Execcon minutes - Mit81.com

Execcon minutes - Mit81.com

Execcon minutes - Mit81.com


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ANt00UNQ.~He.NTC6 :<br />

LDwcl\- ReG, CAY PARI)' 01" t--bndR'I !!<br />

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~ia.n -l=oJl rcorn lo1tex''Y \~ ~urclo-.y n~CJn+·<br />

Qo..ro..s. rnuce::.-t be... \n 'by ~, ncolr).<br />

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BR \AN -- ~R£-P L-t-rQshrnGln re.prQSQ.N\td-+iv~) eJ£Q;t-, o~s. v~ll \ be<br />

00 ou 1-~+ \t6ut\-erIe,s \ W \1 \ ~ ~ I aqth VJh I

AL~O - JIm ~retncl+ L~~ Q ~BlQX' t\<br />

aJtYotion kJy Le.tIr\Y (6r(\C1J'I to (L()proprioJ-e. tliqO n~<br />

~eH:x:ul~ : 10-1..-0 -r ~r<br />

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LX~~O~<br />

t--1. \ U0U-t~S<br />

=====::::::::::-::.<br />

HOus~'<br />

ruutio~~ ~\' ~

10/16 cafeteria<br />


I<br />

"I don't !


As I peered across the horizon, there was a flah of light, followed by an<br />

eerie moan. In the distance I could see a figure walking towards me. He<br />

seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place the face. It was a face out of<br />

the past. He was tall, with fiery orange hair. There were flies swarming<br />

around him. In his hand, a can of Foster's. He had something else in his<br />

hand, a little black box. Then it hit me, it wasthe remote control to a<br />

television. "Yo, what's up?", he said in his typical goofy way. Yes, he was<br />

back and ready for action, ready for all those new freshmen girls. In his<br />

eyes burned a decidedly odd glow.<br />

As he approached, I noted a noise, almost below my threshold of<br />

hearing. It reminded me of the sound a servo made when it got dirty. It<br />

rose and fell was his knee moved. Suddenly the odor became more noisome<br />

(SAT word). I could sense he was getting closer. He seemed to be heeding<br />

towards second west. Yes, he was approaching 21 S. I ran after him,<br />

hoping to get to a dorm line to warn Maria. I was too iate, he k. icked the<br />

door of 215 open and disappeared inside.<br />

...<br />

Fortunately, Maria was at 6.001. Unfortunately, Janet wasn't. She<br />

was seated on the edge of her bed in her robe, drying her hair. He froze for<br />

a moment, weighing his options. Suddenly, he smiled. He flashed that<br />

dapper smile that was only his and lumbered over to the stereo, slipping<br />

his tape of "Cabaret" into the tape player. Suddenly the lights went down<br />

and the spotligrlt that he had stolen bounced off that fiery frizz. As he<br />

begar: to ,=,peak, .Janet da


(and here trley are, Lysoled by some naive freshmen)<br />

10:30pm 6.Nov.85 6Central<br />


DAN "Drinks that Bismark likes" HH i:30 - 6:30<br />

LO/DAN BAX./DU Pa.rt9 wi trl trlE' guys from 'Boston'<br />

STEPH<br />

Spread trle word I : ! I ! I I<br />

; ,~. \;..ic. n.:..:.o· p.:.r··r·:,::, L""\r .=.vtr;;. ::..:.r!irihr 51"gn up I"n the lobbyl I I<br />

L~J ';1\._ I!·... •.... ...... --.'.J,._ ! \,)•._', •. ~, ......._' .......__ ..... ' 1·\....7. .. ....<br />

7h"!T;~~·r· ~~~fi' ··-,.-r'~.-. ~.-::..::..-.~ - ~Uu "J'<br />

p " 1r.bbU<br />

.lJN~ ........ '1.J>!"'.... ~"" -','.. ........ ' n -J E .~-<br />

. - ...... - - ~<br />

BRiAN COMCOM revival<br />

TUES. 9pm 6Centra 1 FOOD i ! I ! ! I<br />

CLIENT TEAM revival (and get busy):<br />


tutor's rooms i,vi 11 be renovated triis summer<br />

DAN-none putme on a team.! Lowell can't swimm-all that body fat.<br />

110nkeys can't float andneither can your tongue. Tongues don't s---I<br />

DAN get SEX GOD applications at the desk.<br />

1( lO-/JAN Approve last weeks <strong>minutes</strong> 8-0-0­<br />

2( DEA/CHU Give Chuck last jelly donut 4-3-1<br />

Chuck gotjelly everywhere.l<br />

3( JAN/DEA Approp. $500 Soc/Pub 8-0-0<br />

l1aria is at sl'( double oh one lab<br />

Napoli was last seen in the women's shower. (dean saId that)<br />

4( lO-/DEA $50 for lights for party<br />

white ballot - no ob j.'s - pass<br />

{nuck hada bad experience three exxecon's ago.<br />

Lenny's gone but Napoli's here.l ''/ want money"<br />

5( JAN/STE $90 for boats for class day 7-1-1<br />

6( KEN/DAN Maria is a bimbo.<br />

role cal] vote:<br />

KENNY Yes bes t I've seen.<br />

CHUCK No, but I'm not sure about her roommate.<br />

Thanks Chuck<br />

WALTER no?<br />

DE.A,N What's an Oren?<br />

JANET NO., I know these things.<br />

NAP abstain (as usual)<br />

DAN yeal"'!, 4-5 dentists recommend it<br />

lO yes, but bimbo is good<br />

STEPH None of the girls in Baker are bimbos<br />

inst?r( large laugh from tht? peanut gailer;v<br />

STEVE She wouldn't do that ... well, maybe she would<br />

BILLY One of the best tasting wines I've had this year.<br />

BRIAN Yup, most of the girl'S in Baker are bimbos<br />

See what happens Itvhen I

and for our entertainment~ how ~bout these key quotes for the<br />

nightwatchman ~ s log....<br />

there are definitely a few bimbos this year. yeah~<br />

wandered in with that "been out all night" look.<br />

and one just<br />

while on IQY round i found kris rothley rm#237 lying face down on the<br />

floor.<br />

caught a freshman handling a fire x near rm#546.<br />

saw me coming.<br />

he ran away when he<br />

the chaulkboard in the main lobby was found outside in the middle of<br />

the street.<br />

due to mit's 26-25 loss to assumption and a nasty practice due<br />

tomorrow~ i<br />

have decided to turn the reins over halfway through to our late<br />

trainee,my protege~ tom stewart.<br />

quiet again. am i doing this right? ..bismarck<br />

msl smells like decaying flesh, none found.<br />

i received a call at the desk from thomas cradick's mother. she was<br />

concerned because she has been trying to reach him for the last four<br />

days with no success. i told her that i would go up to his room. i<br />

then went to his room, knocked on his door~ he got up. i told him to<br />

call his mummy.<br />

found cheryl tiegs naked. in rm 116.<br />

scotti calls physical plant to find me for lockout of 217.<br />

paged me. scotti finds me himself. cherubino is a bitch.<br />

they never<br />

**********execcon meeting <strong>minutes</strong>**********<br />

announcements:<br />

dave--final hockey schedules are up. octathon won hockey~ 11-0 over pi<br />

lam.<br />

10--c1ass of ~87/'88<br />

all stuff~ 5-7:00.<br />

pizza/beer social hour friday on balcony--$2 for<br />

******pub saturday night******<br />

do acts!!!<br />

don't forget holiday party!!!<br />

bill--hi!<br />

dan-....if you're hard up, talk to brian.

