Orlando Volpato, Delphi - AEA – Associação Brasileira de ...

Orlando Volpato, Delphi - AEA – Associação Brasileira de ...

Orlando Volpato, Delphi - AEA – Associação Brasileira de ...


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<strong>Orlando</strong> <strong>Volpato</strong> Filho e Vicente Pimenta<br />

<strong>Delphi</strong> - Powertrain - Brazil<br />

Abstract<br />

World wi<strong>de</strong> research on alternative fuels has been intensified due to environmental<br />

concern and diminishing of conventional fossil fuels reserves. In Brazil, the usage of<br />

fossil fuel for the production of sugar-cane has been improved over the years, but<br />

there still room for improvements. In the agricultural area, for instance, It is estimated<br />

that for 1 Ton of processed sugar-cane about 2 liters of diesel fuel is used. Over the<br />

last year, a fleet of around 110,000 agricultural machines and trucks burned about<br />

1.2 billion liters of diesel. Along with the opportunity of reducing the emission of green<br />

house gases there is also an economic advantage of using ethanol because the final<br />

fuel cost to the producer is about half the price of the diesel fuel. The reasons above<br />

motivated us to <strong>de</strong>velop a Diesel-Ethanol control for Diesel engines using a<br />

mechanical diesel injection pumps. An add-on system was <strong>de</strong>veloped using an ECM<br />

used for passenger vehicles to control engines with either 4 or 6 cylin<strong>de</strong>rs. In this<br />

system, Ethanol is injected into the intake air stream and a pilot injection of diesel is<br />

used to achieve ignition. This system was <strong>de</strong>rived from a Diesel-CNG system<br />

previously <strong>de</strong>veloped for urban busses. Careful <strong>de</strong>sign of the control algorithms is<br />

required to prevent excessive diesel fuel usage and high hydrocarbon emissions.<br />

This paper will <strong>de</strong>scribe the Diesel-Ethanol system in <strong>de</strong>tail and present some<br />

performance data.<br />

Application<br />

The Diesel-Ethanol technology is better applicable to retrofit of diesel engine controls<br />

with <strong>Delphi</strong> EMS where the availability of low cost ethanol, mainly in ethanol<br />

production plants, makes the operation economically attractive.<br />

Goal<br />

The goal for the Diesel-Ethanol technology is to reduce the usage of fossil based<br />

fuels (diesel) on transportation and agricultural operations. This will reduce the<br />

amount of emitted green house gases. On top of this there are economical gains from<br />

the reduced cost with fuel and possible gains with Carbon Tra<strong>de</strong> due to Clean<br />

Development Mo<strong>de</strong>l projects un<strong>de</strong>r the Kyoto Protocol, this gain could be further<br />

invested on the <strong>de</strong>velopment of clean automotive technologies.<br />

1. Development<br />

In the quest for diminishing its <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on foreign petrol along with the need to<br />

reduce emissions of green house gases to improve air quality, Brazil is pursuing the<br />

greater use of alternative fuels.<br />

Page 1 of 18

Diesel-Ethanol vehicles emit lower levels of toxics and ozone-forming hydrocarbons,<br />

mainly because ethanol emits 8.5 times less CO2 than diesel for the same amount of<br />

energy [24].<br />

In Brazil, there is a big <strong>de</strong>mand for diesel fuel. Looking at data taken form the 2008<br />

edition of the Mines and Energy Ministry’s National Energy Accounting (BEN 2008)<br />

[1] one can see from figures 1 and 2, that 41% of the petrol processed goes to diesel<br />

fuel production; 75% of diesel used goes to road transportation and 16% to<br />

agricultural use.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the energy used for transportation, the vast majority goes to road<br />

transportation 91.8%, railroad transportation accounts for 4.8% of the used energy.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring road transportation alone, 51.6% of the energy comes from diesel fuel<br />

and about 19.4% comes from a renewable source (ethanol).<br />

The strong <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on diesel fuel leads to some interesting import/export<br />

characteristics. Table 1, below, summarizes the import/export volumes and values for<br />

