Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Sentinel<br />

l>iuimD AND<br />

Ev»aT TnuiuoAT<br />


* Editor and Proprietor<br />


Inter-3tate "Phone ">la tat<br />

AitvurttwinentM In locul column*. IV cent<br />

' Por lino, each Imwrtlon. Monthly utid yeurly<br />

uruliihed on itpplloutlou. \<br />

Job'uflrk promptly dime by.-oxporlencod<br />

.'. und*. , . ... . . . ' .<br />

THUK8U4VY, 8KX*TKMUKI 1 ,'1». 1807.<br />

: KulunMl HI the t'nxt mil ut tktnin <strong>City</strong>,<br />

N; Jw HM itecond alum* until multvr. , ,<br />




Strong Sermons and Excellent<br />

Music Heard by X>atgc<br />

CongTetrations.<br />

The chnroheB in thlM city'.were nil<br />

lurRely attended Suniluy.<br />


orre reporlx <strong>of</strong> NOIIIV O[ the' sermonx<br />

liea.nl: * ", ' ••<br />

• .<br />

nohv. [tiiixiTV. , •<br />

The xervlceH'Irr Holy T'rlt.lty Church<br />

were belt! at the usual hourx .nntl, were<br />

ItlKll.<br />

1-iiiw..'<br />

•tr"<br />

I 11.111. p III. II. 'III.! p. til<br />

1 Humlny<br />

•1 Monday......<br />

a Tuewloy .....<br />

4 Wednesday.<br />

0 Tburwlay ...<br />

0 Friday..<br />

7 Snturday....<br />

8 Sunday.......<br />

0' Monday<br />

10 TueMlay<br />

11 WetlnoMlay.<br />

• IS'Thurnu.iy ...<br />

IS Friday<br />

14 tSittunlay<br />

,15 Sunday....<br />

IK Monday<br />

17 Tuexday<br />

18 Wednexday..<br />

Ill Thursday...<br />

!W Friday,....<br />

.21 Haturday....<br />

Si* Hunday. .-...<br />

ISt Monday.....<br />

24 Tuesday.."."."<br />

35 WedneKdny..<br />

IM TlmriMlay.. .<br />

""7 Friday ',<br />

*» Saturday ...<br />

1*9 Huuday<br />

SO Saturday<br />

'.' S.U H.2* U 1H1O.IM<br />

• V-1.1S -MIMO I21O.3"!<br />

ft.at .-i.csu.iwu.Ji'<br />

•1S0| .j.5211.51 .....<br />

7 i>()| 7.12 liiiii T 14<br />

7.131 7 47: 1 4^ 1.51<br />

S.OS 8.-!l •".!«; •".»•<br />

S.48 S.iS -2M>\ H.INI<br />

.. V.-M 0.S.V *t.»l :t.47<br />

.:'lil.00|l(l.l."> 4 (Kl 4 itl<br />

10.4.1J10.O8 4.42 o.lll<br />

ll..'t4111.4S 5.31 (114<br />

il'J.iS H.18 Till'<br />

l).47l t .t! 7.i!| S.i",<br />

"im' -2A.S' «.«7 «H4<br />

S.Uill .1.A7 1I.4II1O.SII<br />

4.411) .5l«lO'iSll AH<br />

•I'VA 11.0211 57i..'...<br />

H.IiSI H.i7 0R2.12.5.H<br />

7.-X1 7.47 1 .-*;,•"' 1.4.**<br />

S 15; H.*t« 2,10i'2 Itl<br />

1I.2S 2..V.| «.•:•!<br />

».'4'i 10.10 H41| 4.W<br />

ilO.'JII 10.57 4.27! 4..W<br />

11 14 11 45 5.12 *>..TU<br />

12.02 ! »>.42<br />

l2 2<br />

...I4! 1.4U" 7i4s, 8<br />

• • 2,HJ>j 3.4H, 8.4"), ll.SS<br />

lieiirty and helpful.. .There, were<br />

though, <strong>of</strong>" eourxe, nut<br />

s linearly in .tin- xeaxnn. 1'i<strong>of</strong>.<br />

Jowph*M..WIIey, <strong>of</strong> \V«»liini;ton, !)._<br />

conducted tlio 'nii-xle' Ml** Kdiih<br />

liners, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, '.'it<br />

tlio<br />

orRiin.<br />

The<br />

riinrnlnk sermon wan nn the<br />

llflliiK tip'<strong>of</strong> the heart In worship anil<br />

n practical IIVIIIK.<br />

TlieevenliiR text wax 1. Thexx., •'•; £>:<br />

-llrethren, pray fi>r UH." St. Paul,<br />

said Or Cook, knew hi» own personal<br />

newt <strong>of</strong> the prayers <strong>of</strong> the faithful.<br />

He.<br />

anil everyone adiulttcLiTl('.Ai."haruiony" in (.'ape May<br />

County IBm> thick that* one could out<br />

It with one <strong>of</strong> the' axe* xo much it<br />

evidence hi other dayx, und the.whitewhiRtxl<br />

dove "<strong>of</strong> peace I» oooinj; con<br />

tentedly.<br />

'<br />

KAKK ixone friend that will xtaui<br />

by another when the tongue froth* in<br />

all ltH fury.<br />

Heart achex and xoul<br />

throbH many tliuex come, but" the<br />

pledgea <strong>of</strong> friendship are only <strong>of</strong> true<br />

value wueu the tender boudx are like<br />

adamant. '<br />

^____^^<br />


.' To Lf nU Hevcn Mile 'Beach and<br />

Ihe Mainland.<br />

