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4.78 MB - Perth Airport

4.78 MB - Perth Airport


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30 JUNE 2005 (CONTINUED)<br />


Consolidated<br />

Parent<br />

Notes 2005 2004 2005 2004<br />

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000<br />

The directors estimate that the potential future income<br />

tax benefit at 30 June 2005 not brought to account is:<br />

Tax losses - operating 9,848 15,745 9,848 15,745<br />

Timing differences (6,340) 9,667 (6,340) 9,667<br />

3,508 25,412 3,508 25,412<br />

Tax Losses<br />

All tax losses of WAC are now held by ADG, however due to the entry into tax sharing arrangements the future benefit of tax losses will<br />

be recognised by WAC when and if ADG is able to recognise this benefit.<br />

This benefit for tax losses will only be obtained if:<br />

(i) future assessable income of a nature and of an amount sufficient to enable the benefit from the deductions for the losses to be realised<br />

is derived;<br />

(ii) the conditions for deductibility imposed by tax legislation continued to be complied with; and<br />

(iii) no changes in tax legislation adversely affect the consolidated entity in realising the benefit from the deductions for the losses.<br />

Tax Consolidation Legislation<br />

WAC’s parent, Airstralia Development Group Pty Ltd elected to form a tax consolidation group for income tax purposes with effect from<br />

1 July 2003. The Australian Taxation Office has been formally notified of this decision. Members of the group will enter into a tax sharing<br />

arrangement in order to allocate income tax expense to the wholly-owned subsidiaries on a stand alone basis.<br />

As a consequence of using the stand-alone basis, timing differences arise due to items being brought to account in different periods for<br />

tax funding and accounting purposes. These are carried in the Statement of Financial Position as tax funding assets and liabilities that are<br />

expected to affect future payments to the head entity under the tax funding agreement.<br />

Tax funding assets are not brought to account unless realisation of the asset is assured beyond reasonable doubt. Tax funding assets<br />

referable to tax losses are only carried forward when realisation of the benefits is virtually certain.<br />

Revenue and expenses arising under the tax funding agreement are disclosed as income tax expense in the Statement of Financial<br />

Performance. Income tax expense is calculated on the accounting profit after allowing for permanent differences.<br />


Cash at bank and on hand 8,566 8,822 8,566 8,822<br />


Trade debtors (a) 9,768 8,971 9,768 8,971<br />

Less: Provision for doubtful debts (75) (257) (75) (257)<br />

9,693 8,714 9,693 8,714<br />

Other debtors (a) 8,982 7,371 8,982 7,371<br />

18,675 16,085 18,675 16,085<br />

(a) Terms and conditions<br />

Trade debtors are non-interest bearing and generally on 30 day terms.<br />

Other debtors generally arise from transactions outside the usual operating activities of the consolidated entity and are non-interest bearing.<br />


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