Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1907 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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fo**'ty* M -'' ff *'.*'-'"'<br />

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...l**urnu>' AroPoMjaaso Evunr TBDMIUY<br />

OceatieitySentiiiel|SDH])AY IK THE<br />



,' r Editor and Proprietor<br />

. •-<br />


Inter-Suto 'Phono No.- lai ,<br />

Artvertlaamonta lo local oolaiuna, & canu<br />

por Una; onsb Inaoruon, Montbly und yearly<br />

< ' urnlabed oq application. , .<br />

' ' Job ^vork promptly done by experienced<br />

' and*. ' •• ' i ,<br />

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 12, ion.,<br />

• Knierod at ibe i"oat Office nt'<strong>Ocean</strong> city,<br />

,M.-.J..aaaocondelaaa mall matter. ' '«<br />


If<br />

1 Hunday......<br />

2 Monday.4....<br />

.3 Tuesday .....<br />

• 4 "Wednesday..<br />

6 Thursday....<br />

0 Friday<br />

7 Saturday<br />

8 Sunday .....<br />

0 Monday.....'.<br />

10 Tuesday.....<br />

• 11 Wednesday..<br />

12 Thursday<br />

IB Friday.-<br />

14 Saturday<br />

.15 Sunday. ....<br />

16 Mouduy.<br />

17 Tuesday<br />

18 Wednesday..<br />

•19 Thursday....<br />

20 Friday... ...<br />

SI Saturday'.....<br />

22- Sunday<br />

. 8S Monday<br />

24 Tuesday......<br />

.25 Wednesday..<br />

SB Thursday.. -..<br />

•27 Friday ,<br />

; 28 Saturday ....<br />

20 Sunday ..<br />

80 Saturday......<br />

UlKb. Low., .,<br />

ni.M, m, p. m<br />

0.871<br />

1.34<br />

2.85J<br />

4 0 18 10.04<br />

4.19 10 12<br />

7.12| 1.05<br />

.7 47) 142<br />

8.21' 2.18<br />

8 58> 2.All<br />

9S5| 8.28<br />

1A<br />

H.11<br />

4.18<br />

S.OS<br />

6.50<br />

8.27<br />

700<br />

783<br />

8.08<br />

8.48<br />

0.20<br />

10.0010.15 4 Oil<br />

10.45 10.58 4.42<br />

11.84 1J.48| 5.28<br />

" 12.28| H.18<br />

0.47<br />

2.08<br />

3.20<br />

4.40<br />

5 42<br />

U.S8<br />

7.28<br />

815<br />

9.0(1<br />

10.511<br />

5.08;l 1.0311.42<br />

5.6211.51<br />

0.24 1285<br />

1 14<br />

1.51<br />

2.28<br />

X.OM<br />

S.47<br />

4.81<br />

5.10<br />

1 »2: 7.2<br />

£45<br />

8.25<br />

£45] 8.871 »34<br />

8.57 9.4910.89<br />

0.0*10.58 11.88<br />

6.02111.57<br />

« 571 0 82J12.5.S<br />

7.47 1.22 i;45<br />

S.Sfli 2.10<br />

9.4510.10<br />

10.2910.57<br />

11 14 11 45<br />

9.2»! 2.55]<br />

12.02| 6.00<br />

262<br />

1.46 6.52<br />

7.48<br />

8.451<br />

8.22<br />

4.10<br />

4.59<br />

5.50<br />

H.42<br />

7.87<br />

8JW<br />

0.28<br />

HE that rocks a boat and survive*<br />

.will blow Into a loaded Run wine day<br />

WAS there ever a'law enacted having<br />

for lt» purpose a righteous restriction<br />

<strong>of</strong>.a greed that wauu't retieuted a»<br />

coiiflscatory by the interestx airected ?<br />

IF the Atlanta Constitution doesu'l<br />

watch out it will be sued for Hlauder.<br />

It Is In Jersey .that mosquitoes. are<br />

Interfering with the malls. In Jersey<br />

the bird is ouly a disagreeable memory<br />

THAT It payn to advertise, the faroeeing<br />

merchant has long knowu. The<br />

prosperity <strong>of</strong> the man who does contrasted<br />

with the poverty <strong>of</strong> him who<br />

doesn't la satisfactory evidence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