2008.<br />

It is said that Brazil is self-sufficient in petrol. Most of Brazilian’s petrol is of heavy<br />

type, not suited for diesel production, in or<strong>de</strong>r to attend the <strong>de</strong>mand for diesel fuel<br />

light petrol and diesel fuel is imported. We have excess heavy petrol and gasoline,<br />

which are exported.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the energy equivalence, in a quick calculation, the volume of petrol and<br />

fuels that are imported/exported the net result is near zero, indicating a self-sufficient<br />

condition. See table 1.<br />

Page 2 of 18<br />

Fig. 1: Petrol <strong>de</strong>rived fuels usage in Brazil

Fig. 2: Energy usage by transportation type and fuel type breakdown for road<br />

transportation<br />

Looking to the tra<strong>de</strong> balance, thought, Brazil expends about 5.5 billion dollars<br />

importing petrol and fuel, corresponding to about one fifth of the tra<strong>de</strong> balance of<br />

about 25 billion dollars for year 2008. See table 1.<br />

Page 3 of 18<br />

Table 1: Brazilian petrol tra<strong>de</strong> balance<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the projections for future price of petrol, see figure 3, extracted from<br />

2007 report of the US Department of Energy, there is strong evi<strong>de</strong>nce that the<br />

expenditure with fuel will increase for the next two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s.

Page 4 of 18<br />

Fig. 3: Petrol price projections scenarios<br />

The analysis above shows that, <strong>de</strong>spite the apparent self-sufficiency in petrol, it is<br />

very important to substitute renewable fuels for diesel fuel in or<strong>de</strong>r to pursue a more<br />

favorable tra<strong>de</strong> balance.<br />

In the following paragraph, some sugar and alcohol agricultural sector data will be<br />

presented along with benefits of using ethanol to substitute part of the diesel used in<br />

sugar-cane agricultural operations.<br />

1.1 Sugar and alcohol agricultural sector data (2008/2009 harvest)<br />

Compiling sugar-cane agricultural data, available from many groups like: I<strong>de</strong>a,<br />

Cepea/Esalq, UNICA, CONABE and others, we can make the summary for the<br />

2008/2009 harvest. See additional sources [30], [31], [32] and [33].<br />

About 569 million tons of sugar-cane was processed by about 420 sugar and/or<br />

ethanol mills [29][34]. See figure 4 below. There are about 35 new mills currently in<br />

construction.<br />

On the average, each ton of sugar cane produces about 84 liters of anhydrous<br />

ethanol (<strong>AEA</strong>C, used to make gasoline C from its mixture with gasoline A).<br />

On the average, each ton of sugar cane produces about 90 liters of hydrous ethanol,<br />

which is sold at fuel as E100. There is an excess electricity of about 12 KWh per ton<br />

of sugar cane.<br />

Diesel fuel is used at an average rate of 2.03 liters for each processed ton of sugar<br />

cane, amounting to approximately 1.16 billion liters of diesel per harvest.<br />

From that amount of fuel, about 60% is used for road transportation and 40% is used<br />

by tractors, harvester and other off-road equipments used in the farms and mills.

Fig. 4: Location of sugar-cane farms and mills<br />

1.2 Economic motivation for diesel substitution<br />

There are big savings when ethanol is substituted for diesel fuel in an ethanol<br />

producing facility.<br />

The sugar cane farm/mill buys diesel as a big consumer, paying a price smaller than<br />

displayed at road fuel stations. But diesel fuel should be conveniently stoked and<br />

there is a monthly bill to be paid.<br />

On the other si<strong>de</strong>, ethanol fuel is ready available at much lower costs than at the fuel<br />

station.<br />

See figure 5 for estimated production costs for ethanol compiled in the 2008 F.O.<br />

Licht ethanol report.<br />

Fig. 5: Production cost of ethanol in different countries<br />

Diesel fuel is more energetic (per volume or weight basis) than hydrous ethanol, in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to substitute one liter of diesel, in energy terms, one have to use about 1.67<br />

liters of ethanol, see table 2 below [25].<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the buy price of diesel and the sell price of hydrous ethanol for the last<br />

year, the fuel economy can be evaluated, see figure 6 [30].<br />

Page 5 of 18

Page 6 of 18<br />

Table 2: Energy comparison of diesel vs. ethanol<br />

On a year average the price of diesel was R$1.90 and the sell price of ethanol was<br />

R$0.66, in an energy comparison R$1.10 worth of ethanol has the same energy as<br />

R$1.90 worth of diesel fuel.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the use of 2.03 liters of diesel used to process 90 liters of ethanol, the<br />

diesel represents about 6.5% of the sell price of ethanol; this number is bigger if one<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>rs the production cost.<br />

Fig. 6: Price comparison of diesel vs. ethanol<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that 60% of the diesel, used to process the sugar cane, can be replaced<br />

by ethanol a savings of about R$ 530 million can be achieved per harvest. See figure<br />

7 below.

