2001 - Virgilio

2001 - Virgilio

2001 - Virgilio


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<strong>2001</strong><br />

William<br />

Marsha<br />

David<br />

Joseph<br />

Aaron<br />

Sarah<br />

James<br />

Wendy<br />

Matthew<br />

Michael<br />

Krista<br />

Amy<br />

Meghan<br />

Emily<br />

Whitney<br />

Joshua<br />

Grandpa & Grandma<br />

2<br />

4<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

13<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

20<br />

22<br />

23<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

29<br />


The Famous Fighting Career of Wild Willy Nielsen<br />

When I was a kid I had about seven fist fights, but I can only remember four of<br />

them. Here goes a short account of them.<br />

I was probable around 10 or 11 and was being picked on by a kid a little bigger<br />

than myself but a whole grade older. One day in the winter with snow all over<br />

the ground I decided for some reason now unknown to be to try and beat him<br />

up in front of my house. Every day after school he would walk past my house<br />

on his way home. I put an a big heavy coat and waited for him. When he came<br />

along I went out and we started fighting. We were pounding each other for all<br />

we were worth, but neither of us hit the other in the face. They were all body<br />

punches, and since we both had heave coats on neither felt much. The fight<br />

ended and he walked home. He never picked on me again<br />

Fight 2 was also when I was about 11. I had cut my right arm very deeply along<br />

the bicep pulling a paring knife out of a spool of thread (for which I still have a<br />

6 in scar) a few days before I had my arm in a sling and was playing on the<br />

asphalt playground at the grade school. Lloyd Euells hit my arm and I thought<br />

he did it on purpose. I don’t remember what I did or said ,but he got really mad<br />

at me and rushed toward me as fast as he could swinging his fists. I waited until<br />

he got right up on me and I quickly, with the speed of a mongoose , stepped<br />

aside leaving my foot out to trip him. I also smashed a powerful blow to his<br />

face as he stumbled over my foot and went into the asphalt face first and<br />

skidded to a stop. He was very hurt . His face was a mess and the fight was<br />

over.<br />

Number 3 was when I was in high school. Melvin Andersen was a year<br />

younger than I . He was a real dork who when we were kids had hit me in the<br />

forehead with a shovel and caused a cut which scared. I got a shovel and hit<br />

him back in the same place and he ended up with a scar also. So there was no<br />

love lost between us. Well , a few years after the shovel incidents, good old<br />

Melvin was in his living room playing with a rifle and ended up shooting the<br />

television set to pieces. The story went around and we started calling Melvin,<br />

Wyatt Earp. He of course hated it but he was a dork so the name stuck. One day<br />

after band , we were putting our instruments away in the band room . The<br />

closets were metal and we each had our own. I don’t know what Melvin did but<br />

I called him Wyatt and he started to throw punches at me in those very tight<br />

quarters. I was very strong by now because of hard work in the hay fields and I<br />

pounded his face into a pulp. After a short time I notice that I couldn’t hit him<br />

any more with my right hand without pain. The fight ended and my right hand<br />


started swelling. Evidently in the wild meeley I had missed and hit the metal<br />

locker and broken my hand below the index finger. The next day his face was a<br />

real mess, but my hand was twice its normal size and broken. I think I lost that<br />

fight<br />

My last fight was the one that convinced me that fighting was not a good idea.<br />

Wayne Christiansen was a mean bully about 6’ 4” tall and 220 pounds and<br />

liked to push his weight around. He wore rings on each finger for the purpose<br />

of cutting up his fight victims. One day in the lunch room , I was sitting across<br />

from him when he said to a couple his mean partners in badness something<br />

about the truth. Being the bright boy that I was, I said to him. “You wouldn’t<br />

know the truth if you saw it.” I left the room and walked over to the locker<br />

room at the school. He came in and hit me as hard as he could in the face<br />

before I knew what was happening. Then , as I was stunned, he proceeded to<br />

pound me to a pulp over and over with those rings. Finally he quit as I was<br />

helpless lying on the floor. It was my last fight and I had not even thrown a<br />

punch. Wayne got drunk a few years later and wandered onto the train tracks<br />

and was run over and killed. No great loss.<br />

So Wild Willy’s fighting career came to an end with a record of 3 wins and 1<br />

loss, except the broken hand incident probably made it 2 wins and 2 losses.<br />

