Wong Ze-Lin, Serena Teo Lay Ming - Tropical Marine Science Institute

Wong Ze-Lin, Serena Teo Lay Ming - Tropical Marine Science Institute

Wong Ze-Lin, Serena Teo Lay Ming - Tropical Marine Science Institute


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Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012<br />

Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012: 135–143<br />

Date of Publication: 29 Sep.2012<br />

© National University of Singapore<br />



<strong>Wong</strong> <strong>Ze</strong>-<strong>Lin</strong><br />

Department of Biological <strong>Science</strong>s, National University of Singapore,<br />

14, <strong>Science</strong> Drive 4, Singapore 117543.<br />

Ng Ngan-Kee<br />

Department of Biological <strong>Science</strong>s, National University of Singapore,<br />

14, <strong>Science</strong> Drive 4, Singapore 117543.<br />

Email: dbsngnk@nus.edu.sg<br />

S. L-M <strong>Teo</strong><br />

<strong>Tropical</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, National University of Singapore,<br />

18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227.<br />

Email: tmsteolm@nus.edu.sg<br />

Fernando J Parra-Velandia<br />

<strong>Tropical</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, National University of Singapore,<br />

18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227.<br />

Email: tmsfjp@nus.edu.sg<br />

ABSTRACT. — Portunus is a large genus of swimming crabs, which has been observed to have fluorescing<br />

patterns in certain species, including commercially important ones. We examined these patterns for their<br />

potential usefulness as a diagnostic character in species identification. Specimens of various Portunus<br />

species were photographed under normal light and UV light. It was observed that fluorescent patterns varied<br />

inter- and intra-specifically. The patterns were consistent between males and females of each species, but<br />

not amongst juveniles. Fluorescent colour patterns were most pronounced in fresh specimens, and may be<br />

useful as a complementary taxonomic character for species identification.<br />

KEY WORDS. — Structural colour, fluorescence, iridescence, crustacean, Portunus<br />


The detection of electromagnetic (EM) radiation is important<br />

in the natural world as many organisms rely on their sense<br />

of sight to gather information about their environment<br />

and communicate with conspecifics and other organisms.<br />

It plays an important role in inter- and intra-specific<br />

communication, protection (camouflage and aposematism),<br />

sexual selection and foraging (Altshuler, 2001; Lim et al.,<br />

2007; Stevens & Marilaita, 2009). As vision is widely<br />

used, many marine organisms use colour as cues. With<br />

the exception of bioluminescence, most organisms require<br />

that electromagnetic radiation be reflected off its body to<br />

appear visible and in colour to others; this can be achieved<br />

by the use of microstructures (i.e. structural colours) or, the<br />

commonest way, by using pigments which absorb specific<br />

electromagnetic waves of the spectrum (normally between<br />

100-1200 nm), and reflect also a specific wavelength with<br />

lower energy than that of the absorbed (Britton, 1983; Parker,<br />

2005) producing a colour.<br />

The term fluorescence applies when the absorbed wavelength<br />

is in the ultraviolet band range of the spectrum (200-400 nm)<br />

and normally the re-emitted electromagnetic wave is of a<br />

longer, and often, visible wavelength; it has been observed in<br />

aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates such as corals, scorpions<br />

and spiders (Stachel et al., 1999; Mazel & Fuchs, 2003; Lim<br />

et al., 2007). However, besides all the information on animal<br />

interaction using fluorescence, the exact mechanism is poorly<br />

known or seldom discussed.<br />

The genus Portunus Weber, 1795, is a large genus of<br />

swimming crabs comprising 93 species (Ng et al., 2008),<br />

many of which are commercially important (FAO fishery<br />

statistics, 2012) and occur mainly in the Indo-west Pacific<br />

(Davie, 2002). Portunus pelagicus has been found to be<br />


Fluorescent patterns in Portunus crabs<br />

a species complex comprising four species: P. pelagicus<br />

(<strong>Lin</strong>naeus, 1758), P. segnis (Forskål, 1775), P. reticulatus<br />

(Herbst, 1799) and P. armatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861)<br />

