Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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Out Of the<br />

" ChaiificS.<br />


J, 1W7. I'J 13. II.<br />

Ucrtuu<br />

Kcster cuine-.: slowly , dunu<br />

tlio IIKIIIIIOIISU mnli'H.. 1<br />

IIu..lli..'.l the.<br />

wlud 'nud'twVi vf tli.-m. A(lM/.y<br />

wu.li "llo-itcd through-Id*<br />

nilinl''tluit, '<br />

they mlKli'.."iiuwi"' end.. llu- 'w.oiild -Hko<br />

to go ou forever,, l.vMrlu.-; ilu- nip <strong>of</strong><br />

her llttlo feet on llio. ii'.m I'diiml him.<br />

I'eelluf^ her iintut i\'U si.'.v<br />

•,'...-cui.'<br />

lauiah nnJ «lililn thw s.iino ii'.u r.ilulltc»<br />

U.I.I uronilvl<br />

Ki-!.:.'"i' I" i!io fl-.ilo,<br />

pplihly l»'n. !i. ,.!iei.. iln'IV .'.'".it.iiwitlt-<br />

UHlced Kcvlcr. stiirlug. ut tlio little llgtire<br />

hy hi' sll.' iis If he wns-Just :wuk'<br />

lli« bin <strong>of</strong> u .sleep. •••:..• • ' '1<br />

Th" girl »-uil lcnly jM'ixiin'to .'ry'. L"1<br />

thought I'd' li-'tli'r IM* lu'lplinr you"—<br />

Utflplii^'.v.iir.pull'tlilH limit.:' sill, sobbed,<br />

"thuii riding r..uuil lit'an old hiunch<br />

with II mini ' I- iliin'tjlkc. Bill If you<br />

ditn't waul iiic 1 i-iiu ,ti>U4> him, 1 .Huppost-."<br />

ilcr \.ilci-- illed uwny as nhe<br />

KtrufpH-d ...Miliily' to keep her wind<br />

Mown lulr »ui <strong>of</strong> tier fin.'.', her -skirts,<br />

from'III.' '«iiter iind the" tears from<br />

hlliiillnt; lu-i' i-.v.'s..'<br />

- .'Mi- r-linl ni'\er IIMVI* you."' declared<br />

Hosier tlcilely. .h-i.ppliii! tin* ni|i... and<br />

cut< hlim Hie Klri lu hi" iirjus.<br />

• •"I.lttfo<br />

eoiiii\ijl'». il".i''..|i menu'It'.' .1 dh'want<br />

yum'.lu'iji. llu'l.'- girl, und J MIH liiiike<br />

you hupp.v... 1<br />

IMIV don't filil*. your fn.-o,<br />

d.»iir!<br />

Your l.iilv Is HO 1..V.-I.V—hut'It'H<br />

dreiulfuny rji tin* wny!", :<br />

Tlie' uiilniili.'iis Mr. llnr-voy, us. his<br />

litiiiicfi ciuiii' sWJftly .luwn the.channel,<br />

noted<br />

\\4tli iistmilsliiiicnt two itersons<br />

over tnwnnl tlio llRhtliui'iso wading<br />

Hliiwty through the shallow wutor. lie<br />

.th^uirht ul first thut ho roconnlzed the<br />

Slrl's'.wUIn 1 'Hweut.'r iiml ^lier Rreen<br />

6klrt, "wlileli Htii- h.'lO Biilhcred<br />

about<br />

tier Uhces.' The anils, circled over tbelr<br />

hcii'N nud tin; sen wind h!.»\v the Kirt'B<br />

lirliitii<br />

Ii.ili' iill nliout her fuce. Tho<br />

mutt \\.tii uii.re It in implied hitck<br />

to-releaye<br />

tbo tip Ilii- iniire It cuts nml-hurts tho<br />

tk-i-h. on nu'i'iint <strong>of</strong> tho peculiar<br />

Hllilpi* "I' il llsldl.oiU It lH nei-esMiry tO<br />

push" It nil tin* way throuuli. If Uio<br />

cd tliuin. Ii \>;u. ii-it u il.-ry, -lull u<br />

Kiiy jlttli' pic.i' me i-rai't, hrij-lit with<br />

. ninny. i'ii*lilT.:;-. K.-'jr lid(..'d MarW<br />

,-In,<br />

f't Hint lit' could<br />

not put her h.i->.tli.? lijiiiiNoiniwl Inunch<br />

on th« ciii-i. * " ,-<br />

Therewn^ii'i lihif >ifX'-' s ri"''t !n Marlon's'<br />

faeo iia;she pick.il up tin- nul.lvr ropos<br />

' uud tbi; Ifiil Hvvi'nr-- oiT. 'Hit' Mini was<br />

warm, but jti.- Iii.-.-i-.-, mi.,I with tno<br />

tnDi; <strong>of</strong> tin- >ci. lil"W the girl's l.il'^ht<br />

bnlr uV>MM her r.i"e ulid !'lnilj:llt a<br />

i^)arUI .luy," i-'|.e.i:e.I llu*' ;.-i!l snftly,<br />

her dark I'J.'S .Ircuulu'.;,'.th.Mi smiling<br />

•Into his.- Itn' wii«^i|iilti»<br />

U'IIMIIKT to<br />

putili tP\,-ei\rtlilnu* luit tin' j'i'.'.-i'iit moment<br />

Into Uie hid.'il'uliu futinv.<br />

I<br />

Tbe ulali ln'-lfuieil u i!,..ineiit, then j<br />

Bald, wltli n n'lte <strong>of</strong>. ciiiiviiiy In hlM i<br />

voice:' "Muy 1 row j in over to -Tu'r- !<br />

- bet'u cr.-.'k beCu'.! we .izn Iiiit-I:'/ It'H ;<br />

. Euch n quiihil, iMiichy lltlle plaon, with '<br />

IU Olfl Wlllirl'M nil,I llsllel-ll'l'ir* ll'iHHPrt,<br />

that I wimt tu >ei* h nuiiln. Ymi know<br />

my viiciiiliin en.l-i t-'inon'«'iirlnu upon<br />

It the liiinTltillon, ••John VIII., a Woninn<br />

Trom Ilnirlund,*! This bust wr*»<br />

put iii Its place by ec.:Ioslastlcal &$•<br />

tboritl.'M In the year 1100, without protest<br />

from .any source, and In pursuance<br />

nf the imivi'rsiil popuhir belief<br />

that t'he el^lith John hud huleed been<br />

a.woman, mid this hv spite <strong>of</strong> tbo fact<br />

ttiut t!u> personal history <strong>of</strong> tbo "real<br />

"John VIII.. who wns a oinn UD.1 a Roman<br />

nml the detlor. <strong>of</strong> tho 'Emperor<br />

Chart.*! tin- Buld, wan oj«;n' to tho<br />

scholars <strong>of</strong> tli/> world.. It Tvasonly at<br />

tho K'Klnnhic: <strong>of</strong> the scventoentb ceniury<br />

that tin.- h.ist <strong>of</strong> the "woman from<br />

Knstiind". was tuUi-n down.—Argonaut.<br />

According €o~HiStory, •<br />

A Xew VurU'man, who spends a portion<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho "iiinnier each yeur In Eosluml,<br />