• '. ThoFouth Jersey I'ealty Company<br />

ban purchased <strong>of</strong> the Avulon Develop<br />

meut_ Company tlie Boutliern end <strong>of</strong><br />

Seven Mile Reach, extending from<br />

Nlneiy-fourtbHtreel to Hereford Iii let.<br />

New Htreet* will be Hurveyed, curbed<br />

and waded aud the Hyndlcute will<br />

endeavor to connect the'beuch with'<br />

tbe mainland by a trolley line, extendhiR.acromi<br />

the many-Inlands-Hi the<br />

rounds aud thoroughfares.<br />

. . The object IH to connect with the<br />

Reading Railway at that place. 1'he<br />

.Hue will probably extend over the old<br />

Hand Hurvey, which «'a« made with<br />

the object <strong>of</strong> connecting the beach<br />

with the mainland by a driveway.<br />

Contractor Godfrey has nearly coiupl«ted-thecurhtuj;<strong>of</strong>-the-atrefitH.<br />

Me--<br />

chanlcH street, which will become a<br />

State road to connect with the road<br />

being built to Oosiien with the turnpike<br />

to Cape May <strong>City</strong> and Five Mile<br />

Beach, in finished, and Main street IH<br />

nearlug completion. The best road<br />

for automobiles from Philadelphia to<br />

Cape May and Wild wood will' be<br />

through Millville, Morristown, L<br />

burg, DenniBvllle, tionhen and Cape<br />

.May Court House,, which l» * now almost<br />

a continuous Htate road.<br />

• nepalrlDUr Roadbed.<br />

Haya the Sea IHIB<br />

Tim en ; The<br />

W. J. & S. R. R. IH .making ex-<br />

.tenBlve repairH'to the roadbed on HH<br />

branoheH In this neighborhood, and<br />

almost every day long trains loaded<br />

with gravel er cinders are Kent over<br />

the connections hereabout. (Sood<br />

. authority «ayn the Intention IH to con<br />

tlmie th5 trolley connections along the<br />

' coaHt, and that befoce. another season<br />

opens Sea ttfe <strong>City</strong> p'aHBeu'gerH will eujoy<br />

frequent service by tills method <strong>of</strong><br />

transportation. Whether or not that<br />

In too ahort a time to expect thin much<br />

talked-<strong>of</strong> coast line, the fact remains<br />

that considerable work is being done<br />

for Home reason or other, audit does<br />

look as If there would be- '.'something<br />

doing" before long.<br />

I' .<br />

•WllllDllloCbanite Hoor7 ,<br />

Tbe laHt car <strong>of</strong> the Pant Shore <strong>Line</strong><br />

now leaven Atlantic <strong>City</strong> lor <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

'<strong>City</strong> at 11 o'clock at night. Theatregoers<br />

from thla city have to hunt's, it<br />

Is said, to catch thin car..' According<br />

to report, Un<strong>of</strong>ficial*- <strong>of</strong> the railway<br />

company are willing- to change the<br />

hour to 11.SO o'clock If the people <strong>of</strong><br />

thin resort no desire. Tlila lit, ju»t a<br />

gentle tip to amusement lo'vers.<br />

HI* Plral OiiMlfle Planlnic.<br />

N. T. Lulton, money order" clerk Ili<br />

Ihe local poat <strong>of</strong>fice, had his IIrut otibilde<br />

flatting ' experience on Friday laut,<br />

when he went 'along with Fred<br />

Adams. Although It waM Friday, the<br />

18th, neither men Went overboard; and<br />

••Naze" captured bis llrat.weakHah.<br />

Mra-'MollleBbeppard, who Wan the<br />

efllolaut hounekeeper at the Cumber<br />

land during tbe BcaBon, has returned<br />

tj,Wa»talogtonyD. V., where she holds<br />

* similar posltlouot the Normandle.<br />

She'made a number <strong>of</strong>' friends while<br />

Jntbtaclty. < x,';•.,. , .<br />

Dominie Wen Vlabinic.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Firat M. 'B. Cburoh, wan a<br />

i --,vWU»r 'here l»« week, when he In<br />

eu'door<br />

problem.<br />

We do 11.1t learn inti»|e In H (,r v'.-elcomc extended to the vWtnrM..<br />

book <strong>of</strong>nlnebm. . '•*. < | •i'rc"H|,iei,i Spencer reNpoiuleil, hi'-<br />