dean--freshmen interested in the frosh pub act. come see me now!<br />

101)<br />

we're doing tv theme shows.<br />

(rm.<br />

lenny--cocktail party, a week from friday. invitations available from<br />

lenny (rm. 618).<br />

dan--sign up for waiter/waitresse at pub. hurry up and get acts to tom<br />

in 212.<br />

steve--client team meeting on sunday at 9:00. we're going to discuss<br />

tutor room renovations, music room and elect athena chairman from<br />

dorm.<br />

lenny-- comcom meeting at 10pm on thurs--anyone interested in the food<br />

commons serves, show up. also, we will be looking for new comcoms<br />

committee chairman. see me if interested.<br />

brian--baker letter is coming up!! find out what it is and help out:<br />

see krisztina in rm. 201.<br />

*******house meeting on wed., nov. 20 10:00*******<br />

be there!!!!!!!<br />

me & janet very late!!!!!!<br />

(1) motion by brian/bill for $75 for house meeting: 8-0-3<br />

(2) motion by maria/dan for $25 from misc. for cocktail party<br />

invitations: 8-1-2<br />

•<br />

(3) motion by maria/steph for $850 for cocktail party: 8-0-3<br />

(4) motion by brian/dean for $150 for bill's xmas project: 9-0-2<br />

*******house meeting agenda*******<br />

1. rebudget athletic $$.<br />

2. holiday party discussion.<br />

3. dorm improvements discussion-client team report/athena<br />

4. smoking policy in music room.<br />

5. ratify tom stewart as new snack bar manager.<br />


la- 11- 815<br />

1-0: CD m~~1fl (abby<br />

IAkJUOUI0~H£.JJT ~ \j<br />

\ •<br />

~ , Cz./d<br />

OAll -1h~ks t-o e»-eJ'~mQ ~o ~eJ~. uJc+h<br />

Hcel~ PClf"'~ " I eS~oJl~ t-\olllj) ~~\lY\cae.)<br />

Ste.fhCLrd e-) ~OJ IQ J C_(.~.J"'ol ~((\) K)Qr\~ OJ\et T ClfYI,<br />

DA-fJ ~ ThQV\\1 ~ +a ~hQf'r' \ Cl.rneft- I<br />

I<br />

JjR\AiJ-WO-OF-T~H ~TUDi ~K~<br />

HDY1clcLy)Tue-~dCt~ ~ ~V\~s.~<br />

1.0\00<br />

~~(\J~ - Ab.xt qoi Into Penh ~~Qoil ~QJr\ooe. I<br />

6R-1 At\) - lhax,us to Bit CUlct ld·trvl ~ W-lJ(~ ~<br />

~f\rls+rY\~ t-Pe-€..- ~ ~11l urUI b2-cicxm(~<br />

~ u~s ($qoc;Q) -to our neJi.+- fC-'~ I

Hey we're almost done--I mean last night at the <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting we were talking<br />

about the last HOUSE MEETING which is, by the way, on MONDAY, MAY 13th. I hear<br />

they give out all kinds of awards--freshmen watch out! So what's up for the<br />

summer?--if anyone is going to be in Europe meet up with Oren or maybe DAve J.<br />

if he gets there. I just can't wait to go to the beach this summer--until<br />

then I'll have to, like Mary says, set my priorities straight and bake out on<br />

t 1 -,." moon garden. We'll be evil Lenny and ~~eR."Y:ou ,fr£m clasJ3l~ t-aApd by the<br />

\ Baker women--better watch out--Gerald ~,rofJ.tIJIt~"t&rJ. t"imns~Jr for the Alpha<br />

Phi Slave Auction. What a flamer! (I think I been hangin' around Cherubino<br />

too long--picking up all her phrases) So Bill what are you up to rewiring<br />

lately? And Steve M. I hear Wheaties and Vodka to well together for Breakfast.<br />

Hey I heard rumors that Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Bruce were some of<br />

the celebrities around last weekend--for some reason I can hardly remember that<br />

I don't think Rodney and a few others can either. Well I guess I should yet<br />

you all read on about the wicked exciting <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting.<br />

P.S. Janet, guess what color I think would go well in our room next year!<br />


Wed., May 1st, 10:00, Stevie B's room<br />



STEREO BLAST*"***EVERYONE PLAY BCN out your windows at 1:00 Sunday<br />


DAVE-sign-up right now for Spring Olympiad.<br />

BILL-anybody who knows where the house mikes are, let me know.<br />

DAN-Thanks to everyone who set up and cleaned up for the Pub.<br />

Where's Janet????<br />

I .IN-Support and work at Baker's dunking booth at Spring Carnival, Sat. 12-4:00<br />

(1)Motion by Brian/Stephanie to approve last <strong>minutes</strong>: 9-0-0<br />

(2)Motion by Maria/Bill to approve $90 from miscellaneous to Pub clean-up and<br />

cups: 8-1-0<br />

(3) Motion by Lenny/Brian to appropriate $1600 for Boston Tea Party: 6-2-1<br />

(4) Motion by Maria/Lenny to appropriate $30 for volleyball fine: 7-1-1<br />

(5) Motion by Maria/Bill to appropriate $50 for Thurs. Night Keg: 8-0-1<br />

(6)Motion by Brian/Stephanie to appropriate $200 for spring weekend: 8-0-1<br />

"There's a time and place for spontaneity"<br />

(7)Motion by Stephanie/Lowell to appropriate $60 from gavel fund and $30 from<br />

slush for tutor's presents.<br />

dan/Lenny adjourn meeting.<br />

Week from Monday--May 13th--HOUSE MEETING--last one--9:30<br />

Agenda:<br />

(1)Discussion and possible vote on Client Team report<br />

(2)Discussion and possible vote on Rush week alcohol policy<br />

(3) AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN --people who have ideas for awards, see<br />

Stephanie<br />

Next <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting--Wed., May 8th, Lobby, 10:00

~Xte.-e-ow He£T!tVG HI NlJfe.S<br />

'Ne.o.... 5/% 10: 00) Roov-n ~ \~<br />

~ f\.HJ 0 U"-.JCL"-'\€-t-Jn,<br />

rJ J-Vl.... I.<br />

uO ~TON<br />

\B.-A<br />

DPtvc - OlJtd...oor' l\-;Q~t< to\e.e..-t '2:J..J'{\dR-y<br />

DAtJ VJ.. 1,-' r\ H U . - .<br />

'J- (j- yJ A.PPy nOlJR t-R\ DP1y - T.f\ uou d_\(l~r;)-l Dr-cl~\"<br />

HeLd.. ~e.t'.,h)n ~\..\t~ 1 '-()-I<br />

t---lo-Hon by Ho..rlo../ O


Thurs. 4/11 11pm, Rm. 218<br />


Boris-I would like to know if anyone has a clue to where the sli projector<br />

is. Let me know if you do. Also there is a "CAPTION THE PICTURE" contest--see<br />

the glass case.<br />

ny-Next Wednesday, April 17th, Shirley McBay will be here at 6pm for dinner<br />