Page 7 of 18<br />

Fig. 7: Consi<strong>de</strong>rações: 50% Diesel substituído por etanol; 100% frota<br />

Potencial <strong>de</strong> economia/safra: R$ 530 milhões<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the substitution ratio of 60% the costs of fuel will be 25% lower, reducing<br />

ethanol price by almost 2%.<br />

1.3 Ambient motivation for diesel substitution<br />

In Brazil, the production of ethanol is one of the most efficient in the aspect of using<br />

fossil fuels, but there still room for improvements.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the carbon cycle, the use of fossil fuels will release Green House Gases<br />

into the atmosphere.<br />

Renewable fuels, ma<strong>de</strong> from biomass, uses CO2, water and solar energy to grow<br />

plants, such as sugar cane, these operations, however still uses fossil fuels in the<br />

form of fertilizers, process chemicals, lubricating oils and diesel fuel. See figure 8<br />

below.<br />

Fig. 8: Illustration of carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> cycle

There are some studies that assess the emissions of green house gases for the<br />

complete fuel cycle [24]; from those studies the use of 1 liter of diesel fuel emits<br />

about 3.14 Kg of equivalent CO2 into the atmosphere. See table 3 below.<br />

The use of 1 liter of ethanol for the propulsion of engines, emits about 0.37 Kg of<br />

equivalent CO2, it is not zero because fossil fuels are still used in the process; like<br />

fertilizers, agro toxics, paints, diesel, etc.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring energy equivalence the substitution of ethanol for diesel avoids the<br />

emission of 2.52 Kg of equivalent CO2 per liter.<br />

Table 3: CO2 cycle for diesel vs. ethanol<br />

Using a substitution ratio of 60% to all diesel-burning engines avoids the emission of<br />

about 1.7 million tons of CO2 into atmosphere, per harvest season. See figure 9<br />

below.<br />

Fig. 9: Consi<strong>de</strong>rações: 50% Diesel substituído por etanol; 100% frota<br />

Potencial <strong>de</strong> evitação <strong>de</strong> CO2: 1.7 milhões <strong>de</strong> Toneladas<br />

A fringe benefit of this is that CDM (clean <strong>de</strong>velopment mo<strong>de</strong>ls) can be ma<strong>de</strong> and<br />

negotiated in the terms of the Kyoto protocol in or<strong>de</strong>r to finance the <strong>de</strong>velopment of<br />

technologies to further reduce the use of fossil fuels.<br />

Page 8 of 18

Each ton of equivalent CO2 is being negotiated by about EU$14.60 at the Emissions<br />

Tra<strong>de</strong> Stock [35]; not all this value can be ma<strong>de</strong> using CDMs but consi<strong>de</strong>ring that<br />

each ton of CO2 in a CDM project is worth US$5.00 about US$8.5 million can be<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> available.<br />

In the following paragraphs, the basics of diesel engines are presented, along with<br />

the <strong>de</strong>scription of a concept of a diesel-ethanol system.<br />

Dynamometer data, for both original diesel engine and the diesel-ethanol operated<br />

engine, is presented. After that, improvements in the presented diesel-ethanol system<br />

are suggested.<br />

2. The Original Diesel System<br />

The diesel engine is a compression ignited internal combustion engine. In this<br />

engine, the air is compressed and the fuel is injected directly into the cylin<strong>de</strong>r. The air<br />

temperature has increased due to the compression and the fuel rapidly ignites<br />

causing increasing pressure within the cylin<strong>de</strong>r and therefore, the generation of work.<br />

The diesel engine has some interesting features: there is no “metering” of the intake<br />

air, which results in minimal pumping losses. As fuel is injected into the air at<br />

temperatures higher than the diesel fuel auto-ignition temperature, it burns almost<br />

completely, even in very lean mixtures.<br />

The diesel fuel is injected at high pressures with the aid of a metering fuel pump that<br />

<strong>de</strong>livers fuel at very high pressures in the right quantity.<br />

The mechanical diesel pump, which has been used in most of the diesel engines in<br />

the field, has many internal mechanisms to <strong>de</strong>liver the fuel to make the <strong>de</strong>sired<br />

torque characteristic while avoiding emission soot and pollutant gases per the current<br />

legislation.<br />

A diagram of the diesel pump we used for this <strong>de</strong>velopment is shown in figure 10<br />

below.<br />

Page 9 of 18

Page 10 of 18<br />

Fig. 10: Mechanical Diesel fuel pump diagram<br />

The mechanical diesel fuel pump used in most of the agricultural vehicles has a<br />

control that is of the type “variable speed governor”.<br />

In this type of diesel pump, the accelerator lever does not control the fuel <strong>de</strong>livered<br />

directly (control lever in the diagram above) but at the set point of the variable speed<br />

governor, see figure 11 below.<br />

Fig. 11: Variable speed flywheel governor<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring this setup, the torque characteristic of an agricultural tractor engine<br />

(Valtra BH185i) can be seen below for various accelerator lever positions. See figure<br />

12.<br />

Fig. 12: Torque characteristic vs. accelerator position<br />

2.1 Diesel-Ethanol Combustion<br />

Diesel-ethanol engines use pilot diesel fuel for ignition with most of the power coming<br />

from burning ethanol. The combustion process changes when the engine transitions<br />

from using diesel fuel to using the combination of diesel fuel and ethanol.