worth <strong>of</strong> the axiom.- If It pays for the<br />

merchant, why should It not be uruflt-<br />

1 able for the municipality ? Publicity.<br />

, the merchant finds, direct* attenllou<br />

to hlx wares and brings .people to his<br />

•stores. It will do the same for a city—<br />

arouse curlwity at Unit, Invite Investigation,<br />

then Investment. A municipal<br />

' publicity department IH a valuable<br />

mm.<br />

tfXv/.'<br />

.•>.<br />

1®"-<br />

fit'*A"vJ:'.y/, ,,*''.*" -<br />

1:,"'-''''?*•••.'.'."<br />

§§t ;<br />

Wk :<br />

••?-'•' '•••<br />


David Graham Phillips, writing in<br />

Success Magazine, says:<br />

Will Roosevelt ruuiu 1908? He can<br />

have the uotuluatlon; that goes with-<br />

. oat. saying. He need' not ask for it; lie<br />

need not even withdraw, bis full' and<br />

, Hnal renunciation. An the tide- blows<br />

now be will be nominated over bis<br />

; own protest and re-elected pruetleal ly<br />

unopposed. Why? Because no other<br />

_mau.lu our public life bus ever cauued<br />

, such a flutter In the vulture.roosts <strong>of</strong><br />

the plutocracy. It t» upon these- vulture<br />

rooxla that the people have tixed<br />

their eyes.. The people are grateful to<br />

him for,what be ban done; and an.<br />

gratitude In "thanks In advauce lor<br />

' expected future favors," the people's<br />

gratitude meaps that they want him<br />

_tastay_wiiereJie_caii_kee()_un_at_thtt<br />

vultures.<br />

Roosevelt could lose his<br />

popularity only by specilically aud<br />

jpubllcly recanting, by openly joining<br />

hands with tbe plutocrats. Tbe Harrli<br />

man letters were a test. -Why did<br />

they make small public lmpresslou,<br />

iDJure Sir. RooMevelt'H : popularity' uot<br />

, 'at all ? Because the people are nhrewd<br />

and patient and practical.<br />

They felt<br />

/that, whatever the Kbosevelt or 1«H<br />

might- have been to. the Harrlmaun<br />

and their like, tbe Itoosevfelt <strong>of</strong> 1007<br />

.. -! was hated by them;- that tbe plutocracy<br />

was so acting toward bun that<br />

. he would be still further frora.lt every<br />

'<br />

day he lived and it plotted.' They felt,<br />

and feel, that even If lie wished to be<br />

: friends with the plutocracy-secretly,<br />

' they would not have htm because they<br />

•• could not trust him: And it Isn't orten<br />

that the people get the chance to take<br />

'n'pa man whose only refuge aud hope<br />

Is In them, a man who not only would<br />

'hot Join the.enemy if he could, but<br />

'-also could not If he Would.<br />

Strong Sermons and Excellent<br />

Music Heard by<br />

.Congregations.<br />

v l'lic churches In this city were all<br />

largely attended Hunday.. Following<br />

are reporU'<strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the sermons<br />

heard; ' . . .<br />


The services last Muiulay were well<br />

attended both morning and 'cvenine,<br />

and.the music was <strong>of</strong> the same high<br />

order that has been attained under the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> Mo^M. Wiley and Itaiba.<br />