Se.H.ndly.<br />

U>| u» uotiw that mir Oeptiii|t for the vl«ltors the .•onrte-len<br />

jwlellKe may tiejil»t at varhiiix it* e.VKMideil to them. . lu .IIIH<br />

annual<br />

our<br />

knowleiiKe or material thing". ',,,| in heuellts, aud now<br />

Im- lu its treasury another million.<br />

llie reports <strong>of</strong> the treasurer, the<br />

roiiimltiee ou credential* and the excoiuiulttee<br />

were adopted as<br />

j.reu i.'Bs wer,e the reports <strong>of</strong> the le«Ula<br />

Why'.' llecau-e only >*' rs. S. It. McConncH, Mi-- Isabel<br />

Ic 'iinuell, William J.' M.-i'oniicll,<br />

"y iwyd; Win. .Mudgcir^ Caiiideu;-lt.<br />

to ip, .Dou'ulngtowu; Jos. I". Smith,<br />

'li tries (!.' Hcbefley," II. 1. l'ratt,<br />

Oiuene Zlegler, Dr. '/ieglcr, Harry<br />

'11 Ith, Philadelphia; U.K. Knight,<br />

•:inlentmi,<br />

1'n.;. Florence (t. ltosc,<br />

•e niautown;<br />

Italph (farwoiul and<br />

vl e, Marie '•arwtiiMl, (.iiady* G<br />

vo Ki, Court House.<br />

. H, KIwell, Toms<br />

mtale und daiigliicr<br />

IShvr: A. J.<br />

-v\TTmiirinorr<br />

A. Hobb, Frank Jewell, .K.'X. linter<br />

W.'j. fustls, .Mrs. 11 M. Ititier,<br />

'h tries Malhews and' wife, riilladelh<br />

a; ti. A. Loiise, Hamburg;,, t*. IC<br />

'r'email, K. A. Freeman, l\ N.'Shusei<br />

Cuiuilen; Kdw. s. lilder, K,-A,<br />

i'u'son, K. .'M. Siittiin, OCCHII I'lty<br />

K. Trexler. Trexler, l'a ; Miss<br />

Snvder, New York. .<br />

\i Vn.'.IIMI.<br />

"lury K. Thoin. .Ml. .Holly: " Av't'iitifi fci'tiii Ci<br />

(M'K* IKMMIt Oil r-U'ltrilii<br />

, for ihf ruriii^iiuii: ut<br />

lut nr )it-rt«.Kur> ta ^nu<br />

•-It. r-^uml mill wu-hftt timv.-l, hr<br />

iiul Will 1*10"-1 tin-liuli ii on -ir<br />

. . -lire *t1>4Hury lo iiitlif tiM'.iiiHtcrtitl*-'<br />

A*«kin it<br />

I'ih tir^tt* IH tuUtxJ, il Kiititt'iuUi'ii t'ttii^ii-li*<br />

it» J i|iitii|k'(i,tu liiy*r- (lirtti'lnriMS i hick, nit<br />

ihiiitfilltiif]y Diimut-tl until wi4tt«<br />

iii. llr.ir..<br />

rtulli'r Iliirliluli, I Ul<br />

fi*o. II<br />

nrry<br />

VW l<br />

Illu/unl,<br />

t inl.<br />

iti. lnrrrll,<br />

•o, llnti'l, ,<br />

MitrrWIiurl,<br />

Kh'lutnl I'lti'W,<br />

AllMTl ClH-W,<br />

jiidlmn t^H'W,<br />

|tn|> t'nnip, '<br />

Wni-Chrnhvlrk,<br />

Win. I'VkfH,<br />

Albi-rt ihtuttH,<br />

itiHti I>nrhy,<br />

II 1 . l»«*ikVr.<br />

K KI<br />

lui<br />

lim<br />

11m<br />

IKI<br />

. 1 im<br />

Iliiw<br />

.Hur rV H111111111,<br />

^li.i.'K, .<br />

llll<br />

AlHtrtWHItti<br />

John Tui'kt'r. .<br />

.1 li. Tlitnn wmt,<br />

W.III. WllMHI, '<br />

K l J WIIM?<br />

I 01 i<br />

K.lu.J WIIMiuii<br />

linvtil WllllilliK*.<br />

I'UUH. Willi'itn",<br />

Wniu-r > omit;.<br />

l-'nink'/rjKl.T,<br />

-IIHII,<br />

l<br />

, M«i<br />

ll«l<br />