~ad 7:30 for a fireside chat.<br />

Dave-1M Cycling on Sunday, April 28th and 1M Wrestling on Saturday, April 20th.<br />

Sign up for both on athletic board.<br />


Come help set up as soon as the dining hall closes and stick around after<br />

to help clean up.<br />

Start getting Pub acts together--let me or ~owell know about them.<br />

Steph-All the Prefrosh thought Baker was AAAWESOME! ! !<br />

Lenny-Thanks to Brian, Alan, AnneF.,Farla, Catherine, Hubal and es~ecially Ming<br />

for help with the Lenny Tours.<br />

Dan-belated thanks to Tony Curtis for the floor party.<br />

Maria-the softball team beat Framingham State!<br />

Ken-Cabaret tickets are going fast so make sure you get yours.<br />

(1) Motion by Bill-Stephanie to appropriate $100 for fireside chat with<br />

Shirley McBay--7-2-0.<br />

~~;~i~~f1d~~U~~;~:rto women. ~<br />

HAPPY BIRTHDAYs this week go to Chris R.<br />

Cathy Sybert, Sue B., and Melih!! !Watch<br />

As_a side note, a signed letter would be<br />

than an anonymous one.<br />

;<br />

fQUowingsensual experiences, :.i<br />

Orite wouldbe:,<br />

~~j§«immingnaked by moonlight. .1<br />

~;Wt:aring a glamorous mink with noth-.<br />

ipgunderneath.<br />

1<br />

IFSli~ing nude into cool satin sheets.<br />

.~•• ;I':lking a soothing, sensuous bath at<br />


In the course of day-to-day life,;<br />

how often do you meet or see an attrac-'<br />

tive man, someone who's appealing and<br />

desirable?!<br />

a. Constantly-you see lots just walking!<br />

down the street.<br />

b. Several times a day.<br />

c. Several times a week.<br />

d. Only now and then. . ~<br />

e. Seldom-you're choosy and not easily!<br />

attracted. 1<br />

$ In the course ofthe day,. how manyl<br />

thoughts and feelings of a sexual nature!<br />

do you have-twinges of desire, memo-l<br />

ries of past lovers, fleeting fantasies?)<br />

a. Hardly any you can remember.<br />

b. One or two.<br />

c. Several.<br />

d. Tons-sex is ever on yom' mind.<br />

'.j• Your mJlOcan make you feel deli­<br />

CIOusly sexy by (choose as, many as<br />

apply): . '., '<br />

3. Tea~ing and making you laugh.<br />

b. Actmgstern and dominant.<br />

c. Whispering naughty suggestions in<br />

your ear. '<br />

d. lJn4ressing you subtly with his eyes.<br />

e. Letting you know how horny you<br />

make him feel. ",<br />

f. !-Jugging'you and saying how much he<br />

loves you. '. <<br />

g. All of the above. '<br />

" Sexl1al feelings, imagery, or<br />

counters are part of your dreams:<br />

a. Usually or always.<br />

b. Often.'<br />

c~ Occasionally.<br />

d. Seldom or never.<br />

a<br />

en-<br />

Looking at a man, do you ever wonder<br />

.about the size and/or shape of his<br />

gemtals? .<br />

a. No, never.<br />

b. Sometimes.<br />

c. Often.<br />

d. Constantly.<br />

I How ~o you feel about pornography-graphIC,<br />

steamY sex<br />

moVies, art, etc.? ' ',....<br />

in books<br />

,<br />

a. Not Interested,<br />

b. Fascinated~youadoieit~ndit turn's '\<br />

you on.' , C ;<br />

c. Interested in an amused,' SIlghtlyl<br />

detached way.<br />

d. Repelled and yet fascinated at th<br />

same time.<br />

• In im absolutely ideaL affair, you'<br />

have sex: .<br />

a. COlistantly, many times througho<br />

day and night.<br />

b. Qnce a night, but it would be passio<br />

ate and fulfilling. "<br />

c. ~pontaneously, whenever the mo<br />

str\1ck you. .<br />

d. ',Not so often, but each occurrence'<br />

would be a romantic, enthralling pe!<br />

champagne. Perhaps because they mak~':<br />

you feel strong or sllperior, you rather:<br />

enjoy your powers of resistance, which'<br />

rIiay lead some men to feel you're a bit Q~ .<br />

a tease. Actually,.you're waiting for'th~<br />

perfect man, the lover who will melt aui,<br />

ypur defenses. pon't be too standoffis~,<br />

however-one of your suitors inighCpe;<br />

Mr. Perfection in disguise! .<br />

!2.li<br />

•. .",,·:.1

~xe.~ t-J ~£.Q..T\ t.JG ~ Il\JU-re..~<br />

A~ot-J<br />

L6f'~ \2),) C0..:l-h2J \Lim) ~OS'\oJ\ QY'cl -\1lQ..<br />

tSl-{lo -t\"oSh - R2J'r'l )Pt\\)+ Q.obQ.r+1

Well right now there's this big space in my head and I can't figure out what<br />

to write down. Do you ever have that sensation of being off in space--like<br />

far away--and you don't feel like coming back (no, I'm not doing a commercial<br />

for Peppermint Patties). Don't mind me--I think Dan put speed in my Tylenol.<br />

Either that or I'm flipping out from malnutrition. You see somebody--not to<br />

mention any names (Lenny!)--forgot to bring food to the <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

You know sometimes when I'm off daydreaming I remember the oddist things<br />

we used to do when I was small. I was entertaining Pat and Dan tonight<br />

in first East (who is, by the way, missing lounge furniture! !!) with one<br />

of my YMCA camp songs which has some pretty catchy lines--great green globs<br />

of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkeys' meat, concentrated birdies'<br />

feet,four quart jars of all-purpose porpoise puss and I forgot my spoon •••<br />

but I got my straw. Okay so right now you're all thinking I had a pretty<br />

strange childhood but come on-it can't hurt spacing out once in a while.<br />


Thurs., 3/14, 1st east lounge, 9:30pm<br />


Lenny-Thanks to everyone that helped at the Cocktail Party. Special thanks to<br />

Jan and Prof. Sharpless and Cynthia (from BU) (Gimp's sister) and Danoo<br />

DAn&Lowell-Thanks from us too.<br />


Dave-Sign-up sheets for water polo are on the board. .<br />

Steve-Congrats to Dan, Bob, Chris and Alan for JudCom~<br />

Maria-Copy machine should be fixed by Friday--the repairman is supposed to<br />

be coming.<br />

Lowell-Keg for BATTLE OF THE BANDS on Sat. night in lobby at 6:30.<br />

LEnny-NERDS are playing Sat. night-see Felix.<br />

EverybodY-********HOUSE MEETING ON MONDAY NIGHT--9:30 in cafeteria********<br />

****************************************************************<br />

(1)Motion by Lenny-Dan to approve <strong>minutes</strong> from last time: 9-1-0-1 FET<br />

