UFS Verslag 2.indd - Support Services - University of the Free State

UFS Verslag 2.indd - Support Services - University of the Free State

UFS Verslag 2.indd - Support Services - University of the Free State


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2003<br />

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P.O. Box/Posbus 339<br />


9300<br />


+27 51 401 9111<br />

Compiled by/Saamgestel deur<br />

Anna-Marie Pienaar<br />

Directorate: Research Development<br />

Direktoraat: Navorsingsontwikkeling<br />

Assisted/Bygestaan<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Almero de Lange<br />

Cover design and layout/Omslag ontwerp en uitleg<br />

56 Street Advertising Agency, Bloemfontein<br />

Printed/Gedruk<br />

Print24, Bloemfontein<br />

Photography/Fotografie<br />

Dixipix<br />

Translation and language editing/Vertaling en taalversorging<br />

Mrs/Mev Louise Booysen<br />

Mrs/Mev Rika Oosthuizen<br />

Mrs/Mev Martie Venter<br />

Mr/Mnr Ernie Venter<br />

Research Report/Navorsingsverslag 2003<br />

Volume 1: Edited hard copy/Geredigeerde harde kopie<br />

Volume 2: Full version - English and Afrikaans/Volledige uitgawe -Engels en Afrikaans - CD-ROM<br />

Volume 3: Research Outputs/Navorsingsuitsette - CD-ROM<br />

This report can also be found on <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> webpage<br />

Die verslag is beskikbaar op die UV se tuisblad<br />

http://www.uovs.ac.za<br />

ISBN 0-86886-689-X<br />

Angeline Lephoo and Johannes Booysen - FARMOVS-PAREXEL<br />

(Photo: Courtesy <strong>of</strong> PAREXEL International)<br />


1<br />

5<br />

13<br />

16<br />

20<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie<br />

Rector and Vice-Chancellor<br />

Rektor en Visekanselier<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel<br />

Director: Research Development<br />

Direkteur: Navorsingsontwikkeling<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerrit van Wyk<br />

Chairperson: Research Committee<br />

Director: Entrepreneurial and Academic Projects<br />

Voorsitter: Navorsingskomitee<br />

Direkteur: Entrepreneuriese en Akademiese Projekte<br />





Late 1960’s – 1980/Laat 1960’s - 1980<br />

Mr Nico Esterhuyse<br />

Retired Assistant Director: Research Administration<br />

Afgetrede Assistentdirekteur: Navorsingsadministrasie<br />

1980 - 2002<br />

Mr/Mnr Nico Benson<br />

Assistant Director: Research Development<br />

Assistentdirekteur: Navorsingsontwikkeling<br />


25<br />

29<br />

33<br />

41<br />

53<br />

58<br />

67<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Dawfre Roode<br />

Retired Vice-Rector<br />

Afgetrede Viserektor<br />



1991 - 1998<br />



Faculty <strong>of</strong> Economic and Management Sciences<br />

Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie Crous<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Health Sciences<br />

Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Letticia Moja<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law<br />

Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural Sciences<br />

Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Herman van Schalkwyk<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Humanities<br />

Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerhardt de Klerk<br />


71<br />

75<br />

78<br />

89<br />

94<br />

99<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Theology<br />

Fakutleit Teologie<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl<br />

Research at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa Satellite Campus<br />

Navorsing by die Qwaqwa Satellietkampus<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Keulder<br />

Acting Academic Head – Qwaqwa Campus<br />

Waarnemende Akademiese Ho<strong>of</strong> – Qwaqwakampus<br />







Dr Gustav Visser<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geography<br />

Departement Geografie<br />


- The biotechnological potential <strong>of</strong> salt-loving enzymes<br />


- Die biotegnologiese potensiaal van soutliewende ensieme<br />

Dr Evodia Setati<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Departement Mikrobiese, Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie<br />


103<br />

107<br />

111<br />

114<br />

118<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts<br />

Department Chemistry<br />

Departement Chemie<br />



Dr Philippe Burger<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Economics<br />

Departement Ekonomie<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Peter Mbati<br />

Head: Qwaqwa Campus and Parasitology Research Program<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong>: Qwaqwakampus en Parasitologie Navorsingsprogram<br />


- A prime example <strong>of</strong> research in a private public partnership<br />


- ‘n Eersteklas voorbeeld van navorsing in ‘n private<br />

openbare vennootskap<br />

Dr Sybrand Pretorius<br />

Senior Director and Head <strong>of</strong> FARMOVS PAREXEL (PTY) LTD<br />

Senior Direkteur en Ho<strong>of</strong> van FARMOVS PAREXEL (EDMS) BPK<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Missiology<br />

Departement Sendingwetenskappe<br />


122<br />

126<br />

130<br />

132<br />

136<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Corene de Wet<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Comparative Education and Education Management<br />

Departement Vergelykende Opvoedkunde en Onderwysbestuur<br />



Dr Matie H<strong>of</strong>fman<br />

Dr Pieter Meintjes<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Physics<br />

Departement Fisika<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Muriel Meiring<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Haematology and Cell Biology<br />

Departement Hematologie en Selbiologie<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology<br />

Departement Sielkunde<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

Departement Dierkunde en Entomologie<br />


141<br />

145<br />

148<br />

154<br />

158<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Andrew Walubo<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology<br />

Departement Farmakologie<br />



Adv Rita-Marie Jansen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Private Law<br />

Departement Privaatreg<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Derek Litthauer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Departement Mikrobiese, Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie<br />






Pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial Psychology<br />

Departement Bedryfsielkunde<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma and Rev/Ds Cecilna Grobler<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Nursing<br />

Skool vir Verpleegkunde<br />


163<br />

168<br />

171<br />

175<br />

179<br />



Mr/Mnr Aldo Stroebel<br />

Directorate: Research Development and<br />

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture<br />

Direktoraat: Navorsingsontwikkeling en<br />

Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou<br />




Mr/Mnr Johan Loock<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geology<br />

Departement Geologie<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard<br />

Department History<br />

Departement Geskiedenis<br />



Dr Chris Viljoen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Departement Plantwetenskappe<br />





Mr/Mnr Philemon Akach<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afro-Asiatic Studies, Sign Language and Language Practice<br />

Departement Afro-Asiatiese Studies, Gebaretaal en Taalpraktyk<br />


183<br />

187<br />

191<br />

196<br />

201<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Human Nutrition<br />

Departement Menslike Voeding<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry – Qwaqwa Campus<br />

Departement Chemie – Qwaqwa Kampus<br />


- A HISTORY OF THE MAKOLOLO (1823-1851)<br />



Mr/Mnr Cobus Dreyer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Anthropology<br />

Departement Antropologie<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Willem van der Westhuizen<br />

Department Geology<br />

Departement Geologie<br />



Ms/Me Annegret Lombard<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geology<br />

Departement Geologie<br />


204<br />

209<br />

215<br />

220<br />

224<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie Oosthuizen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Criminal and Medical Law<br />

Departement Straf- en Geneeskundige Reg<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson<br />

Head: Higher Education Studie and Research<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong>: Hoëronderwysstudie en Navorsing<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> HO de Waal<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Departement Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French<br />

Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology<br />

Departement Sosiologie<br />


228<br />

232<br />

235<br />

239<br />

243<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Paul Wessels<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Departement Obstetrie en Ginekologie<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Jooste<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

Departement Landbou-Ekonomie<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> History<br />

Departement Geskiedenis<br />



Mrs/Me Anneke van der Spoel van Dijk<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Medical Microbiology<br />

Departement Mediese Mikrobiologie<br />






Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie<br />

Rector and Vice-Chancellor<br />

In 2003, <strong>the</strong> 100 th year <strong>of</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (<strong>UFS</strong>) as a higher-education<br />

institution, <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> inaugurated a new Chancellor, Dr Franklin Sonn, as well as a new Rector<br />

and Vice-Chancellor.<br />

Many dignitaries attended <strong>the</strong> ceremony, including former president Nelson Mandela, <strong>the</strong> Minister<br />

<strong>of</strong> Education, Pr<strong>of</strong> Kader Asmal, <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> Premier and outgoing Chancellor, Ms Winkie Direko,<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> Executive Councils and chancellors and vice-chancellors <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r universities, as well as<br />

community and business leaders.<br />

In my inaugural address, titled “Continuity and change, scholarship and community, quality and equity”,<br />

it was pointed out that this reconstitution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> signalled how much a university can and <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

must change – but also how, amidst such change, it must safeguard its continuity <strong>of</strong> existence as a<br />

1<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie

university. Two points are critical. Firstly, in order to serve society, <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> must always fulfil <strong>the</strong><br />

traditional role <strong>of</strong> a university, i.e. to be a place <strong>of</strong> critical inquiry and scholarship, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> generation<br />

and dissemination <strong>of</strong> scientific knowledge. The greatest contribution <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> can make to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> community is to be and continue to be, now and in 25 years’ time, an excellent university<br />

with high quality standards. Secondly, while <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> respects its intrinsic nature as a university, it<br />

must continually adapt its material form and scope to meet changing opportunities and demands. In<br />

South Africa as a developing society, universities will, for many years to come, have to do numerous<br />

unconventional things to underpin development and shape a new society – using <strong>the</strong>ir foundation <strong>of</strong><br />

knowledge.<br />

“Therefore my vision for <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> is to be a university <strong>of</strong> excellence, equity<br />

and innovation – a leader in research, teaching, community service, adult learning, transformation,<br />

non-racialism, non-sexism, multiculturalism and multilingualism; a contributor to our country and our<br />

continent’s growth and development; a truly South African university.”<br />

During 2003 <strong>the</strong> unfolding <strong>of</strong> this vision was embodied, among o<strong>the</strong>r things, in a significant increase<br />

in research output.<br />

The number <strong>of</strong> accredited research publications has increased by almost 17% since 2001. There<br />

is a consistent annual increase in <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> National Research Foundation rated researchers.<br />

Currently <strong>the</strong> total stands at 78, <strong>of</strong> which 9 are B-rated, which signifies that <strong>the</strong>y receive international<br />

recognition in <strong>the</strong>ir field <strong>of</strong> specialisation. The number <strong>of</strong> postgraduate students at master’s and<br />

doctorate level increased dramatically from 2000 to 2003. At master’s level <strong>the</strong> increase was 66%,<br />

and at doctorate level it was 24%. The university mobilises bursaries and post-graduate awards<br />

from diverse local and foreign sources, and allocates <strong>the</strong>se strategically in order to reinforce <strong>the</strong><br />

university’s focus on research output that is locally relevant, but also internationally competitive. This<br />

approach differs from <strong>the</strong> mere routine administration <strong>of</strong> bursaries, and is essential in <strong>the</strong> light <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

new subsidy formula that places <strong>the</strong> emphasis on <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> master’s and doctoral students who<br />

successfully complete <strong>the</strong>ir studies.<br />

The university considers it a high priority to design or promote appropriate support systems for this<br />

important component <strong>of</strong> our research capacity. Although funding is indispensable, this is not <strong>the</strong><br />

only need. A nurturing environment, good mentors, opportunities for training in writing, entering into<br />

partnerships, opportunities for networking with one ano<strong>the</strong>r and with o<strong>the</strong>r researchers, recognition<br />

<strong>of</strong> progress and achievement and exposure to expertise <strong>of</strong> international standing are just some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

more important ways in which researchers are supported and capacity is developed.<br />


In general, <strong>the</strong> research activities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 2003, its 100 th year, reflect a year <strong>of</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

maturing as a university, <strong>of</strong> growth and development as a research-led institution, amidst <strong>the</strong><br />

complexities <strong>of</strong> transformation and change. I am grateful to all staff members and students who have<br />

contributed to this collective effort.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie<br />

Rektor en Visekanselier<br />

In 2003, die 100 ste bestaansjaar van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) as ‘n hoëronderwysinstelling,<br />

het die Universiteit ‘n nuwe Kanselier, dr Franklin Sonn, ingehuldig, asook ‘n nuwe Rektor en<br />

Visekanselier.<br />

Talle hoogwaardigheidsbekleërs het die seremonie bygewoon, insluitende die voormalige President,<br />

Nelson Mandela, die Minister van Onderwys, pr<strong>of</strong> Kader Asmal, die Vrystaatse Premier en uittredende<br />

Kanselier, Me Winkie Direko, Lede van Uitvoerende Rade en kanseliers en visekanseliers van ander<br />

universiteite, asook leiers uit die gemeenskap en die sakewêreld.<br />

In my inhuldigingsrede, getitel “Continuity and change, scholarship and community, quality and equity”,<br />

is daarop gewys dat hierdie omvorming van die UV aangetoon het in hoe ‘n mate ‘n universiteit kan<br />

verander, en dikwels moet verander – maar ook hoe hy steeds die voortsetting van sy bestaan as<br />

‘n universiteit moet verseker te midde van hierdie verandering. Twee punte is van kritieke belang.<br />

Eerstens moet die Universiteit, ten einde in diens van die gemeenskap te kan staan, steeds die<br />

tradisionele rol van ‘n universiteit vervul, naamlik ‘n plek van kritiese ondersoek en vakkundigheid,<br />

van die generering en verspreiding van wetenskaplike kennis. Die grootste bydrae wat die UV tot die<br />

Vrystaatse gemeenskap kan maak is om steeds, nou en oor 25 jaar, ‘n uitnemende universiteit te<br />

wees wat hoë standaarde handhaaf ten opsigte van gehalte. Tweedens moet die Universiteit, hoewel<br />

hy steeds sy intrinsieke aard as universiteit respekteer, voortdurend sy materiële vorm en omvang<br />

aanpas ten einde te voldoen aan veranderende geleen<strong>the</strong>de en eise. In Suid-Afrika as ‘n ontwikkelende<br />

gemeenskap sal universiteite nog vir baie jare talle onkonvensionele dinge moet doen ten einde<br />

ontwikkeling te steun en ‘n nuwe gemeenskap te vorm – met behulp van hulle kennisgrondslag.<br />


“My visie vir die Universiteit van die Vrystaat is dus dat hy ‘n universiteit van uitnemendheid, gelykheid<br />

en innovering moet wees – ‘n leier op die gebied van navorsing, onderrig, gemeenskapsdiens,<br />

volwasse leer, transformasie, nie-rassisme, nie-seksisme, multikulturaliteit en veeltaligheid; ‘n instelling<br />

wat ‘n bydrae lewer tot ons land en ons kontinent se groei en ontwikkeling; ‘n ware Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

universiteit.”<br />

Gedurende 2003 is die ontwikkeling van hierdie visie onder andere vergestalt in ‘n beduidende<br />

toename in navorsingsuitsette.<br />

Die aantal geakkrediteerde navorsingspublikasies het met byna 17% toegeneem sedert 2001. Daar is<br />

‘n konstante jaarlikse toename in die aantal Nasionale Navorsingstigting-geëvalueerde navorsers. Die<br />

totaal staan tans op 78, waarvan 9 B-evaluerings het, wat aantoon dat hulle internasionale erkenning<br />

geniet in hulle spesialisasievelde. Die aantal nagraadse studente op meesters- en doktorsgraadvlak<br />

het dramaties gestyg van die jaar 2000 tot 2003. Op meestersgraadvlak was die toename 66%, en op<br />

doktorsgraadvlak 24%. Die universiteit mobiliseer beurse en nagraadse toekennings uit uiteenlopende<br />

plaaslike en oorsese bronne, en ken dit strategies toe ten einde die universiteit se fokus te versterk<br />

op navorsingsuitsette wat plaaslik relevant is, maar tog ook internasionaal mededingend. Hierdie<br />

benadering verskil van die blote roetine-administrasie van beurse, en is noodsaaklik in die lig van<br />

die nuwe subsidieformule wat die klem plaas op die aantal magister en doktorale-studente wat hulle<br />

studies suksesvol voltooi.<br />

Die universiteit beskou die ontwikkeling <strong>of</strong> bevordering van toepaslike ondersteuningstelsels vir<br />

hierdie belangrike komponent van ons navorsingskapasiteit as ‘n hoë prioriteit. Hoewel befondsing<br />

onontbeerlik is, is dit nie die enigste behoefte nie. ‘n Ondersteunende omgewing, goeie mentors,<br />

geleen<strong>the</strong>de vir opleiding in skryfvaardighede, die sluit van vennootskappe, geleen<strong>the</strong>de vir die<br />

opbou van kontakte, onderling asook met ander navorsers, erkenning van vordering en prestasie<br />

en blootstelling aan kundigheid van internasionale gehalte is net ‘n paar van die vernaamste wyses<br />

waarop navorsers ondersteun word en kapasiteit ontwikkel word.<br />

Oor die algemeen weerspieël die navorsingsaktiwiteite van die Universiteit in 2003, sy 100 ste<br />

bestaansjaar, ‘n jaar van verdere rypwording as ‘n universiteit, van groei en ontwikkeling as ‘n<br />

navorsingsgerigte instelling, te midde van die kompleksiteite van transformasie en verandering. Ek is<br />

dankbaar teenoor alle personeellede en studente wat bygedra het tot hierdie gesamentlike poging.<br />



- 2003 AND BEYOND<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel<br />

Director: Research Development<br />

In 2003, <strong>the</strong> 100 th year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong>state (<strong>UFS</strong>) as a higher-education<br />

institution, <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> inaugurated a new Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie.<br />

An important element <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>’s vision that Pr<strong>of</strong> Fourie stressed in his inaugural speech is innovation<br />

in <strong>the</strong> broadest sense <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> word.<br />

“In its broadest sense, innovation is <strong>the</strong> key to quality. A university can only keep abreast <strong>of</strong> scientific<br />

research through constant innovation in research methods and questions, in teaching and learning<br />

methods and curriculum design, and in finding ways to stimulate students to think. In this sense, <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>UFS</strong> is absolutely committed to quality through innovation.”<br />

Research renewal<br />

The <strong>University</strong>’s commitment to research as a core function was confirmed in 2002 by <strong>the</strong> establishment<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Directorate Research Development. With this step, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> placed <strong>the</strong> emphasis on <strong>the</strong><br />

strategic management <strong>of</strong> research for <strong>the</strong> first time, instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mere administrative management<br />

<strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>.<br />

5<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel

Left: Pr<strong>of</strong> Teuns Verschoor Vice-Rector: Academic Operations<br />

Right: Pr<strong>of</strong> Magda Fourie Vice-Rector: Academic Planning<br />

Directorate: Research Development<br />

From left: Ms Annelize Venter, Mr Aldo Stroebel, Mr Nico Benson, Ms Cecilia Sejake, Ms Anna-Marie Pienaar, Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel<br />


This was followed in 2003 by <strong>the</strong> approval <strong>of</strong> a strategic framework for research development, which<br />

includes <strong>the</strong> following objectives: strategic focus on research development, quality assurance, equity,<br />

financial sustainability, support systems and research output. All <strong>the</strong>se objectives are derived directly<br />

from <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s broad goals <strong>of</strong> excellence, equity and innovation, and serve <strong>the</strong> interests <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>se goals.<br />

As is evident from <strong>the</strong> latest information from <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation (NRF), <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong><br />

already has a considerable number <strong>of</strong> world-class researchers. Toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> significant increase<br />

in research output and participation in pr<strong>of</strong>essional conferences, both locally and abroad, during<br />

2003, this confirms that a culture <strong>of</strong> research is now taking root again, despite fears expressed earlier<br />

that <strong>the</strong> transformation process and <strong>the</strong> parallel medium language policy would have a negative effect<br />

on research output or quality.<br />

The <strong>UFS</strong>’s number <strong>of</strong> NRF-evaluated researchers increases annually. This number stood at 78 in<br />

2003. The evaluation status <strong>of</strong> several <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se researchers has improved in <strong>the</strong> meantime. Among<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, 9 boast a B evaluation in view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> high level <strong>of</strong> international recognition <strong>the</strong>y have received,<br />

while 59 received a C evaluation due to <strong>the</strong>ir sustained record <strong>of</strong> quality and productivity. Of <strong>the</strong>se<br />

researchers, 10 have been placed in <strong>the</strong> L and Y categories. The number <strong>of</strong> accredited research<br />

publications has grown by almost 17%, from less than 300 in 2001 to about 350 in 2003.<br />


2001-2003<br />


This research revival can be attributed mainly to <strong>the</strong> financial turn-around strategy, which resulted in<br />

a significant increase in research funding, as well as <strong>the</strong> so-called research turn-around strategy that<br />

was introduced in 2001, with incentives for researchers and additional targeted financing. Both <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>se strategies were introduced on <strong>the</strong> initiative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> present Rector.<br />

There has been a significant increase in post-graduate student numbers. The number <strong>of</strong> honours<br />

students has more than tripled, from 561 in 2000 to 1 882 in 2003, <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> master’s degree<br />

students increased by almost 70% from 1 666 to 2 951, and that <strong>of</strong> doctoral students by 24%, from<br />

429 in 2000 to 538 in 2003. As a research-led institution <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> is now focusing specifically<br />

on <strong>the</strong> support structure for <strong>the</strong>se students, with a view to a long-term strategic commitment to<br />

research development in this student component.<br />

Our activities continue to be focused on building a relevant and vibrant research system within <strong>the</strong><br />

university. During 2003 we have made a significant contribution towards streng<strong>the</strong>ning <strong>the</strong> vision <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> being research-led. The role <strong>of</strong> each faculty has been particularly important in contributing<br />

to this vision. Faculty activities are highlighted in this report, and more in-depth information about our<br />

publication and research output can be found on <strong>the</strong> accompanying CD.<br />



A special word <strong>of</strong> thanks goes to <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> for granting research funds. The various institutions<br />

that provided financial support are hereby also acknowledged. These include <strong>the</strong> statutory science<br />

councils and various state departments and parastatals, as well as private companies and donors.<br />

Finally, a word <strong>of</strong> thanks to <strong>the</strong> staff <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Directorate for Research Development for <strong>the</strong>ir dedication,<br />

commitment and efforts during 2003.<br />


- 2003 EN DAARNA<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel<br />

Direkteur: Navorsingsontwikkeling<br />

In 2003, die 100ste bestaansjaar van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) as ‘n hoëronderwysinstelling,<br />

het die UV ‘n nuwe Rektor en Visekanselier, pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie, ingehuldig.<br />

‘n Belangrike element van die UV se visie wat hy in sy inhuldigingsrede beklemtoon het, is innovering<br />

in die breedste sin van die woord:<br />

“In sy breedste sin is innovering die sleutel tot gehalte. ’n Universiteit kan net op die voorpunt van die<br />

wetenskap bly as voortdurend innoveer word in navorsingsmetodes en navorsingsvrae, in onderrig- en<br />

leermetodes en kurrikulumontwerp, en in wyses om studente te stimuleer om te dink. In hierdie sin is<br />

die UV absoluut verbind tot gehalte deur innovering. ”<br />

Opbloei in navorsing<br />

Die Universiteit se verbintenis tot navorsing as kernfunksie is in 2002 bevestig met die stigting van<br />

die Direktoraat: Navorsingsontwikkeling. Met dié stap het die UV die klem vir die eerste keer op die<br />

strategiese pleks van die blote administratiewe bestuur van navorsing laat val.<br />

’n Volgende stap het in 2003 gevolg met die goedkeuring van ’n strategiese raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling<br />

van navorsing, wat die volgende doelwitte insluit: strategiese fokus op navorsingsontwikkeling,<br />

gehalteversekering, billikheid, finansiële volhoubaarheid, ondersteuningstelsels en navorsingsuitsette.<br />


Al die doelwitte is direk afgelei van die Universiteit se breë doelstellings van uitnemendheid, billikheid<br />

en innovering, en staan in diens van hierdie doelstellings.<br />

Soos blyk uit die jongste inligting van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS), het die UV reeds<br />

’n aansienlike hoeveelheid wêreldklas-navorsers. Tesame met die beduidende toename in<br />

navorsingsuitsette en deelname aan vakkundige kongresse, sowel plaaslik as internasionaal,<br />

gedurende 2003 bevestig dit dat ’n navorsingskultuur al hoe sterker posvat, ten spyte van vroeëre<br />

vrese dat die transformasieproses en die parallelmedium-taalbeleid navorsingsuitsette <strong>of</strong> -gehalte sou<br />

benadeel.<br />

Die UV se aantal NNS-geëvalueerde navorsers neem jaarliks toe. In 2003 het die getal op 77 gestaan.<br />

Talle van hierdie navorsers se evalueringstatus het intussen verbeter – 9 spog met ’n B-evaluering<br />

op grond van die hoë vlak van internasionale erkenning wat hulle geniet, terwyl 59 ’n C-evaluering<br />

ontvang het vanweë hul volgehoue rekord van gehalte en produktiwiteit. Onder hulle is 10 in die L-<br />

en Y-kategorieë. Die aantal geakkrediteerde navorsingspublikasies het met byna 17% gegroei, van<br />

minder as 300 in 2001 tot sowat 350 in 2003.<br />


2001-2003<br />

Dié opbloei in navorsing kan ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik toegeskryf word aan die finansiële draaistrategie wat<br />

’n noemenswaardige toename in die finansiering van navorsing tot gevolg gehad het, asook die<br />

sogenaamde navorsingsdraaistrategie wat in 2001 ingestel is, met insentiewe vir navorsers en<br />


ykomende geteikende finansiering. Beide hierdie strategieë is op die inisiatief van die huidige<br />

Rektor ingestel.<br />

Nagraadse studentegetalle het betekenisvol gestyg. Die aantal honneursstudente het van 561 in 2000<br />

meer as verdriedubbel tot 1 882 in 2003, die getalle van meestersgraadstudente het met bykans 70%<br />

gestyg van 1666 tot 2951 en dié van doktorale studente met 24%, van 429 in 2000 tot 538 in 2003.<br />

As ’n navorsingsgerigte instelling kyk die Universiteit nou indringend na die ondersteuningstruktuur vir<br />

hierdie studente, met die oog op ’n langtermyn- strategiese verbintenis tot navorsingsontwikkeling by<br />

dié studentekomponent.<br />


Ons aktiwiteite is steeds daarop gerig om ‘n relevante en lewenskragtige navorsingstelsel binne die<br />

universiteit te ontwikkel. Gedurende 2003 het ons ‘n groot bydrae gelewer tot die versterking van<br />

die UV se visie van navorsingsgerig<strong>the</strong>id. Die rol van elke fakulteit was van besondere belang in die<br />

versterking van hierdie visie. Fakulteitsaktiwiteite word in hierdie verslag uitgelig, en meer indiepteinligting<br />

oor ons publikasie en navorsingsuitsette kan op die meegaande CD gevind word.<br />

‘n Spesiale woord van dank word gerig aan die Universiteit vir die toekenning van navorsingsfondse.<br />

Hiermee word ook erkenning gegee aan die verskillende instellings wat finansiële ondersteuning<br />

verleen het. Dit sluit in die statutêre wetenskapsrade, verskeie staatsdepartemente en parastatale<br />

instellings, asook privaatmaatskappye en donateurs.<br />

Laastens ‘n woord van dank aan die personeel van die Direktoraat: Navorsingsontwikkeling vir hulle<br />

toewyding, verbondenheid tot die bevordering van navorsing en insette gedurende 2003.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel<br />


Earlier this year, Thoko Didiza, Minister <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Land Affairs, launched <strong>the</strong> draft AgriBEE<br />

Charter. This framework sets <strong>the</strong> scene for broad-based black economic empowerment in <strong>the</strong><br />

agricultural sector. The AgriBEE Charter is based on a study conducted by a consortium led by <strong>the</strong><br />

Directorate Research Development during late 2002 and 2003, finalising a report on empowerment<br />

policies and strategies in <strong>the</strong> agricultural sector. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel, Director: Research<br />

Development, led <strong>the</strong> team that included Aldo Stroebel, a Researcher and Lecturer at <strong>the</strong> Directorate<br />

Research Development and <strong>the</strong> Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Agnes Nyamande-Pitso from<br />

Fourseastrading (Pty) Ltd., Pr<strong>of</strong> Almero de Lange (previously at <strong>UFS</strong>) and Pr<strong>of</strong> Edward Nesamvuni<br />

(<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Venda for Science and Technology).<br />


Vroeër vanjaar het Thoko Didiza, Minister van Landbou en Grondsake, die AgriBEE-konsephandves<br />

van stapel gestuur. Hierdie raamwerk berei die weg voor vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging oor ‘n<br />

breë spektrum in die landbousektor. Die AgriBEE-handves is gebaseer op ‘n studie wat in laat 2002<br />

en 2003 uitgevoer is deur ‘n konsortium onder leiding van die Direktoraat Navorsingsontwikkeling en<br />

wat gelei het tot ‘n verslag oor bemagtigingsbeleide en –strategieë in die landbousektor. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans<br />

Swanepoel, Direkteur: Navorsingsontwikkeling, was leier van die span wat Aldo Stroebel, ‘n Navorser<br />

en Lektor by die Direktoraat Navorsingsontwikkeling en die Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou, Agnes<br />

Nyamande-Pitso van Fourseastrading (Edms) Bpk., pr<strong>of</strong> Almero de Lange (voorheen van die UV) en<br />

pr<strong>of</strong> Edward Nesamvuni (Universeit van Venda vir Wetenskap en Tegnologie) ingesluit het.<br />

12<br />

Minister <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Land Affairs, Ms Thoko Didiza

Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerrit van Wyk<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerrit van Wyk<br />

Chairperson: Research Committee<br />

Director: Entrepreneurial and Academic Projects<br />

The establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> present Directorate for Research Development at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> was a necessary and much needed extension <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> previous Research Office, through which<br />

research was administered in a very efficient way for a number <strong>of</strong> years. During <strong>the</strong> policy development<br />

and reorganisation process that followed <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Directorate it became evident that,<br />

besides international quality and community relevance, <strong>the</strong> commercialisation <strong>of</strong> research with <strong>the</strong><br />

aim <strong>of</strong> producing a third stream <strong>of</strong> income for <strong>the</strong> university should receive a very high priority.<br />

The need for <strong>the</strong> establishment and encouragement <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurial activities was also identified at<br />

earlier strategic planning sessions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university, such as <strong>the</strong> turn-around strategy process <strong>of</strong> a few<br />

years ago, as well as several consequent Executive Management planning sessions and directives<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Rector, Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie. It thus became a high strategic priority <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university, and<br />

systems had to be put in place and policies developed to create <strong>the</strong> necessary support system.<br />

These strategic planning processes resulted in <strong>the</strong> decision that an Entrepreneurial Office should be<br />

set up in <strong>the</strong> coming year. A Director <strong>of</strong> Entrepreneurial Activities was appointed on a contract basis<br />

to take <strong>of</strong>fice in 2004, with <strong>the</strong> task <strong>of</strong> paving <strong>the</strong> way for <strong>the</strong> setting up <strong>of</strong> a directorate to provide<br />

<strong>the</strong> necessary infrastructure for entrepreneurial support at <strong>the</strong> university.<br />


The Office for Entrepreneurial Activities will be <strong>the</strong> designated body to provide <strong>the</strong> required support<br />

services and to facilitate <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> an environment within which entrepreneurial activities can<br />

flourish. The essential services that should be provided include accounting services, legal advice and<br />

representation (including negotiation with third parties), business support and assistance with <strong>the</strong><br />

development <strong>of</strong> a relevant Intellectual Property (IP) strategy. The university, by way <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice, should<br />

also render assistance with obtaining venture capital, engaging <strong>the</strong> services <strong>of</strong> patent specialists,<br />

searching for business partners and determining <strong>the</strong> viability <strong>of</strong> opportunities, as well as Human<br />

Resources and Financial Management issues.<br />

Very close co-operation between <strong>the</strong> present Directorate <strong>of</strong> Research Development and <strong>the</strong> forthcoming<br />

Office for Entrepreneurial Activities is envisaged. An entrepreneurial approach to research should not<br />

be reserved for <strong>the</strong> few researchers who feel inclined to do so, but should be encouraged as an<br />

integral component <strong>of</strong> research planning, <strong>the</strong> idea being not only to create a third income source, but<br />

to sensitise researchers and students to <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> research in contributing to <strong>the</strong> economic<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerrit van Wyk<br />

Voorsitter: Navorsingskomitee<br />

Direkteur: Entrepreneuriese en Akademiese Projekte<br />

Die totstandkoming van die huidige Direktoraat vir Navorsingsontwikkeling by die Universiteit van<br />

die Vrystaat was ‘n noodsaaklike en nodige verlengstuk van die vorige Navorsingskantoor, wat<br />

navorsing vir jare op ‘n baie doeltreffende wyse geadministreer het. Met die ontwikkeling van nuwe<br />

navorsingsbeleid en die herorganisiasie wat plaasgevind het na die vestiging van die Direktoraat,<br />

het dit gou duidelik geword dat, benewens gehalte van navorsing en belang van navorsing vir die<br />

gemeenskap, die kommersialisering van navorsing met die doel om ‘n derde inkomstestroom vir die<br />

universiteit te genereer ‘n baie hoë prioriteit behoort te geniet.<br />

Die noodsaaklikheid om entrepreneuriese aktiwiteite aan die universiteit te vestig en te bevorder, is<br />

uitgewys op vroeëre strategiese beplanningsessies van die universiteit, soos die draaistrategie proses<br />

van enkele jare gelede, verskeie Uitvoerende Bestuur beplanningsberade asook direktiewe van die<br />


Rektor, pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie. Dit het dus ‘n hoë strategiese prioriteit van die Universiteit geword en<br />

sisteme en beleide moes ontwikkel word om die nodige ondersteuningstelsels te verskaf.<br />

Hierdie strategiese beplanningsprosesse het gelei tot die besluit dat ‘n Entrepreneuriese Kantoor<br />

gedurende die komende jaar gevestig moes word. ‘n Direkteur van Entrepreneuriese Aktiwiteite is op<br />

‘n kontrakbasis aangestel om die pos in 2004 te beklee en die taak is aan hierdie persoon opgedra<br />

om ‘n Kantoor te vestig met die nodige infrastruktuur vir entrepreneuriese ondersteuning by die<br />

universiteit.<br />

Die Kantoor vir Entrepreneuriese Aktiwiteite sal die toegewysde struktuur wees om die nodige<br />

ondersteuningsdienste aan entrepreneurs te verskaf en om ‘n fasiliterende rol te speel in die<br />

skepping van ‘n omgewing waarbinne entrepreneuriese aktiwiteite kan gedy. Die noodsaaklike<br />

dienste wat verskaf moet word, sluit in rekeningkundige dienste, die voorsiening van regsadvies<br />

en -verteenwoordiging (insluitende onderhandelinge met derde partye), besigheidsondersteuning en<br />

bystand met die ontwikkeling van ‘n toepaslike Intellektuele Eiendomstrategie (IE). Die universiteit<br />

sal met behulp van hierdie kantoor bystand verleen om waagkapitaal te bekom, om die dienste van<br />

patentspesialiste te verkry, om sakevennote te vind, om die lewensvatbaarheid van projekte te bepaal<br />

en om aandag te skenk aan kwessies rakende menslike hulpbronne en finansiële bestuur.<br />

Baie noue samewerking tussen die huidige Direktoraat vir Navorsingsontwikkeling en die toekomstige<br />

Kantoor vir Entrepreneuriese Aktiwiteite word in die vooruitsig gestel. ‘n Entrepreneuriese benadering<br />

tot navorsing moet nie slegs gereserveer word vir die paar navorsers wat daartoe geneë voel nie,<br />

maar behoort aangemoedig te word as ‘n integrale komponent van navorsingsbeplanning, nie slegs<br />

om ‘n derde inkomstebron te skep nie, maar om navorsers en studente te sensitiseer vir die belangrike<br />

bydrae wat navorsing tot die ekonomiese groei van die land kan maak.<br />





LATE 1960’S-1980<br />

Mr Nico Esterhuyse<br />

Retired Assistant Director: Research Administration<br />



The background <strong>of</strong> research administration described in this article is an account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> system and how it functioned in <strong>the</strong> period between about 1968 and 1982. It is not meant to<br />

be a portrayal <strong>of</strong> a <strong>the</strong>n-existing structure which had been planned to achieve specific goals. Seen<br />

in retrospect, <strong>the</strong> research activities <strong>of</strong> that time determined <strong>the</strong> work methods used in research<br />

administration. It was almost a demand and supply situation.<br />

16<br />

Mr Nico Esterhuyse

The administrative branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research activities on campus was organised in a customary<br />

administrative manner, but without a specific administrative management structure. The terminology<br />

used to describe its work was characteristic <strong>of</strong> those earlier times (for example “research division”<br />

when referring to “research administration”). The management structure, positions, status <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials,<br />

and <strong>the</strong> composition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> administration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire <strong>University</strong> has been greatly remodeled since<br />

<strong>the</strong>n. To get a sense <strong>of</strong> this, one can compare <strong>the</strong> diagram below, which shows how <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> was run<br />

in 1968, with <strong>the</strong> advanced organisation <strong>of</strong> research at this university today.<br />

CHANGES SINCE 1968<br />

The year 1968 was chosen because it was <strong>the</strong> year in which a division for “departmental bookkeeping”<br />

was established. This was where “research matters” were dealt with. The bookkeeping part <strong>of</strong><br />

research activities was kept track <strong>of</strong> within <strong>the</strong> Finance Department, while <strong>the</strong> actual research part<br />

came under <strong>the</strong> auspices <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Assistant Registrar.<br />

The so-called analytical system <strong>of</strong> bookkeeping regarding <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> researchers was simply an<br />

enormous cash register (or ledger) book in which research allocations for researchers were listed.<br />

Expenditures for certain research awards were recorded and analysed in this register. An invoice<br />

signed by <strong>the</strong> particular researcher was pro<strong>of</strong> enough <strong>of</strong> a research expenditure, after certified as<br />

being correct.<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, every recipient <strong>of</strong> a research grant also created his own personal “bookkeeping system”<br />

in his Department (due to an unaccounted for lack <strong>of</strong> trust in <strong>the</strong> central <strong>of</strong>fice’s system). This led to<br />

an almost daily reconciliation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> various bookkeeping systems with <strong>the</strong> resultant accompanying<br />

frustrations. It was said that Pr<strong>of</strong> EM van Zinderen Bakker <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Botany once commented<br />

that “he would now go out and purchase that little “scooter” he needed, as it was a devilishly long<br />

way to haul a whole stack <strong>of</strong> books tucked under his arm to <strong>the</strong> ‘admin’ every day”. The “ledger” was<br />

also just about <strong>the</strong> only summary or register <strong>of</strong> researchers and projects. Each researcher also had<br />

a personal file in which correspondence was filed (for instance with letters in which <strong>the</strong> grants were<br />

allocated.<br />

Research applications, or a reasonably reliable type <strong>of</strong> budget, was periodically handed in at <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Assistant Registrar, who in turn submitted it at <strong>the</strong> appropriate time to <strong>the</strong> Central<br />

Research Committee “for approval”. Grants were <strong>the</strong>n allotted by this committee and notice given<br />

merely by its minutes. It is not certain whe<strong>the</strong>r faculty research committees had much say in those<br />


days regarding grants. Two research committees did in effect make some recommendations, one<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Humanities which included <strong>the</strong> Faculties <strong>of</strong> Art and Letters, Social Sciences, Law, Economic<br />

Sciences and Education, and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r for Natural Sciences and Agriculture.<br />

Subsequently a research <strong>of</strong>ficer was designated to act as secretary <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> research committees<br />

- both on <strong>the</strong> central and faculty levels Before that, <strong>the</strong> committees elected <strong>the</strong>ir own chairpersons<br />

and secretaries. The Rector was initially chairperson <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Central Research Committee, but with<br />

<strong>the</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> Vice Rectors, <strong>the</strong> authority was delegated to one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Applications for external financial support was mainly directed to <strong>the</strong> Human Sciences Research<br />

Council (HSRC) and to <strong>the</strong> Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The councils for<br />

Medical and Agricultural research did not exist at <strong>the</strong> time, or <strong>the</strong>y did not provide financial support.<br />

The “Research ” department at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> started out as a seperate and unstructured “service”<br />

for researchers. This could not, over time, meet <strong>the</strong> growing requirements for research. Thus<br />

adjustments needed to be made to this service as practice required. The CSIR and HSRC started<br />

specifying closing dates for applications and began to implement more strict evaluation procedures.<br />

This meant that at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>, dates for <strong>the</strong> committee meetings had to be scheduled. A register for<br />

<strong>the</strong> research grants and a calender for application dates were also drawn up. Rules, regulations<br />

and directives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Central Research Committee, as well as external research institutions, were<br />

finalised per regulation. With increasing discernment and knowledge, <strong>the</strong> research service became<br />

more “mature”, bringing about a more steady flow <strong>of</strong> activities. The section <strong>the</strong>refore gradually began<br />

structuring itself and began to function independently.<br />

While <strong>the</strong>re was only a small group <strong>of</strong> researchers in <strong>the</strong> nineteen sixties, who were mainly occupied<br />

on an individual basis with research, activities started gaining momentum during <strong>the</strong> early seventies,<br />

and it all became much more sophisticated. A great deal <strong>of</strong> emphasis was placed on group cooperation,<br />

integration and peer evaluation. A research commitee for each faculty was established,<br />

which in itself created a broader perspective on research at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>. The “research division”,<br />

which <strong>the</strong>n was only a one-man unit, consistently tried to adjust to <strong>the</strong> growing workload and <strong>the</strong><br />

increasingly demanding requirements that had to be met. At <strong>the</strong> early seventies, <strong>the</strong> division already<br />

served all aspects <strong>of</strong> research administration for all <strong>the</strong> faculties.<br />

In 1974 <strong>the</strong> section was placed under <strong>the</strong> auspices <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Registrar – Academic, and it was renamed<br />

as “Research Administration”. By this time “Research Administration” was firmly established as a unit<br />


within <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>, which lent impetus to research activities at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>, as greater accessibility,<br />

information and an administrative service for researchers became available.<br />

When Pr<strong>of</strong> WL Mouton became Rector in 1976, research at <strong>the</strong> Universiteit was given a fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />

boost and recieved high priority. Academic departments were regularly visited to provide stimulus<br />

and encouragement. Research standards were lifted markedly and research output, publications,<br />

and conference attendance began playing a much larger role in ensuring a successful application<br />

for research support It was also during this period that <strong>the</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> a Vice-Rector: Research or a<br />

Research Dean began to gain momentum.<br />

While administrative assistance was provided in <strong>the</strong> late seventies to Research Administration, it<br />

never<strong>the</strong>less functioned more or less in a vacuum until 1982 when a number <strong>of</strong> improvements were<br />

made. The section was upgraded, drawn closer to <strong>the</strong> top management structure and an executive<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer was appointed.<br />

Research administration in <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />

In January 1986 a division for research administration was established to provide specifically for <strong>the</strong><br />

needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine From <strong>the</strong> very beginning it was animated by an own dynamism and<br />

enthusiasm and added great impetus to that Faculty’s research. Although it had an own identity,<br />

it was integrated into <strong>the</strong> research and academic activities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> and provided a<br />

strong impetus for research in <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university<br />

Research incentives paid out to individual researchers became a reality during <strong>the</strong> late 1980’s.<br />

which in turn generated more funding for research, despite <strong>the</strong> persistence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> old complaint<br />

<strong>of</strong> “too little time, too few hands and funds”. Research administration certainly contributed to <strong>the</strong><br />

impressive research reports which appeared annually as well as to <strong>the</strong> success <strong>of</strong> top achievers<br />

whose became well-known and some <strong>of</strong> whom even achieved accomplishedments <strong>of</strong> world renown.<br />

The <strong>UFS</strong> has achieved wide acclaim for its excellence in research and <strong>the</strong> high standard <strong>of</strong> its<br />

research administration.<br />





LAAT1960’S-1980<br />

Mnr Nico Esterhuizen<br />

Afgetrede Assistentdirekteur: Navorsingsadministrasie<br />



Die beskrywing van die navorsingsadministrasie dui in hierdie artikel op die karakter van die sisteem<br />

en die wyse waarop dit destyds gefunksioneer het. Dit is nie bedoel om die werkstruktuur soos dit<br />

toenmalig bestaan het, asook waaroor en deur wie die navorsing gedoen is, weer te gee nie. Gesien<br />

in retrospek, het die navorsingsaktiwiteite van daardie tyd die werkswyse met betrekking tot die<br />

navorsingsadministrasie bepaal, byna soos in ‘n vraag- en aanbodsituasie.<br />

Die administrasie van die navorsingsaktiwiteite aan die UV was administratief geordend, maar sonder<br />

‘n administratiewe bestuurstruktuur.<br />

Die terminologie was kenmerkend van daardie jare (bv. “afdeling navorsing” in stede van navorsingsadministrasie).<br />

Die struktuur van die bestuur, posbenamings, status van amptenare en die samestelling<br />

van die universiteitsadministrasie het sedertdien ‘n algehele verandering ondergaan.<br />

GROEI SEDERT 1968<br />

1968 is die jaar waarin die afdeling “Departementele boekhouding”, waar “navorsingsaangeleen<strong>the</strong>de”<br />

gehanteer is, tot stand gekom het. Boekhoukundig het hierdie afdeling onder die afdeling Finansies<br />

geressorteer, terwyl navorsing onder die beheer van die Assistent-Registrateur was.<br />

Die sogenaamde ontledende boekhoustelsel ten opsigte van navorsers het bestaan uit ‘n reuse<br />

kasregisterboek waarin geldelike toekennings, wat aan navorsers aangeteken is, aangeteken is. Alle<br />

uitgawes rakende die toekennings is hierin gespesifiseer. ‘n Faktuur wat deur die betrokke navorser<br />


geteken en as waar gesertifiseer is, het as bewys van ‘n navorsingsuitgawe gedien. Die werklike<br />

boekhouding van die navorsingsafdeling is by die afdeling Finansies gehou. Daarbenewens het elke<br />

toekenninghouer ook sy eie “boekhoustelsel” in sy departement geskep (omdat daar, om welke rede<br />

ookal, nie vertroue was in die rekeningkantoor se sisteem nie). Dit het gelei tot amper daaglikse<br />

rekonsiliasie van die onderskeie boekhoudings met gevolglike erge frustrasie. (Pr<strong>of</strong> EM van Zinderen<br />

Bakker van die Departement Plantkunde het eendag gesê dat hy maar ‘n “scootertjie” moet koop,<br />

want dit is darem duiwels ver om elke dag met ‘n pak boeke onder die arm admin toe te stap.)<br />

Die “grootboek” was ook omtrent die enigste opsomming <strong>of</strong> register van navorsers en projekte.<br />

Elke navorser het ook ‘n persoonlike lêer gehad waarin korrespondensie (bv. toekenningsbriewe)<br />

geliasseer is.<br />

Navorsingsaansoeke, <strong>of</strong> ‘n redelik ongeordende soort begroting, is periodiek by die Assistent-<br />

Registrateur ingedien, wat dit op sy beurt ter gelegener tyd aan die Sentrale Navorsingskomitee<br />

voorgelê het “vir goedkeuring”. Toekennings is in notules aangeteken. Dit is onseker <strong>of</strong> fakulteitsnavorsingskomitees<br />

inspraak in toekennings gehad het. Daar was wel gedurende daardie tyd twee<br />

navorsingskomitees wat aanbevelings gemaak het, te wete ‘n komitee vir Geesteswetenskappe, wat<br />

die Fakulteit Lettere en Wysbegeerte, Sosiale Wetenskappe, Regte, Ekonomiese Wetenskappe en<br />

Opvoedkunde ingesluit het, asook ‘n komitee vir Natuurwetenskappe en Landbou.<br />

Die “navorsingsbeampte” het deurlopend as sekretaris van die navorsingskomitees, sowel as die<br />

Sentrale Navorsingskomitee opgetree. (Vroeër het die komitees hulle eie voorsitters en sekretarisse<br />

gekies.) Die rektor was die voorsitter van die Sentrale Navorsingskomitee. Met die aanstelling van<br />

vise-rektore is die bevoegdheid later aan een van hulle gedelegeer.<br />

Aansoeke om finansiële steun na buite is ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik aan die Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike<br />

Navorsing (RGN) en die Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidsnavorsingsraad (WNNR) gerig. [Die Mediese<br />

Navorsingsraad (MNR), Landbou Navorsingskomitee (LNK) en ander het toe, óf nog nie bestaan nie,<br />

óf was nie regtig toeganklik vir steun nie.]<br />

Die afdeling Navorsing was ‘n los en ongestruktureerde “diens” aan navorsers wat nie op die<br />

lange duur aan toenemende eise kon voldoen nie, dus is daar van tyd tot tyd aanpassings in die<br />

werkswyse gemaak. Die WNNR en RGN het vasgestelde sluitingsdatums vir aansoeke en strenger<br />

siftingsprosedures begin instel en vergaderdatums van die navorsingskomitees moes geskeduleer<br />

word. ‘n Navorsings- en toekenningsregister is aangeskaf en ‘n program van aansoekdatums is<br />

opgestel. Reëls, regulasies en rigtinggewende besluite van die Sentrale Navorsingskomitee, sowel<br />


as navorsingsinstansies van buite, is in ‘n reglement vervat. Namate insig en kennis vermeerder het,<br />

het die navorsingsdiens meer vaartbelyn geraak en bedrywighede het ‘n vaste sisteem gevolg en<br />

mettertyd struktuur begin aanneem, wat meegebring het dat dit feitlik onafhanklik kon funksioneer.<br />

Terwyl daar in die laat sestigerjare ‘n handjievol navorsers, grootliks individueel bedrywig was, het<br />

navorsing gedurende die vroeë sewentigerjare beduidend en meer ges<strong>of</strong>istikeerd, toegeneem. Klem<br />

is gelê op groepsamewerking, integrasie en eweknie-blootstelling. ‘n Navorsingskomitee is vir elke<br />

fakulteit in die lewe geroep, wat op sigself ‘n breër perspektief op navorsing aan die universiteit teweeg<br />

gebring het. Die “Navorsingsafdeling” was ‘n eenman-onderneming, wat voortdurend probeer aanpas<br />

het om tred te hou met die werkslading, sowel as met die vereistes wat al hoe strenger geword het.<br />

Toe reeds het hierdie afdeling alle fasette van navorsingsaministrasie van al die fakulteite bedien.<br />

In 1974 is bogenoemde afdeling by die Registrateur: Akademies ingedeel en die benaming “Navorsingsadministrasie”<br />

is aanvaar. Teen hierdie tyd was dit as afdeling onbetwisbaar gevestig en het<br />

stukrag aan alle navorsingsaktiwiteite aan die universiteit verleen, aangesien toeganklikheid, inligting<br />

en administratiewe diens voltyds aan navorsers beskikbaar was.<br />

Toe pr<strong>of</strong> WL Mouton in 1976 rektor word, het navorsing aan die universiteit hoë prioriteit geniet<br />

en departementele aansporingsbesoeke is deurlopend gedoen. ‘n Nuwe dimensie is aan<br />

navorsingstandaarde gegee en uitsette, publikasies, insentiewe en kongresbywoning het ‘n<br />

deurslaggewende rol gespeel by die sukses van aansoeke. Gedurende hierdie tyd het die gedagte<br />

van ‘n pos vir Viserektor: Navorsing, <strong>of</strong> Navorsingsdekaan begin posvat.<br />

Hoewel administratiewe hulp in die laat sewentigerjare aan Navorsingsadministrasie toegestaan is,<br />

het dit grootliks in ‘n vakuum opereer totdat daar in ongeveer 1982 aanpassings gemaak is. Die<br />

afdeling het prominensie gekry, is by topbestuur betrek en ‘n uitvoerende amptenaar is aangestel.<br />


Gedurende Januarie 1986 is ‘n eie afdeling Navorsingsadministrasie aan die Fakulteit Geneeskunde<br />

gevestig. Dit het ‘n eie dinamiek, entoesiasme en stukrag vir navorsing aan die fakulteit meegebring.<br />

Hoewel die afdeling ‘n eie identiteit gehad het, is dit by die navorsings- en akademiese bedrywighede<br />

geïntegreer, sodat die navorsing baie sterk gestimuleer is. Navorsingsinsentiewe het gedurende<br />

hierdie tyd ‘n werklikheid geword, sodat verdere fondse vir navorsing gegenereer kon word (hoewel<br />

die ou klagte van “te min tyd, hande en fondse” bly voortleef het).<br />


Navorsingsadministrasie het verseker ‘n groot bydrae gelewer tot die indrukwekkende navoringsverslae<br />

wat jaarliks verskyn het, sowel as die sukses van top presteerders wat wêreldstandaarde bereik het.<br />

Die UV het allerweë erkenning geniet vir die uitstekende navorsing wat hier gedoen is en die hoë<br />

standaard van navorsingsadministrasie.<br />

1980-2002<br />

Mr Nico Benson<br />

Assistant Director: Research Development<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> nineteen eighties <strong>the</strong> National Department <strong>of</strong> Education has devised a mechanism in which<br />

publication units are awarded for articles that appear in accredited journals. In this way recognition is<br />

given to researchers whose findings are published and <strong>the</strong>reby lend status to <strong>the</strong> various Universities<br />

where <strong>the</strong> units awarded reflect <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research undertaken by those universities.<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> nineteen eighties researchers in <strong>the</strong> fields <strong>of</strong> Natural, Agricultural and Medical Sciences<br />

could voluntarily submit <strong>the</strong>ir findings to grading and evaluation by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation’s<br />

predecessor to establish <strong>the</strong>ir research status, be it category A, B, C, Y or P . Since 2002 researchers<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Humanities could also voluntarily follow <strong>the</strong> same procedure for grading and evaluation. This<br />

mechanism likewise enhanced <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> research.<br />

The nineteen nineties was characterised by <strong>the</strong> systematic abolition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> strict management systems<br />

regulating research at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Decision-making was decentralized which<br />

made it easier for researchers to determine <strong>the</strong>ir own research priorities.<br />

23<br />

Mr Nico Benson

In <strong>the</strong> late nineties organisational changes were made to facilitate increased total research output.<br />

These changes resulted in a marked increase in <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> publication units. Since 1 September<br />

2002 <strong>the</strong> Research Administration Division was reorganized to become <strong>the</strong> Directorate Research<br />

Development headed by a Director, indicative <strong>of</strong> a change <strong>of</strong> focus from research support to research<br />

development.<br />

1980-2002<br />

Mnr Nico Benson<br />

Assistentdirekteur Navorsingsontwikkeling<br />

Sedert die tagtigerjare het die Nasionale Departement van Onderwys ‘n meganisme daargestel<br />

waarvolgens publikasie-eenhede toegeken is aan artikels wat in goedgekeurde tydskrifte verskyn<br />

het. Op hierdie wyse is erkenning verleen aan navorsers wat navorsingsresultate publiseer en status<br />

aan die onderskeie Universiteite verleen deurdat die eenhede toegeken ‘n weerspieëling was van<br />

navorsing wat deur die Universiteit gedoen word.<br />

Vanaf die tagtigerjare kon navorsers in die Natuur- Landbou en Mediese Wetenskappe hul onderwerp<br />

aan vrywillige gradering en evaluering deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting se voorganger om<br />

sodoende hul navorsingstatus, hetsy A, B, C, Y <strong>of</strong> P te bepaal. Serdert 2002 kon navorsers in<br />

die Geestelikewetenskappe hul ook aanbied vir gradering en evaluering. Hierdie meganisme het<br />

eweneens die navorsing op ‘n hoër peil geplaas.<br />

Die negentigerjare was gekenmerk deur die stelselmatige afskaffing van strakke bestuurstelsels van<br />

navorsing aan die UV. Besluitneming is gedesentraliseer wat dit vir navorsers makliker gemaak het<br />

om fondse na goeddunke aan te wend vir navorsing.<br />

In die laat negentigerjare is spesiale aksies geloods om navorsingsuitsette te verhoog. Hierdie aksies<br />

het ‘n merkbare verskil gemaak in die publikasie-eenhede.<br />

Sedert 1 September 2002 is die afdeling Navorsingadministrasie omvorm tot die Direktoraat<br />

Navorsingsontwikkeling met ‘n Direkteur as ho<strong>of</strong>. Die klem het verskuif vanaf administratiewe rugsteun<br />

na navorsingsontwikkeling.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Dawfre Roode<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Dawfre Roode<br />

Retired Vice-Rector<br />

Ever since my years as a young lecturer, and also in <strong>the</strong> two decades during which I held <strong>the</strong> posts <strong>of</strong><br />

Registrar (Academic) and later Vice-Rector, I have had <strong>the</strong> strong conviction that all people, including<br />

scientists, should strive towards achieving balance in <strong>the</strong>ir lives. Life is all-inclusive, not ei<strong>the</strong>r-or. It is<br />

<strong>the</strong>refore not a matter <strong>of</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r so-called basic research or applied research - it is a matter <strong>of</strong> both.<br />

The development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> true academic is determined by <strong>the</strong> extent to which scholarship can thrive,<br />

<strong>the</strong> striving to be original and creative, not an ostentatious imitator and compiler; a person who is not<br />

characterised by or remembered for how many names <strong>of</strong> books and articles he could rattle <strong>of</strong>f, but<br />

for <strong>the</strong> few original utterances or documents he produced, driven by <strong>the</strong> passionate striving to attain<br />

<strong>the</strong> highest quality in everything he does.<br />


I was responsible for <strong>the</strong> overall supervision <strong>of</strong> research administration when Pr<strong>of</strong> WL Mouton took up<br />

his post in September 1976. It is a known fact that he set <strong>the</strong> objective <strong>of</strong> developing <strong>the</strong> research<br />

activities at <strong>the</strong> university right from <strong>the</strong> start. He was constantly endeavouring to motivate and inspire<br />

<strong>the</strong> staff to be true academics who are not merely conveying existing knowledge (however important<br />

that may be), but are exploring and disseminating new knowledge through research.<br />

In order to achieve this goal he increased <strong>the</strong> research project budget, but also implemented in<br />

practice his strong conviction that researchers not only need more funds for research as such, but<br />

also particularly need more people to support and assist <strong>the</strong>m (also with regard to <strong>the</strong> inevitable<br />

routine work that is part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research process). Funds were made available every year from <strong>the</strong><br />

development trust fund for <strong>the</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> additional research support staff in departments. As<br />

he said at <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> his term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice, this was all part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a true culture <strong>of</strong><br />

research.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> administrative side, we endeavoured to implement <strong>the</strong> applicable administrative measures at<br />

a high-quality level as well, in order to bring about a general improvement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research climate on<br />

<strong>the</strong> campus.<br />

Was it successful? Well, <strong>the</strong> measurable aspect was that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research output, and if we look<br />

back it is evident that <strong>the</strong>re was a significant increase in this regard. To Pr<strong>of</strong> Mouton’s credit it must<br />

be added that, although he was a natural scientist himself, he actively endeavoured to increase <strong>the</strong><br />

research output in <strong>the</strong> humanities as well - particularly <strong>the</strong> so-called research-related output typical<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arts.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Mouton’s inspiration significantly contributed towards <strong>the</strong> growth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university’s academic selfrespect<br />

and <strong>the</strong> recognition it also received from outside institutions in this regard (in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> an<br />

increase in research fund grants, but also <strong>the</strong> acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> individual research achievements).<br />

Mouton’s successor, Pr<strong>of</strong> FP Retief, continued to build on this foundation, and <strong>the</strong> result was, for<br />

me personally, <strong>the</strong> boundless satisfaction <strong>of</strong> being part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> visible process <strong>of</strong> attaining greater<br />

quality in this regard, <strong>of</strong> witnessing how many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> top academics who worked in our lecture-halls<br />

and laboratories developed <strong>the</strong>ir true potential due to <strong>the</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> balance in <strong>the</strong>ir work in <strong>the</strong><br />

academic field – teaching and research and community service – as well as <strong>the</strong> recognition <strong>the</strong>y also<br />

received in this regard from <strong>the</strong> university.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Dawfre Roode<br />

Afgetrede Viserektor<br />

Daar was sedert my jare as jong dosent, en ook tydens die twee dekades wat ek eers Registrateur<br />

(Akademies) en later Viserektor was, die baie sterk oortuiging dat alle mense, ook wetenskaplikes, na<br />

balans in hulle lewens behoort te streef. Die lewe is én-én, nie óf-óf nie. Dit gaan derhalwe ook nie<br />

oor óf sogenaamde basiese navorsing óf toegepaste navorsing nie. Dit gaan oor beide.<br />

Die ontluiking van die werklik akademiker hang saam met die mate waarin scholarship kan gedy, die<br />

drang om oorspronklik en kreatief te wees, nie ‘n grootdoenerige naprater en kompileerder nie; ’n<br />

persoon wat nie gekenmerk word aan <strong>of</strong> onthou word vir die aantal name van boeke en artikels wat hy<br />

kon aframmel nie, maar vir die enkele oorspronklike uitsprake <strong>of</strong> geskrifte wat hy die lig laat sien het,<br />

en onderliggend hieraan, die passievolle strewe om kwaliteitwerk te lewer in alles wat hy doen.<br />

Navorsingsadministrasie het onder my geressorteer toe pr<strong>of</strong> WL Mouton in September 1976<br />

diens aanvaar het. Dit was en is welbekend dat hy van meet af aan die doelwit gestel het om die<br />

navorsingsaktiwiteite aan die universiteit uit te bou. Hy het sonder ophou die personeel probeer<br />

motiveer en inspireer om werklike akademici te wees wat nie net bestaande kennis oordra nie (hoe<br />

belangrik dit ook al is), maar nuwe kennis deur navorsing ontgin en beskikbaar stel.<br />

Ten einde aan hierdie doel gestalte te gee het hy die navorsingsprojekbegroting verhoog, maar<br />

ook sy sterk oortuiging dat navorsers nie net meer geld vir navorsing as sodanig nodig het nie,<br />

maar veral meer hande wat kan ondersteun en saamwerk (ook met betrekking tot die onvermydelike<br />

sleurwerk van die navorsingsproses), in die praktyk gestalte laat kry. Daar is jaarliks geld uit die<br />

ontwikkelingstrustfonds beskikbaar gestel vir die aanstelling van addisionele navorsingsondersteunin<br />

gspersoneel in departemente en, soos hy aan die begin van sy dienstydperk gesê het, was dit alles<br />

deel van die ontwikkeling van ‘n werklike navorsingskultuur.<br />

Van administrasiekant het ons getrag om die toepaslike administratiewe handeling eweneens op<br />

‘n hoëkwaliteitsvlak te lewer, sodat daar sprake kon wees van ‘n algemene verbetering van die<br />

navorsingsklimaat op die kampus.<br />


Was dit geslaagd? Wel, die meetbare aspek was dié van navorsingsuitsette, en uit die geskiedenis<br />

is dit duidelik dat daar ‘n beduidende verhoging was in hierdie verband. Tot pr<strong>of</strong> Mouton se krediet<br />

moet ook bygevoeg word dat, alhoewel hy self natuurwetenskaplike was, hy hom aktief daaraan<br />

toegewy het om die geesteswetenskaplike navorsingsuitsette ook te verhoog - veral ook die sg.<br />

navorsingsverwante uitsette tipies van die kunste.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Mouton se inspireringswerk het grootliks daartoe bygedra dat die universiteit se akademiese<br />

selfrespek gegroei het, dat hy hiervoor ook erkenning van buite-instansies ontvang het (in die vorm van<br />

die verhoogde toekenning van navorsingsfondse, maar ook die verering van individuele presterende<br />

navorsers). Mouton se opvolger, pr<strong>of</strong> FP Retief, het op hierdie grondslag voortgebou, en die resultaat<br />

was vir my persoonlik die eindelose bevrediging om deel te kon wees van die sigbare proses van<br />

groter kwaliteit op hierdie terrein, om talle top-akademici wat in ons lesinglokale en laboratoria gearbei<br />

het, te sien blom by die ontwikkeling van balans in hulle arbeid op die akademiese akker - onderrig<br />

én navorsing én gemeenskapdiens - en die erkenning wat hulle daarvoor ook van die universiteit<br />

ontvang het.<br />

The long-held dream <strong>of</strong> an institution <strong>of</strong> higher education in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> became a reality on 28<br />

January 1904. When <strong>the</strong> Grey College School in Bloemfontein opened its doors for <strong>the</strong> new school<br />

term, matriculants could, for <strong>the</strong> first time in <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> institution, register for a full BA degree<br />

course. The first six students attended lectures in this tiny two-roomed building. The building was<br />

later reconstructed on <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> campus and has been declared a national monument.<br />






1991-1998<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Jimmy de Jager<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agrometeorology<br />

Currently:<br />

Retired<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Daneel Ferreira<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry<br />

Currently:<br />

Chair, Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Pharmacognosy<br />

Research Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in <strong>the</strong><br />

Research Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

Pharmaceutical Sciences<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mississippi, USA<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Merchantile Law<br />

Currently:<br />

Dean - Faculty <strong>of</strong> Law<br />

29<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Daan de Waal<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Currently:<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department - Statistics/<br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Economics<br />

Dean – Faculty <strong>of</strong> Economics and<br />

Management Science<br />

Currently:<br />

Rector and Vice-Chancellor<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Lodewyk Kock<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbiology and<br />

Biochemical<br />

Currently:<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />


†Pr<strong>of</strong> Joe Leipoldt<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry<br />

Deceased<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Bernard Prior<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbiology and<br />

Biochemistry<br />

Currently:<br />

Chairperson: School <strong>of</strong> Biological<br />

Sciences<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Stellenbosch<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Chris Small<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Science<br />

Currently:<br />

Retired – Former Vice-Rector<br />

30<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Sakkie Pretorius<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Pathology<br />

Currently:<br />

Chairperson - Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Piet Schoeman<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Education<br />

Currently:<br />

Retired<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Danie Strauss<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Philosophy<br />

Currently:<br />

Dean’s Office – Faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Humanities

Pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie Strydom<br />

Unit for Strategic Higher Education<br />

Currently:<br />

Retired – Part time – SHOSO<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Dingie van Rensburg<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology<br />

Currently:<br />

Director: Centre for Health Systems<br />

Research and Development<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Mike Wingfield<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbiology and Biochemistry<br />

Currently:<br />

Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Forestry and Agricultural<br />

Biotechnology Institute (FABI)<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pretoria<br />

31<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and<br />

Dutch<br />

Currently:<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department:<br />

Afrikaans and Dutch, German<br />

and French<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Klaus von Delft<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> German<br />

Currently:<br />

Retired – Part-time Lecturer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and<br />

Dutch, German and French




Pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie Crous<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie Crous<br />

Dean<br />

Despite <strong>the</strong> considerable growth in student numbers and <strong>the</strong> accompanying excessive demands<br />

on teaching and learning, lecturers and researchers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faculty succeeded in making substantial<br />

contributions through <strong>the</strong>ir research <strong>of</strong> current economic and management issues in searching for<br />

relevant answers.<br />

Due to <strong>the</strong> growing demand for postgraduates, many experienced and senior personnel with master’s<br />

degrees and doctorates have left <strong>the</strong> academic field and entered into <strong>the</strong> private and public sectors.<br />

The inevitable result has been a younger lecturer component, meaning that <strong>of</strong>ten newcomer academic<br />

staff first need to concentrate on <strong>the</strong>ir own advanced postgraduate studies before making a real<br />

contribution to research output in <strong>the</strong> faculty. Despite <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Economics has a<br />

relatively young worker corps, <strong>the</strong>y set an outstanding example by preparing not less than 22 approved<br />

papers for various national and international academic conferences, eight accredited articles, three<br />

reports and one book. Similarly, colleagues <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> relatively ‘young’ Industrial Psychology Department<br />

33<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hendri Kroukamp

were responsible for delivering three approved papers at international academic conferences, and<br />

published two articles for accredited journals. These accomplishments were not limited to <strong>the</strong><br />

departments <strong>of</strong> Economics and Industrial Psychology, but were also mirrored throughout <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> faculty. The Public and Business Management Departments, <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Management as well<br />

as <strong>the</strong> Centres for Accounting and Development <strong>Support</strong> all produced valuable research output.<br />

The Centre for Development <strong>Support</strong> made important contributions in four areas <strong>of</strong> service delivery<br />

to local authorities, local economic development, policy related research, <strong>the</strong> lower income housing<br />

sector and youth related matters. Early in 2002, Pr<strong>of</strong>s Lucius Botes (Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for<br />

Development <strong>Support</strong>) and André Pelser (Senior researcher <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sociology Department) were<br />

requested by Eskom’s Division Technological <strong>Services</strong> International to assist in <strong>the</strong> development<br />

and implementation <strong>of</strong> a consumer loyalty incentive programme. The eventual aim is to encourage<br />

and improve <strong>the</strong> payment pattern <strong>of</strong> consumers’ electricity accounts. Pr<strong>of</strong>s Botes and Pelser have<br />

been involved in a national investigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> non-payment <strong>of</strong> services, as well as o<strong>the</strong>r studies<br />

concerning municipal cost recovery, inter alia for <strong>the</strong> National Housing Finance Corporation and <strong>the</strong><br />

Built Environment <strong>Support</strong> Group. Therefore, Eskom was <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> opinion that because <strong>the</strong> Centre<br />

for Development <strong>Support</strong> had already gained a lot <strong>of</strong> experience, <strong>the</strong>y could add absolute value to<br />

a programme <strong>of</strong> this nature. After two years <strong>of</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r research and various national workshops in<br />

which several interest groups were involved in discussing <strong>the</strong> technical aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> programme,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Eskom Wired to Win Rewards Programme is to be launched early in 2004. Pr<strong>of</strong>s Botes and Pelser<br />

will, inter alia be looking at aspects to alter consumer behaviour and perceptions during <strong>the</strong> pilot<br />

programme. This project is an excellent example <strong>of</strong> community service related research, which ties in<br />

with <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>’s aim <strong>of</strong> promoting a progressive community.<br />

The Centre for Development <strong>Support</strong> regards Local Economic Development (LED) as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

key areas for research. During 2003 <strong>the</strong> Centre worked in cooperation with <strong>the</strong> Human Sciences<br />

Research Council, MXA and Rhodes <strong>University</strong> to examine <strong>the</strong> level <strong>of</strong> local economic development<br />

in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>.<br />

This research which was undertaken for <strong>the</strong> Premier’s Economic Advisory Council, and comprised<br />

a review on national policy, a literature study <strong>of</strong> key aspects in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>, as well as 10 case<br />

studies. This study showed that LED is firmly established at both national and provincial levels, at<br />

least as a concept, an ideal and ultimate aim to which end should be worked. A few shortcomings<br />

were never<strong>the</strong>less revealed, among <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> areas <strong>of</strong> financing, personnel, skills and resources in<br />

general, especially at local government level.<br />


Ano<strong>the</strong>r priority area is policy related research concerning low income housing. In <strong>the</strong> pursuance<br />

and realisation in this research area, two market studies were completed during 2003. A project<br />

on <strong>the</strong> size <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rental house market and a needs assessment analysis for Harmony Gold was<br />

completed, and a partnership with <strong>the</strong> Housing Directorates in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> and Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Cape was<br />

established.<br />

A wide spectrum <strong>of</strong> approved papers were also delivered in <strong>the</strong> course <strong>of</strong> 2003 at national and<br />

international academic conferences. Thanks to exceptional productivity <strong>of</strong> individual academics,<br />