lui<br />

IKI<br />

I im<br />

IKI<br />

Ir.ink/.i<br />

I im K.lu. M11<br />

•J III llt'lij. llll<br />

v' si • soiii.-pi Miirir.v.. I '•'<br />

11*1 Hurry 1'lnihip.MHK I "**<br />

i Willl.T M.'liirmi'. I Ml<br />


rrt'll,<br />

til<br />

I'.<br />

Wiir.li'<br />

A" 1 ! Witlir M<br />

Mtlloii t'tiutnpl<br />

Itt'rtniui Smith, I<br />

H. i;,r»th|»tifll, I <<br />

.T.Nv-'rliiuh'tin, - I<br />

< Kilw. llunllfk, I<br />

' u,ni. ItiitcliHIttr,. I t<br />

' ) Xlll 1<br />

HiilillU)<br />

Alliiwuy sin<br />

ThuHriiorti<br />

Kt'illH'ti l.llitlilill, 2 III<br />

l>. .l.'Milrnij',<br />

.I11I111 M.irrl".<br />

HTI Ittwln.<br />

i.li sii^lniiiu,<br />

*. Sinitli,<br />

».ai,:», I". I'., S<br />

IKI<br />

Kilxi.nl I'.i.rli'.<br />

I ill Krunk Wiiri', :<br />

I Itl<br />

I;.HI. llu.kltiv.<br />

I..hi. .1<br />

• ml<br />

I IX<br />

I iii<br />

1 l»- rllotit'M. Utlit |MlUlt*>tl**i| f'lr tliri-i* I1|i>ll1)|'<br />

Tlor'to ihr llr»i Tui—iittv IIMIT i)it> tlr-i<br />

Motility<br />

rllii|i, utitl tl tti cmilllt-l luTt-M'llli In ml<br />

uitt-i'thc Mliiif.itr HUCII (tun Mi'Tfi.l u« iniiv<br />

•4- :ti rt»t>iiifi<br />

|i«'r«« nil, Hujt uiul vitlil. It<br />

llhl* otalil I'HIUI o||,. l||i-[.TIHHIi' -Mt'lt lirlitliL'f<br />

in-ill Mint •llvWi*»i,nr HII> 1'itix thrifMi*, i.. ii<br />

b iiink* 1 11 iit-u' iiriipiufIIMIII Mini tlivt-lnn<br />

tilirt-«*r |iariiii|, n- ihf IM-I'IMI M| ilu* i-iturl<br />

imy rt''(iiiri« , • , ' •<br />

-•I, Mi ;i'. K.,A t -ti,<br />

N. C. Clelland<br />


l^miih Nt'iMUluuM. liiipnivMl or I'llli.i|.ri.v.-.|<br />

l'ro|MTIy for Hum. Hulf nr<br />

Klevrillla HI. nnd laburv A»»<br />




AND SOLO.<br />


OFFICE—Eighth Street Balon Asburi Aienue.<br />

Samuel SchiircK<br />


AND<br />


701 Asbury Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.'<br />

Iniprovi-fi itinl ttttitupniVt-r l i iS 11 " .<br />

. • .. 1 . Hrii»iim mm Paituviv' ~IIMI.HK-.<br />

anywhere else in tu; y ,.,*•,,„.» „„„ «,„,,„„„. ,,,,. y ;.|.:<br />

pulrlim I'rmuiilly AMl'llili',1 T11. '<br />

Compare our wo<br />

pririting. We ha\<br />

^<br />

ties, and we know r c ean <strong>City</strong> Laundry<br />

best <strong>of</strong> Printing. 656 Asbury Ave<br />

y e<br />

tt*i-U iii<br />

Kvery l.'iirti.'iiiin<br />

• IN SOUTH-.<br />

OCEAjUlT]<br />

'<br />

Ht-txvecti l-'ifticth and Fifty-first 1 Streets. •<br />

Lois am) streets gnuli'd. •*..' ;<br />

. Reading Railroad station op tlie prbpqrty.<br />

Will l«v sold on th« prcmiumpl.in. .,<br />

•Half tin; purchaseinonny can. remain on. m'ort,v;ajje.<br />

Full particuli'irs':sent upon application.<br />

•<br />




Can easily be settled by building .<br />

Bungalow Cottages<br />


I have prepared plnns'fo'r a number <strong>of</strong> these artistic and<br />