William Martin Nielsen<br />


My Christmases Past<br />

I will tell you what Christmas was like for me when I was<br />

young. I remember my Grandma Green always very<br />

excited to open her presents. She was old but because of<br />

her eagerness she seemed like a little girl. I love my<br />

Grandma. I always got her a special gift because she was<br />

always so excited to open her presents. I remember how<br />

she’d lick her lips and sort of lean towards the tree and her<br />

presents with eager anticipation for her turn.<br />

My favorite present that I ever got for Christmas as a child<br />

was a bunch of doll clothes that my Grandma made for my<br />

dolls. She even knitted a sweater for one of the outfits. That<br />

year I got a small fold up table w/ fold up chairs - they were<br />

yellow and a doll dish set plus the doll clothes. It was my<br />

best Christmas.<br />

The gift I remember the most was one my dad got my<br />

mother. He got her a griddle (the same electric griddle that<br />

she still uses today by the way). He had the base wrapped<br />

in a beautiful box, the lid wrapped in another stacked on<br />

top and a small beautifully wrapped box (the thermostat<br />

and plug) wrapped in a 3 rd box up on top. All the boxes<br />

were wrapped with a lovely bow. I was SO excited to see<br />

what was inside that I must have looked disappointed when<br />

I saw it was for my mother. Dad told me that I could share<br />

it with my mom - hence I got to cook many meals on it<br />

later ha ha<br />

Christmas eve our family never had any traditions to speak<br />

of except that I would always set out cookies and a glass of<br />


milk for Santa. When I was a teenager, my mom mentioned<br />

that Billy Timothy had her entire family over each<br />

Christmas eve to a festive feast. Just an aside comment<br />

from my mom and voila the genesis of our family’s<br />

Christmas eve feast. ☺<br />

One Christmas eve when I was 16, Grandma asked me to<br />

drive her around so she could deliver all her presents she’d<br />

gathered throughout the year to give to her friends. I was<br />

glad that I could do that for my Grandma. She would<br />

always complement me profusely whenever I did the<br />

smallest thing, so I thought I was terribly kind and special<br />

for every little thing I did. Unfortunately before I married<br />

that is my most memorable Christmas eve. But while I’m<br />

talking about complements from my grandmother, I will<br />

tell you about this other one. Grandma was English and she<br />

loved scones. Many were the times when I would anxiously<br />

await grandma’s scones to rise so we could fry and eat<br />

them. I remember one time standing by grandma and<br />

thinking I just couldn’t wait until I could eat a scone. I<br />

wanted one right then so bad! I just remember what it was<br />

like to want something with every fiber of my being and<br />

not being able to have it for awhile. It was hard. When I<br />

was older I was in a 4-H club. It was a cooking club. I<br />

learned how to make really good homemade hand kneaded<br />

bread there. Grandma was old at this time - just a few years<br />

before her death. She hobbled upstairs and asked me if I<br />

would make her some scones because she’d been craving<br />

them and couldn’t make them anymore. Now, you need to<br />

realize that homemade bread - the kind I was taught to<br />

make - took six hours and it was before the day of bread<br />


makers or even electric mixers that would knead the bread<br />

for you. Well, I made some for her. I guess it was dough<br />

that was touched by an angel, or something, but it’s the best<br />

bread dough I ever made in my life. It was bubbly and light<br />

and wonderful. I fried her up scones and every single scone<br />

bubbled up and was wonderfully hollow in the middle. She<br />

praised me. She raved about how wonderful my scones<br />

were. They really were too. Because I was so happy that<br />

she liked and appreciated those scones so much I made<br />

them for her several more times but it was sort of<br />

disappointing because I was never able to make them as<br />

good as that first time. To this day, I am really happy that I<br />

made my grandmother those scones.<br />

I remember being in Christmas Primary programs. The<br />

Timothy’s took a “movie” of me performing at one of these<br />

programs and I was really really cute ☺ I still remember<br />

part of the poem and I was like 3 or 4. It was about trees<br />

and some like apple or cherry but the one that made me<br />

merry, was a Christmas tree ☺ Cute stuff.<br />

After we woke up Christmas morning we would open our<br />

gifts. I’m so glad that my Grandma Green lived with us.<br />

She and my dad made opening gifts so fun and almost<br />

magical. I guess it was Grandma’s enthusiasm for opening<br />

them that captured me.<br />

Sometimes my grandma was like having a sister live with<br />

me. She was always getting in trouble from my mom as<br />

was I ☺ She played with me and was always excited about<br />

making something for others. I got my love of quilting,<br />

knitting and crocheting from this special lady.<br />


My mother and eventually my mother and I would make<br />

cut out cookies every year and we would always frosten<br />

them all the same - yellow stars with each tip being<br />

decorated with a silver ball. Pink bells with a silver ball<br />

where the ringer was. Santa with pink cheeks and coconut<br />

on his beard and green Christmas trees w/ sprinkles for the<br />

ornaments. I love my large creative family but sometimes I<br />

miss the order of my mom’s and my cookies all looking the<br />

same - perfect in my eyes.<br />

Soon after we opened our gifts the doorbell would ring and<br />

it was someone of my 9 girlfriends from the neighborhood.<br />

She would give me a small gift and I would give her hers<br />

and then I’d show her everything I got for Christmas and<br />

then I’d go to her house and see everything she got. Then<br />

we’d go to another friend, exchange gifts and see what they<br />

got for Christmas and so on until everyone had given to<br />

everyone and had seen everyone's everything.<br />

Then we’d go visit all my various aunts and uncles and see<br />

what they got for Christmas. Of course at every home we<br />

went to we were offered goodies and drinks and hence I<br />

never remember eating meals on Christmas Day (except for<br />

once) but I also never remember being hungry.<br />

The one meal I remember eating was breakfast. One year<br />

when I was about 10 my dad said, tomorrow we’re going to<br />

eat a nice breakfast before we go in to open our Christmas<br />

presents. He made it fun - not like a punishment so it was<br />

exciting to think about the gifts waiting for me under the<br />

tree. Of course we had to wash the dishes & put them away<br />

too. Mom and dad always kept Christmas simple. I never<br />


got elaborate or expensive gifts. I mean I got a couple of<br />

bikes but never for Christmas. I guess they didn’t want<br />

neighbors or family thinking they were trying to outdo<br />

anyone.<br />

Well that was what my Christmases were like when I was a<br />

child living at home with my parents. I have some happy<br />

memories and hope that every child will grow up with fond<br />

memories of how their families spend Christmas.<br />


David's <strong>2001</strong>:<br />

I’d like to tell you about the exploration about Everest. At<br />

first you climb Everest and you’re at 8,500 feet. Yeah. And it’s<br />

beautiful and you go higher and higher and higher and you finally<br />

get to 10,000 feet and keep going up and up and up. And finally<br />

you reach 12,000 feet. Whoa it is neat up there. Yeah. You stop<br />

and rest there. You continue on higher 13,500 and then 14,200<br />

feet. Whoa. The air’s getting thinner and thinner and thinner as<br />

you go up. Finally you make it up to 14,400 and it’s hard to breath<br />

whoa whoa ho ho and then 15,000 feet. Yet you keep going higher<br />

and higher and higher approaching 16,000 feet. You go much<br />

much higher still – then 17,000 feet. You make it to Everest base<br />

camp. It’s like a junk yard with discarded oxygen bottles. It is<br />

now extremely hard to breath. You might get weak and dizzy and<br />

it would be almost impossible to focus. Then keep going higher at<br />

18,500. Then at 19,400 feet and then you get so dizzy and weak<br />

that you could fall down and not be able to move at all. It’s nearly<br />

impossible to breath it’s o high up. Up there there’s nothing but<br />

snow. You better watch yourself. There might be deep holes<br />

(crevasses) that are hundreds of feet deep. You finally just try and<br />

make it down safely and then you will be fine. You climb so high<br />

up and it’s so very hard to breath. The air is unbelievably thin.<br />

And that’s my story.<br />

(David William Nielsen, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


Joseph’s story December <strong>2001</strong><br />

A story related about three 18 year old boys from a rescue party for the martin<br />

handcart company. They carried almost the entire company across the freezing river and<br />

all three boys died of related health problems. When Pres Brigham Young heard what<br />

these three boys had done, he wept. He later said that this act alone would ensure the<br />

three young men places in the celestial kingdom.<br />

I’ve often thought of this selfless act and the Christ like love they showed to<br />

others. My story is an experience I consider very similar to the one above. I don’t know<br />

a lot about the three boys personal lives but can only assume they were decent young<br />

men. The protagonist in my story however is a little different…<br />

I had been scared of this kid for awhile. He hung out with a dangerous crowd, he<br />

smoked, drank, and took part in may other non churchy things. I had never really talked<br />

to him and now he was at a different school, high school. I was in 8 th grade when this<br />

story took place. I’d always advanced along with David in church and school, but this<br />

was the first year Davey would be in a different school. As his little-big brother I felt<br />

very protective of him. One day at lunch a kid came up to me and told me someone had<br />

slammed David’s face into the lunch table while saying “David you bug me”. I was very<br />

upset and headed over to my bike at the bike rack determined to ride over to the high<br />

school, pull the kid out of class, and beat the snot out of him, or get the snot beat out of<br />

me trying. The same barer of bad news caught up to me and told me everything was<br />

okay. The stoner kid that I had been afraid of, had already beaten the jerky kid to a pulp.<br />