<strong>the</strong> faculty’s image <strong>of</strong> academic excellence and relevance was proven once again, and international<br />

networking was streng<strong>the</strong>ned. The diversity <strong>of</strong> subject matter and conferences attended is given in<br />

this brief summary <strong>of</strong> papers that were delivered during 2003:<br />

A paper delivered by Pr<strong>of</strong> Kobus Lazenby <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Business Management at a conference<br />

in Vienna touched on an extremely topical subject: Management challenges by <strong>the</strong> management <strong>of</strong><br />

agencies. Ms Anmar Pretorius (Economics) co-authored two topical papers which she delivered<br />

at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Rijeka, Croatia as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International Conference on Globalisation and<br />

Entrepreneurship: Fears, Challenges an Opportunities. The first was titled: The changing face<br />

<strong>of</strong> capital flows in a globalised world: The case <strong>of</strong> South Africa” and <strong>the</strong> second: The impact <strong>of</strong><br />

globalisation on <strong>the</strong> labour market in South Africa: Evidence from <strong>the</strong> manufacturing sector. The<br />

Dean followed by example and produced four international papers, three <strong>of</strong> which as co-author<br />

and mentor for MBA students. An introductory investigation into <strong>the</strong> relevance <strong>of</strong> “business model<br />

thinking” in optimizing e-learning at institutions <strong>of</strong> higher learning, was a paper delivered by Pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie<br />

Crous at <strong>the</strong> Online-Educa Conference in Berlin. Mr Jacques Nel’s contribution during an international<br />

conference in Durban, a Bemarkingsperspektief rakende <strong>the</strong> gebruik <strong>of</strong> interaktiewe funksies om<br />

kontakdoeltreffendheid te verhoog, illustrates <strong>the</strong> fact that research in <strong>the</strong> faculty keeps abreast <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> newest developments, such as e-Learning/training and e-Business.<br />

For <strong>the</strong> second consecutive year <strong>the</strong> department <strong>of</strong> Public Management has attained an exceptional<br />

achievement in that <strong>the</strong> papers <strong>of</strong> all five academic members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> department were accepted for<br />

<strong>the</strong> conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International Association <strong>of</strong> Schools and Institutes <strong>of</strong> Administration (IASIA),<br />

Miami, Florida in September 2003. Moreover a fur<strong>the</strong>r four approved papers were delivered by this<br />

department, two <strong>of</strong> which internationally. Still in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> public sector, Pr<strong>of</strong> Hentie van Wyk <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Centre for Accounting completed his doctoral <strong>the</strong>sis titled A performance measurement approach<br />

to improve financial management in provincial governments in South Africa, and delivered a paper<br />

on <strong>the</strong> subject at <strong>the</strong> conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in<br />

Nice, France.<br />


Mr Cobus Pienaar, Pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl and Ms Estelle Bosh<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Industrial Psychology Department<br />

ensured that <strong>the</strong> faculty was well-represented at <strong>the</strong> International Conference on Advances in<br />

Management (ICAM) in Seoel, South Korea, by each delivering a paper. Their papers covered aspects<br />

from stress and psychological burnout, to <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> human capital resource management in <strong>the</strong><br />

development and implementation <strong>of</strong> ethical corporate culture.<br />

Several books, contributions in textbooks, a considerable number <strong>of</strong> accredited journal articles, and<br />

many popular scientific articles were also published. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frikkie Booysen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Economics Department<br />

led with five articles in accredited journals, while Dr Philippe Burger <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same department prepared<br />

two articles, one <strong>of</strong> which was finalised in cooperation with <strong>the</strong> Rector, Pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie. Both<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se articles focus on <strong>the</strong> relationship between <strong>the</strong> financing <strong>of</strong> human capital development and<br />

<strong>the</strong> sustainability <strong>of</strong> fiscal policy in South Africa and elsewhere. A very practical article on <strong>the</strong> impact<br />

<strong>of</strong> minimum wages on <strong>the</strong> employment <strong>of</strong> domestic servants by Dr Louis Bothma and Ms Celeste<br />

Campher rounded <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> list <strong>of</strong> contributions by colleagues in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Economics.<br />

Special mention is deserved by one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faculty members, who have received national recognition<br />

for work done in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> economic and social impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frikkie Booysen’s work<br />

includes research on <strong>the</strong> relationship between HIV/AIDS and poverty in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> considering<br />

both urban and rural inequalities in health care service delivery in South Africa.<br />

Emanating from <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Public Management, Pr<strong>of</strong> Koos Bekker in conjunction with Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Lucius Botes and Ms Tanya Arntz <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Development <strong>Support</strong> finalised an article titled<br />

Strategies for indigent policy formulation and implementation in urban settlements in South Africa. Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Hendri Kroukamp also <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Public Management, published two articles Knowledge<br />

management and innovation: A case for online teaching at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> and Partnering with <strong>the</strong> private<br />

sector: The solution for improving service delivery. With his article Establishing administrative culture<br />

in SA: A case <strong>of</strong> legitimacy, ethics and trust in <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> globalization. Dr Moses Sindane <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

same department has contributed to <strong>the</strong> good harvest <strong>of</strong> accredited publications in <strong>the</strong> faculty.<br />

The book Sustainable fiscal policy and economic stability: Theory and practice by Dr Philippe Burger<br />

was published by Edward Elgar in Great Britain, showing extensive academic depth. Since <strong>the</strong> Earth<br />

Summit in Rio (1992), and after <strong>the</strong> World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg<br />

(2002) greater emphasis was placed on environmental issues as part <strong>of</strong> business’s broader social<br />

responsibility. With this in mind, Pr<strong>of</strong> Dave Lubbe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Accounting concluded research and<br />

during 2003 published a book titled The entrepreneur <strong>of</strong> tomorrow and <strong>the</strong> evironment. Contributions<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Business Management by Pr<strong>of</strong> Kobus Lazenby and Mr Jacques Nel in a very<br />


timely book on entrepreneurship in South Africa titled Entrepreneurship: A South African perspective,<br />

confirmed acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> peers. The chapter that Pr<strong>of</strong> Hendri Kroukamp contributed to a<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> United Nations on <strong>State</strong> modernization and decentralization – implications for<br />

education and training in public administration: Selected Central European and global perspectives,<br />

also attests to <strong>the</strong> international recognition that faculty personnel enjoy.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie Crous<br />

Dekaan<br />

Ondanks ‘n wesenlike groei in studentegetalle en die daarmee gepaardgaande groter eise rakende<br />

onderrig en leer, het dosente en navorsers van die fakulteit ook daarin geslaag om op die gebied van<br />

navorsing te presteer deur eietydse ekonomiese en bestuursvraagstukke te ondersoek en antwoorde<br />

daarop te vind.<br />

Weens die vraag na nagraads gekwalifiseerde persone, verlaat ervare en senior personeel wat oor<br />

magister en doktorsgrade beskik die akademie om die private en openbare sektore te betree. Die<br />

gevolg is ‘n verjonging van die doseerkorps, wat meebring dat nuweling akademiese personeel<br />

eers aan eie gevorderde nagraadse studies aandag moet gee voordat ‘n werklike bydrae tot<br />

navorsingsuitsette gelewer kan word. Desnieteenstaande het die departement Ekonomie, wat oor<br />

‘n relatief jong personeelkorps beskik, ‘n uitstekende voorbeeld gestel en nie minder nie as 22<br />

gekeurde referate by nasionale en internasionale vakkongresse, agt geakkrediteerde artikels, drie<br />

navorsingsverslae en een boek gelewer. Net so was die kollegas van ‘n relatief “jong” departement<br />

Bedryfsielkunde daarvoor verantwoordelik dat drie gekeurde referate by internasionale vakkongresse<br />

gelewer is, en twee geakkrediteerde tydskrifartikels die lig gesien het. Hierdie prestasievlakke was<br />

egter nie net tot Ekonomie en Bedryfsielkunde beperk nie, maar is ook deur die res van die fakulteit<br />

geïllustreer. Die departemente Openbare en Ondernemingsbestuur, Bestuurskool, asook die Sentra<br />

vir Rekeningkunde en Ontwikkelingsteun het almal belangrike navorsingsuitsette gelewer.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun het op die vier terreine van dienslewering deur plaaslike owerhede,<br />

plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling, beleidsverwante navorsing, lae-inkome behuisingsektor en<br />

jeugverwante aangeleen<strong>the</strong>de belangrike bydraes gelewer. Aan die begin van 2002 is pr<strong>of</strong>f Lucius<br />


Botes (Direkteur van die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun) en André Pelser (Senior Navorsingsgenoot van<br />

die departement Sosiologie) deur Eskom se Afdeling: Technilogical <strong>Services</strong> International versoek om<br />

met die ontwikkeling en implementering van ‘n verbruikers lojaliteit aansporingsprogram behulpsaam<br />

te wees. Die uiteindelike doel hiervan is om die betalingspatroon van elektrisiteitsrekeninge deur<br />

verbruikers te verbeter. Tot op daardie stadium was pr<strong>of</strong>f Botes en Pelser betrokke in nasionale<br />

ondersoeke na die nie-betaling van dienste, asook ander studies betreffende munisipale kosteverhaling,<br />

vir inter alia die Nasionale Behuising Finansieringskorporasie en die Built Environment <strong>Support</strong> Group.<br />

Eskom was daarom van mening dat die ondervinding waaroor die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun<br />

reeds beskik het, besliste waarde tot ‘n program van hierdie aard kan toevoeg. Na twee jaar van<br />

verdere navorsing en verskeie nasionale werkswinkels waarby baie belangegroepe betrokke was<br />

om die tegniese aspekte van die program te bespreek, gaan die Eskom Wired to Win Rewards<br />

Programme vroeg in 2004 geloods word. Pr<strong>of</strong>f Botes en Pelser sal onder andere verantwoordelik<br />

wees vir veranderinge in verbruikersgedrag en persepsies gedurende die loodsprogram. Hierdie<br />

projek is ‘n uitstekende voorbeeld van samelewingsdiensgerigte navorsing, wat inpas by die UV se<br />

strewe tot die bevordering van ‘n vooruitstrewende samelewing.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun beskou Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling (PEO) as een van die<br />

sleutel areas vir navorsing. Gedurende 2003 het die Sentrum, in samewerking met die Human Sciences<br />

Research Council, MXA en Rhodes <strong>University</strong>, die stand van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die<br />

Vrystaat ondersoek. Hierdie navorsing is vir die Premier se Ekonomiese Adviesraad onderneem, en<br />

het bestaan uit ‘n oorsig van nasionale beleid, ‘n literatuuroorsig van sleutelaspekte in die Vrystaat,<br />

sowel as 10 gevallestudies. Hierdie studie het getoon dat PEO beide nasionaal en in die provinsie<br />

goed gevestig is, ten minste as konsep, ‘n ideaal en einddoel waarheen gewerk kan word. Tog is<br />

enkele tekortkominge blootgelê, waaronder finansiering, personeel, vaardighede en bronne in die<br />

algemeen, op veral plaaslike owerheidsvlak.<br />

Nog ‘n prioriteitsarea is beleidsverwante navorsing ten opsigte van die lae-inkomste behuising. In<br />

die nastrewing en uitlewing hiervan is twee markondersoeke gedurende 2003 uitgevoer. ‘n Projek<br />

oor die grootte van die huurhuis mark en ‘n behoefte ontleding vir Harmony Gold is afgehandel, en ‘n<br />

vennootskap met die Housing Directorates in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> en Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Cape is daargestel.<br />

‘n Wye spektrum van gekeurde referate is ook gedurende 2003 by nasionale en internasionale<br />

vakwetenskaplike konferensies gelewer. Deur die produktiwiteit van individuele akademici is die<br />

fakulteit se beeld van akademiese voortreflikheid en relevansie gestand gedoen, en internasionale<br />

netwerke verstewig. Die diversiteit van onderwerpe en konferensies word weerspieël deur die<br />


volgende kort oorsig van referate wat deur die loop van die jaar gelewer is:<br />

Die referaat oor Bestuursuitdagings by die bestuur van agentskappe by ‘n konferensie in Wenen<br />

(Oostenryk) deur pr<strong>of</strong> Kobus Lazenby van die departement Ondernemingsbestuur het ‘n uiters aktuele<br />

onderwerp aangeraak, terwyl me Anmar Pretorius (Ekonomie) se twee referate oor determinante van<br />

Suid-Afrikaanse kapitaalvloei, en die effek van globalisering op die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmark,<br />

opsigself resent en baie relevant was. Die dekaan het deur voorbeeld gelei en vier internasionale<br />

referate gegenereer, waarvan drie as medewerker en mentor vir MBA-studente. An introductory<br />

investigation into <strong>the</strong> relevance <strong>of</strong> “business model thinking” in optimizing e-learning at institutions <strong>of</strong><br />

higher learning, ‘n referaat deur pr<strong>of</strong> Tienie Crous by die Online-Educa Conference in Berlyn, asook<br />

mnr Jacques Nel se bydrae tydens ‘n internasionale konferensie te Durban, ‘n Bemarkingsperspektief<br />

rakende die gebruik van interaktiewe funksies om kontakdoeltreffendheid te verhoog, illustreer die feit<br />

dat navorsing in die fakulteit met die nuutste ontwikkelinge tred hou, onder andere e-Leer/opleiding<br />

en e-Besigheid.<br />

Vir ‘n tweede agtereenvolgende jaar presteer die departement Openbare Bestuur toe die referate van<br />

al vyf die akademiese lede van die departement vir die konferensie van die International Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> Schools and Institutes <strong>of</strong> Administration (IASIA) gedurende September 2003 in Miami (Florida)<br />

aanvaar word. Afgesien hiervan, is ‘n verdere vier gekeurde referate gelewer, waarvan twee<br />

internasionaal. Steeds op die terrein van die openbare sektor, voltooi pr<strong>of</strong> Hentie van Wyk van<br />

die Sentrum vir Rekeningkunde sy proefskrif oor A performance measurement approach to improve<br />

financial management in provincial governments in South Africa, en lewer daaruit ‘n referaat by die<br />

konferensie van die European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management te Nice, Frankryk.<br />

Mnr Cobus Pienaar, pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl en me Estelle Bosh<strong>of</strong>f van die departement Bedryfsielkunde<br />

het gesorg dat die fakulteit by die International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM) Seoel,<br />

Suid-Korea figureer deur elk ‘n referaat te lewer. Die referate het gestrek vanaf stres en psigologiese<br />

uitbranding, tot die rol van menslike hulpbronbestuur in die ontwikkeling en implementering van etiese<br />

korporatiewe kultuur.<br />

Verskeie boeke, bydraes tot handboeke, ‘n groot getal geakkrediteerde tydskrifartikels, en heelwat<br />

populêr-wetenskaplike artikels het die lig gesien. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frikkie Booysen van Ekonomie lei met vyf artikels<br />

in geakkrediteerde tydskrifte, terwyl dr Philippe Burger van dieselfde departement twee artikels lewer,<br />

waarvan een in samewerking met die Rektor, pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie. Albei laasgenoemde artikels<br />

fokus op die verband tussen die finansiering van menslike kapitaalontwikkeling en die volhoubaarheid<br />


van fiskale beleid in Suid-Afrika en elders. ‘n Baie toepaslike artikel oor die impak van minimum lone<br />

op die indiensname van huisbediendes deur Louis Bothma en me Celeste Campher rond die bydrae<br />

deur kollegas van die departement Ekonomie af.<br />

Daar moet gemeld word dat een van die navorsers van die fakulteit nasionale bekendheid vir sy werk<br />

op die gebied van die ekonomiese- en sosiale impak van MIV/VIGS verwerf het. Pr<strong>of</strong> Frikkie Booysen<br />

se werk sluit navorsing oor die verband tussen MIV/VIGS en armoede in die Vrystaat in, asook oor<br />

stedelike en plattelandse ongelykhede in gesondheidsorg dienslewering in Suid-Afrika.<br />

Uit die geledere van die departement Openbare Bestuur skryf pr<strong>of</strong> Koos Bekker, in samewerking met<br />

pr<strong>of</strong> Lucius Botes en me Tanya Arntz van die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun, ‘n artikel oor Strategies<br />

for indigent policy formulation and implementation in urban settlements in South Africa, terwyl pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Hendri Kroukamp van dieselfde departement twee artikels die lig laat sien, naamlik Knowledge<br />

management and innovation: A case for online teaching at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> en Partnering with <strong>the</strong> private<br />

sector: The solution for improving service delivery. Met sy artikel Establishing administrative culture<br />

in SA: A case <strong>of</strong> legitimacy, ethics and trust in <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> globalization dra dr Moses Sindane van<br />

dieselfde departement tot die goeie oes van geakkrediteerde publikasies in die fakulteit by.<br />

Die boek Sustainable fiscal policy and economic stability: Theory and practice deur dr Philippe<br />

Burger is deur Edward Elgar in Groot-Brittanje uitgegee, en getuig van akademiese diepgang.<br />

Sedert die sogenaamde Rio-beraad (1992), en na die Aardeberaad oor Volhoubare Ontwikkeling,<br />

Johannesburg (2002) is groot klem op omgewings vraagstukke as deel van ondernemings se breër<br />

sosiale verantwoordelikheid geplaas. In die lig hiervan het pr<strong>of</strong> Dave Lubbe van die Sentrum vir<br />

Rekeningkunde gedurende 2003 hieroor navorsing gedoen en die boek The entrepreneur <strong>of</strong> tomorrow<br />

and <strong>the</strong> evironment gepubliseer. Die bydrae uit die geledere van Ondernemingsbestuur deur pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Kobus Lazenby en mnr Jacques Nel tot ‘n baie tydige boek oor entrepreneurskap in Suid-Afrika,<br />

Entrepreneurship: A South African perspective, bevestig erkenning deur eweknieë. Die ho<strong>of</strong>stuk<br />

wat pr<strong>of</strong> Hendri Kroukamp tot ‘n publikasie van die Verenigde Nasies oor <strong>State</strong> modernization and<br />

decentralization – implications for education and training in public administration: Selected Central<br />

European and global perspectives bygedra het, getuig ook van die internasionale erkenning wat<br />

personeel van die fakulteit geniet.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Letticia Moja<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Philip Badenhorst<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Letticia Moja<br />

Dean<br />


Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research <strong>the</strong>mes in <strong>the</strong> School are: <strong>the</strong> interaction between obesity and infertility; <strong>the</strong><br />

high incidence <strong>of</strong> diabetes mellitus; malnutrition among preschool and schoolchildren; disabled<br />

children; HIV/AIDS; mamma carcinoma, <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> nutrition in <strong>the</strong> prevention <strong>of</strong> lifestyle diseases;<br />

<strong>the</strong> relevance <strong>of</strong> nutrition in sports achievements; <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a framework for <strong>the</strong> teaching<br />

and training <strong>of</strong> physio<strong>the</strong>rapy students; <strong>the</strong> importance and role <strong>of</strong> physio<strong>the</strong>rapeutic treatment in<br />


<strong>the</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong> sports injuries; investigation and development <strong>of</strong> new physio<strong>the</strong>rapeutic treatment<br />

techniques; investigation <strong>of</strong> critical factors for <strong>the</strong> development and growth <strong>of</strong> support groups for<br />

patients with Parkinson’s disease, and <strong>the</strong> knowledge and attitude with regard to use <strong>of</strong> leisure among<br />

elderly persons with Parkinson’s disease.<br />

Obese women are less fertile than those with normal mass. Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber, Dr Corinna<br />

Walsh, Mrs Ronette Lategan and Ms Lucia Motseki are still performing research on <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> diet<br />

treatment, exercise and/or treatment with medication, as well as an investigation in order to establish<br />

baseline data.<br />

Diabetes mellitus (Type II) is dramatically on <strong>the</strong> increase, and <strong>the</strong> vital role <strong>of</strong> diet and exercise in <strong>the</strong><br />

prevention and treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> condition is emphasised. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber, Ms Hilana Taljaardt and Ms<br />

Elza Hunter performed an investigation on <strong>the</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> health personnel who instruct patients on<br />

dietary adjustments with regard to <strong>the</strong> latest dietary guidelines for diabetics, and <strong>the</strong> role <strong>the</strong> inclusion<br />

<strong>of</strong> sugar might have in <strong>the</strong> dietary control <strong>of</strong> diabetes.<br />

The incidence <strong>of</strong> malnutrition among preschool children from particularly low socio-economic groups<br />

causes concern, not only in South Africa, but in <strong>the</strong> Bloemfontein area as well. Since 1997, under <strong>the</strong><br />

guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> André Dannhauser and Mrs Susan Kruger, two lay nutrition workers from <strong>the</strong> area and<br />

<strong>the</strong> final years students, a Nutritional Intervention Programme has been running in Mangaung among<br />

preschool children and <strong>the</strong>ir minders in order to improve <strong>the</strong> nutritional knowledge and practices <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> minders, thus aiding <strong>the</strong> nutritional status <strong>of</strong> preschool children. In 2003, Dr Walsh received an<br />

National Research Foundation (NRF) grant to perform fur<strong>the</strong>r follow-up work with regard to <strong>the</strong> existing<br />

Nutritional Intervention Programme.<br />

The year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disabled focussed <strong>the</strong> attention on <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disabled. Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser, Dr<br />

Walsh and co-workers, in collaboration with Pr<strong>of</strong> Venter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Paediatrics and Child<br />

Health, conducted an investigation on <strong>the</strong> nutritional status and related environmental factors <strong>of</strong><br />

disabled children from <strong>the</strong> ages 8 to 15 years in Bloemfontein. Dietary recommendations were drawn<br />

up from <strong>the</strong> results.<br />

HIV/AIDS is a public health problem in South Africa, and <strong>the</strong> vital role <strong>of</strong> nutrition in <strong>the</strong> treatment<br />

<strong>of</strong> AIDS enjoys worldwide recognition. Dr Walsh and co-workers investigated <strong>the</strong> differences in <strong>the</strong><br />


nutritional status, including <strong>the</strong> iron status <strong>of</strong> HIV+ and AIDS females between <strong>the</strong> ages 25 to 400<br />

years in Mangaung. Guidelines for nutritional intervention could be drawn up from <strong>the</strong> results <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

studies.<br />

Mamma carcinoma is a common occurrence. Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser and Ms René Smalberger investigated<br />

<strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> a dietary treatment programme on <strong>the</strong> serum albumin concentrations, anthropometrical<br />

status and quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> patients with mamma carcinoma during chemo<strong>the</strong>rapeutic treatment.<br />

The vital role <strong>of</strong> nutrition in optimal sports achievement is generally accepted. Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser, Ms<br />

Elmine du Toit and co-workers investigated <strong>the</strong> nutritional status <strong>of</strong> various categories <strong>of</strong> sportsmen<br />

and -women. From <strong>the</strong> research results, dietary recommendations were drawn up for <strong>the</strong> various<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> sportsmen and -women.<br />

Innovation in educational programmes is <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day. Pr<strong>of</strong> Tiny Krause developed a framework<br />

for <strong>the</strong> teaching and training <strong>of</strong> undergraduate physio<strong>the</strong>rapy students. The framework had been<br />

recommended for implementation on a wide scale.<br />

Motor dysfunction is a problem among preschool children. Ms Helena Kriel researched <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

<strong>of</strong> motor dysfunction in Grade R preschool children, <strong>the</strong> management <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> problem by nursery<br />

School teachers, and <strong>the</strong> implementation and evaluation <strong>of</strong> guidelines on <strong>the</strong> management <strong>of</strong> motor<br />

dysfunction at pre-primary schools in Bloemfontein. Important recommendations on <strong>the</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>se children could be made from <strong>the</strong> results <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> study.<br />

Hypertension is a common cause <strong>of</strong> death in South Africa. Ms Lorraine Grobler developed a training<br />

video for Health Care workers on exercise <strong>the</strong>rapy for hypertensive patients.<br />

Parkinson’s disease is a serious problem among <strong>the</strong> elderly. Ms D de Villiers investigated critical<br />

factors for <strong>the</strong> development and continued growth <strong>of</strong> support groups for patients with Parkinson’s<br />

disease.<br />


Basic research and clinical trials are performed. The latter are becoming increasingly popular,<br />

as it gives doctors and patients access to new medication that would o<strong>the</strong>rwise be unaffordable.<br />

Conventional research is performed against <strong>the</strong> background <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> growing demands on a shrinking<br />


personnel corps with regard to increasing workload, both in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> patient care and student<br />

learning.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Medical Physics still manage to be international role players with<br />

regard to <strong>the</strong> application <strong>of</strong> Monte Carlo techniques to control <strong>the</strong> accuracy <strong>of</strong> irradiation treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

cancer, and <strong>the</strong>y perform pioneering work in this field.<br />

Several projects are conducted in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology to determine <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

cytochrome P450-enzyme system in <strong>the</strong> response and toxicity <strong>of</strong> medication.<br />

The research activities in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Haematology and Cell Biology revolve around <strong>the</strong><br />

development <strong>of</strong> antithrombotic agents and testing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir effectiveness in various thrombotic models.<br />

There is wide interest in this work, and several collaboration agreements have already been concluded<br />

with international companies.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Basic Medical Sciences, research ranges from <strong>the</strong> fatty acid composition <strong>of</strong><br />

different tumours, <strong>the</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> magnetic fields on tissues, serum melatonin and cholesterol levels in<br />

cardiac diseases, to <strong>the</strong> relation between female hormones and bone density in black postmenopausal<br />

women.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Cardiothoracic Surgery, <strong>the</strong> tissue laboratory performs work <strong>of</strong> excellent quality,<br />

and it is one <strong>of</strong> only two units in <strong>the</strong> country that supply freeze-dried biological heart valves used in<br />

<strong>the</strong> surgical replacement <strong>of</strong> damaged valves.<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynaecology perform research in several fields,<br />

including screening tests for cervical cancer in developing countries, and genital prolapse.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Paediatrics and Child Health <strong>the</strong> emphasis is on children with special needs, <strong>the</strong><br />

prognosis and outcome <strong>of</strong> children with a variety <strong>of</strong> cancers, and a psycho-training programme for<br />

children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry, research inter alia include <strong>the</strong> following: Screening for pathological<br />

gambling habits, <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> rape and mental illness in <strong>the</strong> free state, and <strong>the</strong> clinical manifestation<br />

<strong>of</strong> mental disturbances such as depression, anxiety disturbances, manias and substance abuse in<br />

Sesotho speakers in Bloemfontein.<br />



In order to compare different methods <strong>of</strong> determining pregnancy stages, a group <strong>of</strong> 208 prenatal<br />

women were selected from a primary health care clinic in Bloemfontein. Fundal height was determined<br />

according to both <strong>the</strong> symphysis height measurement method and <strong>the</strong> abdominal week estimation<br />

method. Mrs Y Janse van Rensburg in collaboration with Mrs D Botha (study-leader) compared <strong>the</strong>se<br />

two methods with sonar dates to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r a specific method during a particular stage <strong>of</strong><br />

pregnancy was more accurate. Calculation suggests that <strong>the</strong> symphysis fundus height measurement<br />

method is more accurate during <strong>the</strong> second trimester <strong>of</strong> pregnancy. In <strong>the</strong> third trimester <strong>of</strong> pregnancy<br />

both <strong>the</strong> abdominal week estimation method and <strong>the</strong> symphysis fundus height measurement method<br />

appear to be accurate up to 36 weeks duration <strong>of</strong> pregnancy. After 36 weeks duration <strong>of</strong> pregnancy,<br />

<strong>the</strong> abdominal week classification method appears to be more accurate.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> P du Rand undertook research to determine <strong>the</strong> need for occupational health services in<br />

Bloemfontein. Small and medium operations generally do not have <strong>the</strong> services <strong>of</strong> an occupational<br />

health nurse at <strong>the</strong>ir disposal. Principal findings revealed that managers and employees did not<br />

have any knowledge <strong>of</strong> occupational health. Managers were also not well-informed on <strong>the</strong> possible<br />

occupational hazards in <strong>the</strong>ir concerns, but reacted positively and expressed <strong>the</strong> need for services.<br />

Employees were aware <strong>of</strong> occupational hazards to a certain degree, and also expressed a need<br />

for service. The main reason for <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> services is related to affordability. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

observations was that <strong>the</strong> occupational health nurses had a responsibility to provide <strong>the</strong> employers<br />

and employees with <strong>the</strong> necessary information.<br />

In a phenomenological investigation <strong>of</strong> experiences <strong>of</strong> pregnancy by unmarried adolescents in<br />

Maseru, Dr L van Rhyn and Ms TV Lehana found that several social and psychological consequences<br />

are associated with <strong>the</strong> transition into mo<strong>the</strong>rhood <strong>of</strong> adolescent pregnancies, and that this could<br />

complicate future adjustment to life. A qualitative study was performed with a view to study and<br />

describe <strong>the</strong> experiences <strong>of</strong> unmarried adolescents in Maseru, and to establish guidelines for a<br />

possible educational and counselling programme for <strong>the</strong>se adolescents. The respondents reported<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y experienced <strong>the</strong> confirmation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir pregnancy with a combination <strong>of</strong> disbelief, confusion<br />

and shame. The data were grouped in four main categories, namely emotions, relations, physical<br />

problems and religion. Positive and negative experiences were described. All <strong>the</strong> respondents who<br />

were still at school, had to leave school. Recommendations include <strong>the</strong> following: Each pregnant<br />

adolescent who comes to a clinic or section for outpatients must receive counselling or be referred<br />

for counselling. Prenatal education must provide preparatory guidance with regard to <strong>the</strong> maternal<br />

role.<br />


The transmission <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS from mo<strong>the</strong>r to child is <strong>the</strong> principal cause <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS in children<br />

and child mortality. Two thirds <strong>of</strong> children with HIV/AIDS are infected during <strong>the</strong> intrapartum period.<br />

The aim <strong>of</strong> Dr L Roets’ study (in collaboration with a fourth year B.Soc.Sc. research group) was to<br />

determine what intervention registered midwives in provincial obstetric units in Bloemfontein apply<br />

to reduce <strong>the</strong> risk <strong>of</strong> intrapartum transmission <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS from mo<strong>the</strong>r to child. Findings were inter<br />

alia that midwives did not implement intervention, <strong>the</strong> reason being poor knowledge and skills, which<br />

indicate deficiencies in curricula <strong>of</strong> training institutions in Bloemfontein, as well as lack <strong>of</strong> knowledge<br />

regarding <strong>the</strong> recent policy in provincial institutions in Bloemfontein. It was <strong>the</strong>refore concluded that<br />

midwives did not have a positive impact on child mortality.<br />

Whilst <strong>the</strong>re is a significant body <strong>of</strong> research on outcomes <strong>of</strong> problem-based learning programmes,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is little information regarding <strong>the</strong> outcomes <strong>of</strong> community-oriented programmes (COL) for<br />

nursing students. Dr L van Rhyn was involved in a research project regarding COL programmes<br />

in four university schools <strong>of</strong> nursing. This research sought to describe, evaluate and compare <strong>the</strong><br />

outcomes <strong>of</strong> graduates from <strong>the</strong>se four universities with graduates who had followed conventional<br />

programmes.<br />

Dr Lily van Rhyn researched <strong>the</strong> role and function <strong>of</strong> nurses in <strong>the</strong> prevention and management <strong>of</strong><br />

child abuse. The task <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nurse in preventing abuse already starts at <strong>the</strong> antenatal clinic and <strong>the</strong><br />

labour ward where one has to identify mo<strong>the</strong>rs at risk, for example unmarried mo<strong>the</strong>rs, pregnant<br />

teenagers, mo<strong>the</strong>rs with mental health, physical, and/or social problems. Nurses have specific<br />

tasks during <strong>the</strong> prenatal-, intrapartum- and postpartum periods. The pr<strong>of</strong>essional nurse as member<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> multidisciplinary team should be able to detect cases <strong>of</strong> child abuse at an early stage, as<br />

he/she comes into contact with children in <strong>the</strong> daily working environments, e.g. children’s wards in<br />

hospitals, emergency departments, poly- and baby clinics, outpatient departments, school clinics<br />

and community services. The health care delivered by nurses at <strong>the</strong> primary level is complex, and<br />

many problems such as understaffing; patients waiting for hours to be helped and a primary focus on<br />

acute health problems are experienced. This research addressed some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> challenges for nurses<br />

regarding <strong>the</strong>ir roles in <strong>the</strong> prevention and early detection <strong>of</strong> abuse in a problematic health system.<br />

Since 1994, <strong>the</strong>re has been a spate <strong>of</strong> legislation and resultant structures and processes influencing<br />

education, training and development in healthcare. The South African Qualifications Authority Act<br />

spearheaded much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new development, and was introduced during a transitional phase when<br />

uncertainty, insecurity and confusion <strong>of</strong> roles appeared to be <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day in healthcare. In <strong>the</strong><br />

book Education for Better Health, Sharon Vasu<strong>the</strong>van, Pr<strong>of</strong> Marlene Viljoen (Editors) in cooperation<br />

with Pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma, Pr<strong>of</strong> Magda Mulder and o<strong>the</strong>r authors who are experts in <strong>the</strong>ir fields, provide<br />


a lucid explanation <strong>of</strong> current legislation, paying specific attention to healthcare. The primary objective<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> book is to clarify <strong>the</strong> legislative and policy environment within which healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals<br />

operate. This accessible, user-friendly text provides a quick reference to law and learning paradigms<br />

and aims to show <strong>the</strong> connection between new procedures and structures and <strong>the</strong> learning system.<br />

Education for Better Health outlines quality assurance and assessment procedures and is an essential<br />

companion for all healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, particularly those involved in education, training and<br />

development.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Letticia Moja<br />

Dekaan<br />


Enkele van die navorsingstemas in die Skool is: die interaksie tussen vetsug en infertiliteit; die hoë<br />

voorkoms van diabetes mellitus; wanvoeding onder voorskoolse kinders en skoolkinders; gestremde<br />

kinders; MIV/VIGS; mammakarsinoom, die rol van voeding in die voorkoming van lewenstylsiektes;<br />

die belangrikheid vanvoeding in sportprestasie; die ontwikkeling van ‘n raamwerk vir die onderrig<br />

en opleiding van fisioterapiestudente; die belangrikheid en rol van fisioterapie in die behandeling<br />

van sportbeserings; ondersoek en ontwikkeling van nuwe fisioterapeutiese behandelingstegnieke;<br />

ondersoek na kritiese faktore vir die ontwikkeling en groei van ondersteuningsgroepe vir pasiënte met<br />

Parkinson se siekte, en die kennis en houding ten opsigte van vryetydsbesteding van bejaardes met<br />

Parkinson se siekte.<br />

Vetsugtige vroue is minder vrugbaar as vroue met normale massa. Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber, dr<br />

Corinna Walsh, mev Ronette Lategan en me Lucia Motseki is steeds besig om navorsing te doen oor<br />

die invloed van dieetbehandeling, oefening en/<strong>of</strong> behandeling met medikasie, asook ‘n ondersoek ten<br />

einde basislyndata daar te stel.<br />

Diabetes mellitus (Tipe II) neem dramaties toe, en die belangrike rol van dieet en oefening in die<br />

voorkoming en behandeling van die toestand word beklemtoon. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber, me Hilana Taljaardt en<br />

me Elza Hunter het ondersoek ingestel na die kennis van gesondheidspersoneel wat diabete onderrig<br />


oor dieetaanpassing oor die nuutste dieetriglyne vir diabete, en die rol wat die insluiting van suiker in<br />

die dieetkontrole van diabetes mag hê.<br />

Die voorkoms van wanvoeding onder voorskoolse kinders uit veral lae sosio-ekonomiese groepe is ‘n<br />

bron van kommer, nie slegs in SA nie, maar ook in die Bloemfontein omgewing. Sedert 1997 word<br />

daar onder leiding van Pr<strong>of</strong> André Dannhauser, mev Susan Kruger, twee leke voedingwerkers uit die<br />

omgewing en die finalejaar dieetkunde studente ‘n Voedingsintervensieprogram in Mangaung onder<br />

die voorskoolse kinders en hul oppassers aangebied om die voedingkennis en -praktyke van die<br />

oppassers te verbeter en sodoende die voedingstatus van die voorskoolse kinders te bevorder. In<br />

2003 het dr Walsh ‘n NRF toekenning gekry om verdere opvolgwerk met betrekking tot die bestaande<br />

Voedingintervensieprogram te doen.<br />

Die jaar van die gestremde het die aandag op behoeftes van gestremdes gefokus. Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser,<br />

dr Walsh en medewerkers het in samewerking met pr<strong>of</strong> Venter van Pediatrie ondersoek ingestel<br />

na die voedingstatus en verwante omgewingsfaktore van gestremde kinders van 8 tot 15 jaar in<br />

Bloemfontein. Uit die resultate is dieetaanbevelings saamgestel.<br />

MIV/VIGS is ‘n openbare gesondheidsprobleem in SA en die belangrike rol van voeding in die<br />

behandeling van VIGS word wêreldwyd erken. Dr Walsh en medewerkers het ondersoek ingestel<br />

na verskille in die voedingstatus, insluitend die ysterstatus van MIV+ en MIV-vroue tussen die<br />

ouderdomme van 25 tot 44 jaar in Mangaung. Riglyne vir voedingintervensie kan uit die resultate van<br />

die studies opgestel word.<br />

Mammakarsinoom word algemeen aangetref. Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser en me René Smalberger stel<br />

ondersoek in na die impak van ‘n dieetbehandelingsprogram op die serumalbumienkonsentr<br />

asies, antropometriese status en lewenskwaliteit van pasiënte met mammakarsinoom tydens<br />

chemoterapeutiese behandeling.<br />

Die belangrike rol van voeding in bereiking van optimale sportprestasie word algemeen aanvaar.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Dannhauser, me Elmine du Toit en medewerkers het ondersoek ingestel na die voedingstatus<br />

van verkillende kategorieë sportlui. Dieetaanbevelings vir die verskillende groepe sportlui is uit die<br />

navorsingsresultate saamgestel.<br />

Vernuwing in onderrigprogramme is aan die orde van die dag. Pr<strong>of</strong> Tiny Krause het ‘n raamwerk vir<br />

die onderrig en opleiding van voorgraadse fisioterapiestudente ontwikkel. Die raamwerk is vir wye<br />


implementering aanbeveel.<br />

Motoriese disfunksie is ‘n probleem onder voorskoolse kinders. Me Helena Kriel stel ondersoek in na<br />

die pr<strong>of</strong>iel van motoriese disfunksie by Graad R voorskoolse kinders, die hantering van die probleem<br />

deur kleuterskoolonderwysers, en die implementering en evaluering van riglyne oor die hantering<br />

van motoriese disfunksie by preprimêre skole in Bloemfontein. Belangrike aanbevelings oor die<br />

behandeling van hierdie kinders behoort uit die resultate van die studie gemaak te kan word.<br />

Hipertensie is ‘n algemene oorsaak van sterfe in SA. Me Lorraine Grobler ontwikkel ‘n opleidingsvideo<br />

vir Gesondheidsorgwerkers oor oefeningterapie vir hipertensiewe pasiënte.<br />

Parkinson se siekte is ‘n ernstige probleem onder bejaardes. Me D de Villiers ondersoek kritiese<br />

faktore vir die ontwikkeling en verdere groei van ondersteuningsgroepe vir pasiënte met Parkinson<br />

se siekte.<br />


Basiese navorsing en kliniese proewe word gedoen. Laasgenoemde word toenemend gewild omdat<br />

dit geneeshere en pasiënte toegang gee tot nuwe geneesmiddels wat andersins onbekostigbaar sou<br />

wees. Konvensionele navorsing word gedoen teen die agtergrond van toenemende eise wat aan ‘n<br />

kleinerwordende personeelkorps gestel word as gevolg van ‘n toename in werkslading, beide in die<br />

vorm van pasiëntsorg en studente-opleiding.<br />

Lede van die Departement Mediese Fisika slaag steeds daarin om internasionale rolspelers te wees ten<br />

opsigte van die toepassing van Monte Carlo-tegnieke om die akkuraa<strong>the</strong>id van stralingsbehandeling<br />

van kanker te beheer, en lewer baanbrekerswerk op die gebied.<br />

In die Departement Farmakologie word verskeie projekte geloods om die rol van die sitochroom P450ensiemstelsel<br />

in die respons en toksisiteit van geneesmiddels te bepaal.<br />

Die navorsingsaktiwiteite in die Departement Hematologie en Selbiologie sentreer rondom die ontwikkeling<br />

van antitrombotiese middels en toetsing van hulle effektiwiteit in verskillende trombosemodelle. Daar<br />

heers groot belangstelling in hierdie werk en verskeie samewerkingsooreenkomste met internasionale<br />

maatskappye is reeds gesluit.<br />


In die departement Basiese Mediese Wetenskappe strek die navorsing vanaf die vetsuursamestelling<br />

van verskillende tumore, die effekte van magneetvelde op weefsels, serum-melatonien- en<br />

cholesterolvlakke in hartvatsiektes, tot die verband tussen vroulike hormone en beendig<strong>the</strong>id in swart<br />

postmenopousale vroue.<br />

In die Departement Kardiotorakschirurgie lewer die weefsellaboratorium werk van hoogstaande gehalte<br />

en dit is een van slegs twee eenhede in die land wat gevriesdroogde biologiese hartkleppe verskaf<br />

waarmee beskadigde kleppe chirurgies vervang kan word.<br />

Lede van die Departement Ginekologie en Obstetrie doen navorsing op verskeie terreine, wat die<br />

volgende insluit: Siftingstoetse vir servikale kanker in ontwikkelende lande en genitale prolaps.<br />

In die Departement Pediatrie en Kindergesondheid word veral klem gelê op kinders met spesiale<br />

behoeftes, die prognose en uitkoms van kinders met ‘n verskeidenheid van kankers, en ‘n psigoopleidingsprogram<br />

vir kinders met ‘n aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring.<br />

In die Departement Psigiatrie sluit die navorsingsaktiwiteite ondermeer die volgende in: sifting vir<br />

patologiese dobbelgewoontes, die voorkoms van verkragting en geestesiekte in die Vrystaat, en die<br />

kliniese manifestasie van geestestorings soos depressie, angsstoornisse, manie en substansmisbruik<br />

by Sesotho-sprekers in Bloemfontein.<br />


Ten einde verskillende metodes om swangerskapstadiums te bepaal te vergelyk, is ‘n groep van<br />

208 voorgeboorte-vroue is van ‘n primêregesondheidsorg-kliniek in Bloemfontein geselekteer.<br />

Fundale hoogte is volgens beide die simfise-fundushoogte metingsmetode en die abdominaleweekindelingsmetode<br />

bepaal. Mev Y Janse van Rensburg in samewerking met Mev D Botha<br />

(studieleier), het genoemde twee metodes met sonardatums vergelyk om te bepaal <strong>of</strong> ‘n bepaalde<br />

metode tydens ‘n spesifieke stadium van swangerskap meer akkuraat is. Na raming skyn die simfisefundushoogte<br />

metingsmetode meer akkuraat tydens die tweede trimester van swangerskap te wees.<br />

In die derde trimester van swangerskap neig beide die abdominale-weekindelingsmetode sowel as<br />

die simfise-fundushoogte metingsmetode akkuraat tot op 36-weke-swangerskapsduur te wees. Na<br />

36-weke-swangerskapsduur skyn die abdominale-weekindelingsmetode meer akkuraat te wees.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> P du Rand het navorsing onderneem om die behoefte aan beroepsgesondheidsdienste in<br />

Bloemfontein te bepaal. Oor die algemeen beskik klein en medium bedrywe nie oor die dienste<br />

van ‘n beroepsgesondheidsverpleegkundige nie. Ho<strong>of</strong>bevindinge het uitgewys dat bestuurders en<br />

werknemers nie oor kennis van beroepsgesondheid beskik nie. Bestuurders was ook nie op hoogte<br />

van moontlike beroepsgevare in hul bedrywe nie, maar het positief gereageer en die behoefte aan<br />

dienste uitgespreek. Werknemers was tot ‘n mate bewus van beroepsgevare en het ook ‘n behoefte<br />

aan diens uitgespreek. Die ho<strong>of</strong>rede vir afwesigheid van dienste is die bekostigbaarheid daarvan.<br />

Een van die waarnemings was dat die beroepsgesondheidverpleegkundiges ‘n groot taak het om die<br />

nodige inligting aan werkgewers en werknemers te verskaf.<br />

In ‘n fenomenologiese ondersoek na belewenisse van swangerskap deur ongetroude adolessente<br />

in Maseru, het dr L van Rhyn en me TV Lehana bevind dat verskeie sosiale en sielkundige gevolge<br />

met adolessente swangerskappe se oorgang na moederskap gepaard gaan, en dat dit latere<br />

lewensaanpassing kan bemoeilik. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie is onderneem met die doel om die<br />

belewenisse van swanger ongetroude adolessente in Maseru te ondersoek en te beskryf en om<br />

riglyne vir ‘n moontlike opvoedkundige en beradingsprogram vir hierdie adolessente daar te stel. Die<br />

respondente het gerapporteer dat hulle die bevestiging van hul swangerskap met ‘n kombinasie van<br />

ongelo<strong>of</strong>, verwarring en skaamte beleef het. Die data is in vier ho<strong>of</strong>kategorieë gegroepeer, naamlik<br />

emosies, verhoudings, fisiese probleme en gelo<strong>of</strong>. Positiewe en negatiewe ervarings is beskryf. Al<br />

die respondente wat nog op skool was, moes die skool verlaat. Aanbevelings sluit ddie volgende in:<br />

Elke swanger adolessent wat na die kliniek <strong>of</strong> afdeling vir buitepasiënte kom moet berading ontvang<br />

<strong>of</strong> vir berading verwys word. Prenatale opvoeding moet voorbereidende leiding ten opsigte van die<br />

moederlike rol bied.<br />

Die oordrag van MIV/VIGS vanaf moeder na kind is die ho<strong>of</strong>oorsaak van MIV/VIGS in kinders en<br />

kindermortaliteit. Twee derdes van kinders met MIV/VIGS word gedurende die intrapartum periode<br />

geïnfekteer. Die doel van Dr L Roets se studie (in samewerking met ‘n vierderjaar B.Soc.Sc.<br />

navorsingsgroep) was om te bepaal watter tussentrede geregistreerde vroedvroue in provinsiale<br />

obstetriese eenhede in Bloemfontein toepas om die risiko van intrapartum oordrag van MIV/VIGS<br />

vanaf moeder na kind te verlaag. Bevindinge was onder andere dat vroedvroue nie tussentredes<br />

implimenteer nie. Die rede daarvoor is gebrekkige kennis en vaardighede, wat dui op leemtes in<br />

kurrikula van opleidingsinstansies, asook die gebrek aan kennis van die resente beleid in provinsiale<br />

instansies in Bloemfontein. Die gevolgtrekking is dus dat vroedvroue nie ‘n positiewe impak op<br />

kindermortaliteit het nie.<br />


Alhoewel daar ‘n betekenisvolle navorsingskern oor die uitkomste van probleemgebaseerde programme<br />

bestaan, is daar min inligting met betrekking tot die uitkoms van gemeenskapsgeoriënteerde<br />

programme (GBL) vir verpleegkundestudente. Dr L van Rhyn was betrokke by ‘n navorsingsprojek<br />

oor GBL programme in die verpleegkundeskole by vier universiteite. Hierdie navorsing wou die<br />

uitkomste van gegradueerdes vanaf daardie vier universiteite met gegradueerdes wat komvensionele<br />

programme gevolg het beskryf, evalueer en vergelyk.<br />

Die rol en funksie van verpleegkundiges in die voorkoming en hantering van kindermishandeling<br />

is deur Dr Lily van Rhyn ondersoek. Die taak van die verpleegkundige in die voorkoming van<br />

mishandeling begin alreeds by die voorgeboortekliniek en die kraamsaal waar ‘n mens moeders wat<br />

‘n risiko inhou moet identifiseer, byvoorbeeld ongehude moeders, swanger tienderjariges, moeders<br />

met geestesgesondheids-, fisiese en/<strong>of</strong> sosiale probleme. Verpleegkundiges het bepaalde take<br />

gedurende die prenatale, intrapartum en postpartum periodes. As lid van die multidissiplinêre span<br />

moet die pr<strong>of</strong>essionele verpleegkundige in staat wees om gevalle van kindermishandeling op ‘n vroeë<br />

stadium waar te neem aangesien hulle in hul daaglikse werksomgewing met kinders in aanraking kom,<br />

bv. kindersale in hospitale, noodgevalle-afdelings, poli-en babaklinieke, buitepasiëntdepartemente,<br />

skoolklinieke en gemeenskapsdienste. Die dienslewering van verpleegkundiges op primêre vlak is<br />

kompleks, en vele probleme, soos personeeltekorte, pasiënte wat vir ure wag om gehelp te word en<br />

‘n primêre fokus op akute gesondheidsprobleme word ondervind. Hierdie navorsing het sommige<br />

van die uitdagings vir verpleegkundiges met betrekking tot hulle rol in die voorkoming en vroegtydige<br />

waarneming van mishandeling in ‘n problematiese gesondheidstelsel aangespreek.<br />

Sedert 1994 was daar ‘n stortvloed van wetgewing en gevolglike strukture en prosesse wat ‘n<br />

invloed op onderwys, opleiding en ontwikkeling in gesondheidsorg gehad het. Die Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

Kwalifikasieowerheidswet was aan die spits van baie van die nuwe ontwikkelings, en het in werking<br />

getree gedurende ‘n oorgangsfase, toe onsekerheid, onveiligheid en verwarring van rolle skynbaar<br />

aan die orde van die dag in gesondheidsorg was. In die boek Education for Better Health, Sharon<br />

Vasu<strong>the</strong>van, pr<strong>of</strong> Marlene Viljoen (Redakteurs) in samewerking met pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma, pr<strong>of</strong> Magda<br />

Mulder en ander outeurs wat kundiges op hulle gebied is, word ‘n duidelike uiteensetting van huidige<br />

wetgewing gebied, met spesifieke verwysing na gesondheidsorg. Die ho<strong>of</strong>doel van die boek is om<br />

die wetlike en beleidsomgewing waarbinne pr<strong>of</strong>essionele gesondheidsorgwerkers diens verrig duidelik<br />

te maak. Hierdie toeganklike, gebruikersvriendelike teks bied ‘n vinnige verwysing na die wet en<br />

leerparadigmas, en poog om die verband tussen nuwe prosedures en strukture in die leerstelsel uit te<br />

wys. Education for Better Health bied ‘n oorsig oor kwaliteitsversekering en assesseringsprosedures,<br />

en is ‘n noodsaaklike metgesel vir alle pr<strong>of</strong>essionele gesondheidsorgwerkers, veral diegene wat in<br />

onderwys, opleiding en ontwikkeling betrokke is.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning<br />


OF LAW<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning<br />

Dean<br />

Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dean: Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning was involved in <strong>the</strong> reformation <strong>of</strong> partnership law in particular<br />

in <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom, with <strong>the</strong> focus on initiatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> British and Scottish Law Commissions with<br />

regard to <strong>the</strong> modernisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Partnership Act, 1890, and <strong>the</strong> Limited Partnership Act, 1907.<br />

In view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> close links between <strong>the</strong> different legal systems <strong>the</strong>se legal developments are vitally<br />

important, not only for South Africa, but for all o<strong>the</strong>r member countries <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Commonwealth. Apart<br />

from <strong>the</strong> eight papers presented at pr<strong>of</strong>essional congresses, Pr<strong>of</strong> Henning published six full-length<br />

articles in law research journals, on topics such as <strong>the</strong> history and development <strong>of</strong> partnership en<br />

commandite in South Africa, <strong>the</strong> limited partnership in <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom and <strong>the</strong> GmbH & Co KG<br />

in Germany and <strong>the</strong> recent development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> limited liability partnership in <strong>the</strong> USA and <strong>the</strong> UK,<br />

as well as <strong>the</strong> concurrence <strong>of</strong> corporative control systems in SADC (Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Development<br />

Community) on <strong>the</strong> basis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> OHADA and COMESA examples.<br />


Roman Law, Legal History and Comparative Law: Pr<strong>of</strong> HA Wessels’s English translation <strong>of</strong> Felicius-<br />

Boxelius’s Tractatus de Societate (1666) was finalised for publication in <strong>the</strong> Transaction series <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Centre for Business Law. Preparations also commenced for <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Unit for Legal<br />

Historical Research, which will be run in close co-operation with o<strong>the</strong>r sections <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty.<br />

Mercantile Law: Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer and Mrs Ellis serve on <strong>the</strong> editorial staff <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> series<br />

Transactions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Business Law, and Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer is <strong>the</strong> editor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Journal for Estate Planning Law. Pr<strong>of</strong> Du Plessis, Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer, Adv Oosthuizen and<br />

Mr Deacon delivered international conference lectures. Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first<br />

staff members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty to receive NRF grading.<br />

Constitutional Law and Legal Philosophy: Important contributions included <strong>the</strong> Employment Equity<br />

Research Project, which produced <strong>the</strong> first South African textbook in this field <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> law (by Pr<strong>of</strong>s<br />

JL Pretorius and CG Ngwena, and Adv ME Klinck), as well as a textbook on International Human<br />

Rights Standards (by Pr<strong>of</strong>s JL Pretorius and HA Strydom, and Adv ME Klinck). The Department<br />

published 16 articles in journals and 6 chapters in recognised books. These include research relating<br />

to constitutional issues emanating from eminent historical sources, and aimed at linking <strong>the</strong>se <strong>the</strong>ories<br />

to contemporary legal and societal concerns. Lending depth to <strong>the</strong> Department’s diverse field <strong>of</strong><br />

research is <strong>the</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first volume <strong>of</strong> a book on <strong>the</strong> plight <strong>of</strong> women and children during<br />

<strong>the</strong> Second Anglo-Boer War, as well as <strong>the</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> two voluminous master’s <strong>the</strong>ses relating<br />

to medieval and post-medieval constitutional <strong>the</strong>ories. Pr<strong>of</strong> CG Ngwena presented various papers<br />

at several local conferences and workshops and visited Ethiopia for <strong>the</strong> facilitation <strong>of</strong> a workshop on<br />

unsafe abortion, as well as Nigeria, <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom and India for <strong>the</strong> delivery <strong>of</strong> papers in <strong>the</strong><br />

fields <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS and reproductive and sexual health rights.<br />

Private Law: Mr Bradley Smith presented an international conference lecture, and co-authored<br />

an accredited article toge<strong>the</strong>r with Adv Rita-Marie Jansen. Adv Jansen’s research was directed at<br />

indigenous family law, with particular reference to <strong>the</strong> legal position <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> black woman. Mr Brand<br />

Claassen was <strong>the</strong> manager <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Journal for Juridical Science, and Mr Smith has been involved in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Journal since 2003.<br />

Procedural Law and Law <strong>of</strong> Evidence: Research is being conducted on various aspects, namely<br />

Children’s Rights, <strong>the</strong> Rights <strong>of</strong> Accused and Trial Procedures in Criminal Trials. Adv Reyneke and<br />

Kruger attended <strong>the</strong> course to obtain <strong>the</strong> Certificate in Children’s Rights, which was presented by <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pretoria from 14 – 16 August, and both candidates completed successfully. Adv Reyneke<br />


was also nominated as <strong>the</strong> best student, with an average <strong>of</strong> 93%. Their successful completion <strong>of</strong><br />

this course means that <strong>the</strong> unit can now present this certificate course from 2004. Adv Reyneke and<br />

Kruger also attended a workshop on <strong>the</strong> abolition <strong>of</strong> corporal punishment as method <strong>of</strong> punishment<br />

used by parents.<br />

Criminal and Medical Law: Research projects and centres in this department include: Legal and<br />

ethical aspects <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS; Research regarding stem cells, embryos and cloning; International<br />

Criminal Law and <strong>the</strong> International Criminal Law Court; <strong>the</strong> Mangaung Child Justice Centre; <strong>the</strong><br />

Tshepong Centre for Victims <strong>of</strong> Family Violence and Sexual Offences, and <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> and<br />

legal problems regarding <strong>the</strong> legalisation <strong>of</strong> prostitution in South Africa.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


‘n Poskaart van die ho<strong>of</strong>gebou uit die vorige eeu.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning<br />

Dekaan<br />

Dekaanskantoor: Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Henning was betrokke by die hervorming van veral die vennootskapsreg<br />

in die Verenigde Koninkryk, met die fokus op inisiatiewe van die Britse en Skotse Regskommissies<br />

rakende die modernisering van die Partnership Act, 1890, en die Limited Partnership Act, 1907.<br />

In die lig van die noue bande tussen die verskillende regstelsels is hierdie regsontwikkelings van<br />

die uiterste belang, nie alleen vir Suid-Afrika nie, maar vir elke ander lidland van die Gemenebes.<br />

Benewens die agt referate gelewer by vakkundige kongresse, het Pr<strong>of</strong> Henning ook ses vollengteartikels<br />

gepubliseer in regsnavorsingstydskrifte, onder andere oor die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van<br />

die vennootskap en commandite in Suid-Afrika, die beperkte vennootskap in die Verenigde Koninkryk<br />

en die GmbH & Co KG in Duitsland en die onlangse ontwikkeling van die limited liability partnership<br />

in die VSA en VK, asook die sameloop van korporatiewe beheersisteme in SAOG (Suider-Afrikaanse<br />

Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap) aan die hand van die OHADA- en COMESA-voorbeelde.<br />

Romeinse Reg, Regsgeskiedenis en Regsvergelyking: Die Engelse vertaling deur Pr<strong>of</strong> HA Wessels<br />

van Felicius-Boxelius se Tractatus de Societate (1666) is afgerond met die oog op publikasie in die<br />

Mededelingsreeks van die Sentrum vir Ondernemingsreg. ’n Begin is ook gemaak met die aanvoorwerk<br />

vir die oprigting van die Eenheid vir Regshistoriese Navorsing, wat in noue samewerking met ander<br />

geledinge in die Fakulteit bedryf sal word.<br />

Handelsreg: Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer en mev Ellis dien op die redaksie van die reeks Mededelings<br />

van die Sentrum vir Ondernemingsreg, en Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer is redakteur van die Tydskrif vir<br />

Boedelbeplanningsreg. Pr<strong>of</strong> du Plessis, Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer, Adv Oosthuizen en Mnr Deacon<br />

het internasionale konferensievoordragte gelewer. Pr<strong>of</strong> Snyman-Van Deventer is een van die eerste<br />

personeellede van die Fakulteit wat ‘n NNS-gradering ontvang het.<br />

Staatsreg en Regsfilos<strong>of</strong>ie: Belangrike bydraes het ingesluit die Navorsingsprojek oor Gelyke<br />

Indiensneming , wat die eerste Suid-Afrikaanse handboek in hierdie regsveld gegenereer het<br />

(deur Pr<strong>of</strong>f JL Pretorius en CG Ngwena, en Adv ME Klinck), asook ‘n handboek oor Internasionale<br />

Menseregtestandaarde (deur Pr<strong>of</strong>f JL Pretorius en HA Strydom, en Adv ME Klinck). Die Departement<br />

het 16 artikels in tydskrifte gepubliseer, asook 6 ho<strong>of</strong>stukke in erkende boeke. Dit sluit in navorsing met<br />

betrekking tot konstitusionele aangeleen<strong>the</strong>de wat voortvloei uit toonaangewende historiese bronne,<br />


gerig op die koppeling van hierdie teorieë aan hedendaagse wetlike en samelewingsaangeleen<strong>the</strong>de.<br />

Diepte word verleen aan die Departement se uiteenlopende navorsingsveld deur die publikasie van<br />

die eerste volume van ‘n boek oor die lot van vroue en kinders tydens die Tweede Anglo-Boereoorlog,<br />

asook die voltooiing van twee omvattende meestersgraadverhandelinge oor middeleeuse en namiddeleeuse<br />

konstitusionele teorieë. Pr<strong>of</strong> CG Ngwena het verskeie referate gelewer by ‘n aantal<br />

plaaslike kongresse en werkwinkels, en het ook ‘n besoek gebring aan Ethiopië vir die fasilitering van<br />

‘n werkwinkel oor onveilige aborsie, asook aan Nigerië, die Verenigde Koninkryk en Indië om referate<br />

te lewer oor MIV/VIGS, asook die reg op voortplantings- en seksuele gesondheid.<br />

Privaatreg: Mnr Bradley Smith het ‘n internasionale konferensievoordrag gelewer, en was saam met<br />

Adv Rita-Marie Jansen mede-outeur van ‘n geakkrediteerde artikel. Adv Jansen se navorsing was<br />

op die inheemse familiereg gerig, veral die regsposisie van die swart vrou. Mnr Brand Claassen<br />

was bestuurder van die Tydskrif vir Regswetenskap, en Mnr Smith is sedert 2003 betrokke by die<br />

Tydskrif.<br />

Proses- en Bewysreg: Navorsing word gedoen oor verskeie aspekte, naamlik Kinderregte, Regte<br />

van Beskuldigdes en Verhoorprosedures in Strafverhore. Advv Reyneke en Kruger het die kursus<br />

bygewoon om die Sertifikaat in Kinderregte te bekom wat van 14 – 16 Augustus deur die Universiteit<br />

van Pretoria aangebied is, en albei kandidate het dit suksesvol voltooi. Adv Reyneke is ook aangewys<br />

as die beste student, met ‘n gemiddeld van 93%. Hulle suksesvolle deurloping van hierdie kursus<br />

beteken dat die eenheid nou van 2004 af hierdie sertifikaatkursus kan aanbied. ‘n Werkwinkel oor die<br />

afskaffing van lyfstraf as a strafmetode wat deur ouers gebruik word, is ook deur advv Reyneke en<br />

Kruger bygewoon.<br />

Straf- en Geneeskundige Reg: Navorsingsprojekte en –sentra in die departement sluit in: Regsetiese<br />

aspekte van MIV/VIGS; Stamselnavorsing, navorsing op embrio’s en kloning; Internasionale Strafreg en<br />

die Internasionale Strafh<strong>of</strong>; die Mangaung Child Justice Centre; die Tshepong Sentrum vir Slag<strong>of</strong>fers<br />

van Gesinsgeweld en Seksuele Misdrywe, en die ontwikkeling van en die regsproblematiek in verband<br />

met die wettiging van prostitusie in Suid-Afrika.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Herman van Schalkwyk<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Herman van Schalkwyk<br />

Dean<br />

Since 2003 also marks <strong>the</strong> centenary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>, it is perhaps time to reflect on<br />

research, and particularly research development, in <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural Sciences.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> departments in <strong>the</strong> Natural Sciences can trace <strong>the</strong>ir origins back to <strong>the</strong> founding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

university as <strong>the</strong> Grey <strong>University</strong> College on 28 January 1904. These departments have a long,<br />

illustrious history, which is borne out by <strong>the</strong> great leaders <strong>the</strong>y produced, particularly in <strong>the</strong> research<br />

field.<br />

On 21 March 1958, Minister SP le Roux saw his ideal realised when he <strong>of</strong>ficiated at <strong>the</strong> laying <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

corner stone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Agricultural building. At this occasion, he stressed: “a nation that takes care <strong>of</strong><br />

its agriculture, takes care <strong>of</strong> its future”. Today <strong>the</strong>se inspired words, a source <strong>of</strong> inspiration to all<br />

researchers, are proudly displayed on <strong>the</strong> entrance podium <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Agriculture building. Since <strong>the</strong><br />


establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Agriculture in 1958 it has been an integral part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sector within<br />

which it functions, and <strong>the</strong> issues <strong>of</strong> each period largely determined <strong>the</strong> type <strong>of</strong> research that was<br />

undertaken. In this way, significant contributions were made in <strong>the</strong> struggle to make agriculture more<br />

competitive.<br />

On 1 April 2000, Natural Sciences and Agriculture merged to become <strong>the</strong> new Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural<br />

and Agricultural Sciences. This step resulted in greater co-operation between and, in some cases,<br />

merging <strong>of</strong> departments. These larger departments now have an increased joint capacity, which<br />

gives <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> advantages in terms <strong>of</strong> scale to (1) launch a wide variety <strong>of</strong> research projects, and<br />

(2) analyse problems is a multi-disciplinary way, which promotes improved formulation and thorough<br />

consideration <strong>of</strong> solutions.<br />

The spirit <strong>of</strong> renewal and creative research in <strong>the</strong> faculty is constantly generating more ideas, thus<br />

keeping <strong>the</strong> faculty in line with <strong>the</strong> latest issues and research techniques. The following examples <strong>of</strong><br />

new research avenues that were opened up, can be highlighted:<br />

• <strong>the</strong> GMO laboratory in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

• <strong>the</strong> Centre for Disaster Management<br />

• <strong>the</strong> Chair in International Agricultural Marketing and Development<br />

• <strong>the</strong> BloemWater Chair in Water Environmental Management<br />

• <strong>the</strong> Centre for Plant Health Management<br />

• <strong>the</strong> Centre for Sustainable Agriculture<br />

• Research Programme in Biotechnology<br />

• The South African Fryer Oil Initiative.<br />

Present and future research output generally emanates from <strong>the</strong> investment <strong>of</strong> a great deal <strong>of</strong> time,<br />

capital and energy. Thus, a department’s research focus, which <strong>of</strong>ten develops over many years,<br />

determines <strong>the</strong> output that will be produced.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology is known for its work on aquatic parasitology in <strong>the</strong><br />

Okavango. O<strong>the</strong>r areas <strong>of</strong> research include animal behaviour in arid and semi-arid areas, forensic<br />

entomology, black fly control in <strong>the</strong> Vaal/Orange River irrigation schemes, biosystematics and<br />

ecological research on spiders. The research programme <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical<br />

and Food Biotechnology ranges from food biotechnology to molecular biotechnology. Research on<br />

fermentation biotechnology began in <strong>the</strong> 1970’s, and resulted in <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sasol<br />


Centre for Biotechnology in 1984. In 1996, <strong>the</strong> United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural<br />

Organisation (UNESCO) awarded an industrial biotechnology MIRCEN (Microbiological Resource<br />

Centre) to <strong>the</strong> department. In 2000, <strong>the</strong> department became a participant in a programme concerning<br />

life in extreme environments. Since <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> has accommodated workshops on <strong>the</strong> biological<br />

applications <strong>of</strong> deep underground microbial investigations, on an annual basis.<br />

In a recent research project by <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences, it was found that ozone damages<br />

sunflower and tobacco. Phylogenetic relationships among South African members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grass<br />

subfamily Chloridoideae were investigated with regard to molecular structure, and a large number<br />

<strong>of</strong> chromosome numbers was determined. The Centre for Environmental Management obtained <strong>the</strong><br />

BloemWater Chair in 2003, and focuses particularly on water environmental management.<br />

The first publication out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry was written by Pr<strong>of</strong> Max Rindl in 1913.<br />

Today, <strong>the</strong> department boasts an average <strong>of</strong> more than 20 publications per year, as well as various<br />

patents. Its former students are leading scientists in <strong>the</strong> academic as well as industrial fields. Since<br />

1995, <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Physics has been experiencing one <strong>of</strong> its most productive research periods.<br />

Several industrial projects were launched and completed successfully, and <strong>the</strong> department has<br />

become known as a surface characterisation/segregation unit. During this time, numerous important<br />

milestones were also achieved with regard to <strong>the</strong> revitalisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>-Boyden Observatory as an<br />

astrophysics research facility.<br />

New research avenues opened up by <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Applied Ma<strong>the</strong>matics<br />

include Financial Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Graph Theory. The Department <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics is<br />

presently focusing particularly on Eskom projects related to <strong>the</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> hydro-electric power.<br />

Statistical models were drawn up to predict <strong>the</strong> inflow <strong>of</strong> water into <strong>the</strong> Gariep and Vanderklo<strong>of</strong> Dams.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r projects include statistical models for <strong>the</strong> analysis <strong>of</strong> HIV data, as well as a Flemish-SA project<br />

on extreme value models for analyses <strong>of</strong> data such as large insurance claims, etc.<br />

Recent research in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Geology is, in many ways, a continuation <strong>of</strong> previous projects<br />

such as research on <strong>the</strong> Karoo, Bushmanland, Ventersdorp and <strong>the</strong> Witwatersrand, as well as<br />

mineralogical research. New research endeavours include aspects such as <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> uranium<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Karoo Supergroup and <strong>the</strong> environmental impact <strong>of</strong> uranium mines, as well as meteorites and<br />

mineral resource management. The Institute for Groundwater Studies presently specialises in <strong>the</strong><br />

modelling <strong>of</strong> groundwater flow and mass movements, mining geohydrology, groundwater pollution by<br />

organic compounds, <strong>the</strong> long-term impact <strong>of</strong> irrigation on groundwater, <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> graphics<br />


s<strong>of</strong>tware and groundwater flow through fractured stone. The Department <strong>of</strong> Geography is <strong>the</strong> oldest<br />

geography department in <strong>the</strong> country. Research in this department focuses on geomorphology, water<br />

resources management and urban studies. Geographical Information Systems is a rapidly growing<br />

research field in <strong>the</strong> department.<br />

Since information technology changes very rapidly, it is necessary to constantly adjust <strong>the</strong> research<br />

focus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Computer Science and Informatics. The department specialises in areas<br />

such as optimal storage techniques for databases, <strong>of</strong>fice automation, knowledge-based systems,<br />

performance measurement <strong>of</strong> local area networks, number <strong>the</strong>ory, computers in community health,<br />

computer-supported education, patient simulation, virtual reality, <strong>the</strong> interaction between man and<br />

computers, translation, etc.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Quantity Surveying and Construction Management was recently involved in a<br />

project concerning Measurement Procurement <strong>of</strong> Buildings. This research was conducted in cooperation<br />

with <strong>the</strong> Royal Institution <strong>of</strong> Chartered Surveyors (RICS), <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> UK. Research to improve<br />

estimate methods and to determine <strong>the</strong> cost behaviour <strong>of</strong> building elements was conducted in<br />

co-operation with <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Public Works, and was recently completed. The Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Urban and Regional Planning was involved in a study about <strong>the</strong> attitudes and perceptions <strong>of</strong><br />

Botshabelo residents with regard to security fences. The department is also involved in research on<br />

<strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a Welkom – Bloemfontein Corridor. The Department <strong>of</strong> Architecture continued<br />

with its work in <strong>the</strong> Unit for Earth Construction in 2003.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences is closely involved in <strong>the</strong> estimation <strong>of</strong><br />

genetic parameters and breeding values. Grassland Sciences has received international recognition<br />

for its work on effective water utilisation and sustainable plant production <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> grazing ecosystem<br />

in <strong>the</strong> more arid areas. In its research, <strong>the</strong> African Large Predator Research Unit (ALPRU) uses large<br />

predators as indicators <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> well-being <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> natural environment, particularly <strong>the</strong> habitat and prey<br />

species.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics continued its work on agricultural risk management,<br />

effective and sustainable use and management <strong>of</strong> water and soil, rural development, market research,<br />

policy issues, industrial analyses and precision farming.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences recently completed research on <strong>the</strong> identification<br />

<strong>of</strong> frost damage in wheat, <strong>the</strong> fertilisation <strong>of</strong> Lachenalia that is produced commercially, <strong>the</strong> development<br />


<strong>of</strong> alternative crops and increasing <strong>the</strong> natural disease resistance <strong>of</strong> crops. Unique research was<br />

done in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hydrological interpretation <strong>of</strong> South African soils and <strong>the</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> crop<br />

cultivation on <strong>the</strong> organic material <strong>of</strong> South African soils. According to <strong>the</strong> research findings <strong>the</strong><br />

present crop cultivation practices in <strong>the</strong> Highveld are not sustainable, since organic material, which<br />

is an important indicator <strong>of</strong> soil degradation, has declined by more than 50% over <strong>the</strong> past 50 years.<br />

The focus <strong>of</strong> Agrometeorology has shifted to intercropping systems for maize and beans in order to<br />

address food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that intercropping utilises water<br />

more effectively than single crop cultivation.<br />

The Centre for Sustainable Agriculture is in <strong>the</strong> final phase <strong>of</strong> a project that concerns <strong>the</strong> characterisation<br />

<strong>of</strong> small-scale livestock production systems in Africa. This study investigates <strong>the</strong> socio-economic<br />

problems <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se farmers and <strong>the</strong>ir production systems and/or limitations.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


<strong>UFS</strong> campus approximately 1912.<br />

62<br />

In 1906 <strong>the</strong> institution became<br />

known as <strong>the</strong> Grey <strong>University</strong><br />

College (GUC), but shortly<br />

<strong>the</strong>reafter, <strong>the</strong> school and<br />

college finally parted ways. By<br />

<strong>the</strong> following year, <strong>the</strong> student<br />

body had grown to 29, and <strong>the</strong><br />

number <strong>of</strong> lecturers to 10. In<br />

1910, <strong>the</strong> Parliament <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Orange River Colony passed<br />

legislation declaring <strong>the</strong><br />

GUC an <strong>of</strong>ficial educational<br />

institution in <strong>the</strong> fields <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Arts and Sciences.