Sin. Bbaler, <strong>of</strong> lndianu|>olin, anil Air.<br />

Duly, <strong>of</strong> New York, saug solos witli<br />

great effect. Dr. Cook conducted tlie<br />

two morning services. In tlieeveuiiig<br />

he preached at Peerinout. The large<br />

congregations listened wltli deep<br />

Interest to tlie two able sermons by<br />

the-Rev J. Hcnniiig NBIIUM,-<strong>of</strong> St.<br />

Matthew's<br />

''liurch, 'Philadelphia.<br />

•What l>oestTliou Hero, KHjah'. 1 "WUH<br />

ills theme lu the morning, and "The<br />

liag with Hole*," In the evening. Tlie<br />

ilferlugs were liberal, uiid Or. CTook<br />

re|K>rted good progress on tlie mortgage<br />

fund, lilsliop Scarborough will<br />

be here for. continuation on Sunday<br />

luorniug. <strong>Sep</strong>tember 22. " .<br />

PI KMT M. K • .<br />

Iu the First M. K ' I'liu'roli, on Sunlay<br />

morning, the Itev. Dr. K. IC<br />

Urunyate, tbo pastor, delivered a<br />

strong sermou from tlie text, "He<br />

ipeued the book"—Luke, 4; 1"! .<br />

-Dr. UrunyateHalii lu part: "Ju-ni»,<br />

after the temptation, left his home in<br />

h—foi—souie—time—and—llvalap'art<br />

from the people. We next Und<br />

Him in Halllee, quietly moving from<br />

place to place, iu tlie character <strong>of</strong> a<br />

teacher and winning the applause <strong>of</strong><br />

those who throng tne synagogues.<br />

He now starts toward his native place,<br />

aud is once more found at Nuwelh,<br />

and 'us His custom was. He went Into<br />

the. synagogue. on the Sabbath day<br />

aud stood up to read."<br />

"What a picture we have before us !<br />

The little synagogue <strong>of</strong> Nazareth, the<br />

simple village folks gathered for their<br />

weekly act <strong>of</strong> devotion. Itself a suMclently<br />

moving spectacle.<br />

But this<br />

day the place seems to shine with an<br />

uuwonted light. The whole congregation<br />

seems deeply interested ami restless.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> their own. villager* Is to<br />

read and make Hla tlrst essay before<br />

them. He Is known to be the carpenter's<br />

Sou. .Tlie friends aud ac<br />

quaintauces <strong>of</strong> His boyhood- days are<br />

there, full <strong>of</strong> 'expectancy<br />

Yonder, In<br />

the place set aside, for the women, i*<br />

His mother, with flushed,' but somewhat<br />

anxious face. Out steps Jesus,<br />

walks before the open book aud begins<br />

to read. What a night! Tbe greatest<br />

<strong>of</strong> books lies open before the greatest<br />

<strong>of</strong> all teachers. Was there ever before<br />

or since so strange aud wonderful<br />

scene?.<br />

"Since that day that book has been<br />

the cau«e <strong>of</strong> much searching <strong>of</strong> heart<br />

Now to our Lord the Old Testament<br />

was real aud meant to regulate, con-,<br />

duct, to formulate right thinking,<br />

illustrative <strong>of</strong> dally life, aiid au interpretation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Himself aud His mlssloi<br />