tells <strong>of</strong> mi amuslnc; Incident In<br />

oonnwctlnu with his Orst visit to Klchmoml<br />

cii-Ktl*'. <strong>On</strong> that occasion he"was<br />

acconipiiiil.il hy n u-itlde. who roiled for<br />

his tiifuriiiiiilni) imilnly mi II i^jldobook,<br />

which from time to .tlmao ho<br />

would fiinlwly .'onmilt If ho thought<br />

I<br />

•_*.t-A\(;'V..\.<br />

not'smlle at tin- ntraln bi-foi-e wo reach<br />

the farther side or thp llulo -buy." , I<br />

"The tide.Is rutmliiir our, fit^t," Etald<br />

Marlon, loolilui; down ibroufih Ibc clear<br />

•water to tht- yellow. «nndH,<br />

. "VTo'll Rtrlko tiie cjinnti"! snor." rc-<br />

-turried ,KesIcr. pullluff hhu^i'lf' to-<br />

; cotb«r "nitli an <strong>of</strong>l'urt. "I can never<br />

tell exactly where It l« when tho -wind I<br />

rouchfl th«^ wholo liny.<br />

Oi'pat'.lny for,,<br />

Bjrlllng'.<br />

AVlMi wi'-h:id n ynelit. Ma-i<br />

Hon." - - * - |<br />

,' "Oh, .I^lllie this Ilitlo lKiat' fully as .<br />

•well," declnred' tho plrl<br />

con(r:uilcdly, j<br />

. then suddenly cried. "It'3 (.•rowlitKtlinllow,'<br />

sailor boy; look 'out!"<br />

Kcalor"!? ours 'stopped In tho air.<br />

ThatTvas'tlie niini^ site \v\4 culled him i<br />

•when, ns rnlLlnii,<br />

they hml built<br />

'many dreapi-.shipH t'*e«t!i< 1 r,<br />

, • •<br />

-. .The. ours nnidf II h:ivniic nwbnpi Into [<br />

ithoVater. the bnivt shot h'ulf Its tRii(rtli I<br />

. ahead, tltoti utiippcd wIUi a Jerl;, Its<br />

noso burled hi the! mint!.<br />

' "Great Scott; we'.vo struct on tho<br />

flats! . JcYlc up this rudder, Marlon,<br />

ttrhlfo I ptlRb her <strong>of</strong>i". Then, nflor nil<br />

l BnavaUlnc rffnrtf "II'JI n mcrfy tblff<br />

oar If* slout. Xo, don't, push, child:<br />

sit still/' • ' '••'••<br />

. "But tho tMo Is'Just riu'lnp; out,"<br />

objecteryl:o out<br />

": "but to Bhoro'hpi- nn it snml bunk and<br />

iiot bo able to puli her <strong>of</strong>f IH* absolute<br />

;• dbiffrqco."<br />

., Vtiua far up tbo bay camo-tlin Bound<br />

•' <strong>of</strong> distant pufllnir, iinil.lCeslpr, KlnYieiOjr<br />

up, had the pleii.siiro .<strong>of</strong> Kc.c.hig a. nnw,<br />

, shining lauticln cotulns rapidly.' down<br />

a ^the cbnlmcl toward tUo Btvnndqd boat.<br />

. Smi tncKbiK and uullhis In<strong>of</strong>fectuallj,<br />

• he turned atierlly to tho nKtonlshed<br />

.' ! i"yonr aunt will, lui jilensuxl to find<br />

• • .you liore, JIgrlon. Good heavens), why<br />

r H Vdld you ever como <strong>of</strong>t wltli tnot You<br />

:', onght to bo lii that launch this nUntito.<br />

• you don't belonu Uoro"— his wratb<br />

•! :• ponrcd_out on bur—"you lovo'luxury;<br />

•.,;., jrpn Imo-nr yon love It HUo a cat Har-<br />

;i;S yey*s' not good enough 'fAr yort; n»-<br />

iv^.body,lii.-- i >ihjiipt; llo witula you. ' Of<br />

j,':' ( 'i conrso I Want you many times moro,<br />

f : ; ;';,bnt-uyou'ro crazy tb coroe <strong>of</strong>f with<br />

' : r^;;moi'vUe'|l bo onirry and 'twill servo<br />

.f&XOO'irljsht I'm Bolnj toslenul when<br />

^Jbo^-Bpts-nearer and get you over to<br />

•^tne *cliaiuiel, If 1 bavo to carry you.<br />

^v|l.Tjope^l9. Tvlll toacb you a lessonr*<br />

"2 BtCck <strong>of</strong> iliivongor In tho 'man's faco<br />

tba strl read eomothlug olso and Bprans<br />

to her Xeot, crying, "Walt<br />

Merton;<br />

v.flon't elsuul!" .With a swirl and a<br />

^•plnsb she landed kneo deep In tho<br />

"-. water, one band enttortaK up her<br />

htst'o'.'*<br />

Finally there WHS readus! a part.<strong>of</strong><br />

tho bntileineiits- where tho bill ou<br />

xvhk-h tin* castle stniuls descends abruptly<br />

tq the rlter. • *. ,<br />

**I*r4*tt-y steep descent!" exclaimed tho<br />

American. , . . .•,<br />

. "Yes, Fir." c:mii- from tho guide hi<br />

.'his ^monotonous tone.<br />

"'According to<br />

blst'ry. It's almost pcrDlndlcularr' _^,.^<br />

Tho Horse's Ancestor*. '<br />

T.O'.'IVH <strong>of</strong> horses mny lu> delighted<br />

with till- distinguished ^eneulugy wbl''h<br />

g*.»..ti-tjlsta have completed for that favorefi<br />

nriltunl. At lenst the nnmoH <strong>of</strong><br />

tho hnr!-e'n'iine(.KtoiM look yery ilMtn-<br />

Ciil"hi'* a little, fdiiw In<br />

comprchi'iidlng.- Tlio custonii'r ox-'<br />

plal-ned. ' . . •*<br />

"Voii noe," Hhe Hold, "my hnslmnd Is<br />