Pr<strong>of</strong> Herman van Schalkwyk<br />

Dekaan<br />

Waar 2003 ook die 100-jarige bestaan van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat kenmerk, is dit dalk<br />

tyd om ’n terugblik te gee oor navorsing en veral navorsingsontwikkeling in die Fakulteit Natuur- en<br />

Landbouwetenskappe.<br />

Baie van die departemente in die Natuurwetenskappe het hulle ontstaan reeds gehad met die stigting<br />

van die universiteit as die Grey Universiteitskollege op 28 Januarie 1904. Hierdie departemente het<br />

‘n lang, trotse geskiedenis, en die groot geeste wat veral op navorsingsgebied opgelewer is, is ‘n<br />

bewys daarvan.<br />

Op 21 Maart 1958 het Minister SP le Roux sy ideaal verwesenlik gesien toe hy die hoeksteenlegging<br />

van die Landbougebou waargeneem het. By hierdie geleen<strong>the</strong>id het hy met nadruk beklemtoon: “’n<br />

Volk wat vir sy landbou sorg, sorg vir sy toekoms”. Hierdie gevleuelde woorde, ‘n bron van inspirasie<br />

vir elke navorser, pryk vandag op die ingangspodium van die Landbougebou. Sedert die ontstaan<br />

van die Landboufakulteit in 1958 was dit onlosmaaklik deel van die sektor waarin dit funksioneer, en<br />

het die vraagstukke van elke periode grootliks die tipe navorsing wat gedoen is, bepaal. Op hierdie<br />

wyse is groot bydraes gelewer in die stryd om landbou meer mededingend te maak.<br />

Op 1 April 2000 het Natuurwetenskappe en Landbou saamgesmelt om die nuwe Fakulteit Natuur- en<br />

Landbouwetenskappe te vorm. Hierdie stap het gelei tot groter samewerking tussen en, in sommige<br />

gevalle, samesmelting van departemente. Hierdie groter departemente het nou ‘n groter gesamentlike<br />

kapasiteit, wat hulle die skaalvoordele gee om (1) ‘n wye verskeidenheid navorsingsprojekte aan te<br />

pak, en (2) probleme multidissiplinêr te analiseer, wat lei tot baie beter geformuleerde en deurdagte<br />

antwoorde.<br />

Die vernuwende en kreatiewe navorsingsgees in die fakulteit bring voortdurend meer idees na vore,<br />

en hou so die fakulteit in lyn met die nuutste vraagstukke en navorsingstegnieke. Die volgende<br />

voorbeelde van nuwe navorsingsrigtings wat aangepak is , kan uitgelig word:<br />

• GMO-laboratorium in die Departement Plantwetenskappe<br />

• Sentrum vir Rampbestuur<br />


• Leerstoel in Internasionale Landboubemarking en Ontwikkeling<br />

• Bloemwater Leerstoel in Wateromgewingsbestuur<br />

• Sentrum vir Plantgesondheidsbestuur<br />

• Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou<br />

• Navorsingsprogram in Biotegnologie<br />

• Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kookolie-inisiatief.<br />

Huidige en toekomstige navorsingsuitsette is gewoonlik die resultaat van baie tyd, kapitaal en energie<br />

wat ingesit is. So bepaal die navorsingsfokus van 'n departement, wat dikwels oor baie jare ontwikkel,<br />

watter uitsette gelewer word.<br />

Die Departement Dierkunde en Entomologie is bekend vir hulle werk op akwatiese parasitologie in<br />

die Okavango. Ander areas sluit in dieregedrag in ariede en semi-ariede omgewings, forensiese<br />

entomologie, riviermuggie-beheer in die Vaal/Oranjerivier besproeiingskemas, biosistematiek<br />

en ekologiese navorsing op spinnekoppe. Die Departement Mikrobiese, Biochemiese en<br />

Voedselbiotegnologie se navorsingsprogram strek van voedselbiotegnologie tot molekulêre<br />

biotegnologie. Navorsing oor fermentasie-biotegnologie het in die 1970’s begin, en het gelei tot die<br />

stigting van die Sasol Sentrum vir Biotegnologie in 1984. In 1996 het die United Nations Educational<br />

Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) ‘n industriële biotegnologie MIRCEN (Microbiological<br />

Resource Centre) aan die departement toegeken. In 2000 het die departement ‘n deelnemer geword<br />

in ‘n program wat handel oor lewe in ekstreme omgewings. Sedertdien word werkwinkels oor die<br />

biotegnologiese toepassings van diep ondergrondse mikrobiese ondersoeke op ‘n jaarlikse basis<br />

deur die UV gehuisves.<br />

In ‘n onlangse navorsingsprojek by die Departement Plantwetenskappe is gevind dat osoon Helianthus<br />

Riciaus en tabak beskadig. Filogenetiese verwantskappe in Suid-Afrikaanse lede van die grassubfamilie<br />

Chloridoideae is ondersoek op molekulêre gebied, en ‘n groot aantal chromosoomgetalle is bepaal.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Omgewingsbestuur het in 2003 die Bloemwater Leerstoel gekry, en fokus veral op<br />

wateromgewingsbestuur.<br />

Die eerste publikasie vanuit die Departement Chemie het in 1913 verskyn, uit die pen van Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Max Rindl. Vandag publiseer die departement gemiddeld meer as 20 publikasies per jaar, en<br />

spog met verskeie patente. Sy voormalige studente is leierwetenskaplikes in die akademie sowel<br />

as die nywerheid. Vanaf 1995 ervaar die Departement Fisika een van sy mees produktiewe<br />

navorsingsperiodes. Verskeie industriële projekte is aangepak en suksesvol afgehandel, en die<br />


departement het bekendheid verwerf as oppervlakkarakteriserings-/segregasie-eenheid. Gedurende<br />

hierdie tydperk is ook etlike belangrike mylpale bereik in die hervestiging van die UV-Boyden Sterrewag<br />

as ‘n astr<strong>of</strong>isika-navorsingsfasiliteit.<br />

Nuwe navorsingsrigtings wat deur die Departement Wiskunde en Toegepaste Wiskunde aangepak<br />

word, is Finansiële Wiskunde en Grafiekteorie. Die Departement Wiskundige Statistiek se huidige fokus<br />

is veral op Eskom-projekte wat verband hou met hidrokragopwekking. Statistiese modelle is opgestel<br />

om waterinvloei in die Gariep- en Vanderklo<strong>of</strong>damme te voorspel. Ander projekte sluit in statistiese<br />

modelle vir die analise van MIV-data, asook ‘n Vlaams-SA projek oor ekstremewaarde-modelle vir<br />

analises van data soos groot assuransie-eise, ens.Onlangse navorsing in die Departement Geologie<br />

is in menige opsig ‘n voortsetting van vorige projekte soos navorsing oor die Karoo, Boesmanland,<br />

Ventersdorp en die Witwatersrand, asook mineralogiese navorsing. Nuwe navorsingspogings sluit<br />

aspekte soos die voorkoms van uranium in die Karoo Supergroep en die omgewingsimpak van<br />

uraniummyne in, asook meteoriete en mineralehulpbronbestuur. Die Instituut vir Grondwaterstudies<br />

spesialiseer tans in die modellering van grondwatervloei en massabewegings, mynbougeohidrologie,<br />

grondwaterbesoedeling deur organiese verbindings, die langtermynimpak van besproeiing op<br />

grondwater, die ontwikkeling van grafiese sagteware en grondwatervloei deur fraktuurgesteentes. Die<br />

Departement Geografie is die oudste geografiedepartement in die land. Navorsing in die departement<br />

fokus op geomorfologie, waterhulpbronbestuur en stedelike studies. Geografiese Inligtingstelsels is<br />

‘n vinnig groeiende navorsingsarea in die departement.<br />

Omdat inligtingstegnologie baie vinnig verander, is dit voortdurend nodig om die navorsingsfokus<br />

van die Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Informatika aan te pas. Areas waarin die departement<br />

spesialiseer, is optimale storingstegnieke vir databasisse, kantooroutomatisasie, kennisgebaseerde<br />

stelsels, prestasiemeting van lokaleareanetwerke, getalteorie, rekenaars in gemeenskapsgesondheid,<br />

rekenaargesteunde onderrig, pasiëntsimulasie, virtuele realiteit, mens-rekenaar interaksie, vertaling,<br />

ens.<br />

Die Departement Bourekenkunde en Konstruksiebestuur was onlangs betrokke by ‘n projek wat<br />

gehandel het oor “Measurement Procurement <strong>of</strong> Buildings”. Hierdie navorsing het in samewerking<br />

met die Royal Institution <strong>of</strong> Chartered Surveyors (RICS) van Engeland plaas gevind. Navorsing om<br />

beramingsmetodes te verbeter en om die kostegedrag van bou-elemente te bepaal, is in samewerking<br />

met die Departement Openbare Werke onderneem en is onlangs afgehandel. Die Departement<br />

Stads- en Streekbeplanning was betrokke by ‘n studie oor die houding en persepsies van inwoners in<br />

Botshabelo ten opsigte van sekuriteitsheinings. Die departement is voorts ook betrokke by navorsing<br />


oor die ontwikkeling van ‘n Welkom - Bloemfontein Korridor. Die Departement Argitektuur het in 2003<br />

voortgebou op hulle werk in die Eenheid vir Grondkonstruksie.<br />

Die Departement Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde is nou betrokke by die skatting van genetiese<br />

parameters en teelwaardes. Weidingkunde geniet internasionale aansien vir hulle werk oor effektiewe<br />

waterbenutting en volhoubare plantproduksie van die weidingsekosisteem in die meer ariede gebiede.<br />

Die Grootro<strong>of</strong>dier-navorsingseenheid (ALPRU) gebruik groot ro<strong>of</strong>diere in hulle navorsing as indikatore<br />

van die welstand van die natuurlike omgewing, veral die habitat en prooisoorte.<br />

Die Departement Landbou-ekonomie sit sy werk oor landbourisikobestuur, effektiewe en volhoubare<br />

gebruik en bestuur van water en grond, landelike ontwikkeling, marknavorsing, beleidsvraagstukke,<br />

industrie-analises en presisieboerdery voort.<br />

Die Departement Grond-, Gewas- en Klimaatwetenskappe het onlangs navorsing afgehandel oor<br />

die identifisering van rypskade by koring, die bemesting van Lachenalia wat kommersieel verbou<br />

word, die ontwikkeling van alternatiewe gewasse en die verhoging van gewasse se natuurlike<br />

weerstand teen siektes. Unieke navorsing is gedoen op die terrein van die hidrologiese interpretasie<br />

van Suid-Afrikaanse grondsoorte en die invloed van gewasverbouing op die organiese materiaal<br />

van Suid-Afrikaanse grondsoorte. Volgens die bevindings is die huidige gewasverbouingspraktyke<br />

op die Hoëveld nie volhoubaar nie, omdat organiese materiaal, wat ‘n belangrike aanwyser van<br />

gronddegradasie is, met meer as 50% gedaal het oor die afgelope 50 jaar. Landbouweerkunde<br />

se fokus het verskuif na tussenverbouingsisteme vir mielies en bone, ten einde voedselsekuriteit in<br />

Afrika suid van die Sahara aan te spreek. Die resultate toon dat tussenverbouing water meer effektief<br />

gebruik as enkelgewasverbouing.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou is in die finale fase van ‘n projek wat handel oor die karakterisering<br />

van kleinskaalse lewendehawe-produksiesisteme in Afrika. Die sosio-ekonomiese problematiek van<br />

hierdie boere en hulle produksiesisteme en/<strong>of</strong> beperkings word in hierdie studie ondersoek.<br />


Above: Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerhardt de Klerk<br />

Right: Pr<strong>of</strong> Louise Cilliers<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerhardt de Klerk<br />

Dean<br />

In view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> variety <strong>of</strong> departments and disciplines constituting <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Humanities, <strong>the</strong><br />

research activities and output <strong>of</strong> this Faculty reflect topics and issues that cover virtually <strong>the</strong> total<br />

spectrum <strong>of</strong> human existence and co-existence.<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> accredited articles were published about aspects <strong>of</strong> education, particularly by <strong>the</strong><br />

Departments <strong>of</strong> Comparative Education and Educational Management and Curriculum Studies<br />

respectively. The Research Institute for Education Planning (RIEP) continued its contract research,<br />

which makes a significant contribution to education. The release <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> National Report on Systemic<br />


Evaluation – Mainstream Education Foundation Phase by <strong>the</strong> Minister <strong>of</strong> Education was indeed a<br />

culminating point after RIEP had, as part <strong>of</strong> a consortium, prepared <strong>the</strong> report for National Education<br />

following intensive research. Pr<strong>of</strong> Japie Strauss was also invited by UNESCO’s International Institute<br />

for Education Planning to analyse <strong>the</strong> workshop on <strong>the</strong> interpretation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> findings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SACMEQ<br />

report in Mauritius, as well as to attend <strong>the</strong> finalisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> report in Paris. He was also invited to<br />

attend a workshop in Paris on <strong>the</strong> compilation <strong>of</strong> test items to determine education quality.<br />

A large number <strong>of</strong> publications were also produced in <strong>the</strong> languages, particularly in <strong>the</strong> Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French. Pr<strong>of</strong> Jackie Naudé <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Afro-Asiatic<br />

Studies, Language Practice and Sign Language is compiling an electronic Bible and religious translation<br />

corpus in all 11 national languages <strong>of</strong> South Africa. The following analyses are made on <strong>the</strong> basis<br />

<strong>of</strong> this corpus: comparisons within a specific translation (for instance between prose and poetry);<br />

between different translations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same or different periods <strong>of</strong> a specific language (for instance,<br />

in order to investigate <strong>the</strong> influence <strong>of</strong> older translations on new translations); between translations<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same or different periods <strong>of</strong> different languages (in order to determine <strong>the</strong> interference <strong>of</strong> a<br />

dominant language). National as well as international publications have already been generated by<br />

this research.<br />

A record number <strong>of</strong> accredited articles were published in <strong>the</strong> social and cultural sciences. Most <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>se originate from <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> History. In this department, Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard, in co-operation<br />

with a few colleagues, was also very busy recording <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

to be published during <strong>the</strong> university’s centenary celebrations in 2004. Pr<strong>of</strong> Heidi Hudson from<br />

<strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Political Science was chosen as one <strong>of</strong> 16 candidates to take part in a research<br />

project <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fulbright American Studies Institute Programme on US Foreign Policy, while Pr<strong>of</strong> André<br />

Duvenhage undertook an extremely successful research trip to <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sasketchewan in<br />

Canada.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> year under review, <strong>the</strong> Centre for Health Systems Research and Development was involved<br />

with quite a number <strong>of</strong> extensive projects covering significant and interesting <strong>the</strong>mes. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se<br />

dealt with The socio-economic impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/Aids on households in South Africa: a pilot study in<br />

Welkom and Qwaqwa. Research on <strong>the</strong> socio-economic impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/Aids on households and<br />

communities is essential for formulating both policy and intervention strategies. The goal <strong>of</strong> this study<br />

was to describe and evaluate <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> different formal and informal strategies for dealing with<br />

HIV/Aids; to study <strong>the</strong> macro-economic impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/Aids, and to propose a framework for <strong>the</strong> best<br />

practice to improve <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> affected households.<br />


Several creative presentations were made in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arts. In this regard, <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Drama and Theatre Arts in particular was very active. Nico Luwes received an award from <strong>the</strong> Arts<br />

and Culture Trust for his Griqua drama “Maagmeisie”.<br />

The Faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Humanities is proud <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong> journal Communitas, with Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan de<br />

Wet as editor, was approved as a nationally accredited journal. Toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> journals Stilet and<br />

<strong>the</strong> Journal for Contemporary History, three accredited journals are now run in <strong>the</strong> Faculty.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Gerhardt de Klerk<br />

Dekaan<br />

Vanweë die verskeidenheid departemente en dissiplines waaruit die Fakulteit saamgestel is, weerspieël<br />

Geesteswetenskappe se navorsingsaktiwiteite en –uitsette onderwerpe en vraagstukke wat bykans<br />

die totale spektrum van menswees en die saamleef van mense omspan.<br />

Oor aspekte in die opvoedkunde is ’n hele paar geakkrediteerde artikels gepubliseer, veral deur<br />

die departemente Vergelykende Opvoedkunde en Onderwysbestuur en Kurrikulumstudie. Die<br />

Navorsingsinstituut vir Onderwysbeplanning (NIOB) het sy kontraknavorsing, waardeur ‘n groot bydrae<br />

tot die onderwys gelewer word, voortgesit. Die vrystelling van die National Report on Systemic<br />

Evaluation – Mainstream Education Foundation Phase deur die Minister van Onderwys was inderdaad<br />

‘n hoogtepunt nadat NIOB, as deel van ‘n konsortium, na intensiewe navorsing die verslag vir<br />

Nasionale Onderwys voorberei het. Pr<strong>of</strong> Japie Strauss is ook deur die International Institute for<br />

Education Planning van UNESCO uitgenooi om die werkwinkel in Mauritius oor die interpretasie van<br />

die SACMEQ-verslag se bevindinge te ontleed, asook om die finalisering van die verslag in Parys by<br />

te woon. Hy is ook genooi om ‘n werkwinkel in Parys by te woon oor die samestelling van toetsitems<br />

om onderwysgehalte te bepaal.<br />

In die tale, veral die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans, is eweneens ‘n groot aantal<br />

publikasies gelewer. Pr<strong>of</strong> Jackie Naudé van die Departement Afro-Asiatiese Studie, Taalpraktyk en<br />

Gebaretaal is besig met die opstel van ‘n elektroniese Bybel- en religieuse vertalingskorpus in al 11<br />

nasionale tale van Suid-Afrika. Die volgende analises word met behulp van die korpus uitgevoer:<br />


vergelykings binne ‘n spesifieke vertaling (byvoorbeeld tussen prosa en poësie); tussen verskillende<br />

vertalings van dieselfde <strong>of</strong> verskillende periodes van ‘n spesifieke taal (om byvoorbeeld die invloed<br />

van ouer vertalings op nuwes te ondersoek); tussen vertalings van dieselfde <strong>of</strong> verskillende periodes<br />

van verskillende tale (naamlik om die interferensie van ‘n dominante taal te bepaal). Hieruit het reeds<br />

sowel nasionale as internasionale publikasies voortgevloei.<br />

‘n Rekordaantal geakkrediteerde artikels is in die sosiale en kulturele wetenskappe gepubliseer. Die<br />

meeste hiervan kom uit die Departement Geskiedenis. In hierdie departement was pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard<br />

in samewerking met ‘n paar kollegas ook hard besig om die geskiedenis van die Universiteit van die<br />

Vrystaat op te teken sodat dit tydens die universiteit se eeufeesvieringe in 2004 gepubliseer kan<br />

word. Uit die Departement Politieke Wetenskap is pr<strong>of</strong> Heidi Hudson as een van 16 kandidate gekies<br />

om deel te neem aan ‘n navorsingsprojek van die Fulbright American Studies Institute Programme<br />

on US Foreign Policy, terwyl pr<strong>of</strong> André Duvenhage ‘n uiters geslaagde navorsingsbesoek aan die<br />

Universiteit van Saskatchewan in Kanada gebring het.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Gesondheidsisteemnavorsing en Ontwikkeling was gedurende die verslagjaar besig<br />

met ‘n hele aantal omvattende projekte wat verskillende belangwekkende en interessante temas<br />

dek. Een hiervan het gehandel oor The socio-economic impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/Aids on households in South<br />

Africa: a pilot study in Welkom and Qwaqwa. Navorsing oor die sosio-ekonomiese impak van MIV/<br />

Vigs op huishoudings en gemeenskappe is noodsaaklik vir die formulering van sowel beleid as<br />

intervensiestrategieë. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die impak van verskillende formele en<br />

informele strategieë vir die hantering van MIV/Vigs te beskryf en te evalueer; om die makro-ekonomiese<br />

impak van MIV/VIGS te bestudeer; en om ‘n raamwerk voor te stel vir die ‘beste praktyk’om die<br />

lewenskwaliteit van geaffekteerde huishoudings te verbeter.<br />

Op die terrein van die kunste is verskeie artistieke aanbiedings gemaak. In hierdie opsig was veral<br />

die Departement Drama en Teaterkuns besonder bedrywig. Nico Luwes het ‘n toekenning ontvang<br />

van die Arts and Culture Trust vir sy Griekwadrama “Maagmeisie”.<br />

Die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe is trots daarop dat die tydskrif Communitas onder redakteurskap<br />

van pr<strong>of</strong> Johan de Wet as nasionaal geakkrediteerde tydskrif goedgekeur is. Saam met die tydskrifte<br />

Stilet en Die Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis word daar nou drie geakkrediteerde tydskrifte in die<br />

Fakulteit bedryf.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl<br />

Dean<br />

The Faculty <strong>of</strong> Theology once again produced an abundance <strong>of</strong> research output in 2003. In <strong>the</strong><br />

bibliological subjects (Old Testament and New Testament), various <strong>the</strong>mes and books received attention.<br />

The issue <strong>of</strong> violence was examined from a Biblical perspective. Pr<strong>of</strong> Fanie Snyman approached<br />

this matter from <strong>the</strong> perspective <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> book Habakkuk, and Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter de Villiers presented a paper<br />

on how violence should be viewed from a Biblical perspective. The book <strong>of</strong> Revelations was also a<br />

popular field <strong>of</strong> study. Pr<strong>of</strong> Fanie Riekert discussed a few grammatical aspects <strong>of</strong> Revelations 4 and 5,<br />

and De Villiers focused on <strong>the</strong> spirituality <strong>of</strong> Revelations. He also completed a comparative study on<br />

<strong>the</strong> symbols <strong>of</strong> ancient religions and Revelations. In addition, Pr<strong>of</strong> Francois Tolmie is still busy with a<br />

rhetorical analysis <strong>of</strong> Galatians, and Pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl commenced with a hermeneutic study <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

interaction between natural science and faith from a Biblical perspective. Pr<strong>of</strong> Daan Pienaar continued<br />

his archaeological investigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bible with studies on Joshua and Judges.<br />

In Ecclesiology (church history), Pr<strong>of</strong> Dolf Britz is drawing toge<strong>the</strong>r a formidable team <strong>of</strong> experts. He<br />

presented a series <strong>of</strong> seminars on different <strong>the</strong>mes: Denomination and <strong>the</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> church; <strong>the</strong><br />


church in <strong>the</strong> German Democratic Republic <strong>of</strong> 1945-1989; <strong>the</strong> Dutch <strong>the</strong>ologian Kohlbrugge’s view<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Old Testament, and <strong>the</strong> connection between <strong>the</strong> Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), <strong>the</strong> Theological<br />

Seminary <strong>of</strong> Princeton (USA) and South Africa. He involved <strong>the</strong>ologians from South Africa as well<br />

as abroad in <strong>the</strong> seminars. He also presented guest lectures at two <strong>the</strong>ological institutions in Tokyo<br />

and Kobe, Japan. Dr Lourens Erasmus is a guest researcher at <strong>the</strong> International Reformed Theological<br />

Institute at <strong>the</strong> VU, Amsterdam, <strong>the</strong> Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands, and Dr Victor D’Assonville delivered a paper on<br />

Christ and <strong>the</strong> Old Testament according to Calvin, also at <strong>the</strong> VU. Numerous publications were also<br />

completed. Britz wrote about <strong>the</strong> ecclesiastic interpretation <strong>of</strong> 6 April 1652 and Pr<strong>of</strong> Piet Strauss<br />

about <strong>the</strong> church and <strong>the</strong> news, an interdisciplinary study uniting ecclesiastical law and journalism,<br />

while Rev Jan Lubbe wrote about <strong>the</strong> New Reformation from a church history perspective. In addition,<br />

Britz also received research grants from <strong>the</strong> NRF and <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> for his research on references to <strong>the</strong><br />

poor, injustice and poverty in <strong>the</strong> Belgic Confession and <strong>the</strong> Heidelberg Catechism.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Dogmatology, Pr<strong>of</strong>s Sybrand Strauss and Pieter Potgieter made contributions<br />

to a book on reformed <strong>the</strong>ology, with <strong>the</strong> title Faith and ethnicity. Strauss wrote about <strong>the</strong> state <strong>of</strong><br />

reformed <strong>the</strong>ology in Africa south <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sahara, and Potgieter about reformed <strong>the</strong>ology during and<br />

after apar<strong>the</strong>id.<br />

In Practical Theology, Rev David Keta completed his <strong>the</strong>sis, which deals with <strong>the</strong> spirituality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

African preacher. Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Janse van Rensburg, toge<strong>the</strong>r with postgraduate students who have<br />

completed <strong>the</strong>ir studies, made contributions regarding suicidal tendencies among adolescents, as<br />

well as <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> covenant on <strong>the</strong> pastorate. He also evaluated <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ology <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Kobus<br />

Kellerman, former head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Practical Theology. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, he completed a research<br />

project on narrative preaching. Dr Jan-Albert van den Berg, newly appointed lecturer, is busy<br />

with research on <strong>the</strong> person and spirituality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> minister.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Missiology, Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster continued with his research on comprehensive<br />

ministry in <strong>the</strong> informal settlements around Bloemfontein. In an article, he focused on <strong>the</strong> congrega-<br />

tion’s active involvement in <strong>the</strong> deaconate <strong>of</strong> Mangaung. He also wrote about <strong>the</strong> evangelisation <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Muslims, a study that is also reflected in a doctoral <strong>the</strong>sis with <strong>the</strong> same title by one <strong>of</strong> his students,<br />

Rev Philip Scheepers. Dr Gideon van der Watt made a contribution about <strong>the</strong> mission practice<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutch Reformed Church from 1952 until <strong>the</strong> turn <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> century.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl<br />

Dekaan<br />

Die Fakulteit Teologie het in 2003 andermaal ‘n ryke oes aan navorsingsuitsette gelewer. In die<br />

bibliologiese vakke (Ou Testament en Nuwe Testament) was daar verskillende temas en boeke wat<br />

aandag geniet het. Die kwessie van geweld is vanuit Bybelse perspektief ondersoek. Pr<strong>of</strong> Fanie<br />

Snyman sny die saak aan vanuit die boek Habakuk, en pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter de Villiers lewer ‘n referaat oor hoe<br />

geweld vanuit die Bybel beoordeel moet word. Die boek Openbaring was ook ‘n gewilde studieveld.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Fanie Riekert behandel enkele grammatikale aspekte van Openbaring 4 en 5, en De Villiers het dit<br />

oor die spiritualiteit van Openbaring. Hy doen ook ‘n vergelykende studie oor die simbole van antieke<br />

godsdienste en Openbaring. Hierbenewens is pr<strong>of</strong> Francois Tolmie steeds besig met ‘n retoriese<br />

analise van Galasiërs, en pr<strong>of</strong> Hermie van Zyl pak ‘n hermeneutiese studie aan oor die wisselwerking<br />

tussen natuurwetenskap en gelo<strong>of</strong> vanuit Bybelse perspektief. Pr<strong>of</strong> Daan Pienaar sit sy argeologiese<br />

ondersoek van die Bybel voort met studies oor Josua en Rigters.<br />

In die ekklesiologie (kerkgeskiedenis) is pr<strong>of</strong> Dolf Britz besig om ‘n formidabele span kundiges saam te<br />

trek. Hy bied ‘n reeks seminare aan oor verskillende temas: Kerkverband en die eenheid van die kerk;<br />

die kerk in die Duitse Demokratiese Republiek van 1945-1989; die Nederlandse teoloog, Kohlbrugge,<br />

se siening van die Ou Testament, en die konneksie tussen die Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam),<br />

die Teologiese Seminarium van Princeton (VSA), en Suid-Afrika. Hy betrek buitelandse sowel as<br />

binnelandse teoloë by die seminare. Verder lewer hy gaslesings by twee teologiese instellings in Tokio<br />

en Kobe, Japan. Dr Lourens Erasmus is ‘n gasnavorser by die International Reformed Theological<br />

Institute aan die VU, Amsterdam, Nederland, en dr Victor D’Assonville lewer ‘n referaat oor Christus en<br />

die Ou Testament by Calvyn, ook aan die VU. Hierbenewens is daar ook fluks gepubliseer. Britz skryf<br />

oor die kerklike interpretasie van 6 April 1652, pr<strong>of</strong> Piet Strauss oor kerk en nuus, ‘n interdissiplinêre<br />

studie wat kerkreg en joernalistiek verenig, en ds Jan Lubbe oor die Nuwe Hervorming vanuit<br />

kerkhistoriese perspektief. Boonop ontvang Britz ook navorsingstoekennings van die NNS (Nasionale<br />

Navorsingstigting) en die UV vir sy navorsing oor verwysings na armes, onreg en armoede in die<br />

Nederlandse Gelo<strong>of</strong>sbelydenis en die Heidelbergse Kategismus.<br />


In die Departement Dogmatologie lewer pr<strong>of</strong> Sybrand Strauss en Pieter Potgieter bydraes in ‘n<br />

boek oor gereformeerde teologie, getitel Faith and ethnicity. Strauss skryf oor die stand van die<br />

gereformeerde teologie in Afrika suid van die Sahara, en Potgieter oor gereformeerde teologie tydens<br />

en na apar<strong>the</strong>id.<br />

In die Praktiese Teologie voltooi ds David Keta sy proefskrif wat handel oor die spiritualiteit van die<br />

Afrika-prediker. Pr<strong>of</strong> Johan Janse van Rensburg lewer saam met afgestudeerde nagraadse studente<br />

bydraes oor selfmoordneigings by adolessente, en die impak van die verbond op die pastoraat.<br />

Verder doen hy ‘n beoordeling van die teologie van pr<strong>of</strong> Kobus Kellerman, voormalige ho<strong>of</strong> van die<br />

departement Praktiese Teologie. Hy voltooi ook ‘n navorsingsprojek oor narratiewe prediking. Dr Jan-<br />

Albert van den Berg, nuutaangestelde dosent, is besig met navorsing oor die persoon en spiritualiteit<br />

van die predikant.<br />

In die Departement Sendingwetenskap sit pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster sy navorsing oor omvattende<br />

Woordbediening in die informele nedersettings om Bloemfontein voort. In ‘n artikel konsentreer hy<br />

op die gemeente se aktiewe betrokkenheid by die diakonaat in Mangaung. Hy skryf ook oor die<br />

evangelisering van die Moslems, ‘n studie wat ook weerklank vind in ‘n doktorale proefskrif met ‘n<br />

gelykluidende titel van een van sy studente, ds Philip Scheepers. dr Gideon van der Watt lewer ‘n<br />

bydrae oor die sendingpraktyk van die N.G. Kerk vanaf 1952 tot die eeuwending.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


<strong>UFS</strong> campus approximately 1940s.<br />

74<br />

To cement ties with its home<br />

province, <strong>the</strong> name was changed<br />

to <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> College <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Orange <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. In <strong>the</strong> late<br />

forties, Afrikaans became <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial language <strong>of</strong> instruction at<br />

<strong>the</strong> university.



Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Keulder<br />

Acting Academic Head - Qwaqwa Campus<br />

The <strong>University</strong>’s strategic focus on research is yielding results, also on <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa campus. A culture<br />

<strong>of</strong> research is being developed through making best use <strong>of</strong> available infrastructure and networking<br />

with <strong>the</strong> main campus and o<strong>the</strong>r stakeholders.<br />

Major research activity took place in <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural Sciences, where a Parasitology thrust, a<br />

Polymer Chemistry thrust and an Ethno-Botany thrust were established and supported by <strong>the</strong> National<br />

Research Forum’s <strong>University</strong> Research Development Programme. Aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> progress made in<br />

<strong>the</strong> first two thrusts are discussed elsewhere in this document.<br />

75<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Keulder

In <strong>the</strong> Science Faculty, Dr FB Dejene conducted research on <strong>the</strong> characterisation and preparation <strong>of</strong><br />

conducting oxides and intelligent windows by means <strong>of</strong> simple sol-gel and spin-coating processes.<br />

Dr ME Kyobe was intensively involved in a project on <strong>the</strong> strategic utilisation <strong>of</strong> IT resources in smallto-medium<br />

sized firms. Dr J Schröder <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>matics continued with his applications <strong>of</strong> elementary<br />

sub-models to partitions <strong>of</strong> topological spaces.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Education, Dr LE Letsie completed his study on <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> community colleges in <strong>the</strong><br />

provision <strong>of</strong> vocational-technical education in <strong>the</strong> Eastern <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. This was done as part <strong>of</strong> a Ph.D.<br />

project with <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Pretoria. Dr KS Milondzo completed his Ph.D. project on <strong>the</strong> principal’s<br />

role in development programmes for teaching staff in <strong>the</strong> far north <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Limpopo province.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Economics and Management Sciences Programme, Mr TS Setati (Industrial Psychology)<br />

became engaged in an exciting project on work wellness in higher education institutions, particularly<br />

with regard to <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> restructuring.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> Humanities Programmes, Mr A Adjei continued with his tourism development project in <strong>the</strong><br />

Eastern <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. This is also supported by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation’s URDP programme<br />

(<strong>University</strong> Research Programme). Mrs MA Dladla (African Languages) participated in a project on <strong>the</strong><br />

effect <strong>of</strong> higher education transformation on <strong>the</strong> teaching <strong>of</strong> African languages at universities.<br />

A focused effort is made to engage more academic staff members on <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa Campus in<br />

research projects. It is imperative that research capacity should expand and thrive on this new<br />

satellite campus.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Keulder<br />

Waarnemende Akademiese Ho<strong>of</strong> Qwaqwa<br />

Die Universiteit se strategiese fokus op navorsing werp vrugte af, ook op die Qwaqwakampus. ‘n<br />

Navorsingskultuur word ontwikkel deur beskikbare infrastruktuur ten beste te benut en ‘n netwerk van<br />

kontakte op te bou tussen die satellietkampus en die ho<strong>of</strong>kampus en ander aandeelhouers.<br />


Belangrike navorsing is onderneem in die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe, waar ‘n Parasitologieinisiatief,<br />

‘n Polimeerchemie-inisiatief en ‘n Etnobotanie-inisiatief deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting<br />

se Universiteit Navorsings- en Ontwikkelingsprogram (UNOP) ingestel en ondersteun is. Aspekte<br />

van die vordering wat gemaak is met die eerste twee inisiatiewe word elders in hierdie dokument<br />

bespreek.<br />

Hierbenewens het Dr FB Dejene in die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe navorsing onderneem oor die<br />

karakterisering en voorbereiding van geleidende oksiedes en intelligente vensters met behulp van<br />

eenvoudige sol-gel prosesse en afsetting deur middel van sentrifugering. Dr ME Kyobe was intensief<br />

betrokke by ‘n projek oor die strategiese benutting van IT-hulpbronne in klein- tot mediumgrootte<br />

firmas. Dr J Schröder van Wiskunde het voortgegaan met sy toepassings van elementêre submodelle<br />

op partisies van topologiese ruimtes.<br />

In die Skool vir Opvoedkunde het Dr LE Letsie sy studie oor die rol van gemeenskapskolleges in<br />

die voorsiening van beroepstegniese onderwys in die Oos-Vrystaat voltooi. Dit is gedoen as deel<br />

van ‘n Ph.D.-projek saam met die Universiteit van Pretoria. Dr KS Milondzo het sy Ph.D.-projek oor<br />

die skoolho<strong>of</strong> se rol in ontwikkelingsprogramme vir onderwyspersoneel in die verre noorde van die<br />

Limpopo-provinsie voltooi.<br />

Mnr TS Setati (Bedryfsielkunde) het in die Program vir Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe betrokke<br />

geraak by ‘n opwindende projek oor die werkwelstand by instellings vir hoër onderwys, veral met<br />

betrekking tot die impak van herstrukturering.<br />

In die Geesteswetenskappe-program het mnr A Adjei voortgegaan met sy toerisme-ontwikkelingsprojek<br />

in die Oos-Vrystaat. Dit word ook ondersteun deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) se<br />

UNOP-program (Navorsing Ontwikkelingsprogram vir Universiteite). Mev MA Dladla (Afrika-tale) het<br />

deelgeneem aan ‘n projek oor die uitwerking van transformasie in die hoër onderwys op die onderrig<br />

van Afrika-tale aan universiteite.<br />

Daar word doelbewus gepoog om meer lede van die akademiese personeel op die Qwaqwakampus<br />

by navorsingsprojekte te betrek. Die uitbreiding en bevordering van navorsingskapasiteit op hierdie<br />

nuwe satellietkampus is van die uiterste belang.<br />



(NRF)<br />


In order to optimise <strong>the</strong> investment <strong>of</strong> scarce resources for research, <strong>the</strong> NRF subjects potential<br />

principal grant-holders who wishes to participate in any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> focus areas to stringent individual peer<br />

evaluation. Central to <strong>the</strong> process is <strong>the</strong> quality and competitiveness <strong>of</strong> researchers’ recent researchbased<br />

output. Twelve standing NRF specialist committees comprising from three to six members and<br />

one or two independent NRF assessors assist <strong>the</strong> NRF in scrutinising <strong>the</strong> international peer review<br />

reports before a rating is awarded.<br />


Researchers who enjoy considerable international recognition by <strong>the</strong>ir peers for <strong>the</strong> high quality <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>ir recent research outputs.<br />

Du Preez JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Finkelstein MS Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Grobbelaar JU Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Kock JLF Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Meyer JH Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Applied Ma<strong>the</strong>matics<br />


Pretorius ZA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Scott L Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Swart HC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Physics<br />

Viljoen BC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Established researchers with a sustained recent record <strong>of</strong> productivity in <strong>the</strong> field who are recognized<br />

by <strong>the</strong>ir peers as having:<br />

• Produced a body <strong>of</strong> quality work, <strong>the</strong> core <strong>of</strong> which has coherence and attests to ongoing<br />

engagement with <strong>the</strong> field<br />


• Demonstrated <strong>the</strong> ability to conceptualize problems and apply research methods to<br />

investigating <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

Albertyn J Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Basson L Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Zoology and Entomology<br />

Botha JF Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Institute for Groundwater Study<br />

Bragg RR Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Brandt EV Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Chemistry<br />

Christopher LP Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Cilliers L Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

English and Classical Languages<br />

De Bruiyn H Dr<br />

Geology<br />

De Waal DJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

De Waal HO Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Du Plessis LT Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Unit for Language Facilitation and Empowerment<br />

Du Preez CC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Erasmus GJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Fourie LJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Zoology and Entomology<br />

79<br />

Greyling JPC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Greyling WJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

English and Classical Languages<br />

Groenewald PCN Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Heideman NJL Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Vice-Dean: Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural<br />

Sciences<br />

Holmes PJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Geography<br />

Kilian SG Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Labuschagne MT Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Litthauer D Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Lötter MG Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Medical Physics<br />

Louw DA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Psychology<br />

Louw SVDM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Zoology and Entomology<br />

Luyt AS Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Chemistry<br />

Mbati PA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Head: Qwaqwa Campus<br />

Head: Parasitology Research Program

Meintjes PJ Dr<br />

Physcis<br />

Mucina L Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Nel PJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afroasiatic Studies, Sign Language<br />

and Language Practice<br />

Neser FWC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Ngwena C Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Constitutional Law and Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Law<br />

Oosthuizen LK Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Agricultural Economics<br />

Pretorius JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Raftery MM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

English and Classical Languages<br />

Smit GN Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Smit MS Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Snyman HA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Spies JJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Steenkamp JA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Chemistry<br />

Strydom AH Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

SHOSO<br />

Swart WJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

80<br />

Swarts JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Chemistry<br />

Van As JG Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Zoology and Entomology<br />

Van Coller HP Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French<br />

Van den Berg DJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

History <strong>of</strong> Art<br />

Van der Merwe AJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Van der Merwe HJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Van der Westhuizen AJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Van Rensburg HCJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Centre for Health Systems Research and<br />

Development<br />

Van Schalkwyk HD Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Dean: Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural Sciences<br />

Van Tonder A Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Van Tonder GJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Groundwater Studies<br />

Van Wyk PWJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Van Wyk JB Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Verhoeven RL Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Plant Sciences<br />

Viljoen MF Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Agricultural Economics

Wessels A Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

History<br />


Persons normally younger than 55 years who were previously established as researchers or who<br />

previously demonstrated potential through <strong>the</strong>ir own research products, and who are considered<br />

capable <strong>of</strong> fully establishing or re-establishing <strong>the</strong>mselves as researchers within a five-year period<br />

after evaluation. Candidates should be South African citizens or foreign nationals who have been<br />

resident in South Africa for five years during which time <strong>the</strong>y have been unable for practical reasons<br />

to realize <strong>the</strong>ir potential as researchers.<br />

Candidates who are eligible in this category include:<br />

• Black researchers<br />

• Female researchers<br />

• Those employed in a higher education institution that lacked a research environment<br />

• Those who were previously established as researchers and have returned to a research<br />

environment.<br />

Conradie J Dr<br />

Chemistry<br />


Young researchers normally younger than 35 years <strong>of</strong> age, who have held <strong>the</strong> doctorate or equivalent<br />

qualification for less than five years at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> application, and whom are recognised as having<br />

<strong>the</strong> potential to establish <strong>the</strong>mselves as researchers within a five-year period after evaluation, based<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir performance and productivity as researchers during <strong>the</strong>ir doctoral studies and/or early<br />

postdoctoral careers.<br />

Hugo CJ Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Jooste A Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Agricultural Economics<br />

Kroon RE Dr<br />

Physics<br />

81<br />

Wolfaardt JF Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Pretorius AL Dr<br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Statistics<br />

Snyman-Van Deventer E Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Mercantile Law<br />

Terblans JJ Dr<br />


Van As LL Dr<br />

Zoology and Entomology<br />

Van Heerden E Dr<br />

Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />


Viljoen CD Dr<br />

Plant Sciences<br />

In sequences <strong>of</strong> researcher, department and project short title<br />

Akach PAO Mr<br />

Unit for Language Facilitation and Empowerment<br />

Deaf education<br />

Bragg RR Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Live vaccine for infectious coryza<br />

Brandt EV Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry<br />

Natural Products: Polyphenols<br />

Conradie J Dr<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry<br />

Syn<strong>the</strong>sis and Computational Chemistry<br />

De Waal HO Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland<br />

Sciences<br />

Sustainable and wealthier livelihoods<br />

Du Preez CC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Water quality and crop growth<br />

Du Preez JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Industrial Fungal Bioprocesses<br />

Erasmus GJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland<br />

Sciences<br />

Utilizing Animal Genetic Diversity<br />

82<br />

Fourie M Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Centre for Higher Education Studies and<br />

Development<br />

Performance management<br />

Greyling JPC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland<br />

Sciences<br />

Tradition Animal Husbandry Practices<br />

Hugo CJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Warning Systems in food production<br />

Jooste A Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

Production and trade modelling<br />

Jooste A Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

The red meat value chain<br />

Kock JLF Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Lipid Biotechnology<br />

Labuschagne MT Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Cactus pear characterisation and use

Litthauer D Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Enzymes from extreme environments<br />

Louw DA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology<br />

Black Families and Mental Health<br />

Louw SVDM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

Sustainable IPM on New Crops<br />

Meintjes PJ Dr<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Physics<br />

MHD and Fluids in binaries<br />

Meintjes PJ Dr<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Physics<br />

Relativistic Astrophysics<br />

Meyer JH Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>matics and Applied<br />

Ma<strong>the</strong>matics<br />

Algebraic Structures<br />

Nel PJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afroasiatic Studies, Sign Language<br />

and Language Practice<br />

Colloquium on IKS<br />

Ngwena C Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Constitutional Law and Philosophy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Law<br />

Employment equity and disability<br />

Nwonwu FOC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

Indigenous Knowledge in Agriculture<br />

Pelser AJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology<br />

Conflict over fresh water resources<br />

Pretorius ZA Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Integrated Crop Health Improvement<br />

83<br />

Scott L Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Environments <strong>of</strong> human prehistory<br />

Smit MS Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Applications <strong>of</strong> alkane grown yeasts<br />

Spies JJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

Genetic-taxonomic Floriculture<br />

Swart HC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Physics<br />

Surface Characterization<br />

Swarts JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry<br />

Polymers for medicine and industry<br />

Van As JG Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

Aquatic Parasitology<br />

Van As JG Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

Intertidal symbionts<br />

Van der Linde TCDK Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

Entomology in Crime and Health<br />

van Rensburg HCJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Centre for Health Systems Research and<br />

Development<br />

Tuberculosis in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

van Rensburg HCJ Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Centre for Health Systems Research and<br />

Development<br />

Sosio-economic Impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS<br />

van Schalkwyk HD Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Land Reform Program

van Schalkwyk HD Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

Agricultural Competitiveness in SA<br />

Viljoen BC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Food Security<br />


Walker S Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Variable Climate – Food Production<br />

Wessels GM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Economics<br />

Dollaristation and South Africa<br />

The NRF’s International Science Liaison aims to forge and maintain strategic and intellectual alliances<br />

between individuals, institutions and organisations in <strong>the</strong> science research communities nationally<br />

and internationally to support <strong>the</strong> international competitiveness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country<br />

Albertyn J Dr<br />

USA – RSA Agreement<br />

Visti to <strong>the</strong> laboratory <strong>of</strong> Dr C Kurtzman, Microbial<br />

Genomics Bioprocessing Research Unit, National<br />

Centre for Agricultural Utilization Research, USDA.<br />

Christopher LP Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Hungary – RSA Agreement with Dr Szakacs Gyorgy<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Technical <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Budapest<br />

Cost effective and environmentally benign approach<br />

for enzyme production and application in <strong>the</strong> pulp<br />

and paper industry.<br />

Grobbelaar JU Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

German – South African Agreement<br />

Ozone stress in crop plants.<br />

Meiring SM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Flanders - South-African Agreement with H.<br />

Deckmyn (Catholic <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Leuven)<br />

New antithrombotics – role <strong>of</strong> platelet aggregation,<br />

coagulation and restenosis.<br />

Meiring SM Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Hungary – RSA Agreement with Dr Harsfalvi Jolan<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Medical School, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Debrecen<br />

New Anti Thrombotics in platelet adhesion and<br />

coagulation.<br />

84<br />

Pieters H Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Flanders – South-Africa Agreement with D.<br />

Collen (Catholic <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Leuven): Preclinical<br />

evaluation in non-human primates <strong>of</strong> a novel type<br />

<strong>of</strong> antithrobotic agent.<br />

Swarts JC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Norway – South-Africa Agreement with Abhik Ghosh<br />

(<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tromsø)<br />

Porphyrin-ferrocene<br />

anticancer agents.<br />

conjugates as potential<br />

Viljoen BC Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Hungary – South Africa Agreement with Dr. Deak<br />

Tibor (<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Horticulture and Food Science,<br />

Budapest)<br />

Characterisation <strong>of</strong> spoilage yeasts in food and<br />

beverage ecosystems.





The NRF is developing a National Research Agenda project for Social Science, Law and Humanities<br />

(SSLH), guided by Tessa Marcus. This initiative is designed to support and develop <strong>the</strong> national<br />

science and innovation system in a way that both accounts for and stimulates <strong>the</strong> contribution made<br />

by researchers and academics in <strong>the</strong> Social Science, Law and Humanities. The mentioned disciplines<br />

have fallen behind <strong>the</strong> natural sciences whilst <strong>the</strong>y should be in <strong>the</strong> ideal situation to contribute to<br />

a better understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> contemporary world, a civil society and a humanity from which all can<br />

benefit. These disciplines have yet to make clear <strong>the</strong>ir role in stimulating innovation and technology<br />

in a way that addresses human needs and issues. It has <strong>the</strong>refore become critically important that<br />

researchers in <strong>the</strong> mentioned fields revisit <strong>the</strong>ir current research focus and come forward with <strong>the</strong><br />

major and challenging inquiry and a programme <strong>of</strong> knowledge creation for a better and civil society,<br />

hence <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a national research agenda in <strong>the</strong>se fields.<br />

Regional clusters <strong>of</strong> tertiary institutions have been formed and four <strong>the</strong>mes, as well as champions<br />

for each <strong>the</strong>me were identified. Our Regional cluster includes <strong>UFS</strong>, RAU, WITS and TWR and <strong>UFS</strong><br />

was appointed by <strong>the</strong> NRF to lead this process. The NRF also allocated a budget to <strong>UFS</strong> for this<br />

initiative.<br />

Our responsibilities include to:<br />

• Facilitate and administrate <strong>the</strong> process.<br />

• Facilitate <strong>the</strong> generation <strong>of</strong> a set <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>mes to serve as framework for thought papers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

SSLH Initiative.<br />

• To identify champions and invite leading researchers to develop thought papers.<br />

• Convene a regional workshop where <strong>the</strong> revised thought papers would be presented and <strong>the</strong><br />

outcomes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> workshop be forwarded to <strong>the</strong> NRF.<br />

Serving on our <strong>University</strong> Steering Committee are:<br />

• Pr<strong>of</strong> Philip Nel<br />

• Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius<br />


• Pr<strong>of</strong> Heidi Hudson<br />

• Pr<strong>of</strong> Charles Ngwena<br />

• Mr Aldo Stroebel<br />

• Me Annelize Venter<br />



Mrs Annelize Venter (middle) with students.<br />

Thuthuka derives from <strong>the</strong> Zulu word meaning to develop or advance. This programme sets its aims<br />

to increase <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> NRF rated researchers from designated research groups. The role <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Thuthuka programme is to build <strong>the</strong> individual capacity <strong>of</strong> women, blacks and individuals from<br />

disadvantaged institutions, as well as building a pool <strong>of</strong> post-graduates in order to supply <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> academic labour market. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore Thuthuka addresses <strong>the</strong> skewed staff distribution at Higher<br />

Education Institutions and plays an active role in <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> highly qualified researchers, who<br />

in turn will be involved in <strong>the</strong> training <strong>of</strong> researchers from designated groups through targeted capacity<br />


uilding interactions. Lastly Thuthuka assists in <strong>the</strong> identification and mobilisation <strong>of</strong> resources that<br />

will eliminate barriers which had an adverse impact on <strong>the</strong> designated groups.<br />

Thuthuka consists <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> following 3 sub-programmes:<br />

A. Researchers-in-Training (RiT)<br />

Is intended to support <strong>the</strong> individual researcher from <strong>the</strong> point <strong>of</strong> being a new researcher in training<br />

(entry level being <strong>the</strong> registration) to being an established researcher.<br />

B. Women-in-Research (WiR)<br />

Intends specifically to serve individual women who experience such career limitations and who<br />

demonstrate high potential to become active, independent researchers at Higher Education<br />

Institutions.<br />

C. Research Development Initiative for Black Academics (REDIBA)<br />

To prepare Black South African researchers for positions <strong>of</strong> scientific and academic leadership,<br />

<strong>the</strong>reby diversifying, streng<strong>the</strong>ning <strong>the</strong> nation’s research capabilities.<br />

Grant-holders<br />

Dr A Beyleveld<br />

Division <strong>of</strong> student learning development<br />

Programme: Researcher in Training<br />

Focus Area: Education and <strong>the</strong> Challenges for<br />

change<br />

Tile: Critical outcomes: Development and<br />

assessment<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> H Hudson<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Political Science<br />

Programme: Women in Research<br />

Focus area: Challenge <strong>of</strong> Globalisation: Perspectives<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Global South<br />

Title: Globalisation and security<br />

Dr MB Nthangeni<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food<br />

Biotechnology<br />

Programme: Research Development Initiative for<br />

Black Academics<br />

Focus Area: Economic Growth and International<br />

Competitiveness<br />

Title: Bacillus expression-systems<br />

87<br />

Dr M Stander<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and Dutch<br />

Programme: Women in Research<br />

Title: Strategies for language learning<br />

Mr CM Uwah<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> English and Classical culture<br />

Programme: Researcher in Training<br />

Title: Theatre for Development and HIV/AIDS


A new <strong>University</strong> Research Development Programme was launched on 20 July 2001 as <strong>the</strong> next phase<br />

<strong>of</strong> NRF support to Historically Black Universities (HBU’s). The programme adopted an institutional<br />

approach to assist those HBU’s who decided to pursue research as an integral part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir mission,<br />

to establish an environment to sustain and enhance <strong>the</strong>ir research efforts, to develop a critical mass<br />

<strong>of</strong> researchers in <strong>the</strong>ir identified Research Niche Areas and to promote, at institutional and national<br />

level, <strong>the</strong> recognition <strong>of</strong> research.<br />

The HBU (Historical Black Universities) Programme strives to develop and enhance a research culture,<br />

ethos and practice at HBU’s, that is supported by, and entrenched in, a thriving research and innovative<br />

environment. This programme has <strong>the</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> positioning research activities as HBU’s strategically, so<br />

that <strong>the</strong>se institutions become significant contributors to national research and innovation.<br />

Objectives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Programme are <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> a thriving research environment within individual<br />

HBU’s and across HBU’s, strategic support <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research management functions at HBU’s that<br />

will facilitate achievement <strong>of</strong> institutional as well as programme goals, strategic investment at HBU’s<br />

that increases representation <strong>of</strong> black and female scientists/students in fields where <strong>the</strong>y and <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

institutions are currently under-represented and also <strong>the</strong> leveraging <strong>of</strong> additional resources for<br />

investment in Research Capasity Development at HBU’s.<br />

Grant-holders<br />

Mr A Adjei<br />

Programme: <strong>University</strong> Research Development<br />

Programme<br />

Niche Area: UNIQWA Environmental Thrust<br />

Short title: Environmental Carrying Capacity<br />

Mr M Hlatswayo<br />

Programme: <strong>University</strong> Research Development<br />

Programme<br />

Niche Area: Parasitology Research Program<br />

Short title: Tick vaccine studies<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> AS Luyt<br />

Programme: <strong>University</strong> Research Development<br />

Programme<br />

Niche Area: Polymer Syn<strong>the</strong>sis, Modification and<br />

Characterisation<br />

Short title: Modified polymers<br />

88<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> PA Mbati<br />

Programme: <strong>University</strong> Research Development<br />

Programme<br />

Niche Area: Parasitology Research Programme<br />

Short title: Molecular diagnosis <strong>of</strong> babesiosis<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> WF van Zyl<br />

Programme: <strong>University</strong> Research Development<br />

Programme<br />

Niche Area: UNIQWA Environmental Thrust<br />

Short title: Eco- Tourism Develop





Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

UNESCO-ASM travel award<br />


Dean <strong>of</strong> Law<br />

Moritz Bobbert Prize for <strong>the</strong> best article published<br />

in Journal for Juridical Science<br />


Architecture<br />

Mentioned in Contemporary Who’s Who 2003/2004,<br />

American Biographical Institute, and nominated for<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir Woman <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year Award.<br />

LUWES NJ<br />

Drama and Theatre Arts<br />

Arts and Culture Trust Award (ACT). Award for <strong>the</strong><br />

production <strong>of</strong> a Griqua play ”Maagmeisie” at <strong>the</strong><br />

Mafuce Festival.<br />


Plant Sciences<br />

Receive in January 2003 in Pretoria, <strong>the</strong> Bronze<br />

medal from <strong>the</strong> South African Assosiation <strong>of</strong><br />

Botanists for <strong>the</strong> best Ph.D. <strong>the</strong>sis in Botany in<br />

South Africa for <strong>the</strong> year 2001.<br />


Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

Prestige award for research from <strong>the</strong> Faculty Natural<br />

and Agricultural Sciences.<br />


Member <strong>of</strong> a two-person team commissioned by<br />

<strong>the</strong> Luxembourg Development Agency to evaluate<br />

<strong>the</strong> extended first phase <strong>of</strong> development support<br />

by Lux Development to agricultural high schools in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Eastern Cape.<br />

89<br />


Member <strong>of</strong> a multi-disciplinary team commissioned<br />

by <strong>the</strong> National Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture in South<br />

Africa to evaluate <strong>the</strong> empowerment policies and<br />

strategies in South African Agriculture (AgriBEE).<br />


Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

American Association for <strong>the</strong> Advancement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Science Women in International Scientific<br />

Cooperation (WISC) travel award.<br />


Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Agricultural and Natural Science –<br />

Education Award – <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>.<br />

VAN WYK A<br />

Centre for Higher Education Studies and<br />

Development<br />

The International Development Co-operation<br />

Prize in 2003 for <strong>the</strong>sis titled “The Development<br />

and Implementation <strong>of</strong> an English Language and<br />

Literature Programme for Low-pr<strong>of</strong>iciency Tertiary<br />

Learners”. (Completed in 2002; Promoter: Pr<strong>of</strong> HR<br />



CROUS MJ<br />

Dean’s Office/Dekaanskantoor<br />

Best paper presented at 37 th World Conference,<br />

Belfast, Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland, 15-18 June, 2003.<br />


Agricultural Economics<br />

Alternative institutional arrangements towards<br />

optimal water allocation. M.Sc. Agric Thesis,<br />

November 2002.<br />


Agricultural Economics<br />

Best Masters <strong>the</strong>sis in Agricultural Economics<br />

in 2002 in South Africa. AEASA award at 2003<br />

AEASA Conference, 2-3 October 2003, Pretoria.<br />

NAUDÉ L<br />

Psychology<br />

Adult Higher Education Alliance (AHEA) Annual<br />

Conference, 8-11 October 2003. AHEA<br />

international pr<strong>of</strong>essional award.<br />



Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

As member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> land type survey staff: Gold<br />

medal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

for <strong>the</strong>ir contribution to soil science in <strong>the</strong> Republic<br />

<strong>of</strong> South Africa. Presented at <strong>the</strong> golden Jubilee<br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

in combination with South African Society for<br />

Crop Production and Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Society for<br />

Horticulture Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa,<br />

2003.<br />

90<br />


Physics<br />

The John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prize for <strong>the</strong> best<br />

poster award at <strong>the</strong> 10th international Conference<br />

on Applications <strong>of</strong> Surface and Interface Analysis,<br />

5-10 October 2003, Berlin, Germany.<br />



Financial Efficiency <strong>of</strong> Soybeans in Crop Rotation<br />

Systems: South African Case Studies. Poster paper<br />

presented at <strong>the</strong> 25 th International Conference<br />

<strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 16-22 August<br />

2003, Durban).<br />



Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa medal for best<br />

poster entitled “Application <strong>of</strong> in-field rainwater<br />

harvesting to stabilize crop yields in rural villages<br />

in semi-arid areas <strong>of</strong> South Africa” presented at <strong>the</strong><br />

Golden Jubilee Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Society<br />

<strong>of</strong> South Africa in combination with South African<br />

Society for Crop Production and Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African<br />

Society for Horticulture Sciences, Stellenbosch,<br />

South Africa, 2003.


Physics<br />

Most outstanding oral presentation in <strong>the</strong> field<br />

<strong>of</strong> Solid <strong>State</strong> Physics. The implementation an<br />

evaluation <strong>of</strong> a fictitious electron dynamics method<br />

and its application to <strong>the</strong> Si(100) surface. 48 th<br />

Annual Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> South African Institute<br />

<strong>of</strong> Physics, Stellenbosch, S.A., 2003. Supervisor:<br />

H<strong>of</strong>fman MJH.<br />


Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

As a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> land type survey staff: Gold<br />

medal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

for <strong>the</strong>ir contribution to soil science in <strong>the</strong> Republic<br />

<strong>of</strong> South Africa. Presented at <strong>the</strong> Golden Jubilee<br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

in combination with South African Society for<br />

Crop Production and Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Society for<br />

Horticulture Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa,<br />

2003.<br />

HUGO A<br />

Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Best paper presented at <strong>the</strong> 11 th International Meat<br />

Symposium held on 29 - 30 January 2003 at <strong>the</strong><br />

Idle Winds Conference Centre, Centurion, South<br />

Africa and organized by <strong>the</strong> Agricultural Research<br />

Council - Animal Nutrition and Animal Products<br />

Institute, Irene, South Africa. The title <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper<br />

was: Fat quality <strong>of</strong> pork and its significance in meat<br />

technology.<br />


Floating trophy for <strong>the</strong> department with most<br />

contributions at <strong>the</strong> Faculty Forum, Faculty <strong>of</strong><br />

Health Sciences Research, 28-29 August 2003,<br />

Bloemfontein.<br />


Agricultural Economics<br />

Best Paper: Production Finance For Emerging<br />

Commercial Crop Farmers: A Key Element For<br />

Successful Land Reform. South African Society for<br />

Agricultural Extension Officers, Annual Congress,<br />

Warmbad, 2003.<br />

91<br />


Anaes<strong>the</strong>siology<br />

Best Clinical Presentation, Senior, for two<br />

presentations on a survey <strong>of</strong> equipment and drugs<br />

in primary and secondary level hospitals in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong>. Faculty <strong>of</strong> Health Sciences Research, 28-29<br />

August 2003, Bloemfontein.<br />


Geology<br />

Second best paper in <strong>the</strong> category Physical<br />

Sciences presented at <strong>the</strong> S.A. Akademie vir<br />

Wetenskap en Kuns, Student Symposium, 31<br />

October, Bloemfontein, 2003.<br />


Onc<strong>the</strong>rapy<br />

Philani Awards trophy for her achievement as<br />

winner in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Marilyn Lehan<br />

Memorial Trust Ward. Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Oncology Nursing Society in Gordonsbaai, 21 – 25<br />

November 2003.<br />


Human Nutrition<br />

Receive <strong>the</strong> prize for <strong>the</strong> best Clinical Paper in <strong>the</strong><br />

Junior category at <strong>the</strong> Faculty Forum, Faculty <strong>of</strong><br />

Health Sciences Research, 28-29 August 2003,<br />

Bloemfontein.<br />


PAL<br />

Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa silver medal<br />

for best oral paper presented at <strong>the</strong> Golden<br />

Jubilee Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South<br />

Africa entitled “Correlating soil hydrology with soil<br />

morphology” in combination with South African<br />

Society for Crop Production and Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African<br />

Society for Horticultural Sciences, Stellenbosch,<br />

South Africa, 2003.


Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences<br />

As a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> land type survey staff: Gold<br />

medal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

for <strong>the</strong>ir contribution to soil science in <strong>the</strong> Republic<br />

<strong>of</strong> South Africa. Presented at <strong>the</strong> Golden Jubilee<br />

Congress <strong>of</strong> Soil Science Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa<br />

in combination with South African Society for<br />

Crop Production and Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Society for<br />

Horticulture Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa,<br />

2003.<br />



Plant Sciences<br />




Award for “Ozone stress <strong>of</strong> crop plants”. German<br />

counterpart Dr. F.H. Mohn ICG-III Forschungszentrum<br />

Jülich Germany.<br />


Dean - Law<br />


LONDON<br />

Comparative company law: Senior research<br />

fellowship for <strong>the</strong> period 1January - 31 December<br />

2003 at <strong>the</strong> Institute <strong>of</strong> Advanced Legal Studies in<br />

London.<br />


Plant Sciences<br />


Award at <strong>the</strong> IFS, Sweden for <strong>the</strong> period September<br />

2002 tot September 2003.<br />


Anaes<strong>the</strong>siology<br />

Grant from <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> Provincial Government for<br />

investigation and improvement <strong>of</strong> anaes<strong>the</strong>sia for<br />

caesarean section at level 1 & 2 Hospitals.<br />


Medical Microbiology<br />


Grant as Group Leader <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research group entitled:<br />

“Epidemiology <strong>of</strong> arthropod-borne bacteria <strong>of</strong> medical<br />

and veterinary importance in South Africa”.<br />

92<br />

WALSH CM<br />

Human Nutrition<br />

Runner up best Clinical Paper presented at<br />

<strong>the</strong> Faculty Forum, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Health Sciences<br />

Research, 28-29 August 2003, Bloemfontein.<br />


Medical Microbiology<br />


Grant from Aker Universitetssykehus HF Medisinsk<br />

division – UIO for <strong>the</strong> following project: “Repellent<br />

efficacy <strong>of</strong> 3 commercial repellents against South<br />

African Amblyomma and Jyalomma ticks (Acari:<br />

Ixodidae)”.<br />

SCOTT L<br />

Plant Sciences<br />



Plant Sciences - Honourary Research Associate.<br />


Awarded a GTZ-bursary to attend <strong>the</strong> International<br />

Rural Development Workshop, 13-15 August<br />

2003 in Durban, South Africa, as a prelude to <strong>the</strong><br />

International Association for Agricultural Economics<br />

(IAAE) World Conference.<br />


Awarded <strong>the</strong> Ronald P Lynch Dean <strong>of</strong> Agricultural<br />

and Life Sciences Fellowship by Cornell <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Ithaca, USA for a PhD Programme, 2002/2003<br />

academic year.<br />

VISSER B<br />

Plant Sciences<br />


Award at <strong>the</strong> IFS, Sweden for <strong>the</strong> period September<br />

2003 tot September 2004.