(2) Motion by Steve-Janet to approve $66 for photo supplies for<br />

house: 8-2-0<br />

(3) Motion by Brian-Lenny to approve $60 for happy hour: 9-1-0<br />

(4) Motion by Dan-Steve&Janet to approve $35 to Lenny for next Cocktail<br />

Party invitations: 6-2-2<br />

(5) Motion by Dave that Lenny is a f--king $&¢$@$% for ~ot bringing food<br />

so we should reduce his vote to 1/2. Friendly amendment by Bill--Lenny<br />

is a fool : 8-1-t<br />

(6) Motion by Bill-Maria to approve $60 for house meeting: 91-0-0<br />

(7) Motion by Steph-Maria to approve $150 for softball bats and $30 for<br />

basketballs: 9-1-0<br />

(8) Since no one approached us except Krishna, motion by Brian-Bill to add<br />

to agenda that we vote on having Krishna in charge uf Client Team.<br />

(9) Motion by Brian-Steph that Krishna be in charge of Client Team: 9-0-1<br />

.. ~ (see Lenny if interested in ComCom)<br />

(10) Motion by Steve-Janet to give Lenny fu~l vote: l-9-0<br />

Lenny adjourns meeting.<br />

Also--Thanks to 1st east for use of their lounge!

ARlJBA<br />

QA~\ t\)Q<br />

HA?PY<br />

PARIY<br />


Well I bet today was like one of those ordinary days and you think that tomorrow<br />

will probably be the same -- after you finally get up, you make your way down past<br />

the Baker desk, that amazing social spot, and maybe, just maybe, you have some "rEEL"<br />

mail though interdepartmental mail will even do for those beat 8.02 lectures-boy<br />

wouldn't I love to have already taken that class but I guess I can't complain-my<br />

TA is pretty cool--me and TJ are really wondering though about what the deal is<br />

wi+h those flaming pink pants he wears all. the time--must be moonl.tghting making<br />

d( ts or who knows what else. Anyways, right now you want to head out the door<br />

but WAIT! the doors are locked! all you hear are jackhammers and bulldozers; you<br />

wonder if you're stuck in BAker for good (what a concept!)--well the scoop is<br />

that ~S~arting tomorrow, it's construction time once again in Amherst Alley-­<br />

can you believe it--we're actually going to have to use the MemDrive entrances<br />

to Baker which is really bogus••• WAIT, NEWS FLASH coming in, from Stan the Soda<br />

Man as he strolls in my room with an announcement you've all been waiting for:<br />

"The Baker HOuse Soda Machine is back from the dead. Protected by Patron Saint<br />

Ken Corless (lead pipe in hand). Temporarily on the 3rd floor-DON't Beat ON it!"<br />

• • • Meanwhile I guess you're all dying right now to read o~ abo~t the exciting<br />

<strong>Execcon</strong> meeting last night:<br />


Tues., 3/5, 10:00 pm, Brian's room<br />


LENNY-****COCKTAIL PARTY ON FRIDAY****5-7 pm, invite profs, TAs, friends<br />

I NEED LOTS OF HELP so see me.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party went well. Thanks to SAS, Br~an, Carolyn, Steph, Nance,<br />

Mike A., Janet, Maria, Steve B. Jim Brandt, Scott L~ Dave M., Dave J., Bill,<br />

Lenny, Karl T. Tom P., Tracy, Andy W., HeeJung, Eugene, Bob Newmen, Dave<br />

S., Napoli, Rodney, Ken, Brad, Ed, Anne G., Mike V., Jay A., Penny, Boris,<br />

Dave Simson, TJ, Dano and anyone else we might have forgot.<br />

DAVE-Sign-ups for table tennis, swimming, softball, ultimate frisbee, bowling,<br />

and indoor track are up on the board.<br />

STPVE-JudCom butteries are on March 10th and elections are March 12th--see me<br />

interested. Also see me about being on Client Team or ComCom.<br />

BR~AN-starting Thursday the Amherst Alley entrance to Baker will be closed fro<br />

8am to 4pm every day because they are going to be doing construction (right<br />

now they say for 2 months) so we will have to use the MemDrive entrances to<br />

Baker.<br />

you have any questions, see me.<br />

NEIL-See me if you have copy machine problems.<br />

I wrote a letter to the Dean telling him we aren't happy about it --if<br />

(1)Motion by Brian-Janet to approve Joyce as laundry room manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(2)Motion by Lenny-Steve to approve Buzz as Music room manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(3)Motion by Dan-Dave to approve Penny for Country Kitchen manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(4)Motion by Brian-Steph to approve Boris, Yichen as house photographers:passes<br />

. . 10-0-0<br />

(5)Motion on voting to keep door in 1st central near f~replace<br />

open dur~ng<br />

the day while construction is going on in Amherst Alley (hours will be<br />

decided by Ken, house manager) : 5-4-1<br />

(6)Motion by Brian-Dave to set next <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting on Thursday, March 14th<br />

at 9:30 in 1st East lounge (yes, there is a 1st east!) •<br />

..;;;;;;ED. , ~ -IhJn ~ IUUJct-tD 101<br />

".',me.to ,;\~\~<br />

,.. ~ V' relell! $ e<br />

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1eq-~,LL-<br />

- UCMo~ (}.Jji; ~ quxt o15b ~Hft ~. rwt &J .00uat Buaqr:f<br />

1»L haul -fD UXJrk w.dfL ... uoCA{).),; {;()JJw(e ;1uJSt" of +JU-."<br />

~ I~ ~'~ rxs) tlJlL OiL {({;(X:8rt~,1Jt d'cb, v<br />

-- 8]rVJ.rlJL, b~r (S ILt;t4J bvea1JA4;1~(d £cU-,fU,<br />

-- ~Uo. 11/ ffu-. fOlrPCUS of C/L(lftl}~t)~ fa1;vU{ 5<br />

ms1~ cJ(- eJunlhj CYq/fo, ~~ &WIngs ae~~<br />

()yvJ Vwu A-O~VA'


Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-lowed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

SREAS-$21 ,967.69<br />

', ,lATHCHRM-We won some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good luck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise, Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Baker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


LOWELL-Anyone who wants to do happy hours including this Friday, see Dan<br />

or Lowell, Rm. 218.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party this Saturday-get psyched! We need people to help set<br />

up starting around ~:OO. Clean-up is Sunday, 1:00 pm.<br />

LENNY-Cocktail Farty invitations will be available at House meeting or from<br />

me. The party is on Friday, March 8th. I need lots of help so see me.<br />

DAVE-Volleyball rosters are up.<br />

BRIAN-Thanks to Lowell and everyone who helped with the picturebook.<br />

DAN-If anyone had a car ticketed or towed on Feb. 9th on Memorial Dr., they<br />

do not have to pay for it if they go to the Cambridge Park~ng Clerk. See<br />

~an or Lowell for info.<br />

~N-Audition sign-up sheets for Cabaret are up in the lobby.<br />

Motion by Brian to set time, date, and place of next <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

Meeting adjourned.<br />


We4~, 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party.<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks.<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting.


Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-I owed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

TREAS-$21,967.69<br />

ATHCHRM-We won. some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

Sorru. it's<br />

1M lJ t.i)QU mo..th1ne..<br />

t!. - ,- 1 proble.MS<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good luck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise, Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Baker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


LOWELL-Anyone who wants to do happy hours including this Friday, see Dan<br />

or Lowell, Rm. 218.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party this Saturday-get psyched! We need people to help set<br />

up starting around ~:OO. Clean-up is Sunday, 1:00 pm.<br />

LENNY-Cocktail Party invitations will be available at House meeting or from<br />

me. The party is on Friday, March 8th. I need lots of help So see me.<br />

DAVE-Volleyball rosters are up.<br />

BRIAN-Thanks to Lowell and everyone who helped with the picturebook.<br />

DAN-If anyone had a car ticketed or towed on Feb. 9th on Memorial Dr., they<br />

do not have to pay for it if they go to the Cambridge Parking Clerk. See<br />

Dan or Lowell for info.<br />

T~~··q-Audition sign-up sheets for Cabaret are up in the lobby.<br />

Motion by Brian to set time, date, and place of next <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

Meeting adjourned.<br />


Wed., 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party.<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks.<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting.


Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-lowed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

TREAS-$21 ,967.69<br />

ATHCHRM-We won. some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good-Iuck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise,Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Eaker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


Wed., 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party. a~<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's Party. ~~~<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks. . ~~,<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting. ~~ ~~~.<br />



Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-lowed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

SREAS-$21 ,967.69<br />

', ,lATHCHRM-We won some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good luck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise, Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Baker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


LOWELL-Anyone who wants to do happy hours including this Friday, see Dan<br />

or Lowell, Rm. 218.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party this Saturday-get psyched! We need people to help set<br />

up starting around ~:OO. Clean-up is Sunday, 1:00 pm.<br />

LENNY-Cocktail Farty invitations will be available at House meeting or from<br />

me. The party is on Friday, March 8th. I need lots of help so see me.<br />

DAVE-Volleyball rosters are up.<br />

BRIAN-Thanks to Lowell and everyone who helped with the picturebook.<br />

DAN-If anyone had a car ticketed or towed on Feb. 9th on Memorial Dr., they<br />

do not have to pay for it if they go to the Cambridge Park~ng Clerk. See<br />

~an or Lowell for info.<br />

~N-Audition sign-up sheets for Cabaret are up in the lobby.<br />

Motion by Brian to set time, date, and place of next <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

Meeting adjourned.<br />


We4~, 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party.<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks.<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting.

Hey we're almost done--I mean last night at the <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting we were talking<br />

about the last HOUSE VlliETING which is, by the way, on MONDAY, MAY 13th. I hear<br />

they give out all kinds of awards--freshmen watch out! So what's un for the<br />

summer?--if anyone is going to be in Europe meet up with Oren or maybe DAve J.<br />

if he gets there. I just can't wait to go to the beach this summer--until<br />

then. I'll have to, like Mary says, set my priorities straight and bake out on<br />

the moon garden. We'll be evil Lenny and~~eR you ,fr£m clasA3,~ t Apd by the<br />

way Baker women--better watch out--Gerald~~lIT5t~~ab~rm~~lT for the Alnha<br />

Phi Slave Auction. What a flamer! (1 think I been hangin' around Cherubino<br />

too long--picking up all her phrases) So Bill what are you up to rewiring<br />

lately? And Steve M. I hear Wheaties and Vodka to well together for Breakfast.<br />

Hey I heard rumors that Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Bruce were some of<br />

the celebrities around last weekend--for some reason I can hardly remember ,that<br />

I don~t think Rodney and a few others can either. Well I guess I should yet<br />

you all read on about the wicked ~xciting <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting.<br />

P.S. Janet, guess what color I think would go well in our rODm next year!<br />

BAKER<br />

Wed.,<br />


May 1st, 10:00, Stevie B's room<br />



STEREO BLAST****EVERYONE PLAY'BCN out your windows at 1:00 Sunday<br />


DAVE-sign-up right now for Spring Olympiad.<br />

BILL-anybody who knows where the house mikes are, let me know.<br />

DAN-Thanks to everyone who set up and cleaned up for the Pub.<br />

Where's Janet????<br />

BRIAN-Support and work at Baker's dunking booth at Spring Carnival, Sat. 12-4:00<br />

(1)Motion by Brian/Stephanie to approve last <strong>minutes</strong>: 9-0-0<br />

(2)Motion by Maria/Bill to approve $90 from miscellaneous to Pub clean-up and<br />

cuns: 8-1-0<br />

(3) Motion by Lenny/Brian to appropriate $/600 for 50ston Tea Party: 6-2-1<br />

(4) Motion by Maria/Lenny to appropriate $30 for volleyball fine: 7-1-1<br />

(5) Motion by Maria/Bill to appropriate $50 for Thurs. Night Keg: 8-0-1<br />

(6)Motion by Brian/Stephanie to appropriate $200 for snring weekend: 8-0-1<br />

, "There's a time and nlace for spontane i ty"<br />

(7)Motion by Stephanie/Loweli to appropriate $60'from gaver fund and $30 from<br />

slush for tutor's presents.<br />

dan/Lenny adjourn meeting.<br />

Week from MondaY--May 13th--HOUSE MEETING--last one--9:30<br />

Agenda:<br />

(1)Discussion and possible vote on Client Team~eport<br />

(2)Discussion and possible vote on Rush week alcohol policy<br />

(3) AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN --people who have ideas for awards, see<br />

Stephanie<br />

Next <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting--Wed. ,May 8th, Lobby, 10: 00

~x ~~ "-J tvt£.Q.T\ 106 .1'--{ ll\JUl"e,~<br />

A~o~HeU~<br />

(2)rIOJl-rf CU'\yoV\Q. t~. tvrte.r-e~-\-ed in u'&her( o:t ~\l<br />

o..ppl ;M:HCM\'2.<br />

ClXt OvVoJ loJole. Ckl- +he- ~ o"N'\d Frlclo...y l LI/al.o) - ~e.e me -fur-<br />

Invlte~1 ..<br />

HOJ'IIt _ +he. ~+tDJI +rom lJ.n{\ o.goJ Y\ • IJQJD:> ~Iclsh ~r 0 1M<br />

i3riM- HO(J~e.- f'-1r...rrl t0G' t~~wod(\Y\9<br />

\\Jed,) Apr: I ffi-th o-:t q: 30 Cl-.0.o..~f'\<br />

thn "l- LcwQ.H _1h:tnlAs +0 -r. m f-\, J Ocwe- ~')To ~e. J Leo J OrQ.Y1 J AYtthcl'\Y<br />

0J'\d e>.R.X''fI:Yr\e.. Q./~(C 1.1..'ffi hi2J UI. olJt 0-+ the. fu-sinollir+Y.<br />

O1n+ Lo~Jl- ~APry HOUtZ OV\ t=f'lc\o-Y ~-~<br />

W, lhur:::" l\} i 9l m<br />

Isco -\br Pub \ q.-o-o<br />

6). Moflon by 8; 1\/ HILt',' 0.. -Ie tlppro ve j\,~"'£> {or- Qrl!uil Par4y: 1,-a-O<br />

