RAINE MAGAZINE Volume 16 | Innovate

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Photographer: Brett Erickson<br />




By Rochelle White<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: You are a versatile actor, what acting method do you find works best<br />

for you when on set?<br />

LAMBERT: I usually like to read the scene with the other actors involved.<br />

It’s important for me to understand the flow of the scene, but each job is<br />

different for me in terms of preparation. For example, right now with The<br />

Fosters, I tend to read the full episode instead of just focusing on the scenes<br />

I’m in. It helps me understand my character’s arc overall.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: We see you have lived in a myriad of places like Louisiana, England,<br />

Taiwan, Texas, and Georgia, out of all these places, which one influenced<br />

you the most?<br />

LAMBERT: I went to Taiwan when I was only about 10, so seeing the other<br />

side of the world and a completely different culture at such a young age<br />

really humbled me once I got back to the states. It just stuck with me how<br />

different things were in Taiwan and really made me develop a love for<br />

traveling, and trying new foods and seeing new places. Traveling is now one<br />

of my favorites perks that comes with acting and I believe everyone should<br />

get out and take a trip or two!<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Out of the numerous roles you play on TV, which type of role do you<br />

enjoy the most?<br />

LAMBERT: My favorite roles are the ones that cause you to think and map<br />

out. A role where it challenges you as an actor and forces you to step up<br />

to the plate and really see if you have what it takes to pull it off. I believe if<br />

you’re not being challenged then you can’t grow. Growing in this industry<br />

and pushing the limits is very important in the long run.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: What is it like working with Executive Producer Jennifer Lopez on<br />

The Fosters?<br />

LAMBERT: Jennifer Lopez is fantastic! She is a very down to earth woman,<br />

very nice and considerate. She’s done things like send cupcakes and other<br />

goodies to the set while we’ve been filming. She’s also just come by at<br />

random times to check in on how the shooting is going as well as see the<br />

sets - definitely a very cool boss to have!!<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Is there anything about your character “Brandon” on the Foster’s<br />

that relates to your own personality?<br />

LAMBERT: Brandon and I definitely have things in common. We both play<br />

piano and really have an overall passion for music in general. We also both<br />

are the oldest in our families so I definitely can relate to Brandon feeling<br />

protective over his siblings and his moms. There are definitely enough<br />

similarities between Brandon and I that make him such a close character to<br />

me. He’s definitely a character I play, but I also definitely have a lot to pull<br />

from just in my personal life.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Which cast member, if any, is most like any of your own<br />

real life family members?<br />

LAMBERT: Cierra Ramirez who plays Mariana has actually been<br />

friends with my real sister far before we even started doing the<br />

Fosters together, so I’ve seen her around just hanging with my<br />

sister, it’s really funny how she and I now play siblings on a show<br />

together after probably a few years of just seeing her randomly<br />

so it definitely wasn’t a stretch to view her and treat her as family.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Are there any upcoming projects that you are excited to<br />

give the public an inside glimpsed on?<br />

LAMBERT: I did an independent movie last summer that ended<br />

up going to Sundance, which was an amazing experience. It’s<br />

called The Lifeguard and it was a really special project for me. It<br />

was written and directed by Liz Garcia and stars Kristen Bell. I<br />

must admit it’s definitely a more mature themed movie but just an<br />

amazing experience for me at the time. everyone involved was<br />

so great and I walked away learning a lot.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Though you are pursuing your acting career fulltime, do<br />

you have any other passions you would like to share with us?<br />

LAMBERT: Mainly music and I’m also interested in screen<br />

writing, maybe writing movies someday but for now I just read<br />

a lot of books about it and learn as much as I can. It’s definitely<br />

a very interesting side of the business creatively to me though.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: With your rigorous schedule, how do you balance work<br />

with fun?<br />

LAMBERT: I think the key with that is finding your work to be fun,<br />

which I luckily do. I love all the people I work with, including all the<br />

cast and crew. Everyone is so gracious and hard working and just<br />

amazing. It’s hard not to feel so grateful, and to be surrounded by<br />

good people all the time. They really make it worthwhile for me,<br />

so I guess I just find my work to also be my fun.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Are there any specific activities or hobbies that you enjoy<br />

when not working?<br />

LAMBERT: My friends and I like to go on random adventures,<br />

road trips, trips to the lake, trips out to Big Bear; we also see a<br />

lot of movies but really it’s constantly changing. It’s just whatever<br />

we feel like doing at the time. I know a lot of musically talented<br />

people though so we do our fair share of jamming as well.<br />

<strong>RAINE</strong>: Last but not least, is there any advice you can give to<br />

young aspiring actors and actresses that want to pursue a full<br />

time acting career?<br />

LAMBERT: I would say if you have a clear idea of what you want<br />

do - never doubt yourself, you will make it. It won’t happen over<br />

night. It takes many years of dedication, so it’s just one of those<br />

things where you have to stay dedicated and find the good in<br />

every step of the way. It’s a journey for sure.<br />

Raine Magazine - <strong>Volume</strong> 15 45

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