very, fond <strong>of</strong> our baby, niid If ho see^i<br />

that tho bill la partly for dresses for<br />

her—'Woli, he won't fiitud so niuch/' ><br />

,,• ". 'Tempting Hit.<br />

JTmiKekpepur (to ir book agent who<br />

brings till* tenth liiuiiillment <strong>of</strong> it novel)<br />

—I can't lukn tilt; hook. Mr, Meier Is<br />

dead.. Uoolt Agoiit-Oh, wb«t a simmer<br />

It's right lii tho miwt exciting part <strong>of</strong><br />

tho story."—Berlli,Journal, '<br />

!' ' '<br />

Docldsdly Awkward.<br />

Hewitt—Wore you ever In an awkward<br />

position? .iBwett-J-I am nll'tho<br />

tluio. Hewitt—How is that? Jewott—<br />

I have two girls living In the same<br />

street—Now York<br />


•Metals and Methods Used<br />

Making. Counterfeits.<br />

In<br />


Spurious' Coins Cannot 8tand tht<br />

Three Tests <strong>of</strong> Weight, Diameter and<br />

Thickness—Gold<br />

Pieces , That Arc<br />

Swoatud. Plugged or, Filled. ' , .<br />

, Tie tnost diiiuieroiis counterfeits are<br />

htru.'li friMi^ a,dlo'nnd are usually Iniiliitl'ii-i<br />

or, uiM i.'.ilns. MoldK'<strong>of</strong> various<br />

.Iiiiid-. in-,- ,i-M,-nshi-ly<br />

used, but<br />

ruin t-I'l". |l« »(• iiiadf, an' Inferior to<br />

Ih.i.,' inM.li- *lih II die.<br />

In •'ouiiii.|-i'i>ii;.<br />

iu:i>ii. fioin a mold<br />

leii'i i^u. u iliriiL: itiul* ree.llug are usu-<br />

.illl.i ; ,' . . ':.,;•{ i.Vl lilt ili-...'1'llve. ^fhe'<br />

ruin * |;irl, ili.- -Ii ii\i mill I'le.ir.i'iit np«'<br />

p.'ii: ;'.i'i' I..' ^'niiini' coin,<br />

Most couuii-ii<br />

:i sjv.T ».iin^.in , a- -Ihi' llielal<br />

-t-<br />

A WflTCH<br />

PROBLEM.<br />

Telling tho Time In the Dark With th*<br />

. ' Hands Rompved. '<br />

.. fc'iiine *Tl:ne iig-i-n |>oor old iiensnnt<br />

wh;> hiHl'liivokeil the klrn^'s wrtith was<br />

• (el'.;'il by the king's soldiers and plated<br />

In .i, dungeon, says the Sclcntlllc Ainerl-<br />

I'llv. IIU niMjesly wus pn'scut nnd bad<br />

tin.old ii in it si'iiri'lutl tH'foiy being lui-uieeriiti'il;<br />

All his peivonal property<br />

••oiisjKied <strong>of</strong> n cheap wutcli, n small<br />

I>e:'kull'e, a shilling in ctish and. n lead<br />

pc'icll.<br />

Tlie ptMir old nun beguod for<br />

nu .'ey. Inn l|ls pleadings availed him<br />

iio'liing. and hi; Ilimlly askiil to bo<br />

en nleil the prl.vllege <strong>of</strong> kiuiwlng the<br />

lm:»lh <strong>of</strong> his Ai'iiti'iiii*,' / lu reply tho<br />

'kli:£ tiHil: hls'kiilfe and winch, which<br />

la> on the talilc, and. afti-r taking the<br />

kn fi> and po'lng the liaiids <strong>of</strong>f- the<br />

watch, rcturniM to.lilm his watch, nny-<br />

.liip, "When you have learned to tell<br />

the-time I'OiToetly. by this wntch lu<br />

your dung'on ii'll you will he Illiorntoil."<br />

The poor old limn, knowing that<br />

the king n lit n life sentinco, stng^<br />

ge INI IIIII> bis cell and wept bitterly.<br />

>"rvorl holies he was liberated In twenty-four<br />

hours, having accomplished tho<br />

wonderful task <strong>of</strong> telling the. correct<br />

tin i> hi ttie,dnrk with a watch without<br />

hn ids. IJow did he do It 7 -<br />

,\ watch derives Its power <strong>of</strong> motion<br />

fri in the n-(*oYl <strong>of</strong> the mainspring, and<br />

the recoil l« governed by tlio balance<br />

an I lever. I-'ur Instance, If It taken<br />

t"u Mily-four full turns <strong>of</strong> the stem to<br />

\v! ; id the watch and the wntch runs<br />

twenty-four hours whi'n fully wound,<br />

th' n for e.icli turn <strong>of</strong> tho stem It will<br />

ru i one hour.<br />

.. liinre simple methoil Is to hold the<br />

sti m firmly between the fingers and<br />

tn;n the" wiiti-h around. In winding tho<br />

'wi teh to run for'one hour tho ratchet<br />

on the muluipriug will cllek k say, thirty<br />

tli ies. which proves that this watcb<br />

ni is twY> minutes for each click <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rji ebet which Is nttocliiil to the malns|i-ipg.<br />

\Vi\. will siiAl^Jse It was<br />

O'I Im-k IHMIII when tl;i> watch was last<br />

;III-.- he;a|!i i. ' I |.tilted.<br />

When they<br />

'li.ni"! ii !:• • h-.-uiutli.il for a i i mo the<br />

plill I •: -V.-.VJ .1,'. e<br />

T'>.> i".i i ili:' • ••>•..iw' .'imnterfelt <strong>of</strong><br />

-ih 1' .Mil i I l-.'i. <strong>of</strong>,II i'..!l'|.i>-iill.lli <strong>of</strong><br />

