1 September 2012 - 12th International Congress of Behavioral ...

1 September 2012 - 12th International Congress of Behavioral ...

1 September 2012 - 12th International Congress of Behavioral ...


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Saturday, 1 <strong>September</strong> – Morning<br />

08:30 - 10:00 ENDRE ROOM<br />



Chair: George D. Bishop<br />

O783 Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm: associated with Anxiety and Depression, or Just an Indication <strong>of</strong> Lack <strong>of</strong><br />

08:30 Energy?<br />

Anette Harris 1 , Silje Endresen Reme 1 , Tone Tangen 2 , Åsa Marie Hansen 3 , Hege R. Eriksen 1<br />

1 Uni Research, Uni Health, Bergen, Norway<br />

2 University <strong>of</strong> Bergen, Department <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Bergen, Norway<br />

3 National Research Centre <strong>of</strong> the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark<br />

O784 Social Isolation and Diurnal Cortisol Secretion in an Older Population: Findings from the British<br />

08:45 1946 Birth Cohort<br />

Mai Sta�ord 1 , Meena Kumari 2 , Mike Gardner 3 , Diana Kuh 4 , Yoav Ben-Shlomo 5<br />

1Medical Research Council, London, United Kingdom<br />

2University College London, Epidemiology and Public Health, London, United Kingdom<br />

3University <strong>of</strong> Bristol, Department <strong>of</strong> Social Medicine, Bristol, United Kingdom<br />

4Medical Research Council, London, United Kingdom<br />

5University <strong>of</strong> Bristol, Department <strong>of</strong> Social Medicine, Bristol, United Kingdom<br />

O785 Educational Level, Salivary Cortisol, and all Cause Mortality in an Older Population. Results from<br />

09:00 the AGES-Reykjavik Study<br />

Danielle Gro�en 1 , Hans Bosma 1 , Annemarie Koster 1 , Mikaela Von Bonsdor� 2 , Gudny Eiriksdottir 3 ,<br />

�or Aspelund 3 , Brenda Penninx 4 , Gertrudis Kempen 5 , Clemens Kirschbaum 6 , Tamara Harris 7 ,<br />

Vilmundur Gudnason 3<br />

1 CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University, Department <strong>of</strong> Social<br />

Medicine, Maastricht, �e Netherlands<br />

2 �e Gerontology Research Centre, Department <strong>of</strong> Health Sciences, Jyvaskyla, Finland<br />

3 Icelandic Heart Association, Reykjavik, Iceland<br />

4 EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Department <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry,<br />

Amsterdam, �e Netherlands<br />

5CaphrI School for Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University, Department <strong>of</strong> Health Services<br />

Research, Maastricht, �e Netherlands<br />

6Technical University <strong>of</strong> Dresden, Biological Psychology, Dresden, Germany<br />

7National Institute on Aging/National Institutes <strong>of</strong> Health, Laboratory <strong>of</strong> Epidemiology, Demography, and<br />

Biometry, Bethesda, MD, USA<br />

O786 Substance P (SP) Levels are Reduced a�er Stress Management with Cognitive Behavioural �erapy<br />

09:15 (CBT) in Women with the Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial<br />

Bo Karlsson 1 , Ulla Maria Anderberg 2 , Gunilla Burell 1 , Fred Nyberg 2 , Kurt Svärdsudd 1<br />

1 Uppsala University, Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Uppsala, Sweden<br />

2 Uppsala University, Department <strong>of</strong> Biosciences and Nutrition, Uppsala, Sweden<br />

O787 Race and Genotype Moderate the Relationship between Emotion and Ambulatory Blood Pressure<br />

09:30 George D. Bishop 1 , Xiaodong Zhang 2 , Francis Ngau 1 , E. Shyong Tai 1 , Jeanette Lee 3<br />

1 National University <strong>of</strong> Singapore, Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology, Singapore<br />