I learned a good lesson that day. For all the “stoners” visible flaws he was the only<br />

person in the lunchroom that day that stood up for what was right. I’m not saying that<br />

one act will guarantee him the celestial kingdom, and I can’t deny it either. I believe he<br />

showed true Christ like attributes that day.<br />

(Joseph Thomas Nielsen, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


From the Beginning<br />

A girl on the steps looking cute<br />

A guy with a beard acting mute<br />

A big rafting trip<br />

A slow river where not a boat did tip<br />

A sniff of a rose<br />

A number of cuts on the arms and one near the nose<br />

Adventures underground where it’s dark<br />

One where it rained from the very start<br />

Climbing up and over a glowing green rock<br />

A girl got hit smack dab in the sock<br />

A boy in Santa Cruse with a notion<br />

A bottle for a girl filled with the ocean<br />

A bonfire that lit up the skies<br />

Burnt hotdogs and smoke in her eyes<br />

Potatoes launched up into the trees<br />

Almost hitting some guy that nobody sees<br />

A Hudson Thanksgiving dinner<br />

A brother and sister who told’im he was a winner<br />

A house built high in the trees<br />

A little brother who hates to see her leave<br />

A dinner of roasted muscles over coals<br />

A sunset by the ocean where the cold wind blows<br />

Ancient Elm trees getting cut and split<br />

A sledgehammer to the hand that hurt just a bit<br />

A trip down Vasco Road to some interesting caves<br />

Supposed ruins from the Indians earlier days<br />

A mistake that almost made their friendship dwindle<br />

A burger and fry dinner over which to rekindle<br />

A long drive to California and a short one to the creek<br />

A question and a reply that made his knees weak<br />


A wedding day for which to prepare<br />

A happiness and joy beyond compare<br />

A long drive to Oregon listening to tunes<br />

A break to stop and play in some dunes<br />

A beautiful temple-sealing day<br />

A Denver snowstorm on the fourth of May<br />

Again a very long trip they had to survive<br />

And then in our new home we did arrive<br />

A dizzing view atop a waterfall<br />

Wishes once theirs but now ours we call<br />

A stab from a leaf that she’d given a smack<br />

In finding the culprit it bit her right back<br />

A Sunday afternoon exploring ocean caves<br />

A day too cold to play in the waves<br />

A worried girl running for the train with the wind in her hair<br />

A foot in the door with no time to spare<br />

A visit to Brentwood, the homecoming trip<br />

A stop by a river for a refreshing dip<br />

At Great America they went on a ride/movie<br />

For quite a while after they felt kinda woozy<br />

A day spent looking at turned off fountains<br />

After a morning spent in the waterfall mountains<br />

A new apartment that doesn’t smell like trash<br />

With a fire place that will soon be filled with ash<br />

Enough Halloween candy to make an elephant sick<br />

We still had some to pawn off on St. Nick<br />

Thanksgiving dinner with a white fluffy cat<br />

Turkey and stuffing and ice cream to bat<br />

A Christmas a week before the actual date<br />

Open them now says Sarah no reason to wait<br />

A wonderful night lying by a crackling fire<br />

Listening to Christmas music sung by a choir<br />

Written for Sarah December <strong>2001</strong><br />

My favorite person in the world<br />

~ Aaron ~<br />


My Run-ins With Roses<br />

I love roses; doesn’t every girl? I am allergic to most flowers because<br />

of their overpowering scent. But roses are perfect. They smell perfect and<br />

are so pretty. The only thing I can think of that is a hindrance is the thorns.<br />

But, that shouldn’t be a problem should it?<br />

I have received roses on a few occasions in my life from old<br />

boyfriends and when I was sick. I loved it, not only because they are so<br />

pretty, but also because I was getting special attention.<br />

I always ask Aaron to get me roses. He tells me they are only for<br />

special occasions and that if I knew I was getting them, then it wouldn’t be<br />

as special. Well, there have been three special occasions so far.<br />

I had only known Aaron about a month when we had a ward party at<br />

our high counselors house. We didn’t go to the party together, but right<br />

when I got there I made sure he was there. I didn’t talk to him or anything,<br />

but I made sure I was in his vision. Before long, he came over and started to<br />

talk to me. I was so excited. We played some games outside on the<br />

trampoline then we just talked. Aaron led me over to a rose garden that was<br />

just beautiful. He smelled the roses and then told me to smell them. He said<br />

they were weird because they smelled like water. The roses were<br />

surrounded by a 12-inch wall. I went to place my foot on the wall to get<br />

closer to the roses. Well, my foot never quite made it to the top of the wall.<br />

My shoe got caught on the edge and my body kept moving forward—right<br />

into the roses! I jumped quickly because AHHHHHH Aaron was standing<br />

there watching me. I felt like such an idiot! I reached up to touch my face<br />

and saw blood on my hand. I ran into the bathroom telling Aaron, NO, NO,<br />

don’t come with me, I will be fine. I looked at my face in the mirror and<br />


saw that me nose had a cut on it along with my lip right under my nose.<br />

Then, I looked down at my arms. MY ARMS! They were so cut up and<br />

bloody! What was I going to do? Aaron was going to wonder where I was<br />

and if I was okay. So, with much courage, I left the bathroom and returned<br />

to him. He just laughed when he saw me. I felt like a spaz. We went home<br />

and I ran to my apartment and him to his. I cleaned my self up and<br />

bandaged my arms. I was getting ready for bed when there came a knock at<br />

the wall. Who could it be? It was Aaron! NOOO! I didn’t want to see him.<br />

He looked at me and laughed at all of my bandages. He had something<br />

clutched in his hands and I asked him what it was. He opened his had and in<br />