illlt: • "II.V :!.'. I •:fre7 Til.' prlnrliijl) uietbiHls<br />

'jfiM.-utlni! in.' tin. in lii imtii.<br />

mini:<br />

til.-' ".!:;*>•< nt rj'i'dlu-.', tli" operator Hud-'<br />

In;: .1 i.r.'iii In ill.' '-iiiiill i|tiniitliles <strong>of</strong><br />

K'lld veil. I fl/.ll. lllllilennn .plnHH. '<br />

Til" ;ivei'.i4.'.' i.'.luetloii In' value -<strong>of</strong><br />

•f.iill i Mll'.i.i'l.'d I., tlle-e<br />

lil'i.i;*., 1 '* Is<br />

frm i mi.MWiMitli.ih to "iii'ieutli.<br />

. r|ir."-'iici I-" ili'.n.- liy liorlii^'hiil.-H In'<br />

tin<br />

in, c\n'i[.':in'^ the ^.'nl.l uuil tillltiK<br />

III.. Mtvlty >Mlli i; ••li.-iipi'i 1 iiiiit.-rliil, The<br />

hirji-r «-olii-' d.'iil.le n:it;lci- and ^'IIBIUS<br />

(tw.iii.v nml ten diillur<br />

iilecesi— are<br />

IISI-II f.ii'^ ni- j..n'|i.i.e. Tli." small<br />

*mirf lee' "I" the iduiialiia ' limlurlul.<br />

wb.<br />

in Kill,•• r,'ius <strong>of</strong> tbisl^lud arc<br />

i!ui-::! iiiii..-, as they are perfect<br />

i.i'ai'aii 1 .!'. mi','.' t^e i-*lt r es having'<br />

J titMlpi'! .Ml M (Hi.<br />

- " '<br />

ling I- i"!)--'! ciinjjiiuiiiy<br />

done liy<br />

1 'SC;:M' inc, sub, But uioiit I<br />

ut ilem tlilliK-i 1«V"<br />

'.'riiiluiy he 111iirlit mm wns enllulit-<br />

.]•/,.f iM-l-'it. dlatyieter. mill iblek.<br />

ness !:|innld In 1 , applied, for It Is ill<br />

iuiis* liMpo-i'-Hiii.. for -the counterfeiter<br />

tn i'.'.i,'ply with thi-su Ihi'i.'i' tests with<br />

out usliijj genuine .metal,— Counterfeit<br />

Dd'.C^tor. '<br />

p<br />

Inf s bank mid then the next day went<br />

to withdraw the whole amount. The<br />

bank otliflal Was somewhat surprised<br />

and asked for an. explanation, when<br />

she said that Death had appeared to<br />

her during the night nnd threatened to<br />

tal>e tier uwny with him unless she had<br />

thi tui kronen ready for him. tho next<br />

nlylit. The" gendarmerie were communlcat<br />

>d with, and when Death iuad'> bis<br />

piimliu-d apiiearanee- he was found to<br />

be %'cry much lillvo tn the person <strong>of</strong> the'<br />

locil judge." The WomaU's money,<br />

ad's oilr Vleiimf" correspondent who<br />

sei ds the Ktory, Is still' In 1'ie bank,<br />

ani'. tint Judge Is In Jail.—rail Mull Oazet'e.<br />

* -<br />

Aiirs and the Tax.<br />

Tli're ai'i-' wutlii lent people In Hnguiti'd<br />

mill Sibtlanil paylhg the annual<br />

tux huposeil li,v •(he Inland levenue upon<br />

tin- use <strong>of</strong> armorial liearlugs t'o |,ro-'<br />

duee a" srtmor s:'b"O.I»iil.eacli year. The<br />

grcji: bulk'<strong>of</strong> lids sum Is pnld 1iy i«-opic<br />

v.'ho care not mijitom (-Ither'aliout<br />

their fnmlly <strong>of</strong> tlielr'uniis. but pay tin*<br />

tax regiilarlj simply iiecuust! they have<br />

carriages or plate' beraldlcally ilecoratcil.<br />

The reillly old faiidlles'<strong>of</strong> the<br />

ri'ttltii, however, use'arniorliil embleimi<br />

fur ileeiinii|\i. pui|"-es to nn extent<br />

ahiwist- lurirenVile i*i the eyes <strong>of</strong> those<br />

fiimlllur with tliiiii only vlutt you want, and the price seems<br />

to tie j-eaKiiuulile. no why waste tltno<br />

Irtohbig further?" .<br />

"i;melons. Coot-go, how foolish you<br />

•tillkt I'm not bnlf-tlriffl out yet"—<br />

Chi'-'flgo Kecord-lH'rnld. .<br />

• ' • ' , . . Couldn't. , ,<br />

"Tul! me tho old, old story," Bhe<br />

•will. "<br />

"I can't" ho replied. "I liavo made<br />

a vow never to' repeat a mother-inlaw<br />

joke."—Chicago Becord-Horald,<br />

The<br />

benefactor engraves bin name<br />

In tho band that receives the benefit—<br />

French Proverb. ^.<br />

Coumgo IK flre. BulbiiiS Is Bmoke.—<br />

iBeaconuOcld. '• • •».._!.<br />

R. Curtis Robinson<br />

• ' • • ' • * • • . • '• ' • ' •<br />

Conveyancing and<br />

Insurance.<br />

NoWry Public and Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Deeds •*<br />

INos. 74-4-46 Asbury Avenue<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.'<br />

- Money to Loan on Bond and Mortgage'<br />

\ ' • ' • - . • • < > . • •• ' " .<br />


Na th«r Pain-Nor Conselou«n«M «t th«<br />

. Instant <strong>of</strong> Eithor, . ' '<br />

HI,,, phciioinciiiiii ciille.1 Hli-op may be<br />

lib<br />

-<strong>of</strong><br />

ItteahSummer Resort<br />



FINEST<br />




1*10 SALOONS<br />

Spacious Bourdw.ilk.<br />

Kr ul .me.' iill.lrrltnhlllty <strong>of</strong><br />

,_ ii,,. ^en-Hive nnd vltul systemn.<br />

•c'lpilr."* ii" ilrKiiinciit to prove ihnt<br />

•.r< tu III.- nian<br />

wl i>.|!ciid-" all liKiltuc wallliig for It"<br />

T'eiirly c i»rv one hmighu-M h.- I* pet<br />

iir; moil- tli.in IIIK Rhnro" <strong>of</strong> hard<br />

kn«k< '<br />

( oiiii'iit Is Ilk."- your c"y." huvi> it yon iuii"t<br />

lie Imrfi X'ltli it.<br />

1 ntll tli.-.v inine luuin'..." •••«> ourselves Join<br />

Inn di uu this! siibjeet," inhls the emprtiK<br />

f'liiiiili'i'. Thi' r.'cl|ilciits <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