to earth. He taught that whosoever<br />

breaks one ol the least Commandments<br />

uriea»t~in~the—kingdom-<strong>of</strong>—heaven<br />

Even the ceremonial law must be respected.<br />

Let (Thrlstlaus ponder the<br />

way <strong>of</strong> the Lord, whose custom was to<br />

enter tbe synagogue, read tbe law. and<br />

seek instruction With tbe village folk<br />

ou the Sabbath day.' .He*appeals to<br />

the Old Testament to show that Uod<br />

Is oue, aud Is loving and is good aud<br />

rlghteousinallHisdolngsamonirmen<br />

Patient study <strong>of</strong> the Scriptures, He<br />

teaches, will be" more conforinatory<br />

<strong>of</strong> faith lu the. reality <strong>of</strong> the I'usewu<br />

than even startling miracles; Th<br />

days <strong>of</strong> Noah aud <strong>of</strong> Lot afford ad<br />

monition for the men <strong>of</strong> this day."<br />


"Unpossessed Possessions" was tb<br />

subject'<strong>of</strong> au Instructive sermon bj<br />

the Key, H. T. Casselberry iu the<br />

'fore, and preach My gospel.- Oo Into<br />

the uttermost parts <strong>of</strong> the world; Uo<br />

preach to- every creature.',' Our duty<br />

is as clear as the little word 'go' can<br />

mate It 'Ask or Me aud I shall give<br />

tbeethe heathen for thine Inheritance,<br />

and tho uttermost parts <strong>of</strong>. the earth<br />

for tby-rOsseiwIpiiB ' .<br />

"Shall we go In and possess.all that<br />

Is ours?- Fur all things are yours—<br />

Paul, Appolos, Cephas, the world, life,<br />

death, things present, things to coiue,<br />

all are yours—and ye are Christ's aud<br />

Christ's Is Uod'».".<br />

and Mm. Arthur C.'KIng, <strong>of</strong> foiling.,<br />

wood, N. J., are gueata <strong>of</strong> Mr. and Mrs,<br />

Henry Hague, <strong>of</strong> Asbury avenue, this<br />

Dr. and. Mrs. H. V. Archibald, <strong>of</strong><br />

; • PERSQNAX9. !<br />

Mrs.' C. W. Horn, <strong>of</strong> Hwarthmore,<br />

is a guest or the Uar'wood.<br />

F. H. Colladay. *<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

was a recent arrival at the lllscayne.<br />

. .Kilgar K l)oy, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, was<br />

a guest iif the Palace during the week.<br />

. Mrs. Ludlaui Hand, <strong>of</strong> Cape May<br />

< "ourI House, was a visitor here yesterday;<br />

" .<br />

A. J. MeConnell anil family, <strong>of</strong><br />

i'yuwyd, are spending a week In this<br />

city.<br />

J. (ieorge llucher and soli, <strong>of</strong> Nnr<br />

lierdi, iintke frei|uent visits to this<br />

clly.<br />

Dr K J Watson, <strong>of</strong> ('hestcr, was<br />

among the week's visitors at tills resort.<br />

'<br />

Knoch llarrett. employed at Audolion,<br />

vlslteil his family Jn this city over<br />

Sunday. - ,<br />

P. T Walt and<br />

. ,<br />

Tloga, Philadelphia, have cloned their<br />

Central avenue cottage, and, Mrs.<br />

'Archibald has returned home. • Dr.<br />

Archibald will remain here 'for a few<br />

dayi.<br />

Mrs. J. Heeves HHdreth.<strong>of</strong> thUclty,<br />

ha» been spendlug the last week.In<br />

liilladelphlu and New Vork, exauilu<br />

lug and buying millinery goo Is, preparatory<br />

toopeulng her fail and winter<br />

business., • ' _ .. - -<br />

, '<br />

The Misses Kay and.* Nellie Adams',-<br />

the Misses Watt, or<br />

Lancaster, h&ve been sending a few<br />

days here. . _ •<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge C Tyler,.<strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia", were recent arrivals at<br />

the Imperial. . " "<br />

• Mm. Coru Shelley, <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth, N.<br />

I* visiting her mother, .Mrs. Mary<br />

Hand, In tills city.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend have<br />