Dr Gustav Visser<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geography<br />

Dr Gustav Visser<br />

Tourism, which encompasses entertainment, is <strong>the</strong> world’s largest industry and requires detailed<br />

research if we aim to harness its potential for <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> South African cities. Both New York<br />

and Chicago now report that <strong>the</strong>ir first or second largest industrial sectors are entertainment and<br />

tourism. Much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Geography <strong>the</strong>refore aims to analyse how leisure<br />

and tourism relate to urban development.<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> 1994 democratic transition tourism has become recognised as an increasingly important<br />

sector for South Africa’s economy and for achieving <strong>the</strong> government’s goals for reconstruction and<br />

development, not least <strong>of</strong> which in urban areas. Our research works from <strong>the</strong> premise that different<br />

types <strong>of</strong> identities generate different types <strong>of</strong> tourism and leisure behaviour, which in turn has an<br />

impact upon how man-made spaces, such as cities, develop. Three topics <strong>of</strong> investigation have<br />

been developed with <strong>the</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> understanding how a person’s, or a group <strong>of</strong> peoples’ identity, and/or<br />

search for identity, creates and recreates urban space, which in <strong>the</strong> final analyses is about how tourism<br />


and leisure behaviour create all sorts <strong>of</strong> different economic opportunities for an urban economy. The<br />

topics under investigation relate to second-home owners, gay persons and backpacker tourists.<br />

Second homes are generally used for holiday or leisure purposes. In South Africa research in this area<br />

<strong>of</strong> investigation is still in its infancy. Our aim is to scientifically identify where <strong>the</strong> largest concentrations<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se properties are, who <strong>the</strong> owners are, for what reasons <strong>the</strong>y own <strong>the</strong>se properties, and most<br />

importantly, how it impacts upon <strong>the</strong> places where <strong>the</strong>se properties are located. Current results<br />

suggest that <strong>the</strong> range and depth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se impacts are wide-ranging. For one, <strong>the</strong>se properties are<br />

not only located along <strong>the</strong> coast, but indeed, a growing trend is toward <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se<br />

properties in large cities such as Durban and Cape Town, as well as small towns such as Clarens,<br />

Greyton, Himeville and Dullstroom. The development <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> towns along <strong>the</strong> KwaZulu-Natal<br />

and Western Cape coastline is closely tied to second home development and not only tourism or<br />

retirement. In addition, <strong>the</strong> second home has increasingly become a property asset not only for <strong>the</strong><br />

very rich but for <strong>the</strong> middle classes too.<br />

An interesting development in second home ownership is that it is also taking place in metropolitan<br />

regions. The foremost example is Cape Town. A startling finding is <strong>the</strong> increasing trend for foreigners<br />

to acquire second homes in South Africa. Indeed, in some neighbourhoods <strong>of</strong> Cape Town overseas<br />

owners make up as much as fifty percent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ownership base. The general trend in <strong>the</strong> Western<br />

Cape is however, between five and fifteen percent. The general impact has been very positive and<br />

includes employment generation, urban conservation, a range <strong>of</strong> forward and backward economic<br />

spin-<strong>of</strong>fs, stimulating a range <strong>of</strong> service providers and manufacturers, as well as providing flexible<br />

tourist accommodation supply. However, <strong>the</strong> research also shows that <strong>the</strong>re are negative effects,<br />

particularly <strong>the</strong> dramatic increase in property prices, which makes it difficult for <strong>the</strong> local residents to<br />

purchase houses in <strong>the</strong> area. Most affected appear to be white and black middle and lower middleincome<br />

groups. The development <strong>of</strong> second homes can also have a negative environmental impact<br />

such as <strong>the</strong> threat to ecological systems, and <strong>the</strong> collapse <strong>of</strong> servicing infrastructure such as water<br />

supply, drainage and sewage systems.<br />

Gay leisure and tourism research to date has focused on Cape Town’s gay village “De Waterkant”.<br />

This research demonstrates that <strong>the</strong> gay communities’ desire for urban space in which discrimination<br />

in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir sexuality is at a minimum, has grown substantially in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> entertainment<br />

space development, employment creation and <strong>the</strong> redevelopment <strong>of</strong> an once unattractive urban<br />

neighbourhood. Indeed, <strong>the</strong> higher levels <strong>of</strong> gentrification in Cape Town’s inner-city areas are very<br />

closely linked to <strong>the</strong> actions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> local gay communities. Perhaps one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most encouraging<br />


trends discerned in our latest research relate to <strong>the</strong> increasing hetero-normalisation <strong>of</strong> gay leisure<br />

and tourism preference which points to greater integration between communities <strong>of</strong> differing sexual<br />

orientation.<br />

Backpacker tourists are a neglected group. It is generally assumed that “rich” tourists staying in<br />

expensive hotels and supporting <strong>the</strong> private game parks are most beneficial for tourism expansion as<br />

a strategy. As a consequence little investment has been made in tourism infrastructure targeting those<br />

markets that prefer to avoid high-end tourism facilities. Backpacker tourists as an identity type and<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir preferred accommodation, backpacker hostels, are a case in point. Despite being largely ignored<br />

in national tourism development initiatives, backpacker tourism is becoming increasingly popular in<br />

South Africa. The research has two main objectives. Firstly, it seeks to present broad-ranging empirical<br />

data concerning this tourist cohort and backpacker hostels in <strong>the</strong> South African context. Secondly, we<br />

aim to demonstrate why backpacker tourists and hostels hold much potential for local development<br />

initiatives in South Africa. Our current results suggest that <strong>the</strong> expansion <strong>of</strong> backpacker tourism is<br />

an appropriate means by which to achieve a range <strong>of</strong> local development objectives. It has been very<br />

beneficial in <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> small, micro and medium sized businesses. The backpacker tourists<br />

engage a larger part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country, thus spreading tourism benefits more widely across <strong>the</strong> country<br />

and, on average, <strong>the</strong>y spend <strong>the</strong> same amount <strong>of</strong> money as <strong>the</strong> so-called high-end tourists. Indeed,<br />

backpacker tourism is a type <strong>of</strong> tourism South Africa should actively support and develop.<br />



Dr Gustav Visser<br />

Departement Geografie<br />

Toerisme, wat vermaaklikheid insluit, is die wêreld se grootste industrie en vereis gedetailleerde<br />

navorsing as ons die potensiaal vir die ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika se stede wil benut. Beide New<br />

York en Chicago berig tans dat hulle eerste <strong>of</strong> tweede grootste industriële sektore vermaaklikheid<br />

en toerisme is. Baie van die navorsing in die Departement van Geografie het dus ten doel om die<br />

verband tussen vrye tyd en toerisme en stedelike ontwikkeling te ontleed.<br />

Sedert die demokratiese oorgang in 1994 word toerisme erken as ‘n sektor met toenemende belang<br />

vir Suid-Afrika se ekonomie en vir die verwesenliking van die regering se doelwitte vir rekonstruksie<br />


en ontwikkeling, ook in die stedelike gebiede. Ons navorsing gaan uit van die veronderstelling dat<br />

verskillende tipes persoonlikhede verskillende tipes toerisme en ontspanningsgedrag laat ontstaan,<br />

wat weer ‘n invloed het op hoe mensgemaakte ruimtes, soos stede, ontwikkel. Drie temas van<br />

ondersoek is ontwikkel met die doel om te begryp hoe ‘n persoon, <strong>of</strong> groep persone se identiteit <strong>of</strong><br />

soeke na identiteit, stedelike ruimtes kan skep <strong>of</strong> herskep, wat in die finale ontleding daaroor gaan<br />

hoe toerisme en ontspanningsgedrag allerhande soorte ekonomiese geleen<strong>the</strong>de vir ‘n stedelike<br />

ekonomie skep. Die onderwerpe wat ondersoek word, hou verband met tweede huis eienaars,<br />

homoseksuele persone en rugsakreisigers.<br />

Tweede huise word gewoonlik gebruik vir vakansie <strong>of</strong> ontspanningsdoeleindes. In Suid-Afrika is<br />

navorsing op hierdie gebied nog in sy kinderskoene. Ons doel is om wetenskaplik te identifiseer<br />

waar die grootste konsentrasie van hierdie eiendomme is, wie die eienaars is, om watter redes<br />

hulle die eiendomme besit, en die belangrikste van alles, watter impak dit het op die plekke waar dit<br />

geleë is. Onlangse resultate toon dat die omvang en diepte van hierdie impak baie wyd strek. Ten<br />

eerste is hierdie eiendomme nie net langs die kus geleë nie, maar in werklikheid is daar ‘n groeiende<br />

neiging dat hierdie eiendomme in groot stede soos Durban en Kaapstad, sowel as in klein dorpies<br />

soos Clarens, Greyton, Himeville en Dullstroom ontwikkel word. Die ontwikkeling van baie van die<br />

dorpe langs die KwaZulu-Natalse en die Wes-Kaapse kuslyn is nou verbonde aan die ontwikkeling<br />

van tweede huise en nie slegs aan toerisme <strong>of</strong> aftrede nie. Boonop het die tweede huis toenemend<br />

‘n eiendomsbate geword, nie alleen vir die baie rykes nie, maar ook vir die middelklas.<br />

‘n Interessante ontwikkeling in tweede-huis eienaarskap, is dat dit ook in metroplitaanse gebiede<br />

aangetref word. Die vernaamste voorbeeld is Kaapstad. ‘n Ontstellende verskynsel is die toenemende<br />

neiging vir buitelanders om ‘n tweede huis in Suid-Afrika te bekom. In sekere woonbuurte in Kaapstad<br />

behoort daar soveel as vyftig persent van die huise aan oorsese eienaars. Die algemene neiging<br />

in die Wes-Kaap egter, is tussen vyf en vyftien persent. Die uitwerking daarvan was baie positief<br />

en sluit in werkskepping, stedelike bewaring, ‘n reeks voorwaartse en terugwaartse ekonomiese<br />

verbindinge wat ‘n reeks diensverskaffers en leweransiers stimuleer, sowel as om meegaande<br />

toerisme-akkommodasie te verskaf. Die navorsing toon egter dat daar ook negatiewe uitwerkings<br />

is, veral die dramatiese toename in eiendomspryse, wat dit moeilik maak vir die plaaslike inwoners<br />

om huise in dié area te koop. Wit en swart middel- en laer middel-inkomstegroepe word die meeste<br />

hierdeur geraak. Die ontwikkeling van tweede huise kan ook negatiewe invloede op die omgewing<br />

hê, soos die bedreiging van ekologiese sisteme en die ineenstorting van dienste-infrastrukture soos<br />

watertoevoer, dreinering en rioleringsisteme.<br />


Homoseksuele/gay vryetyds- en toerisme-navorsing het tot op hede gefokus op Kaapstad se gay<br />

dorpie “De Waterkant”. Hierdie navorsing demonstreer dat gay/homoseksuele gemeenskappe,<br />

met hulle behoefte aan stedelike ruimte, waarin diskriminasie in terme van hulle seksualiteit tot<br />

‘n minimum beperk word, aansienlik voordeel daaruit getrek het in die vorm van ontwikkeling van<br />

vermaaklikheidsruimtes, werkskepping en die herontwikkeling van ‘n eens onaantreklike stedelike<br />

buurt. Inderdaad is die vlakke van opheffing van die burgerstand in Kaapstad se middestadgebiede<br />

baie nou geskakel met die aksies van die plaaslike gay gemeenskappe. Miskien hou een van<br />

die mees bemoedigende neigings wat in ons jongste navorsing onderskei kon word, verband met<br />

die toenemende hetero-normalisasie van gay ontspannings- en toerisme-voorkeure wat heenwys na<br />

groter integrasie tussen gemeenskappe van uiteenlopende seksuele orientasie.<br />

Voetslaners/rugsakreisigers is ‘n verwaarloosde groep. Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat “ryk”<br />

toeriste wat in duur hotelle tuisgaan en die private wildtuine ondersteun, baie voordelig is vir die<br />

uitbreiding van toerisme as ‘n strategie. As gevolg daarvan is daar baie min belê in toerisme<br />

infrastrukture wat gemik is op die teikengroepe wat verkies om luukse toerismefasiliteite te vermy.<br />

Voetslaners as persoonlikheidstipe en die akkommodasie wat hulle verkies, nl. herberge vir voetslaners,<br />

is ‘n pertinente voorbeeld. Afgesien daarvan om grootliks geïgnoreer te word in nasionale toerisme<br />

ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe, is rugsak-toerisme toenemend gewild in Suid-Afrika. Die navorsing het twee<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>doelwitte. Eerstens wil dit empiriese data oor ‘n wye spektrum rakende hierdie toeriste-bende en<br />

voetslanerherberge in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks oplewer. Tweedens beoog ons om te demonstreer<br />

hoekom voetslaners en herberge baie potensiaal inhou vir plaaslike ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe in Suid-<br />

Afrika. Ons huidige resultate suggereer dat die uitbreiding van voetslaan-toerisme ‘n geskikte middel<br />

is om ‘n reeks plaaslike ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik. Dit was baie voordelig in die ontwikkeling<br />

van klein, mikro en mediumgrootte besighede. Die rugsakreisigers beset ‘n groter deel van die land,<br />

toeriste-voordele word dus wyer versprei deur die land en, oor die algemeen spandeer hulle dieselfde<br />

hoeveelheid geld as die sogenaamde luukse-einde toeriste. Voetslaan-/rugsak-toerisme is inderdaad<br />

‘n tipe toerisme wat Suid-Afrika aktief behoort te ondersteun en uit te brei.<br />





Dr Evodia Setati<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

The production <strong>of</strong> common salt is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most ancient and widely distributed industries in <strong>the</strong><br />

world. Solar evaporation <strong>of</strong> seawater or natural brine lakes is <strong>the</strong> predominant salt production method<br />

in most developing countries. Despite <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong>se solar salt plants contain water bodies that<br />

are 9-10 times more concentrated than seawater, which is generally defined as containing 3.5%<br />

dissolved salts, <strong>the</strong>y sustain microbial life. Past studies focused mostly on <strong>the</strong> adaptive mechanisms<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se organisms; however, our interest lies in <strong>the</strong> potential use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se organisms to enhance<br />

industrial processes.<br />

Salt is produced by <strong>the</strong> mining <strong>of</strong> solid rock deposits and by <strong>the</strong> evaporation <strong>of</strong> seawater, lake, playa<br />

(desert basin) and underground brines. The water evaporates in successive ponds until <strong>the</strong> brine<br />

is fully concentrated and salt crystallises on <strong>the</strong> floor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> crystalliser ponds. Solar salt plants are<br />

typical examples <strong>of</strong> hypersaline environments. Microbial diversity in hypersaline environments is<br />

99<br />

Dr Evodia Setati and researchers

determined to a greater extent by parameters such as salinity, oxygen solubility and ionic composition,<br />

as well as temperature and pH in some cases. All three domains <strong>of</strong> life (Bacteria, Archaea and<br />

Eukarya) are represented in hypersaline biotopes; however, <strong>the</strong> overall diversity <strong>of</strong> physiological<br />

groups decreases with an increase in salt concentration. Most studies carried out in <strong>the</strong> past have<br />

focused on <strong>the</strong> microbial diversity and <strong>the</strong> adaptive mechanisms employed in order to maintain<br />

enzyme activity and stability in hypersaline environments. However, little attention has been given<br />

to <strong>the</strong> biotechnological potential <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> extracellular hydrolytic enzymes produced by halophilic (saltloving)<br />

micro- organisms.<br />

Enzymes found in nature have been used for centuries in <strong>the</strong> production <strong>of</strong> food products such<br />

as cheese, beer, wine and vinegar. The evolution <strong>of</strong> modern technology over <strong>the</strong> past four to five<br />

decades has resulted in <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> enzymes into industrial products and processes such<br />

as detergents, paper and pulp and animal feed, as well as <strong>the</strong> textile and starch industries. These<br />

industrial processes are carried out under specific physical and chemical conditions, which cannot<br />

always be adjusted to <strong>the</strong> optimal values required for <strong>the</strong> activity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> available enzymes. As a result,<br />

scientists have joined <strong>the</strong> quest for new enzymes that can be introduced into industrial processes<br />

without <strong>the</strong> need for protein engineering. Halophilic micro-organisms represent a vastly under-utilised<br />

resource <strong>of</strong> new metabolites and biocatalysts that have yet to be explored.<br />

Our interest lies in isolating and identifying halophilic micro-organisms that produce plant cell wall<br />

degrading enzymes such as endo-1,4-ß-xylanases and endo-1,4-ß-mannanases. We believe that<br />

<strong>the</strong>se enzymes could possess unique traits that will give us <strong>the</strong> opportunity, not only to improve old<br />

industrial processes, but also to create new applications. In our research group, we have already<br />

isolated a number <strong>of</strong> bacteria and fungi that exhibit mannanase activity. These isolates will be identified<br />

and subjected to fur<strong>the</strong>r screening for xylanase activity. The ultimate objective is to purify and<br />

characterise <strong>the</strong>se enzymes and explore <strong>the</strong>ir potential application in <strong>the</strong> processing <strong>of</strong> instant c<strong>of</strong>fee,<br />

and also as additives in laundry detergents. The genes encoding <strong>the</strong>se enzymes will be cloned and<br />

expressed in yeast systems that are generally regarded as safe.<br />





Dr Evodia Setati<br />

Departement Mikrobiese, Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie<br />

Die produksie van gewone sout is een van die oudste nywerhede in die wêreld en kom wydverspreid voor.<br />

Sonsverdamping van seewater <strong>of</strong> natuurlike soutwatermere is die oorwegende soutproduksiemetode<br />

in die meeste ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie soutaanlegte wat van die son se hitte afhanklik is, bevat<br />

watermassas wat 9-10 keer meer gekonsentreer is as seewater, wat algemeen gedefinieer word<br />

as water wat 3.5% opgeloste soute bevat. Tog onderhou hulle mikrobiese lewe. Vorige studies het<br />

meestal op die aanpassingsmeganismes van hierdie organismes gefokus, maar ons belangstelling hou<br />

verband met die potensiële benutting van hierdie organismes om nywerheidsprosesse te bevorder.<br />

Sout word geproduseer deur die ontginning van soliede rotsafsettings en die verdamping van seewater,<br />

plaja (woestynbekken) en ondergrondse pekel. Die water verdamp in opeenvolgende poele totdat die<br />

pekel volledig gekonsentreerd is en sout op die vloer van kristalliseerpoele neerslaan. Soutaanlegte<br />

wat van die son se hitte afhanklik is, is tipiese voorbeelde van hipersouthoudende omgewings.<br />

Mikrobiese diversiteit in hipersouthoudende omgewings word in ‘n groter mate bepaal deur parameters<br />

soos soutgehalte, suurst<strong>of</strong>oplosbaarheid, ioniese samestelling, en in sommige gevalle, temperatuur<br />

en pH. Al drie lewensdomeine (Bakterieë, Archaea en Eukarya) word in hipersouthoudende biotope<br />

verteenwoordig, hoewel die algehele diversiteit van fisiologiese groepe afneem wanneer daar ‘n<br />

toename in soutkonsentrasie is. Die meeste studies wat in die verlede gedoen is, het gefokus op<br />

die mikrobiese diversiteit en die aanpassingsmeganismes wat gebruik word om ensiemaktiwiteit en<br />

–stabiliteit in hipersouthoudende omgewings in stand te hou. Min aandag is egter nog gegee aan die<br />

biotegnologiese potensiaal van ekstrasellulêre hidrolitiese ensieme wat deur hal<strong>of</strong>iliese (soutliewende)<br />

mikro-organismes geproduseer word.<br />

Ensieme wat natuurlik voorkom, word reeds vir eeue gebruik in die vervaardiging van voedselprodukte<br />

soos kaas, bier, wyn en asyn. Die evolusie van moderne tegnologie oor die afgelope vier tot vyf<br />

dekades het aanleiding gegee tot die gebruikmaking van ensieme in nywerheidsprodukte en –<br />

prosesse soos reinigingsmiddels, papier en pulp, dierevoer, en die tekstiel- en styselbedrywe. Hierdie<br />


nywerheidsprosesse word onder gespesifiseerde fisiese en chemiese omstandighede uitgevoer, en<br />

dit kan nie altyd aangepas word met die oog op die optimale waardes wat vereis word vir die aktiwiteit<br />

van die beskikbare ensieme nie. Gevolglik spits wetenskaplikes hulle nou toe op die soeke na nuwe<br />

ensieme wat in nywerheidsprosesse gebruik kan word sonder dat proteïenmanipulasie benodig word.<br />

Hal<strong>of</strong>iliese mikro-organismes verteenwoordig ‘n baie onderbenutte bron van nuwe metaboliete en<br />

biokatalisators wat nog ondersoek moet word.<br />

Ons stel belang in die isolering en identifisering van hal<strong>of</strong>iliese mikro-organismes wat ensieme<br />

produseer wat plantselwande afbreek, soos endo-1,4-ß-xylanases en endo-1,4-ß-mannanases. Ons<br />

is van mening dat hierdie ensieme moontlik oor unieke eienskappe beskik wat ons nie alleen die<br />

geleen<strong>the</strong>id sal bied om ou nywerheidsprosesse te verbeter nie, maar ook om nuwe toepassings te<br />

skep. Ons navorsingsgroep het alreeds ‘n aantal bakterieë en swamme geïsoleer wat mannanaseaktiwiteit<br />

vertoon. Hierdie geïsoleerde organismes sal geïdentifiseer en nagegaan word met die oog<br />

op xylanase-aktiwiteit. Die uiteindelike oogmerk is om hierdie ensieme te suiwer en te karakteriseer,<br />

en hul potensiële benutting in die verwerking van kitsk<strong>of</strong>fie en as bymiddels by wasgoedreinigers te<br />

ondersoek. Die gene wat hierdie ensieme enkodeer, sal gekloon en uitgedruk word in gisstelsels wat<br />

oor die algemeen as veilig beskou word.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


<strong>UFS</strong> campus approximately 1930’s.<br />

A snow-covered <strong>UFS</strong> campus 1931.<br />


Three <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> colourful liquid crystal phases <strong>of</strong> a porphyrine derivative<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts<br />

Department Chemistry<br />

Left: Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts<br />

Below: Pr<strong>of</strong> Ge<strong>of</strong>f Sykes (FRS, left) <strong>of</strong> Newcastle, England,<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts and emeritus Pr<strong>of</strong> Gert Lamprecht<br />

(right, first independent physical chemistry section head<br />

at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>) was dubbed “<strong>the</strong> gang” by <strong>the</strong> rector, Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Fourie, during <strong>the</strong> graduation ceremony at which Ge<strong>of</strong>f was<br />

awarded an honorary doctors degree for his contribution in<br />

protein chemistry.<br />

Chemistry is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> basic sciences and chemists are privileged to be capable <strong>of</strong> making a definitive<br />

contribution to almost every possible technical discipline. Their daily activities read like an adventure<br />

story loaded with keen anticipation, a dedicated competitiveness to overcome temporary setbacks<br />

to later celebrate enthusiastically after in depth research lead <strong>the</strong> way to spectacular success. The<br />

main reason behind all this fun is nested <strong>the</strong>rein that <strong>the</strong> same laws <strong>of</strong> nature drive every process.<br />

Chemists have <strong>the</strong> key to unlock natural and industrial secrets.<br />

Research contributions by Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts and co-workers at <strong>the</strong> Physical Chemistry Section<br />

demonstrate <strong>the</strong> multidisciplinary adventures possible in this pr<strong>of</strong>ession. This group targets metal<br />

complexes and polymers in <strong>the</strong>ir research. To prevent <strong>the</strong> explosion or veering <strong>of</strong>f course <strong>of</strong> a rocket<br />

in flight, it is necessary to control <strong>the</strong> burning rate <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> solid rocket propellant. This group was<br />

searching for compounds that could stabilise <strong>the</strong> burning rate <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fuel at about 25 mm per second.<br />

It was found that ferrocene, an iron complex, could do this. However, because ferrocene can diffuse<br />

through <strong>the</strong> matrix <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> solid fuel, this iron complex had to be anchored in its position in <strong>the</strong> matrix<br />


<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> propellant. By binding many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecules <strong>of</strong> this compound toge<strong>the</strong>r like shackles <strong>of</strong> a<br />

chain, diffusion was eliminated, but so much static electricity is generated during <strong>the</strong> mixing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

ingredients <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rocket propellant, that <strong>the</strong> mixing and casting chambers are under constant threat <strong>of</strong><br />

exploding. Changing <strong>the</strong> binding position <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> iron complex from <strong>the</strong> main shackles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> polymeric<br />

chain to a side chain position, like <strong>the</strong> side branches <strong>of</strong> a tall Christmas tree, solved <strong>the</strong> problem.<br />

Incorporation <strong>of</strong> a lubricant in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> a silicon complex on <strong>the</strong>se side chains also contributed in<br />

<strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> best high burning rate catalysts available in <strong>the</strong> market today.<br />

Upon recognising that <strong>the</strong> success <strong>of</strong> ferrocene as a high burning rate catalyst is vested in <strong>the</strong><br />

capabilities <strong>of</strong> this iron complex to participate in electron transfer reactions, research was realigned to<br />

determine if this compound could not be used as a chemo<strong>the</strong>rapeutic agent. The result was positive.<br />

By combining complexes <strong>of</strong> ferrocene with platinum, rhodium, iridium and ru<strong>the</strong>nium, this research<br />

group, toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> Cancer Association <strong>of</strong> South Africa and <strong>the</strong> medical faculty <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Pretoria, registered a world-wide patent on new chemo<strong>the</strong>rapeutic agents. All indications are that<br />

<strong>the</strong>se new complexes perform better against several cancers than many currently used compounds.<br />

Especially gratifying was <strong>the</strong> capability <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se complexes to treat cancer that became resistant<br />

against drugs such as cisplatin. In a new development in this research it was demonstrated that by<br />

anchoring chemo<strong>the</strong>rapeutic drugs onto water-soluble chainlike polymeric carriers, <strong>the</strong> activity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

drug may be enhanced many times, and treatment side effects can be substantially reduced.<br />

It is not only fuels and medicine that benefit by combining metals and polymers. The team doing<br />

water research and paint technology also uses this strategy. The hulls <strong>of</strong> ships are painted to prevent<br />

rust. Paint is just ano<strong>the</strong>r example <strong>of</strong> a polymer. With time, <strong>the</strong> hulls <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ships get so fouled by<br />

<strong>the</strong> growth <strong>of</strong> seaweed and o<strong>the</strong>r aquatic life forms embedded on <strong>the</strong>ir hulls that <strong>the</strong> ships become<br />

very heavy and experience increased drag resistance during cruises. By anchoring a tin complex on<br />

<strong>the</strong> paint polymers, <strong>the</strong> growth <strong>of</strong> aquatic life forms on <strong>the</strong> hull <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ship can be largely prevented<br />

and caulking times are greatly diminished.<br />

Mo<strong>the</strong>r Nature also uses this strategy. During <strong>the</strong> conversion <strong>of</strong> light to energy, plants use porphyrine<br />

antennas – chlorophyll – to harvest energy from sunlight. Copper-containing natural polymers called<br />

plastocyanines carry <strong>the</strong> electrons that flow in leaves like a very weak electrical current during this<br />

photosyn<strong>the</strong>tic process. The group investigates factors that determine <strong>the</strong> rate and efficiency <strong>of</strong> this<br />

process in different plants and algae. Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se electron transfer processes are so fast, <strong>the</strong>y<br />

are completed in less than thousandths <strong>of</strong> a second, while o<strong>the</strong>rs are very slow.<br />


Liquid crystal, <strong>the</strong>oretical and electrochemical properties <strong>of</strong> ferrocene, porphyrine and rhodium<br />

systems are also investigated in collaboration with material scientists in Norwich, England, quantum<br />

chemists in Tromso, Norway and electrochemists in Vermont, USA. The result is a better quality <strong>of</strong><br />

life for all.<br />


VERF...<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts<br />

Departement Chemie<br />

Chemie is een van die basiese wetenskappe en chemici is bevoorreg om wesenlike bydraes te kan maak<br />

in bykans elke tegniese dissipline denkbaar. Hul daaglikse aktiwiteite lees soos ‘n avontuurverhaal<br />

gelaai met opgewonde afwagtende spanning, ‘n Kompeterende doelgerig<strong>the</strong>id om tydelike terugslae<br />

te oorkom om daarna uitspattig en vreugdevol fees te vier na deeglike navorsing tot sukses gelei het.<br />

Een van die ho<strong>of</strong>redes agter hierdie pret is daarin gesetel dat dieselfde natuurwette elke proses dryf.<br />

Chemici het die sleutel om natuur- en nywerheidsgeheime te ontsluit.<br />

Navorsingsbydraes deur Pr<strong>of</strong> Jannie Swarts en medewerkers van die Afdeling Fisiese Chemie getuig<br />

inderdaad van multidissiplinêre avonture. Hierdie groep teiken metaalkomplekse en polimere vir<br />

hul navorsing. ‘n Voorvereiste vir ‘n suksesvolle vaste vuurpyldryfmiddel is die vermoë om die<br />

verbrandingstempo van die brandst<strong>of</strong> te kan beheer, anders ontpl<strong>of</strong> die vuurpyl <strong>of</strong> wyk dit van koers af.<br />

Hierdie groep was op soek na verbindings wat die verbrandingstempo van die dryfmiddel stabiliseer<br />

teen ‘n tempo van ongeveer 25 mm per sekonde. Dit is gevind dat ferroseen, ‘n ysterkompleks,<br />

oor hierdie vermoë beskik. Aangesien ferroseen egter deur die matriks van ‘n vaste dryfmiddel kan<br />

diffundeer, was dit nodig om dié ysterkompleks in die matriks van die dryfmiddel te anker. Deur<br />

molekules van dié verbinding soos skakels van ‘n ketting as’t ware in ‘n lang touvorm aan mekaar<br />

te bind, is diffusie oorkom, maar soveel statiese elektrisiteit is tydens die mengproses van die<br />

dryfmiddelkomponente gegenereer dat meng- en gietvate die gevaar loop om te ontpl<strong>of</strong>. Deur egter<br />

nie die ysterkompleks in die ruggraat van die kettingagtige groot molekuul te plaas nie, maar deur dit<br />

eerder in ‘n syketing, soortgelyk aan die sytakke van ‘n lang Kersfeesboom te plaas, en om aan die<br />

sytakke ‘n smeermiddel in die vorm van ‘n silikonkompleks ook te heg, is ‘n bydrae gemaak tot die<br />

ontwikkeling van die beste hoë brandspoedkatalisatore wat vandag in die nywerheid beskikbaar is.<br />


Met die besef dat die sukses van ferroseen as hoë brandspoedkatalisator geleë is in die vermoë<br />

van hierdie ysterverbinding om elektrone oor te dra, is navorsing herbelyn om vas te stel <strong>of</strong> hierdie<br />

verbinding nie as chemoterapeutiese geneesmiddel aangewend kan word nie. Dit was inderdaad<br />

so. Deur komplekse van ferroseen met platinum, rodium, iridium <strong>of</strong> rutenium te kombineer, het<br />

hierdie navorsingspan, in samewerking met die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika en medici van die<br />

Universiteit van Pretoria, ‘n wêreldwye patent op nuwe chemoterapeutiese middels kon registreer wat<br />

volgens alle aanduidings beter vaar teen meeste kankers as huidige middels. Veral groot vooruitgang<br />

is gemaak in die bestryding van kankers wat weerstandig geword het teen bestaande middels soos<br />

cisplatin. In ‘n nuwe wending in hierdie navorsing is gevind dat deur die chemoterapeutiese middels<br />

aan ‘n wateroplosbare kettingagtige polimeerdraer te koppel, die aktiwiteit van die middel dramaties<br />

verhoog kan word. Terselfdertyd kan behandelingsnewe-effekte dramaties verminder word.<br />

Dit is nie net brandstowwe en medisyne wat baat vind uit die kombinasie van metale en polimere nie.<br />

Watersuiweringsnavorsing deur die span en verftegnologie gebruik ook hierdie strategie. Skepe word<br />

geverf ten einde te verhoed dat rompe roes. Verf is net nog ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n polimeer. Dit is egter<br />

so dat skeepsrompe so met seewier en ander akwatiese lewensvorme begroei word, dat skepe al<br />

hoe swaarder word en al hoe meer waterweerstand tydens vaarte ondervind. Deur ‘n tinderivaat aan<br />

die verfpolimeer te heg, word die groei van akwatiese plante op skeepsrompe grootliks verhoed, en<br />

is kalfatertye dramaties verminder.<br />

Moeder Natuur gebruik ook hierdie strategie. In die omskakeling van lig na energie gebruik plante<br />

porferienantennas – chlor<strong>of</strong>il – om sonlig op te vang. Die elektrone wat in blare soos ‘n baie swak<br />

elektriese stroom tydens hierdie fotosinteseproses vloei, word deur koperbevattende natuurlike<br />

polimere by name plastosianiene gedra. Faktore wat die snelheid en effektiwiteit van hierdie proses<br />

in verskillende plante en alge beheer word deur die groep ondersoek. Sommige van hierdie prosesse<br />

is so vinnig, dit vind in minder as duisendstes van sekondes plaas, terwyl ander weer uiters stadig<br />

is.<br />

Vloeikristal, teoretiese en elektrochemiese eienskappe van ferroseen, porferien en rodiumsisteme<br />

word ook in samewerking met materiaalwetenskaplikes in Norwich, Engeland, kwantumchemici in<br />

Tromso, Noorweë en elektrochemici in Vermont, VSA nagevors. Die resultaat is ‘n beter lewensgehalte<br />

vir almal.<br />




Dr Philippe Burger<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Economics<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> advent <strong>of</strong> Keynesian economics (so-called after <strong>the</strong> British economist JM Keynes) in <strong>the</strong><br />

1930s, governments <strong>the</strong> world over attempt at times to pursue a counter-cyclical economic policy.<br />

Such a policy means that government incurs debt during recession times to finance higher expenditure<br />

and to lower taxes, both done in an attempt to stimulate <strong>the</strong> economy. Especially during <strong>the</strong> second<br />

half <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> twentieth century Keynesian policy caused public debt to become an instrument <strong>of</strong> active<br />

economic management. However, many governments frequently found that <strong>the</strong>ir policies were not<br />

always successful. In his research Dr Philippe Burger examines why this happened.<br />

As a norm, <strong>the</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> public debt is expressed as a ratio <strong>of</strong> Gross Domestic Product (GDP<br />

– which represents <strong>the</strong> total production and -income that an economy generates during, say, a<br />

year). This is done because total income ultimately is <strong>the</strong> source <strong>of</strong> most taxes, and government<br />

has to collect taxes to pay, among o<strong>the</strong>r things, <strong>the</strong> interest on its debt. Thus, should public debt<br />

continuously increase relative to GDP, it simply means that government has to collect increasingly<br />

more taxes out <strong>of</strong> total income to pay interest, something that is not fiscally sustainable over <strong>the</strong><br />

medium to long run.<br />

107<br />

Dr Philippe Burger

The public debt/GDP ratio in several countries showed <strong>the</strong> largest ever peacetime increase during<br />

<strong>the</strong> last 20 years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> twentieth century, <strong>the</strong>reby causing widespread fiscal unsustainability. Towards<br />

<strong>the</strong> latter half <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1990s, several governments initiated steps to reverse this trend (including <strong>the</strong><br />

South African government).<br />

In his book entitled “Sustainable fiscal policy and economic stability: Theory and practice”, published<br />

by Edward Elgar publishers in <strong>the</strong> UK, Dr Burger uses and develops <strong>the</strong> ‘general balance framework’ to<br />

argue that merely running a primary budget surplus (i.e. a surplus which is calculated as <strong>the</strong> difference<br />

between <strong>the</strong> non-interest revenue and -expenditure <strong>of</strong> government) to restore fiscal sustainability and<br />

to stabilise <strong>the</strong> public debt/GDP ratio will not always work. In effect, government may simply shift<br />

<strong>the</strong> problem to o<strong>the</strong>r sectors <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> economy, <strong>the</strong>reby creating economic instability. By linking <strong>the</strong><br />

budget constraints <strong>of</strong> government and all <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r economic actors at a macroeconomic level, <strong>the</strong><br />

framework allows him to measure how changes to <strong>the</strong> budget <strong>of</strong> one economic sector are transferred<br />

to <strong>the</strong> budgetary position <strong>of</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r sector. By taking account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se sectoral balance effects as<br />

well as <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> uncertainty and expectations, his work develops a set <strong>of</strong> rules for <strong>the</strong> maintenance<br />

<strong>of</strong> fiscal sustainability and economic stability.<br />


Source: IMF<br />

His research on fiscal sustainability and economy stability is a continuation <strong>of</strong> research he did with<br />

pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie under whose guidance he also completed his PhD on <strong>the</strong> same topic in 2002.<br />

For his PhD he received <strong>the</strong> Founders medal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Economic Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa in 2002,<br />

awarded for <strong>the</strong> best PhD <strong>the</strong>sis in economics completed at a South African university. In a related<br />

line <strong>of</strong> work, Dr Burger also explores <strong>the</strong> link between <strong>the</strong> solvency <strong>of</strong> government and <strong>the</strong> creation<br />

<strong>of</strong> human capital by government. Human capital is <strong>the</strong> ability <strong>of</strong> humans to work productively and to<br />

generate income, a topic which is very relevant to <strong>the</strong> South African context where we do not only<br />

have a large shortage <strong>of</strong> human capital, but also a limited and constrained government budget.<br />




Dr Philippe Burger<br />

Departement Ekonomie<br />

Sedert die koms van Keynesiaanse ekonomie (so vernoem na die Britse ekonoom JM Keynes) in die<br />

1930s, het owerhede wêreldwyd van tot tyd probeer om ekonomiese beleid na te streef wat sikliese<br />

skommeling teenwerk. So ‘n beleid behels dat die owerheid skuld aangaan gedurende resessionêre<br />

tye om groter uitgawes en laer belasting te finansier, in ‘n poging om die ekonomie te stimuleer.<br />

Veral gedurende die tweede helfte van die twintigste eeu het Keynesiaanse beleid daartoe gelei dat<br />

openbare skuld ‘n instrument van aktiewe ekonomiese bestuur geword het. Menige owerhede het<br />

egter gevind dat hulle beleid nie altyd suksesvol was nie. In sy navorsing soek dr Philippe Burger na<br />

redes hiervoor.<br />

As ‘n norm, word die hoeveelheid staatskuld uitgedruk in verhouding tot Bruto Binnelandse Produk<br />

(BBP – die totale produksie en -inkome wat ‘n ekonomie gedurende ‘n gegewe jaar genereer). Dit word<br />

so gedoen omdat totale inkome uiteindelik die ho<strong>of</strong>bron van belasting is, en die owerheid belasting<br />

moet invorder om onder andere sy rente op skuld te betaal. As openbare skuld dus deurlopend<br />

verhoog relatief tot die BBP, beteken dit eenvoudig dat die owerheid toenemend meer belastings<br />

uit totale inkome moet vorder om die rente te delg, iets wat in fiskale terme nie volhoubaar oor die<br />

medium tot langtermyn is nie.<br />

Gedurende die laaste twee dekades van die twintigste eeu het die staatskuld/BBP verhouding in<br />

talle lande die grootste styging nog in vredestyd getoon, wat wydverspreide fiskale onvolhoubaarheid<br />

tot gevolg gehad het. Teen die tweede helfte van die 1990s, het talle owerhede stappe geneem om<br />

hierdie neiging om te keer (insluitend die Suid-Afrikaanse regering).<br />

In sy boek getitel “Sustainable fiscal policy and economic stability: Theory en practice”, uitgegee in<br />

die VK deur Edward Elgar uitgewers, gebruik en ontwikkel dr Burger ‘n ‘algemene balansraamwerk’<br />

om aan te voer dat ‘n primêre begrotingsurplus (‘n begrotingsurplus wat bereken word as die verskil<br />

tussen die nie-rentedraende inkomste en -uitgawe van die owerheid) alleen nie altyd voldoende is om<br />

fiskale volhoubaarheid te herstel en die staatskuld/BBP verhouding te stabiliseer nie. Die owerheid<br />

mag in effek eenvoudig die probleem na ander sektore van die ekonomie verskuif, wat ekonomiese<br />


onstabiliteit tot gevolg sal hê. Deur die owerheid se begrotingsbeperking op makrovlak te skakel<br />

met al die begrotingsbeperkings van alle ander ekonomiese rolspelers, laat die raamwerk hom toe<br />

om te meet hoe die veranderinge in die begroting van een ekonomiese sektor oorgeplaas word na<br />

die begrotingsposisie van ‘n ander sektor. Deur die uitwerking van hierdie sektorale balanseffekte in<br />

berekening te bring tesame met die rol van onsekerheid en verwagtinge, kon hy ‘n stel reëls ontwikkel<br />

vir die behoud van fiskale volhoubaarheid en ekonomiese stabiliteit.<br />


Source: IMF<br />

Dr Burger se navorsing oor fiskale volhoubaarheid en ekonomiese stabiliteit is ‘n voortsetting van<br />

navorsing wat hy in samewerking met pr<strong>of</strong> Frederick Fourie aangepak het, en onder wie se leiding hy<br />

ook sy PhD in 2002 oor die onderwerp voltooi het. Die Stigtersmedalje van die Ekonomiese Vereniging<br />

van Suid Afrika is gedurende 2002 aan dr Burger vir die beste PhD proefskrif in Ekonomie wat aan ‘n<br />

Suid Afrikaanse universiteit voltooi is, toegeken. In verwante navorsing ondersoek dr Burger ook die<br />

verwantskap tussen die solvensie van die owerheid en die skepping van menslike kapitaal deur die<br />

owerheid. Menslike kapitaal is die vermoë van persone om produktief te werk en sodoende inkome<br />

te genereer. Hierdie onderwerp is uiters relevant in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks waar daar nie net ‘n<br />

groot skaarsheid aan menslike kapitaal is nie, maar ook ‘n beperkte owerheidsbegroting.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Peter Mbati<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Peter Mbati<br />

Head: Qwaqwa Campus and Parasitology Research Program<br />

Molecular diagnosis <strong>of</strong> tick-borne pathogens, serology and immunology were identified as key areas<br />

for collaboration between <strong>the</strong> Parasitology Research Team at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa campus and <strong>the</strong> Diagnostic<br />

Laboratory <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture in Bloemfontein. Pr<strong>of</strong> Noboru Inoue <strong>of</strong> Obihiro<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Japan) visited <strong>the</strong> program for a month where he<br />

worked closely with postgraduate students and <strong>of</strong>fered training in aspects <strong>of</strong> Molecular Parasitology<br />

and Immunology.<br />

The Parasitology Research Program has continued to indulge in a fascinating spectrum <strong>of</strong> parasitoses<br />

<strong>of</strong> medical and veterinary importance <strong>of</strong> both national and international interest. Studies on Leishmania,<br />

a devastating parasite <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> human reticulo-endo<strong>the</strong>lial system has revealed exciting possibilities for<br />

developing a live vaccine. Specific proteins that probably code for virulence have been isolated.<br />

With <strong>the</strong> collaboration <strong>of</strong> Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, <strong>the</strong> Research Program has documented<br />


important tick species occurring in <strong>the</strong> north eastern <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se principal vectors <strong>of</strong><br />

livestock disease in <strong>the</strong> region are Rhipicephalus spp. and Boophilus decoloratus, which transmit<br />

economically implicated diseases such as Babesiosis (redwater), Anaplasmosis (gall sickness) and<br />

Cowdriosis (heartwater). A recently concluded sero-epidemiological survey indicates that <strong>the</strong>se<br />

blood parasites are endemically stable in our region. The team have also recently concluded a<br />

survey <strong>of</strong> helminth parasites (internal worms) that infest livestock in Harrismith, Kestell and Qwaqwa.<br />

Dominant species in cattle were Haemonchus and Oesophagostomum, whilst in horses important<br />

helminths include Strongyle, Parascaris eqourum and Oxyuris equi. The occurrence <strong>of</strong> Newcastle<br />

disease in free ranging chickens was also investigated, and <strong>the</strong> most appropriate vaccination route<br />

has been reported. Among <strong>the</strong> highlights <strong>of</strong> 2003 were <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a PCR-based diagnostic<br />

test for Babesia equi (biliary fever) and identification <strong>of</strong> important molecules as potential tick vaccine<br />

candidates against Amblyomma hebraeum (bont tick). Motseki Hlatshwayo is completing his doctorate<br />

in tick vaccine studies, whilst Sibusisu Mtshali is pursuing his doctorate in <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong> molecular<br />

epidemiology <strong>of</strong> rickettsiosis. The following students were working towards completing <strong>the</strong>ir M.Sc.<br />

studies: Khosi Motloang, Fumane Nyaile and Flatha Masangane, while Moliehi Potjo completed her<br />

B.Sc. honours degree.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Peter Mbati<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong>: Qwaqwakampus en Parasitologie Navorsingsprogram<br />

Molekulêre diagnose van luisdraende patogene, serologie en immunologie is geïdentifiseer as<br />

sleutelareas vir die samewerking tussen die Parasitologie Navorsingspan op die Qwaqwakampus en<br />

die Diagnostiese Laboratorium van die Vrystaatse Departement van Landbou in Bloemfontein. Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Noboru Inoue van Obihiro Universiteit van Landbou en Veeartseny Medisyne (Japan) het die program<br />

vir ‘n maand besoek, waartydens hy nou saamgewerk het met nagraadse studente en opleiding in<br />

aspekte van Molekulêre Parasitologie en Immunologie aangebied het.<br />

Die Parasitologie Navorsingsprogram het voortgegaan om die vrye loop te neem in ‘n indrukwekkende<br />

spektrum van parasitoses wat belangrik is op mediese en veeartsenykundige gebied en van beide<br />

nasionale en internasionale belang. Navorsing op Leishmania, ‘n vernietigende parasiet van die<br />

menslike retikulo-endotele sisteem het opwindende moontlikhede vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n lewende<br />


entst<strong>of</strong> blootgelê. Spesifieke proteïne wat moontlik kwaadaardigheid kodeer, is geïsoleer. Met die<br />

samewerking van Onderstepoort Veeartsenykunde Instituut, het die navorsingsprogram belangrike<br />

luis-spesies gedokumenteer wat in die Noordoos-Vrystaat voorkom. Sommige van die belangrikste<br />

draers van siekte onder lewende hawe in die streek is Rhipicephalus spesies en Boophilus<br />

decoloratus, wat ekonomies belangrike siektes soos Babesiosis (rooiwater), Anaplasmosis (galsiekte)<br />

en Cowdriosis (hartwater) oordra. ‘n Onlangs voltooide sero-epidemiologiese ondersoek toon dat<br />

hierdie bloedparasiete endemies stabiel in ons streek is.<br />

Die span het ook onlangs ‘n ondersoek voltooi na ingewandsparasiete (inwendige wurms) wat lewende<br />

hawe in Harrismith, Kestell en Qwaqwa infekteer. Dominante spesies in beeste was Haemonchus en<br />

Oesophagostomum, terwyl belangrike ingewandsparasiete in perde Strongyle, Paracaris eqourum en<br />

Oxyuris equi ingesluit het. Die voorkoms van Newcastle-siekte in vrylopende kuikens is ook ondersoek<br />

en die mees toepaslike metode van inenting is gerapporteer.<br />

Die hoogtepunte van 2003 was, onder andere, die ontwikkeling van ‘n Polimerase Kettingreaksie (PKR)<br />

gebaseerde diagnostiese toets vir Babesia equi (galkoors) en identifikasie van belangrike molekules<br />

as potensiële kandidate vir luis-entst<strong>of</strong> teen Amblyomma hebraeum (bontluis). Motseki Hlatshwayo<br />

is besig om sy doktorale navorsing in luis-entst<strong>of</strong> te voltooi, terwyl Sibusiso Mtshali voortgaan met sy<br />

studie op die gebied van molekulêre epidemiologie van ragitus. Die volgende studente is besig om<br />

hulle M.Sc.-studie te voltooi: Khosi Motlaung, Fumane Nyaile en Flatha Masangane, terwyl Moliehi<br />

Potjo haar B.Sc. Honneursgraad voltooi het.<br />





Dr Sybrand Pretorius<br />

Senior Director and<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> Unit<br />

Photos: Courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />

PAREXEL International<br />

FARMOVS PAREXEL (Pty). Ltd is a prime example <strong>of</strong> an extremely successful Private Public Partnership<br />

(PPP). The company is co-owned by <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>, who owns 30% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> shares, and<br />

PAREXEL International Corporation, a leading biopharmaceutical outsourcing provider, who owns 70%<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> shares. During <strong>the</strong> previous calendar year (2003), FARMOVS-PAREXEL successfully conducted<br />

72 major clinical research studies in both healthy volunteers and patients.<br />


There are a myriad <strong>of</strong> advantages associated with this PPP. The most noticeable <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se are that:<br />

• High quality medical research is being performed on campus<br />

• Patients gain access to a wide variety <strong>of</strong> cutting edge <strong>the</strong>rapeutic modalities<br />

• Healthy volunteers are remunerated for <strong>the</strong>ir participation<br />

• Job creation<br />

• Income is generated for <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

In addition to this PPP model, <strong>the</strong> company has recently formed a strategic alliance with <strong>the</strong><br />

Academic Group Practice (AGP), an association <strong>of</strong> medical pr<strong>of</strong>essionals <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Health<br />

Sciences, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. This alliance will create synergies between <strong>the</strong> clinical acumen<br />

<strong>of</strong> FARMOVS-PAREXEL and <strong>the</strong> capabilities and patient access <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> AGP in <strong>the</strong> performance <strong>of</strong><br />

clinical trials. In retrospect, it is safe to say that this alliance, still in an early development phase,<br />

has already been implemented successfully. FARMOVS-PAREXEL provides <strong>the</strong> logistical support<br />

and infra- structure for clinical studies and <strong>the</strong> AGP provides clinical services and investigators in<br />

specific <strong>the</strong>rapeutic areas in both hospital-based and outpatient studies. Advantages to <strong>the</strong> AGP<br />

are that FARMOVS-PAREXEL takes care <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> submissions to regulatory authorities and handles<br />

<strong>the</strong> administrative burden associated with complex clinical trials. The Principal Investigator has time<br />

to attend to his patients and <strong>the</strong> doctor/patient relationship is not disrupted as a result <strong>of</strong> a clinical<br />

trial.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> past year FARMOVS-PAREXEL has collaborated successfully with <strong>the</strong> AGP and Faculty<br />

members in psychiatry, pulmonology, cardiology and oncology studies. Access to schizophrenia<br />

patients has been a huge benefit and a total <strong>of</strong> 5 studies were performed in this <strong>the</strong>rapeutic area<br />

during 2003.<br />






Pr<strong>of</strong> Sybrand Pretorius<br />

Senior Direkteur en<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong> van die Eenheid<br />

FARMOVS PAREXEL (Edms) Bpk. is ‘n eersteklas voorbeeld van ‘n uiters suksesvolle Private<br />

Openbare Vennootskap (POV). Die maatskappy word gesamentlik besit deur die Universiteit van die<br />

Vrystaat, wat 30% van die aandele besit, en PAREXEL Internasionale Korporasie, ‘n toonaangewende<br />

bi<strong>of</strong>armaseutiese diensverskaffer, wat 70% van die aandele besit. Gedurende die afgelope kalenderjaar<br />

(2003) het FARMOVS-PAREXEL 72 belangrike kliniese navorsingstudies in beide gesonde vrywilligers<br />

en pasiënte gedoen.<br />

Tallose voordele kan met hierdie POV assosieer word. Die mees voor-die-hand-liggende hiervan is<br />

dat:<br />

• ‘n Hoë kwaliteit mediese navorsing word op kampus uitgevoer<br />

• Pasiënte kry toegang tot ‘n wye verskeidenheid van aktuele terapeutiese modaliteite<br />

• Gesonde vrywilligers word vergoed vir hulle deelname<br />

• Werkverskaffing<br />

• Inkomste word vir die Universiteit genereer<br />

Bykomstig tot hierdie POV-model het die maatskappy onlangs ‘n strategiese bondgenootskap gevorm<br />

met die Akademiese Groepspraktyk (AGP), ‘n vereniging van mediese beroepslui van die Fakulteit<br />

van Gesondheidswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Hierdie genootskap sal sinergie<br />

skep tussen die kliniese vernuf van FARMOVS-PAREXEL en die vermoëns en toegang tot pasiënte<br />

van die AGP in die uitvoer van kliniese proewe. In retrospeksie kan daar met vrymoedigheid gesê<br />

word dat hierdie vereniging, hoewel nog in ‘n vroeë fase van ontwikkeling, alreeds baie suksesvol<br />

was. FARMOVS-PAREXEL verskaf die logistieke ondersteuning en infrastruktuur vir kliniese navorsing<br />

en die AGP verskaf die kliniese dienste en ondersoekers vir navorsing op spesifieke terapeutiese<br />


gebiede in beide hospitaal-gebaseerde en buitepasiënte. Dit strek tot voordeel van die AGP dat<br />

FARMOVS-PAREXEL die toelating tot regulerende bestuur onderneem en ook die administratiewe<br />

laste wat met die ingewikkelde kliniese proewe geassosieer word, hanteer. Die ho<strong>of</strong>navorser het die<br />

tyd om na sy pasiënte om te sien en die dokter/pasiënt-verhouding word nie verbreek as gevolg van<br />

‘n kliniese toets nie.<br />

Gedurende die afgelope jaar het FARMOVS-PAREXEL suksesvol saamgewerk met die AGP en lede<br />

van die Fakulteit in psigiatriese, pulmonologiese, kardiologiese en onkologiese navorsing. Toegang<br />

tot skis<strong>of</strong>reniese pasiënte was ‘n groot voordeel en ‘n totaal van vyf proewe is op hierdie terapeutiese<br />

gebied uitgevoer tydens 2003.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />

UF EEUFEESUITGAWE On 18 March 1950, Parliament declared<br />

Kovsies a fully fledged, independent<br />

university. Simultaneously, <strong>the</strong> name<br />

was changed to <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Orange <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (UOFS), and<br />

former state president CR Swart was<br />

appointed <strong>the</strong> first chancellor.<br />

An aerial photo <strong>of</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> campus 1950s.<br />

117<br />

The faculties <strong>of</strong> Education, Law and<br />

Social Sciences were established<br />

in 1945, while <strong>the</strong> Economics and<br />

Administrative Sciences Faculty came<br />

into being in 1954. The addition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Agriculture in 1958 was an<br />

important step forward.

FOCUS<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Missiology<br />

Poverty in South Africa remains a burning issue. Large and comprehensive schemes and large-scale<br />

involvement <strong>of</strong> churches <strong>of</strong>ten result in short-term relief <strong>of</strong> poverty, but many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se schemes fail in<br />

<strong>the</strong> long run. Is <strong>the</strong>re ano<strong>the</strong>r route that can be followed?<br />

Research is being undertaken in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Missiology in <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Theology at <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> to investigate possible solutions for this problem. In fact, <strong>the</strong> chief<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> investigation is to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> community where poverty occurs, can be<br />

empowered to become directly involved with <strong>the</strong> poorest among <strong>the</strong>m and to suggest solutions.<br />

This research under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster, assisted by students Mzwandile Pha<strong>the</strong>la<br />

and Nathaniël Sebolai, is conducted in informal settlement areas in and around Bloemfontein. Mr<br />

Pha<strong>the</strong>la conducted direct interviews in <strong>the</strong> JB Mafora community. A congregation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutch<br />

Reformed Church in Africa was also involved. Discussions were held with <strong>the</strong> church council and<br />


with <strong>the</strong> Commission for Social <strong>Services</strong>, as well as with individual members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> congregation.<br />

With <strong>the</strong> assistance <strong>of</strong> Rev Johannes Makutoane, information was exchanged with <strong>the</strong> congregation<br />

and solutions were sought jointly. Families were visited toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong> Commission. Focus group<br />

discussions were held with four groups with five members each that were constituted arbitrarily from<br />

<strong>the</strong> community, and consisted <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dutch Reformed Church in Africa within a certain<br />

area.<br />

The useful concept <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> four squares <strong>of</strong> knowledge was used: we know, <strong>the</strong>y know; we don’t know,<br />

<strong>the</strong>y know; we know, <strong>the</strong>y don’t know; we don’t know, <strong>the</strong>y don’t know. All too <strong>of</strong>ten, developers tend<br />

to act according to <strong>the</strong> third quadrant. The chief purpose <strong>of</strong> this method is to determine what type <strong>of</strong><br />

knowledge lies in each quadrant, how <strong>the</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community itself can be utilised and how<br />

solutions can be generated from <strong>the</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> researcher.<br />

It was evident from <strong>the</strong> discussions that people do not regret having come to <strong>the</strong> city and that<br />

<strong>the</strong>y enjoy living here, despite numerous problems such as crime, lack <strong>of</strong> infrastructure, negative<br />

influences on children, etc. However, <strong>the</strong> biggest problem was how to obtain work and an income.<br />

It was evident from interviews with individuals that <strong>the</strong> majority have a positive view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> church and<br />

look up to <strong>the</strong> church to chiefly provide spiritual support, but also material assistance. The task <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

church is particularly to create a vision <strong>of</strong> hope, and to stress respect for <strong>the</strong> individuality <strong>of</strong> a person<br />

- even <strong>the</strong> poorest among us. However, about a quarter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people who were questioned are<br />

negative towards <strong>the</strong> church. In this regard, comments that neighbours and relatives <strong>of</strong>ten help under<br />

difficult circumstances are insightful – o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>the</strong>refore provide in this need, and not <strong>the</strong> church.<br />

However, <strong>the</strong> culture <strong>of</strong> poverty is not only negative, but can also have positive aspects. The interviews<br />

revealed that <strong>the</strong> poor community develops structures within which <strong>the</strong> community itself takes care <strong>of</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs. These structures provide <strong>the</strong> key to <strong>the</strong> empowerment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community by <strong>the</strong> congregation<br />

and <strong>the</strong> church in a broader context. For instance, a committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> DRCA congregation launched<br />

its own investigation into <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> extreme poverty within <strong>the</strong> congregation itself. The<br />

congregation was subsequently involved in food provision and o<strong>the</strong>r assistance.<br />

The conclusion was reached that <strong>the</strong> communities in informal settlement areas can and must<br />

be empowered to handle extreme poverty <strong>the</strong>mselves by assisting <strong>the</strong> poorest members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

community. It is also clear that knowledge must be self-generating, so that <strong>the</strong> community can find<br />

its own solutions.<br />


FOKUS<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster<br />

Departement Sendingwetenskappe<br />

Armoede in Suid-Afrika bly steeds ’n brandende vraagstuk. Groot en uitgebreide skemas en<br />

grootskaalse betrokkenheid van kerke lei dikwels tot korttermynverligting van armoede, maar op die<br />

lange duur misluk baie van hierdie skemas. Is daar ’n ander weg wat gevolg kan word?<br />

Navorsing word in die Departement Sendingwetenskap aan die Fakulteit Teologie van die Universiteit<br />

van die Vrystaat onderneem om ondersoek in te stel na moontlike oplossings vir die vraagstuk. Die<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>doel van die ondersoek is juis om te bepaal <strong>of</strong> die gemeenskap waar armoede voorkom, bemagtig<br />

kan word om self betrokke te raak by die armstes onder hulle en oplossings voor te stel.<br />

Hierdie navorsing onder leiding van pr<strong>of</strong> Pieter Verster, bygestaan deur studente Mzwandile Pha<strong>the</strong>la<br />

en Nathaniël Sebolai, word in informele behuisingsgebiede in en om Bloemfontein gedoen. Mnr<br />

Pha<strong>the</strong>la het direkte onderhoude gevoer in die JB Mafora-gemeenskap. ’n Gemeente van die Ned.<br />

Geref. Kerk in Afrika is ook betrek. Daar is gesprek gevoer met die kerkraad en met die Kommissie vir<br />

die Diens van Barmhartigheid, asook met individuele lidmate. Met die hulp van ds Johannes Makutoane<br />

is inligting uitgeruil met die gemeente en daar is saam na oplossings gesoek. Gesinne is saam met<br />

die Kommissie besoek. Fokusgroepbesprekings is gevoer met vier groepe van vyf lede elk wat arbitrêr<br />

uit die gemeenskap saamgestel is, en bestaan het uit lede van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk<br />

in Afrika binne ‘n sekere gebied.<br />

Die nuttige begrip van die “four squares <strong>of</strong> knowledge” is gebruik: ons weet, hulle weet; ons weet nie,<br />

hulle weet; ons weet, hulle weet nie; ons weet nie, hulle weet nie. Ontwikkelaars is te dikwels geneig<br />

om volgens die derde kwadrant op te tree. Die ho<strong>of</strong>doel van die metode is om te bepaal watter soort<br />

kennis lê waar, op watter wyse die kennis waaroor die gemeenskap self beskik, benut kan word en<br />

hoe die kennis van die gemeenskap en dié van die navorser oplossings kan genereer.<br />

Uit die besprekings was dit duidelik dat die mense nie spyt is dat hulle stad toe gekom het nie<br />

en dat hulle dit geniet om hier te woon, ten spyte van talle probleme soos misdaad, gebrek aan<br />


infrastruktuur, negatiewe invloede op kinders, ens. Die vernaamste probleem was egter hoe om werk<br />

en ‘n inkomste te bekom.<br />

Uit onderhoude met individue het dit geblyk dat die oorgrote meerderheid positief voel teenoor die<br />

kerk, en na die kerk opsien om ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik geestelike ondersteuning, maar ook materiële bystand, te<br />

verleen. Die kerk se taak is veral om ‘n visie van hoop te skep, en om respek vir die individualiteit van<br />

die persoon, selfs van die armstes onder ons, te beklemtoon. Daar was egter ook sowat ‘n kwart van<br />

die mense wat ondervra is, wat negatief staan teenoor die kerk. In hierdie verband is die opmerkings<br />

dat bure en familielede dikwels onder moeilike omstandighede hulp verleen, insiggewend - die leemte<br />

word dus nie deur die kerk nie, maar deur ander gevul.<br />

Die kultuur van armoede is egter nie slegs negatief nie, maar kan ook positiewe aspekte hê. Uit die<br />

onderhoude is afgelei dat die arm gemeenskap strukture ontwikkel waarbinne die gemeenskap self<br />

vir ander sorg. Hierdie strukture is dan ook die sleutel tot die bemagtiging van die gemeenskap deur<br />

die gemeente en die kerk in breër verband. ’n Komitee van die NGKA-gemeente het byvoorbeeld<br />

ondersoek ingestel na die voorkoms van uiterste armoede binne die gemeente self. Die gemeente is<br />

daarna betrek by kosverskaffing en ander hulpverlening.<br />

Die slotsom waartoe gekom is, is dat die gemeenskappe in die informele gebiede bemagtig kan<br />

en moet word om uiterste armoede self te hanteer deur hulp te verleen aan die armstes in die<br />

gemeenskap. Dit is ook duidelik dat kennis selfgenererend moet wees, sodat die gemeenskap self<br />

oplossings kan vind.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Corene de Wet<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Corene de Wet<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Comparative Education and Education Management<br />

Crime and violence have far-reaching consequences for education, and could lead to <strong>the</strong> collapse <strong>of</strong> a<br />

culture <strong>of</strong> learning. Crime and violence could also lead to serious physical, emotional and psychological<br />

problems among educators as well as learners, including stress, reduced self-confidence, possible<br />

depression, suicidal tendencies, poor concentration and reduced school attendance. Since crime<br />

and violence in schools constitute a serious threat to <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> peace, democracy and<br />

economic progress in South Africa, Pr<strong>of</strong> De Wet undertook research on criminal <strong>of</strong>fences and violence<br />

among learners, as well as vandalism, in <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> and Eastern Cape schools.<br />

The investigation <strong>of</strong> criminal <strong>of</strong>fences in <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> schools reveals that learners are involved<br />

particularly in victimless crimes such as using alcohol and smoking dagga; conventional crimes such<br />


as vandalising school property, <strong>the</strong>ft and less serious attacks on fellow learners; violating <strong>the</strong> dignity<br />

and good name <strong>of</strong> fellow learners in particular by swearing at <strong>the</strong>m and making obscene gestures, as<br />

well as juvenile status <strong>of</strong>fences.<br />

Bullying, attacks on learners and robbery appear to be <strong>the</strong> most common violent crimes against<br />

learners in Eastern Cape schools situated in black residential areas and settlements. Although to a<br />

lesser extent, educators are also <strong>the</strong> victims <strong>of</strong> robbers and bullying and assault by learners. Educators<br />

have identified drug and alcohol abuse as <strong>the</strong> chief cause <strong>of</strong> learner violence at <strong>the</strong> Eastern Cape<br />

schools that participated in <strong>the</strong> research project. Two economic factors - poverty and unemployment<br />

- were regarded as <strong>the</strong> second and seventh most significant causes respectively. According to <strong>the</strong><br />

respondents, <strong>the</strong> disintegration <strong>of</strong> family life is <strong>the</strong> third most significant cause <strong>of</strong> learner violence.<br />

Learner vandalism occurs regularly in <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> and Eastern Cape schools. Learners, particularly boys<br />

between <strong>the</strong> ages <strong>of</strong> 14 and 19 years, were identified in <strong>the</strong> investigation as <strong>the</strong> chief perpetrators<br />

<strong>of</strong> vandalism. However, it is also evident that schools are regularly vandalised by cattle-herders,<br />

gang members, dropouts, former learners and learners from neighbouring schools. The research<br />

indicates that legal, economic, drug and alcohol problems, as well as learner-related problems, may<br />

be regarded as significant causes <strong>of</strong> school vandalism.<br />

The erosion and collapse <strong>of</strong> discipline, <strong>the</strong> fact that parents have abdicated <strong>the</strong>ir responsibility as<br />

primary educators and <strong>the</strong> disparagement <strong>of</strong> authority structures, as well as <strong>the</strong> economic, social<br />

and moral deterioration that lie at <strong>the</strong> root <strong>of</strong> juvenile crime, took place over decades. Simplistic<br />

and quick solutions are <strong>the</strong>refore not <strong>the</strong> answer with regard to <strong>the</strong> prevention <strong>of</strong> juvenile crime.<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, not only youths are responsible for crime at schools, but also adults employed at<br />

schools and outsiders. Pr<strong>of</strong> de Wet <strong>the</strong>refore recommends that <strong>the</strong> combating <strong>of</strong> crime should take<br />

place at two levels. Since some schools are situated in dangerous residential areas/environments,<br />

increased security and access control, as well as <strong>the</strong> co-operation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community and <strong>the</strong> police,<br />

are essential to <strong>the</strong> combating <strong>of</strong> crime at schools in <strong>the</strong>se areas. Value-driven education that takes<br />

place in a culture <strong>of</strong> caring and entails that <strong>the</strong> principal and his/her educators, as well as learners,<br />

strive to support <strong>the</strong> perpetrators and <strong>the</strong> victims, is essential for keeping crime out <strong>of</strong> schools. This<br />

will not be possible without <strong>the</strong> co-operation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community, parents, <strong>the</strong> department <strong>of</strong> education,<br />

<strong>the</strong>rapists and <strong>the</strong> police.<br />



IN SKOLE<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Corene de Wet<br />

Departement Vergelykende Opvoedkunde en Onderwysbestuur<br />

Misdaad en geweld het verreikende gevolge vir die onderwys. Dit kan tot die ineenstorting van ’n<br />

leerkultuur lei. Voorts kan dit byi sowel opvoeders as leerders lei tot ernstige fisieke, emosionele en<br />

psigologiese probleme, onder andere stres, ’n vermindering van selfvertroue, moontlike depressie,<br />

selfmoordneigings, gebrekkige konsentrasie en verminderde skoolbywoning. Aangesien misdaad<br />

en geweld in skole ’n ernstige bedreiging vir die vestiging van vrede, demokrasie en ekonomiese<br />

vooruitgang in Suid-Afrika inhou, het pr<strong>of</strong> De Wet navorsing oor strafregtelike leerdermisdaad en<br />

leerdergeweld, asook vandalisme, in skole in die Vrystaat en Oos-Kaap onderneem.<br />

Uit die ondersoek na strafregtelike misdade in Vrystaatse skole blyk dit dat leerders veral betrokke is<br />

by slag<strong>of</strong>ferlose misdade soos die gebruik van alkohol en die rook van dagga; konvensionele misdade<br />

soos die vandalisering van skooleiendom, diefstal en minder ernstige leerder-op-leerderaanvalle; die<br />

skending van die waardigheid en goeie naam van veral medeleerders deur hulle te vloek en obsene<br />

tekens te maak, asook jeugstatusoortredings.<br />

Bullebakkery, leerderaanrandings en ro<strong>of</strong> blyk die mees algemene geweldsmisdade teen leerders<br />

verbonde aan Oos-Kaapse skole wat in swart woonbuurtes en nedersettings geleë is, te wees.<br />

Opvoeders is, hoewel in ‘n mindere mate, ook die slag<strong>of</strong>fers van rowers, leerderbullebakke en<br />

leerderaanrandings. Opvoeders het die misbruik van dwelms en alkohol geïdentifiseer as die<br />

belangrikste oorsaak van leerdergeweld by die Oos-Kaapse skole wat aan die navorsingsprojek<br />

deelgeneem het. Twee ekonomiese faktore - armoede en werkloosheid - is as respektiewelik die<br />

tweede en sewende belangrikste oorsake beskou. Die verbrokkeling van die gesinslewe is volgens<br />

die respondente die derde belangrikste oorsaak van leerdergeweld.<br />

Leerdervandalisme blyk ‘n gereelde verskynsel in Vrystaatse en Oos-Kaapse skole te wees. Die<br />

ondersoek het getoon dat dit meestal leerders is, in besonder seuns tussen die ouderdomme van<br />

14 en 19 jaar, wat hulle aan vandalisme skuldig maak. Dit blyk egter ook dat skole gereeld deur<br />

veewagters, bendelede, uitsakkers, oudleerders en leerders van buurskole gevandaliseer word.<br />


Die navorsing toon dat juridiese, ekonomiese, dwelm- en alkoholprobleme, asook leerderverwante<br />

probleme, as belangrike oorsake van skoolvandalisme beskou kan word.<br />

Die ondermyning en ineenstorting van dissipline, ouers se versaking van hul verantwoordelikheid<br />

as primêre opvoeders en die miskenning van gesagstrukture, asook die ekonomiese, sosiale en<br />

morele agteruitgang wat misdaad onder jeugdiges ten grondslag lê, het oor dekades plaasgevind.<br />

Simplistiese en kitsoplossings is dus nie die antwoord op die voorkoming van jeugmisdaad nie.<br />

Voorts is nie net jeugdiges nie, maar ook volwassenes verbonde aan skole, asook buitestaanders,<br />

verantwoordelik vir misdaad by skole. Pr<strong>of</strong> de Wet beveel gevolglik aan dat misdaadbekamping op<br />

twee vlakke moet plaasvind. Aangesien sommige skole in gevaarlike woonbuurtes/omgewings geleë<br />

is, is verhoogde sekuriteit en toegangsbeheer, asook die samewerking van die gemeenskap en die<br />

polisie, noodsaaklik in die bekamping van misdaad by skole in dié areas. Waardegedrewe onderwys<br />

wat binne ’n omgeekultuur plaasvind en behels dat die skoolho<strong>of</strong> en sy/haar opvoeders, asook<br />

leerders, daarna streef om die oortreders en die slag<strong>of</strong>fers te ondersteun, is noodsaaklik om misdaad<br />

uit skole te weer. Dit sal nie moontlik wees sonder die samewerking van die gemeenskap, ouers, die<br />

onderwysdepartement, terapeute en die polisie nie.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


125<br />

Teologiegebou - Fakulteit Teologie<br />

het in 1980 tot stand gekom.