@H1l\i o<br />

V"\<br />

by e;-""-h/stern -Ie Appro,e, t-'11/ l4o.rlO- -Ie f'lpprcpn ",-\e 11 kO -I'rol"" VV\6Ce.llo..neaU'><br />

-\c re.n\ PA ~yS>-\Q)IY\ -tb'l Pu b l ~- 0-0<br />

:IV Het\on by SI-~ / \3; \\ -\0 A~'op'; o-..+e ~ liD -for clet=\-r- en 'au-xl.<br />

-fur Mo--'/ Po.r-'ry: ~-O-o \ "<br />

J) MotIon '0'/ ~e I ~'OX\ -tc ~pprop"O-~ tso -l'ot-""Thurs, nt

I,<br />

~~=~----------------- -,---,---'!4L..- ~_ I<br />

~ right now there's this big space in my head and I can't figure out what<br />

/write down. Do you ever have that sensation of b~ing off in space--like<br />

.ar away--and you don't feel like coming back (no, I'm not doing a commercial<br />

for Peppermint Patties). Don't mind me--I think Dan put speed in my Tylenol.<br />

Either that or I'm flipping out from malnutrition. You see somebody--not to<br />

mention any names (Lenny!)--forgot to bring food to the <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

You know sometimes when I'm off daydreaming I remember the oddist things<br />

we used to do when I was small. I was entertaining Pat and Dan tonight<br />

in first East (who is, by the way, missing lounge furniture!!!) with one<br />

of my YMCA camp songs which has some pretty catchy lines--great green globs<br />

of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkeys' meat, concentrated birdies'<br />

feet, four quart jars of all-purpose porpoise puss and I forgot my spoon •••<br />

but I got my straw. Okay so right now you're all thinking I had a pretty<br />

strange childhood but come on-it can't hurt spacing out once in a while.<br />


Thurs., 3/14, 1st east lounge, 9:30pm<br />


Lenny-Thanks to everyone that helped at the Cocktail Party. Special thanks to<br />

Jan and Prof. Sharpless and Cynthia (from EU) (Gimp's sister) and Dano.<br />

DAn&Lowell-Thanks from us too.<br />


Dave-Sign-up sheets for water polo are on the board.<br />

Steve-Congrats to Dan, Bob, Chris and Alan for JudCom:<br />

.Maria-Copy machine should be fixed by Friday--the repairman is supposed to<br />

be coming.<br />

Lowell-Keg for BATTLE OF THE BANDS on Sat. night in lobby at 6:30.<br />

LEnny-NERDS are playing Sat. night-see Felix.<br />

EverybodY-********HOUSE MEETING ON MONDAY NIGHT--9:30 in cafeteria********<br />

****************************************************************<br />

(1)Motion by Lenny-Dan to approve <strong>minutes</strong> from last time: 9-1-0-1 FET<br />

(2) Motion by Steve-Janet to approve $66 for photo supplies for<br />

house: 8-2-0<br />

(3) Motion by Brian-Lenny to approve $60 for happy hour: 9-1-0<br />

(4) Motion by Dan-Steve&Janet to approve $35 to Lenny for next Cocktail<br />

Party invitations: 6-2-2<br />

(5) Motion by Dave that Lenny is a f--king $&¢$@$% for ~ot bringing food<br />

so we should reduce his vote to 1/2,. Friendly amendment by Bill--Lenny<br />

is a fool : 8-~-t<br />

(6) Motion by Bill-Maria to approve $60. for house meeting: 9~-0-0<br />

(7) Motion by Steph-Maria to approve $150 for softball bats and $30 for<br />

basketballs: 9-~-0<br />

(8) Since no one approached us except Krishna, motion by Brian-Bill to add<br />

to agenda that we vote on having Krishna in charge of Client Team.<br />

(9) Motion by Brian-Steph that Krishna be in charge of Client Team: 9-0-t<br />

."\ (see Lenny if interested in ComCom) .<br />

(10) Motion by Steve-Janet to give Lenny full vote: ~-9-0<br />

Lenny adjourns meeting.<br />

Also--Thanks to 1st east for use of their lounge!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

II-<br />

! ~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


..iel~ I bet tociay was like one of tnose ordi:1ary days and you tnink trI'll: tcmorr'w<br />

will probably be the same -- after you finally get up, you make your way down past<br />

the Baker desk, that amazing social spot, anj maybe, just maybe, you have 'some "rffil"<br />

mail though interdeoartmental mail.will even do for those beat 8.02 lectures-boy<br />

wouldn't I love to have already taken that class but I guess I can't comolain-my<br />

~A is pretty cool--me and TJ are really wondering t~ou~h abnut what the deal is<br />

with those flaming pink oants he wears all the time--must be moonlighting ~akin~<br />

donuts or who knows what else. Anyways, right nO'N you want to head out the door<br />

but WAIT! the doors are locked! all you hear are jackhammers and bulldozers; yeu<br />

wGnder if you~re stuck in BAker for good (what a c8nce~t!)--well the SCC00 is<br />

that starting tomorrow, it's construction time once a~ain in Amherst Allev-- ~<br />

can you believe it--we're actually going to have to use the MemDrive entrances ."<br />

to Baker which is really bogus••• WAIT, NEWS FLASH coming in from Stan the Soda ~<br />

Man as he strolls in my room with an announcement you've all been waiting for:<br />

I~'<br />

"T~e Baker HOuse Soda Machine is back from the dead. Protected bv Patron Saint<br />

Ken Corless (lead pipe in hand). Temporarily on the 3rd floor-DOf.T' t BeatOn it!" .•<br />

• • • Meanwhile I guess you're all dying right now to read on about the exciting ~<br />

<strong>Execcon</strong> meeting last night: ~<br />


Tues., 3/5, 10:00 pm, Brian's room<br />


LENNY-****COCKTAIL PARTY ON FRIDAY****5-7 pm, invite profs, TAs, friends<br />

I NEED LOTS OF HELP so see me.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party went well. Thanks to SAS, Brian, Carolyn, Steph, Nance,<br />

Mike A., Janet, Maria, Steve B. Jim Brandt, Scott L~ Dave M., Dave J., Bill,<br />

Lenny, Karl T. Tom P., Tracy, Andy W., HeeJung, Eugene, Bob Newmen, Dave<br />

S., Napoli, Rodney, Ken, Brad, Ed, Anne G., Mike V., Jay n., Penny, Boris,<br />

Dave Simson, TJ, Dana and anyone else we might have forgot.<br />

DAVE-Sign-ups for table tennis, sWimming, softball, ultimate frisbee, bowling,<br />

and indoor track are up on-the board.<br />

STEVE-JudCom butteries are on March 10th and elections are March 12th--see me<br />

if interested. Also see me about being on Client Team or ComCom.<br />

R~IAN-starting Thursday the Amherst All~y entrance to Baker will be closed fro<br />

Bam to 4pm every day because they are going to be doing construction (right<br />

now they say for 2 months) so we will have to use the MemDrive entrances to<br />

