Intermediate - EFL Classroom 2.0

Intermediate - EFL Classroom 2.0

Intermediate - EFL Classroom 2.0


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#11 <strong>Classroom</strong> interviews / radio shows (High Beginner)<br />

I find that many students don't learn how<br />

to make questions, early enough. It is a<br />

vital skill and especially important if you<br />

want to foster dialogue/conversation. No<br />

conversation can really happen with<br />

questions!<br />

I have found a classroom radio show to<br />

be a perfect anecdote. Both for helping<br />

students acquire the ability to ask basic<br />

questions and for fostering speaking<br />

skills. I usually would interview a new<br />

student each day, as a class. I called this<br />

the "Mr. D. Radio Show". Eventually, I<br />

got higher level students being the MC and I just sat back and enjoyed the<br />

"show".<br />

How? Well, use the MesEnglish identity cards attached. Write down on chart<br />

paper, the questions for each of the items (Name, Age, nationality etc...). As the<br />

students as a group ask or repeat the questions, the chosen student answers.<br />

When you've interviewed all the students, have them take an identity ( a<br />

superhero, celebrity ) and without asking their name, the students ask questions<br />

and guess who..... You can also make this into a classroom activity by having<br />

students interview each other in pairs using the cards. Further, the cards can be<br />

used for any sort of "find someone who..." game. Simply hand out the cards<br />

and give the students a task . For example - find someone who is the same<br />

nationality as you. Students go around the room asking. If they find a match,<br />

they link arms and continue walking around the room asking "Where are you<br />

from?". This works for birthdays, likes, height, weight, etc...)<br />

Enjoy the interviews. I will also add, the microphone aspect of this works well<br />

to get students who otherwise wouldn't talk, speaking. Especially in Asian<br />

countries, giving a student a microphone transforms them and they get some<br />

sort of anonymity from it and feel more comfortable speaking.<br />

Resources: Role Play Cards 1<br />

Role Play Cards 2

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