BOYDEN<br />


Dr Pieter Meintjes<br />

Dr Matie H<strong>of</strong>fman<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Physics<br />

Right: Dr Pieter Meintjes<br />

Boyden Sterrewag - Hannes Calitz, nagraadse student en<br />

waarnemer by Boyden Sterrewag kyk hoe die toerusting<br />

wat vir die opgradering gebruik is, afgelaai word.<br />

Boyden Observatory, a unique facility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (<strong>UFS</strong>), has been revitalised<br />

as a combined research, educational and public facility over <strong>the</strong> last two years. The <strong>UFS</strong>-Boyden 1.5m<br />

telescope was refurbished, and is already being used for research as well as science awareness<br />

activities. The sod-turning ceremony for <strong>the</strong> first phase <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Boyden Science Centre took place on<br />

27 August 2003, and <strong>the</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new Boyden Auditorium and reception area had almost<br />

been completed by <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> 2003. The new facilities will be <strong>of</strong>ficially opened as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong><br />

centennial year during 2004. This will also be <strong>the</strong> 100 th year since <strong>the</strong> original 1.5-m telescope was<br />

purchased by Harvard <strong>University</strong>, and <strong>the</strong> 70 th year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> telescope’s operation at its present site<br />

at Boyden, near Bloemfontein. The <strong>UFS</strong> is still one <strong>of</strong> only a handful <strong>of</strong> universities worldwide that<br />

possess a large telescope <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1.5-m class.<br />


The cost <strong>of</strong> upgrading <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>-Boyden 1.5-m telescope amounted to about 1.5 million rand. This<br />

involved <strong>the</strong> automation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Boyden telescope and <strong>the</strong> dome by installing a new control system<br />

($60 000). The installation was carried out by <strong>the</strong> DFM company from <strong>the</strong> USA. The cost <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> project<br />

was carried by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation (R300 000) and <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame (UND)<br />

in <strong>the</strong> USA ($46 000). A sophisticated CCD camera to <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> $55 000 was provided by <strong>the</strong><br />

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) in <strong>the</strong> USA.<br />

The astrophysics research group at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> (<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>) is involved in several<br />

national and international projects covering a wide range <strong>of</strong> topics, from searching for planets around<br />

distant stars in <strong>the</strong> Milky Way (exoplanets) to studying outbursts <strong>of</strong> energy in binary stars and active<br />

galactic nuclei. The <strong>UFS</strong>’s level <strong>of</strong> expertise has also received international recognition. Dr Meintjes<br />

is a guest lecturer at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cape Town for <strong>the</strong> National Astrophysics and Space Science<br />

Programme (NASSP). The participation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> NASSP contributes to <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>’s growing popularity as<br />

a training institution for astrophysicists.<br />

An agreement was concluded with astronomers at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Dublin (UCD) in Ireland,<br />

for <strong>the</strong> installation <strong>of</strong> a small robotic telescope (Watcher) at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>-Boyden Observatory. This will<br />

form part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>’s astrophysics research programme. The telescope will be controlled robotically<br />

from Dublin, and will be used particularly to search for optical point sources that can be associated<br />

with <strong>the</strong> so-called gamma-ray bursts and to monitor eruptions in active galaxies, as well as to search<br />

for exoplanets by means <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> so-called transit technique.<br />

The installation <strong>of</strong> a 512 kbis/s Internet connection between <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>-Boyden Observatory and <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>UFS</strong> campus is already under way. This is a very valuable addition to <strong>the</strong> research and education<br />

infrastructure at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>. The network will be supported financially by <strong>the</strong> international co-operation<br />

between <strong>the</strong> universities <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame (UND), <strong>the</strong> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL),<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Dublin (UCD) and <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>. The Internet connection should already be in<br />

operation by May 2004.<br />


BOYDEN<br />


Dr PJ Meintjes<br />

Dr M H<strong>of</strong>fman<br />

Departement Fisika<br />

Boyden Sterrewag, ‘n unieke fasiliteit van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV), is oor die afgelope<br />

twee jaar hernuwe as ‘n gekombineerde navorsings-, onderwys- en openbare fasiliteit. Die UV-Boyden<br />

1.5-m teleskoop is opgeknap, en word reeds gebruik vir navorsing asook aktiwiteite ter bevordering<br />

van wetenskapsbewus<strong>the</strong>id. Op 27 Augustus 2003 is die eerste sooi gespit vir die eerste fase van die<br />

Boyden Wetenskapsentrum, en teen die einde van 2003 was die konstruksie van die nuwe Boyden<br />

Ouditorium en ontvangsarea bykans voltooi. Die nuwe fasiliteite sal gedurende 2004 amptelik in<br />

gebruik geneem word, as deel van die UV se eeufeesjaar. Dit sal ook die 100ste jaar wees sedert<br />

die oorspronklike 1.5-m teleskoop deur die Universiteit van Harvard aangekoop is, en die 70ste jaar<br />

van gebruik van die teleskoop op sy huidige terrein by Boyden, naby Bloemfontein. Die UV is steeds<br />

een van slegs ‘n handjievol universiteite wêreldwyd wat beskik oor ‘n groot teleskoop van die 1.5-m<br />

klas.<br />

Die opgradering van die UV-Boyden 1.5-m teleskoop het ongeveer 1.5 miljoen rand beloop. Dit<br />

behels die outomatisering van die Boyden-teleskoop en die koepel deur die installering van ‘n nuwe<br />

beheerstelsel ($60 000), wat deur die DFM-maatskappy van die VSA uitgevoer is. Die koste van<br />

die projek is gedra deur die National Research Foundation (R300 000) en die Universiteit van Notre<br />

Dame (UND) in die VSA ($46 000). ‘n Ges<strong>of</strong>istikeerde CCD-kamera ter waarde van $55 000 is deur<br />

die Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) in die VSA verskaf.<br />

Die astr<strong>of</strong>isika-navorsingsgroep aan die UV (Universiteit van die Vrystaat) is betrokke by verskeie<br />

nasionale en internasionale projekte wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid onderwerpe dek, van die soektog<br />

na planete rondom afgeleë sterre in die melkweg (eksoplanete) tot die bestudering van energieke<br />

uitbarstings in binêre sterre en aktiewe galaktiese kerne. Die vlak van kundigheid aan die UV geniet<br />

ook nasionale erkenning. Dr Meintjes tree op as gasdosent by die Universiteit van Kaapstad vir die<br />

National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP). Die deelname aan die NASSP dra<br />

daartoe by dat die UV ‘n gewilde instelling raak vir die opleiding van astr<strong>of</strong>isici.<br />

‘n Ooreenkoms is gesluit met sterrekundiges by die <strong>University</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Dublin (UCD) in Ierland, vir<br />

die installering van ‘n klein robotiese teleskoop (Watcher) by die UV-Boyden Sterrewag. Dit sal deel<br />


vorm van die UV se astr<strong>of</strong>isika-navorsingsprogram. Die teleskoop sal roboties vanuit Dublin beheer<br />

word, en sal veral gebruik word vir die soektog na optiese puntbronne wat geassosieer kan word<br />

met die sogenaamde gammaknalle en die monitor van uitbarstings in aktiewe galaksies, asook die<br />

soektog na eksoplanete met behulp van die sogenaamde transit-tegniek.<br />

Daar is reeds begin met die installering van ‘n 512 kbit/s Internetverbinding tussen die UV-Boyden<br />

Sterrewag en die UV-kampus. Dit is ‘n baie waardevolle toevoeging tot die navorsings- en opvoedkundige<br />

infrastruktuur van die UV. Die netwerk sal finansieel gedra word deur die internasionale samewerking<br />

tussen die universiteite van Notre Dame (UND), die Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL),<br />

die <strong>University</strong> College <strong>of</strong> Dublin (UCD) en die UV. Na verwagting sal die Internet verbinding reeds teen<br />

Mei 2004 in bedryf wees.<br />

Dr Meintjes, leier van die UV astr<strong>of</strong>isika vorsingsgroep, in die kontrolekamer van die UV-Boyden 1.5m<br />

teleskoop. Na die onlangse opgradering van die teleskoop deur die DFM maatskappy in die VSA<br />

kan die teleskoop nou ten volle rekenaarmatig beheer word. Die opgradering is moontlik gemaak deur<br />

groot bydraes vanaf die NRF en die Universiteit van Notre Dame in die VSA. Die teleskoop is nou<br />

ook toegerus met ‘n ges<strong>of</strong>istikeerde CCD kamerasisteem wat verskaf is deur die Lawrence Livermore<br />

National Laboratories as deel van ‘n internasionale samewerkingsooreenkoms.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


An aerial photo <strong>of</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> campus 1960/61.<br />

129<br />

During <strong>the</strong> sixties, seventies and<br />

eighties, <strong>the</strong> university thrived.<br />

Residences and o<strong>the</strong>r buildings<br />

mushroomed, remaining today as<br />

distinctive landmarks - for example<br />

<strong>the</strong> Callie Human Centre and <strong>the</strong><br />

Odeion. The Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine was<br />

established in 1969 and <strong>the</strong> Faculty<br />

<strong>of</strong> Theology in 1980.



Pr<strong>of</strong> Muriel Meiring<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Haematology and Cell Biology<br />

Myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke are still <strong>the</strong> major causes <strong>of</strong> death in industrialised<br />

countries, and also a major complication in patients suffering from HIV infection. The development<br />

<strong>of</strong> antithrombotic agents <strong>the</strong>refore remains a major challenge and a subject <strong>of</strong> research by Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Muriel Meiring and her group in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Haematology and Cell Biology. This group selects<br />

peptides, proteins and antibodies that inhibit blood coagulation and platelet adhesion by using phage<br />

display technology. These antithrombotic agents are <strong>the</strong>n fur<strong>the</strong>r characterised in a perfusion chamber<br />

in <strong>the</strong> laboratory, as well as in baboon thrombosis models.<br />

The group has extensive experience with baboon thrombosis models. In one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se models, a<br />

thrombus-generating device in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> a piece <strong>of</strong> artificial blood vessel made <strong>of</strong> Dacron material<br />

is inserted as an extension segment into a shunt between <strong>the</strong> artery and <strong>the</strong> vein in one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

groins. The baboon’s blood platelets are labelled with a radioisotope, Indium-111, reinjected and<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir deposition on <strong>the</strong> Dacron material measured with a gamma camera. Antithrombotic agents<br />

slow down <strong>the</strong> deposition <strong>of</strong> platelets and <strong>the</strong> formation <strong>of</strong> a blood clot, and this effect can <strong>the</strong>n be<br />

measured and <strong>the</strong> effectiveness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> antithrombotic agent determined.<br />

The phage display technology and thrombosis models that are utilised locally have not only led to<br />

<strong>the</strong> successful invention and testing <strong>of</strong> promising antithrombotic agents, but have also attracted<br />

<strong>the</strong> attention <strong>of</strong> international pharmaceutical companies with whom contract research agreements<br />

have been concluded. The research group also collaborates internationally with research groups in<br />

Belgium and Hungary.<br />

130<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Muriel Meiring



Pr<strong>of</strong> Muriel Meiring<br />

Departement Hematologie en Selbiologie<br />

Miokardiale infarksie (hartaanval) en beroerte is steeds die ho<strong>of</strong>oorsake van sterftes in die<br />

nywerheidslande, en is ook ‘n belangrike komplikasie in pasiënte wat aan MIV-infeksie ly. Die<br />

ontwikkeling van anti-trombotiese middels bly daarom ‘n prominente uitdaging, en ‘n onderwerp van<br />

navorsing deur Pr<strong>of</strong> Muriel Meiring en haar groep in die Departement Hematologie en Selbiologie.<br />

Hierdie groep selekteer peptiedes, proteïne en teenliggaampies wat bloedstolling en plaatjievasklewing<br />

inhibeer deur faagblootleggingstegnologie te gebruik. Hierdie anti-trombotiese middels word dan<br />

verder gekarakteriseer in ‘n perfusiekamer in die laboratorium sowel as in bobbejaantrombosemode<br />

lle.<br />

Die groep het uitgebreide ervaring van bobbejaantrombosemodelle. In een van hierdie modelle word<br />

‘n trombusgenererende toestel in die vorm van ‘n stuk kunsmatige bloedvat, wat van Dacronmateriaal<br />

gemaak is, ingelas as ‘n ekstensiesegment in ‘n omleiding tussen die arterie en die vena in een van die<br />

lieste. Die bobbejaan se bloedplaatjies word met ‘n radio-isotoop, Indium-111, gemerk, en dan word<br />

dit weer ingespuit en die neerslag daarvan op die Dacronmateriaal gemeet met ‘n gamma-kamera.<br />

Anti-trombotiese middels vertraag die neerslag van plaatjies en bloedklontvorming, en hierdie effek<br />

kan dan gemeet en die effektiwiteit van die anti-trombotiese middel bepaal word.<br />

Die faagblootleggingstegnologie en trombosemodelle wat plaaslik benut word, het nie alleen gelei<br />

tot die suksesvolle uitvinding en toetsing van belowende anti-trombotiese middels nie, maar het ook<br />

die aandag van internasionale farmaseutiese maatskappye getrek, met wie kontraknavorsingsooreen<br />

komste aangegaan is. Die navorsingsgroep werk ook internasionaal saam met navorsingsgroepe in<br />

België en Hongarye.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw<br />




There has been a significant increase in crime, not only in South Africa, but also in numerous o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

countries. Unfortunately, it is also true that South Africa is <strong>the</strong> unrivalled “leader” in certain crime<br />

categories in. Although numerous initiatives have been launched in <strong>the</strong> socio-political arena to address<br />

this problem, relatively little is being done in <strong>the</strong> research field to gain insight into <strong>the</strong> phenomenon<br />

<strong>of</strong> crime and <strong>the</strong> criminal, and to combat crime along this route. For this reason, <strong>the</strong> Centre for<br />

Psychology and <strong>the</strong> Law was established as a unit within <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Psychology in order<br />

to make a contribution, not only through research, but also by training postgraduate students and<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essionals such as psychologists, jurists and social workers.<br />

Forensic Psychology can be described briefly as <strong>the</strong> subdiscipline <strong>of</strong> Psychology that is directed<br />

at generating and applying principles <strong>of</strong> psychological knowledge within <strong>the</strong> legal process. This<br />

includes aspects such as evaluating accused persons, making recommendations with regard to<br />

sentencing, determining <strong>the</strong> psychological impact <strong>of</strong> emotional and physical trauma, determining<br />

<strong>the</strong> reliability <strong>of</strong> eyewitness accounts, evaluating child sexual abuse and custody assessment during<br />


divorce proceedings. However, apparent widespread ignorance regarding exactly what Forensic<br />

Psychology involves is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most important factors preventing service-rendering and research<br />

in Forensic Psychology from reaching <strong>the</strong>ir full potential. This ignorance arises from myths that are<br />

perpetuated particularly by films, TV and popular books. For instance, due to <strong>the</strong>ir unreliability and<br />

invalidity, pr<strong>of</strong>iling, hypnosis and <strong>the</strong> polygraph (“lie detector”) hardly receive any recognition in<br />

Forensic Psychology.<br />

However, this is connected with one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> major tasks <strong>of</strong> Psychology, namely rooting out psychological<br />

myths (which <strong>of</strong>ten lead to exploitation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> public). Examples <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> numerous myths being<br />

circulated include that people only use about 10% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir brain capacity, that walking over coals<br />

is a mind over matter phenomenon, that subliminal (covert) perception can change your behaviour,<br />

and that hypnosis enables people to do or remember things that would not o<strong>the</strong>rwise have been<br />

possible.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw is <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Psychology and <strong>the</strong> Law. Pr<strong>of</strong> Louw is a winner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Stals Prize, which is awarded once every four years by <strong>the</strong> SA Academy for Science and Arts for<br />

outstanding contributions to Psychology. As far as we know, he is <strong>the</strong> only person in <strong>the</strong> country who<br />

holds master’s and doctoral degrees in both Psychology and Criminology. According to <strong>the</strong> NRF<br />

evaluation report, he is “highly regarded nationally and internationally as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> top researchers<br />

in Forensic Psychology”, and is also regarded as South Africa’s “leading forensic psychologist”. The<br />

psychodynamics <strong>of</strong> murder is one <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Louw’s fields <strong>of</strong> specialisation. He has been working with<br />

murderers for about 30 years and also had <strong>the</strong> unique academic privilege, under <strong>the</strong> previous judicial<br />

system, <strong>of</strong> conducting interviews with people on death row, <strong>of</strong>ten not long before <strong>the</strong>ir execution.<br />

Research projects that have already been initiated and completed by <strong>the</strong> Centre include <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

factors influencing <strong>the</strong> reliability <strong>of</strong> eyewitness accounts, evaluations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Court for Sexual Offences<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Family Advocate, factors used by jurists and psychologists to determine how<br />

dangerous an <strong>of</strong>fender is, how children perceive <strong>the</strong>ir rights, <strong>the</strong> application <strong>of</strong> computer-based<br />

diagnoses in prison and a series <strong>of</strong> studies on psychopathy toge<strong>the</strong>r with American colleagues. Almost<br />

all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se research projects have a multicultural approach. Pr<strong>of</strong> Louw is convinced that multicultural<br />

research in South Africa with its unique cultural spectrum <strong>of</strong>fers researchers an excellent opportunity,<br />

not only to gain international recognition, but also to pioneer many scientific fields. According to<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Louw, this is also one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reasons why, in addition to local accredited publications, no fewer<br />

than 15 articles written by him and his students have been accepted for publication by international<br />

journals in <strong>the</strong> past year alone.<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw<br />

Departement Sielkunde<br />

Misdaad het nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in talle ander lande ‘n skerp stygende neiging<br />

getoon. Ongelukkig is dit ook so dat Suid-Afrika in veral sekere misdaadkategorieë die onbetwiste<br />

“leier” is. Hoewel daar op polities-sosiale gebied heelwat inisiatiewe is om hierdie probleem aan te<br />

spreek, word daar op die navorsingsterrein relatief min gedoen om insig in die misdaadverskynsel en<br />

die misdadiger te verkry en misdaad langs hierdie weg aan bande te lê. Die Sentrum vir Sielkunde en<br />

die Reg is daarom as ‘n eenheid binne die Departement Sielkunde gestig, nie slegs om via navorsing<br />

‘n bydrae te lewer nie, maar ook langs die weg van opleiding van nagraadse studente en beroepslui<br />

soos sielkundiges, regsgeleerdes en maatskaplike werkers.<br />

Forensiese Sielkunde kan in kort beskryf word as die sub-dissipline van die Sielkunde wat toegespits<br />

is op die generering en toepassing van sielkundige kennis binne die regsproses. Dit sluit terreine<br />

in soos onder andere die sielkundige evaluering van beskuldigdes, aanbevelings ten opsigte van<br />

vonnisoplegging, die bepaling van die sielkundige impak van psigiese en fisiese trauma, die<br />

betroubaarheid van ooggetuies, evaluering van seksuele molestering by kinders en assesering tydens<br />

egskeidingsgedinge met die oog op die plasing van die betrokke kinders. Een van die belangrikste<br />

faktore wat egter dikwels verhinder dat dienslewering en navorsing in die Forensiese Sielkunde<br />

tot sy volle reg kom, is die groot mate van onkunde wat heers oor presies wat die Forensiese<br />

Sielkunde behels. Die basis van hierdie onkunde is mites wat veral deur rolprente, TV en populêre<br />

boeke aangewakker word. So byvoorbeeld geniet pr<strong>of</strong>ilering (“pr<strong>of</strong>iling”), hipnose en die poligraaf<br />

(“leuenverklikker”) weens hul onbetroubaarheid feitlik geen erkenning in die Forensiese Sielkunde<br />

nie.<br />

Dit sluit egter aan by een van die grootste take van die Sielkunde, naamlik om sielkundige mites (wat<br />

dikwels tot die uitbuiting van die publiek lei) te weerlê. Voorbeelde van die tientalle mites is dat mense<br />

net ongeveer 10% van hul breinkrag gebruik, dat die loop oor kole ‘n “mind over matter” verskynsel is,<br />

dat subliminale (onwaarneembare) persepsie ‘n mens se gedrag kan verander en dat hipnose mense<br />

in staat stel om dinge te doen <strong>of</strong> te onthou waartoe hulle andersins nie in staat is nie.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Dap Louw staan aan die ho<strong>of</strong> van die Sentrum vir Sielkunde en die Reg. Pr<strong>of</strong> Louw is ‘n wenner<br />

van die Stalsprys wat een keer elke vier jaar deur die SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns toegeken<br />

word vir uitstaande bydraes tot die Sielkunde. Hy is, sover bekend, die enigste persoon in die land<br />

wat oor meesters- en doktorsgrade in sowel Sielkunde as Kriminologie beskik. Volgens die NRFevalueringsverslag<br />

is hy “highly regarded nationally and internationally as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> top researchers<br />

in Forensic Psychology” en ook Suid-Afrika se “leading forensic psychology”. Een van pr<strong>of</strong> Louw<br />

se spesialiseringsterreine is moord. Hy werk reeds ongeveer 30 jaar met moordenaars en het onder<br />

die vorige regsbestel ook die unieke akademiese voorreg gehad om met mense in die dodeselle, en<br />

dikwels relatief kort voor hulle teregstelling, onderhoude te voer.<br />

Navorsingsprojekte wat reeds deur die Sentrum aangepak en voltooi is, sluit in: faktore wat die<br />

betroubaarheid van ooggetuies beïnvloed, evaluerings van die H<strong>of</strong> vir Seksuele Oortredings en die<br />

Kantoor van die Gesinsadvokaat, faktore wat deur regsgeleerdes en sielkundiges gebruik word<br />

om gevaarlikheid by ‘n oortreder te bepaal, kinders se belewenis van hul regte, die toepassing<br />

van rekenaarmatige diagnoses in die gevangenis, asook ‘n reeks studies oor psigopatie saam<br />

met Amerikaanse kollegas. Feitlik al hierdie navorsingsprojekte het ‘n multikulturele inslag. Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Louw huldig die mening dat multikulturele navorsing in Suid-Afrika met sy unieke samestelling in<br />

hierdie verband, ‘n uitstekende geleen<strong>the</strong>id vir navorsers op verskillende terreine bied om nie slegs<br />

internasionale erkenning te verkry nie, maar ook leiding te neem. Volgens pr<strong>of</strong> Louw is dit ook een<br />

van die redes waarom, benewens ander plaaslike geakkrediteerde publikasies, nie minder nie as 15<br />

artikels van hom en sy studente in die afgelope 12 maande deur internasionale tydskrifte aanvaar is.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


135<br />

Landbougebou - 1963.

Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology and Entomology<br />

There is a high incidence <strong>of</strong> violent crime in South Africa, and forensic entomology makes a meaningful<br />

contribution to <strong>the</strong> solution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se cases. Why use insects in criminal investigations? Insects are<br />

<strong>the</strong> first organisms that arrive at a body, sometimes within minutes after <strong>the</strong> person has died, even<br />

if <strong>the</strong> body is hidden or covered. Insects reach a body in an organised sequence, known as insect<br />

succession. This is <strong>the</strong> basis <strong>of</strong> forensic entomology. To quote Catts & Haskell: “Tell me who <strong>the</strong><br />

players on <strong>the</strong> field are and I will tell you when <strong>the</strong> game started”. In a number <strong>of</strong> cases, forensic<br />

entomology could provide <strong>the</strong> only scientific evidence that led to <strong>the</strong> conviction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> suspect.<br />

136<br />

Bo: Nagraadse student besig om insekte tydens lykskouing te versamel.<br />

Onder: Nagraadse student besig met entomotoksikologiese navorsing.

Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde can rightfully be regarded as <strong>the</strong> “fa<strong>the</strong>r” <strong>of</strong> forensic entomology in South<br />

Africa. The first <strong>of</strong>ficial research group for forensic entomology in South Africa was established at <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> in 1992. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> is presently <strong>the</strong> only academic<br />

institution in South Africa, and probably in Africa, that <strong>of</strong>fers tuition and conducts research in forensic<br />

entomology at graduate and postgraduate level. There are only two practising forensic entomologists<br />

in Africa, namely Pr<strong>of</strong> Van der Linde and Dr Mervyn Mansell <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Agricutlural Researcn Council’s<br />

Plant Protection Research Institute in Pretoria. Toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>y have probably conducted more crime<br />

investigations than any o<strong>the</strong>r forensic entomologist in <strong>the</strong> world.<br />

What is forensic entomology? It is <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> arthropods, and more specifically insects, in judicial<br />

or criminal investigations. This research field can be divided into three categories, namely urban<br />

entomology, stored products entomology and medico-legal or medico-criminal entomology. Urban<br />

entomology concerns man and his environment, and household pests such as termites, flies and<br />

cockroaches are important in this regard. Stored products entomology concerns man and his food<br />

products. Insects or portions <strong>of</strong> insects in food products such as breakfast cereals or sweets fall in<br />

this category. Medico-criminal entomology is mostly concerned with violent crimes such as murder,<br />

suicide and homicide, and <strong>the</strong> main purpose is to determine <strong>the</strong> post-mortem interval (PMI), or<br />

period <strong>of</strong> time that has elapsed since death, <strong>of</strong> a body. This is also <strong>the</strong> category to which <strong>the</strong> most<br />

attention is given in <strong>the</strong>ir research, and where entomologists work in close co-operation with <strong>the</strong><br />

police and state pathologists. Forensic entomology can also be used in investigations into child<br />

neglect or neglect <strong>of</strong> an elderly person, or poor medical care in hospitals where patients are infested<br />

by insects.<br />

Forensic entomology actually consists <strong>of</strong> three components, namely academic training, research<br />

and community service. After an initial slow beginning and many growing pains, students are now<br />

showing great interest in studying forensic entomology. Four Ph.D., two M.Sc. and two B.Sc. (Hons.)<br />

students are presently enrolled. Since each case is unique and many factors can play a role in <strong>the</strong><br />

decomposition process and insect occupation <strong>of</strong> a body, it is essential to conduct research and<br />

simulate actual cases in order to determine <strong>the</strong> correct PMI. Compiling reports for <strong>the</strong> police is<br />

sometimes very difficult and time-consuming, since <strong>the</strong> report must be scientifically correct, yet still<br />

understandable to a layman, and must also be legally valid to be accepted in a court <strong>of</strong> law. The third<br />

component, namely community service, involves <strong>the</strong> investigation <strong>of</strong> criminal cases in co-operation<br />

with, or at <strong>the</strong> request <strong>of</strong>, <strong>the</strong> police. Training courses in forensic entomology are presented regularly<br />

for <strong>the</strong> police.<br />


What is Pr<strong>of</strong> Van der Linde’s dream for <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong> his research? Firstly to expand his research<br />

group and investigate all aspects <strong>of</strong> forensic entomology, and to receive international recognition.<br />

Secondly to initiate a postgraduate course in forensic sciences, similar to <strong>the</strong> Master’s in Environmental<br />

Management (MEM) and Master’s in Sustainable Agricultural (MSA) courses, which includes subjects<br />

such as Entomology, Zoology, Botany, Genetics, Geology, Chemistry and Medical Law. Many<br />

enquiries are received from potential students, both locally and from abroad, who would like to study<br />

for a degree in forensic sciences at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>. Similar courses are already being presented in <strong>the</strong><br />

USA, Australia and Britain. Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> police service and jurists have also indicated that <strong>the</strong>re is<br />

a need for short courses in forensic sciences.<br />

Financial support for this research is presently received from <strong>the</strong> Central Research Fund, and National<br />

Research Foundation, and was also received from <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Arts, Culture, Science and<br />

Technology via <strong>the</strong> Agricultrual Research Council in <strong>the</strong> past.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde<br />

Departement Dierkunde en Entomologie<br />

In die lig van die hoë geweldsmisdaadsyfer in Suid-Afrika maak forensiese entomologie ‘n betekenisvolle<br />

bydrae tot die oplos van hierdie sake. Waarom insekte in misdaadondersoeke gebruik? Insekte is<br />

die eerste organismes wat by ‘n lyk opdaag, soms binne minute nadat die persoon gesterf het,<br />

selfs al is die lyk versteek <strong>of</strong> bedek. Insekte kom in ‘n geordende volgorde by ‘n lyk aan, bekend as<br />

inseksuksessie. Dit is die basis waarop forensiese entomologie berus. Om vir Catts & Haskell aan te<br />

haal: “Tell me who <strong>the</strong> players on <strong>the</strong> field are and I will tell you when <strong>the</strong> game started”. In ‘n aantal<br />

gevalle kon forensiese entomologie die enigste wetenskaplike bewyse lewer wat gelei het tot die<br />

skuldigbevinding van die verdagte.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Theuns van der Linde kan met reg as die “vader” van forensiese entomologie in Suid-Afrika<br />

beskou word. In 1992 is die eerste amptelike navorsingsgroep vir forensiese entomologie in Suid-<br />

Afrika aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat gestig. Tans is die Universiteit van die Vrystaat die enigste<br />


akademiese instelling in Suid-Afrika, en waarskynlik in Afrika, wat op voor- en nagraadse vlak onderrig<br />

aanbied en navorsing doen in forensiese entomologie. Daar is slegs twee praktiserende forensiese<br />

entomoloë in Afrika, nl. pr<strong>of</strong> van der Linde en dr Mervyn Mansell van die Landbou Navorsingsraad se<br />

Navorsingsinstituut vir Plantbeskerming in Pretoria. Saam het hulle seker al meer misdaadondersoeke<br />

gedoen as enige ander forensiese entomoloog in die wêreld.<br />

Wat is forensiese entomologie? Dit is die gebruik van artropode en meer spesifiek insekte, in<br />

geregtelike <strong>of</strong> kriminele ondersoeke. Hierdie navorsingsveld kan in drie kategorieë ingedeel word, nl.<br />

stedelike entomologie, gestoorde produkte-entomologie en medies-geregtelike <strong>of</strong> medies-kriminele<br />

entomologie. Stedelike entomologie hou verband met die mens en sy omgewing, en huishoudelike<br />

plae soos termiete, vlieë en kokkerotte is hier van belang. Gestoorde produkte- entomologie hou<br />

verband met die mens en sy voedselprodukte. Insekte <strong>of</strong> gedeeltes daarvan in voedselprodukte<br />

soos ontbytgraankos <strong>of</strong> lekkergoed, val in hierdie kategorie. Medies-kriminele entomologie hou<br />

meestal verband met geweldsmisdaad soos moord, selfmoord en manslag, en die ho<strong>of</strong>doel is om<br />

die postmortem-interval (PMI), <strong>of</strong> tydsverloop sedert dood, van ‘n lyk vas te stel. Hierdie is ook<br />

die kategorie waaraan die meeste aandag gegee word in hulle navorsing, en waar daar nou met<br />

die polisie en staatspatoloë saamgewerk word. Forensiese entomologie kan ook gebruik word in<br />

ondersoeke na kinder- <strong>of</strong> bejaardeverwaarlosing, <strong>of</strong> swak mediese sorg in hospitale waar pasiënte<br />

met insekte besmet word.<br />

Forensiese entomologie staan eintlik op drie bene, nl. akademiese opleiding, navorsing en<br />

samelewingsdiens. Na ‘n aanvanklike stadige begin en baie groeipyne, is daar tans baie belangstelling<br />

van studente om forensiese entomologie te studeer. Tans is daar vier Ph.D.-, twee M.Sc.- en twee<br />

B.Sc.(Hons.)-studente geregistreer. Omdat elke geval uniek is en omdat baie faktore ‘n rol kan speel<br />

by die ontbindingsproses en insekbesetting van ‘n lyk, is dit noodsaaklik om navorsing te doen en<br />

werklike gevalle na te boots om die korrekte PMI te bepaal. Die opstel van verslae vir die polisie is<br />

soms baie moeilik en tydrowend, aangesien die verslag wetenskaplik korrek moet wees, maar steeds<br />

verstaanbaar vir ‘n leek, en boonop regsgeldig moet wees om in ‘n geregsh<strong>of</strong> aanvaar te word. Die<br />

derde been, nl. samelewingsdiens, behels die ondersoek van misdaadgevalle wat in samewerking<br />

met <strong>of</strong> op versoek van die polisie gedoen word. Opleidingskursusse in forensiese entomologie word<br />

gereeld vir die polisie aangebied.<br />

Wat is pr<strong>of</strong> van der Linde se toekomsdroom vir sy navorsing? Eerstens om sy navorsingsgroep uit<br />

te brei om alle aspekte van forensiese entomologie te ondersoek en internasionaal erkenning te<br />

geniet. Tweedens om ‘n nagraadse kursus, soortgelyk aan die Magister in Omgewingsbestuur (MOB)<br />


en Magister in Volhoubare Landboukursusse (MVL), in forensiese wetenskappe te begin, wat vakke<br />

soos Entomologie, Dierkunde, Plantkunde, Genetika, Geologie Chemie en Mediese Reg insluit. Baie<br />

navrae word van potensiële studente, plaaslik en van die buiteland, ontvang om ‘n graad in forensiese<br />

wetenskappe aan die UV te studeer. Soortgelyke kursusse word reeds in die VSA, Australië en<br />

Engeland aangebied. Lede van die polisie en regsgeleerdes het ook aangedui dat daar ‘n behoefte is<br />

aan kort kursusse in forensiese wetenskappe.<br />

Finansiële steun vir hierdie navorsing word tans van die Sentrale Navorsingsfonds, Mediese<br />

Navorsingsraad en Nasionale Navorsingstigting ontvang, en is in die verlede ook van die Departement<br />

Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologie via die Landbou Navorsingsraad ontvang.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


‘n Lugfoto van die UV-kampus in 1993.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Andrew Walubo<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Pharmacology<br />

Over <strong>the</strong> past 50 years advances in medicine has been paralleled with growing concern about drug<br />

safety. Pr<strong>of</strong> Walubo and his students are investigating <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> various drug metabolising enzyme<br />

systems in <strong>the</strong> body, with <strong>the</strong> aim ‘to ensure a safer use <strong>of</strong> drugs in humans’.<br />

The department <strong>of</strong> pharmacology utilises a range <strong>of</strong> drug safety tools to advance its concern for drug<br />

safety through service, teaching and research. The major thrust <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir research is on “<strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong><br />

some liver enzymes (cytochrome P450) in <strong>the</strong> inter-individual variations in drug response and toxicity”,<br />

more specifically: investigating <strong>the</strong> involvement <strong>of</strong> cytochrome P450 in <strong>the</strong> metabolic pathway that<br />

turns drugs into toxic products, and how to prevent it. They have demonstrated that enzyme inhibitors<br />

can be used to prevent paracetamol (Panadol � ) induced liver toxicity. A similar investigation by Ms<br />

S. Barr demonstrated that, most probably, cytochrome P450 has no role in nevirapine (Virumune � )<br />

induced liver toxicity. Nevirapine is used for treatment <strong>of</strong> HIV and is associated with fatal liver toxicity,<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Andrew Walubo<br />


<strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> which remains unknown. Ano<strong>the</strong>r investigation was on <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> an enzyme, CYP2E1,<br />

as a diagnostic test for alcohol usage, based on <strong>the</strong> understanding that <strong>the</strong> concentration <strong>of</strong> CYP2E1<br />

in some white blood cells (lymphocytes) is selectively increased by alcohol. The test will be useful in<br />

rehabilitation clinics because it is expected to detect significant alcohol usage during <strong>the</strong> previous<br />

5-7 days. They also demonstrated that, compared to <strong>the</strong> traditional roasted meat, <strong>the</strong> South African<br />

traditional meat, Biltong, had modest effect on enzymes CYP2E1 and CYP2A, enzymes most<br />

implicated in <strong>the</strong> conversion <strong>of</strong> food chemicals into cancer causing compounds. Preliminary analysis<br />

found no cancer causing compounds in Biltong but high concentrations in roasted meat. It was<br />

concluded that Biltong is safer than <strong>the</strong> roasted meat. An ongoing doctoral project is run by Mrs C<br />

Coetsee in collaboration with <strong>the</strong> genetics unit in department <strong>of</strong> haematology. It involves screening for<br />

CYP26 and CYP2C19 polymorphism in samples from three South African populations (Caucasians,<br />

Bushmen and Coloureds) with a hope that <strong>the</strong> results will shade light on <strong>the</strong> risk <strong>of</strong> using some drugs<br />

in <strong>the</strong>se populations.<br />

The department also supports independent research that contributes to drug safety. Ms AM Abraham,<br />

demonstrated that small positively charged spherical lipid molecules (liposomes) conferred better<br />

delivery <strong>of</strong> drugs to <strong>the</strong> brain, while negatively charged liposomes conferred predictable and sustained<br />

delivery to <strong>the</strong> liver. An investigation by Dr PM van Zyl, highlighted a complex relationship between<br />

some neuro-endocrine markers and depressive disorders in mentally retarded patients. It called for<br />

improvement in drug research in this ra<strong>the</strong>r neglected, though for genuine ethical reasons, group <strong>of</strong><br />

patients. Dr DM van Jaarsveld’s research on <strong>the</strong> relationship between <strong>the</strong>rapeutic drug monitoring<br />

(TDM) and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (PKS/PKD) parameters for gentamycin revealed that<br />

although <strong>the</strong> two safety tools may agree to some level, each has a distinct role in drug <strong>the</strong>rapy, hence,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is a need to start PKS/PKD monitoring for some drugs such as gentamycin.<br />

The South African Doping Control Laboratory, housed in <strong>the</strong> department, continued with <strong>the</strong> tests for<br />

prohibited drugs or substances in sportsmen and women. It widened its research to <strong>the</strong> screening <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> over-counter nutritional supplements for prohibited substances that may predispose sportsmen<br />

to ‘positive doping tests’.<br />

Lastly, <strong>the</strong> department <strong>of</strong> pharmacology is preparing to start a nationwide pharmacovigilance Centre<br />

for anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs in mo<strong>the</strong>rs and children. Though independent, it is part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> department<br />

<strong>of</strong> health’s ARV roll out plan. The aim is to monitor safety <strong>of</strong> ARV drugs in mo<strong>the</strong>rs and children, and<br />

creation <strong>of</strong> an ARV-pregnancy register.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Andrew Walubo<br />

Departement Farmakologie<br />

Die afgelope 50 jaar was die ontwikkeling in medisyne parallel met die toenemende bekommernis<br />

oor die veiligheid van medikasie. Pr<strong>of</strong> Walubo en sy studente ondersoek die rol van verskeie<br />

medisynemiddels se metaboliserende ensiemsisteme in die liggaam, met die doel om ‘’n veiliger<br />

gebruik van medikasie by mense te verseker’.<br />

Die Departement Farmakologie gebruik ‘n reeks maatreëls vir beveiliging van medikasie om hulle<br />

besorgdheid oor die veiligheid daarvan deur diens, onderrig en navorsing deur te gee. Die ho<strong>of</strong>saak<br />

van hulle navorsing is oor “die rol van sekere lewer-ensieme (sitochrome P450) in die interindividuele<br />

variasies in medisyne-respons en toksisiteit”, meer spesifiek: ondersoek na die betrokkenheid van<br />

sitochrome P450 in die metaboliese baan wat medisyne in giftige produkte verander, en hoe om<br />

dit te voorkom. Hulle het gedemonstreer dat ensiemstremmers gebruik kan word om te voorkom<br />

dat paracetamol (Panadol®) lewertoksisiteit veroorsaak. ‘n Soortgelyke ondersoek deur me S. Barr<br />

het getoon dat sitochrome P450 hoogs waarskynlik geen rol speel in die lewertoksiteit wat deur<br />

nevirapien (Virumune®) veroorsaak is nie. Nevirapien word gebruik in die behandeling van HIV en<br />

word geassosieer met fatale lewertoksisiteit, waarvan die oorsaak onbekend is. ‘n Ander ondersoek<br />

was na die gebruik van ‘n ensiem, CYP2E1, as ‘n agnostiese toets vir alkoholgebruik, gebaseer op<br />

die begrip dat die konsentrasie van CYP2E1 in sekere witbloedselle (limfosiete) selektief deur alkohol<br />

verhoog word. Hierdie toets sal handig wees in rehabilitasieklinieke, omdat dit veronderstel is om<br />

aansienlike alkoholgebruik gedurende die vorige 5-7 dae na te speur. Hulle het ook aangetoon dat,<br />

vergeleke met die tradisionele braai-/geroosterde vleis, het die Suid-Afrikaanse tradisionele vleis,<br />

Biltong, ‘n matige effek op ensieme CYP2E1 en CYP2A, ensieme wat meestal geïmpliseer word<br />

by die omskakeling van voedselchemikalieë na kankerveroorsakende samestellings. Voorafgaande<br />

ontledings het geen kankerveroorsakende samestellings in Biltong gevind nie, maar ‘n hoë konsentrasie<br />

in braaivleis. Daar is aanvaar dat Biltong veiliger is as braaivleis. Mev C Coetzee, in samewerking met<br />

die genetiese eenheid in die Departement Hematologie, is besig met ‘n doktorale projek. Dit behels<br />

die sifting vir CYP26 en CYP2C19 polimorfie in monsters van drie Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkingsgroepe<br />

(Kaukasiërs, Boesmans en Kleurlinge) met die verwagting dat die resultate lig sal werp op die risiko<br />

van die gebruik van medikasie in hierdie bevolkingsgroepe.<br />


Die departement ondersteun ook onafhanklike navorsing wat bydra tot die veiligheid van medikasie.<br />

Mev AM Abraham het bewys dat klein positiefgelaaide bolvormige lipid molekules (liposome) beter<br />

oordrag na die brein laat plaasvind, terwyl negatiefgelaaide liposome voorspelbaar en volhoubaar na<br />

die lewer oorgedra word. ‘n Ondersoek deur dr PM van Zyl, het ‘n komplekse verhouding tussen sekere<br />

neuro-endokrine merkers en depressiewe versteurings in geestelik vertraagde pasiënte aan die lig<br />

gebring. Dit toon ‘n behoefte aan verbetering in medisynenavorsing by hierdie nogal verwaarloosde,<br />

hoewel om suiwer etiese redes, groep pasiënte. Dr DM van Jaarsveld se navorsing na die verhouding<br />

tussen terapeutiesegeneesmiddel-beheer (TGB) en farmakokinetika/farmakodinamika (PKS/PKD)<br />

parameters vir gentamycin het onthul dat, hoewel die twee veiligheidsmaatreëls in ‘n sekere mate<br />

ooreenstem, elkeen ‘n bepaalde/afsonderlike rol in die terapie van medisyne speel, derhalwe is daar<br />

‘n behoefte om PKS/PKD vir sekere medisyne soos gentamycin te begin monitor.<br />

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Laboratorium vir Dwelmbeheer, wat in die departement gehuisves word, het<br />

voortgegaan met die toetse vir verbode medisyne <strong>of</strong> substanse by sportmans en –vroue. Die navorsing<br />

is verbreed na die sifting van oor-die-toonbank voedingsaanvullings vir verbode substanse, wat<br />

sportmense blootstel aan ‘positiewe toetse vir verdowingsmiddels’.<br />

Ten laaste is die Departement van Farmakologie voorbereid om ‘n landswye farmakologiese<br />

waaksaamheidsentrum vir anti-retroviale (ARV) medisyne vir moeders en kinders te stig. Alhoewel<br />

onafhanklik, is dit deel van die Departement van Gesondheid se aangewese ARV-plan. Die doel<br />

is om veiligheid van ARV-medisyne vir moeders en kinders te monitor, asook die skep van ’n ARVswangerskapsregister.<br />




Adv Rita-Marie Jansen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Private Law<br />

Adv Rita-Marie Jansen<br />

Almost all South Africans have heard <strong>the</strong> word lobolo (dowry) and more or less know <strong>the</strong> meaning<br />

<strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>. What many do not realize is that customary law governs <strong>the</strong> domestic affairs <strong>of</strong> 75% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

South African population. The Constitution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Republic <strong>of</strong> South Africa acknowledges both <strong>the</strong><br />

common law (<strong>of</strong> Roman-Dutch origin) and customary law as primary legal systems.<br />

The advent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new political and constitutional dispensation in 1994 also brought about great<br />

challenges for customary law. The emphasis on fundamental rights and, especially, <strong>the</strong> right to<br />

equality necessitated changes to customary law, which is pervaded by <strong>the</strong> principle <strong>of</strong> patriarchy.<br />

Far-reaching new legislation has already come into force and a number <strong>of</strong> Bills have been tabled or<br />


are in <strong>the</strong> pipeline. Adv Jansen’s research focused on customary family law and more specifically<br />

on how <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> black woman was affected in a time which was characterized by many<br />

changes.<br />

According to traditional customary law a woman remains a perpetual minor, firstly under <strong>the</strong><br />

guardianship <strong>of</strong> her fa<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>n under <strong>the</strong> guardianship <strong>of</strong> her husband and after his death under <strong>the</strong><br />

guardianship <strong>of</strong> his successor – normally her oldest son or her husband’s bro<strong>the</strong>r or fa<strong>the</strong>r. Since<br />

15 November 2000 all customary marriages are recognized as valid marriages in <strong>the</strong> same way as<br />

civil/common law marriages. This also applies to polygamous marriages entered into in accordance<br />

with customary law principles. The woman was also afforded <strong>the</strong> same status as her husband.<br />

Ostensibly, it seems as if <strong>the</strong> inequalities have been removed and that <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> black women<br />

has consequently improved. Regarding <strong>the</strong> patrimonial consequences <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> marriage, <strong>the</strong> legislation<br />

does not have retrospective effect and <strong>the</strong> research has shown that a black woman who entered into<br />

a customary marriage prior to 15 November 2000 still finds herself in a very difficult position. This<br />

is especially true in <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> her husband dying or in <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> divorce. O<strong>the</strong>r problematic<br />

areas, which were researched, are multiple marriages where a civil marriage is involved, and <strong>the</strong><br />

question <strong>of</strong> who should have <strong>the</strong> right to bury. In a culture with a firm belief in <strong>the</strong> ancestral spirits<br />

this is regarded as an extremely important question. Both <strong>the</strong>se problems regularly appear in courts<br />

and legal representatives make use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research and <strong>the</strong> recommendations that were made.<br />

Presentations were made at both national and international conferences such as <strong>the</strong> 11th World<br />

Conference on Family Law in Norway.<br />



Adv Rita-Marie Jansen<br />

Departement Privaatreg<br />

Bykans alle Suid-Afrikaners het al die woord lobolo gehoor en weet ook min <strong>of</strong> meer wat dit beteken.<br />

Wat baie nie besef nie, is dat die huishoudelike aangeleen<strong>the</strong>de van 75% van die Suid-Afrikaanse<br />

bevolking deur die inheemse reg beheer word. Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika<br />

erken beide die gemenereg (van Romeins-Holland se oorsprong) en die inheemse reg as primêre<br />

regstelsels.<br />


Die koms van die nuwe politieke en konstitusionele bedeling in 1994 het ook groot uitdagings vir<br />

die inheemse reg ingehou. Die klem op fundamentele regte en veral die reg op gelykheid, het groot<br />

veranderinge in die inheemse reg, wat deurspek is met die beginsel van patriargie, genoodsaak.<br />

Ingrypende nuwe wetgewing is alreeds van krag en talle nuwe wetsontwerpe is reeds ter tafel gelê<br />

<strong>of</strong> in die pyplyn. Adv Jansen se navorsing was op die inheemse familiereg gerig en veral oor hoe die<br />

posisie van die swart vrou geraak is deur ‘n tydperk gekenmerk deur talle veranderinge.<br />

In terme van die tradisionele inheemse reg, was ‘n vrou ‘n ewigdurende minderjarige, eers onder<br />

die voogdyskap van haar vader, dan onder die voogdyskap van haar eggenoot en na sy afsterwe,<br />

onder die voogdyskap van sy erfopvolger – normaalweg haar oudste seun <strong>of</strong> haar man se broer <strong>of</strong><br />

vader. Sedert 15 November 2000 word gebruiklike (inheemsregtelike) huwelike net soos siviele/<br />

gemeenregtelike huwelike, as volkome wettige huwelike erken. Dit geld ook vir poligame huwelike<br />

wat ingevolge die inheemse reg gesluit is. Die vrou het ook gelyke status met haar man verkry.<br />

Oënskynlik lyk dit as<strong>of</strong> ongelykhede uit die weg geruim is, en <strong>of</strong> die swart vrou se posisie verbeter<br />

het. Wat die vermoënsregtelike bedeling van die huwelik betref, het die wetgewing nie terugwerkende<br />

krag nie en navorsing het getoon dat vroue in gebruiklike huwelike, gesluit voor 15 November 2000,<br />

se posisie benard is. Dit is veral die geval wanneer haar eggenoot te sterwe kom, <strong>of</strong> in die geval van<br />

egskeiding.<br />

Verdere knelpunte wat ook nagevors is, is die problematiek van veelvuldige huwelike waar een ‘n<br />

siviele huwelik is, asook wie in sulke gevalle die reg het om te begrawe. In ‘n kultuur met ‘n sterk<br />

gelo<strong>of</strong> in die voorouergeeste word laasgenoemde as ‘n uiters belangrike aangeleen<strong>the</strong>id beskou.<br />

Beide hierdie knelpunte dien gereeld voor die howe en regsverteenwoordigers maak van hierdie<br />

navorsing en aanbevelings daarin gemaak, gebruik. Voordragte is by beide nasionale en internasionale<br />

kongresse gelewer, onder meer by die 11de Wêreldkongres oor Familiereg in Noorweë.<br />


Dr Bethuel Nthangeni<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Derek Litthauer<br />

LIFE<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Derek Litthauer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology<br />

Since 2001, <strong>the</strong> Extreme Biochemistry group at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> has been <strong>the</strong> South<br />

African base from which <strong>the</strong> Life in Extreme Environments project, funded by NASA and <strong>the</strong> National<br />

Science Foundation, is being run. Dr Esta van Heerden is in charge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Princeton <strong>University</strong> field<br />

laboratory, which is presently at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>.<br />

Living organisms can be found in unexpected places. In our anthropocentric view <strong>of</strong> life, we tend to<br />

define conditions that are not comfortable for us as being extreme. A vast diversity <strong>of</strong> microbial life<br />

can be found in <strong>the</strong>se extreme environments, which range from volcanic outlets in <strong>the</strong> deep ocean<br />

to <strong>the</strong> subzero temperatures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Antarctic or dust particles in <strong>the</strong> outer limits <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> atmosphere.<br />

These extremophiles (organisms that love extreme conditions) are <strong>the</strong> research materials <strong>of</strong> Dr Esta<br />


van Heerden, who studies <strong>the</strong> biology and biotechnological applications <strong>of</strong> micro-organisms from a<br />

unique extreme ecological niche, <strong>the</strong> deep subsurface in South African gold mines.<br />

Fissure water, which has been trapped at depths more than 3 kilometres below <strong>the</strong> surface for millions<br />

<strong>of</strong> years, contains bacteria and archaea that have never been identified before. The deep-water<br />

samples serve as a source for <strong>the</strong> isolation <strong>of</strong> micro-organisms. These micro-organisms are identified<br />

if <strong>the</strong>y belong to previously described groups or, if <strong>the</strong>y are unknown, <strong>the</strong>y must be identified using<br />

classical microbiological and molecular biology techniques. Dr van Heerden currently focuses on<br />

bacteria for which optimal growth temperatures lie between 60 oC and 100 oC. Apart from some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

well-known enzymes such as lipases and esterases, which have a plethora <strong>of</strong> industrial applications,<br />

her main focus is microbial and enzyme systems that can metabolise metal ions, <strong>of</strong>ten converting<br />

<strong>the</strong>m into less toxic products.<br />

A serious side effect <strong>of</strong> industrial development is <strong>the</strong> production <strong>of</strong> large amounts <strong>of</strong> dangerous<br />

heavy metals, which can contaminate ground water. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se, Cr(VI) or chromate, is a wellknown<br />

carcinogen. By using <strong>the</strong> enzymes from a <strong>the</strong>rmophilic Thermus sp. <strong>the</strong> chromate can be<br />

enzymatically converted to <strong>the</strong> less toxic Cr(III) species, much more efficiently than by conventional<br />

chemical means. She and her team have found that <strong>the</strong> enzyme systems involved are exceptionally<br />

stable at high temperatures - an important factor that enhances <strong>the</strong>ir application as bioremediation<br />

agents. In addition, <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se bacterial systems to convert iron, vanadium and arsenic to forms<br />

that can have a smaller environmental impact, make her research extremely topical and exciting.<br />

She already has contracts with major mining companies in South Africa, and she collaborates with<br />

a bioremediation company in <strong>the</strong> USA. At academic level, she actively collaborates with Princeton<br />

<strong>University</strong>, <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tennessee and <strong>the</strong> New Mexico Tech.<br />

A fascinating related topic, which is directly connected to her research, is <strong>the</strong> search for extraterrestrial<br />

life. Indications <strong>of</strong> previous reservoirs <strong>of</strong> water on Mars open up intriguing possibilities that living<br />

organisms, probably extremophiles, could have lived on Mars. Dr van Heerden was invited to address<br />

<strong>the</strong> National Astrobiology Institute Executive Committee <strong>of</strong> NASA at <strong>the</strong> Ames Space Research Center<br />

in M<strong>of</strong>fet Field, California, with a view to possibly establishing an Astrobiology Institute in South<br />

Africa.<br />

A major problem with extremophiles is that it is <strong>of</strong>ten impossible to obtain <strong>the</strong> organisms in culture<br />

because <strong>the</strong>ir nutritional requirements are unknown. One way <strong>of</strong> solving this is to extract <strong>the</strong> total<br />

complement <strong>of</strong> DNA directly from <strong>the</strong> soil or water. This genetic material, known as <strong>the</strong> metagenome,<br />


can also serve as starting material to obtain proteins, such as enzymes, from <strong>the</strong> extreme environments<br />

without ever studying <strong>the</strong> intact organism. In this part <strong>of</strong> her programme Dr van Heerden collaborates<br />

with Dr Bethuel Nthangeni, a molecular biologist who specialises in <strong>the</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> proteins in<br />

heterologous hosts.<br />

Dr Nthangeni, who has written two drama literature books (one an African Heritage Literary award<br />

winner) and two A-rated radio dramas in his spare time, did his Ph.D. on <strong>the</strong> cloning, expression and<br />

characterisation <strong>of</strong> lipases from Bacillus sp. After completing his Ph.D., he was invited to spend a<br />

year at <strong>the</strong> CNRS in Paris, France, where he gained invaluable experience on heterologous protein<br />

expression in yeasts. He is currently engaged in research activities aimed at <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong><br />

Bacillus expression systems for heterologous protein over-production and secretion. The regulatory<br />

elements (promoter elements) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genes that occur in high levels in moderate <strong>the</strong>rmophilic Bacillus<br />

species have been identified and cloned to be used as protein over-expression and secretion signals.<br />

These expression systems will be used in <strong>the</strong> overproduction <strong>of</strong> enzymes isolated from extreme<br />

environments that are <strong>of</strong> industrial or academic importance. The availability <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se expression<br />

systems would provide an alternative to Escherichia coli expression systems, which have been found<br />

to be unsuitable in <strong>the</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> some proteins from <strong>the</strong>rmophilic organisms.<br />

The genetic material obtained from extreme environments is used in <strong>the</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> metagenome<br />

libraries for <strong>the</strong> discovery <strong>of</strong> new, previously unknown genes. The poli chain reaction (PCR) technique<br />

is used to target genes that belong to <strong>the</strong> already discovered families <strong>of</strong> proteins. This is done by<br />

analysing protein families to reveal conserved amino acid sequences that are used in <strong>the</strong> construction<br />

<strong>of</strong> degenerate primers, followed by PCR to amplify partial fragments <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genes. Dr Nthangeni<br />

has developed a cassette ligation system for rapid PCR cloning <strong>of</strong> full genes from partially known<br />

fragments <strong>of</strong> genes. This has made rapid cloning <strong>of</strong> genes within <strong>the</strong> already known families <strong>of</strong><br />

proteins possible. The analysis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genes that are currently being cloned from environmental<br />

genetic materials reveals that, although <strong>the</strong> proteins have conserved amino acid sequences in some<br />

regions, <strong>the</strong> amino acid sequences outside <strong>the</strong> conserved regions are heterogeneous. It is <strong>the</strong>refore<br />

conceivable that <strong>the</strong> proteins will have different or even new biochemical catalytic properties. These<br />

genes would probably not have been discovered if traditional methods <strong>of</strong> culturing <strong>the</strong> organism and<br />

<strong>the</strong>n isolating <strong>the</strong> DNA, were followed.<br />

Very <strong>of</strong>ten, <strong>the</strong> genes within a given family will have a member with a known three-dimensional<br />

structure. This is <strong>the</strong>n used to elucidate <strong>the</strong> structure-function relationships by means <strong>of</strong> homology<br />

modelling, where certain amino acids are identified and altered by site-directed mutagenesis in an<br />


effort to understand <strong>the</strong> determinants <strong>of</strong> certain biochemical catalytic functions. Ano<strong>the</strong>r strategy<br />

being pursued is directed evolution <strong>of</strong> genes, where <strong>the</strong> error-prone PCR is used to introduce errors<br />

during <strong>the</strong> gene amplifications and <strong>the</strong> genes that have acquired useful mutations, are <strong>the</strong>n selected<br />

for analysis.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Derek Litthauer<br />

Departement Mikrobiese, Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie<br />

Sedert 2001 is die Groep vir Ekstreme Biochemie by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat die Suid-<br />

Afrikaanse basis waarvandaan die Projek Insake Lewe in Uiterste Omgewings, befonds deur NASA en<br />

die National Science Foundation van die VSA, bedryf word. Dr Esta van Heerden is in beheer van die<br />

Princeton Universiteit se veldlaboratorium, wat tans by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat is.<br />

Lewende organismes kan op onverwagte plekke aangetref word. Op grond van ons antroposentriese<br />

lewensuitkyk is ons geneig om omstandighede waarbinne ons nie gemaklik is nie, te definieer as<br />

uiterstes. ‘n Reuse verskeidenheid mikrobiese lewensvorme kom voor in hierdie uiterste omgewings,<br />

wat wissel van vulkaanmondings diep onder die oseaan tot Antarktika se temperature ver onder<br />

vriespunt <strong>of</strong> die st<strong>of</strong>partikels in die buitenste reikwydtes van die atmosfeer. Hierdie ekstrem<strong>of</strong>iele<br />

(organismes wat floreer in uiterste omstandighede) is die navorsingsonderwerpe van dr Esta van<br />

Heerden, wat die biologie en biotegnologiese toepassings bestudeer van mikro-organismes afkomstig<br />

van ‘n unieke uiterste ekologiese nis, die diep suboppervlak in Suid-Afrikaanse goudmyne.<br />

Water afkomstig uit breuke in myne, wat reeds miljoene jare lank op dieptes meer as 3 kilometer<br />

onder die oppervlak vasgekeer is, bevat bakterieë en archaea wat nog nooit voorheen geïdentifiseer<br />

is nie. Die diep watermonsters dien as ‘n bron vir die isolering van mikro-organismes. Hierdie mikroorganismes<br />

word geïdentifiseer indien hulle aan groepe wat voorheen beskryf is behoort, <strong>of</strong> indien<br />

hulle onbekend is moet hulle beskryf word met behulp van klassieke mikrobiologiese en molekulêre<br />

biologietegnieke. Dr Van Heerden fokus tans op bakterieë waarvan die optimale groeitemperature<br />

tussen 60 oC en 100 oC lê. Benewens sommige van die bekende ensieme soos lipases en esterases,<br />

wat ‘n menigte industriële toepassings het, fokus sy ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik op mikrobiese en ensiemstelsels wat<br />

metaalione kan metaboliseer en hulle dikwels na minder toksiese produkte kan omskakel.<br />


Die produksie van groot hoeveelhede gevaarlike swaar metale wat grondwater kan kontamineer is<br />

‘n ernstige newe-effek van industriële ontwikkeling. Een van hierdie metale, Cr(VI) <strong>of</strong> chromaat, is ‘n<br />

bekende karsinogeen. Met behulp van die ensieme van ‘n term<strong>of</strong>iliese Thermus sp. kan die chromaat<br />

ensimaties omgeskakel word na die minder toksiese Cr(III)-spesie, baie meer doeltreffend as op<br />

enige konvensionele chemiese wyse. Sy en haar span het bevind dat die betrokke ensiemstelsels<br />

buitengewoon stabiel is teen hoë temperature – ‘n belangrike faktor wat hulle toepassing as<br />

bioremediëringsagente verbreed. Hierbenewens maak die omskakeling van yster, vanadium en arseen<br />

na vorme wat ‘n verminderde omgewingsimpak kan hê, haar navorsing uiters aktueel en opwindend.<br />

Sy het reeds kontrakte gesluit met groot mynmaatskappye in Suid-Afrika, en sy werk saam met ‘n<br />

bioremediëringsmaatskappy in die VSA. Op akademiese vlak werk sy aktief saam met die Princeton<br />

Universiteit, die Universiteit van Tennessee en die New Mexico Tech.<br />

‘n Fassinerende verwante studieveld wat direk verband hou met haar navorsing is die soektog na<br />

lewe in die buitenste ruim. Tekens van voormalige waterreservoirs op Mars dui op die interessante<br />

moontlikheid dat lewende organismes, waarskynlik ekstrem<strong>of</strong>iele, op Mars kon gelewe het. Dr van<br />

Heerden is uitgenooi om die Uitvoerende Komitee van NASA se Nasionale Instituut vir Astrobiologie<br />

toe te spreek by die Ames Ruimtenavorsingsentrum in M<strong>of</strong>fet Field, Kalifornië, met die oog daarop om<br />

moontlik ‘n Instituut vir Astrobiologie in Suid-Afrika te vestig.<br />

Een van die vernaamste probleme met ekstrem<strong>of</strong>iele is dat dit dikwels onmoontlik is om die organismes<br />

te kweek omdat hulle voedingsvereistes onbekend is. Een oplossing vir hierdie probleem is om die<br />

totale DNA-komplement direk uit die grond <strong>of</strong> water te isoleer. Hierdie genetiese materiaal, wat bekend<br />

staan as die metagenoom, kan ook dien as die aanvangsmateriaal vir die isolering van proteïene soos<br />

ensieme uit die uiterste omgewings sonder dat dit ooit nodig is om die oorspronklike organisme te<br />

bestudeer. In hierdie deel van haar program werk dr Van Heerden saam met dr Bethuel Nthangeni, ‘n<br />

molekulêre bioloog wat spesialiseer in die uitdrukking van proteïene in heteroloë gashere.<br />

Dr Nthangeni, wat in sy vrye tyd twee literêre dramas geskryf het (waarvan een ‘n African Heritage<br />

letterkundetoekenning gewen het), asook twee radiodramas wat A-graderings ontvang het, het sy<br />

Ph.D. gedoen oor die kloning, uitdrukking en kenmerkende eienskappe van lipases uit Bacillus<br />

sp. Na voltooiing van sy Ph.D. is hy genooi om ‘n jaar deur te bring by die CNRS in Parys,<br />

Frankryk, waar hy uiters waardevolle ondervinding opgedoen het oor die uitdrukking van heteroloë<br />

proteïene in gissoorte. Sy huidige navorsingsaktiwiteite is gerig op die ontwikkeling van Bacillusuitdrukkingstelsels<br />

vir die oorproduksie en uitskeiding van heteroloë proteïene. Die regulerende<br />

elemente (promotorelemente) van die gene wat in hoë konsentrasies voorkom in matig term<strong>of</strong>iliese<br />


Bacillus-spesies, is geïdentifiseer en gekloneer vir gebruik as aanduiders van die ooruitdrukking<br />

en uitskeiding van proteïene. Hierdie uitdrukkingstelsels sal gebruik word in die oorproduksie van<br />

ensieme wat geïsoleer is uit uiterste omgewings wat van industriële <strong>of</strong> akademiese belang is. Die<br />

beskikbaarheid van hierdie uitdrukkingstelsels sal ‘n alternatief bied tot soortgelyke sisteme wat<br />

gewoonlik gebruik word in Escherichia coli , maar wat nie geskik is vir die uitdrukking van proteïene<br />

van term<strong>of</strong>iliese organismes.<br />

Die genetiese materiaal wat bekom word uit uiterste omgewings word gebruik om metagenoombiblioteke<br />

saam te stel vir die ontdekking van nuwe, voorheen onbekende gene. Die PKR-tegniek<br />

(polimerase kettingreaksie) word gebruik as ‘n tegniek wat gerig is op gene wat behoort aan<br />

proteïengroepe wat reeds bekend is. Dit word gedoen deur proteïengroepe <strong>of</strong> -families te ontleed<br />

om gekonserveerde aminosuuropeenvolgings bloot te lê wat gebruik kan word vir die konstruksie van<br />

DNA inleiers wat so ontwerp word dat die natuurlike variasie in die genetiese kode in aanmerking<br />

geneem word, gevolg deur PKR. Sodoende word fragmente van die gene vermeerder. Dr Nthangeni<br />

het ‘n kassetligeringsisteem ontwikkel vir vinnige PKR-klonering van volledige gene deur gebruik<br />

te maak van die fragmente van die gene. Dit het die vinnige kloning van volledige gene binne die<br />

reeds bekende proteïengroepe moontlik gemaak. Die ontleding van die gene wat tans gekloneer<br />

word uit genetiese materiale wat in die omgewing aangetref word toon dat, alhoewel die proteïene<br />

gekonserveerde aminosuuropeenvolgings in sommige gedeeltes bevat, die aminosuuropeenvolgings<br />

buite die bewaarde gedeeltes van ‘n heterogene aard is. Dit is dus moontlik dat die proteïene<br />

oor veranderde <strong>of</strong> selfs nuwe biochemiese katalitiese eienskappe kan beskik. Hierdie gene sou<br />

waarskynlik nooit ontdek gewees het indien die tradisionele metodes wat behels dat die organisme<br />

eers gekweek word voordat die DNA geïsoleer word, gevolg is nie.<br />

Dit kom dikwels voor dat die genes binne ‘n gegewe groep ‘n lid het met ‘n bekende driedimensionele<br />

struktuur. Dit word dan gebruik om die struktuur-funksieverwantskappe te verklaar deur middel van<br />

homologiemodellering. Dit behels dat sekere aminosure geïdentifiseer kan word en gewysig word<br />

deur middel van setelgerigte mutagenese, in ‘n poging om die determinante van sekere biochemiese<br />

funksies te verklaar. ‘n Ander strategie wat gevolg word is die gerigte evolusie van gene, wat behels<br />

dat die PKR-tegniek so toegepas word om doelbewus foute in die produkte in te bring tydens die<br />

amplifisering van gene, sodat die gene wat nuttige mutasies ontwikkel het dan vir ontleding geselekteer<br />

kan word.<br />






Pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial Psychology<br />

According to literature and previous research findings <strong>the</strong> South African black employee experiences<br />

a broad spectrum <strong>of</strong> stress factors. There is however, limited research which describes <strong>the</strong> actual<br />

levels and typical causes <strong>of</strong> stress. Educational level may have an effect on effective stress<br />

management, <strong>the</strong>refore it was decided to compare literate and illiterate black employees’ levels and<br />

causes <strong>of</strong> stress. This information could help psychologists/employers to take a distinctive approach<br />

in communicating and addressing problems with <strong>the</strong> two different groups.<br />

The Experience <strong>of</strong> Work and Life Circumstances questionnaire was applied to a sample <strong>of</strong> 60<br />

employees <strong>of</strong> a transport company. This questionnaire was specifically developed and standardised<br />

for South African conditions. It measures <strong>the</strong> individual’s general level <strong>of</strong> stress as well as causes <strong>of</strong><br />

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Pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl

stress inside and outside <strong>the</strong> work environment. Causes <strong>of</strong> stress within <strong>the</strong> work situation include<br />

<strong>the</strong> way <strong>the</strong> organisation functions, task characteristics, physical working conditions and equipment,<br />

career issues, social matters, remuneration and fringe benefits. Subjects were requested to provide<br />

information regarding <strong>the</strong>ir sex, period <strong>of</strong> service, age, qualifications and mo<strong>the</strong>r tongue.<br />

Results showed that illiterate black employees’ levels <strong>of</strong> work stress were significantly higher than<br />

those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> literate group. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> illiterate group scored significantly higher scores than<br />

<strong>the</strong> literate group on causes <strong>of</strong> stress outside <strong>the</strong> work situation.<br />

Useful recommendations on steps that organisations can take to empower <strong>the</strong>ir illiterate and literate<br />

labour force, include <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

Special attention should be given to support black illiterate employees to be able to cope with<br />

<strong>the</strong> difficult demands <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir work environment. Training to understand what stress actually is and<br />

how to utilise life skills to deal with arduous demands, must <strong>the</strong>refore be emphasized. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,<br />

greater efforts should be made to steer lower level employees to suitable levels <strong>of</strong> literacy. Research<br />

showed that literate employees have more self-confidence due to <strong>the</strong> fact <strong>the</strong>y have better access to<br />

opportunities (for instance promotion) and <strong>the</strong>ir opinions are considered more, giving <strong>the</strong>m a power<br />

base. They believe that <strong>the</strong>y can influence <strong>the</strong>ir circumstances (internal locus <strong>of</strong> control) which in turn<br />

contributes to <strong>the</strong>ir successful dealing with difficult demands and stressors.<br />

High stress counts related to causes outside <strong>the</strong> work situation for <strong>the</strong> illiterate group can possibly be<br />

ascribed to <strong>the</strong> present economic and political situation where employees are being retrenched and<br />

many changes are taking place. Research found that poor economic conditions were especially felt<br />

by <strong>the</strong> illiterate group because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir limited resources/options to find ways to improve <strong>the</strong>ir position.<br />

Employers must <strong>the</strong>refore take into account that illiterate employees experience many stressors<br />

beyond <strong>the</strong>ir work environment, and <strong>the</strong>y can try to be supportive for instance by <strong>of</strong>fering housing<br />

schemes, medical aid, advancement courses and o<strong>the</strong>r educational support, legal and marriage<br />

counselling, transport assistance, pecuniary support and recreational facilities.<br />






Pr<strong>of</strong> Ebben van Zyl<br />

Departement Bedryfsielkunde<br />

Volgens die literatuur en vorige navorsingsbevindinge lei die Suid-Afrikaanse swart werknemer aan<br />

‘n brëe spektrum van stresfaktore. Daar is egter beperkte navorsing wat die presiese stresvlakke<br />

en tipiese oorsake daarvan beskryf. Die vlak van opvoeding mag dalk ‘n effek hê op effektiewe<br />

stresbeheer, gevolglik is die verskille tussen die stresvlakke van geletterde en ongeletterde swart<br />

werknemers, asook die oorsake daarvan ondersoek. Hierdie inligting kan vir sielkundiges/werkgewers<br />

nuttig wees om ‘n spesifieke benadering in die hantering van probleme binne die twee groepe, te<br />

volg.<br />

Die Werksondervinding en Lewensomstandighede vraelys is vir ‘n steekproef van 60 werknemers<br />

van ‘n vervoermaatskappy gebruik. Hierdie vraelys is spesifiek ontwikkel en gestandaardiseer vir<br />

Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede. Dit meet die individu se algemene stresvlak sowel as oorsake van<br />

stres binne en buite die werksomgewing. Oorsake van stres binne die werksituasie sluit die manier<br />

waarop die organisasie funksioneer, taakeienskappe, fisiese werksomstandighede en toerusting,<br />

loopbaankwessies, sosiale aspekte, besoldiging en byvoordele in. Proefpersone is versoek om<br />

inligting te verskaf oor hulle geslag, tydperk van diens, ouderdom, kwalifikasies en moedertaal.<br />

Resultate het getoon dat ongeletterde swart werknemers se stresvlakke aansienlik hoër as dié van die<br />

geletterde groep was. Voorts is ook gevind dat die ongeletterde groep se strestellings as gevolg van<br />

oorsake buite die werksituasie, aansienlik hoer was as dié van die geletterde groep.<br />