co tvenient ljttli' summer homes and will lie pleaseil to submit<br />

th-in upon request..<br />

". •<br />

Jos. G- CHAMPION<br />



ASB' IH'II.HKUS. -i<br />


Gr ntractors anq<br />

121O AHliiiry<br />

Mendel's Annual<br />


.<strong>of</strong>.<br />

.hurc 1lf>ni**K uml<br />

ALLEN<br />

High Grade Clothing<br />

and Furnishings . . ..<br />


SCULL !<br />

C >ntractor and Builder<br />

6O8 Central AVenuu<br />

OCEAN *CITV. N. J.,<br />

I- •utiiMii-K rhe»Tfiilly irivcii.<br />

I ItttliiiUN fnil-ii by mritnifi or tiuy.<br />


C ontractinej Builder<br />

M..^.<br />

W, -,111.1.1. liu<br />

Mn.l..i.<br />

I •• IVIhini<br />

- ill.- 1.... wi-ll k.».vi 1<br />

Hi".<br />

".-tiaflUrr—<br />

.'liil.- mul l:wi,<br />

i<br />

llmii,|. Thrv<br />

I<br />

II.til.<br />

^..'lii.<br />

.»ii-t —1" unu .III tM . «IS.IHI<br />

l.'lllt.l Itilll Stiiw.ftu.<br />

-. llll .'.II III KIJIMI<br />

— I _'. —It illl.l .III. ||||<br />

• 101m<br />

ml..'«li iiii.l i»7,3u<br />

V<br />

IM.<br />

hull tl..' M-.il.l p<br />

W: • -11 -lllU, H-..III<br />

HIIIHiH!<br />

— HVt.1 AVf ow r4ervlli U , ' B i, • f<br />

7JiSt.andAsbQryA\e<br />

A. H. BAKER<br />

...JndertakBr - and - Emhalmer,<br />

849 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.I<br />

C illu uimWiirMi rluy oriiliihi.<br />

]V[ARK LAKE .<br />

Jndcirtakor'and<br />

•I limn. IHI.-<br />

l I'KSTHAI. AVKNI'K .<br />

• IIUKA'N irl, IIIIH<br />

few wooer".<br />

'<br />

• The fnlHlller IIOCH not ll« nioxl eiwlly<br />

nhmi I" ''«'• • '<br />

Tlwrenri 1 mime ftiw Jur»ey IH-MU'IIUH<br />

In the limrketM.<br />

•<br />

Iteteiulilt'H a trnile" imlon—Hip i-ltiek<br />

when it Htrlki-H. •'<br />

A lamp iinliiriilly KOI'» out wlivn It<br />

getitturiifililown.''<br />

_• '<br />

Many iieoi'K'tell tliu Irntli lieeiiusc<br />

tbeyM>i" k *'•'"'>'•'<br />

:<br />

SIICIW'H, in tlie,oye.n <strong>of</strong>..the worlil, I*<br />

- llie ureuleft virtue. . • .<br />

You ra" kill lime, lint' It wlll'iimp<br />

back anil litinnt you.<br />

The real tent <strong>of</strong> |iriM|>erlty In when<br />



Mrs. R."B. Stitcs Entered In-<br />

•to I«ifc'JETarly. on Mon- ' *<br />

day Morning*. .<br />

"it Iffwlth feulliiita or ||,e ,|re|ie»l'r(..<br />

Krel Hint tlio 'SKNTIXKI. this<br />

Wt.,.k<br />

cliruiiiuluH" tliu.ili'utli <strong>of</strong> Mr,,. |tHrn"|i',.<br />

A. Stlliw, wife'or Itlrlmnl It.' .HllK-i.,<br />

wlik'li. ii.'i'iirreil ut her linim,. mi tVu!<br />

I nil nvfiiiic ut. wveji inliiiicvK liftiT y <strong>of</strong> ClvhiK i" lint .cimiplele<br />

without n return <strong>of</strong> isnitltiiile."<br />

The tieautifill moon niuki'» Inmllim<br />

rmiwlallv ilellnlilfnl the>e IIIKIUH.,<br />

The |ierioit <strong>of</strong> wiilowhooil i^ <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