•eUirued home after .a week's visit to<br />

riends In Mlltville • . '<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Levering and daughter,<br />

if Plilladelphia. have been among tlie<br />

recent visitors here.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Ferguson<br />

ud family, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, are regisereil<br />

at tlie Klberon. . _<br />

Miss Mary Oul1leld4s spending the<br />

week with relatives at Orenloch; Al*|<br />

ohesson and Woodbury.<br />

'*<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph- Thomas and<br />

'anaily, ; <strong>of</strong> Wissahlckon, have been<br />

injoying life In this resort.<br />

Mr. -and Mrs', J. A. Mitchell and<br />

'ainlly, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, are'among<br />

lie "ojourners iu this resort. ',,<br />

Mrs. Itessle Asher Smltli, <strong>of</strong> Plillalelphla,<br />

is vMtlng'her friend. Miss<br />

'Illle Oelzel, at the Imperial.<br />

Mr. and. Mrs. Krederlek V. Scheu<br />

iiid daughter, I no<br />

IW<br />

IIU<br />

Andrew Hteel num. IW<br />

John Tuctor. ' 1 «1<br />

J. II. Thompson, I on<br />

Wm. WIlaonT • 1 00<br />

Kdw.J. Wllllani.. IU)<br />

IIHVIII William", 1 — •<br />

J.ihn Bmltli and wife, formerly <strong>of</strong><br />

thi- city,' were visitors here this week. 1<br />

Wm. Uykem<br />

' llxirc llowna,<br />

orman Ihirhy.<br />

" H. llmkar,<br />

. K. Knton,<br />

iu. FVrrell.<br />

nmllton Unit*,<br />

N (Irlacons<br />

.rclilt* llurtlnrr,<br />

iu. I'. HnlniM,<br />

,'arjell lll«bm*,<br />

i«»ry Hector. '<br />

ol Horary,<br />

rl Healli.<br />

. .... Hunur,<br />

'hist, Hurrl«.<br />

aiM.'<br />

VV. Smith, is an engineer on one <strong>of</strong><br />

the ferry boats plyliig between Jersey<br />

<strong>City</strong> and New York.<br />

Real KKliite Tmtnlcn.<br />

iecent real estate transfers in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, recorded II. the attice or County<br />