Nuttige aanbevelings oor stappe wat instellings kan volg om die ongeletterde en geletterde arbeidsmag<br />

te bemagtig, sluit die volgende in:<br />

Spesiale aandag moet aan ondersteuning vir ongeletterde swart werknemers gegee word om die<br />

moeilike eise van die omgewing te hanteer. Opleiding oor wat stres is en hoe om lewensvaardighede<br />

te gebruik om moeilike eise te hanteer, moet dus beklemtoon word. Voorts moet ‘n groter poging<br />


aangewend word om laervlakwerknemers tot gepaste geletterheidsvlakke op te lei. Navorsing het<br />

aangedui dat geletterde werknemers meer selfvertroue het omdat hulle meer toegang tot geleen<strong>the</strong>de<br />

het (byvoorbeeld bevordering) en hul opinies meer tel wat aan hulle dus ‘n magsbasis gee. Hulle glo<br />

dus dat hulle omstandighede kan beïnvloed (interne lokus van beheer) wat bydra tot die hantering van<br />

moeilike eise en stressors.<br />

Hoë strestellings van die ongeletterde groep ten opsigte van oorsake buite die werksituasie kan<br />

moontlik toegeskryf word aan die huidige ekonomiese en politieke situasie waar werknemers afgedank<br />

word en baie veranderinge plaasvind. Navorsing het aangedui dat ‘n swak ekonomiese situasie veral<br />

die ongeletterde mense benadeel, vanweë hulle beperkte bronne/opsies om maniere te vind om hul<br />

situasie te verbeter. Werkgewers moet dus in ag neem dat ongeletterde werknemers baie stressors<br />

buite die werkomgewing ervaar en kan hulle probeer ondersteun deur middel van byvoorbeeld:<br />

behuisingskemas en mediese steun, ontwikkelingskursusse en ander opvoedkundige bystand, regsen<br />

huweliksadvies, vervoer en geldelike steun en ontspanningsgeriewe.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


Since 1993, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> has been a parallel-medium<br />

institution, <strong>of</strong>fering lectures in six faculties in both English<br />

and Afrikaans.<br />

These faculties are Economic and Management Sciences<br />

(incorporating <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Management), Health<br />

Sciences (consisting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, <strong>the</strong> School<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nursing, and <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Allied Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essions),<br />

Humanities (incorporating <strong>the</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Education), Law,<br />

Natural and Agricultural Sciences and Theology.<br />

Die ho<strong>of</strong>gebou UV-kampus in die negentigs.<br />


Rev Cecilna Grobler and Pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma<br />

Rev Cecilna Grobler<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Nursing<br />

The Integrated Management <strong>of</strong> Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) is a strategy developed by <strong>the</strong> World Health<br />

Organisation and United Nations Children’s Fund to address <strong>the</strong> high mortality rate <strong>of</strong> children globally.<br />

Since <strong>the</strong> national under-5 mortality rate <strong>of</strong> South Africa has increased steeply from 59.4% in 1998<br />

to 71% in 2001 it is imperative that such a strategy should be implemented effectively also in this<br />

country.<br />

IMCI consists <strong>of</strong> three components, <strong>of</strong> which <strong>the</strong> case management and health systems support<br />

components have already been implemented in Mo<strong>the</strong>o District in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. To aid <strong>the</strong><br />

planning and implementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> third component, namely household and community practices,<br />

a participatory situation analysis was done. The process was initiated by building relationships<br />

with a large number <strong>of</strong> governmental as well as non-governmental organisations. Information was<br />

ga<strong>the</strong>red by means <strong>of</strong> structured interviews that addressed <strong>the</strong> 16 focus areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> household<br />


and community component. This was followed by focus group interviews on child abuse, HIV/AIDS<br />

and male participation in household with children under <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> five. The focus group interviews<br />

enhanced and validated some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> information ga<strong>the</strong>red by means <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> interviews. A group <strong>of</strong> 50<br />

voluntary community workers was trained as field workers for <strong>the</strong> project. The following is some <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> information ga<strong>the</strong>red.<br />

The survey <strong>of</strong> 1000 randomly selected households indicated that most mo<strong>the</strong>rs (84%) breastfed<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir children for an average period <strong>of</strong> 12 months. Breastfeeding was however not exclusively done,<br />

since complementary feeding commences at an early age. About half <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rs encouraged <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

daughters to use breast milk substitutes whilst <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r half supported <strong>the</strong>m to breastfeed.<br />

Toilet facilities are more available in <strong>the</strong> communities than indicated by <strong>the</strong> census <strong>of</strong> 1996. The number<br />

<strong>of</strong> pit latrines however increased from 14% to 32% and <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> bucket latrines decreased from<br />

34% to 22%. Mo<strong>the</strong>rs are generally conscious <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> cleanliness. Approximately 60%<br />

wash <strong>the</strong>ir hands after wiping a child or changing <strong>the</strong>ir nappies.<br />

Immunisation coverage is slightly lower than <strong>the</strong> estimated 89%, according to <strong>the</strong> Expanded Programme<br />

on Immunisation (EPI) in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Some misconceptions regarding immunisation exists as 6%<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> respondents said that immunisation can prevent HIV/AIDS. Administering <strong>of</strong> Vitamin A is not<br />

well documented which could be attributed to <strong>the</strong> fact that it is a strategy that was only recently<br />

implemented. Children reached <strong>the</strong>ir developmental milestones within <strong>the</strong> normal age range. Toys<br />

were not readily available, and this may be due to financial constraints.<br />

The majority <strong>of</strong> caregivers will give a sick child food and fluid (81%). However, some will give only<br />

water (15%). Counselling by nurses and health care workers on feeding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sick child needs to be<br />

improved. The majority (72%) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> participants visit clinics for <strong>the</strong>ir health needs. When <strong>the</strong> question<br />

was asked “how satisfied are you with <strong>the</strong> service rendered”, 64% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sample population responded<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y are extremely satisfied. However, waiting time could be reduced and medicine supply could<br />

be improved. Many caregivers (40%) did not comply with <strong>the</strong> referral or follow-up recommendations<br />

as <strong>the</strong>y felt that <strong>the</strong> child’s condition had improved. A high percentage (96%) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sample received<br />

antenatal care by registered nurses and doctors. Most births (61%) took place in hospital.<br />

Information on child abuse was ga<strong>the</strong>red by means <strong>of</strong> focus group interviews held with children<br />

older than 14 years. They are knowledgeable about <strong>the</strong> types <strong>of</strong> abuse and verbalised that poverty<br />

perpetuates child abuse. A female respondent reported as follows:<br />


“I want to talk about poverty. The woman gets a child grant <strong>of</strong> R150 but <strong>the</strong>y have no money for <strong>the</strong><br />

child. This child must look for himself for food and clothing. You will find if it is a girl, she sleeps with<br />

an adult man and is abused for money. Afterwards <strong>the</strong> parents take <strong>the</strong> money and <strong>the</strong>y share it with<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir friends.”<br />

According to <strong>the</strong> children who participated in <strong>the</strong> focus group interview on child abuse, <strong>the</strong> abuse is<br />

not always reported as <strong>the</strong>y are threatened, paid to remain silent and stigmatised by <strong>the</strong> community.<br />

Female respondent: “They will give <strong>the</strong> child money to keep silent or <strong>the</strong>y will tell <strong>the</strong> child that <strong>the</strong>y<br />

will burn <strong>the</strong>ir mouth”<br />

Male respondent: “The children know if <strong>the</strong>y say <strong>the</strong>ir mouth are going to burn, it means <strong>the</strong>y are going<br />

to kill <strong>the</strong>m, that is <strong>the</strong> reason <strong>the</strong> child do not talk.”<br />

Three focus group interviews with adults provided information on HIV/AIDS. Community member’s<br />

perceptions are that <strong>of</strong>ten HIV/AIDS is not indicated as <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> death on a death certificate. This<br />

is substantiated by a female response:<br />

“… <strong>the</strong>y hand out <strong>the</strong> death certificate with <strong>the</strong> diagnoses <strong>of</strong> pneumonia or something else. They must<br />

put <strong>the</strong> right diagnosis on <strong>the</strong> certificate and not tuberculosis or flu. They must print that it is HIV/AIDS<br />

… The doctor must write on <strong>the</strong> sick letter HIV/AIDS if it is so and not something else.”<br />

The investigation on <strong>the</strong> household and community component <strong>of</strong> IMCI provided valuable strategic<br />

pointers, which were passed on to <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Health with <strong>the</strong> purpose to developing a roll out<br />

plan for improving certain household and community practices.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Yvonne Botma<br />

Ds Cecilna Grobler<br />

Skool vir Verpleegkunde<br />

Die Geïntegreerde Bestuur van Kindersiektes (Integrated Management <strong>of</strong> Childhood Illnesses - IMCI) is<br />

‘n strategie wat ontwikkel is deur die Wêreldgesondheidorganisasie en Kinderfonds van die Verenigde<br />

Nasies met die doel om die hoë sterftesyfer van kinders wêreldwyd aan te spreek. Aangesien die<br />


nasionale sterftesyfer van kinders onder vyf in Suid-Afrika skerp gestyg het van 59,4% in 1998 tot<br />

71% in 2001, is dit noodsaaklik dat so ‘n strategie effektief, ook in hierdie land geïmplementeer moet<br />

word.<br />

Die IMCI bestaan uit drie komponente, waarvan die gevalsbehandeling en gesondheidsorg-ondersteuning<br />

komponente alreeds in die Mo<strong>the</strong>o distrik in die Vrystaat geïmplementeer is. Om die beplanning<br />

en implementering van die derde komponent, naamlik huishoudelike- en gemeenskapspraktyke te<br />

bevorder, is ‘n deelnemende situasieanalise gedoen. Die proses is begin deur betrekkinge aan<br />

te knoop met ‘n groot aantal regerings-, sowel as nie-regeringsorganisasies. Inligting is ingewin<br />

deur gestruktureerde onderhoude wat gerig is op die 16 fokusareas van die huishoudelike- en<br />

gemeenskapskomponent. Dit is gevolg deur fokusgroep onderhoude oor kindermishandeling, HIV/<br />

Vigs en manlike deelname in huishoudings met kinders onder vyf. Die fokusgroep onderhoude<br />

versterk en bevestig sommige van die inligting wat deur middel van onderhoude verkry is. ‘n Groep<br />

van 50 vrywilliger gemeenskapswerkers het vir die projek opleiding as veldwerkers ontvang. Die<br />

volgende is van die inligting wat ingesamel is:<br />

Die opname wat onder 1000 veelkantsig gekose huishoudings gedoen is, het getoon dat die meeste<br />

moeders (84%) hulle kinders vir ‘n periode van 12 maande borsvoed. Uitsluitlike borsvoeding word<br />

egter nie toegepas nie, aangesien daar op ‘n vroeë ouderdom met byvoeding begin word. Ongeveer<br />

die helfte van die moeders het hulle dogters aangemoedig om te borsvoed, terwyl die ander helfte<br />

hulle gesteun het in die gebruik van plaasvervangers vir borsvoeding.<br />

Sedert die sensus van 1996 is toiletfasiliteite beskikbaar in die gemeenskappe. Die aantal putlatrines<br />

het egter van 14% tot 32% toegeneem en die aantal emmer-latrines het van 34% tot 22%<br />

afgeneem. Moeders is in die algemeen bewus van die belangrikheid van higiëne. Ongeveer 60% was<br />

hulle hande nadat hulle ‘n kind skoongemaak <strong>of</strong> hulle doeke omgeruil het.<br />

Immuniseringssyfers vir die Vrystaat is effens laer as deur die geskatte 89% van die Uitgebreide<br />

Program rakende Immunisering (EPI). Sekere wanopvattings rakende immunisasie bestaan, in die<br />

lig daarvan dat 6% gesê het dat immunisering HIV/Vigs kan voorkom. Die toediening van vitamien<br />

A is nie deeglik gedokumenteer nie. Dit kan waarskynlik toegeskryf word aan die feit dat dit ‘n<br />

onlangs geïmplementeerde strategie is. Kinders bereik hulle ontwikkelingsmylpale binne die normale<br />

ouderdomsperke. Speelgoed is egter as gevolg van finansiële beperkinge nie geredelik beskikbaar<br />

nie.<br />

Die meerderheid van versorgers (81%) sal aan ‘n siek kind kos en vloeist<strong>of</strong> gee. Sommige (15%) sal<br />


egter net water gee. Voorligting deur verpleegsters en gesondheidsorgwerkers rakende voeding vir<br />

die siek kind, moet verbeter word. Die meeste (72%) van die deelnemers besoek klinieke vir hulle<br />

gesondheidsorgbehoeftes. Op die vraag: “hoe tevrede is jy met die dienste gelewer”, het 64% van<br />

die deelnemers geantwoord dat hulle besonder tevrede is. Die wagtyd kan egter verminder en die<br />

medisynevoorraad verbeter word. Baie versorgers het nie die aanwysings en opvolg aanbevelings<br />

nagekom nie, aangesien hulle van mening was dat die kind se toestand verbeter het. ‘n Hoë<br />

persentasie (96%) van die deelnemers het antenatale versorging deur geregistreerde dokters en<br />

verpleegsters ontvang. Die meeste van die geboortes (61%) het in die hospitaal plaasgevind.<br />

Inligting rakende kindermishandeling is verkry deur middel van fokusgroep onderhoude met van<br />

kinders ouer as 14 jaar. Hulle is goed ingelig oor die tipe van mishandeling en sê dat armoede<br />

kindermishandeling bevorder. ‘n Vroulike respondent het as volg gereageer:<br />

“Ek wil oor armoede praat. Die vrou kry ‘n kindertoelae van R150, maar hulle het geen geld vir die<br />

kind nie. Hierdie kind moet vir homself sorg vir kos en klere. Jy sal agterkom, as dit ‘n meisie is, slaap<br />

sy saam met ‘n volwasse man en word misbruik vir geld. Daarna neem die ouers die geld en deel dit<br />

met hulle vriende.”<br />

Volgens die kinders word mishandeling nie altyd gerapporteer nie, weens die feit dat sulke kinders<br />

gedreig word, betaal word om stil te bly en deur die gemeenskap gestigmatiseer word.<br />

Vroulike respondent: “Hulle sal aan die kind geld gee om stil te bly <strong>of</strong> hulle sal aan die kind vertel dat<br />

hulle sy mond sal brand.”<br />

Manlike respondent: “Die kinders weet as hulle gaan vertel sal hulle monde brand, dit beteken dat<br />

hulle hulle sal doodmaak, dit is waarom die kind nie praat nie.”<br />

Drie fokusgroep onderhoude is met volwassenes gevoer om inligting rakende HIV/Vigs te verskaf. Lede<br />

van die gemeenskap se persepsies is dat HIV/Vigs nie as die oorsaak van dood op die doodsertifikaat<br />

aangetoon word nie. Dit is bevestig deur ‘n vroulike resondent:<br />

“…hulle reik die doodsertifikaat uit met die diagnose van longontsteking <strong>of</strong> iets anders. Hulle moet<br />

die regte diagnose op die sertifikaat aandui en nie tering <strong>of</strong> griep nie. Hulle moet daarop druk dat dit<br />

HIV/Vigs is… Die dokter moet die HIV/Vigs op siektesertifikate skryf as dit so is, en nie iets anders<br />

nie.”<br />

Die ondersoek het aan die Departement van Gesondheid waardevolle strategiese toeligting verskaf,<br />

met die oog op die ontwikkeling van ‘n uitrolplan ter die verbetering van bepaalde huishoudelike en<br />

gemeenskapspraktyke.<br />


Mr Aldo Stroebel<br />



Mr Aldo Stroebel<br />

Directorate Research Development and<br />

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture<br />

The challenge to overcome hunger remains one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most serious confrontations facing humanity<br />

today. The threat <strong>of</strong> starvation is most serious in Africa, where an estimated 33% (138 million) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

population, mainly women and children, suffer from hunger. The situation is worst in Sub-Saharan<br />

Africa where more than 50% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people live below <strong>the</strong> poverty line (defined as an income <strong>of</strong><br />

less that US$1 per day). In South Africa, this figure is 25%. The estimated 680 million people who<br />

keep livestock in developing countries represent about two thirds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rural poor, confirming <strong>the</strong><br />

importance <strong>of</strong> livestock to <strong>the</strong>ir livelihoods. An estimated 70% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor are women for whom<br />

livestock play and important role in maintaining status, and <strong>of</strong>ten represent <strong>the</strong>ir most valuable asset<br />

and provide an important source <strong>of</strong> income.<br />


Over <strong>the</strong> next 20 years <strong>the</strong>re will be a massive increase in <strong>the</strong> demand for food <strong>of</strong> animal (meat and<br />

milk) origin, with virtually all <strong>the</strong> increased demand coming from developing countries. Although <strong>the</strong>re<br />

are important regional differences, <strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> increase in demand for livestock products will be <strong>the</strong><br />

highest in <strong>the</strong> densely populated areas <strong>of</strong> Sub-Saharan Africa. Increasing urbanisation, where more<br />

than half <strong>of</strong> people in developing countries will live in towns and cities by 2020, supported by <strong>the</strong><br />

growth in people’s income, will drive this demand.<br />

A full understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> livestock in <strong>the</strong> economies <strong>of</strong> rural Africa remains one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most<br />

challenging problems confronting researchers, development planners and practitioners. Focusing<br />

research on improving <strong>the</strong> sustainable livelihoods <strong>of</strong> people in mixed farming systems can do more<br />

to reduce poverty than only increasing productivity, for example in intensive, industrialised systems.<br />

From an environmental perspective, livestock can contribute significantly towards sustainability in<br />

well-balanced, mixed farming systems. Owning ruminants fur<strong>the</strong>r encourages smallholders to plant<br />

browse trees, grass, shrubs and legumes; all <strong>of</strong> which control erosion, promote water conservation<br />

and increase soil fertility.<br />

Research, contributing towards <strong>the</strong> Ph.D. study <strong>of</strong> Aldo Stroebel, Researcher at <strong>UFS</strong>, has been<br />

undertaken during 2002 and 2003 to address some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se critical issues. The main objectives <strong>of</strong> this<br />

research are to review <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> livestock in mixed farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa, analyse<br />

<strong>the</strong> contribution <strong>of</strong> livestock to livelihoods and natural resource management, identify constraints and<br />

coping mechanisms <strong>of</strong> smallholder, resource-poor farming systems in South Africa (Limpopo Province)<br />

and Kenya (Baringo District), and to develop a guide for livestock policy development in eastern and<br />

sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa. This is primarily based on findings <strong>of</strong> productivity measures and herd dynamics, <strong>the</strong><br />

effect <strong>of</strong> family- and landholding size on herd size, current policy issues in <strong>the</strong>se countries and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

socio-economic data. Collaborators include Pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel and Dr Izak Groenewald from <strong>the</strong><br />

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture at <strong>UFS</strong>, and Pr<strong>of</strong> Alice Pell from <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Animal Science,<br />

Cornell <strong>University</strong>, USA.<br />

It is clear that understanding <strong>the</strong> livestock system requires more than knowledge <strong>of</strong> livestock alone.<br />

While biophysical conditions and <strong>the</strong> genetic make-up <strong>of</strong> livestock determine potential animal<br />

production, <strong>the</strong> socio-economic and institutional conditions and <strong>the</strong> farmers’ skill and level <strong>of</strong><br />

decision-making determine which products and production levels will be realized. Understanding<br />

a livestock system requires description and analysis <strong>of</strong> its various components and <strong>the</strong>ir functional<br />

inter-relationships (<strong>the</strong> system’s functioning), ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> description <strong>of</strong> livestock production alone.<br />


These relationships are best understood by analysing <strong>the</strong> various flows among system components<br />

and by analysing farmers’ management decisions. Elements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se challenges will form <strong>the</strong> basis<br />

for future research activities.<br />

Aldo Stroebel has been awarded <strong>the</strong> Ronald P Lynch Dean <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Life Sciences Fellowship<br />

to spend six months at Cornell <strong>University</strong> to conceptualize and initiate <strong>the</strong> study. He has published<br />

widely and is <strong>the</strong> author/co-author <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> papers, and has participated in and read papers at<br />

a large number <strong>of</strong> national and international conferences and workshops. He is currently supervising<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> post graduate students. Assistance from Venda <strong>University</strong> for Science and Technology<br />

was invaluable in gaining access to <strong>the</strong> South African research site and with data analysis. Financial<br />

support from <strong>the</strong> May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust is greatly acknowledged.<br />




Mnr Aldo Stroebel<br />

Direktoraat Navorsingsontwikkeling en<br />

Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou<br />

Die uitdaging om honger te beveg, bly een van die ernstigste vraagstukke wat die mensdom deesdae<br />

die ho<strong>of</strong> moet bied. Die bedreiging van hongersnood is op sy ergste in Afrika, waar ‘n geskatte<br />

33% (138 miljoen) van die bevolking, meestal vroue en kinders, honger ly. Die situasie is die ergste<br />

in Afrika suid van die Sahara, waar meer as 50% van die mense onder die broodlyn (omskryf as ‘n<br />

inkomste van minder as VSA $1 per dag), lewe; in Suid-Afrika is die persentasie 25%. Die geskatte<br />

680 miljoen mense wat veekuddes in ontwikkelende lande aanhou, verteenwoordig ongeveer twee<br />

derdes van die plattelandse armes, wat die belangrikheid van lewende hawe vir hulle voortbestaan<br />

bevestig. ‘n Geskatte 70% van die armes is vroue, vir wie vee ‘n belangrike rol speel in die behoud<br />

van hul status, dikwels die belangrikste bate verteenwoordig en ‘n noodsaaklike bron van inkomste<br />

verskaf.<br />

Oor die volgende 20 jaar sal daar ‘n massiewe toename in die vraag na voedsel van dierlike oorsprong<br />

(vleis en melk) wees, met die toenemende aanvraag eintlik alles afkomstig van die ontwikkelende<br />


lande. Alhoewel daar belangrike streeksverskille is, sal die koers van toename in die aanvraag<br />

na veeprodukte die hoogste in die digbevolkte gebiede van sub-Sahara Afrika wees. Toenemende<br />

verstedeliking, waar meer as die helfte van die mense in die ontwikkelende lande teen 2020 in dorpe<br />

en stede (ondersteun deur die groei in inkomste) sal woon, sal hierdie behoefte versterk.<br />

Die volle begrip van die rol wat lewende hawe in die ekonomie van plattelandse gebiede speel, bly<br />

een van die mees uitdagende probleme waarmee navorsers, ontwikkelaars en praktisyns mee te doen<br />

het. Navorsing wat meer gefokus is op die verbetering van die volhoubare voortbestaan van mense<br />

in gemengde boerderysisteme, kan meer doen om armoede te verminder as bloot die verhoging van<br />

produktiwiteit, bv. in intensiewe geïndustrialiseerde sisteme. Vanuit ‘n omgewingsperspektief kan<br />

vee betekenisvol bydra tot volhoubaarheid in goedgebalanseerde, gemengde boerderysisteme. Die<br />

besit van herkouende diere kan kleinboere verder aanmoedig om vir weiding bome, gras, struike en<br />

peulgewasse te plant, wat almal erosie beheer, waterbewaring bevorder en die vrugbaarheid van die<br />

grond verhoog.<br />

Navorsing wat bygedra het tot die Ph.D.-studie van Aldo Stroebel, ‘n navorser by die UV, is in 2002<br />

en 2003 onderneem om sommige van hierdie kritieke vraagstukke die ho<strong>of</strong> te bied. Die ho<strong>of</strong>doel was<br />

om die rol van lewende hawe in gemengde boerderysisteme in Afrika, suid van die Sahara, te hersien,<br />

die bydrae van lewende hawe tot die voortbestaan en natuurlike hulpbronbestuur te analiseer, om<br />

beperkinge en hanteringsmeganismes van die kleinboer, arm aan hulpbron-boerderysisteme in Suid-<br />

Afrika (Limpopo Provinsie) en Kenia (Baringo Distrik) te identifiseer, en om riglyne vir die ontwikkeling<br />

van ‘n lewende hawe beleid in die oostelike en suidelike streke van Afrika op te stel. Dit is primêr<br />

gebaseer op die bevindinge van produktiwiteitsmaatreëls en kudde-dinamika, die effek van die<br />

grootte van die gesin-/familie en grondeiendom op die grootte van die kudde, huidige beleidsake<br />

in hierdie lande en ander sosio-ekonomiese data. Medewerkers sluit in pr<strong>of</strong> Frans Swanepoel en<br />

dr Izak Groenewald van die Sentrum vir Volhoubare Landbou aan die UV en Pr<strong>of</strong> Alice Pell van die<br />

Departement van Dierkunde aan die Cornell Universiteit, VSA.<br />

Dit is duidelik dat begrip vir die lewende hawe vraagstuk meer vereis as kennis van lewende hawe<br />

alleenlik. Terwyl bi<strong>of</strong>isiese toestande en die genetiese samestelling van vee die potensiële produksie<br />

van diere bepaal, bepaal die sosio-ekonomiese en institusionele toestande en die boer se vaardigheid<br />

en vlak van besluitneming watter produkte en produksievlakke werklik bereik sal word. Om ‘n lewende<br />

hawe sisteem te begryp, vereis ‘n beskrywing en ontleding van die verskillende komponente en<br />

die funksionele, onderlinge verhoudinge (die funksionering van die sisteem), eerder as slegs die<br />

beskrywing van lewende hawe. Hierdie verhoudinge word die beste begryp deur die ontleding van<br />


verskillende strominge tussen komponente van die sisteem en deur die boere se bestuursbesluite te<br />

ontleed. Elemente van hierdie uitdagings sal die basis vorm van toekomstige navorsingsaktiwiteite.<br />

Aldo Stroebel het die Ronald P Lynch Dean <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Life Sciences Fellowship ontvang<br />

om ses maande aan die Cornell Universiteit te bestee om die navorsingskonsep op te stel en te<br />

inisieer. Hy het al wyd gepubliseer en is die skrywer/medeskrywer van ‘n aantal referate en het<br />

deelgeneem aan en referate gelewer by ‘n groot aantal nasionale en internasionale konferensies en<br />

werkswinkels. Hy lei op die oomblik ‘n aantal nagraadse studente. Ondersteuning en hulp van die<br />

Venda Universiteit vir Wetenskap en Tegnologie was uiters waardevol vir die verkryging van toegang<br />

tot die Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsterrein, asook met data-ontleding. Met erkenning vir die finansiële<br />

ondersteuning word die May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust in besonder bedank.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


167<br />

Subsequent to <strong>the</strong> adoption in<br />

1999 <strong>of</strong> a new university statute,<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> entered a significant<br />

growth period, today boasting<br />

more students than ever before<br />

in its history.<br />

Die ingang van die ho<strong>of</strong>gebou 2003.

Mr Johan Loock<br />



Mr Johan Loock<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geology<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> an inadequate bullet in <strong>the</strong> Mark II cartridges by <strong>the</strong> British during <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War, and<br />

also by <strong>the</strong> Boers who captured large quantities <strong>of</strong> ammunition during <strong>the</strong> guerrilla phase, explains<br />

why so many wounded soldiers survived.<br />

The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) took place only one decade after <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> a smokeless<br />

propellant in ammunition loaded with a bullet with a s<strong>of</strong>t lead core, encased in a harder jacket.<br />

When Sir Henry Brackenbury was appointed to <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> Director General <strong>of</strong> Ordnance early<br />

in 1899, he discovered that <strong>the</strong> government ammunition factory, <strong>the</strong> Royal Laboratory, could not<br />

manufacture <strong>the</strong> large quantities <strong>of</strong> Mark II cartridges required. This cartridge for <strong>the</strong> Lee-Enfield rifle,<br />

to be used during <strong>the</strong> war, had a bullet that was too heavy, significantly reducing its velocity. When<br />

<strong>the</strong> war broke out later that year, five contractors were hastily called in to manufacture ammunition<br />

for <strong>the</strong> British Army.<br />


Soldiers shipped out to South Africa were armed with .303 Lee-Enfield rifles, and also <strong>the</strong> Martini-<br />

Henry <strong>of</strong> .577/.450 calibre. Officers carried Webley revolvers <strong>of</strong> .455 and .450 calibre, and a few<br />

(including Winston Churchill) even carried Mauser pistols.<br />

While studying <strong>the</strong> British ammunition used during <strong>the</strong> war, use was made <strong>of</strong> parliamentary reports<br />

and books and articles written by historians and collectors. The actual specimens studied were<br />

obtained from South African museums and private collections, as well as <strong>the</strong> collection built up by <strong>the</strong><br />

author in <strong>the</strong> course <strong>of</strong> four decades <strong>of</strong> geological fieldwork. The headstamp codes on <strong>the</strong> cartridge<br />

cases indicate that, in addition to <strong>the</strong> six British factories, factories in India, Canada and New Zealand<br />

also supplied ammunition on a smaller scale to <strong>the</strong> British Army.<br />

In many books and articles published after <strong>the</strong> war, reference is made to <strong>the</strong> so-called “dum-dum”<br />

cartridges, toge<strong>the</strong>r with accusations and counter-accusations. The present study proves beyond a<br />

doubt that both sides used “dum-dum” cartridges, albeit on a small scale. An interesting fact that now<br />

emerges is <strong>the</strong> fact that a British soldier had to fire roughly 10 000 shots to kill one Boer.<br />

Johan Loock’s interest in military affairs, and particularly <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War, led to <strong>the</strong> recent<br />

publication <strong>of</strong> a chapter in a book on <strong>the</strong> weapons <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War. This book should be <strong>of</strong> use<br />

to historians, collectors and even doctors studying <strong>the</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong> wounded soldiers.<br />

He has also lectured on aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> war and participated in radio and television programmes. In<br />

addition, he acts as a guide to battlefields. In his own field, geology, he is <strong>the</strong> author <strong>of</strong> 29 articles in<br />

journals and 10 chapters in books.<br />



Mnr Johan Loock<br />

Departement Geologie<br />

Die gebruik van ‘n ontoereikende koeël in die Merk II-patrone deur die Britte tydens die Anglo-<br />

Boereoorlog, en ook deur Boere wat gedurende die guerrilla-fase van die oorlog ammunisie buitgemaak<br />

het, verklaar waarom so baie gewonde soldate oorleef het.<br />


Die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) het plaasgevind skaars een dekade na die inbruikneming van<br />

rooklose dryfst<strong>of</strong> in ammunisie wat gelaai is met ‘n koeël van sagte lood, omring van ‘n harde mantel.<br />

Toe Sir Henry Brackenbury vroeg in 1899 aangestel is as Direkteur-generaal van Krygsbehoeftes,<br />

moes hy ontdek dat die Britse regering se ammunisiefabriek, die Royal Laboratory, nie in staat was<br />

om groot hoeveelhede Merk II-patrone te vervaardig nie. Dié patroon vir die Lee-Enfield geweer wat in<br />

die oorlog gebruik sou word, het ‘n koeël gehad wat te swaar was en dus teen ‘n lae snelheid getrek<br />

het. Toe die oorlog later in dieselfde jaar uitbreek, moes vyf kontrakteurs inderhaas ingespan word om<br />

ammunisie vir die Britse Leër te vervaardig.<br />

Soldate wat na Suid-Afrika verskeep is, was bewapen met .303 Lee Enfield-gewere, asook die<br />

Martini-Henry van .577/.450 kaliber. Offisiere het Webley-rewolwers van .455 en .450 kaliber gedra,<br />

en enkeles (insluitende Winston Churchill) selfs Mauser-pistole.<br />

By die bestudering van Britse ammunisie wat in die oorlog gebruik is, is gebruik gemaak van<br />

parlementêre verslae en boeke en artikels deur historici en versamelaars. Ammunisie in Suid-<br />

Afrikaanse museums en in die hande van versamelaars, asook die versameling wat deur die navorser<br />

opgebou is in die loop van vier dekades se geologiese veldwerk, is bestudeer. Die kodes wat agter<br />

op doppies gestempel is, dui aan dat benewens die ses Britse fabrieke, fabrieke in Indië, Kanada en<br />

in Nieu-Seeland ook op klein skaal ammunisie aan die Britse Leër gelewer het.<br />

Britse sowel as Suid-Afrikaanse publikasies wat ná die oorlog verskyn het bevat verwysings na die<br />

gebruik van die sogenaamde “dum-dum”-patrone, tesame met beskuldigings en teenbeskuldigings.<br />

Die huidige studie bewys onteenseglik dat verskillende tipes “dum-dum”-patrone wel deur albei kante<br />

afgevuur is, hoewel op klein skaal. ‘n Interessante maar verrassende feit wat na vore kom, is dat die<br />

Britte omtrent 10 000 skote moes afvuur om een Boer te dood.<br />

Johan Loock se belangstelling in militêre sake en veral die Anglo-Boereoorlog het gelei tot die onlangse<br />

publikasie van ‘n ho<strong>of</strong>stuk in ‘n boek oor die wapens van die Anglo-Boereoorlog, wat van nut sal wees<br />

vir historici, versamelaars en selfs vir medici wat die behandeling van gewondes bestudeer. Hy het<br />

in hierdie verband ook ‘n aantal lesings gelewer en aan radio- en televisieprogramme deelgeneem.<br />

Verder tree hy op as toergids na slagvelde. Op sy vakgebied, geologie, het hy reeds 29 tydskrifartikels<br />

en 10 ho<strong>of</strong>stukke in boeke gelewer.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard<br />

Department History<br />

For a period <strong>of</strong> 23 years (1966-1989) <strong>the</strong> South African armed forces were embroiled in military<br />

struggles in countries such as Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. In spite <strong>of</strong> several<br />

obstacles, Leo Barnard succeeded in obtaining vital information, over more than a decade and was<br />

thus able to do extensive research in <strong>the</strong> field. Two monographs on SA military units, a complete<br />

manuscript on <strong>the</strong> SA Air Force as well as several articles in local and international accredited<br />

publications on <strong>the</strong> subject have been published by him.<br />

Measured against international military standards, this “war” was merely a regional conflict and not<br />

very violent. For most South Africans it was <strong>the</strong> “may not know about or hush-hush war” and it soon<br />

got <strong>the</strong> name colloquially <strong>of</strong> “bush war” or “border war”. The fact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> matter however was that<br />

almost every white family and many black families were in some or o<strong>the</strong>r way, drawn into this armed<br />


conflict. National service meant that every able-bodied young white man had to complete eventually<br />

at least two years <strong>of</strong> military service – and a military conflict meaning that lead caskets with <strong>the</strong><br />

remains <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se young men were brought back to South Africa. For most South Africans<br />

<strong>the</strong> “bush war” was a highly emotional event. Even today <strong>the</strong>y would ra<strong>the</strong>r remain silent about what<br />

actually happened, ra<strong>the</strong>r than to relate <strong>the</strong> “war stories”. Where soldiers or families suffered as a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conflict, gleaning information about it has become something <strong>of</strong> a near-impossible task.<br />

For decades <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial information surrounding <strong>the</strong> “border war” remained classified as secret or<br />

top secret. For researchers it implies that security clearance must be obtained on a regular basis<br />

in order to gain full access to <strong>the</strong>se sources. While <strong>the</strong>re has been a relaxation in terms <strong>of</strong> access<br />

to research material on certain aspects <strong>of</strong> this “war”, too much information still remains classified<br />

as top secret which makes access to <strong>the</strong> full picture almost impossible. In addition, almost all <strong>the</strong><br />

veterans who were active in this armed struggle, have since ei<strong>the</strong>r retired or have left <strong>the</strong> service <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> SA Defence Force. Few <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m are still prepared to delve into his/her past memories to share<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir experiences <strong>of</strong> this war. Added to this MK (<strong>the</strong> military wing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ANC) and PLAN (<strong>the</strong> military<br />

wing <strong>of</strong> SWAPO (South West African People’s Organisation in Namibia), have in most cases not kept<br />

records <strong>of</strong> military action and <strong>the</strong>refore it is clear what an uphill battle it is for a military historian to do<br />

research on this subject.<br />

Political occurrences after 1994 and <strong>the</strong> advent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> democratic dispensation in this country has<br />

placed a fur<strong>the</strong>r hindrance on <strong>the</strong> pursuance <strong>of</strong> research being done by thorough military historians.<br />

With <strong>the</strong> institution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) <strong>the</strong> flow <strong>of</strong> information about<br />

<strong>the</strong>se military operations has practically faded away into almost nothing. No military personnel were<br />

prepared to put his or her career on <strong>the</strong> line or to risk <strong>the</strong> chance <strong>of</strong> being called before <strong>the</strong> TRC.<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, virtually each piece <strong>of</strong> information, which could have served as pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> what happened,<br />

has simply been destroyed. This includes inter alia explicit efforts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SADF to shred or destroy<br />

certain documents and <strong>the</strong> disappearance <strong>of</strong> “incriminating” photographs, documents, letters, and so<br />

forth that might have been in <strong>the</strong> possession <strong>of</strong> individuals.<br />

Due to his interest in this field, Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard was elected as vice-president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Archives<br />

Committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SA Commission <strong>of</strong> Military History; he serves on <strong>the</strong> Archives Committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

International Military Commission; was a participant at several national and international military<br />

conferences; was promoter <strong>of</strong> inter alia two “top secret” classified Ph.D. <strong>the</strong>ses and serves on <strong>the</strong><br />

editorial staff <strong>of</strong> Scientiae Militaria.<br />





DOEN<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard<br />

Departement Geskiedenis<br />

Vir ‘n tydperk van 23 jaar (1966-1989) was die Suid-Afrikaanse gewapende magte in ‘n militêre stryd<br />

gewikkel in lande soos Namibië, Angola, Zimbabwe en Mosambiek. Leo Barnard het daarin geslaag<br />

om ten spyte van die struikelblokke om inligting te bekom, oor meer as ‘n dekade in diepte navorsing<br />

oor die onderwerp te doen. Daar het reeds twee monografieë oor SA militêre eenhede, ‘n volledige<br />

manuskrip oor die SA Lugmag, asook verskeie artikels in plaaslike en oorsese geakkrediteerde<br />

tydskrifte oor hierdie onderwerp uit sy pen verskyn.<br />

Aan internasionale militêre standaarde gemeet was hierdie “oorlog” slegs ‘n streekskonflik en daarby<br />

ook nie hewig van aard nie. Vir die meeste Suid-Afrikaners was dit die “mag nie weet nie”-oorlog en<br />

in die volksmond het dit spoedig die naam “bosoorlog” <strong>of</strong> “grensoorlog” gekry. Die feit was egter dat<br />

byna elke blanke huisgesin en vele swart huisgesinne op die een <strong>of</strong> ander wyse by hierdie gewapende<br />

konflik ingetrek is. Nasionale diensplig het veroorsaak dat elke fiks jong blanke seun uiteindelik<br />

minstens twee jaar van militêre diens moes doen – en ‘n militêre konflik het beteken dat loodkiste<br />

met die st<strong>of</strong>like oorskotte van sommige van hierdie jong manne na Suid-Afrika teruggebring is. Vir die<br />

meeste Suid-Afrikaners was die “grensoorlog” ‘n hoogs emosionele aangeleen<strong>the</strong>id. Tot vandag swyg<br />

hulle liewer oor wat gebeur het as om die “stories” van die oorlog weer te gee. Waar soldate <strong>of</strong> familie<br />

emosioneel onder die konflik gelei het, het die inwin van inligting byna ‘n onmoontlikheid geword.<br />

Vir dekades lank word die amptelik inligting oor die “grensoorlog” van geheim tot uiters geheim<br />

geklassifiseer. Vir die navorsers beteken dit dat ‘n sekerheidsklaring op gereelde basis verkry moes<br />

word ten einde volle toegang tot hierdie bronne te verseker. Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar het<br />

daar ‘n verslapping ingetree oor die oopstelling van navorsingsmateriaal oor sekere aspekte van<br />

hierdie “oorlog”. Te veel inligting word egter steeds as uiters geheim geklassifiseer en maak toegang<br />

tot die volle prentjie byna onmoontlik. Daarbenewens het byna al die oud-soldate wat aktief in hierdie<br />

gewapende stryd was, <strong>of</strong> afgetree <strong>of</strong> die diens van die SA Nasionale Weermag verlaat. Weinig van<br />

diesulkes is nog bereid om uit sy/haar geheue te gaan opdiep en wedervaringe te deel. Voeg daarby<br />


dat die MK (militêre vleuel van die ANC) en PLAN (die militêre vleuel van SWAPO in Namibië), in<br />

die meeste gevalle geen rekords van militêre optredes gehou het nie en dit word duidelik watter<br />

opdraande stryd ‘n militêre historiese navorser oor hierdie onderwerp ondervind.<br />

Politieke gebeure na 1994 en die koms van ‘n demokratiese bestel na die land het die moontlikhede<br />

van deeglike militêre/historiese navorsing erg benadeel. Die instelling van die Waarheids- en<br />

Versoeningskommissie het gewoon veroorsaak dat die vloei van inligting oor hierdie militêre optredes<br />

tot byna niks vervaag het. Geen militaris was bereid om sy loopbaan op die spel te plaas <strong>of</strong> om ‘n<br />

kans te waag om voor die genoemde kommissie gedaag te word nie. Voeg hierby dat byna elke<br />

stukkie inligting wat as bewys vir die bogenoemde kon dien, eenvoudig vernietig is. Dit sluit onder<br />

andere doelbewuste pogings van die SA Weermag (voor 1994) om sekere dokumente te versnipper<br />

en individue wat “inkriminerende” foto’s, dokumente, briewe, ens. laat verdwyn het, in.<br />

Sy belangstelling in hierdie veld het daartoe gelei dat pr<strong>of</strong> Leo Barnard die visepresident van die SA<br />

Kommissie van Militêre Geskiedenis is, dat hy o.a. op ‘n internasionale militêre kommissie dien, op<br />

nasionale en internasionale militêre kongresse opgetree het, promotor was van onder meer twee<br />

“uiters geheim” geklassifiseerde Ph.D.-proefskrifte en dien in die redaksie van die Scientiae Militaria.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


In February 2001, <strong>the</strong> university lived<br />

through yet ano<strong>the</strong>r name change, when<br />

it became <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong>. The new name was adopted to<br />

reflect <strong>the</strong> real character <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university<br />

and its environment.<br />

Die ingang van die ho<strong>of</strong>gebou 2003.<br />




Dr Chris Viljoen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Plant Sciences<br />

The application <strong>of</strong> plant breeding to improve crops for food production is thousands <strong>of</strong> years old and<br />

involves a process <strong>of</strong> cross pollination and selection. Until recently, crop improvement relied solely<br />

on sexual recombination between individual plants. However, with recent developments in modern<br />

biotechnology, especially genetic engineering, it has become possible to transfer single genes from<br />

one organism to ano<strong>the</strong>r over species boundaries.<br />

Currently, <strong>the</strong> most common GM (Genetically Modified) traits available commercially in <strong>the</strong> world are<br />

herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. The most popular world-wide GM crops are soybean,<br />

maize, cotton and canola. GM crops currently grown in South Africa include, maize, soybean and<br />

cotton.<br />

175<br />

Ms Gerda Botha and Dr Chris Viljoen

Despite <strong>the</strong> obvious benefits <strong>of</strong> GM crops, <strong>the</strong> reaction <strong>of</strong> political, religious, scientific, environmental<br />

and consumer groups has been varied and highly polarized. Both proponents and antagonists <strong>of</strong> GM<br />

crops lay claim to an idealistic moral high ground <strong>of</strong> serving <strong>the</strong> best interests <strong>of</strong> society. While it is<br />

highly unlikely that sustainable food production in Africa is attainable without <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> GM crops, it is<br />

just as unlikely to solve all <strong>the</strong> problems <strong>of</strong> food production on its own. World hunger is not so much a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> food shortage, but one <strong>of</strong> distribution, and it is questionable whe<strong>the</strong>r GM crops would impact<br />

in <strong>the</strong> short term on this problem. However, <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> drought resistant crops would have<br />

a dramatically positive effect on crop production in semi-arid regions <strong>of</strong> Africa.<br />

Ethical issues surrounding <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> GM crops include human hunger, health, <strong>the</strong> environment,<br />

socio-economic impacts and fundamental concerns. While many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> concerns relating to GM<br />

food may prove unfounded, <strong>the</strong>y never<strong>the</strong>less impact directly on <strong>the</strong> very fabric <strong>of</strong> society and cannot<br />

be ignored. The fundamental basis <strong>of</strong> society currently, is <strong>the</strong> right <strong>of</strong> choice. In response to many<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> issues surrounding GM technology, <strong>the</strong> European Union, Switzerland, Japan and o<strong>the</strong>r Asian<br />

countries have introduced GM food labelling. Thus food production in South Africa is under pressure<br />

to comply with international labelling regulations for exports as well as <strong>the</strong> right <strong>of</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> local<br />

consumers. The testing <strong>of</strong> food for GM content requires cutting edge scientific technology not readily<br />

available in developing countries including South Africa.<br />

The GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) Testing Facility at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> has joined<br />

forces with GeneScan, a world leader in food diagnostic testing, to <strong>of</strong>fer GMO testing at international<br />

standards in Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa, for local and export products. GeneScan Analytics specializes in<br />

molecular analysis <strong>of</strong> food and feed and is a world leader in GMO testing with headquarters in<br />

Germany and subsidiaries in <strong>the</strong> USA, Brazil, Hong Kong, as well as a network <strong>of</strong> partner laboratories<br />

in China, Japan, Australia/New Zealand and now South Africa, at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>.<br />

This puts <strong>the</strong> GMO Testing Facility at <strong>the</strong> forefront <strong>of</strong> technology development in GMO testing on<br />

<strong>the</strong> African continent. The testing facility provides a valuable service for local as well as export food<br />

production and is also undertaking research into answering some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> key questions regarding GM<br />

technology, food security and agricultural production.<br />




Dr Chris Viljoen<br />

Departement Plantwetenskappe<br />

Die kweek van plante as metode om gewasse vir voedselproduksie te verbeter, is duisende jare oud en<br />

behels ‘n proses van bevrugting en seleksie. Onlangs nog, het die verbetering van gewasse alleenlik<br />

staatgemaak op geslagtelike herverbinding tussen individuele plante. Met die onlangse ontwikkeling<br />

in moderne biotegnologie, veral genetiese manipulasie(GM), het dit egter moontlik geword om enkel<br />

gene van een organisme na ‘n ander oor te dra, oor die grense van spesies.<br />

Die mees algemene GM (geneties manipuleerde) eienskappe tans kommersieel beskikbaar in die<br />

wêreld, is verdraagsaamheid teenoor onkruiddoders en weerstand teen insekte. Die gewildste<br />

wêreldwye GM gewasse is sojabone, mielies, katoen en canola. GM gewasse wat tans in Suid-Afrika<br />

gekweek word, sluit in mielies, sojabone en katoen.<br />

Ten spyte van die duidelike voordele van GM gewasse, is die reaksie van politiese, godsdienstige,<br />

wetenskaplike, omgewings- en verbruikersgroepe gevarieer en is dit uiters gepolariseerd. Beide die<br />

voorstanders en teenstanders van GM gewasse maak aanspraak op idealistiese, moreel beginsels<br />

om die belange van die gemeenskap te dien. Terwyl dit hoogs onwaarskynlik is dat volhoubare<br />

voedselproduksie in Afrika haalbaar is sonder die gebruik van GM gewasse, is dit ewe onwaarskynlik<br />

om al die probleme van voedselproduksie te kan oplos. Hongersnood in die wêreld is nie ‘n gevolg<br />

van voedseltekort nie, maar een van verspreiding, en dit kan bevraagteken word <strong>of</strong> GM gewasse in<br />

die kort termyn op hierdie probleem ‘n impak sal hê. Nogtans sal die ontwikkeling van droogtetolerant<br />

gewasse ‘n dramaties positiewe effek op die produksie van gewasse in semi-ariede streke in Afrika<br />

hê.<br />

Etiese vraagstukke rakende die gebruik van GM gewasse sluit in menslike honger, gesondheid, die<br />

omgewing, sosio-ekonomiese inwerking en gelo<strong>of</strong>s belange. Terwyl baie van die besorgdheid in<br />

verband met GM voedsel ongegrond mag wees, beïnvloed dit nogtans die hele struktuur van die<br />

gemeenskap en kan dit nie geïgnoreer word nie. Tans is die onderliggende basis van ‘n gemeenskap,<br />

die reg om keuses uit te oefen. In reaksie op baie van die vraagstukke rakende GM tegnologie het<br />

die Europese Unie, Switserland, Japan en ander Asiatiese lande verpligte etiketering van GM voedsel<br />

vasgestel. Dus is voedselproduksie in Suid-Afrika onder druk om aan internasionale etiketerings-<br />


egulasies vir uitvoere, sowel as die reg van keuse van plaaslike verbruikers te voldoen. Die toets<br />

van voedsel vir GM inhoud vereis gespesialiseerde wetenskaplike tegnologie wat nog nie geredelik<br />

beskikbaar in ontwikkelende lande, ingeslote Suid-Afrika is nie.<br />

Die GMO (geneties modifiseerde organismes) Toetsfasiliteit aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat het<br />

kragte saamgesnoer met “GeneScan”, ‘n wêreldleier in diagnostiese toetsing van voedsel, om GMO<br />

toetsing teen internasionale standaarde in Suid-Afrika, vir plaaslike en uitvoerprodukte te voorsien.<br />

“GeneScan Analytics” spesialiseer in molekulêre ontleding van voedsel en voer en is ‘n wêreldleier<br />

op die gebied met ’n ho<strong>of</strong>kantoor in Duitsland en filiale in die VSA, Brasilië, Hong Kong, sowel<br />

as ‘n netwerk van vennootskap-laboratoriums in China, Japan, Australië/Nieu-Seeland en nou ook<br />

Suid-Afrika, by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Dit het die GMO Toetsfasiliteit die voorloper van<br />

tegnologiese ontwikkeling in GMO toetsing op die Afrika-kontinent gemaak. Die toetsfasiliteit verskaf ‘n<br />

waardevolle diens vir die produksie van plaaslike, sowel as uitvoervoedsel en doen ook navorsing ten<br />

opsigte van die sleutelvraagstukke rakende GM tegnologie, voedselveiligheid en landbouproduksie.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


178<br />

Standbeeld van pres MT Steyn<br />

voor die UV-kampus ho<strong>of</strong>gebou.

Mr Philemon Akach<br />




Mr Philemon Akach<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afro-Asiatic Studies, Sign Language and Language Practice<br />

Deaf people are among <strong>the</strong> most marginalized linguistic minorities in <strong>the</strong> world. The department <strong>of</strong><br />

Afro-Asiatic Studies, Sign Language and Language Practice, endeavours to redress this situation<br />

by <strong>of</strong>fering South African Sign Language (SASL) as an academic subject. They involve <strong>the</strong> deaf<br />

community in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> in this undertaking through participation in skills tests and examinations.<br />

This ensures that <strong>the</strong> community takes ownership <strong>of</strong> SASL, how it is taught and that <strong>the</strong>y assess how<br />

it redresses <strong>the</strong>ir linguistic plight. Besides <strong>the</strong> involvement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community at large, <strong>the</strong> department<br />

has, as part <strong>of</strong> its staff a Deaf person (Emily Matabane) who takes charge <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> practical tutorials.<br />

The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> has truly taken a leading and pivotal role in SASL teaching and research<br />

in SA.<br />


Sign Language is not recognized as a language in most countries. Nei<strong>the</strong>r is it generally used in homes,<br />

community, schools and society in general. Since <strong>the</strong>ir language and culture is not recognized, deaf<br />

people naturally do not get <strong>the</strong>ir education in <strong>the</strong> language <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir choice. With <strong>the</strong> advent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new<br />

political dispensation in 1994, <strong>the</strong> Constitution enshrined <strong>the</strong> linguistics rights <strong>of</strong> all South Africans,<br />

<strong>the</strong>reby declaring 11 <strong>of</strong>ficial languages. South African Sign Language was, however, not one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

eleven. It was never<strong>the</strong>less mentioned as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> languages to be developed for use in <strong>the</strong> domain<br />

<strong>of</strong> public communication. The Pan South African Language Board, as enacted by Parliament, was<br />

charged with creating a conducive environment under which SASL and o<strong>the</strong>r non-<strong>of</strong>ficial languages<br />

should develop. The South African Schools Act <strong>of</strong> 1996 does recognize SASL as an <strong>of</strong>ficial language<br />

for educational purposes, however, <strong>the</strong> act is not enforced to make sure that SASL is used as medium<br />

<strong>of</strong> instruction and taught as a school subject in schools <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deaf in South Africa.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> P Akach - Akach is <strong>the</strong> person hearing...or deaf...is that why he cannot sign...Mr Akach is getting clarity from<br />

a learner before answering a question.<br />

To redress <strong>the</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> use <strong>of</strong> SASL as medium <strong>of</strong> instruction, Mr Akach and colleague Dr D. Aarons <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> South Wales, Australia, and with funding from NRF, embarked on a 3 year research<br />

project at Bartemia School for <strong>the</strong> Deaf in Thaba’Nchu. This project involved training <strong>of</strong> 3 hearing<br />

teachers in <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> SASL. In addition 3 deaf persons were trained as class assistants to team teach<br />

with <strong>the</strong> hearing teachers. If <strong>the</strong> pilot study is successful, it will be replicated in <strong>the</strong> entire country.<br />

Mr Akach is a consultant to <strong>the</strong> World Federation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deaf (WFD) and UNESCO on Deaf Education<br />

and Sign Language in Africa. He wrote a discussion document on <strong>the</strong> education <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> deaf child in<br />


Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa for <strong>the</strong> SADC (Development Community) region, produced reports on deaf education<br />

in Namibia and Ghana, and with a colleague, Pr<strong>of</strong> R McConkey <strong>of</strong> Leicester <strong>University</strong>, produced a<br />

multi-media manual for parents <strong>of</strong> deaf children and community workers in Uganda. Mr Akach also<br />

carried out a survey on Sign Language Work in Mozambique on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Finnish Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deaf, to be used to improve <strong>the</strong> education <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deaf in that country. The department can<br />

<strong>the</strong>refore be seen to not only redress <strong>the</strong> plight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Deaf community within <strong>the</strong> SA boarders but<br />

also beyond its borders.<br />




Mnr Philemon Akach<br />

Departement Afro-Asiatiese Studies, Gebaretaal en Taalpraktyk<br />

Dowes tel onder die mees gemarginaliseerde taalminderhede in die wêreld. Die departement Afro-<br />

Asiatiese Studies, Gebaretaal en Taalpraktyk aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, probeer om hierdie<br />

stand van sake aan te spreek deur die vak Gebaretaal (GBT) as akademiese vak aan te bied. Deur<br />

hierdie onderneming betrek hulle die dowe gemeenskap in die Vrystaat deur middel van deelname<br />

aan vaardigheidstoetse en eksamens. Dit verseker dat die gemeenskap eienaarskap van GBT<br />

aanvaar, hoe dit onderrig behoort te word en dat hulle die taalagterstand aanspreek. Benewens die<br />

betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap as geheel, het die Departement n dowe personeellid aangestel<br />

(Emily Matabane) wat verantwoordelik is vir al die praktiese en tutoriale klasse. Die Universiteit van<br />

die Vrystaat het werklik ‘n leidende en kernrol begin speel in die doseer van GBT asook in onderrig<br />

en navorsing in SA.<br />

Gebaretaal word nie as ‘n amptelike taal in meeste ander lande erken nie. Dit word ook nie normaalweg<br />

in huise, <strong>of</strong> die gemeenskap, skole <strong>of</strong> die samelewing in die algemeen gebruik nie. Vanweë die feit<br />

dat hulle taal en kultuur nie as sulks erken word nie, ontvang dowes uit die aard van die saak nie hulle<br />

opvoeding in die taal van hulle keuse nie. Met die koms van die nuwe politieke bedeling in 1994 word<br />

die taalregte van alle Suid-Afrikaners verskans in die nuwe Grondwet, waardeur daar erkenning aan<br />

die 11 amptelike tale verleen word. Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal tel egter nie onder een van die 11<br />

tale nie. Dit was egter ter sprake dat GBT as een van die tale wat ontwikkel moes word vir gebruik<br />


in <strong>the</strong> area van openbare kommunikasie. Die Pan-Suid-Afrikaanse Taalraad, soos deur Parlementêre<br />

wetgewing neergelê, was die taak opgedra om ‘n bevorderlike omgewing te skep waaronder GBT<br />

en ander nie-amptelike tale ontwikkel moes word. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Wet van 1996 erken<br />

wel dat GBT as erkende taal gebruik mag word vir opvoedkundige doeleindes, maar die wet word nie<br />

afgedwing nie sodat daar verseker kan word dat GBT as ‘n medium van onderrig gebruik moet word<br />

<strong>of</strong> dat dit as ‘n skoolvak onderrig moet word in die verskeie Skole vir die Dowes in Suid-Afrika.<br />

Ten einde die gebrek aan die gebruik van GBT as medium van onderrig aan te spreek, het mnr Akach en<br />

‘n kollega dr D Aarons van die Universeit van Suid-Wallis, Australië, met befondsing van die NRF, met<br />

‘n drie jaar navorsingsprojek by die Bartemia Skool vir die Dowes in Thaba’Nchu begin. Hierdie projek<br />

behels die opleiding van drie nie-gehoorgestremde onderwysers in die gebruik van GBT. Verder was<br />

drie dowe persone opgelei as klasassistente om in spanverband met die horende onderwysers op te<br />

tree. As die lootsprojek suksesvol is, sal dit dwarsdeur die hele land geïmplimenteer kan word.<br />

Mnr Akach dien as konsultant vir die Wêreld Federasie vir die Dowes (WFD) en UNESCO oor Onderrig<br />

vir die Dowes en Gebaretaal in Afrika. Hy het ’n gespreksdokument oor die onderrig van die dowe<br />

kind in Suidelike Afrika vir die SAOG (Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap) geskryf, verslae opgestel oor<br />

onderrig vir die dowes in Namibië en Ghana. In samewerking met ‘n kollega, pr<strong>of</strong> R McConkey<br />

van Leicester Universiteit, VK het hy ‘n multi-media handboek vir ouers en van dowe kinders en<br />

gemeenskapswerkers in Uganda geskryf. Mnr Akach het ook ten behoewe van <strong>the</strong> Finse Assosiasie vir<br />

die Dowes ‘n ondersoek oor Gebaretaal in Mosambiek gelei, wat gebruik sou kon word om onderwys<br />

vir die Dowes in daardie te verbeter. Die departement kan dus gesien word as instrumenteel nie net<br />

om die probleme van die dowe gemeenskap binne die grense van SA aan te spreek nie, maar ook<br />

buite ons landsgrense.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Human Nutrition<br />

Obesity is an emerging epidemic in South Africa and closely related to lifestyle diseases such as<br />

cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Human Nutrition <strong>the</strong><br />

research done by Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber and co-workers mainly focuses on aspects <strong>of</strong> obesity and related<br />

diseases <strong>of</strong> lifestyle.<br />

Perceptions <strong>of</strong> body size are culturally determined and a lack <strong>of</strong> perception <strong>of</strong> obesity may cause people<br />

to be less inclined to follow weight loss programs. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber developed a series <strong>of</strong> photographs<br />

based on <strong>the</strong> distorting photographic tecnique, representing different body sizes as a tool to measure<br />

perceptions <strong>of</strong> body size. An expert panel validated <strong>the</strong> photographs. In cooperation with Dr Corinna<br />

Walsh <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same department and Mrs Venter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Central <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technology, <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

(formerly, Technikon <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>), <strong>the</strong>se photographs were administered during individual interviews<br />

to a random sample <strong>of</strong> 500 black women in Mangaung. Administering it again to a random sample <strong>of</strong><br />

50 women from <strong>the</strong> original sample proved that <strong>the</strong> tool gave reliable results. It may thus be used to<br />

determine perceptions <strong>of</strong> body size in black South African women, which could facilitate treatment<br />

strategies in <strong>the</strong>se women. Obesity also has pr<strong>of</strong>ound effects on reproductive function in women.<br />

These negative effects occur mainly in women with upper body fat distribution in combination with<br />

183<br />

Dr Corinna Walsh and Me Lucia Motseki

elevated fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance. High circulating insulin levels in <strong>the</strong> blood have<br />

negative effects on <strong>the</strong> production <strong>of</strong> sex hormones. Treatment <strong>of</strong> obese infertile women includes<br />

dietary intervention to induce weight loss that results in significant improvement in <strong>the</strong> hormonal<br />

outcomes. Altering dietary composition to lower insulin resistance has been investigated in only a few<br />

studies worldwide. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber received a 3-year research grant by <strong>the</strong> Medical Research Council<br />

for research in this field. Presently two studies are being undertaken in <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Human<br />

Nutrition in close collaboration with <strong>the</strong> Unit for Reproductive Health at <strong>the</strong> Universitas Hospital. Mrs<br />

Ronette Lategan is investigating <strong>the</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and insulin<br />

sensitizing medication in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Results <strong>of</strong> this study may possibly<br />

lead to improved treatment regimes in <strong>the</strong>se women. Baseline data on <strong>the</strong> association between body<br />

weight and reproductive health in black South African women is an under researched area. Presently,<br />

Ms Lucia Motseki, is investigating this association in black women attending <strong>the</strong> Unit for Reproductive<br />

Health in order to obtain data that may be used as baseline information for future studies and treatment<br />

regimes in this regard. In ano<strong>the</strong>r study Dr Walsh is investigating <strong>the</strong> current popular high protein diet<br />

for weight reduction when compared to <strong>the</strong> traditional slimming diet.<br />

The Glycaemic Index (GI) <strong>of</strong> foods and its application in <strong>the</strong> diets <strong>of</strong> obese people and type 2 diabetics<br />

is a special field <strong>of</strong> interest <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber and co-workers. The GI refers to <strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> digestion and<br />

absorption <strong>of</strong> carbohydrate foods. Various health benefits including <strong>the</strong> prevention and treatment <strong>of</strong><br />

obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, have been linked to <strong>the</strong> consumption<br />

<strong>of</strong> low-GI foods. The GI <strong>of</strong> different foods and combinations <strong>of</strong> foods, as well as inter- and intra<br />

individual variations in blood glucose concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, are<br />

some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> studies that have been undertaken.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Marthinette Slabber<br />

Departement Menslike Voeding<br />

Vetsug is ‘n toenemende epidemie in Suid-Afrika en nou verwant aan leefstylsiektes soos kardiovaskulêre<br />

siekte en Tipe 2 diabetes mellitus. In die Departement Menslike Voeding fokus die navorsing van pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Slabber en medewerkers ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik op aspekte van vetsug en verwante leefstylsiektes.<br />


Liggaamsgroottepersepsies is kultureel gefundeerd en ‘n gebrek aan die persepsie van vetsug mag<br />

veroorsaak dat mense minder geneig is om gewigsverliesprogramme te volg. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber het ‘n<br />

fotoreeks ontwikkel, gebaseer op die tegniek van misvorming, wat verskillende liggaamsgroottes<br />

verteenwoordig as ‘n hulpmiddel om persepsies van liggaamsgrootte te meet. ‘n Kundige paneel het<br />

hierdie foto’s geldig verklaar vir die evaluering van liggaamspersepsies . In samewerking met dr Corinna<br />

Walsh van dieselfde departement en mev. Venter van die Sentrale Universiteit van Tegnologie, <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> (voorheen, Technikon Vrystaat) an internationally is hierdie foto’s tydens individuele onderhoude<br />

aan ‘n ewekansige steekproef van 500 swart vroue in Mangaung vertoon. Die fotos is weer ‘n keer<br />

aan ‘n steekproef van 50 van die oorspronklike groep vroue vertoon en is as ‘n betroubare hulpmiddel<br />

bewys. Dit kan dus gebruik word by swart Suid-Afrikaanse vroue om betroubare persepsies van<br />

liggaamsgrootte, wat behandelingstrategieë by hierdie vroue kan vergemaklik, vas te stel.<br />

Vetsug het ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op die voortplantingsfunksie van vroue. Hierdie effek kom ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik<br />

voor by vroue met vetverspreiding om die middel in kombinasie met verhoogde vastende insulienvlakke<br />

en insulienweerstandigheid. Hoë insulienvlakke in die bloed het ‘n negatiewe effek op die produksie<br />

van geslagshormone. Die behandeling van oormassa onvrugbare vroue sluit dieetkundige behandeling<br />

om gewigsverlies teweeg te bring, in, wat ‘n belangrike verbetering in die hormonale pr<strong>of</strong>iel tot gevolg<br />

het. Die verandering in die samestelling van die dieet om insulienweerstandigheid te verminder is<br />

slegs in enkele navorsingstudies wêreldwyd ondersoek. Pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber het ‘n navorsingstoekenning vir<br />

drie jaar van die Mediese Navorsingsraad ontvang vir navorsing op hierdie gebied.<br />

Tans word twee studies onderneem in die Departement Menslike Voeding in noue samewerking met die<br />

Reproduktiewe sorgeenheid by Universitas Hospitaal. Mev Ronette Lategan ondersoek die effek van<br />

leefstylverandering soos dieet, oefening en medikasie vir die behandeling van insulienweerstandigheid<br />

in vroue met polisistiese ovariële-sindroom. Die resultate van hierdie navorsing mag moontlik<br />

tot verbeterde behandeling van hierdie vroue lei. Basislyn inligting rakende die verband tussen<br />

liggaamsgewig en reproduktiewe gesondheid in swart Suid-Afrikaanse vroue is nog min nagevors. Me<br />

Lucia Motseki is tans besig om hierdie verband by swart vroue wat die Reproduktiewe sorgeenheid<br />

besoek, na te vors, om sodoende data te verkry wat as basislyn kan dien vir toekomstige navorsing<br />

en behandelingsmetodes in hierdie verband. In ‘ n verdere projek, ondersoek dr Corinna Walsh die<br />

huidige gewilde hoë proteïn-dieet vir gewigsverlies in vergelyking met die tradisionele verslankingsdieet.<br />


Die Glisemiese Indeks (GI) van voedsel en die toepassing daarvan in die diëte van persone met vetsug<br />

<strong>of</strong> tipe 2-diabetes is ‘n besondere belangstellingsveld van pr<strong>of</strong> Slabber en haar medewerkers. Die<br />

GI verwys na die snelheid van vertering en absorpsie van koolhidrate. Verskeie gesondheidsvoordele<br />

wat die voorkoming en behandeling van vetsug, tipe 2-diabetes mellitus en kardiovaskulêre siektes<br />

insluit, word gekoppel aan die inname van lae-GI kosse. Die GI van verskillende voedselsoorte en<br />

kombinasies van voedsel, sowel as inter- en intra-individuele variasies in die konsentrasie van die<br />

bloedglukose van pasiënte met tipe 2-diabetes mellitus, is ‘n paar van die studies wat al onderneem<br />

is.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


The Qwaqwa Campus.<br />

The tt campus, which was formerly a campus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> North in Polokwane, was incorporated into<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> on 1 January 2003 as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> restructuring <strong>of</strong> higher education by <strong>the</strong> Minister <strong>of</strong> Education.<br />


Above: Doreen Dikobe, a doctoral student,<br />

prepares her polymer-wood powder.<br />

Right: A scanning electron microscopic<br />

photo <strong>of</strong> sisal fibre in a polyethyelene matrix<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Chemistry – Qwaqwa Campus<br />

Polymers are long-chain chemical compounds that exist naturally, for example plant material and animal<br />

tissue (biopolymers), or can be prepared syn<strong>the</strong>tically, for example plastics, rubbers and syn<strong>the</strong>tic<br />

fibres. There is a constant demand for polymer materials with new and improved properties, but it<br />

is a lengthy process to develop new syn<strong>the</strong>tic polymers. It is much easier to blend different existing<br />

polymers, or to mix polymers with o<strong>the</strong>r substances like glass or natural fibre, or with inorganic<br />

powders such as carbon or copper, in order to obtain new products with <strong>the</strong> desired properties. Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Luyt’s research on wax modification expanded into research on polymer/wax blends, where <strong>the</strong> aim<br />

was to improve polymer processability without sacrificing <strong>the</strong> desired polymer properties.<br />

When in 1993 Pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt became head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chemistry Department at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa Campus,<br />

formerly <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> North but currently part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, it had very little<br />

infrastructure, and no postgraduate degrees were <strong>of</strong>fered. He worked tirelessly to improve <strong>the</strong><br />

187<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt

Department’s infrastructure and to establish research and postgraduate training within <strong>the</strong> Department.<br />

Since his Ph.D. degree focused on <strong>the</strong> oxidation <strong>of</strong> waxes (oxidized waxes are used mainly in floor<br />

and shoe polishes), he developed an affinity for wax research, which <strong>the</strong>n became a research topic<br />

at Qwaqwa. His first postgraduate student was Chris Nhlapo, who successfully finished his research<br />

on wax cross-linking (aimed at developing stronger and tougher waxes), and who was awarded his<br />

masters degree in Chemistry during 1996 (<strong>the</strong> first in <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa Campus). During this<br />

time Pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt also introduced an honours degree in Chemistry at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa Campus, and since<br />

<strong>the</strong>n a number <strong>of</strong> students completed <strong>the</strong>ir Chemistry honours and masters degrees at this campus.<br />

Presently <strong>the</strong> Polymer Research Group consists <strong>of</strong> himself, Dr Nhlapo, ten masters students, three<br />

doctoral students and two postdoctoral fellows.<br />

The wax research still goes on, because <strong>the</strong>re are remaining unanswered questions, for example<br />

where exactly <strong>the</strong> wax is situated in <strong>the</strong> polymer structure, since waxes have much shorter chains<br />

than plastics. O<strong>the</strong>r research in <strong>the</strong> group includes polymer/polymer blends, polymer composites (<strong>the</strong><br />

mixing <strong>of</strong> one or more plastics with natural fibres or wood powder to form products with enhanced<br />

strength that can for example be used in car parts), and nanocomposites (<strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> small<br />

amounts <strong>of</strong> extremely small metal or clay particles into plastics, which gives rise to products with<br />

exceptional properties). They prepare <strong>the</strong> blends and composites in different ways, and determine<br />

<strong>the</strong> structure and properties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> blends and composites using a variety <strong>of</strong> techniques. Dr Nhlapo<br />

and his students concentrate more on <strong>the</strong> syn<strong>the</strong>sis <strong>of</strong> new polymers or plastics, using different<br />

catalyst systems. Although this research is relatively new at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa campus, it will add an<br />

important new dimension to <strong>the</strong> existing research.<br />

Over <strong>the</strong> years Pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt and his students published more than 40 research papers in leading<br />

international journals, and presented numerous papers at conferences all over <strong>the</strong> world. The<br />

Department has strong collaborative links with European research groups in Germany, Slovakia and<br />

Hungary. The Hungarian collaboration is funded by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation, and several <strong>of</strong><br />

his students have visited <strong>the</strong>ir Hungarian counterparts.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt gratefully acknowledges <strong>the</strong> enormous role played by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation<br />

in helping to establish <strong>the</strong> infrastructure at <strong>the</strong> Qwaqwa campus, and in supporting <strong>the</strong> students to<br />

proceed with <strong>the</strong>ir higher degrees.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt<br />