Mlbaervlent to tlie i|iifiitloii murk.<br />

The retiiileutH ttrchaviiii; a rhuin'e lo<br />

"rent up'! after u Keanon <strong>of</strong> liaril work,<br />

ADIHIII many Nt'W Jer-ey towns mi;<br />

puttlliK tin' ll'l down tighter on Sund«yn.<br />

July mul AUKUi-t wvaiher W niuklnir<br />

up for tlie •liHiippointnieiitH <strong>of</strong> May<br />

and June. ' .<br />

Merely inukiiii; fontprinti- hlioW" till'<br />

• size <strong>of</strong> Mime* |HNipii0H. ftt't, ln-teMir <strong>of</strong><br />

their hrailH<br />

neven miiiiiliB,<br />

iliv WUH UiiiK prt'imrwl mul nnxlmi» to<br />

enter'Into the Joys or liur<br />

llenvenly<br />

Kutlii..r, in who**. Hurvl.ri.. H|IL- hud |>i>uu<br />

ffiillifiil iiii'.l i'iin>.|.|uhi, tlimmh mil<br />

ntniHlvp, worker fur iniiii)- year*, "in<br />

liurilemlHe, tin-cliurrh 1111- lont n true<br />

ill.-i'ljilc, the huxtmiKl 11 vvlnf, it. In llie t'lilvernlty'<br />

1IIIH|.II:I|, l > lillnilt'lphlu, Mtiitjnn Unit he<br />

lui- lo>t the iir.e or lioih <strong>of</strong> IIIH IIIHIH.<br />

nml IIIHO thut urudimlly he |n Krowlin;<br />

blin. ei<br />

In the ("till<br />

f lssn. In whli'li they<br />

live, for -evenet'ii<br />

yenrH. 'l'he.11 they en'rleil tliilr<br />

Vntrnl uvi'iiiie I'oltuiie. in wli'li-h tht-y<br />

mil rv>ideil for ten yenr»,<br />

Mr. Sl.lu-4 Vnei'meil. In lite ' IIIIIIIUT<br />

ni-iiie-is hen* a few yeurs uftt'r l.liey<br />

Iiml tukeiuip their<br />

resl.lenie In IIIN<br />

'ity, nnjl hi- wit- niven ine-tluiulile u»'<br />

JiJ' III- wife In . the<br />

iniiimuo-<br />

111'itt <strong>of</strong> In- tius)iiL'-s uM'uir*. ' ,<br />

.I'urly tliH yeilr. Mr-. Slllv-'<br />

hi'tillli<br />

iTntl lo full Slie f.illk'h! vnllulitly<br />

irnlii-l lu'r troulili', hut 'ilimlly'wu»<br />

niiipellt'il tn a.linll ih'fi'iit In Keliruary.<br />

when «hi- WUH titkou to IMillinli'lpliiu<br />

to I'.HI-IIH u -pii'lull-t.<br />

Site rt'inuiiiLiI<br />

In i'liiluilelplilu for l»n wui'k-, ami<br />

Telurni'4 witli ihe kiiowh'ilKe that<br />

lt M itli.wiiH<br />

only u -pii^tloii <strong>of</strong>. tint**<br />

I.liter, her huxliiitiit, who. wu- u--i'lu<br />

iiw In his care, rullt'il In iinotlicr speeulist,<br />

hut he was un'utile lo uKe<br />

Awari'i<strong>of</strong>. the liopeUSsju'ss <strong>of</strong> her<br />

I'oiiililion. anil uillVerinu uiitolil puiii,<br />

Mrs. Stlti-s iuforuuil her Ini-liuliil uml<br />

ilaiitfhUT -In* wa- really to ix.i at tl.u'<br />

•all.<strong>of</strong> the Mu-ler mul I'liliuly t'llkwl<br />

iCer fmult>* uH'iiirs.<br />

•Knr thi'.mo-t<br />

purl. Mrs Stite<br />

heeii ill luil •liii'e Pi'liruaty. Ml<br />

ter- SBtiinliiy anil oil one or two 'other<br />

1-I.111- Mr. Still'- tiiok his "lfi- III 11<br />

roller rluilr to the hoiirilwulk,<br />

iclu-riihe<br />

elijoyeil wuti-liini; the liii'tlierH. I in<br />

"iiuiluy lust, it wus seen thut llie eml<br />

was fust upproui'hlili:<br />

Till-" sullert'r<br />

hud<br />

spine was hijiireil.'<br />

Iteeeutfy he lost<br />

theu-e <strong>of</strong> ^HL'.II' hh leus, um] on Sntiinlny<br />

lii-t hi- niother niTonipiiiileil<br />

Imii 10 I'hiluilt'lphtii,<br />

Inteiulliii' to<br />

pim'e him In the'I'olyi-linie.<br />

She WUH<br />

lolil,at<br />

tlie l-olyillnii' t,liiit she'Iiml<br />

hi-lter take her son to the I'nlvi-rslty<br />

llitKplliil; whli'li'sl-e iliil. At Mils<br />

ho-pillil the |iloitTirs were to iry llie. lu'rr'y,.Ariiistroiii; 11111<br />

x-rnyx mi liielr pulienl yesieriluy.<br />

\V Smith, the preshleiiv, Iliinl arrmiKeiiientH<br />

wvrc made ror the society's picnic,<br />

whieli was held at Iteesley's l k w4ut<br />

yesterdny. • , . ' •<br />

. The hotel proprietors and some Invited<br />

Hiii'BtM left Hie "Maylierry ill<br />

several tennis at il.iui mVlnrii yesterday<br />

iiiornliiK, und, despite th« wenther,<br />

tliey spent the duy In enjoyable style.<br />

After hiird work for several months,<br />

they richly deserved their outiiiK.<br />

Ou the wuy to the- plculr, Henry<br />

Kloet/., <strong>of</strong> the Surf, pluyed pleasing<br />

solos on hIK horn,'. •.•*;. ' v,<br />

'-At thu nfei'tln>?on''M'>ndiiy ).vi'ii,in(!,<br />

IhelollowiiiKeoniinlttce «iis appointed<br />


lie\ Art- I'tictiHutf<br />

a~'<br />

tinII niortiif the lime.<br />


Wi*. llrlclc .AUIIIII^ •tciiflM*- Ilifr<br />

I...llll W.'V- 1". I'- " -<br />

Tlie meinliurrior'tln- Oceiin t'ity XX'.<br />

''. 'I*. I'. Jilive elerleil llli' follo\\hi]V<br />

oltlcer-for tlie I'lisuiuir year:<br />

Pri'siileut. Mi-. i:ii/!il.i'lli<br />

llri.'k;<br />

Treasurer, Mrs. S* it. Swnnn; ItiH-nril-<br />

Inu Mi'i'retury. Mrs. A. I". Milner:<br />

1'i.m-pouillni: Si'i'retjiry, Mr-., (ieo.<br />

It. I'jirker.<br />

Mr-. ltrii;k nils he»n pre-uilent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