Clerk Way are as follows:<br />

Auua Mcl'rosby et vlr to Anna M.<br />

Ml llgan. tl. l^it 414,.Section (1.<br />

Lewis 8: Smith et ux to Km'ersou L.<br />

Smith.. *1. Low 5aH and WM, riectlou<br />

C. ' • , • •<br />

lorough r <strong>Ocean</strong> city to David S.<br />

Ku^lish. *]. Quit i-lulius lot—211,<br />

Set lion E.<br />

Jjmes M. Chester et ux tod. Oswald<br />

Calvert. *1 Lot 778. Section ury Avenue, <br />

in nner nnd In accordance wltb apeeln<<br />

lti» it* bt*relnu'ter named: , ,<br />

I »l square feel, mo'e or letM.<strong>of</strong> l*uvlnie><br />

'. io llneHl feel, more OF lent*, <strong>of</strong> I'oaurete<br />

Hi. K. \H Incbr* bl«b and !:! Inrlies wide.<br />

,'l'lir uoncrele abull be compoNed'<strong>of</strong> treub<br />

XNZiireth. AlphM or Huylor's cement, rleup,<br />

Mb irp Mand und wusued uruvel,- broken to a<br />

Ml*i tbat will pans tbrouich a, on -inch rlnu: In<br />

ai>/ illraUloa, wnd ttiorouicbly screened.<br />

Tli »*e lnffr«dlenla shall be uaed In ibe pronorllon<br />

<strong>of</strong> one purl cement,'two <strong>of</strong>. Hand uncf<br />

fji'r<strong>of</strong> atone, und mixed eurh time by careful<br />

<strong>On</strong><br />

in* a»uremenlM . _ _ . _ .<br />

Hi; al plulforni ol plank, spread loar burrowi<br />

or Mtind, and upon ibis two b*rrowi*;o<br />

t'e.uenl, IhorouiEhly mix. tbe two dry und<br />

tb n throw on eftcht burrows <strong>of</strong> broken atoni<br />

tb n I brow on etifht barrowM <strong>of</strong><br />

or wiiHlied ur vei and work over<br />

' " "" • " idly w<br />

wtMbed tir vel and wrk ov<br />

'k thoroughly and rapidly<br />

llu water U belotc iurnt*cto<br />

uTllu water U belotc i<br />

uu HeaobNtone In com<br />

N<br />

urnL'ft<br />

pletel<br />

r ku<br />

with i<br />

wi'iiu water u beioie lurnetton wub u<br />

:uln; then<br />

ib vela.<br />

t n ith a bo<br />

y oover«d wil<br />

ic>.r1ar. No more water to be HHed- thun' la<br />

nf. eManry lo unite tbe material*. AK uoon HX<br />

«*OI rreuj Ix mixed, II Itftobetuken U>lrenctl*4<br />

an. 1 dumped In luyeife tbrvelncbea thick* und<br />

Im-nedlutely rammed nnll wuler Hushes to<br />

Ib • lop. • ,<br />

i>a lop <strong>of</strong> concrete specified, luy u 11^. .<br />

coi.l fine tnuti iblok, properly uraded, <strong>of</strong> Nux,<br />

uriitli Forlland Cement und cleun, cruabed.<br />

Mcrjened Urunlte, tlnlabed with u amootb,'<br />

ev. n Hurface to u uollorra color. • Luy out lr<br />

tuii.^rea-<strong>of</strong>.not over ave feet, with Joints >'Ui<br />

eut i r>*ly tbrouieb top coa,t; all to be put down<br />

Mm loth and even, pronerly leruded, and to be<br />

properly protected until thoroughly liurd.<br />

: s.ule price per Manure foot far puvlnic n<br />

pe 1 ' lineal ro^t for ouae ue|>arulely. Tbe "in<br />