(Lai et al., 2010)<br />

The authors of the present study noted that some carapaces<br />

of these crabs fluoresce and appear covered with elaborate<br />

granulated fluorescent patterns under ultraviolet (UV) light<br />

(Fig. 1). We examined the carapace patterns of eleven species<br />

to investigate if these fluorescent patterns can be used as a<br />

simple method to distinguish species.<br />


Ethanol preserved specimens from the Raffles Museum of<br />

Biodiversity Research Zoological Reference Collection,<br />

(ZRC) National University of Singapore were examined.<br />

All the catalogued Portunus spp. specimens with the widest<br />

geographic distribution were screened to ensure that they had<br />

a clean carapace (i.e. free of epibionts) and they exhibited<br />

complete fluorescing patterns.<br />

Only species with five or more specimens available were<br />

considered. Ten specimens from the species Portunus<br />

rubromaginatus (Lanchester, 1900), P. tenuipes (De Haan,<br />

1835), P. sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783), and P. tweediei (Shen,<br />

1937) were selected to study adult interspecific variations.<br />

For the species Portunus pelagicus (<strong>Lin</strong>naeus, 1758); P.<br />

segnis (Forskål, 1775); P. reticulatus (Herbst, 1799), and P.<br />

armatus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861), only five specimens were<br />

examined as no distinct fluorescing patterns were observed on<br />

the carapace. Three fresh specimens of Portunus pelagicus<br />

were obtained from Sheng Siong Supermarket, Singapore.<br />

These specimens were photographed immediately to preserve<br />

its natural state. These fresh specimens were also viewed<br />

under the SEM (see below).<br />

Before photographs were taken, the specimen catalogue<br />

number, the gender and carapace width and length (in mm)<br />

were recorded. The examination of the fluorescing patterns<br />

on the crab’s bodies was carried out through the comparison<br />

of the photographs of specimens under white light and<br />

under two different commercially available UV lights (JML<br />

1197UV range 350 nm - 400 nm, 370 nm peak; UV torch<br />

range 390 nm - 450 nm, 405 nm peak; emitted wavelengths<br />

measured using an Ocean Optics USB400 spectrometer).<br />

Photographs of the crabs were taken using a mounted Nikon<br />

D7000 camera with an AF Micro Nikkor 60 mm 1:2.8D<br />

lens, against a black background to reduce any reflections<br />

or shadows. Each specimen was cleaned and gently dried<br />

before photography (Felgenhauer, 1987). Photography of the<br />

complete specimen (dorsal view and ventral view), dorsal<br />

view of carapace, left and right chela, left and right natatory<br />

leg were taken. Photographs were classified and labelled for<br />

easy referencing.<br />

The fluorescing patterns and microstructures of the carapace<br />

(GPF) were compared specifically for inter- and intravariations<br />

to check for an identification based on fluorescing<br />

patterns basis. Crab morphology was determined following<br />

Carpenter & Niem (1998). The images taken under UV light<br />

were split into RGB channels using ImageJ (Abramoff, 2004).<br />

The green and blue channels from the UV torch were then<br />

merged with the green channel of the UV lamp, giving the<br />

overall fluorescing image for the specimen. Finally to extract<br />

the overall pattern, Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 was used to trace<br />

out the patterns on the crabs’ carapace. All resultant images<br />

were cleaned using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1.<br />


Based on a total of 7,406 photographs taken from a total<br />

of 131 specimens, the carapaces of all 11 species examined<br />

were fluorescent. However, fluorescing patterns and<br />

microstructures (GPF) were observed only in 6 of them.<br />

The fluorescent parts of the carapace also corresponded<br />

to the exposed parts of the carapace, i.e. portions of the<br />

carapace not covered by setae. Photographs revealed that<br />

Fig. 1. (A) Portunus gracilimanus carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012<br />