Baker. I wrote a letter to the Dean telling him we aren't happy about it --if<br />

you have any questions, see me.<br />

NEIL-See me if you have copy machine problems.<br />

(1)Motion by Brian-Janet to approve Joyce as laundry room manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(2)Motion by Lenny-Steve to approve Buzz as Music room manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(3)Motion by Dan-Dave to -approve Penny for Country Kitchen manager: passes 10-0-0<br />

(4)Motion by Brian-Steph to approve Boris, Yichen as house photographers:passes<br />

. 1 . 10-0-0<br />

( 5)<br />

Motion on voting to keep door in 1st central near flrep ace open durlng<br />

the day while construction is going on in Amherst Alley (hours will be<br />

decided by Ken, house manager) : 5-4-1<br />

(6)Motion by Brian-Dave to Set next <strong>Execcon</strong> Meeting on Thursday, March 14th<br />

at 9:30 in 1st East lounge (yes, there is a 1st east!).<br />


t-ts,'1 - J:-t l $<br />

relea se<br />

3 -ore 2:.re Ii!~<br />

I is-

',,1.. "' ..,-, .C; '0"'<br />

.. ' ; i • ~. ' jG:~Pl€;ase'fepW;:;'

o<br />


Thurs. 4/11 i1pm, Rm. 218<br />

ltNNOUNCEMENTS -.-~ cc_~ • _<br />

Boris-I would like to know if anyone has a clue to where the slide projector<br />

is. Let me know if you do. Also there is a "CAPTION THE PICTURE" contest--see<br />

the glass case.<br />

LEnny-Next Wednesday, April 17th, Shirley McBay will be here at 6pm for dinner<br />

and 7:30 for a fireside chat.<br />

Dave-1M Cycling on Sunday, April 28th and 1M Wrestling on Saturday, April 20th.<br />

Sign up for both on athletic board.<br />


Corne help set up as soon as the dining hall closes and stick around after<br />

to help clean up. .<br />

Start getting Pub acts together--let me or Lowell know about them.<br />

Steph-All the Prefrosh thought Baker was AAAWESOME! ! !<br />

Lenny-Thanks to Brian, Alan, AnneF.,Farla, Catherine, Hubal and especially M±ng<br />

for help with the Lenny Tours.<br />

Dan-belated thanks to Tony Curtis for the floor party.<br />

Maria-the softball team beat Framingham State!<br />

Ken-Cabaret tickets are going fast so make sure you get yours.<br />

(1) Motion by Bill-Stephanie to appropriate $100 for fireside chat with<br />

Shirley McBay--7-2-0.<br />

Bill-Life is unfair to women.<br />

Meeting Adjourned.<br />

HAPPY BIRTHDAYs this week go to Chris R. in 501, Stan, Marc Light, Terry Olkin,<br />

Cathy Sybert, Sue B., and Melih!!!Watch out for the showers!<br />

As a side note, a signed letter would be much more helpful in solving a problem<br />

than an anonymous one.."""\ Of)At what age did you<br />

begin to masturbate?<br />

a. Five or younger.<br />

1. Of the following sensual experiences,<br />

your favorite would be:<br />

a. S\\,imming naked by moonlight.<br />

b. Wearing a glamorous mink with nothing<br />

underneath.<br />

c. Sliding nude into cool satin sheets.<br />

d. Taking a soothing, sensuous bath at<br />

day'') end.<br />

2. When gloriously hungry, you'd most<br />

adore consuming:<br />

a. Caviar, sparkling champagne, and<br />

deviled crayfish.<br />

b. A perfectly broiled steak with all the<br />

trimmings.<br />

c. Shark's fin soup and Peking duck.<br />

d. Osso buco with homemade fettuccine<br />

Alfredo.<br />

e. All of the above.<br />

- j. Of the following scents, the one you<br />

most prefer is:<br />

a. Essence of musk.<br />

b. New-mown hay;<br />

c. A hint of roses.<br />

d. Charlie or Chanel No.5.<br />

..... When remodeling your<br />

..••~G_+./.c-····o.•'. bedroom, you would choose<br />

as the predominant color(s): ,<br />

a. Forest green. I<br />

b. Yellow and black.<br />

c. Varying shades of red<br />

and pink.<br />

d. Maroon and gold.<br />

b. Between six and ten.<br />

c. Between eleven and fourteen.<br />

d. Fifteen or older.<br />

e. Never.<br />

{b,,':When without a man, how often do<br />

you indulge in self-stimulation?<br />

a. Several times a day.<br />

b. Daily.<br />

c. Several times a week.<br />

d. Several times'a month.<br />

e. Rarely or never.<br />

7. When masturbating, do you use<br />

props or aids, such as a vibrator or<br />

another implement?<br />

a. Usually.<br />

b. Sometimes.<br />

c. Never.<br />

:'L At what age did you lose your virginity?<br />

a. Twelve or younger.<br />

b. Between thirteen and fifteen.<br />

c. Between sixteen and eighteen.<br />

d. Between nineteen and twenty-one.<br />

e. Over twenty-one.<br />

9. Altogether, how many lovers have<br />

you had (including long-term relationships,<br />

one-night flings, everyone)?<br />

a. One or two.<br />

b. Several.<br />

c. At least six.<br />

d. Twelve or more.<br />

e. Almost too many to count.<br />

• How many lovers would you have<br />

had if circumstances had been right (i.e..<br />

men more willing, situation more propitious,<br />

etc.)?<br />

a. Several more.<br />

b. Many more.<br />

c. Too many to count.<br />

II. What reasons or motives would<br />

impel you to go to bed with a man?<br />

(Choose as many as apply.)<br />

/a.You're iri love.<br />

h. He loves you or w~nts you.<br />

c. You have a sudden whim or impulse.<br />

d. You wonder what he'd be like.<br />

e. You feel sorry for him.<br />

f. He attracts you phYSically.<br />

g. He amuses or entertains you.<br />

h. He's insistent.<br />

i. He's good-looking, a real hunk.<br />

j. He seems gentle and understanding.<br />

k. He's exceptionally intelligent.<br />

I. He seems to expect it.<br />

m. You want to spite someone else.<br />

n. He's wealthy or powerful.<br />

o. He's famous or glamorous.<br />

p. You've heard that he's a marvelous<br />

lover.<br />

12. If your man became permanently<br />

impotent because of illness, surgery, or<br />

accident, you would:<br />

a. Forget sex and continue to love him<br />

and be faithful.<br />

b. Remain faithful as long as you could<br />

bear it.<br />

c. Stay with him but take a lover.<br />

d. Leave-how can there be love without<br />


V· . j).,<br />

/<br />

-7'. -17<br />

~C-"<br />

J:ti-~ -:-2f3. In the course of day-to-day life,<br />

(~' how often do you meet or see an attract/<br />

tive man, someone who's appealing and<br />

() desirable?<br />

! a. Constantly-you see lots just walking<br />

down the street.<br />

b. Several times a day.<br />

c. Several times a week.<br />

i) d. Only now and then.<br />

e. Seldom-you're choosy and not easily<br />

attracted.<br />

, In the course ofthe day, how many<br />

thoughts and feelings of a sexual nature<br />

do you have-twinges of desire, memories<br />

of past lovers, fleeting fantasies?<br />

a. Hardly any you can remember.<br />

b. One or two.<br />

c. Several.<br />

d. Tons-sex is ever on your mind.<br />

.J ,. Your man can make you feel delicIously<br />

sexy by (choose as many as<br />

apply):<br />

'<br />


13 following the house meeting, cafeteria<br />

1)Motion by Brian/Dan to approve last <strong>minutes</strong>: 7-3<br />

2)Motion by Brian/Bill to approve $900 for senior cocktail party:10-0-0<br />

3)Motion by Lenny/Dan to approve $80 from miscell. for VPFS supplies: 8-0-2<br />