.la reserved by Ibe committee to reject unv oi<br />

" IIIIIH, uDd lo award Ibe coolntci in wilolt<br />

a'part. -<br />

tly OTder <strong>of</strong> tbe'Conilnlttee.<br />

H. .I.'RTIK HOII1NMON.<br />

un I'iij-. NJ..Hej.l. 11, IU07.<br />

Kecreliiry.<br />

NOTICE.<br />

NillcelK hereby given lliat the folloWIn<br />

(•buiinelM huve been Kluked In Cupe MH<br />

C<br />

Upper Towoablp, . , » * 1<br />

UennlaTownKhlp, lilt iiiktrlcl,. 1.<br />

I<br />

Uennla.To'wnablp,2ndJJIrtrlcl, I '. .1<br />

Wo-Mblne, .' ' ' 1, I<br />

Koa'Iale Oityi 1 I<br />

Avulon, • 1 ' ' i,<br />

Middle Townuhip. I»l Dl.trlct. II ;t<br />

Mid1leTowniihlp,2pdl>l>trleti 2 , '2<br />

Anileau, ' I >5<br />

Wlllwood, 1 1<br />

Holy H«mch; .2 ••<br />

^ 2 'i<br />

'-' . •„•<br />

p^<br />

Wait Cupe May,<br />

Cap-i M»y <strong>City</strong>, Iat District,<br />

Oupu May city. aodDUlrlcl,<br />

Hontb Cupe Muy,<br />

Total • ,<br />

,i<br />

ill<br />

Ai C. HlLDHICTII,<br />

UiuilrmunKsp.Co.Kx.com<br />

For Assembly,' ,<br />


<strong>of</strong> Holly Beach.-<br />

Subject to rules or tupubllcan Convsntlop<br />

TboH. WUIluiuit,, 100<br />

WuHer Vounjc. . !««<br />

Krwuk/elttler. , I tti<br />

Kdw. Mumlmll, 1 *U<br />

. ._ , Benj. BurU. »l»<br />

•JKl Moment Hurley, If<br />

1 U0 Hurry Tho mpmn, P"<br />


IIU<br />

i Si<br />

•10U<br />

im<br />

isi, Hur<br />

M. Jobnaon,<br />

Reuben Lixtlmn, 'J lu<br />

>J M<br />

). J. Murray,<br />

uliu Morrli*.<br />

iw.ir<br />

Jlllwrt I<br />

liilohHi<br />

. IU<br />

m, I<br />

rdvruves, IU<br />

Itnutin,<br />

I ru<br />

.IMIIUHII, 1 M<br />

stlu Wallor McCorkk, IIU<br />

M nun CbMmplon,l ni<br />

llrrtntDl Hmilli.' ' I «•<br />

II. J-;.C»lnplH'll, ll»<br />

• I «l<br />

II"<br />

TtKvcrliMlia.ni,,.'<br />

Kdw. UOrOlch,<br />

Wm. HnlolKllor,<br />

MuniuflHiultlr.<br />

Allowity Hiuitlti<br />

Thoa. Tborn,<br />

Wni.'Hlirclnrr,<br />

Kdwnrd lloylu,<br />

Frank Want.<br />

Uvn. H»'«kltil7th Ml.. Uccan Oily. N J -<br />

George W. Ernst<br />


Automobile Garage.<br />

Wholesale Hulter, KKRH, l>anl, Cheew<br />

. and Poultry.<br />

Residence, 6W Anbury avenue.,.<br />

OlflM, 7th SUesI bet Aibuii and Wail Aieoua<br />



645 Asbury Aven-ie,.<br />

OOKAS 01TV, N.J.<br />

Killluul. KllnvlKhtw • ' •<br />

Fill I l/lno.or John l.ui'H>i ,v <strong>On</strong>.'* 1'iil<br />

Vuro'uhM. Kir., ut Our Mtorc.<br />

Al»o. Jolm T. LliWlk' l^-ud uhil Oil I'lmaiuntly<br />

In Block.<br />

HriDihea nlid l*atii'lcni'<br />

lll.-yclu Tina und Huuplle'li. lllcycl,-<br />

pulrlnie Hroiuuily AllemltMl To.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Laundry<br />

656 Asbury Ave<br />

KrrHi-cltthH Work lh Kvery Partk'iil<br />

Lntiiidry iHtllwt(Ht hud tlOUv^riMi every duy.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ice and coal Co.<br />