it he had a thorn from the rose bush.<br />

Later on, as we continued dating, whenever we came near roses,<br />

Aaron would hold me back, to make sure the roses “wouldn’t attack me.”<br />

Give me a break. Like I would ever fall into roses again! Well, one day, we<br />

went to the rose gardens at Thanksgiving Point. Aaron joked with me, and it<br />

was kind of funny, but, enough, I am not an idiot! Hmmmm, a few minutes<br />

later, while trying to peel off a thorn (I wanted one because Aaron had one) I<br />

slipped and, OPPS, I ended up with a cut up hand. I almost cried because,<br />

how can a person be so clumsy? Luckily Aaron had band-aids in his wallet.<br />

Now, you probably remember that I said that Aaron has given me<br />

roses three times. And, you are probably thinking, “Holy Cow, did she fall<br />

into the roses again?” Well, here’s the story. My grandpa had a heart attack<br />

and died last February. I was pretty upset and then, Aaron and I had a<br />

conflict. I left when we were not on such good terms and went to the funeral<br />

in Colorado. Between the funeral and not knowing if Aaron and I would<br />

ever talk again I was so upset. I didn’t even want to go back to school. But,<br />

I had to. I got back and was home a few hours when, there was a knock on<br />

the door. It was Aaron. We talked a little and then he asked me to come<br />

with him to his apartment. I went. He immediately opened his fridge, and<br />

out he came with a single rose and some daisies. It was the nicest thing<br />

ever. It meant so much to me. I didn’t even cut myself on them.<br />

There is one sad part about roses. When they die, they are gone for<br />

good. Well, I have kept something from my experiences. I have a scar<br />

under my lip and scars on the undersides of my arms. I will remember all of<br />

the roses that Aaron has ever given me forever.<br />


Christmas at my mother’s house…<br />

After we eat Christmas dinner; my sister, my cousins, and myself sit around the<br />

table and talk of the antics of Grandpa Collins. We would do this before he died and we<br />

knew the stories by heart, but the telling of the stories was the enjoyable part. Every year<br />

we would die laughing and every year a new twist would be placed on the story. To put<br />

this in perspective, since you have never met my grandpa, I must first introduce you to<br />

his unique style of life. Nothing bothered him, seriously, nothing ever embarrassed him!<br />

99% of the time he would sit in his easychair, watch the ballgame, and ignore every word<br />

my grandmother spoke (except dinner, lunch, breakfast, and maybe “the phone is for<br />

you”).<br />

Grandpa had the oddest since of humor. Example: my cousin, Aaron, who is<br />

Deathly afraid of heights was painting the eves of his house. Grandpa thought it was the<br />

funniest thing to walk under the ladder and vigorously shake it, until Aaron clutched on<br />

for dear life. When you rode with him in the summer you always had to watch your<br />

elbows as you rested them on the rolled down window, Grandpa loved to take the mirrors<br />

of cars parked in the street. Unfortunately it was on YOUR side of the car. Shrapnel<br />

would fly, and he wouldn’t even crack a smile. We learned to sit with our hands in our<br />

laps!<br />

My favorite Grandpa Story was what we dubbed the ATM story. It was the<br />

summer of ’85 and the banks had just begun using ATM’s. So Grandpa had my dad<br />

drive him to the bank so he could get cash. At the time we had a tan station wagon. Any<br />

who, we pulled in to the front of the band, Grandpa got out, waltzed inside. After he<br />

entered the bank, a black family, driving a tan station wagon, pulled in the space next to<br />

us and the person in the passenger side went in to the bank.<br />

In a few minutes Grandpa came out of the bank and strolled over to the black<br />

families passenger side, opened the door, and sat down. He slapped the gentleman in the<br />

drivers seat on the knee and said. “Jimmy I got this cash from a machine” holding a fan<br />

fold of cash. It was at that moment that he realized that he was in the wrong car.<br />

The black man looked over at our car with a stare that said. “Help me! A crazy<br />

man has entered my car!” Saw my father laughing so hard the he was crying. Realizing<br />

what had transpired, he smiled and laughed. My Grandfather, however, realizing that he<br />

was in the wrong car with a fist full of cash, had difficulty getting out of the car. But<br />

after a few attempts he succeeded.<br />

Meanwhile, back in the correct car we all were laughing so hard that we were<br />

lying in the foot wheels. Grandpa had now gotten out of the other car and had entered<br />

our car. He slapped my dad on the knee and said. “Jimmy I got this cash from a<br />

machine”. He didn’t laugh, discuss it, joke, nothing! To him it never happened and he<br />