2 National University <strong>of</strong> Singapore, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore<br />

3 National University <strong>of</strong> Singapore, Department <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Singapore<br />

O788 �e E�ects <strong>of</strong> Overcommittment and Acute Stress on Heart Rate in Nurses in a Telephone Health<br />

09:45 Service<br />

Derek Johnston 1 , Julia Allan 1 , Carolyn Choudhary 2 , Barbara Farquharson 3 , Martyn Jones 4 ,<br />

Marie Johnston 1<br />

1University <strong>of</strong> Aberdeen, College <strong>of</strong> Life Sciences and Medicine, Aberdeen, United Kingdom<br />

2Queen Margaret University, Psychology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom<br />

3University <strong>of</strong> Stirling, NMAHP Research Unit, Stirling, United Kingdom<br />

4University <strong>of</strong> Dundee, Nursing and Midwifery, Dundee, United Kingdom<br />

08:30 - 10:00 MARGIT ROOM<br />


Chair: Deborah Jones<br />

O789 �e Necessity-Concerns Framework Predicts Medication Adherence in Long-Term Conditions:<br />

08:30 A Meta-Analytic Review<br />

Rob Horne 1 , Sarah Chapman 1 , Rhian Parham 1 , Nick Freemantle 2 , Cooper Vanessa 1<br />

1 UCL School <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy, Department <strong>of</strong> Practice and Policy Primary Care and Population Health,<br />

London, United Kingdom<br />

2 University College London, Primary Care and Population Health, London, United Kingdom<br />

O790 A Multi-National Survey <strong>of</strong> Non-Adherence by Patients Prescribed Medication for Hypertension<br />

08:45 Val Morrison 1 , Sahdia Parveen 1 , Emily Fargher 2 , Catrin Plumpton 2 , Dyfrig Hughes 2<br />

1 Bangor University, School <strong>of</strong> Psychology, Bangor, United Kingdom<br />

2 Bangor University, Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor, United Kingdom<br />

O791 E�ect <strong>of</strong> Retirement on Adherence to Antihypertensive Drugs: a Population-based Cohort Study<br />

09:00 from Finland<br />

Kimmo Herttua 1 , Pekka Martikainen 2 , Mika Kivimäki 1 , Jussi Vahtera 1<br />

1 Finnish Institute <strong>of</strong> Occupational Health, Work and Organizations, Helsinki, Finland<br />

2 University <strong>of</strong> Helsinki, Sociology, Helsinki, Finland<br />

O792 Further Evidence that Cognitive Impairment and Medication Beliefs Predict Poor Medication<br />

09:15 Adherence in Stroke Patients<br />

Ronan O’Carroll 1 , Julie Chambers 1 , Martin Dennis 2 , Marie Johnston 3 , Cathie Sudlow 2<br />

1 University <strong>of</strong> Stirling, Psychology, Stirling, United Kingdom<br />

2 University <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, Neurology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom<br />

3 University <strong>of</strong> Aberdeen, Health Psychology, Aberdeen, United Kingdom<br />

O793 Self-Care Adherence and Family Variables: a longitudinal Study with Diabetes Type 2 Patients and<br />

09:30 their Partners<br />

M. Graça Pereira, Susana Pedras, José Machado<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Minho, Applied Psychology, Braga, Portugal<br />

O794 �e Hemodialysis Self Management Randomised Controlled Trial [HED-SMART] - the E�ectiveness<br />

09:45 <strong>of</strong> a Group Self Management Intervention to Improve Treatment Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients<br />

Konstadina Griva 1 , Nandakumar Mooppil 2 , Stanton Newman 3<br />

1 National University <strong>of</strong> Singapore, Psychology, Singapore, Singapore<br />

2 National Kidney Foundation, Medical Directory, Singapore, Singapore<br />

3 City University, Behavioural Medicine, London, United Kingdom<br />

144 145<br />

Saturday, 1 <strong>September</strong> – Morning

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