crow nr...eiimilil..;i||wi > ..facto. -, '<br />

No Sentiment., '<br />

E'lith's I'njiii Ami so ynii iiivL. uiy<br />

din uhierv<br />

IMItli'H Admirer-I do hidm<br />

I, *lr. i I'.uiinu u>]i you how much<br />

I li vc In-,', |lo jon Unott' wimt' It Is to<br />

M* a SIIIK;.- fuw-.'S'ery'whi-iv. to' hwir<br />

u klheli- vole, ever soiiiidlut: hi'your<br />

tiifi. to V piKsiKMi'iI hy the'mi.'Idea,<br />

to wl nil Hi- time thnt tin- oni. pr*«ieut'.KIiir.ii.<br />

ynii<br />

H-MMI'M Piipii-Xo,<br />

Jom*: IIIIIII, I hale never, hnil aiiy <strong>of</strong><br />

tup .*' fcel;iiiis sinei' I slf;neil the pl.Ml<br />

-P 'lir-uiu's- \Vcel;ly.<br />

, Proparod,<br />

"/ohtiii.v. win*,, hnvi-'you bi'i'iiv-Vnur,<br />

bul' U sii-pk-lou^ly wot. Ki.-liiioi ..WiiM<br />

out two hiy.irs nuo." . "<br />

' "i'fel! in thi> criM'l;."<br />

•- .'<br />

" tut your I'lothcH lire not wet."'<br />

" 'Vi'll: you KII>, innnimii, wliiu< 1 was<br />

Ma iilln' on ti,,. hrldt-e I thouirbt muybo<br />

. <br />

r\^.t by olT.-ihni himself as hmtan,<br />

lie would nc.'.ini|.:iuy t||0 d^nt.,^<br />

Wllll.' the Olhel'i.' Kept Kuunj over|^<br />

works. Tin. men naritil, ana I'lsjhJ<br />

stroll.il <strong>of</strong>f with lln- iin-a chosen. Together<br />

they w.-nt to the boilers ui''<br />

withdrew the |,1,KS. This jitoiipea tie<br />

works, but, .llir no ntlier diuangft. \Jbii,<br />

thus cniziimil I'lnyi'uir wus uMetolls.<br />

ton to thf story <strong>of</strong> the linden, ^<br />

found<br />

many <strong>of</strong> ili,.|r ili-nianjj ^^<br />

ron-innnhlo nud siirh Hmt uftcnratait<br />

wus piMslblc,readily tu coui-vileUta<br />

Thf little puny ntiii'iiul fron tbrit<br />

lnn.N'cut wr.s'klni: und fouiidl Uie mub<br />

honorably piVM'rilui: iinler. Tbe »Sentli-l<br />

Bar.' ihiin II .-..imie fn.'-.'ii.x-<strong>of</strong> ililllr«i<br />

lirouglit bin. In.-k.<br />

Jauii-s il. Itluiiii! u'.ntlil uerer tun<br />

buck to n> .'iit.-r .bis IHIIIIC even If bf<br />

Im.l hirg'ilii'ii si.iiii-thliiir,'<br />

• •<br />

Tb.-<br />

fiilln-r .if NI.li-.lu-4 II. <strong>of</strong> BumU.<br />

l^tld.il hisl ad Ions hy the advice <strong>of</strong> u<br />

American s,ilrli<br />

iiicdiulii.<br />

Admiral rarrauiit ^:i.0s he us«I b<br />

lie gul.led l.v a still, small voice wbMi'<br />

toll! him v.L.il'in I|.I lu liattlfs.<br />

The<br />

IHIII'.T <strong>of</strong> .'ifgliaalstun, the mltans<br />

<strong>of</strong> M.ir.il'.-.. aiid /imzlliar and tbe<br />

kh.illv.' iif ,i:gyi,,i all maintain <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

astrologers.<br />

• ,<br />

..A Timely Present,<br />

A certain c.l-r.'.l gi-iitlciuiin rewnllj.<br />

suluieil II Iniui-.colnivd lady <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Amazonian tyi'.- In iln> follnwlng l»ogunge;<br />

' • -<br />

"Yuli's I.H.kln" mighty fmiclMtb'<br />

to acx-cpt U« .<br />

tbI»i»WnlnVSiilT<br />

Sal<br />

hauled i.ir ami knuckul bin<br />