never talked of it, ever!<br />

(James Hobart Collins, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


What Got Me Through<br />

1989: I didn’t know her very well, in fact the only thing that I<br />

knew about her was that she had a pretty voice, dad had taught her<br />

in Seminary, that her favorite song was Because We Have Been<br />

Given Much, and that she died on her way to come see dad and our<br />

new home. When we got the call that Alyssa Brice had been killed in<br />

an awful car accident on Balfour the air became thick, sound froze,<br />

and time moved like water. The next thing I remember, I was sitting<br />

on my bed. I don’t remember what thought processes were going<br />

through my mind but I looked up and she was there. I didn’t see her<br />

with my eyes, my spirit saw and communicated with her in a way<br />

that I had never known and haven’t since. If I could explain it in a<br />

mortal way, I saw her sitting on the edge of my bed as if she was<br />

perfectly formed heat waves before me. I could see her hair,<br />

recognize her features, but I recognized her/knew her through other<br />

means. We knew each other, not in life but in a way that we all<br />

know each other but no longer remember. She was waiting there<br />

with me. I was blessed enough to have been able to provide an<br />

environment in which this beautiful creature, this spirit sister, this<br />

fellow daughter of god could reside. My guest started talking soon<br />

after Alyssa arrived and she left as suddenly as she came. For years<br />

I’ve been confused as to why she chose me, why I was one of the<br />

people she chose to share a time with. Every year and every<br />

different person I become, I think of some different reason why.<br />

This year I’m convinced that ultimately by her visiting, I made it<br />

through all of my hardest times. This beautiful angel wasn’t<br />

someone that I could second-guess, wasn’t something that changes<br />

with different fads and so forth. She had been my most permanent<br />

testimony of the sublime things that we will be and why we need to<br />

strive for eternal life and eventually perfection. No matter who I was<br />

and where I went with my life, I knew the truth, I knew where and<br />

what I needed to strive for, and I new that I needed to be more.<br />

Love, Wendy<br />

(Wendy Nielsen Collins, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


<strong>2001</strong>: A SPACE MEMORY<br />

Ok, here is a great memory from about 5 or so years<br />

ago…well at least I think it is pretty cool. I was a<br />

freshman in college. But before we get into the story we<br />

need a little background information. In 1977 one of the<br />

greatest movies of all time was presented to the world.<br />

Yep you guessed it: Star Wars episode IV A New Hope.<br />

Don’t let the name fool any of you young ones reading this<br />

story, it was actually a good movie. Yes little ones, Star<br />

Wars movies were actually good movies. Before the Dark<br />

Times, before the Menace.<br />

With that background we can return to the story at<br />

hand. The special edition of Star Wars came out my<br />

freshman year and seeing as how my roommate (Jared Teter),<br />

Aaron, Dan and I were rabid Star Wars fans, (ok, Dan just<br />

came along for the ride) we decided to get tickets and<br />

watch all three of the movies on opening night. The<br />

problem was that everyone else had that same plan and so in<br />

order to accomplish our designs we had to wait in line. So<br />

we got in line around 4:00 pm. The box office opened at<br />

11:00 so we only had approximately 19 hours to go. We were<br />

all laying in the street in our sleeping bags and passing<br />

the time by playing risk and watching movies on a large<br />


T.V., which was hooked up to a generator. (Are you<br />

beginning to see the mental health issues that surround<br />

Star Wars fans??). Well we survived the freezing February<br />

night and got tickets in the morning. Mission<br />

accomplished, the movie was great and we saw it on the<br />

opening night. The story however does not end here, it<br />

only begins…as we entered the theater we beheld riches<br />

exceeding all that we had ever imagined, and we could<br />

imagine quite a bit. Window stickers of the great Darth<br />

Vader three feet tall, Yoda, ewoks (ewoks suck), everything<br />

was there! Cardboard cutouts of the entire cast! They<br />

would all be ours, oh yes, they would all be ours. But<br />

how? They were guarded by the theater’s evil imperial<br />

guards whose constant vigil would make capturing the<br />

treasure as hard as capturing the secret plans of the<br />

original Death Star! And as we all know many Bothan Spies<br />

died in that endeavor. Which of us was likewise<br />

disposable? But, they would be ours somehow, and at any<br />

cost.<br />

It is possible that our lust for the paraphernalia<br />

clouded our reason because the last of the three movies was<br />

about to open and we found ourselves ticketless. So there<br />

we were on opening night frantically trying to buy tickets<br />

from people in line and thereby get into the last showing.<br />

Finally one of us had the bright idea to see if there were<br />

any tickets left in the box office. And lo and behold,<br />

there were! It was a miracle, and so it was that we found<br />

ourselves in the last showing of The Return of the Jedi.<br />

After the show we were in a good mood as we came out of the<br />

theater, but our jovial mood soon turned into elation as we<br />

entered the lobby and found that the guards had abandoned<br />

their posts! Nobody was guarding the prized treasure!<br />

From this point on in the story all parties will be<br />

referred to by pseudonyms to protect the identities of the<br />

guilty. One of us, who will be known as “Tared Jeter”,<br />

went to work immediately. He began trying to caress R2D2<br />

off of the huge cardboard display. He was thus engaged<br />

when “Aarastas” ran up and grabbed Yoda by the ear and<br />

yanked him off with one deft motion. Tared Jeter, inspired<br />

by this new and efficient tactic, yanked R2 from the<br />

display and then, using skills only a true Jedi can<br />

possess, leapt onto the candy counter and sprinted to the<br />

window where he obtained the window stickers of Darth<br />

Vader, Yoda and the Gay Ewok. And then as soon as the<br />

thieving rampage had begun it was over and they were gone.<br />

At this point Natthew Mielsen played the role of sentinel<br />

and made sure that the evil guards were not pursuing our<br />


heroes. He relayed this information to Tared and Aarastas.<br />

They then walked home without incident and Darth Vader<br />

adorned their window for the rest of the year. It had been<br />

a perfect tactical strike and nobody ever knew who had<br />

performed it.<br />

Post Script.<br />

Actually that last statement was not entirely true.<br />

Two years later Natthew found himself in Brazil far from<br />

the crime and far from anyone who could possibly know of<br />

it. Or so he thought. In Brazil he met a boy named Vince<br />

Penman who had years earlier lived in Provo and had been<br />

guarding a great treasure in a movie theater that had been<br />

stolen one night when he and his fellow guards had failed<br />

to keep their vigil. He was especially devastated by the<br />

loss because if he had been successful in guarding the<br />

treasure much of it would have become his and it was for<br />

this very purpose that he had gotten a job as a guard in<br />

the first place. Penman soon learned of the great crime<br />

and that Natthew had been involved. However, at this time<br />

Natthew was Penman’s boss of sorts and so all was forgiven.<br />

It is now 5 years later and Yoda still watches over our<br />

apartment from the wall. I think that he likes his new<br />

home.<br />


Michael's <strong>2001</strong>:<br />

Micro-Organisms<br />

At home:<br />

Michael: Hey mom!<br />

Mom: What?<br />

Michael: How many socks should I pack for the hiking trip?<br />

Mom: About one pair…<br />

Michael: Ok<br />

At the lake:<br />

Hey, we’re already here at Heather Lake and we still have a bunch of day<br />

light, lets set up camp then walk to the lake just down the trail…<br />

Do you think it’ll rain?<br />

No..<br />

In the rain:<br />

Man, it’s really pouring down, it’s getting pretty cold too. What an<br />

adventure.<br />

Lets head back to camp. It’s freezing…I think I’m gonna die.<br />

Oh, don’t worry, you just need some dry clothes and you’ll be fine…<br />

Back at camp:<br />

Oh poop, our tents are soaked.<br />

Michael, get dressed in some warm clothes.<br />

Michael: I can’t…<br />

Why not?<br />


Michael: I don’t have any.<br />

Why not?<br />

Michael: Because mom told me to only pack one pair of everything so my<br />

Pack would be light.<br />

Dad: “Dang-it!”<br />

Well, lets build a fire so you don’t die.<br />

Burn crackle crackle<br />

Feel better?<br />

Michael: Yeah…<br />

Gay Ranger: Good evening ya’ll, how’s it going? Mind ‘fi join you? O look,<br />

what a beautiful fire, are you aware that it’s a…against the law to<br />

have a fire here in the Desolation Wilderness? Did you?<br />

Dad: Well officer, I figured I didn’t want my son to die so I thought maybe I<br />

could build a fire to warm him up, he forgot his clothes.<br />

Gay Ranger: Yeah, well aint that a tear jerker, I could let it go but I’m just<br />

wondering if you know how many micro-organisms you’re killing. I<br />

don’t think this spot of ground will ever be the same, the damage done<br />

is irreversible….So here’s your ticket, have a nice evening.<br />

This Story ends w/Harvey making fun of the ranger in a gay voice, dad winning<br />