Departement Chemie – Qwaqwa Kampus<br />

Polimere is lang-ketting chemiese verbindinge wat natuurlik bestaan, byvoorbeeld plantmateriaal en<br />

weefsel van diere (biopolimere), <strong>of</strong> dit kan ook sinteties berei word, byvoorbeeld plastiek, rubber<br />

en sintetiese vesels. Daar is ‘n voortdurende vraag na polimeerstowwe met nuwe en verbeterde<br />

eienskappe, maar dit is ‘n langdurige proses om nuwe sintetiese polimere te ontwikkel. Dit is baie<br />

makliker om verskillende bestaande polimere te vermeng, <strong>of</strong> om polimere te meng met ander stowwe<br />

soos glas <strong>of</strong> natuurlike vesel, <strong>of</strong> met anorganiese poeiers soos koolst<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> koper, ten einde nuwe<br />

produkte met die verlangde eienskappe te verkry. Pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt se navorsing oor was-modifikasie is<br />

uitgebrei tot navorsing oor polimeer-/wasmengsels met die doel om die verwerkings-/prosesseringsmoontlikhede<br />

van die polimeer te verbeter, sonder om die verlangde eienskappe van die polimeer in<br />

te boet.<br />

Toe pr<strong>of</strong> Riaan Luyt in 1993 ho<strong>of</strong> geword het van die Departement Chemie aan die Qwaqwa Kampus,<br />

voorheen van die Universiteit van die Noorde, maar tans deel van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, was<br />

daar geen infrastruktuur nie en geen nagraadse kursus is aangebied nie. Hy het onverpoosd gewerk<br />

om die departement se infrastruktuur te verbeter en om navorsing en nagraadse opleiding in die<br />

departement te vestig. Sedert hy sy Ph.D.-graad oor die oksidasie van was (geoksideerde was word<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik gebruik in vloer- en skoenpolitoer) behaal het, het hy ‘n liefde vir wasnavorsing ontwikkel,<br />

wat toe ‘n onderwerp vir navorsing by Qwaqwa geword het. Sy eerste nagraadse student was Chris<br />

Nhlapo, wat sy navorsing oor die kruisbinding by was (daarop gemik om sterker en duursamer was te<br />

ontwikkel) suksesvol voltooi het en sy meestersgraad in Chemie in 1996 (die eerste in die geskiedenis<br />

van Qwaqwa) ontvang het. Gedurende hierdie tyd het pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt ook ‘n honneursgraad in Chemie by<br />

die Qwaqwa Kampus ingestel. Sindsdien het ‘n hele aantal studente hulle honneurs in Chemie, sowel<br />

as meestersgrade aan hierdie kampus verwerf. Teenswoordig bestaan die polimeer navorsingsgroep<br />

uit pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt, dr Nhlapo, tien meestersgraadstudente, drie doktorale studente en twee na-doktorale<br />

persone.<br />

Die was-navorsing gaan steeds voort, aangesien daar sekere onbeantwoorde vrae bestaan, byvoorbeeld<br />

waar presies die was in die polimeerstruktuur geleë is, aangesien was baie korter kettings het as<br />

plastiek. Ander navorsing in die groep sluit in polimeer/polimeer vermenging, polimeersamestellings<br />


(die meng van een <strong>of</strong> meer van die plastieksoorte met natuurlike vesels <strong>of</strong> houtpoeier om produkte te<br />

vorm wat versterk is om byvoorbeeld as motoronderdele te gebruik), en nano-/dwergsamestellings<br />

(die invoer van klein hoeveelhede van uiters klein deeltjies van metaal <strong>of</strong> klei in plastiek, wat aanleiding<br />

gee tot produkte met uitsonderlike eienskappe). Hulle berei die mengsels en samestellings op<br />

verskillende maniere en bepaal die struktuur en eienskappe van die mengsels en samestellings deur<br />

‘n verskeidenheid tegnieke te gebruik. Dr Nhlapo<br />

en sy studente konsentreer meer op die sintese<br />

van nuwe polimere <strong>of</strong> plastiek, deur verskillende<br />

katalisator-sisteme te gebruik. Alhoewel hierdie<br />

navorsing relatief nuut by die Qwaqwa Kampus<br />

is, sal dit ‘n belangrike nuwe dimensie aan die<br />

bestaande navorsing gee.<br />

Deur die jare het pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt en sy studente meer as 40<br />

navorsingsartikels in toonaangewende internasionale<br />

tydskrifte gepubliseer en ook verskeie referate by<br />

konferensies wêreldwyd gelewer. Die departement<br />

het sterk samewerkingsooreenkomste met<br />

Europese navorsingsgroepe in Duitsland, Slowakye<br />

en Hongarye. Die Hongaarse medewerking word<br />

befonds deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting en<br />

verskeie studente het hulle Hongaarse eweknieë<br />

besoek.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Luyt erken met dankbaarheid die rol wat die Nasionale Navorsingstigting gespeel het deur hulle<br />

hulp om die infrastruktuur by die Qwaqwa Kampus tot stand te bring, asook in die steun aan die<br />

studente om met hulle nagraadse studie voort te gaan.<br />


Kurutlele or Biddulphsberg near Senekal.<br />

‘n Groep van Bloemfontein saam met lede van die Mayeyi-stam in Desember 2003<br />

voor die museum by Sangwali.<br />


A HISTORY OF THE MAKOLOLO (1823-1851)<br />

Mr Cobus Dreyer<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Anthropology<br />

There is an old Basotho proverb which says “Ho khetha ka maoto” and means something like<br />

“Emigration is a form <strong>of</strong> political resistance, like voting with one’s feet”. At <strong>the</strong> onset <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> “difaqane”,<br />

(wars <strong>of</strong> devastation) in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Highveld in 1822, <strong>the</strong> Bafokeng tribe <strong>of</strong> Sebetoane was uprooted<br />

from <strong>the</strong>ir ancestral lands at Kurutlele, or Biddulphsberg, near <strong>the</strong> present day Senekal in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong>. Subsequently, Sebetoane led <strong>the</strong>m on a journey that was to last for approximately sixteen years<br />

and take <strong>the</strong>m over nearly 5 000 kilometres across veld, desert and swamp, searching for a ‘place<br />

<strong>of</strong> tranquillity’ in which to settle. Eventually known as <strong>the</strong> Makololo, <strong>the</strong> tribe reached <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong><br />

Barotseland. On <strong>the</strong> way <strong>the</strong>y had to fight many battles, winning most, but occasionally losing all <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

cattle. Despite <strong>the</strong>se hardships and suffering, Sebetoane managed to hold his people toge<strong>the</strong>r and<br />

to enrich <strong>the</strong> tribe. Feared even by <strong>the</strong> Ndebele <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> notorious Mzilikazi, Sebetoane became one <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> most powerful chiefs <strong>of</strong> his time in Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa. 1<br />

Mr Dreyer has spent several years researching <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Makololo Sebetoane, originally a<br />

Bafokeng tribe <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Basotho people. He has co-authored an article with Stella Kilby <strong>of</strong> Thorpe Bay,<br />

Essex, UK, who is a direct descendant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Price family. They came to Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa in about<br />

1859 to work as missionaries amongst <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong> Sebetoane.<br />

At <strong>the</strong> outbreak <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> difaqane, a group <strong>of</strong> Bafokeng was living at Kurutlele (Biddulphsberg), <strong>the</strong><br />

centre <strong>of</strong> about eight villages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mangole, a tribe under <strong>the</strong>ir chief Mangoane, <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong><br />


Sebetoane. They had <strong>the</strong> wild vine or morara as <strong>the</strong>ir emblem (seboko). Sebetoane was about 20<br />

years <strong>of</strong> age when he became chief. He had been described as being brave and intelligent beyond<br />

his years and having distinguished himself in many ways. He can be commemorated as exceptional<br />

for being <strong>the</strong> only chief to establish a new state by integrating different peoples outside <strong>the</strong> traditional<br />

Sotho culture area. According to one narrator Sebetoane ”became <strong>the</strong> greatest warrior <strong>of</strong> his day<br />

between <strong>the</strong> Orange River and <strong>the</strong> Zambezi”. Outlined as a brave man “with vision and determination“,<br />

his ruling skills are proven by <strong>the</strong> fact that he obtained <strong>the</strong> tribal leadership <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bafokeng as a<br />

member <strong>of</strong> a junior group. After his conquest <strong>of</strong> Barotseland he made no discrimination between<br />

his own people and <strong>the</strong> Lozi, and by allowing participation in important decisions by his subjects,<br />

persuaded his people to loyalty. Eventually he became one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> few chiefs to retain control over his<br />

people after <strong>the</strong> wars.<br />

The Makololo were not to enjoy peace for long. Mzilikazi was driven north by <strong>the</strong> European settlers<br />

in 1837 and it is estimated that <strong>the</strong> Ndebele settled in <strong>the</strong> region south <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Zambezi and east <strong>of</strong><br />

Sebetoane’s domain in 1840. Mzilikazi had not forgotten <strong>the</strong>ir various clashes and <strong>the</strong> many defeats<br />

Sebetoane had inflicted upon him. Consequently, with <strong>the</strong>se two powerful chiefs as neighbours,<br />

conflict was inevitable.<br />

David Livingstone arrived at Sebetoane’s head quarters in June 1851 bringing his wife and family with<br />

<strong>the</strong> clear aim <strong>of</strong> settling amongst <strong>the</strong> Makololo as <strong>the</strong>ir missionary. At <strong>the</strong> time Livingstone described<br />

Sebetoane as being about forty-five, in manner cool and collected, and more frank in his answers<br />

than any o<strong>the</strong>r chief he had ever met. Within days <strong>of</strong> Livingstone’s arrival, on 7 July 1851, Sebetoane<br />

died <strong>of</strong> inflammation in <strong>the</strong> lungs after he had insisted on riding Livingstone’s horse and, and when<br />

urging <strong>the</strong> creature to gallop, he fell and opened an old wound. Sebetoane’s grave is still found in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Caprivi and is well tended by <strong>the</strong> Mayeyi people who live in <strong>the</strong> region. It lies about 4 km south <strong>of</strong><br />

Sangwali, which is <strong>the</strong> site <strong>of</strong> Sebetoane’s old capital Linyanti.<br />

Sekeletu, <strong>the</strong> son <strong>of</strong> Sebetoane now became chief <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Makololo, residing at his capital, which he<br />

also called Linyanti, situated about 20km south-east from his fa<strong>the</strong>r’s old capital. When Sebetoane<br />

invaded Barotseland in 1838 some chiefs had fled north, resulting in <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> three small<br />

kingdoms. Sipopa, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sons <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir former king Mulambwa, who had remained with <strong>the</strong><br />

Makololo, subsequently slipped away and joined his cousins. He formed an army in exile and watched<br />

events closely. Sekeletu’s death precipitated fur<strong>the</strong>r conflict and infighting over leadership <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

already weakened Makololo. In 1864 Sipopa staged an ambush on <strong>the</strong> Makololo. All able-bodied men<br />


who did not manage to flee were killed. This was <strong>the</strong> final blow for <strong>the</strong> great tribe that Sebetoane had<br />

built up and held toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

Sebetoane went a long way to find <strong>the</strong> land where he could dwell in peace with his people, but he<br />

never did. As Livingstone once wrote: “He had led a life <strong>of</strong> war, yet no one apparently desired peace<br />

more than he did.” He crushed all <strong>the</strong> tribes in his path on his long march and defeated even <strong>the</strong><br />

mighty Ndebele in battle on several occasions.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> defeat <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Makololo <strong>the</strong> Lozi regained control <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir territory. Since <strong>the</strong> demise <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Makololo one hundred and forty years ago, <strong>the</strong> region has inevitably undergone fur<strong>the</strong>r changes,<br />

particularly during <strong>the</strong> period <strong>of</strong> British rule. However, Sebetoane’s influence remains, primarily in <strong>the</strong><br />

language, Silozi, or Lozi, which is <strong>the</strong> old Sesotho-based language <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Makololo. Little remains<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> great tribe that Sebetoane built up, but through oral history <strong>the</strong> present members are wellinformed<br />

<strong>of</strong> him and his legacy. There is little doubt <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> achievement <strong>of</strong> this one man, who held<br />

his tribe toge<strong>the</strong>r through extreme hardship and privation and also enlarged his tribe with his ability<br />

to create a strong and united kingdom far from his ancestral home. Sebetoane’s exploits must surely<br />

place him amongst <strong>the</strong> greatest <strong>of</strong> African chiefs.<br />



(1823-1851)<br />

Mnr Cobus Dreyer<br />

Departement Antropologie<br />

Daar is ‘n ou Basoeto spreekwoord wat lui: “Ho khetha ka maoto” en dit beteken min <strong>of</strong> meer iets<br />

soos “Emigrasie is ‘n vorm van politieke weerstand, soos om met jou voete te stem”. Met die begin<br />

van die ‘difaqane’ (verwoestende oorloë) op die suidelike hoëveld in 1822, was die Bafokengstam<br />

van Sebotoane ontwortel van die land van hul voorvaders by Kurutlele, <strong>of</strong> Biddulphsberg, geleë naby<br />

die huidige Senekal. Daarna het Sebetoane hulle gelei op ‘n reis wat sowat sestien jaar sou duur<br />

en hulle ongeveer 5 000 kilometers deur veld, woestyn en moeras geneem op soek na ‘n ‘plek van<br />

kalmte’ waar hulle kon vestig. Uiteindelik bekend as die Makololo, het hulle die hart van Barotseland<br />

bereik. Onderweg moes hulle baie oorloë voer, waarvan hulle die meeste gewen het, maar gereeld al<br />


hul beeste verloor het. Ten spyte van hierdie teenspoed en lyding, het Sebetoane daarin geslaag om<br />

sy mense bymekaar te hou en die stam te verryk. Selfs gevrees deur die Ndebele van die berugte<br />

Mzilikazi, het Sebetoane een van die magtigste ho<strong>of</strong>manne van sy tyd in Suid-Afrika geword.<br />

Mnr Dreyer het oor verskeie jare die geskiedenis van die Makololo-stam, oorspronklik ‘n Bafokengstam<br />

van die Basoeto’s nagevors. Hy was mede-skrywer van ‘n artikel saam met Stella Kirby van<br />

Thorpe Bay, Essez, UK, wat ‘n direkte afstammeling van die Price familie is. Hulle het in ongeveer 1851<br />

na suidelike Afrika gekom om as sendelinge tussen die Makololo-stam van Sebetoane te werk.<br />

Met die uitbreek van die “difaqane’, het ‘n groep van die Bafokeng-stam by Kurutlele (Biddulphsberg),<br />

die middelpunt van ongeveer agt statte van die Mangole, ‘n stam onder ho<strong>of</strong>man Mangoane, die vader<br />

van Sebetoane, gewoon. Hulle het die wilde rankplant <strong>of</strong> morara as hulle embleem (seboko) gehad.<br />

Sebetoane was omtrent 20 jaar oud toe hy ho<strong>of</strong>man geword het. Hy is beskryf as dapperder en<br />

intelligenter as sy jare en het hom op vele maniere onderskei. Hy kon as uitstaande en gedenkwaardig<br />

bestempel word, omdat hy die enigste ho<strong>of</strong>man was wat ‘n nuwe staat tot stand kon bring deur<br />

verskillende mense buite die tradisionele Sotho-kultuurgebied te integreer. Volgens ‘n verteller het<br />

Sebotoane “die grootse krygsman van sy tyd tussen die Oranjerivier en die Zambezi” geword. In<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>trekke is hy beskryf as ‘n dapper man “met visie en vasberadenheid”. Sy vermoë om te lei, is<br />

bewys deur die feit dat hy die leierskap van die Bafokengstam as lid van ‘n junior groep verkry het. Na<br />

sy verowering van Barotseland het hy nie gediskrimineer tussen sy eie mense en die Lozi nie, en deur<br />

deelname aan belangrike besluite deur sy onderdane, het hy hulle tot lojaliteit oorgehaal. Uiteindelik<br />

het hy een van die min ho<strong>of</strong>manne geword wat beheer oor sy mense na die oorloë behou het.<br />

Die Makololo kon nie vir lank vrede geniet nie. Mzilikatze is deur die Europese setlaars in 1837<br />

noordwaarts gedryf en daar word geskat dat die Ndebele in 1840 in die gebied suid van die Zambezi<br />

en oos van Sebetoane se domein gevestig het. Mzilikatze het nie hulle verskeie botsings en die baie<br />

neerlae wat Sebetoane hom laat ly het, vergeet nie. Gevolglik was konflik, met hierdie twee magtige<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>manne as bure, onvermydelik.<br />

David Livingstone het in Junie 1851 by Sebetoane se ho<strong>of</strong>kwartier aangekom, vergesel van sy vrou en<br />

familie, met die duidelike doelwit om hom tussen die Makololo as hul sendeling te vestig. Livingstone<br />

het Sebetoane op hierdie tydstip as ongeveer 45 jaar oud beskryf, met ‘n kalm en bedaarde houding<br />

en meer openlik in sy antwoorde as enige ander ho<strong>of</strong>man wat hy ooit ontmoet het. ‘n Paar dae na<br />

Livingstone se aankoms, op 7 Julie 1851, het Sebetoane gesterf aan inflammasie van die longe wat<br />

gevolg het op die besering van ‘n ou wond. Sebetoane het daarop aangedring om op Livingstone<br />


se perd te ry en, met die aanspoor van die perd tot ‘n galop, het hy die wond oopgeval. Sebetoane<br />

se graf word steeds in die Caprivi aangetref en word goed versorg deur die Mayeyi-stam wat in die<br />

omgewing woon. Dit is ongeveer 4 kilometer suid van Sangwali, die terrein van Sebetoane se ou<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>stad Linyanti, geleë.<br />

Sekeletu, die seun van Sebetoane, het hierna die ho<strong>of</strong>man van die Makololo geword en was gesetel<br />

in sy ho<strong>of</strong>stad wat hy ook Linyanti genoem het en wat omtrent 20 km suid-oos van sy vader se ou<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>stad geleë was. Toe Sebetoane Barotseland in 1838 ingeneem het, het sommige ho<strong>of</strong>manne<br />

noordwaarts gevlug, wat tot die totstandkoming van drie klein koninkrykies gelei het. Sipopa, een<br />

van die seuns van hul vorige koning, Mulambwa, wat by die Makololo gebly het, het vervolgens<br />

weggesluip en by sy neefs aangesluit. Hy het ‘n leër in ballingskap gevorm en gebeure fyn dopgehou.<br />

Sekelutu se dood het verdere konflik en binnegevegte oor leierskap van die alreeds verswakte<br />

Makololo verhaas. In 1874 het Sipopa die Makololo in ‘n lokval gelei. Al die liggaamlik-weerbare<br />

manne wat nie kon vlug nie, is doodgemaak. Dit was die finale slag vir die eens magtige stam wat<br />

deur Sebetoane opgebou en bymekaargehou is.<br />

Sebetoane het ‘n lang pad gestap om die land waar hy in vreedsaamheid met sy mense kon woon,<br />

te vind, maar tevergeefs. Soos Livingstone eenkeer geskryf het: “Hy het ‘n lewe van oorlog gely, tog<br />

het niemand oënskynlik vrede meer begeer as hy nie.” Hy het al die stamme in sy pad op sy lang tog<br />

oorwin en selfs die magtige Ndebele by verskeie geleen<strong>the</strong>de verslaan.<br />

Na die neerlaag van die Makololo het die Lozi beheer oor hulle gebied herwin. Sedert die uitsterf van<br />

die Makololo eenhonderd en veertig jaar gelede, het die gebied onvermydelik verdere veranderinge<br />

ondergaan, veral gedurende die periode van Britse heerskappy. Sebetoane se invloed was egter<br />

blywend, ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik in die taal, Silozi, <strong>of</strong> Lozi, wat die ou Sesotho-gebaseerde taal van die Makololo<br />

is. Daar het min oorgebly van die sterk stam wat Sebetoane opgebou het, maar deur mondelinge<br />

oorlewering is die huidige inwoners deeglik bewus van hom en sy nalatenskap. Daar is egter geen<br />

twyfel oor die prestasie van een man, die behoud en uitbreiding van sy stam deur erge teenspoed<br />

en ontbering oor ‘n lang afstand en oor sy vermoë om ‘n sterk en verenigde koninkryk ver van sy<br />

voorvaderlike tuiste te skep nie. Sebetoane se prestasies moet hom verseker tussen die grootste<br />

van Afrika se leiers plaas.<br />


Mr Nico Scholtz and Johan Loock - a sample <strong>of</strong> uranium<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Willem van der Westhuizen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geology<br />

Apart from <strong>the</strong> hosting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Students’ Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Geological Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa during June<br />

2003 and <strong>the</strong> associated excursions to <strong>the</strong> world-famous Vredefort impact locality, gold mines and<br />

fossil occurrences, research was conducted on numerous geological, geochemical, archaeological<br />

and environmental aspects. The incidence <strong>of</strong> high-quality diamonds in ancient river systems, mineral<br />

resources management, <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> radio-active material in experimental mining in <strong>the</strong> Karoo,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Thua<strong>the</strong> meteorite, that fell in Lesotho in July 2002, <strong>the</strong> structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Aggeneys mountains and<br />

fish fossils in a rock layer near Philippolis were among <strong>the</strong> topics that were studied.<br />


Dr WP Colliston and Mr L Nel conducted research on paleo river channels. Erosion took place after<br />

<strong>the</strong> invasion <strong>of</strong> kimberlites, and <strong>the</strong> area was drained by ancient rivers such as <strong>the</strong> Karoo river system<br />

and <strong>the</strong> later ancient Orange River. Diamonds derived from <strong>the</strong> kimberlites were transported along<br />

<strong>the</strong>se rivers, and were deposited in <strong>the</strong> old gravels. In <strong>the</strong> transport process, boulders ground against<br />

one ano<strong>the</strong>r and destroyed all poor-quality diamonds. Only <strong>the</strong> best-quality diamonds were preserved,<br />

and are found in <strong>the</strong> old terrace gravels today. Geologists are searching for <strong>the</strong>se old riverbeds and<br />

terrace gravels for mining purposes. Many miners make a living from mining <strong>the</strong>se gravels.<br />

Research on mineral resources management also gave rise to a publication and a paper at <strong>the</strong> 31st<br />

International Symposium on <strong>the</strong> Application <strong>of</strong> Computers and Operations Research in <strong>the</strong> Minerals<br />

Industries. This research is aimed at managing <strong>the</strong> mining process more cost-effectively. Aspects<br />

such as LOM (Life <strong>of</strong> Mine) are addressed in this regard. Particular attention is paid to integrated<br />

management <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total mining value chain, and <strong>the</strong>re is a shift away from <strong>the</strong> isolated management<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> different mining units (geology, mining, planning and construction). New principles include <strong>the</strong><br />

classification <strong>of</strong> ore according to <strong>the</strong> behaviour throughout <strong>the</strong> mining process, ra<strong>the</strong>r than according<br />

to geology. Attention is also given to condition-driven standards, and possible constraints in <strong>the</strong><br />

system are identified and measures are implemented to rectify such constraints.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> Students’ Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Geological Society <strong>of</strong> South Africa, staff and students <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Geology Department delivered various presentations. Students from several African countries as well<br />

as from <strong>the</strong> USA were present. Staff and students also delivered presentations at <strong>the</strong> congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Society <strong>of</strong> South African Geographers, <strong>the</strong> 15 th Biennial Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn African Society<br />

for Quaternary Research and <strong>the</strong> Biennial Conference <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> South African Historical Society.<br />

Research on meteorites led to <strong>the</strong> discovery <strong>of</strong> antimony sulphides in <strong>the</strong> Thua<strong>the</strong> meteorite, which<br />

fell in Lesotho in July 2002. This is <strong>the</strong> first find <strong>of</strong> antimony sulphides in material from outer space.<br />

Research on <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> radio-active material in experimental mining that took place in <strong>the</strong> late<br />

70’s and early 80’s in <strong>the</strong> Karoo, indicates unacceptable contamination levels and high pollution. The<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> National Nuclear Regulator was informed, and possible clean-up measures are<br />

being considered. Meanwhile, research on <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se radio-active incidences continues.<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r geological research includes unravelling <strong>the</strong> complex structure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Aggeneys Mountains. In<br />

order to facilitate future exploration for base metal sulphides it is imperative to recognise <strong>the</strong> macro<br />

sheath fold structures and <strong>the</strong> regional thrust faults.<br />


A palaeontologist <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Geosciences Board named a new fish fossil after Mr Johan Loock from <strong>the</strong><br />

Geology Department. Mr Koos Viviers, a former student <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> department, spotted this fish in a rock<br />

layer near Philippolis a few years ago. Mr Loock identified <strong>the</strong> fish as belonging to <strong>the</strong> paleoniscoids,<br />

a group <strong>of</strong> extinct fish that occurred all over <strong>the</strong> world, including <strong>the</strong> Karoo basin <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa.<br />

In his description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fossil, Dr Patrick Bender <strong>of</strong>ficially named <strong>the</strong> fish Polisichthys Loocki, stating<br />

in motivation that Mr Loock showed an interest in Karoo fish over a period <strong>of</strong> many years, and<br />

conducted research on <strong>the</strong>m. In palaeontological circles, it is regarded as a great honour when a new<br />

fossil species is named after a person.<br />

About 20 years ago, a visiting American palaeontologist also named a small crustacean fossil after Mr<br />

Loock, in acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> his assistance with fieldwork and <strong>the</strong> collection <strong>of</strong> fossils.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Willem van der Westhuizen<br />

Departement Geologie<br />

Benewens die aanbieding van die Studentekongres van die Geologiese Vereniging van Suid-<br />

Afrika gedurende Junie 2003 en gepaardgaande ekskursies na die wêreldbekende Vredefortimpaklokaliteit,<br />

goudmyne en fossielvoorkomste, is navorsing oor talle geologiese, geochemiese,<br />

argeologiese en omgewingsaspekte gedoen. Die voorkoms van kwaliteitdiamante in oerrivierstelsels,<br />

mineralehulpbronbestuur, die voorkoms van radio-aktiewe materiaal by proefmynbou in die Karoo, die<br />

Thua<strong>the</strong>-meteoriet wat in Julie 2002 in Lesotho geval het, die struktuur van die Aggeneysberge en<br />

visfossiele in ’n rotslaag naby Philippolis, was van die onderwerpe wat bestudeer is.<br />

Dr WP Colliston en mnr L Nel het navorsing gedoen oor paleorivierkanale. Na die indringing van<br />

kimberliete het verwering plaasgevind, en oerriviere soos die Karooriviersisteem en die latere Oer-<br />

Oranjerivier, het die gebied gedreineer. Diamante afkomstig van die kimberliete is met hierdie riviere<br />

langs vervoer, en is in die oergruise afgeset. In die proses het rolstene teen mekaar gestamp en alle<br />

swakkwaliteit-diamante vernietig. Net die beste diamante het behoue gebly, en kom vandag in die<br />

ou terrasgruise voor. Geoloë soek na hierdie ou rivierlope en terrasgruise vir mynboudoeleindes. Baie<br />

delwers maak ‘n lewe uit die delf van hierdie gruise.<br />


Navorsing oor Mineralehulpbronbestuur het ook aanleiding gegee tot ‘n publikasie en ‘n kongresreferaat<br />

by die 31ste Internasionale Simposium oor die Application <strong>of</strong> computers and operations research in <strong>the</strong><br />

mineral industries. Die navorsing het ten doel om die mynbouproses meer koste-effektief te bestuur.<br />

Hier word aspekte soos LOM (Life <strong>of</strong> Mine) aangespreek. Daar word veral gekyk na geïntegreerde<br />

bestuur van die totale mynbouwaardeketting, en daar word wegbeweeg van die geïsoleerde bestuur<br />

van die verskillende mynbou-eenhede (geologie, mynbou, beplanning en aanleg). Nuwe beginsels<br />

is die klassifisering van erts volgens die gedrag regdeur die mynbouproses, eerder as volgens die<br />

geologie. Daar word ook baie aandag gegee aan “condition-driven standards”, en dan word daar<br />

ook voortdurend na moontlike beperkinge in die proses gesoek en stappe word gedoen om dit reg<br />

te stel.<br />

Tydens die Studentekongres van die Geologiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika het personeel en studente<br />

van die Departement Geologie ‘n verskeidenheid voordragte aangebied. Studente van verskeie ander<br />

Afrika-lande en ook van die VSA was teenwoordig. Personeel en studente het ook voordragte gelewer<br />

by die kongres van die Vereniging van Suid-Afrikaanse Geograwe, die 15 de Tweejaarlikse Kongres<br />

van die Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Kwartêrnavorsing en die Tweejaarlikse Kongres van die Suid-<br />

Afrikaanse Historiese Vereniging.<br />

Navorsing oor meteoriete het gelei tot die ontdekking van antimoonsulfiedes in die Thua<strong>the</strong>-meteoriet,<br />

wat in Julie 2002 in Lesotho geval het. Dit is die eerste keer dat antimoonsulfiedes in ruimtemateriaal<br />

gevind is.<br />

Navorsing oor die voorkoms van radio-aktiewe materiaal by proefmynbou wat in die laat 70’s en<br />

vroeë 80’s in die Karoo plaasgevind het, dui op onaanvaarbare vlakke van kontaminasie en hoë<br />

besoedeling. Die Departement van die Nasionale Kernreguleerdeer is in kennis gestel, en daar word<br />

aandag geskenk aan moontlike opruimingsaksies. Navorsing oor die impak van hierdie radioaktiewe<br />

voorkomste gaan intussen voort.<br />

Ander geologiese navorsing sluit die ontrafeling van die komplekse struktuur van die Aggeneysberge<br />

in, vir toekomstige eksplorasie van basiese metaalsulfiedes is dit noodsaaklik om die groot skedeplooistrukture<br />

en regionale stootverskuiwings te kan herken.<br />

‘n Paleontoloog van die Raad vir Geesteswetenskappe het ‘n nuwe visfossiel na mnr Johan Loock<br />


van die Departement Geologie vernoem. Dié vis is enkele jare gelede deur mnr Koos Viviers, ‘n<br />

oudstudent van die departement, in ‘n rotslaag naby Philippolis raakgesien. Mnr Loock het die vis<br />

geïdentifiseer as behorende tot paleoniskoïedes, ‘n groep uitgestorwe visse wat wêreldwyd - ook<br />

in die Karoo van Suidelike Afrika - voorgekom het. In sy beskrywing van die fossiel het dr Patrick<br />

Bender die vis amptelik Polisichthys Loocki genoem, en as motivering aangevoer dat mnr Loock oor<br />

‘n tydperk van baie jare ‘n belangstelling in Karoo-visse getoon het en navorsing oor hulle gedoen<br />

het. In paleontologiese kringe word dit as ‘n groot eer beskou wanneer ‘n nuwe fossielspesie na ‘n<br />

persoon vernoem word.<br />

Sowat 20 jaar gelede het ‘n besoekende Amerikaanse paleontoloog ook ‘n klein skaaldierfossiel na<br />

mnr Loock vernoem, uit erkentlikheid vir sy hulp met veldwerk en die versameling van fossiele.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


‘n Vooraansig van die ho<strong>of</strong>gebou UV-kampus 2003.<br />


Ms Annegret Lombard<br />

Right: Photograph showing general appearance <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Thua<strong>the</strong> meteorite.<br />



Ms Annegret Lombard<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Geology<br />

On Sunday, 21 July 2002 at approximately 15:45 SAST, a fireball entered <strong>the</strong> atmosphere above<br />

Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa. The Thua<strong>the</strong> meteorite, as it later became known, created much excitement and was<br />

widely observed. It was <strong>the</strong> first reported meteorite from Lesotho.<br />

After Nico Scholtz, an M.Sc. student at <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Geology, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

(<strong>UFS</strong>), witnessed <strong>the</strong> meteorite entering <strong>the</strong> atmosphere, he immediately set out to investigate <strong>the</strong><br />

matter. Police stations, farmers, tour operators and numerous o<strong>the</strong>r persons were approached for<br />

eyewitness reports within <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn and eastern <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Witnesses were asked to complete<br />

a “meteorite reporting form”. This included <strong>the</strong> date and time <strong>of</strong> sighting, tremors and sounds. If<br />

possible, latitude and longitude were recorded, toge<strong>the</strong>r with direction <strong>of</strong> sighting. O<strong>the</strong>r information,<br />

including light intensity and colour, velocity, duration <strong>of</strong> light and sound as well as fragmentation, was<br />

also collected.<br />


Frans-Willem van der Westhuizen (son <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> WA van der Westhuizen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Geology,<br />

<strong>UFS</strong>), witnessed <strong>the</strong> fall while travelling due east on <strong>the</strong> Petrusburg road. To him it seemed as if <strong>the</strong><br />

meteorite had fallen in <strong>the</strong> veld nearby, but in actual fact <strong>the</strong> site was about 200 km away. Ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

interesting report came from Captain Jane Trembath, an airline pilot with South African Airways. She<br />

was on her way to Port Elizabeth and travelling in a sou<strong>the</strong>rly direction when she encountered <strong>the</strong><br />

smoke trail left by <strong>the</strong> meteorite and plotted <strong>the</strong> position on her aviation charts.<br />

A first-year student from Lesotho brought a piece <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> meteorite to <strong>the</strong> department <strong>of</strong> Geology,<br />

<strong>UFS</strong>, about two months after <strong>the</strong> fall. Researchers from <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> immediately departed to Lesotho<br />

to acquire samples, since this meteorite presented a wonderful research opportunity to complement<br />

ongoing research on three meteorites from Malawi. Unfortunately, most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> samples were merely<br />

chips broken <strong>of</strong>f from bigger specimens, so that <strong>the</strong> locals had more pieces to sell. Luckily <strong>the</strong><br />

department was able to acquire some large specimens, <strong>the</strong> biggest <strong>of</strong> which weighed about 1.2 kg<br />

and cost in <strong>the</strong> region <strong>of</strong> R150. The local community soon realised <strong>the</strong> monetary value <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> “rocks<br />

that fell from <strong>the</strong> sky”, and researchers had to buy samples from <strong>the</strong>m. The price <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> meteorite<br />

fragments skyrocketed after collectors and dealers took an interest.<br />

The Thua<strong>the</strong> fall was a meteoric shower. About 600 meteorite samples <strong>of</strong> different sizes have been<br />

recovered from <strong>the</strong> site by various academic institutions, as well as collectors, over a seven-month<br />

period. The recovered samples range from a few grams to about 2.5 kg in weight, and are irregular in<br />

shape. Characterisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> meteorite in terms <strong>of</strong> its chemical composition and physical properties<br />

is currently progressing well, and very interesting results are being obtained.<br />



Me Annegret Lombard<br />

Departement Geologie<br />

Op Sondag 21 Julie 2002 om ongeveer 15:45 SAST het ‘n vuurbal die atmosfeer bokant Suider-Afrika<br />

binnegekom. Die Thua<strong>the</strong>-meteoriet, soos wat dit later genoem is, het vir groot opwinding gesorg<br />

en is deur baie mense waargeneem. Dit was die eerste opgetekende geval van ‘n meteoriet wat in<br />

Lesotho geval het.<br />


Nadat Nico Scholtz, ‘n M.Sc.-student by die Departement Geologie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV),<br />

gesien het hoe die meteoriet die atmosfeer binnekom, het hy dadelik begin om ondersoek in te stel.<br />

Polisiestasies, boere, toeroperateurs en nog talle ander binne die suidelike en oostelike Vrystaat is<br />

genader vir ooggetuienis. Ooggetuies is versoek om ‘n “meteoriet-verslagdoeningsvorm” in te vul. Dit<br />

het die datum en tyd van waarneming, skuddings en geluide ingesluit. Indien moontlik is breedte- en<br />

lengtegrade ook aangeteken, tesame met die rigting van die waarneming. Ander inligting betreffende<br />

aspekte soos ligintensiteit en -kleur, snelheid, duur van lig en klank, asook fragmentering, is ook<br />

ingesamel.<br />

Frans-Willem van der Westhuizen (seun van pr<strong>of</strong> WA van der Westhuizen van die Departement<br />

Geologie, UV), het die meteoriet sien val terwyl hy besig was om in ‘n oostelike rigting te reis op<br />

die Petrusburg-pad. Vir hom het dit gelyk as<strong>of</strong> die meteoriet in die veld daar naby geval het, maar<br />

in werklikheid was die terrein waar dit geval het, omtrent 200 km van daar af. Nog ‘n interessante<br />

verslag is ontvang van Kaptein Jane Trembath, ‘n lugdiensvlieënier by die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens.<br />

Sy was in ‘n suidelike rigting op pad na Port Elizabeth toe sy die rookspoor teëgekom het wat deur<br />

die meteoriet agtergelaat is en die posisie op haar lugvaartkaarte aangedui het.<br />

‘n Eerstejaarstudent van Lesotho het omtrent twee maande na die val van die meteoriet ‘n stuk daarvan<br />

na die Departement Geologie by die UV gebring. Navorsers van die UV het onmiddellik na Lesotho<br />

vertrek om monsters te bekom, aangesien hierdie meteoriet ‘n wonderlike navorsingsgeleen<strong>the</strong>id<br />

verteenwoordig het om navorsing waarmee hulle reeds besig was oor drie meteoriete uit Malawi, aan<br />

te vul. Ongelukkig was meeste van die monsters bloot splinters wat van groter stukke afgebreek is,<br />

sodat die plaaslike inwoners meer stukke kon hê om te verkoop. Gelukkig kon die departement tog ‘n<br />

paar groot stukke bekom, waarvan die grootste omtrent 1.2 kg geweeg het en in die omgewing van<br />

R150 gekos het. Die plaaslike gemeenskap het gou die finansiële waarde besef van die “klippe wat uit<br />

die lug geval het”, en navorsers moes by hulle monsters koop. Die prys van die meteorietfragmente<br />

het die hoogte ingeskiet nadat versamelaars and handelaars belangstelling begin toon het.<br />

Die Thua<strong>the</strong>-val was ‘n meteorietreën. Oor ‘n tydperk van sewe maande is omtrent 600<br />

meteorietmonsters van verskillende groottes van die terrein herwin deur verskeie akademiese<br />

instellings, asook versamelaars. Die gewig van die monsters wat herwin is, wissel van ‘n paar gram<br />

tot ongeveer 2.5 kg, en hulle is oneweredig gevorm. Goeie vordering word tans gemaak met die<br />

karakterisering van die meteoriet in terme van sy chemiese samestelling en fisiese eienskappe, en<br />

baie interessante resultate word verkry.<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie Oosthuizen<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Criminal and Medical Law<br />

Criminal and Medical Law are such fascinating areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> legal system that <strong>the</strong>y inspire and motivate<br />

any academic to investigate and research <strong>the</strong>m extensively. Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie Oosthuizen’s interest in<br />

both <strong>the</strong>se areas has resulted in a lot <strong>of</strong> research being done, especially in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> medical law.<br />

The adoption <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Constitution <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Republic <strong>of</strong> South Africa 108 <strong>of</strong> 1996 had a dramatic effect<br />

on both Criminal and Medical Law, which is experienced in practice on a daily basis.<br />

Research in Criminal Law<br />

Amendments to acts, as well as <strong>the</strong> promulgation <strong>of</strong> new laws to address <strong>the</strong> wave <strong>of</strong> national<br />

and international financial crime, are <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day. Our legal system has to find measures<br />

to deal with serious economic crime like money laundering, corruption, fraud, drug trafficking and<br />

gangsterism. Research on how <strong>the</strong> government is trying to curb this flood by way <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> National<br />

Prosecuting Authority, legislation for <strong>the</strong> prevention <strong>of</strong> organised crime, <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> special<br />

units like <strong>the</strong> Scorpions and <strong>the</strong> Office for Serious Economic Crime (OSEC) , and <strong>the</strong> contribution <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> business sector like Business Against Crime, is also being done by Pr<strong>of</strong> Oosthuizen.<br />

204<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie Oosthuizen

Part <strong>of</strong> this legislation regulates international co-operation with o<strong>the</strong>r countries in criminal matters.<br />

Procedures regarding deportation and <strong>the</strong> trial <strong>of</strong> criminals across our borders are simplified as a<br />

result <strong>of</strong> this legislation. The recent establishment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International Crime Court in <strong>the</strong> Hague will<br />

also assist in simplifying cases <strong>of</strong> international terrorism, mass murder, drug dealing, genocide and<br />

serious economic crimes. These matters, which are internationally regarded as priorities, also form<br />

part <strong>of</strong> a new research project by this researcher.<br />

Research in Medical Law<br />

Medical science has developed and progressed astronomically over <strong>the</strong> past years. This is <strong>the</strong> result<br />

<strong>of</strong> continuous and intensive research, <strong>of</strong> man’s unstoppable urge to develop, refine and perfect.<br />

This medical progress has necessitated <strong>the</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> guidelines for research. The protection<br />

<strong>of</strong> both <strong>the</strong> individual and society and <strong>the</strong> urge to survive demand <strong>the</strong>se guidelines. Rigid guidelines,<br />

however, serve no purpose, as society and public norms are continually changing along with <strong>the</strong><br />

advancements in technology. HIV/AIDS, euthanasia, surrogate mo<strong>the</strong>rhood, human cloning, research<br />

on embryos and stem cell research are currently a few <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> interesting topics under discussion and<br />

objects <strong>of</strong> research projects.<br />

For <strong>the</strong> past few years Pr<strong>of</strong> Oosthuizen has been concerned with research regarding several aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> legal and ethical implications <strong>of</strong> HIV/AIDS. Toge<strong>the</strong>r with Pr<strong>of</strong> Teuns Verschoor he has discussed,<br />

researched and critiqued <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Health guidelines, strategic plan, draft documents and<br />

proposals, <strong>the</strong> mission and guidelines <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Health Pr<strong>of</strong>essions Council <strong>of</strong> South Africa, <strong>the</strong> guidelines<br />

and viewpoints <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> South African Medical Association, <strong>the</strong> research reports and documents <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

South African Law Commission, and also court cases dealing with HIV/AIDS issues in several national<br />

and international journals as well as at congresses. Proposals to overcome <strong>the</strong>se problems and clarify<br />

<strong>the</strong> grey areas form part <strong>of</strong> this research. Because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> seriousness <strong>of</strong> this pandemic in our country,<br />

it is <strong>of</strong> vital importance that we continue with research for <strong>the</strong> protection <strong>of</strong> not only <strong>the</strong> patients, but<br />

also all <strong>the</strong> health care workers who come into contact with AIDS every day.<br />

Stem cell research, research on embryos and <strong>the</strong> cloning <strong>of</strong> human cells and particularly <strong>the</strong> legal<br />

and ethical dilemmas surrounding <strong>the</strong>se issues, are a very interesting part <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Oosthuizen’s<br />

research. The most controversial research using human tissue at present is that <strong>of</strong> stem cells derived<br />

from human embryos and foetuses.<br />

What is stem cell research? A stem cell is an unspecialised cell at an early stage <strong>of</strong> development. The<br />

term stem cell is used to refer to any cell which can renew tissue. Under certain conditions, stem cells<br />


can divide and differentiate into a large number <strong>of</strong> cell types that make up <strong>the</strong> tissue and organs <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> body. Stem cells can be successfully isolated and cultured in a laboratory from human embryos<br />

and from foetal reproductive tissue. Embryonic stem cells retain <strong>the</strong> ability to develop into nearly<br />

any cell type <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body. It is this potential <strong>of</strong> an embryonic stem cell that suggests <strong>the</strong> possibility <strong>of</strong><br />

new <strong>the</strong>rapies. The potential to derive stem cells from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow and foetal<br />

tissue, and for <strong>the</strong>se cells to regenerate <strong>the</strong>mselves has been known for some time. However, <strong>the</strong><br />

ability to extract stem cells from human embryos and grow <strong>the</strong>m in culture is a more recent advance,<br />

opening up a far wider range <strong>of</strong> treatment possibilities.<br />

What is meant by <strong>the</strong> cloning <strong>of</strong> a human cell? After <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> Dolly <strong>the</strong> sheep, <strong>the</strong>re was a public<br />

outcry and concern that <strong>the</strong> new cloning technique <strong>of</strong> cell nuclear replacement would be used in<br />

human reproduction. The production <strong>of</strong> babies through cloning is seen worldwide as an ethically<br />

unacceptable practice. No definite legislation or research guidelines exist in South Africa to regulate<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r stem cell research or <strong>the</strong> cloning <strong>of</strong> human cells. The Human Tissue Act 65 <strong>of</strong> 1983 is <strong>the</strong> only<br />

piece <strong>of</strong> legislation which can be used to regulate genetic manipulation. No o<strong>the</strong>r legislation exists<br />

to regulate issues like stem cell research and <strong>the</strong> cloning <strong>of</strong> human cells. The South African Medical<br />

Research Council’s Guidelines for Medical Research do not provide in any way for research on stem<br />

cells or <strong>the</strong> cloning <strong>of</strong> human cells. However, <strong>the</strong> new Draft National Health Bill does make provision<br />

for certain aspects <strong>of</strong> human cloning and stem cell research.<br />

The main objective <strong>of</strong> this research project is to make a comparative study <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> legislation and/or<br />

guidelines that exist in different parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world. The emphasis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> research is to examine <strong>the</strong><br />

different legal and ethical/moral guidelines/legislation in <strong>the</strong> United <strong>State</strong>s <strong>of</strong> America, <strong>the</strong> United<br />

Kingdom, <strong>the</strong> different European countries and especially <strong>the</strong> European Community. Declarations and<br />

codes by <strong>the</strong> different societies and associations will also be included in this investigation.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie Oosthuizen<br />

Departement Straf- en Geneeskundige Reg<br />

Die Konstitusie van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (108 van 1996) het ‘n dramatiese invloed op die<br />

Straf- en die Geneeskundige Reg meegebring en die effek daarvan word daagliks in die praktyk<br />


ervaar. Die Straf- en die Geneeskundige Reg is twee areas in die reg, wat so fassinerend is dat dit<br />

enige akademikus aanspoor om verdere ondersoek/navorsing daaroor te doen.<br />

Navorsing in die Strafreg<br />

Die bekamping moontlike vervolging van ernstige ekonomiese misdrywe soos geldwassery, korrupsie,<br />

bedrog, dwelmsmokkelary en –sindikate, rampokkers en bendes het deel van ons regsisteem geword.<br />

Wetswysigings en die daarstelling van nuwe wette om die vlaag van nasionale en internasionale<br />

finansiële misdaad die ho<strong>of</strong> te bied, is aan die orde van die dag. Pr<strong>of</strong> Oosthuizen doen navorsing<br />

oor hoe die regering by wyse van die Nasionale Vervolgingsgesag en wetgewing (wat spesifiek op die<br />

voorkoming van georganiseerde misdaad gerig is) poog om die probleem hok te slaan. Aansluitend<br />

daarby is sy navorsing oor die daarstelling van spesiale eenhede soos die Skerpioene en die Kantoor<br />

vir Ernstige Ekonomiese Misdaad (KEEM), asook organisasies uit die besigheidsektor soos Business<br />

Against Crime.<br />

Internasionale samewerking in strafsake maak ook deel uit van die nuwe wetgewing. Prosedures<br />

met betrekking tot uitlewering, deportasie en verhoor van misdadigers oor landsgrense heen, word<br />

hierdeur vergemaklik. Die onlangse daarstelling van die Internasionale Strafh<strong>of</strong> in Den Haag gaan<br />

ook sake rakende internasionale terrorisme, massamoorde, volksmoorde en ernstige ekonomiese<br />

misdrywe vergemaklik. Hierdie aangeleen<strong>the</strong>de, wat tans wêreldwyd as prioriteitsareas aandag<br />

geniet, vorm ook deel van ‘n nuwe navorsingsprojek.<br />

Navorsing in die Geneeskundige Reg<br />

Ontwikkeling in die mediese wetenskap noodsaak riglyne waarbinne navorsing gedoen kan word.<br />

Sodanige riglyne word deur die gemeenskap vereis. Rigiede riglyne dien geen doel nie, aangesien die<br />

mediese tegnologie voortdurend verander en verfyn. MIV/VIGS, genadedood, surrogaatmoederskap,<br />

menslike kloning, navorsing op embrio’s en stamselnavorsing is enkele aspekte wat tans ondersoek<br />

en navorsing oor gedoen word.<br />

Die bedreiging wat die MIV/VIGS-pandemie hier te lande teweeg bring, noodsaak volgehoue navorsing<br />

om nie net aan pasiënte beskerming te bied nie, maar ook aan al die gesondheidswerkers wat daagliks<br />

hieraan blootgestel word. Pr<strong>of</strong>f Oosthuizen en Verschoor is al jare gemoeid met navorsing oor die<br />

regs- en etiese aspekte rakende MIV/VIGS. Die Departement van Gesondheid se riglyne, strategiese<br />

planne, konsepdokumente en voorstelle, die Gesondheidsdiensberoepe Raad van Suid-Afrika se<br />

beleid en riglyne, die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Vereniging se riglyne en sienings, die Suid-Afrikaanse<br />


Regskommissie se navorsing en verslae en ook h<strong>of</strong>sake wat oor MIV/VIGS handel, is onder meer in<br />

verskeie nasionale en internasionale tydskrifte en kongresse voorgehou en gekritiseer.<br />

Stamselnavorsing, navorsing op embrio’s en die kloning van menslike selle en in besonder die regsen<br />

etiese aspekte daarvan, is tans baie interessant en aktueel en vorm deel van pr<strong>of</strong> Oosthuizen<br />

se navorsing. Die ho<strong>of</strong> oogmerk van hierdie navorsing is, om by wyse van ‘n regsvergelykende<br />

studie, die verskillende wetgewing, regs- en eties/morele riglyne in die Verenigde <strong>State</strong> van Amerika,<br />

die Verenigde Koninkryk, die verskillende state in Europa en veral dié van die Europese Unie, te<br />

ondersoek. Deklarasies en kodes van die verskillende verenigings en assosiasies sal ook by die<br />

ondersoek ingesluit word.<br />

Die mees kontroversiële aspek tans, is die doen van navorsing op menslike weefsel en wel op<br />

stamselle wat van menslike embrio’s en fetusse verkry is. Wat is stamselnavorsing? ‘n Stamsel<br />

is ‘n ongespesialiseerde sel in ‘n vroeë stadium van ontwikkeling. Die term stamsel word gebruik<br />

om na enige sel wat weefsel kan hernu, te verwys. Onder sekere omstandighede kan stamselle<br />

in ‘n groot aantal seltipes verdeel wat weefsel en organe van die liggaam uitmaak. Die potensiaal<br />

om stamselle van die naelstringbloed, beenmurg en fetusweefsel te verkry en vir hierdie selle om<br />

hulself te herrangskik/organiseer, is al vir ‘n geruime tyd bekend. Die moontlikheid om stamselle<br />

van menslike embrio’s te onttrek, en hulle dan te kultiveer, is ‘n heersende voordeel, wat ‘n veel<br />

wyer deur vir behandelingsmoontlikhede open. Stamselle kan met sukses van menslike embrio’s en<br />

reproduktiewe fetusweefsel geïsoleer en in ‘n laboratorium gekultiveer word. Embrioniese stamselle<br />

het die vermoë om in bykans enige tipe sel van die liggaam te ontwikkel. Dit is juis hierdie potensiaal<br />

van embrioniese stamselle wat die moontlikhede vir nuwe terapieë skep.<br />

Wat word bedoel met die kloning van ‘n menslike sel? Na die geboorte van Dolly, die skaap, was<br />

daar wye uitroepe en besorgdheid uit die gemeenskap dat hierdie nuwe kloningstegniek, naamlik die<br />

vervanging van die nukleus van ‘n sel, in menslike voortplanting gebruik gaan word. Die reproduksie<br />

van babas by wyse van kloning word wêreldwyd as onetiese praktyk beskou. Daar bestaan geen<br />

definitiewe wetgewing <strong>of</strong> navorsingsriglyne wat stamselnavorsing <strong>of</strong> kloning van menslike selle in Suid-<br />

Afrika reguleer nie. Die Wet op Menslike Weefsel 65 van 1983, is die enigste stuk wetgewing wat vir<br />

genetiese manupulering gebruik kan word. Die bestaande Riglyne van die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese<br />

Navorsingsraad bevat ook geen voorskrifte in dié verband nie. Die Wetsontwerp op Nasionale<br />

Gesondheid bevat wel riglyne en regulasies wat die kloning van menslike selle en navorsing op<br />

stamselle sal reguleer.<br />


CHESD<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson<br />

Head: Higher Education Studie and Research<br />

Over <strong>the</strong> years, research at <strong>the</strong> Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development (CHESD)<br />

has become synonymous with Pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie Strydom’s pioneering work to establish and develop higher<br />

education studies as a research field. He already established <strong>the</strong> Higher Education Research Unit<br />

in 1990. Initially, <strong>the</strong> unit concentrated particularly on research regarding institutional and strategic<br />

planning. In co-operation with persons such as Dr Louis van der Westhuizen and o<strong>the</strong>rs, <strong>the</strong> focus<br />

shifted to quality assurance during <strong>the</strong> second half <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nineties. However, over <strong>the</strong> past two years<br />

<strong>the</strong> focus <strong>of</strong> research was placed on human resources development, and performance management<br />

and measurement in particular. In addition, regional co-operation increasingly became a factor in<br />

projects.<br />


This project, funded jointly by <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation and by CHESD funds, was launched<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson<br />

209<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie Strydom

at <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> 2003. The chief purpose <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> project (with Pr<strong>of</strong> Magda Fourie, Vice-Rector:<br />

Academic Planning, as leader) is to undertake research that will lead to <strong>the</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> a model for<br />

an effective performance management system for academic and educational staff at institutions for<br />

higher and fur<strong>the</strong>r education in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> region. The project team consists <strong>of</strong> 11 students (six<br />

at Ph.D. level and five at M. level) and eight study leaders associated with various institutions in <strong>the</strong><br />

region. The project has a strong development component, which is aimed at developing <strong>the</strong> research<br />

capacity <strong>of</strong> students as well as study leaders. The research findings are presently being finalised<br />

for publication in book form. It is envisaged that this publication will be introduced and critically<br />

evaluated during a national seminar on <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> campus in June 2004. An international expert, Dr<br />

Jim Kemper, has been especially invited to <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> for this event to act as book selector for <strong>the</strong><br />

publication and to make expert contributions during <strong>the</strong> seminar.<br />


This programme has been developed under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Driekie Hay since 1998 and research<br />

<strong>of</strong> international quality has been produced, which also gave rise to a large number <strong>of</strong> publications.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> March 2003 graduation ceremony, four <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Hay’s students obtained <strong>the</strong>ir Ph.D. degrees.<br />

In May 2003, a great honour was bestowed on <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> when <strong>the</strong> international Development Cooperation<br />

Prize was awarded in Brussels to one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se students, Dr Arlys van Wyk, for her <strong>the</strong>sis<br />

that was completed at CHESD. This prize, which is subjected to a very strict selection process,<br />

is awarded annually by <strong>the</strong> Belgian government to outstanding researchers in developing countries<br />

whose research has resulted directly in <strong>the</strong> empowerment <strong>of</strong> a disadvantaged group in that country.<br />

The programme is being co-ordinated by Pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson since February 2003. A great deal<br />

<strong>of</strong> attention is presently being devoted to developing <strong>the</strong> research capacity <strong>of</strong> postgraduate students<br />

and staff members.<br />


The Information Service for Higher Education is a specialised service that functions as a library and<br />

provides academic staff with information about higher education. The Information Service was already<br />

established in 1980, and has built up a reputation over <strong>the</strong> years as an excellent (and also unique)<br />

source <strong>of</strong> information about higher education matters. The head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> division, Ms Elrita Grimsley,<br />

has already been involved in this service for <strong>the</strong> past 10 years, during which time she has come to <strong>the</strong><br />

rescue <strong>of</strong> researchers in <strong>the</strong>ir quest for information on numerous occasions. Nowadays, she is also<br />

relying increasingly on electronic information in order to render a pr<strong>of</strong>essional service to academics<br />

and students.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie has been working at CHESD on a part-time basis since 2001. His energy is inexhaustible,<br />

and he divides his time between CHESD and regional initiatives, as <strong>the</strong> acting director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Consortium <strong>of</strong> Higher Education Institutions in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Until his second “retirement”, Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Kalie will also be making a significant research contribution within <strong>the</strong> new Academic Planning Unit <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Vice-Rector: Academic Planning.<br />

We asked Pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie about his vision for future research at CHESD. His reply reflects his wisdom<br />

about higher education matters:<br />

There are numerous crucial and strategic national and institutional matters in higher education that<br />

create a need for <strong>the</strong> illuminating perspectives and balanced solutions that can be brought about<br />

by research within CHESD. Themes for research within higher education range from <strong>the</strong> modern<br />

concept (meaning or definition) <strong>of</strong> a university: academic freedom/institutional autonomy; altered<br />

conceptions <strong>of</strong> knowledge that require curriculum changes; globalisation; changes in <strong>the</strong> social<br />

expectations <strong>of</strong> higher education; <strong>the</strong> free market system as applied within higher education and<br />

increasing competition from private institutions, to <strong>the</strong> five strategic priorities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> university (quality<br />

and excellence; equity; diversity and equal opportunities; financial sustainability; regional co-operation<br />

and involvement, as well as outward drive, both nationally and internationally). It would be wise<br />

for CHESD to focus its research on <strong>the</strong> last-mentioned five priorities, and even on a more generic<br />

<strong>the</strong>me that will be critically important to all five priorities. Research could, for instance, be directed<br />

at <strong>the</strong> following research question: How should <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (<strong>UFS</strong>, by means <strong>of</strong><br />

human resources management and development, attract and retain academic staff who will be able to<br />

maximally address all <strong>the</strong> strategic priorities in <strong>the</strong> interest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong>’s clients and role players?<br />


SHOSO<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong>: Hoëronderwysstudie en Navorsing<br />

Deur die jare het navorsing by die Sentrum vir Hoëronderwysstudies en Ontwikkeling (SHOSO) sinoniem<br />

geword met pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie Strydom se baanbrekerswerk om hoëronderwysstudies as navorsingsterrein<br />

te vestig en uit te bou. Reeds in 1990 het hy die Eenheid vir Navorsing in Hoër Onderwys tot stand<br />

gebring. In die beginjare is daar veral op navorsing rakende institusionele en strategiese beplanning<br />

gekonsentreer. In samewerking met persone soos dr Louis van der Westhuizen en andere het die<br />

fokus gedurende die tweede helfte van die negentigerjare na gehalteversekering verskuif. Die afgelope<br />

twee jaar was dit egter menslikehulpbronontwikkeling en veral prestasiebestuur en -meting wat die<br />

fokus van navorsing uitgemaak het. Streeksamewerking het ook in toenemende mate ‘n rol in projekte<br />

begin speel.<br />

DIE 2003/2004 NNS-<br />


Hierdie projek, gedeeltelik deur die<br />

Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) en<br />

deur SHOSO-fondse ondersteun, is aan<br />

die begin van 2003 van stapel gestuur.<br />

Die ho<strong>of</strong>doel van die projek (met pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Magda Fourie, Viserekor: Akademiese<br />

Beplanning, as leier) is om navorsing te<br />

onderneem wat sal lei tot die daarstelling<br />

van ‘n model vir ‘n doeltreffende<br />

prestasiebestuurstelsel vir akademiese<br />

en opvoedkundige personeel aan<br />

instellings vir hoër en verdere onderwys<br />

in die Vrystaatstreek.<br />

Die projekspan bestaan uit 11 studente (ses op Ph.D.- en vyf op M.-vlak) en agt studieleiers<br />

verbonde aan verskillende instellings in die streek. Die projek het ‘n sterk ontwikkelingskomponent,<br />


met toespitsing op die ontwikkeling van die navorsingskapasiteit van studente sowel as studieleiers.<br />

Die bevindinge van die navorsing word tans gefinaliseer om in boekvorm gepubliseer te word. Na<br />

verwagting sal hierdie publikasie in Junie 2004 tydens ‘n nasionale seminaar op die UV-kampus<br />

bekendgestel en krities geëvalueer word. ‘n Internasionale kenner, dr Jim Kemper, is spesiaal vir dié<br />

geleen<strong>the</strong>id na die UV genooi om as keurder vir die publikasie op te tree en kundigheidsinsette tydens<br />

die seminaar te lewer.<br />


Onder leiding van pr<strong>of</strong> Driekie Hay is die program sedert 1998 uitgebou en is navorsingswerk<br />

van internasionale gehalte gelewer, wat ook tot ‘n groot aantal publikasies gelei het. Tydens die<br />

gradeplegtigheid van Maart 2003 het vier van pr<strong>of</strong> Hay se studente hul Ph.D.-grade behaal. In Mei<br />

2003 het ‘n groot eer die UV te beurt geval toe die internasionale Development Co-operation Prize<br />

in Brussels aan een van hierdie studente, dr Arlys van Wyk, toegeken is vir haar proefskrif, wat<br />

by SHOSO voltooi is. Hierdie prys, wat aan ‘n baie streng keuringsproses onderworpe is, word<br />

jaarliks deur die Belgiese regering toegeken aan uitstaande navorsers uit ontwikkelende lande wie se<br />

navorsing direk tot die bemagtiging van ‘n benadeelde groep in daardie land gelei het.<br />

Sedert Februarie 2003 word die program deur pr<strong>of</strong> Annette Wilkinson gekoördineer. Tans word<br />

baie aandag geskenk aan die uitbouing van die navorsingskapasiteit van nagraadse studente en<br />

personeellede.<br />


Die Inligtingsdiens vir Hoër Onderwys is ‘n gespesialiseerde diens wat as biblioteek funksioneer en<br />

akademiese personeel van inligting oor hoër onderwys voorsien. Die Inligtingsdiens het reeds in 1980<br />

die lig aanskou, en het deur die jare ‘n reputasie opgebou as ‘n uitstekende (en ook unieke) bron van<br />

inligting oor hoëronderwysaangeleen<strong>the</strong>de. Die ho<strong>of</strong> van die afdeling, me Elrita Grimsley, is reeds<br />

die afgelope 10 jaar by hierdie diens betrokke, waar sy male sonder tal tot die redding van navorsers<br />

gekom het in hul soeke na inligting. Sy steun deesdae toenemend ook op elektroniese inligting ten<br />

einde ‘n pr<strong>of</strong>essionele diens aan akademici en studente te kan lewer.<br />


Sedert 2001 is pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie op deeltydse basis by SHOSO werksaam. Met sy onuitputlike bron van<br />

energie verdeel hy sy aandag tussen SHOSO en streekinisiatiewe, as die waarnemende direkteur van<br />


die Konsortium van Hoëronderwysinstellings in die Vrystaat. Tot en met sy tweede “aftrede” sal pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Kalie ook ‘n daadwerklike navorsingsbydrae lewer binne die nuwe Akademiese Beplanningseenheid<br />

van die Viserektor: Akademiese Beplanning.<br />

Ons het pr<strong>of</strong> Kalie gepols oor sy toekomsvisie vir navorsing by SHOSO. Sy antwoord reflekteer sy<br />

wysheid oor hoëronderwysaangeleen<strong>the</strong>de:<br />

Daar is ‘n magdom kritieke en strategiese nasionale en institusionele sake in hoër onderwys wat ‘n<br />

behoefte skep aan die beligtende perspektiewe en gebalanseerde oplossings wat navorsing binne<br />

SHOSO kan meebring. Temas vir navorsing binne die hoër onderwys wissel van die idee (betekenis<br />

<strong>of</strong> definisie) van ‘n universiteit vandag: akademiese vryheid/institusionele outonomie; veranderende<br />

begrippe van kennis wat kurrikulumhervorming vereis; globalisering; verandering in die sosiale<br />

verwagtinge van hoër onderwys; die vryemarkstelsel soos binne die hoër onderwys toegepas en die<br />

toenemende kompetisie van private instellings, tot die vyf strategiese prioriteite van die universiteit<br />

(gehalte en uitnemendheid; billikheid; diversiteit en gelykberegtiging; finansiële volhoubaarheid;<br />

regionale samewerking en betrokkenheid, en uitwaartse dryfkrag, nasionaal asook internasionaal).<br />

Dit mag wys wees vir SHOSO om sy navorsing op laasgenoemde vyf prioriteite te fokus, en selfs op<br />

‘n meer generiese tema wat van kritieke belang sal wees vir al vyf die prioriteite. Navorsing kan bv.<br />

op die volgende navorsingsvraag gerig word: Hoe trek en behou die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV)<br />

deur middel van Menslikehulpbronbestuur en –ontwikkeling akademiese personeel wat maksimaal al<br />

die strategiese prioriteite in die belang van al die UV se kliënte en rolspelers kan aanspreek?<br />


Photo Nico Smit<br />

Photos: Daryl Barnes<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> HO de Waal<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences<br />

The African lion (Pan<strong>the</strong>ra leo) is <strong>the</strong> flagship wildlife species on <strong>the</strong> African continent, and its unique<br />

role in promoting wildlife tourism must be promoted with a view to ensuring and enhancing sustainable<br />

utilisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> natural resources. Such an initiative would also boost conservation efforts and create<br />

much needed tangible wealth for <strong>the</strong> peoples <strong>of</strong> Africa. The African Large Predator Research Unit<br />

(ALPRU) was founded at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>, with its focus on <strong>the</strong> group <strong>of</strong> larger African<br />

predators such as <strong>the</strong> lion, leopard (P. pardus), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), caracal (Caracal caracal)<br />

and black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas).<br />

The lion has made a deeper and more lasting impression on mankind than any o<strong>the</strong>r animal. Although<br />

lions once roamed most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> African continent, parts <strong>of</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Europe, <strong>the</strong> Middle East and Asia<br />

as far as India, <strong>the</strong> rapid expansion <strong>of</strong> human populations and <strong>the</strong>ir activities reduced <strong>the</strong> former<br />

range <strong>of</strong> lions. With <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> a few hundred Asiatic lions (P. leo persica) in western India, freeranging<br />

lions are presently confined exclusively to Africa.<br />

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Pr<strong>of</strong> HO de Waal

ALPRU is deliberately focusing on <strong>the</strong> large African predators since <strong>the</strong>y are regarded as good<br />

indicators <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> well-being <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> natural environment, particularly <strong>the</strong> habitat and prey species. In <strong>the</strong><br />

short period since its establishment on 4 March 2002, ALPRU has made major advances in several<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> concern, some <strong>of</strong> which are highlighted below.<br />

The ecology and social behaviour <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> large African predators are generally well studied and<br />

documented, but <strong>the</strong>re is a paucity <strong>of</strong> information on quantitative aspects <strong>of</strong> wild carnivore nutrition.<br />

This information is <strong>of</strong> great value for <strong>the</strong> sustainable management <strong>of</strong> large carnivores, both in situ (wild)<br />

and ex situ (in captivity). ALPRU <strong>the</strong>refore launched an initiative in 2002 to conduct comprehensive<br />

feed intake and digestibility studies with regard to captive lions, leopards and cheetahs. In <strong>the</strong>se<br />

trials, large chunks <strong>of</strong> unprocessed animal carcasses, consisting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hind or fore limbs <strong>of</strong> donkeys<br />

with <strong>the</strong> skin still attached, were fed to <strong>the</strong> large predators. This approach was unique and a first in<br />

<strong>the</strong> world, since it mimicked in very specific ways <strong>the</strong> actual feeding process <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> large carnivores.<br />

Valuable quantitative information was obtained on aspects <strong>of</strong> nutrition, which can be used to develop<br />

non-invasive techniques for <strong>the</strong> studying <strong>of</strong> free-ranging large African predators. In recognition <strong>of</strong> an<br />

outstanding scientific contribution in this regard, Mr Dirk Borstlap was awarded <strong>the</strong> Chris Small prize<br />

for presenting <strong>the</strong> best M.Sc. <strong>the</strong>sis in <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Natural and Agricultural Sciences during 2003.<br />

Since its establishment, ALPRU has created and maintained a database <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> morphometric<br />

measurements <strong>of</strong> large African predators. In an effort to standardise activities and reduce variation, a<br />

comprehensive set <strong>of</strong> procedures was developed to measure <strong>the</strong> specimens and record morphometric<br />

data collected from dead or immobilised animals. In <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> an adult male lion with a full mane, no<br />

less than 47 variables are measured. In line with most <strong>of</strong> ALPRU’s activities, <strong>the</strong> aim is to develop noninvasive<br />

techniques to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r wild animals have been subjected to subnormal growth and<br />

development, primarily as a result <strong>of</strong> factors impacting on <strong>the</strong>ir habitat and food base. In view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

growing livestock-predator conflict in various parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> continent and its inevitable negative impact<br />

on <strong>the</strong> large African predators, it is important to determine whe<strong>the</strong>r individuals in a specific population<br />

are well developed for <strong>the</strong>ir age. The procedures proposed by ALPRU have been developed to suit all<br />

large African predators and have been tested successfully with several species, namely immobilised<br />

leopard and cheetah as well as dead black-backed jackal, caracal and Cape fox (Vulpes chama). The<br />

procedures are available on <strong>the</strong> web site <strong>of</strong> ALPRU: MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor http://www.<br />

uovs.ac.za/alpru.<br />

The development <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se procedures by ALPRU coincided with growing concerns expressed in<br />

some quarters that <strong>the</strong> trophy quality <strong>of</strong> African lions is declining. In <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> sufficient objective<br />


data, it has been suggested that lion skull size and body size should be recorded for all African lions<br />

shot, and that a qualitative assessment <strong>of</strong> mane quality should also be made with regard to trophies.<br />

Through its visionary efforts in creating new procedures to measure large African predators more<br />

comprehensively, ALPRU is now <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>the</strong> hunting fraternity <strong>the</strong> opportunity to participate and cooperate<br />

in a project to register <strong>the</strong> trophy size <strong>of</strong> hunted animals more comprehensively. At <strong>the</strong> same<br />

time, <strong>the</strong>y are contributing to science and conservation by assisting across <strong>the</strong> continent with <strong>the</strong><br />

collection <strong>of</strong> relevant data that would o<strong>the</strong>rwise have been lost. In response to <strong>the</strong> ALPRU initiative,<br />

participation <strong>of</strong>fers and requests for more information on how to measure legally hunted lion and<br />

leopard have been received from scientists within South Africa, as well as from Namibia, Botswana,<br />

Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. The morphometric data <strong>of</strong> trophy quality will be accompanied by<br />

information on <strong>the</strong> specific area, habitat and prey availability yielded by <strong>the</strong> project. This information will<br />

be evaluated and used, among o<strong>the</strong>r things, to advise countries and interested parties on formulating<br />

and implementing integrated game management plans.<br />

Any new initiative requires time to gain momentum and establish itself. However, two scientific articles<br />

have already been published under <strong>the</strong> auspices <strong>of</strong> ALPRU in renowned international journals, namely<br />

an article on <strong>the</strong> composition <strong>of</strong> lion milk (Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde) and ano<strong>the</strong>r describing a<br />

comprehensive method for measuring large African predators (Journal <strong>of</strong> Zoology, London). An oral<br />

paper (Measuring large African predators) and a poster (composition <strong>of</strong> lion milk) were presented at<br />

<strong>the</strong> 6th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium (6 - 9 July 2004) in Paris, France, and both were<br />

well received.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> HO de Waal<br />

Departement Vee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde<br />

Die Afrika-leeu (Pan<strong>the</strong>ra leo) is die bekendste wildsoort op die Afrika-kontinent, en sy unieke rol in die<br />

bevordering van natuurtoerisme moet bevorder word ten einde volhoubare benutting van die natuurlike<br />

hulpbronne te verseker en te verbeter. So ‘n inisiatief sal ook bewaringsmaatreëls ‘n hupstoot gee<br />

en broodnodige tasbare rykdom skep vir die mense van Afrika. Die Grootro<strong>of</strong>dier-navorsingseenheid<br />

vir Afrika (ALPRU), wat gestig is by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, fokus op die groep groter Afrikaro<strong>of</strong>diere<br />

soos die leeu, luiperd (P. pardus), jagluiperd (Acinonyx jubatus), die rooikat (Caracal caracal)<br />


en die rooijakkals (Canis mesomelas).<br />

Die leeu het ‘n groter en meer blywende indruk op die mens gemaak as enige ander dier. Hoewel<br />

leeus eens oor die grootste deel van die Afrika-kontinent, dele van suidelike Europa, die Midde-<br />

Ooste en Asië tot so ver as Indië voorgekom het, het die vinnige groei van menslike bevolkings en<br />

hulle aktiwiteite die voormalige verspreidingsgebied van leeus ingekort. Met die uitsondering van ‘n<br />

paar honderd Asiatiese leeus (P. leo persica) in Wes-Indië, word loslopende leeus tans slegs in Afrika<br />

aangetref.<br />

ALPRU se fokus op die groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere is spesifiek so beplan, aangesien hulle beskou word<br />

as goeie aanduiders van die welstand van die natuurlike omgewing, veral die habitat en prooisoorte.<br />

In die kort tydperk sedert sy stigting op 4 Maart 2002 het ALPRU reeds groot vordering gemaak op<br />

verskeie belangrike gebiede, waarvan sommiges hieronder aangestip word.<br />

Die ekologie en sosiale gedrag van die groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere is oor die algemeen reeds deeglik<br />

bestudeer en opgeteken, maar daar is ‘n gebrek aan inligting oor die kwantitatiewe aspekte van<br />

wilde ro<strong>of</strong>diere se voeding. Hierdie inligting is baie waardevol vir die volhoubare bestuur van groot<br />

karnivore, beide in situ (wild in die natuur) en ex situ (in gevangenskap). ALPRU het dus in 2002 ‘n<br />

inisiatief geloods om omvattende studies te onderneem oor voedingsinname en verteerbaarheid met<br />

betrekking tot leeus, luiperds en jagluiperds in gevangenskap. Tydens hierdie proewe is groot dele<br />

van onverwerkte dierkarkasse, bestaande uit die agterste <strong>of</strong> voorste ledemate van donkies met die<br />

vel nog daaraan, aan die groot ro<strong>of</strong>diere gevoer. Hierdie benadering was uniek en ‘n eerste in die<br />

wêreld, aangesien dit op baie spesifieke wyses die werklike voedingsproses van die groot karnivore<br />

nageboots het. Waardevolle kwantitatiewe inligting is bekom oor aspekte van voeding, wat gebruik kan<br />

word om nie-ontwrigtende tegnieke te ontwikkel vir die bestudering van loslopende Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere.<br />

Ter erkenning van ‘n uitstaande wetenskaplike bydrae in hierdie verband is die Chris Small-prys vir<br />

die voorlegging van die beste M.Sc.-verhandeling in die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe<br />

gedurende 2003 toegeken aan mnr Dirk Borstlap.<br />

Sedert sy totstandkoming het ALPRU ‘n databasis oor die morfometriese afmetings van groot Afrikaro<strong>of</strong>diere<br />

geskep en in stand gehou. In ‘n poging om aktiwiteite te standaardiseer en variasie te<br />

verminder is ‘n omvattende stel prosedures ontwikkel om die diere te meet en morfometriese data wat<br />

van dooie <strong>of</strong> geïmmobiliseerde diere verkry is, op te teken. In die geval van ‘n volwasse leeumannetjie<br />

met ‘n volle maanhaar word altesaam 47 veranderlikes gemeet. In lyn met die meeste van ALPRU<br />

se aktiwiteite is die doel om nie-ontwrigtende tegnieke te ontwikkel om te bepaal <strong>of</strong> wilde diere<br />


moontlik onderhewig is aan subnormale groei en ontwikkeling, ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik as gevolg van faktore wat<br />

‘n invloed uitoefen op hulle habitat en voedselbronne. In die lig van die toenemende konflik tussen<br />

vee en ro<strong>of</strong>diere in verskeie dele van die kontinent en die onvermydelike negatiewe impak daarvan<br />

op die groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere, is dit belangrik om te bepaal <strong>of</strong> individue binne ‘n spesifieke bevolking<br />

goed ontwikkel is vir hulle ouderdom. Die prosedures wat deur ALPRU voorgestel is, is ontwikkel om<br />

geskik te wees vir alle groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere en is suksesvol getoets op verskeie diersoorte, naamlik<br />

geïmmobiliseerde luiperds en jagluiperds, asook dooie rooijakkalse, rooikatte en silwerjakkalse (Vulpes<br />

chama). Die prosedures is beskikbaar op ALPRU se webwerf: MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor<br />

http://www.uovs.ac.za/alpru.<br />

Die ontwikkeling van hierdie prosedures deur ALPRU het saamgeval met toenemende kommer wat in<br />

sommige kringe uitgespreek is dat die tr<strong>of</strong>eegehalte van Afrika-leeus besig is om af te neem. In die<br />

afwesigheid van voldoende objektiewe data is daar voorgestel dat skedelgrootte en liggaamsgrootte<br />

opgeteken behoort te word vir alle Afrika-leeus wat geskiet word, en dat ‘n kwalitatiewe assessering<br />

van maanhaargehalte ook gedoen behoort te word met betrekking tot tr<strong>of</strong>eë. Deur middel van sy<br />

visioenêre stappe om nuwe prosedures te skep vir die meer omvattende meting van groot Afrikaro<strong>of</strong>diere,<br />

gee ALPRU die jagsektor nou die geleen<strong>the</strong>id om deel te neem en saam te werk aan ‘n projek<br />

om die tr<strong>of</strong>eegrootte van gejagte diere op meer omvattende wyse te registreer. Terselfdertyd maak<br />

hulle ‘n bydrae tot wetenskap en bewaring deur regoor die kontinent te help met die insameling van<br />

relevante data wat andersins verlore sou gegaan het. In reaksie op die ALPRU-inisiatief is aanbiedinge<br />

tot deelname en versoeke om verdere inligting oor hoe om wettig gejagte leeus en luiperds te meet,<br />

ontvang van wetenskaplikes binne Suid-Afrika, asook van Namibië, Botswana, Zambië, Zimbabwe en<br />

Tanzanië. Die morfometriese data ten opsigte van tr<strong>of</strong>eegehalte sal vergesel wees van inligting oor<br />

die spesifieke area, habitat en beskikbaarheid van prooi wat deur die projek opgelewer word. Hierdie<br />

inligting sal geëvalueer word en onder andere gebruik word om lande en belanghebbende partye te<br />

adviseer oor die formulering en implementering van geïntegreerde wildbestuurplanne.<br />

Enige nuwe inisiatief het tyd nodig om momentum op te bou en homself te vestig. Twee wetenskaplike<br />

artikels is egter reeds onder die vaandel van ALPRU gepubliseer in bekende internasionale tydskrifte,<br />

naamlik ‘n artikel oor die samestelling van leeumelk (Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde) en ‘n ander<br />

artikel wat ‘n omvattende metode vir die meet van groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere beskryf (Journal <strong>of</strong> Zoology,<br />

Londen). ‘n Mondelinge voordrag (Meet van groot Afrika-ro<strong>of</strong>diere) en ‘n plakkaat (Samestelling van<br />

leeumelk) is aangebied by die 6de Internasionale Wildlife Ranching Symposium (6 - 9 Julie 2004) in<br />

Parys, Frankryk, en albei is goed ontvang.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller<br />

Right: Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller en Pr<strong>of</strong> Herbert van Uffelen<br />



FRENCH<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French has a proud record <strong>of</strong> team research. In<br />

<strong>the</strong> eighties, a comprehensive HSRC research project on <strong>the</strong> Afrikaans <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Griquas was completed<br />

under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Christo van Rensburg, <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong> department at <strong>the</strong> time. During <strong>the</strong><br />

same period, two works on pragmatics, to which several linguists and literators contributed, were<br />

published under <strong>the</strong> editorship <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> GJ van Jaarsveld. In 1984, Pr<strong>of</strong>s HP van Coller and GJ van<br />

Jaarsveld were <strong>the</strong> editors <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first work to be published on pragmatics and literature, Woorde as<br />

dade, for which <strong>the</strong>y obtained <strong>the</strong> co-operation <strong>of</strong> academics across South Africa.<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, a publication in honour <strong>of</strong> Etienne Leroux (under <strong>the</strong> editorship <strong>of</strong> Van Coller and Charles<br />

Malan) was completed in <strong>the</strong> eighties, as well as a special edition <strong>of</strong> Acta Academica (under <strong>the</strong><br />

220<br />

Etienne Leroux en Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller

editorship <strong>of</strong> Van Coller) and a publication in honour <strong>of</strong> André P Brink (with Jan Senekal as editor).<br />

Leading academics contributed to all <strong>the</strong>se publications. Under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Van Coller, <strong>the</strong><br />

prolific Etienne Leroux and André P Brink research projects eventually developed into documentation<br />

centres (to which <strong>the</strong> Ingrid Winterbach library will also be added shortly), which have already given<br />

rise to inter-university research and numerous accredited articles.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> nineties, Pr<strong>of</strong> Van Coller initiated a more comprehensive interdisciplinary HSRC research project<br />

on Border Literature. Contributors from English and German literature, as well as history, juridical<br />

sciences, etc. undertook research that was introduced during a seminar and included in <strong>the</strong> final<br />

report, and also gave rise to numerous accredited articles and chapters in books.<br />

Senior bursaries for research abroad were awarded to Van Coller on two occasions. He worked at<br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Utrecht (where he had also completed his doctoral examination) and <strong>the</strong> Katholieke<br />

Universiteit Leuven, on canonisation in a diachronic and synchronic context within <strong>the</strong> literary field.<br />

He delivered lectures at international pr<strong>of</strong>essional congresses on both topics, and also contributed<br />

to international publications in this regard. His interest presently lies in <strong>the</strong> relationships: literary field<br />

/ canonisation / conceptions <strong>of</strong> literature.<br />

In 1998 and 1999, Van Coller was <strong>the</strong> editor <strong>of</strong> Perspektief en pr<strong>of</strong>iel - ‘n Afrikaanse literatuurgeskiedenis,<br />

in two parts; <strong>the</strong> third part (once again under his editorship) will be published this year. In accordance<br />

with contemporary views <strong>of</strong> (literary) historiography, <strong>the</strong> intention is not to create one master discourse,<br />

but to accommodate various perspectives on Afrikaans literature and <strong>the</strong> evolution <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>. Almost all<br />

<strong>the</strong> leading Afrikaans-speaking literators participated in this project, in addition to five literators from<br />

abroad. Several lecturers at <strong>the</strong> <strong>UFS</strong> also participated in this research project. On <strong>the</strong> basis <strong>of</strong> his<br />

publications in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong> literary science and literary criticism, <strong>the</strong> Gustav Preller prize <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> South<br />

African Academy for Science and Arts was awarded to Van Coller in 2000, and <strong>the</strong> Elisabeth Eybers<br />

scholarship in 2002.<br />

In 2003, Van Coller was invited to act as <strong>the</strong> South African co-ordinator <strong>of</strong> a digital literature project<br />

under <strong>the</strong> guidance <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Herbert van Uffelen, head <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Dutch at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Vienna (Austria). This project (www.univie.ac.za) endeavours to describe <strong>the</strong> relationships between<br />

Dutch and Flemish literature and various European literatures. With <strong>the</strong> co-operation <strong>of</strong> Dr BJ Odendaal<br />

and some seventy o<strong>the</strong>r Afrikaans literators, Van Coller now also intends to scientifically describe and<br />

digitalise <strong>the</strong> relationships between Afrikaans literature and Dutch and Flemish literature. He also<br />

received a larger research grant from <strong>the</strong> Dutch Language Union for this purpose.<br />


Van Coller is extremely sceptical about <strong>the</strong> notion that a culture <strong>of</strong> research can be created virtually<br />

overnight, or that <strong>the</strong>re are instant recipes for research. Research is a way <strong>of</strong> life, and all good<br />

researchers have something in common with <strong>the</strong> classical detective whose curiosity is seldom<br />

satisfied before he can <strong>of</strong>fer abundant evidence as an explanation for what interests him. He is<br />

increasingly working toge<strong>the</strong>r with younger colleagues (including Drs BJ Odendaal, A van Niekerk and<br />

V Teise) – even with pr<strong>of</strong>icient senior students – and finds this interaction a stimulating and valuable<br />

experience.<br />



FRANS<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Hennie van Coller<br />

Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans<br />

Die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans het ‘n trotse rekord van spannavorsing. In<br />

die jare tagtig word ‘n groot RGN-navorsingsprojek oor die Afrikaans van die Griekwas afgehandel<br />

onder die leiding van die destydse departementsho<strong>of</strong>, pr<strong>of</strong> Christo van Rensburg. In dieselfde tyd<br />

verskyn twee werke oor die pragmatiek onder die redakteurskap van pr<strong>of</strong> GJ van Jaarsveld waaraan<br />

verskeie taal- en letterkundiges meewerk. Pr<strong>of</strong>f HP van Coller en GJ van Jaarsveld tree in 1984 op as<br />

redakteurs van die eerste werk oor pragmatiek en letterkunde, Woorde as dade, en verkry daarvoor<br />

die samewerking van akademici oor die hele Suid-Afrika.<br />

In die jare tagtig verskyn daar voorts ‘n huldigingspublikasie (onder redaksie van Van Coller en Charles<br />

Malan) oor Etienne Leroux, ‘n spesiale uitgawe van Acta Academica (onder redaksie van Van Coller) en<br />

‘n huldigingspublikasie oor André P. Brink (onder redaksie van Jan Senekal). Aan al hierdie publikasies<br />

werk toonaangewende academici mee. Die Etienne Leroux- en André P Brink-navorsingsprojekte<br />

groei onder die leiding van pr<strong>of</strong> Van Coller mettertyd uit tot dokumentasiesentra (waarby eersdaags<br />

ook die Ingrid Winterbach-boekery gevoeg word) wat reeds gelei het tot inter-universitêre navorsing<br />

en tientalle geakkrediteerde artikels.<br />

In die jare negentig word ‘n groter interdissiplinêre RGN-navorsingsprojek oor Grensliteratuur deur<br />

pr<strong>of</strong> Van Coller begin. Medewerkers uit onder andere die Engelse en Duitse letterkunde, en ook die<br />


geskiedenis, regswetenskappe, ensovoort onderneem navorsing wat tydens ‘n seminaar bekendgestel<br />

word, opgeneem word in die eindverslag en ook neerslag vind in ‘n tiental geakkrediteerde artikels<br />

en ho<strong>of</strong>stukke in boeke.<br />

By twee geleen<strong>the</strong>de word ‘n senior beurs aan Van Coller toegeken vir navorsing in die buiteland.<br />

Daar werk hy aan die Universiteit van Utrecht (waar hy ook vroeër sy doktorale eksamen afgelê het)<br />

en die Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven oor kanonisering in diachroniese en sinchroniese verband<br />

binne die literêre veld. Oor albei onderwerpe lewer hy lesings by internasionale vakkongresse en<br />

publiseer hy in internasionale publikasies. Tans gaan sy belangstelling uit na die verbande: literêre<br />

veld / kanonisering / literatuuropvattings.<br />

In 1998 en 1999 tree Van Coller op as redakteur van Perspektief en pr<strong>of</strong>iel - ‘n Afrikaanse<br />

literatuurgeskiedenis in twee dele; die derde deel (weer onder sy redaksie) verskyn vanjaar. In pas<br />

met eietydse opvattinge van (literêre) geskiedskrywing word nie getrag om een meesterdiskoers<br />

daar te stel nie, maar om ruimte te bied vir verskeie perspektiewe op die Afrikaanse literatuur en<br />

die evolusie daarvan. Bykans alle toonaangewende Afrikaanstalige literatore neem deel aan hierdie<br />

reuse-projek, naas ‘n vyftal buitelandse literatore. Verskeie dosente aan die UV neem ook deel aan<br />

hierdie navorsingsprojek. Op grond van sy publikasies op die gebied van die literatuurwetenskap en<br />

literêre kritiek word die Gustav Prellerprys van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns<br />

in 2000 aan Van Coller toegeken, en die Elisabeth Eybersbeurs in 2002.<br />

Van Coller word in 2003 uitgenooi om op te tree as Suid-Afrikaanse koördineerder van ‘n digitale<br />

literatuurprojek onder die leiding van pr<strong>of</strong> Herbert van Uffelen, ho<strong>of</strong> van die Departement Nederlands<br />

aan die Universiteit van Wenen (Oostenryk). Hierdie projek (www. univie.ac.au) trag om die relasies<br />

(verbande) tussen Nederlandstalige literatuur en ‘n verskeidenheid Europese literature te beskrywe.<br />

Met die samewerking van dr BJ Odendaal en ‘n sewentigtal ander Afrikaanse literatore gaan Van Coller<br />

nou ook die relasies tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandstalige literatuur wetenskaplik beskrywe en<br />

digitaliseer. Hiervoor ontvang hy ook ‘n groter navorsingstoekenning van die Nederlandse Taalunie.<br />

Die opvatting dat ‘n navorsingskultuur feitlik oornag geskep kan word <strong>of</strong> dat daar kitsresepte bestaan<br />

vir navorsing word deur Van Coller met argwaan bejeën. Navorsing is ‘n manier van lewe en elke goeie<br />

navorser het iets gemeen met die klassieke speurder wie se nuuskierigheid selde bevredig word<br />

voordat hy ten minste ‘n string bewyse as verklaring kan aanbied vir dit wat hom interesseer. Hy werk<br />

toenemend saam met jonger kollegas (o.a. met drr BJ Odendaal, A van Niekerk, V Teise) - selfs met<br />

knap senior studente - en vind hierdie wisselwerking stimulerend en ‘n leerskool, óók vir homself.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology<br />

Left: Pr<strong>of</strong> Dirk Groenewald<br />

Above: Traditional Healer<br />



The Department <strong>of</strong> Sociology has a rich tradition <strong>of</strong> socially-relevant research. It is involved in both<br />

basic and applied research. The main areas <strong>of</strong> specialisation within <strong>the</strong> Department are population<br />

studies, gender studies, social ecology (including resource scarcity and environmental sociology), as<br />

well as health, disease and health care (including <strong>the</strong> social and developmental impact <strong>of</strong> HIV/Aids).<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius (Departmental Chairperson) specialises in <strong>the</strong> sociology <strong>of</strong> health and illness.<br />

Her research has focused in <strong>the</strong> main on complementary/alternative healing and <strong>the</strong> indigenous<br />

health care system in South Africa. Her research into <strong>the</strong> latter field since 1987 has established her<br />


as an expert on this topic. Over <strong>the</strong> years she has studied many aspects <strong>of</strong> this type <strong>of</strong> health care<br />

and supervised several dissertations. She has published widely and delivered several papers on<br />

this topic, both nationally and internationally. Currently her research revolves around <strong>the</strong> intellectual<br />

property rights <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se indigenous healers, in particular issues such as <strong>the</strong> rights and needs <strong>of</strong> both<br />

traditional healers and <strong>the</strong>ir patients in respect <strong>of</strong> providing safe, quality health care, while ensuring<br />

<strong>the</strong> preservation and continuation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir practices. Her o<strong>the</strong>r research interest is in <strong>the</strong> field <strong>of</strong><br />

gender studies, especially gender in higher education. She has combined her interests in gender,<br />

human rights and health and illness in a study on virginity testing - a traditional practice that has been<br />

revived as a way <strong>of</strong> addressing <strong>the</strong> HIV/Aids pandemic.<br />

The Department is also involved in several community projects. One such project, in which Pr<strong>of</strong> Dirk<br />

Groenewald is involved, funded by <strong>the</strong> Water Research Commission, entails <strong>the</strong> application <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

technique with a view to promoting food security and sustainable food production among smallholder<br />

farmers in <strong>the</strong> Thaba Nchu agricultural district. Low rainfall, high evaporation and poor productivity<br />

soils are major constraints to crop production in this<br />

district. This in-field rainwater harvesting technique<br />

was developed by <strong>the</strong> Agricultural Research Council<br />

Institute for Soil, Climate and Water and has <strong>the</strong><br />

potential to increase crop yields by up to 50%. As<br />

this technique represents changes to <strong>the</strong> traditional<br />

way <strong>of</strong> growing crops, it entails extra work and<br />

different ways <strong>of</strong> performing tasks. It was women in<br />

particular who accepted this challenge. At present<br />

400 households in 37 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 42 villages in <strong>the</strong> district<br />

are successfully applying this technique. Whereas in<br />

<strong>the</strong> past only a few households used <strong>the</strong>ir backyards<br />

to cultivate crops, many have been enabled by<br />

this initiative to provide for <strong>the</strong>ir own food needs or to buy food with money obtained from selling<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir produce. The next phase in empowering <strong>the</strong>se smallholder farmers entails providing <strong>the</strong>m with<br />

marketing skills.<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong>r community programme is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> national electricity supplier in which Pr<strong>of</strong> André Pelser is<br />

involved. The Eskom Wired to Win Rewards Programme is a customer loyalty reward programme for<br />

paying <strong>the</strong>ir Eskom accounts, or for regularly buying Eskom prepaid vouchers. The ultimate aim is to<br />

increase consumers’ payment levels <strong>of</strong> electricity accounts. A pilot programme has been implemented<br />


in Eskom’s North East Region, comprising <strong>the</strong> Pretoria, Khanyamanzane, Witbank and Nelspruit areas.<br />

Depending on <strong>the</strong> success <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> programme in this region, it will be rolled out nationally. Pr<strong>of</strong> Pelser,<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r with Pr<strong>of</strong> Lucius Botes (Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Development <strong>Support</strong>, <strong>UFS</strong>) will, inter alia,<br />

be responsible for monitoring changes in customer behaviour and perceptions for <strong>the</strong> duration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

pilot programme.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius<br />

Departement Sosiologie<br />

Die Departement Sosiologie het ‘n ryke tradisie van sosiaal-relevante navorsing. Die Departement is<br />

betrokke by sowel basiese navorsing, as toegepaste navorsing. Die belangrikste spesialisasieterreine<br />

in die Departement is bevolkingstudie, genderstudie, sosiale ekologie (waaronder hulpbrontekorte<br />

en omgewingsosiologie),asook gesondheid, siekte en gesondheidsorg (waaronder die sosiale en<br />

ontwikkelingsimpak van MIV/Vigs).<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Engela Pretorius (departementele voorsitter) spesialiseer in die sosiologie van gesondheid en<br />

siekte. Die belangrikste fokus van haar navorsing is op komplementêre/ alternatiewe genesing en die<br />

inheemse gesondheidsorgsisteem in Suid-Afrika. Haar navorsing op laasgenoemde gebied sedert<br />

1987 het haar as ‘n kundige op hierdie onderwerp onderskei. Deur die jare het sy baie aspekte van<br />

hierdie soort gesondheidsorg bestudeer en verskeie verhandelings is onder haar leiding gedoen. Haar<br />

werk is wyd gepubliseer en verskeie referate oor die onderwerp is beide nasionaal en internasionaal<br />

gelewer. Tans handel haar navorsing oor die intellektuele eiendomsreg van hierdie inheemse genesers,<br />

in besonder kwessies soos die regte en behoeftes van sowel tradisionele genesers, as hulle pasiënte,<br />

wat betref die verskaffing van veilige, kwaliteit gesondheidsorg, tesame met die versekering van die<br />

behoud en voortsetting van hulle praktyke. Haar ander navorsingsbelangstelling is op die gebied<br />

van genderstudie, veral gender in hoër onderwys. Sy het haar belangstelling in gender, menseregte<br />

en gesondheid en siekte gekombineer in navorsing oor die toets van maagdelikheid – ‘n tradisionele<br />

praktyk wat herleef het as ‘n wyse om die MIV/Vigs-pandemie aan te spreek.<br />

Die Departement is ook betrokke by verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte. Een van die projekte waarby<br />

pr<strong>of</strong> Dirk Groenewald betrokke is en wat deur die Waternavorsingsraad befonds word, behels die<br />


aanwending van ‘n nuwe tegniek ten einde die voedselsekuriteit en volhoubare voedselproduksie van<br />

kleinboere in die Thaba Nchu-landboudistrik te bevorder. Lae reënval, hoë verdamping en onvrugbare<br />

grond is die vernaamste beperkinge vir produksie van gewasse in hierdie distrik. Hierdie op-die-land<br />

reënwateropgaringstegniek is deur die Landbounavorsingsraad se Instituut vir Grond, Klimaat en<br />

Water ontwikkel en het die potensiaal om die opbrengs van gewasse met tot 50% te vermeerder.<br />

Omdat hierdie tegniek veranderinge aan die tradisionele verbouing van gewasse meebring, beteken<br />

dit ekstra werk en andersoortige werkwyses. Dit was veral vroue wat hierdie uitdaging aanvaar<br />

het. Tans pas 400 huishoudings in 37 van die 42 dorpies in die distrik hierdie tegniek met sukses<br />

toe. Waar slegs ‘n paar huishoudings in die verlede hul agterplase gebruik het om gewasse te<br />

verbou, het hierdie inisiatief talle nou in staat gestel om in hul eie behoeftes te voorsien, <strong>of</strong> om<br />

kos te koop met geld wat verkry is deur die verkoop van hulle produkte. Die volgende stap in die<br />

bemagtiging van hierdie kleinboere behels opleiding<br />

in bemarkingsvaardighede.<br />

‘n Ander gemeenskapsprogram is die een van<br />

die nasionale elektrisiteitsvoorsiener, waarby pr<strong>of</strong><br />

André Pelser betrokke is. Die Eskom Wired to Win<br />

Rewards Programme is ‘n beloningsprogram vir<br />

lojale verbruikers vir die betaling van hul Eskomrekeninge,<br />

<strong>of</strong> vir die gereelde aankoop van Eskom se<br />

voorafbetaalde koopbewyse. Die uiteindelike doel is<br />

‘n verhoging in die betalingsvlakke van verbruikers<br />

se elektrisiteitsrekeninge. ‘n Loodsprogram is in<br />

Eskom se noordoostelike streek, wat die Pretoria-,<br />

Khanyamanzane-, Witbank- en Nelspruitgebiede insluit, geïmplementeer. Afhangende van die sukses<br />

van die program in hierdie streek, sal dit nasionaal uitgebrei word. Pr<strong>of</strong> André Pelser, saam met pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Lucius Botes (Direkteur van die Sentrum vir Ontwikkelingsteun, UV) sal onder andere verantwoordelik<br />

wees om veranderinge in verbruikersgedrag en -persepsies vir die duur van die loodsprogram, te<br />

moniteer.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> Paul Wessels<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> Paul Wessels<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynaecology<br />

Endometriosis, a condition that affects <strong>the</strong> inner lining <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> uterus, is a relatively common<br />

gynaecological condition with a prevalence <strong>of</strong> about 40% in women who visit <strong>the</strong> Reproductive Care<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Universitas Hospital. The exact pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> endometriosis is not yet known, although<br />

retrograde (inwardly directed) menstruation represents <strong>the</strong> most likely mechanism. Due to <strong>the</strong> high<br />

incidence <strong>of</strong> this condition, research was conducted with a view to determining <strong>the</strong> connection<br />

between tampon use and endometriosis. A significant association was found between tampon use<br />

and <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> endometriosis in subfertile patients. These findings provide data to be used in<br />

counselling programmes for young people as well as subfertile couples.<br />


Subfertility is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most common conditions occurring in man. It directly or indirectly affects<br />

about 20% <strong>of</strong> all couples. Male and female causes <strong>of</strong> subfertility each contribute about 50% towards<br />

<strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>. In women, endometriosis constitutes one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most important contributing<br />

factors and is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most common known gynaecological conditions. It is characterised by <strong>the</strong><br />

presence <strong>of</strong> functional endometrial tissue in ectopic locations outside <strong>the</strong> uterine cavity. The peak<br />

age during which endometriosis is diagnosed is during <strong>the</strong> reproductive years, and 75% <strong>of</strong> all cases<br />

occur between <strong>the</strong> ages <strong>of</strong> 25 and 45 years. The most common symptoms with which a patient with<br />

endometriosis presents are pelvic pain and subfertility. The exceptionally high incidence has given<br />

rise to interest in <strong>the</strong> possible pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> condition.<br />

The first published reference to endometriosis dates as far back as 1860. In 1921, John Sampson<br />

postulated that retrograde menstruation was <strong>the</strong> most likely cause <strong>of</strong> endometriosis. There are several<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>ories regarding <strong>the</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> endometriosis, but it is <strong>the</strong> Transport Theory, or Sampson’s<br />

<strong>the</strong>ory <strong>of</strong> retrograde menstruation with implantation <strong>of</strong> endometrial cells on <strong>the</strong> peritoneal surface,<br />

which stimulated research in this field in <strong>the</strong> local unit. It is a known fact that retrograde menstruation<br />

takes place in most women with normal, open Fallopian tubes. However, it is not clear why only some<br />

women develop endometriosis. One possibility is <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong> volume <strong>of</strong> retrograde menstruation<br />

is generally acceptable in a normal woman with a normal immune system, and that any increase<br />

in this could give rise to endometriosis. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> period during which regular monthly<br />

menstruation takes place without any interruption such as a pregnancy could play an important role.<br />

There is a connection between <strong>the</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> endometriosis and so-called cumulative exposure<br />

to menstruation, or menstrual frequency, as well as <strong>the</strong> volume <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> menstrual flow over a certain<br />

period <strong>of</strong> time. A combination <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> above-mentioned factors probably provides <strong>the</strong> best explanation<br />

for <strong>the</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> endometriosis. It is generally accepted in <strong>the</strong> medical community that obstruction <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> normal, gravity-controlled menstrual flow by factors such as <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> vaginal tampons during<br />

menstruation exacerbates retrograde menstruation, which could <strong>the</strong>n result in a higher incidence <strong>of</strong><br />

endometriosis. Research in <strong>the</strong> local unit has revealed a statistically significant association between<br />

<strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> endometriosis and <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> vaginal tampons during menstruation.<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynaecology is also intensively involved in research regarding <strong>the</strong><br />

non-surgical treatment <strong>of</strong> uterine myomas, specialised treatment techniques for subfertility, HIV/AIDS<br />

in pregnancy and hypertension in pregnancy, as well as <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> screening programmes<br />

for cervical cancer.<br />





Pr<strong>of</strong> Paul Wessels<br />

Departement Obstetrie en Ginekologie<br />

Endometriose, ‘n siektetoestand wat die belyning van die binnekant van die baarmoeder affekteer,<br />

is ‘n relatief algemene ginekologiese toestand, met ‘n prevalensie van nagenoeg 40% in vroue wat<br />

die Reproduktiewesorgeenheid in die Universitas Hospitaal besoek. Die presiese patogenese van<br />

endometriose is tot nog toe onbekend, alhoewel retrogade (na binne gekeerde) menstruasie die mees<br />

waarskynlike meganisme daarstel. Weens die hoë voorkoms van hierdie siekte is navorsing gedoen<br />

met die doel om tampongebruik se assosiasie met endometriose te probeer vasstel. ‘n Betekenisvolle<br />

assosiasie is tussen tampongebruik en die voorkoms van endometriose in subfertiele pasiënte gevind.<br />

Hierdie bevindings voorsien data om in voorligtingsprogramme aan jongmense asook aan subfertiele<br />

egpare te gebruik.<br />

Subfertiliteit is een van die algemeenste toestande waaraan die mens ly. Nagenoeg 20% van alle<br />

egpare word direk <strong>of</strong> indirek daardeur geraak. Manlike en vroulike oorsake van subfertiliteit dra elk<br />

nagenoeg 50% by tot die voorkoms daarvan. By die vrou is endometriose een van die belangrikste<br />

bydraende faktore, en is dit een van die algemeenste ginekologiese toestande bekend. Dit word deur<br />

die teenwoordigheid van funksionele endometriële weefsel op ektopiese plekke buite die uteriene<br />

holte gekenmerk. Die piekouderdom waartydens endometriose gediagnoseer word is tydens die<br />

reproduktiewe jare, en 75% van gevalle kom tussen die ouderdom van 25 en 45 jaar voor. Die mees<br />

algemene simptome waarmee ‘n pasiënt met endometriose presenteer, is bekkenpyn en subfertiliteit.<br />

Die besonder hoë voorkomssyfer het daartoe gelei dat ‘n belangstelling in die moontlike patogenese<br />

van die siekte ontstaan het.<br />

Die eerste gepubliseerde verwysing na endometriose dateer so ver terug as 1860. In 1921 het John<br />

Sampson gepostuleer dat retrograde menstruasie die mees waarskynlike oorsprong van endometriose<br />

is. Verskeie ander teorieë vir die ontstaan van endometriose bestaan ook, maar dit is die Transportteorie<br />

<strong>of</strong> Sampson se teorie van retrograde menstruasie met inplanting van endometriële selle op die<br />

peritoneale oppervlakte, wat navorsing op die gebied in die plaaslike eenheid gestimuleer het. Dit<br />

is welbekend dat retrograde menstruasie in die meerderheid vroue met normale, oop Fallopiusbuise<br />

plaasvind. Dit is egter nie duidelik waarom slegs sommige vroue endometriose ontwikkel nie. Een<br />


moontlikheid is die feit dat die volume van retrograde menstruasie oor die algemeen aanvaarbaar is<br />

in die normale vrou met ‘n normale immuunsisteem, en dat enige toename daarvan tot endometriose<br />

aanleiding mag gee. Verder mag die tydperk waartydens maandelikse gereelde menstruasie plaasvind<br />

sonder dat daar enige onderbreking soos byvoorbeeld ‘n swangerskap voorkom, ‘n belangrike rol<br />

speel. ‘n Verband bestaan tussen die voorkoms van endometriose en sogenoemde kumulatiewe<br />

menstruele blootstelling, naamlik menstruele frekwensie, asook die volume menstruele vloed oor ‘n<br />

bepaalde tydperk. ‘n Kombinasie van bogenoemde faktore verskaf waarskynlik die beste verduideliking<br />

vir die ontstaan van endometriose. Daar word algemeen in die mediese gemeenskap aanvaar dat<br />

obstruksie van die normale swaartekragbeheerde menstruele vloei deur byvoorbeeld die gebruik van<br />

vaginale tampons tydens menstruasie retrograde menstruasie vererger, wat op sy beurt weer tot ‘n<br />

hoër voorkoms van endometriose aanleiding kan gee. Navorsing in die plaaslike eenheid het dan ook<br />

bevind dat daar ‘n statisties beduidende assosiasie tussen die teenwoordigheid van endometriose en<br />

die gebruik van vaginale tampons tydens menstruasie is.<br />

Die Departement Obstetrie en Ginekologie is verder ook intensief betrokke by navorsing oor die<br />

nie-chirurgiese behandeling van uteriene miome, gespesialiseerde behandelingstegnieke vir<br />

subfertiliteit, MIV/VIGS in swangerskap en hipertensie in swangerskap, asook die ontwikkeling van<br />

siftingsprogramme vir servikale kanker.<br />

<strong>UFS</strong> CENTENARY EDITION<br />


The student centre, Thakaneng Bridge,<br />

is <strong>the</strong> single biggest investment in <strong>the</strong><br />

campus in many years.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> André Jooste<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Jooste<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics<br />

The Department <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics was established in 1958 and has since developed into<br />

one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> leading departments <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Economics in South Africa. This growth is a result <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Department’s capacity to capitalise on incentives, build on partnerships with leading international<br />

counterpart departments and to combine an entrepreneurial approach to, and <strong>the</strong> multi-disciplinary<br />

nature <strong>of</strong>, tuition and research in its efforts to address <strong>the</strong> challenges <strong>of</strong> a dynamic agricultural<br />

environment.<br />

A group <strong>of</strong> agricultural economists in this Department, specialising in agricultural risk management<br />

and <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> decision support models, with particular reference to irrigation, have received<br />

substantial recognition for <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> management strategies and technologies with <strong>the</strong><br />

potential <strong>of</strong> increasing economic returns and reduce risk in agricultural production. They are amongst<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r things, represented on two international working groups on irrigation economics.<br />

Efficient and sustainable use and management <strong>of</strong> water and land is <strong>the</strong> research focus area <strong>of</strong><br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r group in <strong>the</strong> Department. More specifically, this group concentrates on <strong>the</strong> social and<br />

economic impact <strong>of</strong> floods and water restrictions. More recently <strong>the</strong> research agenda <strong>of</strong> this group<br />


was broadened to include <strong>the</strong> economics and management <strong>of</strong> saline irrigation water, capacity sharing<br />

in water use and rain water harvesting.<br />

The Centre for Agricultural Management, which is now in its tenth year <strong>of</strong> existence, specialises<br />

in technology transfer, strategic agricultural management and precision farming research at postgraduate<br />

level. The latter is funded by New Holland SA. With financial support from donors (Afgri,<br />

ARS, ENB and VKB), <strong>the</strong> Centre also developed a short learning programme package for commercial<br />

and beginner farmers, consisting <strong>of</strong> various short learning programmes.<br />

The Centre for Disaster Management (Dimtec) was instituted during 2002 to provide <strong>the</strong> first and<br />

only Masters program in disaster risk management. The objective is to take a holistic approach by<br />

implementing proactive disaster risk management strategies in terms <strong>of</strong> relevant legislation, policy and<br />

directives and effectively co-ordinate relief and recovery programs.<br />

The Chair <strong>of</strong> International Agricultural Marketing and Development conducts research on various<br />

agro-economic variables such as agricultural policy, technology, development strategies, marketing,<br />

competitive advantages and trade liberalisation. This group is also renowned for <strong>the</strong>ir work on<br />

development economics, value chain and trade analysis.<br />

Agricultural Engineering, ano<strong>the</strong>r section <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Department, focuses on irrigation design, ranging<br />

from flood irrigation to specialised drip irrigation. Central to <strong>the</strong> activities <strong>of</strong> this group is <strong>the</strong> emphasis<br />

on studies relating to irrigation systems that are suitable for Africa and its specific climatic conditions.<br />

In this group are leaders in research on sub-surface drip irrigation systems and much effort is put into<br />

sustainable agricultural projects in rural areas.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Jooste<br />

Departement Landbou-Ekonomie<br />

Die Departement van Landbou-ekonomie is in 1958 gestig en het sedertdien in een van die voorste<br />

departemente van Landbou-ekonomie in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel. Hierdie groei is die resultaat van die<br />

departement se vermoë om op insentiewe te kapitaliseer, om te bou op vennootskappe met die<br />

vernaamste internasionale eweknie departemente en om die entrepreneuriese benadering tot, en die<br />


multi-dissiplinêre aard van, onderrig en navorsing te kombineer in sy pogings om die uitdagings van<br />

‘n dinamiese landbou-omgewing aan te spreek.<br />

‘n Groep landbou-ekonome aan die departement wat spesialiseer in landboukundige risikobestuur en<br />

die ontwikkeling van besluitnemingsondersteuning modelle, met spesifieke verwysing na besproeiing,<br />

is bekend vir die ontwikkeling van bestuurstrategieë en tegnologie met die potensiaal om ekonomiese<br />

voordeel te verhoog en risiko by landbouproduksie te verminder. Hulle is, onder andere, op twee<br />

internasionale werksgroepe van besproeiings-ekonomie verteenwoordig.<br />

‘n Ander groep aan hierdie departement fokus op die volhoubare gebruik en bestuur van die water- en<br />

grondhulpbronne. Hulle konsentreer meer spesifiek op die bepaling en bestuur van die sosiale en<br />

ekonomiese impak van vloede, droogtes en waterbeperkings. Die navorsingsagenda van hierdie groep<br />

het onlangs uitgebrei na die ekonomie van versouting van die waterhulpbron, en kapasiteitsdeling van<br />

besproeiingswater, asook die oes van reënwater.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Landboubestuur, wat tans in sy tiende bestaansjaar is, spesialiseer op nagraadse<br />

vlak in tegnologie-oordraging, strategiese bestuur in die landbou en presisieboerderynavorsing.<br />

Laasgenoemde navorsing word befonds deur New Holland SA. Met die finansiële ondersteuning van<br />

donateurs (Afgri, ARS, ENB en VKB), het die Sentrum ook ‘n kort leerprogrampakket vir kommersiële<br />

en nuwelingboere ontwikkel wat uit verskeie kort leerprogramme bestaan.<br />

Die Sentrum vir Rampbestuur (Dimtec) is gedurende 2002 in die departement gestig om die eerste en<br />

enigste Meestersgraad-kursus in rampbestuur daar te stel. Die doel daarvan is ‘n holistiese benadering<br />

deur die implimentering van pro-aktiewe bestuurstrategieë vir rampgevaar in terme van toepaslike<br />

wetgewing, beleid en riglyne, asook die gelykwaardige noodleniging en herstelprogramme.<br />

Die Leerstoel vir Internasionale Landbou-bemarking en -ontwikkeling lei die departement se navorsing<br />

oor verskeie agro-ekonomiese veranderlikes soos landboubeleid, tegnologie, ontwikkelingstrategieë,<br />

bemarking, mededingende voordele en handel. Hierdie groep is ook bekend vir hulle navorsing op<br />

die gebied van ontwikkelings-ekonomie, waardekettingbestuur en internasionale handel.<br />

Landbou-ingenieurswese, wat ook deel van die departement vorm, fokus op besproeiings-ontwerpe,<br />

wat wissel van vloedbesproeiing tot gespesialiseerde drupbesproeiing. Die klem op besproeiingstelsels<br />

wat geskik is vir Afrika en die spesifieke klimaatstoestande vorm die kern van hierdie groep se<br />

aktiwiteite. Hulle is die toonaangewers in navorsing oor drupbesproeiing van die ondergrond en doen<br />

baie moeite met volhoubare landbouprojekte in plattelandse gebiede.<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> History<br />

History provides perspective and contextualises events. It enables us to accept responsibility and to<br />

forgive, without <strong>the</strong> need to necessarily forget. The past must be ordered and understood. Those who<br />

forget <strong>the</strong> past, are like people who suffer from (historical) amnesia. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>’s<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> History endeavours to raise <strong>the</strong> level <strong>of</strong> historical literacy and to ensure <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> shared past <strong>of</strong> South Africans by presenting several innovative under- and postgraduate modules<br />

and courses, and also by supervising a large number <strong>of</strong> MA and doctoral students.<br />

The proper study <strong>of</strong> military history does not imply <strong>the</strong> glorification <strong>of</strong> war, but ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> gaining<br />

<strong>of</strong> insight into <strong>the</strong> terrible destruction caused by armed conflict – an insight that is a prerequisite<br />


for <strong>the</strong> successful elimination <strong>of</strong> conflict, and also for preventing <strong>the</strong> militarisation <strong>of</strong> a society and<br />

<strong>the</strong> traumatisation <strong>of</strong> a country’s citizens. The tragic events <strong>of</strong> 11 September 2001, <strong>the</strong> wars in<br />

Afghanistan and Iraq and <strong>the</strong> numerous unresolved conflicts in Africa accentuate <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> military<br />

history. Strictly speaking, lessons cannot really be learnt from <strong>the</strong> past and <strong>the</strong> studying <strong>of</strong> history<br />

also does not provide clear-cut solutions for contemporary problems. However, <strong>the</strong> knowledge and<br />

insight gained through historical studies can contribute towards placing contemporary problems in a<br />

better perspective, and indeed to finding solutions for <strong>the</strong>se problems.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels has a wide-ranging interest in a variety <strong>of</strong> historical topics, including South<br />

African military history (particularly <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902), <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> South African<br />

National Defence Force (with special reference to <strong>the</strong> South African Navy), twentieth-century South<br />

African political history (as well as <strong>the</strong> past and continuing role that trauma has played in <strong>the</strong> country),<br />

aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> Africa (including <strong>the</strong> African Renaissance), and also cultural history (for<br />

example <strong>the</strong> preservation <strong>of</strong> old buildings and o<strong>the</strong>r places <strong>of</strong> historical interest). In collaboration with<br />

a former student and colleague <strong>of</strong> his, Dr Phia Steyn (now on <strong>the</strong> staff <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Stirling,<br />

Scotland), he has also published on aspects <strong>of</strong> environmental history. However, <strong>the</strong> majority <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

Wessels’s nine books and smaller monographs, and more than 140 articles and book reviews, deal<br />

with military history. His research in this regard has thus far taken him to ten countries where he has<br />

consulted a great variety <strong>of</strong> documents and o<strong>the</strong>r sources at more than 50 archive depots, libraries<br />

and o<strong>the</strong>r institutions.<br />

At first glance it may seem strange that someone at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> is doing research<br />

on naval history. His interest in this regard goes back to <strong>the</strong> years spent in Durban, where he was<br />

born and completed his entire school education. Thanks to his in-depth research with regard to<br />

several military <strong>the</strong>mes, including <strong>the</strong> controversial arms trade, he has, for more than fifteen years,<br />

been a contributor for <strong>the</strong> Jane’s Information Group (in Coulsdon, England) and <strong>the</strong>ir authoritative<br />

annual publication Jane’s fighting ships, as well as for <strong>the</strong> International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

(London) and <strong>the</strong>ir equally influential annual publication The military balance.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Wessels has published regularly on <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War – <strong>the</strong> most comprehensive and far-reaching<br />

war fought thus far on South African soil. The Anglo-Boer War centenary elicited unprecedented<br />

interest in this tragic conflict. Over and above <strong>the</strong> stream <strong>of</strong> academic as well as more popular<br />

publications generated as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> centenary, <strong>the</strong> conflict also found expression in literature. By<br />

taking stock (academically and o<strong>the</strong>rwise) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Anglo-Boer War, new perspectives<br />

were also developed with regard to <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> South Africa in general – and a contribution was<br />


made to ensure <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong> our past. After all, history is a discussion without end; a dialogue<br />

between <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong> today and those <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> past; a mental exercise through which a cultural group<br />

(such as a community or a nation) accounts for its past.<br />



Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels<br />

Departement Geskiedenis<br />

Geskiedenis verskaf perspektief en kontekstualiseer gebeure. Dit stel die mens in staat om<br />

verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar en te kan vergewe, sonder om noodwendig te moet vergeet. Die<br />

verlede moet georden en begryp word. Wie die verlede vergeet, is soos iemand wat aan (historiese)<br />

geheueverlies ly. Die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se Departement Geskiedenis poog om deur middel<br />

van ‘n verskeidenheid innoverende voor- en nagraadse modules en kursusse, asook studieleiding aan<br />

‘n groot aantal MA- en doktorale studente, ‘n bydrae te lewer om die vlak van historiese geletterdheid<br />

te verhoog en die toekoms van Suid-Afrikaners se gemeenskaplike verlede te verseker.<br />

Die behoorlike bestudering van militêre geskiedenis beteken nie die verheerliking van oorlog nie, maar<br />

juis die verkryging van begrip vir die vernietigende effek van gewapende konflik – begrip wat nodig<br />

is vir die suksesvolle bekamping van konflik, en om te voorkom dat ‘n samelewing gemilitariseer en<br />

die landsbewoners getraumatiseer word. Die tragiese gebeure van 11 September 2001, die oorloë in<br />

Afghanistan en in Irak en die talle onopgeloste konflikte in Afrika beklemtoon die waarde van militêre<br />

geskiedenis. Streng gesproke kan daar nie werklik lesse uit die verlede geleer word nie, en die<br />

bestudering van geskiedenis bied ook geen klinkklare oplossings vir eietydse vraagstukke nie. Die<br />

kennis en insig wat deur middel van historiese studie verwerf word, mag egter wel daartoe bydra dat<br />

die probleme van die dag in beter perspektief gesien word en oplossings daarvoor gevind word.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> André Wessels het ‘n wye belangstelling in ‘n verskeidenheid historiese temas, insluitende<br />

Suid-Afrikaanse militêre geskiedenis (veral die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1899-1902), die geskiedenis van<br />

die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (veral die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot), twintigste-eeuse Suid-<br />

Afrikaanse politieke geskiedenis (asook die deurlopende rol van trauma in die land), aspekte van die<br />

geskiedenis van Afrika (insluitende die Afrika-Renaissance), en ook kultuurgeskiedenis (byvoorbeeld<br />


die bewaring van ou geboue en ander plekke van historiese belang). Saam met ‘n voormalige student<br />

en kollega van hom, dr Phia Steyn (tans verbonde aan die <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Stirling, Skotland) het hy ook<br />

al verskeie artikels oor aspekte van omgewingsgeskiedenis gepubliseer. Die meeste van pr<strong>of</strong> Wessels<br />

se nege boeke en kleiner monografieë, en meer as 140 artikels en boekresensies handel egter oor<br />

militêre geskiedenis. Sy navorsing in hierdie verband het hom tot dusver al na tien lande geneem waar<br />

hy ‘n groot verskeidenheid dokumente en ander bronne by meer as 50 argiefbewaarplekke, biblioteke<br />

en ander instellings geraadpleeg het.<br />

Met die eerste oogopslag mag dit vreemd lyk dat iemand aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat oor<br />

vlootgeskiedenis navorsing doen, maar pr<strong>of</strong> Wessels se belangstelling in dié verband gaan terug<br />

na sy jarelange verblyf in Durban, waar hy gebore is en sy hele skoolloopbaan voltooi het. Danksy<br />

sy indringende navorsing oor ‘n verskeidenheid krygskundige temas, insluitende die omstrede<br />

wapenbedryf, is hy reeds meer as vyftien jaar lank ‘n medewerker aan die Jane’s Information Group<br />

(gesetel te Coulsdon in Engeland) se gesaghebbende jaarlikse publikasie Jane’s fighting ships, asook<br />

die International Institute for Strategic Studies (London) se ewe invloedryke jaarlikse publikasie The<br />

military balance.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong> Wessels publiseer gereeld oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog – die omvangrykste en mees ingrypende<br />

konflik tot dusver in Suid-Afrika. Die honderdjarige herdenking van die Anglo-Boereoorlog het gelei tot<br />

‘n ongekende belangstelling in hierdie tragiese oorlog, en het naas ‘n stroom akademiese en populêrwetenskaplike<br />

publikasies, ook in die letterkunde neerslag gevind. Deur akademies en andersins<br />

bestek op te neem van die geskiedenis van die Anglo-Boereoorlog, is heelwat nuwe insigte ook<br />

ontwikkel oor die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika in die algemeen – en is ‘n bydrae gelewer om die<br />

toekoms van ons verlede te verseker. Geskiedenis is immers ‘n diskussie sonder einde; ‘n gesprek<br />

tussen die mense van vandag en dié van die verlede; ‘n geestelike vorm waarin ‘n kultuur (byvoorbeeld<br />

‘n gemeenskap, <strong>of</strong> ‘n nasie) moet rekenskap gee van sy/haar verlede.<br />


Mrs Anneke van der Spoel van Dijk<br />

Mrs Anneke van der Spoel van Dijk<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Medical Microbiology<br />

Spoligotyping<br />



DNA fingerprinting has become an important tool in <strong>the</strong> control <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis (TB). For <strong>the</strong> last six<br />

years, Ms Anneke van der Spoel van Dijk and her team <strong>of</strong> assistants and postgraduate students<br />

have been investigating <strong>the</strong> transmission and spread <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis strains and antibiotic resistance<br />

in tuberculosis in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> by using molecular fingerprinting techniques such as RFLP typing,<br />

spoligotyping, MIRU-VNTR typing and gene mutation studies.<br />

Tuberculosis is still a serious pandemic, and control is based mainly on good treatment practices<br />

and <strong>the</strong> reduction <strong>of</strong> interpersonal transmission. The discovery <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> IS6110 insertion sequences<br />

was <strong>the</strong> basis for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) typing, followed by spoligotyping<br />

and mycobacterial intergenic repetitive units – variable number <strong>of</strong> tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTR)<br />

typing. This paved <strong>the</strong> way for <strong>the</strong> differentiation <strong>of</strong> strains <strong>of</strong> mycobacteria isolated from different<br />


tuberculosis patients. Thus, this process <strong>of</strong> molecular epidemiology enabled scientists to link identical<br />

(clones) fingerprints with interpersonal transmission <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disease versus reactivation <strong>of</strong> old, latent<br />

TB strains and reinfection by new strains. This made it possible to monitor <strong>the</strong> diversity and spread<br />

<strong>of</strong> tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) strains, and to test <strong>the</strong> effectiveness <strong>of</strong><br />

treatment regimens to ensure control <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disease.<br />

Tuberculosis strains vary according to different countries and geographical areas. For instance,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Beijing/W group <strong>of</strong> strains is prominent in Asia, but also in o<strong>the</strong>r countries. This strain caused<br />

outbreaks in New York and in a prison in Durban, South Africa. It is also <strong>the</strong> most prevalent strain in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Western Cape, where <strong>the</strong> subtype F29 in particular was responsible for high transmission rates<br />

and large family groups.<br />

Me Van der Spoel van Dijk and her research team found that <strong>the</strong> tuberculosis strains in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

differ considerably from those in <strong>the</strong> Western Cape. Only small clusters (groups <strong>of</strong> identical strains)<br />

caused by interpersonal transmission were found in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>, so that this province has a strain<br />

transmission rate <strong>of</strong> only 20%, compared to 35% in <strong>the</strong> Western Cape. In <strong>the</strong> Western Cape, family<br />

transmission <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Beijing strain is thought to be as high as 70%. However, this highly virulent strain<br />

is not found in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. This could be due to <strong>the</strong> high unemployment and low migration rates<br />

in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. Drug resistance in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> is only 6.3% for isionazid and 1.6% in <strong>the</strong> case<br />

<strong>of</strong> multi-drug resistance. Resistance in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> seems to be mainly caused by patients not<br />

completing <strong>the</strong>ir treatment or not complying with treatment schedules, causing new mutations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

genes responsible for drug resistance.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> basis <strong>of</strong> this research, Ms Van der Spoel van Dijk and her team can provide <strong>the</strong> government<br />

with information that will enable <strong>the</strong>m to implement more effective and timely control programmes<br />

through constant co-operation and regular feedback.<br />

This research is being done as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Joint research project on tuberculosis control in <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (South Africa) – from infection to cure, and is part <strong>of</strong> an international, multidisciplinary<br />

collaboration with <strong>the</strong> Flemish government, <strong>the</strong> Flemish-South African Scientific and Technological<br />

Collaboration Programme, under <strong>the</strong> leadership <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong> Dingie van Rensburg <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Centre for Health<br />

Systems Research and Development, in collaboration with Dr Leen Rigouts and Pr<strong>of</strong> Francoise<br />

Portaels <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mycobacteriology Unit, Prince Leopold Institute for Tropical Medicine, <strong>the</strong> Universitaire<br />

Instelling Antwerpen and <strong>the</strong> Universitaire Faculteiten St-Ignatius Antwerpen. The project is funded by<br />


<strong>the</strong> Flemish and South African governments via <strong>the</strong> National Research Foundation. O<strong>the</strong>r collaborators<br />

include <strong>the</strong> Medical Research Council (MRC), various departments on <strong>the</strong> campus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Health in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong>. The MRC, as well as <strong>the</strong> Deans’ Fund<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Faculty <strong>of</strong> Medicine, funded parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> project.<br />



Me Anneke van der Spoel van Dijk<br />

Departement Mediese Mikrobiologie<br />

DNA-vingerafdrukke het ’n belangrike hulpmiddel geword in die beheer van tuberkulose. Me Anneke<br />

van der Spoel van Dijk en haar span assistente en nagraadse studente is reeds die afgelope ses jaar<br />

besig om die oordrag en verspreiding van tuberkulosestamme en antibiotikaweerstand met betrekking<br />

tot tuberkulose in die Vrystaat te monitor deur die gebruik van molekulêre vingerafdruktegnieke soos<br />

RFLP-tipering, spoligo-tipering, MIRU-VNTR-tipering en geen-mutasiestudies.<br />

Tuberkulose is steeds ’n pandemie wat nie onderskat moet word nie, en die beheer daarvan is ho<strong>of</strong>saaklik<br />

gebaseer op doeltreffende behandeling en die voorkoming van interpersoonlike verspreiding. Die<br />

ontdekking van die IS6110-invoegingsekwensies was die grondslag vir beperkings fragment lengte<br />

polimorfisme (RFLP) -tipering, gevolg deur spoligo-tipering en mikobakteriese intergeniese herhalings<br />

eenhede – varieërende getalle opeenvolgende herhalings (MIRU-VNTR) -tipering. Dit het die weg<br />

gebaan vir die onderskeiding van stamme van mikobakterieë wat uit verskillende tuberkulosepasiënte<br />

geïsoleer word. Hierdie proses van molekulêre epidemiologie het wetenskaplikes dus in staat gestel<br />

om identiese (klone) vingerafdrukke te koppel aan interpersoonlike oordraging van die siekte, teenoor<br />

die reaktivering van ou, latente tuberkulosestamme <strong>of</strong> herinfektering deur nuwe stamMe Op hierdie<br />

wyse word die diversiteit en verspreiding van tuberkulose en multiweerstandige tuberkulosestamme<br />

bestudeer en die effektiwiteit van middels vir behandeling getoets om beheer van die siekte te<br />

bevorder.<br />

Tuberkulosestamme wissel na gelang van verskillende lande en geografiese gebiede. Die Beijing/Wtipe<br />

stamme is byvoorbeeld prominent regoor die wêreld - veral in Asië, maar ook in ander lande.<br />


In New York was hierdie stam verantwoordelik vir ‘n tuberkulose-uitbraak, asook in ‘n gevangenis in<br />

Durban, Suid-Afrika. Dit is ook die stam wat die meeste voorkom in die Wes-Kaap, waar die subtipe<br />

F29 veral vir hoë oordragingsyfers en groot familie groepe verantwoordelik was.<br />

Me Van der Spoel van Dijk en haar navorsingspan het gevind dat die tuberkulosestamme in die Vrystaat<br />

geweldig verskil van dié in die Wes-Kaap. In die Vrystaat is slegs enkele klone (groepe van identiese<br />

stamme) gevind wat die gevolg van interpersoonlike oordraging is, sodat die oordragingsyfer in<br />

hierdie provinsie slegs 20% is, teenoor die 35%-oordragingsyfer in die Wes-Kaap. In die Wes-Kaap<br />

is die familie-oordrag van die weerstandige Beijing-stam vermoedelik so hoog as 70%. Hierdie hoogs<br />

virulente stam word egter nie in die Vrystaat aangetref nie. Dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die<br />

hoë werkloosheidsyfer en lae migrasiekoers in die provinsie. Weerstand teen middels in die Vrystaat is<br />

maar 6.3% vir isoniasied en 1.7% ten opsigte van veelvuldige weerstand. Weerstand in die Vrystaat is<br />

waarskynlik die gevolg van pasiënte wat nie hul behandeling voltooi nie, <strong>of</strong> hul medisyne nie volgens<br />

skedule gebruik nie. Dit kan dan lei tot die vorming van mutasies in die gene wat verantwoordelik is<br />

vir weerstand.<br />

Op grond van hierdie navorsing kan Me Van der Spoel van Dijk en haar span die regering van<br />

inligting voorsien wat hulle in staat sal stel om meer effektiewe en voortydige beheerprogramme te<br />

implementeer deur voortdurende samewerking en gereelde terugvoering.<br />

Navorsing in die groep word gedoen as deel van die Joint research project on tuberculosis<br />

control in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>State</strong> (South Africa) – from infection to cure, en vorm deel van internasionale<br />

multidissiplinêre samewerking met die Vlaamse regering, die Flemish-South African Scientific and<br />

Technological Collaboration Programme onder leiding van Pr<strong>of</strong> Dingie van Rensburg van die Sentrum<br />

vir Gesondheidsisteemnavorsing en Ontwikkeling. Dr Leen Rigouts en Pr<strong>of</strong> Francoise Portaels van<br />

die Mikobakteriologie-eenheid van die Prins Leopold Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, die<br />

Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen en die Universitaire Faculteiten St-Ignatius Antwerpen is die Vlaamse<br />

medewerkers. Die projek word befonds deur die Vlaamse en Suid-Afrikaanse regerings via die<br />

Nasionale Navorsingstigting. Ander medewerkers sluit in die Mediese Navorsingsraad (MNR), verskeie<br />

departemente op die kampus van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat en die Departement van Gesondheid<br />

in die Vrystaat. Die MNR, asook die Dekaansfonds van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, het<br />

dele van die projek befonds.<br />








MOSTERT, Jacobus Willem<br />


OF BANKS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> H van Zyl<br />



MINNAAR, Francois<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> JCO Bekker<br />

VAN HOEYLANDT, Ritha Oscar Emelie Thomas<br />



CHEMISTS AND MEDICAL DEPOTS. PROMOTER/PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> FP van Straaten CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JCO<br />

Bekker<br />

VAN WYK, Hendrik Andreas<br />


GOVERNMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA. PROMOTOR: Pr<strong>of</strong> HJ Kroukamp<br />






Education Developing Division<br />

Afdeling Onderwysontwikkeling<br />

FRIEDRICH-NEL, Hesta<br />


TECHNOLOGY. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> Dr MM Nel CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> Dr L de Jager<br />

RAUBENHEIMER, Daleen<br />


THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MM Nel CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> SA Petersen<br />

VAN VUUREN, Susanna<br />




PROMOTOR/PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MM Nel MEDEPROMOTOR/CO-PROMOTER: Mev/Mrs SM van Heerden<br />



SEBOTSA, Masekonyela, Linono, Damane<br />


A Dannhauser CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> PL Jooste<br />



MOLLENTZE, Willem Frederik<br />


AND BLOEMFONTEIN. PROMOTERS: Pr<strong>of</strong> DJV Weich, Pr<strong>of</strong> G Joubert CO-PROMOTERS: Dr K Steyn, Pr<strong>of</strong> AF<br />

Steyn<br />




PRETORIUS Anne-Marié<br />


IN SOUTH AFRICA. PROMOTER: Dr RJ Birtles CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> GHJ Pretorius<br />



DU PLESSIS, Frederik Carl Philippus<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> CA Willemse<br />



KRAUSE, Maria Wichira<br />


PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDENTS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MJ Viljoen CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MM Nel<br />

MYBURGH, Marionette<br />




STUDY. PROMOTOR/PROMOTER: Dr RH van den Berg MEDEPROMOTOR/CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> E Pretorius<br />






BEKELE, Abate<br />


CENTRAL ETHIOPIA. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MF Viljoen CO-PROMOTER: Dr Gezahegn Ayele<br />

GUDETA ALEMU, Zerihum<br />


Schalkwyk<br />

WORSEME, Hassen Ibrahim<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MF Viljoen CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JA Groenewald<br />



BEYENE, Solomon Tefera<br />


ETHIOPIA. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> HA Snyman CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> GN Smit<br />

BOTHA, Philippus Rudolf<br />



AREA OF THE SOUTHERN CAPE. PROMOTOR/PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> HA Snyman<br />



Greyling CO-PROMOTER: Dr LMJ Schwalbach<br />

OMBIONYO, Messine<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> JPC Greyling CO-PROMOTER: Dr LMJ Schwalbach<br />

THERON, Johannes Frederick<br />




VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Hermias Cornelius<br />



HA Snyman<br />

YOUSUF KURTU, Mohammed<br />


HO de Waal CO-PROMOTER: Dr LMJ Schwalbach<br />

ZELEKE, Mekuriaw Zeleke<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> JPC Greyling CO-PROMOTER: Dr LMJ Schwalbach<br />



MARAIS, Johann Georg Lochner<br />


STATE. PROMOTER: Dr DS Krige CO-PROMOTERS: Pr<strong>of</strong> EP Beukes Pr<strong>of</strong> G du T de Villiers<br />



BEAN, John Alexander<br />


Tonder<br />

DZANGA, Panganai<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> JF Botha CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> AHJ Cloot<br />

FOURIE, Francois Daniel<br />


ROCKS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JF Botha<br />

USHER, Brent Herbert<br />


AFRICAN COALMINES. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong>. FDI Hodgson<br />




MOKGATLHE, Lucky<br />


DATA. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> PCN Groenewald CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> DJ de Waal<br />



DE WIT, Maryna<br />


CHEDDAR CHEESES DURING RIPENING. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> G Osth<strong>of</strong>f CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> BC Viljoen<br />

KOTZÉ, Annie Dore<strong>the</strong>a<br />


Viljoen<br />

VAN DRIESSEL, Brian<br />


LP Christopher<br />



ALI, Shimelis Hussein<br />


LEAF RUST RESISTANCE GENES IN TETRAPLOID WHEATS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JJ Spies CO-PROMOTERS: Pr<strong>of</strong><br />

MT Labuschagne, Pr<strong>of</strong> ZA Pretorius<br />

ASSEFA GEBEYANEH, Alemayehu<br />


NORTH SHEWA IN ETHIOPIA. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MT Labuschagne CO-PROMOTER: Dr H Maartens<br />

BESHIR MOHAMED. Tesfaye<br />


PROMOTER: Dr H Assefa<br />


FITE, Geleta Legesse<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MT Labuschagne CO-PROMOTER: Dr CD Viljoen<br />

GELETA SHARGIE, Nemera<br />



CO-PROMOTERS: Dr CD Viljoen Pr<strong>of</strong> G Osth<strong>of</strong>f<br />

HOLDER, Francisca<br />


(POACEAE). PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JJ Spies<br />

JACOBY, Angeline<br />


PROMOTOR: Pr<strong>of</strong> MT Labuschagne<br />

KEBEDE FEKYBELU, Solomon<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MT Labuschagne CO-PROMOTER: Dr CD Viljoen<br />

KENA, Mapotso Anna<br />


MANAGEMENT OF SOIL-BORNE DISEASES. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> WJ Swart CO-PROMOTER: Dr S Ralitsoele<br />

KOEKEMOER, Francois Petrus<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> CS van Deventer<br />

LIEBENBERG, Merion Margaret<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> ZA Pretorius CO-PROMOTER: Dr CD Viljoen<br />

MOHASE, Lintle<br />


Westhuizen CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> ZA Pretorius<br />

ROODT, Rouvay<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> JJ Spies<br />


VENTER, Charl Albertse<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> CS van Deventer CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> WJ Swart<br />

WOLDEGIORGIS, Tadesse Dessalegn<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> CS van Deventer CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> MT Labuschagne<br />



AHMED, Mohammed Assen<br />


Dr PAL le Roux CO-PROMOTOR: Dr CH Barker<br />

GHIZAW AMANU, Amare<br />


NITOSOLS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong>. CC du Preez CO-PROMOTER: Dr T Bekele<br />

OGINDO, Harun Okello<br />


IN SEMI-ARID ECOTOPE. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> S Walker<br />

SCHMIDT, Christiaan Jan Jacob<br />


CC du Preez CO-PROMOTER: Dr FG Adriaanse<br />

VAN HUYSSTEEN, Cornelius Wilhelm<br />





PRICE, Roger Edward<br />


Promoter: Dr MC van der Westhuizen<br />

REED, Cecile Catharine<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> L Basson CO-PROMOTER: Dr LL Van As<br />






VAN DEN BERG, Johannes Petrus Cilliers<br />


PROMOTOR: Pr<strong>of</strong> K von Delft<br />



MATU, Peter Maina<br />


GENERAL ELECTION. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> HJ Lubbe<br />



REDELINGHUYS, Jacobus Nicolaas<br />


EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> D Hay<br />



PEPLER, Elizabeth Magrietha<br />


PROMOTER: Dr. A van Deventer CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JD Froneman<br />



PII, Joel Seeiso<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> RR Brazelle<br />




VAN NIEKERK, Daniël Erasmus<br />


GENRES. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> NJ Luwes CO-PROMOTER: Dr A van Jaarsveld<br />



TOLMIE, Donald Francois<br />




STEYN, Maria Sophia<br />



GOVERNMENTS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> A Wessels<br />



MAKHETHA, Kelebogile Choice<br />


PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> DP Wessels<br />



BRAND, Albertus<br />



COSTANDIUS, Anthony John<br />


Pr<strong>of</strong> PM Heyns<br />


DE VOS, Hendrik Möller<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> DA Louw<br />

HILL, Amanda<br />



PROMOTER: Dr RBI Beukes<br />

JOUBERT, Emmerentia<br />



PROMOTER: Dr R.B.I. Beukes CO-PROMOTER: Dr KGF Esterhuyse<br />

POTGIETER, Johannes Cornelis<br />




STRÖH, Glaudina<br />




STRYDOM, Christ<strong>of</strong>fel Cornelius<br />



VASSILIOU, Colleen Patricia<br />



VENTER, Arnót<br />


Louw<br />




KOEN, Magaretha Paulina<br />



LEARNERS. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> CJ Kotzé CO-PROMOTERS: Dr KGF Esterhuyse Dr GS Kotzé<br />





CELLIERS, Albertus<br />



MEDEPROMOTOR/CO-PROMOTOR: Pr<strong>of</strong> DF Tolmie<br />



NTHUPING, Michael<br />




BOTHMA, Jan Daniël<br />



Rensburg<br />


CILLIERS, Johannes Hendrik Jordaan<br />




Pr<strong>of</strong> J Janse van Rensburg<br />

KETA, Tsotetsi David<br />


THE APOSTLE PAUL. PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> JS Kellerman CO-PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> HC van Zyl<br />

SCHEEPERS, Phillip Johan<br />




PROMOTER: Pr<strong>of</strong> P Verster<br />



BUYS, Abraham Lodewikus Adriaan<br />



SONG, Taeheon<br />



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