down.<br />

Then. UiKIng him out <strong>of</strong> an<br />

Inclination to g..i up. she said. "Xo»,<br />

yuh Jest lay thai' till I K"ei* nt«' tol*<br />

out what , .bit word "fawlnaUn"<br />

.inoaus!" ,<br />

Next day the afiircsnlil colored fcfr<br />

tleuiaii |iicsciit).<br />


:<br />

Couhisullor-at- Liixw,<br />

Hollcilnr. Mantur In Ohnncfry. Nolarj 1'ubllc.'<br />


r..,<br />

I*li>Hl«'la'si anil Nnrgeon,<br />

OFFICE—Corner Central and Elgbtb SUecU<br />

I Till mum. .<br />

PFFicc HOURS :\ Knuu I to H p. m.<br />

\ Kron. ti(to H p. in. ,,<br />

T.C. HUTCHINSON, M. D.<br />

IJomtcopathiNt.<br />

No. H3-t OfiitiTi ; Avoniiii,<br />

0CCAN CITY, N. J*.<br />

Orpine HnilKH!—Till III H. n..,J to In. in.,<br />

«ln»|i. iu. .11,..li I'd.in,».<br />

•<br />



J^I-IO.VVARD'BURT, M. D.<br />

809 Wesley Avenue.<br />

House Was Being Erected for<br />

Saml. W. Wood, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia.<br />

A lanvy wlml niurfaln hliirm strni'k<br />

tliln city iibout 10 ii'elm'k on TuuMliiy<br />

iiioriiini;. II WIIM eHpL't'livlly Heveru In<br />

tliu upper mill niitlylni; xerll.iiix or tin-<br />

'.'Uy, ntfil did ciiiiHldt'riililu ilmiiiiKe, ' ,<br />

'''»« Kreute»t Li"* Wn»Mii«talueil.l.y J.<br />

ll'K l|lt Johnson 0111 'entrtil avenue,<br />

below Thirteenth ntrecl. II will'be<br />

...I' colonial style <strong>of</strong> architecture, re-<br />

.i-cmldiiiK, iu. a meiiHiire, the new<br />

Will Cost *HHMI.<br />

'<br />

The hnui-e WIIM in'ini; built'ou a lot<br />

near Kir»t slreet and the ocean, front,<br />

lu nililllliin to lielnu -licnllie.1 all the<br />

v. ity up, tiie ruftern were in pluce and<br />

the cornice set. It wn* hciivlly bruceil<br />

IhrnUKltoiit, hut. notu'llhsltiiiditii; tilts,<br />

wlieii the tcrrtllc windstorm i-lruck'tlte<br />

it wu» lifted from itx IIIIM'<br />

nml * thrown nroniid<br />

like u feather..<br />

The dimciii-lons <strong>of</strong> the<br />

L''is:is feet.<br />

i:eeuu>-e or t|ie<br />

incchuiii.M t-nifiloy<br />

took refimc iu n I<br />

siiort time before-ll<br />

iue aru<br />

ruiti, the several<br />

il oi: tlio h til Mini;<br />

nnmiliiw .nearby a<br />

ecoiin^cwaH blown<br />

. lkv>J. >(• ItrumJii,<br />

en, iirt-ucliliit; .11, >*. nu<br />

m I uy»Tiui*t'iiuiii>*o»*lin'k l-ridtiy<br />

Otiti'fn* nf the Miurti—t'lmru-* li.<br />

rh.*lniniu;..l »'iu M, Irnurr,-Lre»i«-<br />

u<br />

'.Muiylanil is Mi.inliii liilrd.<br />

.Mr Sicclnuiii, who bus ticmiu ttui<br />

uurk iif ri'hiilldlnir the cotluue,' suys<br />

his low-, will he ^IliMI.<br />

TIII. p»<br />

WIIL-U the 1 iiii<br />

i<br />

•VI |.II|IIIH <strong>of</strong> the hinli HUIIOHI atti-nilLiI i "n>t ('.iiiiiciliiiiin l>. S. SHII||IHIIII prulll<br />

hl S l ' "''I v tlo l i ' Mr S<br />

.llvln.; wornhlp on Siniilay e'venliiK. "''I* «vcr tlio iiieeliiiK.' Mr.<br />

Tlilf "itii- ihi-y went to Holy Trinity !«leellu«l m favor iif Counelliimn fl.<br />