nruuul/ulioii for tt uuiiitier <strong>of</strong> year-.<<br />

Tin' union<br />

paiil mil nlionl fv. ill<br />

IVoni'r nii-simi work iluriui;.|he yeitr<br />

uml now Im->J : . In Hi.'IriM-ury<br />

't'lii.-<br />

nii'iiiliiTs ti't'l liliilily<br />

uratllleil at the<br />

iwlui! iii!iiii > ,>nnil are prirpureil to rei|uiilili><br />

thi-lr I'lVort- .lurliu: iln- i-oinini:<br />

3'eur. - • ' . •<br />

A i'tirl«»Mll«. . .<br />

\X'i-li'y I'miiiner. 11 'hlldren' <strong>of</strong><br />

school nk'e In, this el\y!<br />

It is ueceHsury Unit all u.niler-lii.nd-<br />

Uf llll* I*OH| OlliVt? Nlr fju.etilt 1 *»•.<br />

Mra. V. X. C<br />

•oil*.<br />

Mrs. K. \' Connolty, or l'hlhulel<br />

hiu, is eiuertulnhiK » party or frlemlx<br />

tlie present wt-ek.it her slimier<br />

resiileili'e. I«*£! Central «vi*ime,<br />

A number <strong>of</strong>- men will eoine ilnwir<br />

o-itiorrow uiul a till? ho'l-* purty.will<br />

uke plui/e.<br />

. --''.<br />

Amoiie tliose now here are Mrs. A;<br />

',. I{OWIUIII|,MISH Iii'lm Stone nml Miss<br />

•:thel Allen.<br />

MM.'Connolly Is'well<br />

liown u» im eiitttrtiilner, anil 11 liooil<br />

111V \» tliei'eriuln result <strong>of</strong> her ultnrtH.<br />

\rier 11 very-sili'iTs-fiil *m*'ni. tilt-<br />

'iiwlluis Cushio wits eloseil ufier Sutur<br />

lay .nlirltt lu-t i."'J- tlw > I.11IIHI11K<br />

Hiiirileil' up.<br />

•hmnpl'in »<br />

•ream parlor - , .<br />

lorex remain open, hut th* boardwnlk<br />

l-taklnt.' on11 rather deserted n|i|ieiir-<br />

In'tlieeveniii 1 :-'<br />

ninmierWlll<br />

1' ti KilwnniH 'liHve w»l'l »<br />

o» the tract on Ht. ChurleH rinee<br />

the Uev. l>r. Duvl.i M. (lowlou,<br />

' Bristol, who intendH eretliol" » prett.<br />

Iii the near future<br />

Will llulld II Home.<br />

Mr», Elizabeth Kliiley, <strong>of</strong>."f<br />

pbla-, who has Hpenl two uutumern In<br />

thlo city, liken the resort HO much thai<br />

"he h. arran Kln K to build a cottage o<br />

«lot uhe owuu Uere. ,'•<br />

V, Corson has rented Citpt. J. s;<br />

XVIHelx' r'ott:!!!!-. on ("enlral avenue,<br />

near Seventli sirei't.-to Jos' Morey, or<br />

1I1I- i-liy, lor the winter innnthM' also,<br />

i!ir 1'iittiiKf inviieil<br />

hy-tlii' Dr. I) XX*.<br />

Itiirtlne e-tnte, oi( U'e-ley<br />

avenue,<br />

ncitr KiKlitli street, *to Krunk<br />

fjww.<br />

who will oi'i'iipy It iliiriim tin- rail ami<br />

wliitur in .iiths*.<br />

'••'•.<br />

NiMilhi'ilril l order «»llitf.<br />

Thf reslilenis or lieasley's I'olnt are<br />

t'onirrntulaihu: PiiHtniaster Krunk'S.<br />

AHluiieuil u'|ioi| IIIH HIII' essrul ellorts to<br />