The ethanol is injected into the inlet air and mixed with air. As diesel fuel enters the<br />

combustion chamber due to the pilot injection; it is ignited by the hot air after a very<br />

short <strong>de</strong>lay, creating many ignition fronts to burn the natural gas mixed with air.<br />

In figure 13 a photograph of a diesel fuel injection being ignited by the hot air is<br />

shown to illustrate the pilot injection concept. The injector in the example has 6 holes.<br />

The diesel-ethanol engine is possible because the auto-ignition temperature of<br />

ethanol is higher than the temperatures at the end of compression cycle [37].<br />

A diagram with the temperature in the air insi<strong>de</strong> the cylin<strong>de</strong>r in function of crankshaft<br />

angle is presented in figure 14. The temperature was calculated using the expression<br />

Tc = To * r (n-1), where r is the compression rate (r = 16.8) and n is the polytrophic<br />

exponent for real gases (n = 1.35) [26].<br />

The line with 130 <strong>de</strong>gC intake temperature indicates the limit of operation without<br />

auto-ignition issues.<br />

For a compression ignition engine, using a mechanical diesel fuel injection system,<br />

where the fuel is injected in one event, there are two combustion phases, as<br />

exemplified in figure 15.<br />

The injected fuel does not burn instantaneously, it takes a time to vaporize the fuel<br />

and to chemical reactions to take place and release energy into the combustion<br />

chamber.<br />

Fig. 13: Internal view of cylin<strong>de</strong>r after some milliseconds of diesel fuel injection<br />

This term is called “ignition <strong>de</strong>lay” and after that time most of the fuel already injected<br />

burns in a short period. This is termed “pre-mixed combustion phase”.<br />

Page 11 of 18

As the ethanol enters the combustion chamber mixed in the air, most of ethanol<br />

burns in a “pre-mixed” fashion too.<br />

In case of high torque levels, where fuel keeps being injected in a “slow” way the rate<br />

of heat release is slow, as the “ignition <strong>de</strong>lay” is very small at high temperatures.<br />

This is called “diffusion combustion phase”. [26]<br />

Fig. 14: Approximate cylin<strong>de</strong>r gas temperature rise with compression with annotated<br />

auto-ignition for diesel and ethanol<br />

Page 12 of 18<br />

Fig. 15: Pre-mixed vs. diffusion controlled combustion<br />

One issue with high levels of diesel substitution is that most of energy come from<br />

ethanol and is released in a fast way, causing high pressures that might stress the<br />

engine.<br />

2.2 Diesel-Ethanol System<br />

This system was built using a standard ECM suited for spark ignition engines of<br />

passenger vehicles.<br />

Due to the limited number of sensors and actuators and almost inexistent vehicle<br />

interface this system can be implemented using a small motorcycle ECM.<br />

It was conceived to be an add-on system to a diesel engine using a rotary<br />

mechanical pump.

One of the advantages of a diesel-ethanol engine, over an engine converted to<br />

ethanol only operation (i.e. using Otto cycle) is that the engine can run in a diesel fuel<br />

only mo<strong>de</strong>, if <strong>de</strong>sired.<br />

In figure 16 is <strong>de</strong>picted how the engine control module and the associated sensors<br />

and actuators are connected in the diesel-ethanol system.<br />

Fig. 16: Agricultural tractor diesel-ethanol control system<br />

In the original diesel engine, a pedal connected to the control lever via a cable<br />

controls the amount of fuel <strong>de</strong>livered. A conventional throttle position sensor is<br />

mounted on the control lever to inform the ECM of the diesel fuel pump position; this<br />

will enable the mo<strong>de</strong>ling of the diesel fuel <strong>de</strong>livered. See figure 17.<br />

Fig. 17: Accelerator pedal sensor mounting<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s the electronic control module, minimal components were ad<strong>de</strong>d for the<br />

correct working of the system. Those inclu<strong>de</strong> a 58X crank wheel (an engine timing<br />

wheel with 60 teeth geometry and 2 missing teeth to enable engine synchronization),<br />

crank sensor, accelerator pedal position sensor, ethanol injectors, engine<br />

temperature sensor, ethanol fuel tank, fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator.<br />