-PURE ICE<br />

BEST'/. COAL<br />

1*<br />

1<br />

OA*C AND<br />

WOOD<br />

Office. No. 634 ASBURY AVENUE<br />


IN p ocono Mountain ice<br />

« 1O14 AabUry A^<br />

OCCAN ClT» N. 4. '<br />

Attended To.<br />

OCEAN CITY. N J.<br />


Electricians<br />

823 Asbury Avenue; <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N.J<br />

I^wjlricatworkbl7Httlctnrt(rnro<br />

ten led to. All mute rial and work tfu<br />

Htrctly UmtolaHM.<br />


Alderney Dairies<br />

Guaranteed rttrletly Pure<br />

AND<br />

ICE_CkEAM<br />

ESTABLISHED 1881<br />

V'tihColdHitorvice n«W tbU year, uiu ,--<br />

paisd loglvulwtturMcrvlceuow tbuu lu tin<br />

7 ; h Stand AsburyAu<br />

pmBtTOHIi<br />

A. H. BAKER<br />

Jndertaker - and - Embalmer.<br />

849 ASBURY AVENUE,<br />


er nlielit.<br />

LAKE<br />

Uhdertiker and Etntialmer<br />

AI. AVKNUK ..<br />

OOKAfi CITV.N.J<br />

THE<br />

'7rH AND ASBURY AVE.;.<br />

OCEAN CITY, N. J.<br />

Fine Paper Hanging, Painting<br />

A Select Une ol ,<br />



, Headquarter? for<br />


AHlatlc Woriimanahip<br />

Lowaak'<br />





Tbla apac* la reaarvM lor<br />

. W. : L. BERRY.<br />

Manufacturing Jeweler,<br />


pa,'<br />

tUpnlrlDC<br />

W It coiniM to current toplcx,<br />

bow »bout electricityV .<br />

V«t'y few people now out or work<br />

oaten they waut to be. ,<br />

Tbe Mlf-may the mayor and the people o!<br />

Orean well^mny—be-reKariletl—aw j<br />

money w^ell expended for the udvertlx<br />

liC <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly.<br />

The necoiid iiiuvcntioii wax held<br />

iei» hint week, when the IIfly-fourth<br />

xeuil-Hiiiiuul «x«lon <strong>of</strong> the New Jersey<br />

Sluie llomii-opnlhif Me.ll.al Soitlely<br />

coiiveuer the ineniherx or Ihe Stale widely.<br />

tlie uiajorlty or whoxe liieuiberH hail<br />

rrom north or Camden.<br />

However,<br />

there were pnieiit reprexeiitntlve<br />

doetorx from nil over tlie 'State and<br />

nlHilclphui. Ainouu the promlnei.t<br />

pliyxicianx and HiirgeoiiH from I'hltadelpllia<br />

wax Dr. Herbert I*. Northrop,<br />

deun <strong>of</strong> llahiicumnii, who hux l>itu a<br />

cottager liere ror a number <strong>of</strong> yearx.<br />

Taken ultOKether, tlilx rexort liax<br />

maile uu excellent beginning ax u convention<br />

city. It hux lieen dlxcoverwl<br />

by the doubting Tlimuuxex that Oi-enli<br />

<strong>City</strong> Ix ihoroiiBiily'on'I'elt'nt In every<br />

way lo handle i;ood-xl/.eanloii,<br />

and both made u quick move Up the<br />

Htreet toward the Fnxt Hliore Ijlne<br />

Htutlon. . • . . ' . . *<br />

Meaiiwlille, Mr Fogg wax x» earing<br />

out a warrant for CariutnterV arrent on<br />

charge or gaiiibliug. The cry wax<br />

mixed -that Carpenter wax altout to<br />

leave for*Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, aud Constable<br />

JoluiHoii Jumped into Mr. Fogg'x auto<br />

anil wow whirled to'the Faxt .Shore<br />

Lliii; ntutioii.<br />

There Carpenter wux<br />

found in a ear. The railroad people, It<br />

ii »tu(ed, were (ersuiulwl to hold tlie<br />

cur. , , .<br />

While tlilx w«« going ou, the warrunt<br />

had been prepared, and File<br />

('filef S. it. ,.<br />

(Formerly Aetna)<br />

.' I". U.S. CAKE, Owner<br />

I.,. III.I.-I .Nt.rniHli.lu-, WwOiliiKtan,U. C.)<br />

A<br />

,111 MKHJiilrx Wll .'-KloVKtori Klrctrlo<br />

l-unl", \rlt-Hliin Wiilvr/ritlcpl-onoxln<br />

KIM,IIIN. • WlillfHtTVlCH. HOItcaortflo<br />

•' uiuint. ultlt |irlvidu Imtlis nnd Irnlla,<br />

HIM, Miu;li> ..mil tloillilu riHiuta .wllll<br />

l>i IVIII - hulh. , ' , •<br />

• KWVAIIII K. CAKE, ,<br />

'<br />

.Mlinas«r<br />


II|H-<br />

AVK.,<br />


Mrs O. UKTZKL.<br />


OCEAN CITY. Now Jorsey.<br />

I>• llulillnl l-oi-i.Ucin. All Hie UtUwt Iravi-iiit'iiif.,<br />

Huithu Uvuttxl turougliaat.<br />

•11 lilt tlieytmr. ' < '. ,<br />

M KS. M. (1A KWOOIt, Prop.<br />

II. N.nl'rll, ••ro|>rlcl»r<br />

Mr.-Cole thought it wax not necessary<br />

for the wilnexx to, give hlx place<br />

;>f residence.,<br />

Mr. lloxwell limixlvd ti|>oii having<br />

it, and Justice Ituxh xald he could see<br />

no reason for the witness refusing to<br />

n'swer Ihe

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