wi'iire 11 itiuiiby order oillee.for tlie<br />

phii'i' .'Ml. Aslmio'iii!' Uii" I".'""<br />

posimuster<br />

at ISeasley'B<br />

Point for 11 period<br />

(.i.veriu|» more tliun llfteeu yeurs, uiid<br />

he Ims tlie respeet and<br />

eonlldeni'u'or<br />

tlifrmiiiiiuulty. ' -••<br />

. Will Ktllel'Collt'K'*"- ' •.<br />

'MIsH Ulllttn H Shnw, <strong>of</strong>-|l»rlrt|-otoli',<br />

who<br />

was.Htoiioijrupher for*A>nie time<br />

III lApliur A: ItoHWell'H oillee, linn-, left<br />

for,t'oilllit!> will outer the Kamern <br />

J0I111 liinceit, <strong>of</strong> Plttxluini, HpiMil 11<br />

lew ilayn Hie latter part iiflast<br />

week<br />

wltli his brother. William, in tills illy.<br />

Ml-s Mithel Uorii.'dmiuhter or Kltt'utxi<br />

I'lirli, <strong>of</strong> (leriuautowti, Is vlxlt;<br />

im; Mrn. Itohert Kisher ror u few iluyf.<br />

Mr-i..tieo, M; K.llix lias returned to<br />

her .home liere.'urier xpeinllni! tlie<br />

summer with her parents near ItrnlKe<br />

ton. ' *<br />

Mrs,<br />

Itertraiii llarby, or tliin eity,<br />

lui- returned from a visit to tut* family<br />

f'William ti. Jtramiuell, In Smltlt<br />

leiinls. ' ; • • . •'• .<br />

Capl. uml Mfx. J. M. Sharp mul<br />

luilKhtor, MIHH M»tlde,lntve returned<br />

rolil ii week's i-rulse to lv<br />

else the III-HI renuliH cannot he attained.<br />

l " l " l"' 11 '^" 1 -' 11 ' nmilieil 11111I11 youim<br />

• . . man, wearlnc oni 1 11I Mr, DuMeeV<br />

Have yon time in the ii.ornli.K l ;,i n.ss suit.-, was ,a,.tii.cd.<br />

lV«, the fdw-<br />

that your child is tidied up hi wii- ,. m.; poeki'tsVercliMifid r-VJ.n money<br />

letimc, haxallhlxnecexsury artlcl V» '„,„,„,jm,,,tltv <strong>of</strong> j.-welrv.<br />

used In home Mudy, ami is fret- from a<br />

.,.,,,, „„„,,,„;.„„,, .n.,,,,^..! <strong>of</strong> « lot ..I"<br />

Hcrlcs or uivl-lentH Hint sf, seriously<br />

v,e, ir|, tl. uppu.ol, in.'liiilin't; fur-. un,l<br />

iiuirx lux djiys huuior-r lu other „,„„ ml,e|, jewelry 'in pu» n'tirokt-rx iiml<br />

words,<br />

"See him oil" Thin may | K.coml-han.l deaicrs, Thi-y ht.il irnlh-<br />

Hce.il u isrl-nl deal or troul,le, hut It • t ,, (, ttl.,| l). r nil the ,111 ulrfx, Jhe<br />

irlilK- luree and duslr.hlf .hvlilemlj In J ViW|V NMviirwnrl. „„,, .',„„„ ,,„„.,..„ ,, r.<br />

;he ror.it «.r a valuable child, run we f, lr, miIri,; hUe.idun; lo cart UilV.unity<br />

lepen.l iipon you for this co operation? j, |U, r . |. |ll; y. w CUIIHO<br />

ninny people to take hathn in the mir',-<br />

uiid all pr'onomieed iho water tn be the<br />

IInest or the year- "l'" ur

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