\:liurch, where n npec-lnl i-eriuon.wnN ! A. \\\Smith, Who \V«H «le.-te.l to tuktilelivureil<br />

liy the Ituv. Dr. II. J.Cook, j tliec-halr, wliluli piiriltloii lielllliwl with<br />

who look l.l» text from IViilm 110; II.<br />

c'lmracturlHtln (jnn'e mill illunlty.<br />

l»r, Cook KIIVUIIII euriiesl'tulk lothe,<br />

HurlilK tliu innrM.- or the pnuwclynMc<br />

|HM>plo. who weru much In I hn^d, nnd fnllnwin^ iho rt.niHn^ i.f<br />

U-rvnltil,<br />

Me^pnkeor the iiivt-HHlly <strong>of</strong>: I'"' I'hM fonver'x i|iiurlerly report,<br />

nil tiikhi): on re <strong>of</strong> IhuiiiuelveH in the' 'i llse.1 tin' following.lutvpfor<br />

liuurltiu app.':.l> III Ihu illlle.enl<br />

miiuiripiililiet. <strong>of</strong> the county^<br />

("iipe "Muy. Krl.luy, Novenilier 1;<br />

Hotly llt-a.-li, Montlay, Niiveinlier I;<br />

VVII.IVVO.H1, WeiliiCKiluy, Novomht'r ll;<br />

\\ e'-t ci*uulh('r<br />

i . ' • ' . ' - - ' . • • ' • •<br />





Her<br />

Wedding Will' Take<br />

Place Here During the<br />

Coming Winter.<br />

Mr. nml Mrx. Leuls S. Smith, <strong>of</strong><br />

IIIIM Oily, uiiiioiuirL' tho cup;aKeuiuiit <strong>of</strong><br />

their y»iiiiKi>l .laiiKhter, Mihs Vern<br />

^Iny Smilh, anil Mr. Ir-aue Seliueilaker<br />

Chiiiiiberiiiiti, Iri'tiHiiror <strong>of</strong> tlie IIi£h*<br />

liin.l • Triir-t Couipaiiy, <strong>of</strong> lloliokcn,<br />

N. J.', ".<br />

It IH •lati.il tluil tin' weililhiK will<br />

occur .liirltii! tin-roiiiini; winicr. '<br />

Smith hiii-a InrL'.- iiiiinlier.nf<br />

ance Compuuy lie puld for by tbe city<br />

Neither Messrs. Sampson nor Steelmini<br />

seconded Ihe motion, and, afler<br />

wulliiiK some little timu, Councilman<br />

II A. W. .Smith siilil he would secoml<br />

tlie* motion. •. • •<br />

J. I'. Sleelmaii and ASSIHIIUII Klrc<br />

Chief John K Trout bewail lo uddrei!'<br />

the chulr ut Ihe mine lime.<br />

The chutr<br />

lerni;iii/.-il I'.iiinVllnmii Stccliiiiio, who<br />

"aid he hud always iiniler-looil thai<br />

the nppropnutioiH mii'de liy the city<br />

In the lire compuuleH were for such<br />

At this »tm;c <strong>of</strong> the proceedin«' .liiil^e J.<br />

1'n.nUlln Kurt, C.iiiKrc-.Hiiiuii liiirduer<br />

hU<br />

^7><br />

ii i*. MHII. A^uury<br />

uvfuiiv.nri<br />

-!. c.c, u.\ton Vutmiinui; K.<br />

tlilViil illK|illi.V, «<br />

tin'Ti'sitenml orili'is. 11 l>is cmciirl. ami u iiiclit i-iiniivnl. " '<br />

Tlii-fi' will-In 1<br />

iiisi.'a spi'i-ial |iili.'i'imiijtt' l Aliiui|iolis on •• I'i'(.'K.v j<br />

Stcwnit DiiV." Siitliiiliiv, Ociol.."'!',1!»,. When visilois willlinv.' i»'•,„,.,„„•„ llH ".^fouhle mun" with theiippol'lltuiiy<br />

to ilispi-ct tilt' inli^liilii'i'lit .:in.w"iinilili(i(j.< l" the I'lliU'rt j-itell Teleplione Compuny. He will |<br />

Htlit.'s NitvAl Acilili'inV':linl III' 1 I'rinu'lt'li'fi Still*' llousc, so full nfi remain in. fhu employ <strong>of</strong> the company, j<br />

' ^ ',' . • ^ • . • however, iii'ilil Mr. Hill, <strong>of</strong> tlie HIIIIIB<br />

The 1 inn<br />

nail niti*^.<br />

Mr, rtanip*.!! said. "What I- the. iiMj, ,„„„,,.„„,„,,„., llu. ,, lly ,,„„„.<br />

apiiroprlutlon for.' Ifthe Mly is «... • (||ltc)i ,„„, o,| K .r proiniucut .pcukc.-.<br />

The thirty-fourth uiiuiial coiiveiitiou ! companies, whnt is the need <strong>of</strong> iip| 10-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the New jersey<br />

Women's <br />

IViinsyivatitit Itailioiid will sell j'xdiirstoii<br />

•Itufliiinni-, Oi'lolii-r ILMO I I, (JIMMI lor ri'liii'ii pa^sil^.i niilil<br />

(K'tolwr<br />

l!i; iiii'lusiv.', IV<br />

nil stiitimiK on. its linc-s jimtli anil i'il. n , tile ll-^'llhll'Illl.'. . .'<br />