from the 11 species studied, six species belonging to the<br />

subgenera Lupocycloporus (Portunus gracilimanus, Fig. 1),<br />

Monomia (P. gladiator, Fig. 2; P. rubromarginatus, Fig. 3) and<br />

Xiphonectes (P. tenuipes, Fig. 4; P. hastatoides, Fig. 5 and P.<br />

tweediei, Fig 6) could be discerned, based on their carapace<br />

granulated fluorescing patterns (GFP) visible under UV light<br />

(Figs. 8–11); while the other five species from the subgenus<br />

Portunus (P. sanguinolentus, Fig. 7; P. pelagicus, Fig. 8; P.<br />

segnis, P. reticulatus, P. armatus) do not have distinct GFP.<br />

Patterns exhibited by males and females’ specimens were<br />

similar, and pattern discernibility often depended on the<br />

condition of the carapace.<br />

Of those species with GFP, only adults displayed fluorescing<br />

patterns while the juveniles did not. In juveniles, patterns<br />

were observed on the protogastric and mesogastric regions<br />

of the carapace, while the areas posterior of the metagastric<br />

and branchial regions on the carapace were without patterns.<br />

One species without GFP, P. sanguinolentus (Fig. 7) has three<br />

distinct dark spots on the posterior edge of the carapace visible<br />

under normal and UV light, which separated it from other<br />

species. For species belonging to P. pelagicus complex (P.<br />

pelagicus, P. segnis, P. reticulatus, P. armatus), there were<br />

no fluorescing patterns distinguishable from normal light<br />

pigmentation that can be used as a diagnostic character.<br />

Interestingly, the fresh specimens of P. pelagicus displayed<br />

greater contrast under UV light compared to preserved<br />

specimens.<br />

The fluorescing patterns were observed on the carapace of<br />

only six species. Carapace patterns could be broadly divided<br />

into four groups, which are consistent with the subgenera<br />

Lupocycloporus, Monomia, Xiphonectes and Portunus.<br />

Observations showed that Portunus (L.) gracilimanus has<br />

distinct horizontal bands throughout the carapace. Specimens<br />

from the subgenera Monomia and Xiphonectes display<br />

circular or ovate clustered granules. Species from these<br />

subgenera can be further differentiated by the GFP found<br />

specifically at the mesogastric and protogastric regions.<br />

Fig. 2. (A) Portunus gladiator carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />

Fig. 3. (A) Portunus rubromarginatus carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Fluorescent patterns in Portunus crabs<br />

In Portunus (L.) gracilimanus the granulation occurred<br />

in horizontal bands, parallel to the posterior edge of the<br />

carapace. The longest band comprise granules which form a<br />

ridge along the branchial groove and anterior of the cervical<br />

groove. Granules tend to diffuse towards the posterior margin<br />

(Fig. 1B).<br />

In Portunus (M.) gladiator (Fig. 2B) such granules aggregated<br />

in oval or circular clusters. Granules on the branchial groove<br />

form a slightly diffuse thin band. Small patches of granules<br />

also occurred along the anterolateral margin. Crescent-shaped<br />

granule clusters in the protogastric region were observed<br />

surrounding the mesogastric region. Mesogastric granules<br />

align to form a t-shaped cluster, this cluster distinguishes<br />

P. (M.) gladiator from P. (M.) rubromarginatus (Fig. 3B)<br />

and a disjointed Y-shaped cluster distinguishes P. (M.)<br />

rubromarginatus from P. (M.) gladiator. The granules<br />

in P. (M.) rubromaginatus (Fig. 3B) occurred in oval or<br />

circular clusters. Another characteristic feature of P. (M.)<br />

rubromarginatus is the two conspicuous small clusters of<br />

granules at the epigastric region; these clusters are not as<br />

pronounced in P. (M.) gladiator (Fig. 2B). The defined<br />

crescent-shaped cluster separates this subgenus from<br />

Xiphonectes.<br />

In Portunus (X.) tenuipes (Fig. 4B), granules form ovate<br />

clusters or bands. Granules on the branchial groove form a<br />

thick band. Distinct clusters of granules at the protograstric<br />

and mesogastric regions. Clusters at the mesogastric regions<br />

form a disjointed Y shaped similar to P. (M.) rubromarginatus,<br />

except that the ovate clusters here are broader. These small<br />

distinct clusters at these regions are characteristic of this<br />

species. Two small clusters of granules accompanied by a<br />

row of granules at the epigastric region are also distinct to<br />

this species.<br />

In P. (X.) hastatoides (Fig. 5B), the protogastric and<br />

mesogastric clusters are more diffused and somewhat merged<br />

together. Granules on the branchial groove line the ridge, but<br />

more diffused than ridge on P. (X.) tenuipes. Crescent-shaped<br />

granule clusters in the protogastric region surrounding the<br />

mesogastric region merge with t-shaped granulations on<br />

mesogastric regions forming a large irregular shaped pattern<br />

characteristic of this species.<br />

In P. (X.) tweediei (Fig. 6B), clusters are diffused and<br />

dispersed. Granules on the branchial groove line the ridge<br />

and spreads out towards the protogastric regions. Crescentshaped<br />

granule clusters in the protogastric region surrounding<br />

Fig. 4. (A) Portunus tenuipes carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />

Fig. 5. (A) Portunus hastatoides carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012<br />

the mesogastric region merge with t-shaped granulations on<br />

mesogastric regions forming a large irregular shaped pattern.<br />

However there is a distinct separation between protrusions in<br />

pattern. This demarcation line is unique in this species.<br />

No conspicuous granulated fluorescing patterns were<br />

observed under UV light on the carapace of Portunus<br />

sanguinolentus. However, the carapace has three large<br />

defined darkened pigmented spots near the posterior margin<br />

(Fig. 7B). Similarly, no conspicuous granulated fluorescing<br />

patterns on the carapace of P. pelagicus (Fig. 8), P. segnis,<br />

P. reticulatus and P. armatus were observed. The carapaces<br />

for these species show the same pigmented patterning under<br />

normal and UV light.<br />

Portunus gladiator, P. sanguinolentus, P. pelagicus and<br />

P. reticulatus also showed iridescence. Iridescence in P.<br />

gladiator was only found in the 2 nd abdominal segment and<br />

anterior ridges of the chela. Both P. sanguinolentus and<br />

P. pelagicus displayed iridescence mainly on the carapace<br />

and occasionally in the other parts such as the ventral side<br />

of the carapace, the merus of 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th perieopods. P.<br />

reticulatus exhibited iridescence throughout its entire body.<br />

It was observed that iridescence in these species became<br />

evident only when the alcohol on the specimens dried up.<br />

On the other hand the same patterns were observed in live<br />

specimens of P. pelagicus, even when submerged in water<br />

while in holding tanks of the supermarket.<br />

The chelipeds of the crabs examined were also fluorescent,<br />

but no clear distinguishable pattern was observed from<br />

these structures that can be used for species identification.<br />

Fluorescing patterns on the chela follow the granulation or<br />

ridges found on each cheliped. While there were differences in<br />

cheliped architecture, the overall patterns follow three general<br />

trends. Species from subgenera Monomia and Xiphonectes<br />

have similar GFP, which is consistent with the ridges and<br />

exposed parts of the carapace (Fig 9). Portunus gracilimanus<br />

also display fluorescing patterns along the ridges and exposed<br />

parts of the carapace, with the exception of the tip of the<br />

chelipeds and spines, which are darkened (Fig. 9B, C).<br />

Specimens from the subgenus Portunus also exhibit darkened<br />

tips but only in the dactylus and propodus of the chelipeds.<br />

However, the entire chela of these specimens fluoresces as<br />

oppose to the chelipeds of other species which only exhibit<br />

fluoresce at exposed areas of the carapace.<br />

Demarcation line<br />

Fig. 6. (A) Portunus tweediei carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of GFP on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />

Fig. 7. (A) Portunus sanguinolentus carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of spots on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Fluorescent patterns in Portunus crabs<br />

Fig. 8. (A) Portunus pelagicus carapace under UV lamp. (B) Illustration of mottled patterns on carapace. Scale = 10 mm.<br />

Fig. 9. Cheliped of Portunus rubromaginatus (left) and P. gracilimanus (right). The tips of the spines, dactylus and propodus of P.<br />

gracilimanus are darkened (circled in red). Under (A) normal light, (B) UV torch and (C) UV lamp. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012<br />