4) motion by Brian/Maria/drunken Gary to approve $400 for RegParty: 10-0-0<br />

5)Motion Janet/Maria/drunken Gary to approve $90 for roof party from Socials'<br />

floor party : 10-0-0 ~<br />

6) Motion by Brian/Lowell/drunken Gary $4375 for R/O : 10-0-0<br />

) Motion by Janet/Brian to approve $398.79 from social miscelL for miscell.<br />

supplies during R/O: 10-0-0 (Gary wants to know what mise cellaneous i first<br />

name is!)<br />

8)Motion by Bill/Steve to appropriate 8150 for end-of-term study breaks: 9-1-0<br />

meeting is on the 1st sunny Sunday of Rio on the roof at 1:00.<br />

adjourns meeting.<br />

BIRTHDAY!!! !To LindaZ., Youlee, Cindy, Eugene, Yona, Denis G.,<br />

DaveNapoli, LeoCasey, NancyS., RichardSmith, PatLeach,<br />

IrinaR,Steve Herzenberg,RobertoS.,Gary W.,Rachel S.,MinaP.,<br />

DaveVolfson and everyone else who's having a birthday over<br />

the summer!! And everyone I missed last week too! !<br />

HAv~ AN AWESOME SUMMER!!! !!!!!!<br />


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1.'1 r:WE!<br />

As I peered across the horizon, there was a flah .of Iight, followed by an<br />

eerie moan. In the distance I could see a figure walking towards me. He<br />

seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place the face. It was a face out of<br />

the past. He was tall, with fiery orange hair. There were flies swarming<br />

around him. In his hand, a can of Foster's. He had something else in his<br />

hand, a little black box. Then it hit me, it wasthe remote control to a<br />

television. "Yo, what's up?", he said in his typical goofy way. Yes, he was<br />

back and ready for action, ready for all those new freshmen girls. In his<br />

eyes burned a decidedly odd glow.<br />

As he approached, I noted a noise, almost below my threshold of<br />

hearing. It reminded me of the sound a servo made when it got dirty. It<br />

rose and fell was his knee moved. Suddenly the odor became more noisome<br />

(SAT word). I could sense he was getting closer. He seemed to be heeding<br />

towards second west. Yes, he was approaching 215. I ran after him,<br />

hoping to get to a dormline to warn Maria. I was too late, he kicked the<br />

door of 215 open and disappeared inside.<br />

Fortunately, Maria was at 6.001. Unfortunately, Janet wasn't. She<br />

was seated on the edge of her bed in her robe, drying her hair. He froze for<br />

a moment, weighing his options. SUddenly, he smiled. He flashed that<br />

dapper smile that was only his and lumbered over to the stereo, slipping<br />

his tape of "Cabaret" into the tape player. Suddenly the Iights went down<br />

and the spotlight that he had stolen bounced off that fiery frizz. As he<br />

began to speak, Janet dashed over to the sink and promptly was sick.<br />

"I'ip." Hi !'!'Y'l r"\rt ()rp.n '-,;,1' J'..,., ·'p.rt'. a"'''''a'' anr' : ,",-,.~. ,--~('\c.t"'·r'\(j fr,. 'if"""<br />

V\;, _ ;l~!! 1 III li). ' ........ ~ L'"-,,,. ! !II :,_ C' !:';"v 7 1 i\~ i iia~./t' =!i.J~il,....... jilll:J ,VI yvu.<br />

}: Janet drew back in horror as he reached into his pants and slowly<br />

.i withdrew---<br />

l)Jf ~ -\~-r> ~<br />

-:Be.h:sv' EX:Ke' C of) and Q\e"f)c\P.


Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-I owed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

TREAS-$21,967.69<br />

ATHCHRM-We won. some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

Sorru. it's<br />

1M lJ t.i)QU mo..th1ne..<br />

t!. - ,- 1 proble.MS<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good luck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise, Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Baker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


LOWELL-Anyone who wants to do happy hours including this Friday, see Dan<br />

or Lowell, Rm. 218.<br />

DAN-New Year's Party this Saturday-get psyched! We need people to help set<br />

up starting around ~:OO. Clean-up is Sunday, 1:00 pm.<br />

LENNY-Cocktail Party invitations will be available at House meeting or from<br />

me. The party is on Friday, March 8th. I need lots of help So see me.<br />

DAVE-Volleyball rosters are up.<br />

BRIAN-Thanks to Lowell and everyone who helped with the picturebook.<br />

DAN-If anyone had a car ticketed or towed on Feb. 9th on Memorial Dr., they<br />

do not have to pay for it if they go to the Cambridge Parking Clerk. See<br />

Dan or Lowell for info.<br />

T~~··q-Audition sign-up sheets for Cabaret are up in the lobby.<br />

Motion by Brian to set time, date, and place of next <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting.<br />

Meeting adjourned.<br />


Wed., 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party.<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks.<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting.


Monday, 2/25, 8:30 pm, snackbar and lobby<br />

1)Outgoing reports:<br />

FREP-Veni, vidi, vici<br />

SEC-lowed house $1000 on service contract.<br />

TREAS-$21 ,967.69<br />

ATHCHRM-We won. some, we lost a lot more.<br />

SOCCHRM-What?<br />

-Thanks for a lot of fun.<br />

JUDCOMCHRM-I still wish we woulda had a hangon.<br />

VPIR-I'm glad that the dorm wanted commons. Thanks for fun.<br />

VPRO-Good-Iuck Stephanie! Thanks to all R/O workers.<br />

VPFS-Need tools and speakers that work.<br />

PREZ-That's it.<br />

Andy read from book. Passed gavel to Brian.<br />

2)Motion by Ken/Andy to adjourn 10-0-0.<br />

3)Boris, Denise,Maria and TJ and Scringe for position of the Secretary of<br />

Eaker House-Maria won.<br />

4)Janet, Chris Y. applied for position of Treasurer$-Janet won.<br />


Wed., 2/27, 9:30 pm, cafeteria<br />

1)Ratify secretary/treasurer.<br />

2)Approve budget.<br />


Wed., 2/27, following house meeting<br />

1)Approve $850 for cocktail party. a~<br />

2)Appropriate $60 for happy hour on Friday and $1000 for New Year's Party. ~~~<br />

3)Appropriate $100 for volleyballs and $300 for hockey sticks. . ~~,<br />

4)Appropriate $60 for house meeting. ~~ ~~~.<br />


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