12). The Bible is<br />

full of people with great needs who wound up doing great<br />

things for God. Moses, Gideon, Peter, and Paul are just<br />

four examples. The power of God enabled these men to<br />

accomplish mighty things for Him! You can do more in five<br />

minutes with the power of God than you can in a lifetime<br />

with your own strength.<br />

David’s mighty men also sowed great seeds. In First Chronicles<br />

29:6–7 (CEV) we see David’s government officials<br />

and army commanders giving large offerings to build the<br />

temple in Jerusalem. When these men started out with David,<br />

they were broke and in debt. Now, thanks to their great<br />

God, they were able to give almost 200 tons of gold!<br />

When it’s all said and done, how will we be known? Will<br />

it be for our great needs or our great deeds? It’s<br />

certain that for eternity we will be known for the<br />

seeds we’ve sown into the Kingdom of God. These<br />

are not necessarily financial seeds. They can be<br />

seeds of our talent, our time, and many other<br />

things.<br />

Let God work in your life until your great<br />

needs turn into great deeds and your great<br />

deeds turn into great seeds. Men of valor<br />

give willingly of themselves to make sure<br />

that the work of God stands. Are you<br />

ready to be a man of valor? Are you ready<br />

to sow great seeds and do great deeds<br />

for God?<br />

“‘We love Him because He first loved us’ (1 John 4:19 NKJV). The reason we love<br />

Him is that He first loved us. The Bible teaches us that we shouldn’t love in word<br />

only, but in demonstration (1 John 3:18). So that means God doesn’t love in word<br />

only, but in demonstration. And God demonstrates His love through His body, which<br />

is us. Sharing the Gospel is not telling someone, ‘You know what your problem is?<br />

You need to love God.’ That doesn’t bring a person into love. That condemns him.<br />

You didn’t get your wife to fall in love with you by telling her to love you.”<br />

—Ed Elliott<br />

From “Addicted to Jesus”<br />

“What can a pastor do with a church<br />

full of people who won’t do anything?<br />

We need to stand up and ask, ‘What<br />

can I do?’”<br />

—Jay Adkins<br />

From “Taking a Stand<br />

When You Feel Like Sitting”<br />

“Paul compared the Christian life to a<br />

runner—to someone who disciplines<br />

himself. In our Christian life, we need<br />

to honor God with our bodies. We need<br />

to be an example to those around us.”<br />

—Dr. Joe Reese<br />

From “Doritos to Discipline”<br />

“There is always a wilderness on the<br />

way to your fulfilling your purpose.<br />

Don’t stop. Just keep going!”<br />

—Gene Bailey<br />

From “Be All You Can Be”<br />

“Following a lot of times has nothing<br />

to do with you attaining to the place<br />

you think you’re going to end up.<br />

It’s about taking the next<br />

step God has asked you<br />

to take.”<br />

—Tommy FiGart<br />

From “Leading While<br />

Following”<br />

“A lot of times we’re<br />

looking for the windows<br />

of Heaven to open so<br />

we can be blessed. But<br />

I say become a window.<br />

Be a blessing to someone<br />

else.”<br />

—Byron August<br />

From “The Servalution<br />

Revolution”<br />

“We were created for the extraordinary. God has called you to live an extraordinary life<br />

and empowered you to do so! But how do you live an extraordinary life? The answer is the<br />

grace of God. God said to the Apostle Paul in Second Corinthians 12:9, “‘My grace is all<br />

you need. My power works best in weakness’” (NLT). After years and years of study on this,<br />

my definition of the grace of God is, ‘God’s empowerment that gives us the ability to go<br />

beyond our natural ability.’ The majority of Christians are trying to live a godly life in their<br />

own ability. I used to try to live a Christian life in my own ability, and I was miserable. I’m<br />

so glad that God’s grace empowers me to live a Christian life.”<br />

—John Bevere<br />

From “Extraordinary: The Life You’re Meant to Live”

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