Several distinct patterns were observed on the natatory legs<br />

of all these species. Fluorescing patterns on the natatory legs<br />

can be categorised into two groups: (a) those with venation,<br />

and (b) those without venation. Portunus gracilimanus, P.<br />

gladiator, P. rubromarginatus; P. hastatoides, P. tenuipes,<br />

P. tweediei displayed conspicuous fluorescing venation<br />

patterns throughout the natatory legs (Fig. 10). Portunus<br />

rubromaginatus can be further differentiated through the<br />

single vein found in the posterior edge of the dactylus; the<br />

other species shows two veins (Fig. 10). With the lack of<br />

venation and setae, fluorescence was observed throughout<br />

the natatory legs of P. sanguinolentus, P. pelagicus, P. segnis,<br />

P. reticulatus and P. armatus.<br />


Carapaces of six Portunus species showed distinguishable<br />

granulated fluorescing patterns that can be used to differentiate<br />

specimens to species. While the other structures such as the<br />

chela and the natatory legs display patterns, they were not<br />

suitable as diagnostic characteristic features. The comparison<br />

of carapace under normal and UV light sources revealed<br />

patterns, which are more conspicuous under UV light<br />

especially under 350 nm – 400 nm, but these patterns were<br />

also visible under normal light, and thus conferred little<br />

advantage for separating samples using UV. As the alcohol<br />

that these crabs were preserved in fluoresced green under<br />

UV light, it may be that the crabs do contain fluorescing<br />

proteins, possibly metabolites, though the localization of<br />

the protein within the carapace is unknown (Gentien, 1981).<br />

The mild fluorescence detected might be due to duration<br />

and medium of preservation, as alcohol has been known to<br />

extract the fluorescent compounds (Stachel et al., 1999), and<br />

what was observed would be residual fluorescence observed<br />

in the preserved specimens due to underlying proteins within<br />

the carapace, in the matrix of the endocuticle. It was noted<br />

that for the fresh P. pelagicus specimen photographed under<br />

normal light and UV light, the carapace showed greater<br />

contrast and vividness between mottled patterns and areas<br />

Fig. 10. Natatory leg of Portunus rubromarginatus (left) and P. hastatoides (right). The natatory leg fluorescing patterns of subgenera<br />

Lupocycloporus, Xiphonectes and Monomia is similar to P. hastatoides, P. rubromarginatus is different with a single vein at the posterior<br />

edge (circled in red). Under (A) normal light, (B) UV torch and (C) UV lamp. Scale = 10 mm.<br />


Fluorescent patterns in Portunus crabs<br />

without patterns, and regions of the carapace without patterns<br />

seem to fluoresce brighter compared to those of preserved<br />

specimens. Thus the use of preserved samples may have<br />

confounded the results.<br />

There was very little variation observed between male and<br />

female conspecifics. Juveniles often displayed incomplete<br />

patterns on the carapace. The juveniles seem to develop GFP<br />

at the protogastric and mesograstric regions first, followed<br />

by the metagastric region during early instars. However the<br />

exact stage or size cannot be determine from these number<br />

of specimens, though a rough estimate from P. gracilimanus<br />

shows that crabs fully develop patterns between 11 x 7<br />

mm and 15 x 10 mm. This evidence suggests that carapace<br />

complexity increases as the crabs mature.<br />

The genus Portunus comprises five subgenera with a total of<br />

93 species. The current study considered the patterns for only<br />

11 species (12%) from four subgenera. The results indicate<br />

that to effectively use carapace colour as a complementary<br />

diagnostic character for sorting samples of Portunus, fresh<br />

specimens should be examined and as such, the method is<br />

perhaps only useful for sorting of specimens in the field or<br />

in fisheries (Fig. 11). Structural colour patterns, which would<br />

be less impacted by chemical preservation methods used in<br />

taxonomy, only occurred in a few species (unpublished data)<br />

and as such, have limited use. Further analyses, including an<br />

assessment of fresh specimens encompassing more species<br />

from other regions, the identification of the fluorescent<br />

pigment and its localization on the carapace structure, are<br />

needed to characterize and accurately evaluate the utility of<br />

this character in the taxonomy of Portunus species.<br />


This work was supported in part by the Raffles Museum of<br />

Biodiversity Research, the <strong>Tropical</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>,<br />

and to the Innovative <strong>Marine</strong> Antifouling Solutions for High<br />

Value Applications project (SERC Grant No. 102-166-0102).<br />

The authors thank Prof Peter Ng, Assoc Prof Peter Todd,<br />

Assoc Prof Li Daiqin, Drs Joelle Lai, J.C. Mendoza, Diego<br />

Pitta de Araujo, Mr Tommy Tan, Rueben Yue, Mdm <strong>Wong</strong>,<br />

Gerald Liew, Henrietta Woo, Low Bi Wei and Su Shiyu, Paul<br />

Chen, Son and Marcus Chua for their assistance.<br />

Fig. 11. Species dichotomous key using fluorescent patterns based on the Portunus carapace.<br />


Contributions to <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 2012<br />


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