1000 dollars (in Reno during the ticket “trial”), and us avoiding the Rangers the rest of<br />

the trip.<br />

(Michael Walwyn Nielsen, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


The Evil Chism<br />

So the story goes: Aaron, Chism,<br />

Chism’s date, and I were<br />

heading off on our adventure to<br />

the Mud Pots. After three hours<br />

of a boring ride, we arrived in a<br />

town that looked like something<br />

out of Children of the Corn<br />

(Scary). Anywho, we finally<br />

arrived at the bottom of the<br />

dreadful mountain. Aaron of<br />

course was as giddy as a little<br />

school girl to be hiking, but me<br />

on the other hand just went<br />

along, cause I<br />

had no good<br />

excuse to get<br />

out of going<br />

(bummer). So,<br />

we’re hiking up<br />

the stupid<br />

snow covered<br />

rock that took<br />

us hours to get<br />

up, cause for<br />

every step we<br />

gained we lost 2 or three in<br />

return, why are we hiking this<br />

mountain ?? Who knows. Ok, so<br />

we finally reached the top of the<br />

tall, tall, snowy mountain, good<br />

for us. We rest for a bit, then<br />

venture into what looks like a<br />

rabbit hole covered in nasty mud<br />

and snow, woo hoo!!! So we<br />

crawled threw the tunnel into the<br />

enormous pitch black caves. We<br />

ran around exploring have a<br />

good time, and then decided to<br />

break for lunch. We sat down<br />

and pulled out our food, while we<br />

were eating Aaron discovered a<br />

small sprout growing out of pure<br />

rock in pure dark, it was quit an<br />

amazing thing to see. After lunch<br />

we started exploring again, we<br />

had been in the caves for a<br />

couple of hours and Aaron<br />

needed to be back soon, so we<br />

decided leave, but not before<br />

taking some pictures. While I<br />

was taking some crazy pictures<br />

of Chism and Aaron a piece of<br />

shale fell from the caves ceiling<br />

and hit Chism on the shoulder,<br />

the idiot Chism is, he decided to<br />

throw the sharp,<br />

jagged rock<br />

directly towards,<br />

yeah you guess it,<br />

me. At that<br />

moment everything<br />

just slowed down,<br />

making the stupid<br />

expressions on<br />

every ones face<br />

even<br />

more<br />

hilarious. Chism’s<br />

date barely dodged the evil,<br />

sharp, very hard and heavy rock<br />

making the only person in the line<br />

of fire, yeah you guessed it again,<br />

me. So all of a sudden things<br />

sped back up and the huge rock<br />

knocked me right in the shin,,<br />

splitting it open and crumbling<br />

me to the cold hard floor. Aaron<br />

ran down looking at Chism like<br />

he was a retard, and helped me<br />

up. I was in so much pain I could<br />

barely walk, and needed<br />

assistance for a bit, but the tough<br />

girl I am lived and made it all the<br />

way down the mountain to tell<br />

this amazing tale.<br />

(Krista Nielsen, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


Accident Prone<br />

t kicked off with a golf ball to the right ankle. My Junior year of<br />

pain that is. Yeah, I know, you’re probably thinking that it is my fault going<br />

golfing with a Fox boy and all because you know how they all are. Anyway so Tim<br />

Fox and I were golfing at the Brentwood golf course. Like my second time of<br />

golfing, and his FIRST time playing golf that didn’t’ involve miniature buildings<br />

and such. We were having a pretty good time. Tim had hit four into the street,<br />

“on accident,” and I had done fairly well. So we’re on the third hole, a par four.<br />

And I drive my ball more or less toward the green where it was supposed to go.<br />

Then Tim Steps up, and try to picture this. I was wearing sports sandals, you<br />

know, the kind you just slip your foot into leaving your poor ankles exposed like a<br />

magnet to the outside world (I could do this because I was an employee of the<br />

restaurant and I was allowed to “bend” the rules.) I was behind and to the right<br />

of him, what I thought was a reasonably safe distance. Then Tim decides that he<br />

wants to be like Happy Gilmore. So Tim takes a few steps back so that he could<br />

get a running start to his swing. He then proceeded to hit the ball and<br />

subsequently wonder where it had gone. He soon figured it out when, already, I<br />

was sitting on the grass hugging my poor purple and LARGE ankle. It wasn’t a<br />

pretty site. Anyway, like I said, I wasn’t thinking. I was, in fact, with a Fox boy<br />

and should have hidden behind a tree. So anyhow, I was carried into the<br />

restaurant where my ankle was elevated and covered in ice. It was bruised for<br />

over two years. Just recently it faded. So that’s #1.<br />

#2 About a week after my golfing accident I was in Clayton Valley visiting my<br />

friend Devan. Well, My ankle, by that time, was fine to walk on, but was tender<br />

to the touch. So I thought that a little long board ride seemed harmless. It was<br />

going fine. Fine until my ankle gave out and I fell, spraining my right wrist and<br />

losing a chunk<br />

from my left knee.<br />

Oh, I also<br />

stubbed my left toe,<br />

but you know.<br />

The wrist, however,<br />

was quite painful<br />

and so dad took me<br />

to his office and<br />

took x-rays. I also<br />

got a brace.<br />

Hooray.<br />

#3 Well, late in my sophomore year<br />

I was elected to<br />

go to Girl’s State.<br />

And to be eligible to attend I had to have a Hepatitis B? Shot. Well, apparently<br />

reactions do, infrequently, occur. And our WONDERFULLY RETARDED<br />

Doctor never warned me to watch for symptoms of one of these reactions. So,<br />

incautiously, I proceeded to go to school. During second period while in jewelry,<br />