' l4 !l<br />

eompnny, returns from UN va.-jillon.<br />



KulmU Trli<br />

•seb Wwlu^'<br />

, Su. jai. I. o. ll- M.,<br />

uy «venhi|{ In K,' |>I<br />

Hce, keeper «il >^.'4»r.tM,<br />

Matylaml.'r.<br />

s|ii'fiiil im'iialiiin. if.iii-<br />

«K.K.C.'w l !«ti>ii > ;*V«-i'-"rSlui'ut.Mr-. li- M!<br />

Crenw: tn-il«ir«r, lire. Wllllum K. *»• .<br />

WMonlwiirri'iiiry, Mrs. Jos. I. Ht-ulli IIMHIH- •<br />

JutMcrt'liiry, iir". T l^w AdsiiiK: i'lillft-mrMi<br />

"".Tro.iliimn ioiti MrJ. Olmrlmi Ml.rliu. . •<br />

iDQiur Kniti'.-.vur society nietii.. ..very rnu*sn*.rDlS)ii<br />

111 l*n'olock.<br />

ibrtMiluu KiKleuvnr Kisileiy uloi'i* 4 '"t '<br />

Vetoes Hiiliuuy evuniuli'.<br />

' I-'IKST M. K. 4Tlll(kCH ,' • ) *<br />

Udlen* \lii inetiii. Unit Monauy uyunlhi I'l<br />

ai^li Inontji.<br />

M ni. Kits .llelit liiiliuy, II.VUloot;MM.<br />

.iitrii-inU' Ile1.di.1y, iren^urtir;:<br />


ALLOW AY iW. SMITH & CO.<br />

(Successors to H. A. W. Smith)<br />


iH,<br />

.1. (<br />

in<br />

•|<br />

iry. .<br />

y,i*iip«rlriimiii«nt<br />

» LBftviiH • ..<br />

Uihein- liiiiair, H. M. Hullim, |>rCTlii"iil;<br />

|*«i« IJ. lliirr.il. uei-relitry, Piirker Mlll.'i-,'.<br />

-«»"ar«r<br />

•<br />

Womim'n ChrlHllan Temperance Uninn<br />

JMtooiulimUi.nul. nieeln ueiiil-iaiinll'ly<br />

rnnldam, Mrs. Kllsulwib llr'o^; corwuixiiir<br />

[»«»*!rel»ry, Mr-. (I'll. 1'i.rki.r:<br />

reouriili<br />

•|Lll<br />

%ry »** lv M. Mlli.ur: .tr«H».iir»r, Mr H.l<br />

YsiuHmob'i. Aiwoclatton.<br />

Wliton Wlllelu,<br />

•mweot: Mark liuke, iworoUiry.<br />

Aiiuuul<br />

^••Ung will l>e beld ID Jnup,<br />

Jh«O«iktt.Ulty lliilldlDif'»nd Loan IUUMMIIII-<br />

"po metuwecoua Hiuurduy<strong>of</strong> ««ob roputn.<br />

nauuwi. UboriiD O. AduinW «eor«t»ry. It.<br />

o»snl Tliorn . ' •<br />

Oihce Every<br />

Night<br />

Cold Lunches,<br />

" • ' Etc. '.<br />

N.<br />

Business<br />

: Fuii<br />

l'eopio<br />

C. GODFREY'S<br />

House. 657 Asbury Avenue, Spring <strong>of</strong> <strong>1907</strong>,<br />

"A Night in Venice" Finance<br />

Committee Completes.<br />

Its Work.<br />

The .•oiumltteu on. "A Xlfelit lu<br />

Vviil.-c" lui" prt't-ontuil liuuilHinie eupu,<br />

IIIUIIK hy Itnlk'y, IliinU- A: liid.llf, lo<br />

Viix'Coniiuoilort'-Wni K. Muxumer,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Amy II , C'apt. (!, A. Itlnler, Jr.,<br />

;.if ihe Orinoco, uliil 1'lvll ICiiirlnfer^<br />

l!iil|ili I,, doll'.<br />

'<br />

Cii|it. l.Iexiiiiier'H cti|i wn» for the<br />

liu'ril iluc.initc.xl bout In 1 lie line <strong>of</strong><br />

I'.iiriule on'the nlkht <strong>of</strong> Ovemi for. the iuo-t'iiniiitiely<br />

ik'eorutiil hont In lint", unit Mr._ tlull"<br />

;<br />

HUH KlveO'U '""I' liufiiilxtj tiie jfuilKw<br />

; ilrelilwl thnt iheWjii iiriiwlc WUH fnr-<br />

Mit'il hy III" v'ociil uhortix. ' •.<br />

'I'll*.* eii|in »fu "lieaiitlen," nml iloiiht-<br />

H nre lireiitly up|irecluteii by the<br />

l<br />

<strong>On</strong> eiiiili <strong>of</strong>'the «;il|W I" « miHiililb<br />

tcriiiti.in. In tho CIIHO (if tlioue )ire<br />

iiU'il the oViierw<strong>of</strong> the prize winiiliii!<br />

mtH, the "luHOrllition !« lifter llil«<br />

7<br />


Linfe <strong>of</strong> House<br />

, ami.I Imve.oiie<strong>of</strong> the be«t.<br />

It mire, UH the work IH. runbliU! In.;<br />

l|,L.<br />

eil to ("mit..<br />

by the ,ci'<br />

Furnishings::<br />

•—• <strong>of</strong><br />

if <strong>of</strong> Otfiil<br />

I""** hi the<br />

t In Venice<br />

Putting the Pipes in Order<br />

Excursion House<br />

' J*«IES CLARK ,:: Proprietor';<br />

. ' MAIN STREET and ... I<br />


POINT":: N.J,<br />


Florist - :<br />

. BUtBS, GRASS<br />

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