Additional, vehicle related components, are also used, like: Diesel-Only Switch,<br />

indication light and a diagnostic connector.<br />

The indication light is on when the engine is working in diesel-ethanol mo<strong>de</strong>; it might<br />

also indicate failures, e.g. continuous blinking or be part of a field programming of<br />

engine characteristics.<br />

In case of failures, a malfunction co<strong>de</strong> can be send using a blink co<strong>de</strong> as used many<br />

years ago for the passenger vehicles.<br />

Page 13 of 18

The ethanol substitution may vary from 60% to 85% at full load. The dynamic<br />

transition from diesel fuel to gas is handled with special engine control algorithms and<br />

various settings and adjustments to ensure the dual fuel engine drivability is similar to<br />

diesel fuel.<br />

The natural gas is fed to the injectors at a pressure of 2.5 bar above the pressure in<br />

the intake manifold. Ina compressed natural gas cylin<strong>de</strong>r the pressure is about 200<br />

bar, so a natural gas pressure regulator is used.<br />

2.3 Experimental Data<br />

A diesel-ethanol system was installed on a Valtra BH185i tractor with an AGCO 620<br />

DS engine with a <strong>Delphi</strong> DPA rotary diesel pump.<br />

Using the original injection timing, the maximum substitution ratio of ethanol was<br />

evaluated at full load conditions. See figure 18 below.<br />

Consi<strong>de</strong>ring the maximum torque at a given engine speed, the engine was set in way<br />

that the diesel only torque was reduced while increasing the torque from ethanol fuel,<br />

up to the amount without power loss of misfire.<br />

At higher engine speeds the ratio of substitution was smaller; we will talk about that<br />

later.<br />

Fig. 18: Minimum diesel pilot for original diesel pump<br />

Typically an agricultural engine is used at engine speeds around 1800 min-1 at 80-<br />

90% of full load.<br />

So, it’s important to <strong>de</strong>vise a system that has good substitution ratios at that engine<br />

speeds.<br />

The substitution ratio is very sensitive to the injection timing. The engines were<br />

experimented with an advance of +1 <strong>de</strong>gCA, +2.5 <strong>de</strong>gCA and -2.5 <strong>de</strong>gCA regarding<br />

the original injection timing. See figure 19 below.<br />

Increasing the advance angle yields higher substitutions ratios, but the engine is<br />

more prone to misfire.<br />

Page 14 of 18

With 2.5 <strong>de</strong>gCA more advanced system the substitution ratio is high but the torque<br />

can not be kept high after some time.<br />

Fig. 19: Minimum diesel pilot for injection angle advanced by 1, 2.5 <strong>de</strong>gree and<br />

retar<strong>de</strong>d by 2.5 <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Experimenting with the injection timing retar<strong>de</strong>d by 2.5 <strong>de</strong>gCA showed lower<br />

substitution ratios.<br />

The operational costs, in terms of fuel consumption, at full load, are estimated<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>ring the substitution ratios achieved for the injection timing at the original<br />

position. Using the more advanced injection timing the savings will be higher. See<br />

figure 20.<br />

This estimate also takes into account the sell price of the ethanol by the ethanol<br />

producer; it is not consi<strong>de</strong>ring actual production costs, which will be smaller.<br />

Fig. 20: Comparison of operational costs diesel vs. diesel-ethanol system at<br />

maximum load condition.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Page 15 of 18

The reduction of foreign petrol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce and emissions of toxic and greenhouse<br />

gases will gradually be realized by an increase in the use of alternative fuels in<br />

agricultural operations, especially those of ethanol producing mills.<br />

The use of ethanol in agricultural tractors is an economically feasible way to reduce<br />

diesel usage, whence costs and emission of green-house gases.<br />

Automakers and system-solution-provi<strong>de</strong>rs work together to use alternative fuels<br />

without increasing system costs.<br />

An efficient and cost effective solution has been <strong>de</strong>veloped for the use of ethanol with<br />

engines originally fitted with a variable speed diesel mechanical pump.<br />

It was <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the same level of torque and power is achievable running<br />

with fair levels of substitution of diesel fuel by ethanol.<br />

The fuel economy achieved with the Valtra BH185i tractor was around 30%, with<br />

good correlation with the predicted values. It should be noted, however, that the<br />

effectiveness of the diesel-ethanol system is highly <strong>de</strong>pendant in the way the tractor<br />

is driven.<br />

There are still a number of improvements to be done in this system to increase the<br />

usage of ethanol.<br />

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