I was making a few rings and then, interestingly enough, was then in the office. I<br />

don’t remember anything in between. It seems that I had laid my head down near<br />

the flame I was working with, then made my way to the phone, I don’t remember<br />

whether or not I had called mom there, or in the office. Well, so I went home,<br />

and slept it off. Nothing too serious, but if my hair had caught on fire it would<br />

have been not so hot. That’s number three.<br />

#4 Well, number four is simply a pinched nerve and a pulled muscle in my back.<br />

It happened during volleyball, I did go to see a chiropractor, it hurt, but no<br />

extravagant story to it. Except for the fact that I was present every match.<br />

#5 Well, then I nearly tore my rotator cuff and was out of volleyball for quite<br />

some time. It hurt VERY badly and I had to go to the stupid a chiropractor guy a<br />

lot.<br />

#6 Aaron Somerhalder was practicing with our team and was being a stupid gay<br />

boy, you know, hitting hard and thinking that he was cool even though it was on<br />

a girl’s net. Well, I went up to block and it hit my finger wrong. It was odd, a<br />

wave of nausea swept over me, weird cause I didn’t think it was too big a deal.<br />

Well, my right palm was purple for a while.<br />

#7 My lovable doggy died…OH SO SAD. Well, that is enough of that.<br />

#8 Here goes the right ankle. During a match with Clayton Valley. It hurt. It<br />

swelled. It went away.<br />

#9 Mike Ramaha, a good friend of mine “died.” Not really, it’s a long story I<br />

don’t care to go into detail with, but I was pretty sad again.<br />

#10 Not quite my junior year, but Feb. of my senior year I was rear ended by<br />

some skanky paramedic who wooed the officer, stupid skanky skank. Anyhow,<br />

Meghan and I were in and out of chiropractor’s offices with whiplash for some<br />

time and missed lots of club. Oh well, that’s life I guess. We did get massages<br />

after all.<br />


Meghan's <strong>2001</strong>:<br />

Death by Pit Bull<br />

Emily and I were taking a stroll through Wolf’s orchard on a nice<br />

sunny day, no actually it was raining and we were tearin’ it up on the<br />

four-wheeler. We decide to get off to stop on the moldering<br />

mushrooms. We are having a jolly time and straying farther and farther<br />

away from the safety of the four-wheeler. We had then decided to get<br />

back to the four-wheeler and go get some food when we see our<br />

assailants! A pit bull and some slobbering mutt were bearing their<br />

teeth at us. A little frightened but still confident we continued walking<br />

toward the four-wheeler. The pit bull started barking and it advanced<br />

with his sniveling comrade behind him. Terrified Emily and I scurried<br />

up the nearest tree. The dogs became rabid and started running circles<br />

around the tree, their mouths foaming. After a while they camped out<br />

at the base of tree and poor Em’s and my eyes started to brim with<br />

tears. Before I lots total hope of ever getting home I formulated a plan.<br />

We actually jumped from tree to tree until we were in the tree closest to<br />

the four-wheeler. The dogs had in fact followed us as we as squirrels<br />

had hopped from limb to limb. So there we were, crazy dogs<br />

underneath us and the four-wheeler right by them. It took a lot to<br />

muster the courage to do what I had to. I told Emily that as soon as I<br />

had the four-wheeler in gear to jump down on onto it and we would get<br />

the heck out of there. So my hands shaking I say a quick prayer and<br />

leapt down onto the torn seat. As quick as lightening I turn the key and<br />

start away with Emily clinging to my back. The dogs curiously chased<br />

us and then gave up. As I turned off the four-wheeler and went to go<br />

into the house I looked back at the two specks that were no longer a<br />

threat. Emily and I then walked inside our secure home hand in hand.<br />

-Meghan<br />

Probably Freshman Summer<br />

(Meghan Nielsen, Christmas <strong>2001</strong>)<br />


The Boat!<br />

In the year 2000 Krista and Amy graduated from High<br />

School. The family and them were invited to a<br />

graduation party at Nick Madison’s House. Well at<br />

their house they had kayaks, and Whitney and I have<br />

never been on them before. So we asked and they said<br />

we could go boating. Whitney and I took a different<br />

boat and started to really have fun. We stayed out in the<br />

water for 30 min. and then we decided to go back to the<br />

house. Later that day Whitney said she wanted to go out<br />

in the kayak again. I said it was fine with me if she<br />

tolled some adult like mom and dad. She did so she<br />

went out in the water. About 1 hour later I got this<br />

feeling to go look for Whitney. So I got to of my friends<br />

and went out in there other kayak. When we got around<br />

the corner we saw Whitney floating down the delta<br />

river crying, her ores were about to fall out of the boat<br />

and she was spinning around in circles floating down<br />

the river. When we got to her we talked and tolled her<br />

everything was going to be fine and took the string from<br />

her boat and tied it to be boat. We boated back and<br />

when we got around the corner, the Madison’s figured<br />

out what was going on, got their big boat, and came and<br />

got us. When we got to their house we found out that<br />

Whitney was soaking wet and we explained everything<br />

to them. Then they gave us so cream puffs and other<br />

good food and we sat down and watched a movie with<br />

everyone else.<br />


My First Backpacking Trip<br />

One morning I woke up unusually late (8:00) and I saw<br />

Matthew, Joseph, and Emily preparing for a backpacking<br />

trip. When they asked me if I wanted to go, I said, “yes!“<br />

When Meghan came downstairs mom taunted her saying,<br />

“Even Whitney’s going, Meghan”. So she decided if I<br />

could do it she could go too.<br />

When we finally reached the trailhead we discovered that<br />

we needed to have a permit. The sun was almost gone<br />

behind the mountains by then so we decided to get one the<br />

next day and hiked as far as we could before dark. The<br />

camping spot we chose was not far from a stream.<br />

Early the next morning Joseph hiked back and drove to get<br />

a backpacking permit. After the sun hit the campground,<br />

we set off for Thousand Island Lake. The mosquitoes were<br />

really bad and bit us even after we put on the repellent.<br />

When we got out of the meadow, the sun, was really hot.<br />

We rested at each little spot of shade. During that time,<br />

Joseph and Matthew were teasing me because I was<br />

complaining. I didn't want to admit that I‘d brought shoes<br />

that were too small and hurt my feet really bad. It seemed<br />

like forever before we caught sight of the lake. Meghan,<br />

Emily and I could barely put up the tent because we were<br />

so dead tired.<br />

The next morning I almost cried because Matthew and<br />

Joseph said that we were going to take ANOTHER hike<br />

around the entire large lake. Luckily, Matthew saved me.<br />

He said he wanted to find out where the waterfalls on the<br />


other side of the lake were coming from. So all of us,<br />

including Nevada, started hiking up the Minerettes.<br />

Meghan saw how bad the mosquitoes were biting me and<br />

loned me her sweater. We came to snow banks and tried to<br />

smash them when we crossed the stream. Finally we came<br />

to the waterfall and by then we were dying from heat. We<br />

each put our heads under the waterfall to cool off before we<br />

hiked up to the snow. The reflection from the snow would<br />

have sunburned us but I gave everyone my sunscreen. We<br />

continued hiking until we found a frozen lake. Emily tried<br />

to climb to the peak of one of the Minerettes and Nevada<br />

went with her even though they tried to get him rest. They<br />

made it about 2/3 of the way to the top. After that we hiked<br />

back to camp and took a long rest.<br />

We took lots of pictures because the scenery was<br />

spectacular. One place was so beautiful that we all posed<br />

there for an individual picture.<br />

That same day after our rest we packed up camp and started<br />

back to the car. The place we camped at that night (on our<br />

way back) was so green and beautiful and we were by a<br />

trickling stream. Matthew told us a great story to end the<br />

day by. After we were in our tents we begged Joseph for<br />

his Poof Ball and cat face story ☺<br />

The next morning we got up and we thought the time was<br />

around 8 AM. But much to our surprise we arrived back at<br />

the car at eight so we determined that we actually got up at<br />

5AM. It was the best backpacking hike I had ever been on<br />

(it was my first trip after all). I really appreciate my<br />

brothers taking us girls. Thank you<br />


I learned to ride my bike and to swim. I like to jump on the trampoline with<br />

daddy and Aaron but Aaron isn’t here this year.<br />

I like the tree house and Joseph built and Matthew.<br />

I can read now. I am doing good in school and I am especially good at math<br />

and art.<br />

Sometimes I go hiking with our family. We went on a really long hot one last<br />

summer. It was hard.<br />


December 17, 1901(<strong>2001</strong>)<br />

Dear Marsha, Bill, & all,<br />

Another year is coming to a close and as we look back, changes have<br />

taken place in many different ways. We are all a year older and perhaps wiser.<br />

Grandpa and I remember when we could do almost anything, now we are<br />

traveling the road of life at a much slower pace, due to health problems and<br />

age, but thankful for our blessings.<br />

We remember our 1 st Christmas together in our modest small home. By<br />

the time the next year rolled around, our Country was at war and Grandpa was<br />

a private in the Army Air Force. We spent that Christmas in Ca. at the home of<br />

Howard & Mary Bacon.<br />

(While Grandpa was in training in LA, Grandma would go and see him during his visiting hours in<br />

the evening. He, of course, couldn’t walk her back to her hotel in the evening, so every night, she<br />

would run as fast as she could, scared to death, with her eyes as closed as possible to the safety<br />

of her hotel. Once she arrived, she slammed the door shut, locked it up, and then with her back<br />

against the door, would start to cry from terror and relief that once again, she had made it back to<br />

safety.)<br />

Soon after Grandpa was shipped overseas to No. Africa. So then I returned<br />

home to Kaysville, rented our house and moved home with Grandpa &<br />

Grandma Webster and the family.<br />

(Grandma worked and saved money at the local Kaysville potato chip factory while Grandpa<br />

served the country overseas in such places as Africa, Italy, and other European countries while<br />

saving all he could as well. They were too poor to purchase wedding rings when they were<br />

sealed, so instead, mailed each other their precious wedding bands, one to Kaysville and the<br />

other to Africa. They still have many of the letters sent to each other during that time.)<br />

We were not together at Christmas for almost three years. Then in 1945, World<br />

War 2 ended and once again we returned to our home together.<br />

We never know what’s ahead in our lives, but as things happen we adjust<br />

and carry on, trusting in the Lord to help us.<br />

A Christmas in 1950 was a very Happy Most memorable one indeed, for<br />

under the Christmas tree was a sweet little 6 mo. old baby trying so hard to<br />

open gifts and eyes wide looking at the lights on the tree, our own Christmas<br />

angel – so special.<br />


Our country is at war again and the turmoil touches every life in some<br />

way. Much suffering and conflict exists. We have to live our lives the best we<br />

can, by being honest, pure and humble, and help those less fortunate.<br />

It’s good when we can look back on Christmas memories, even though<br />

some were meager, happiness prevailed and there was food on the table and<br />

love abided in the home.<br />

Pres. Hinckley said “It seems to me that the Savior is saying to each of<br />

us that unless we lose ourselves in the service of others, our lives are largely<br />

lived to no real purpose -- He who lives only unto himself withers and dies,<br />

while he who forgets himself in the service of others, blossoms in this life and<br />

in eternity.”<br />

Count your Day Lost<br />

If you sit down at the set of sun<br />

And count the acts that you have don<br />

And counting, find<br />

One self denying deed, on word<br />

That eased the heart of him that heard<br />

One glance most kind<br />

That fell like sunshine where it went –<br />

Then you may count that day well spent.<br />

But if through all the life long day<br />

You’ve cheered no heart by yea or nay –<br />

If through it all<br />

You’ve nothing done that you can trace<br />

That brought the sunshine to one face –<br />

No act so small<br />

That helped some soul and nothing cost<br />

Then count that day as worse than lost.<br />

By George Eliot<br />

Just a poem to think on.<br />

We know you do many things for others, as a Mother & Father you do so<br />

much for your family – teaching, guiding and proper example.<br />

Pres. Monson says “giving, not getting, brings to full bloom the<br />

Christmas spirit.”<br />

Pres. Faust says, “May we savor and perpetuate the Christmas traditions<br />

which express our endearment and love to each other.”<br />


There is much good in the world as we think of Christmas and can all be<br />

grateful for the spirit that comes into our hearts, when we think a little less<br />

bitterness and hate. More of love and reaching out to those in trouble and need.<br />

We can do this throughout the year. We enjoy listening to the Christmas<br />

carols. Silent night – O’ Little Town of Bethlehem, Come all ye Faithful, Joy<br />

to the World, I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day, O Holy Night, Star Bright –<br />

just to mention a few.<br />

We love you as our family and you have helped us in many ways – by<br />

giving as the Lord says “If Ye Love Me, keep my commandments”.<br />

We have been blessed by all of your lives and may this be a Special<br />

Christmas for all of you. May the Christmas spirit stay shining brightly in your<br />

hearts.<br />

We love you<br />

Grandma & Grandpa<br />


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