Orbit April 2012 - Plainview Jewish Center

Orbit April 2012 - Plainview Jewish Center

Orbit April 2012 - Plainview Jewish Center


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ORBIT Page 25<br />

Israel Affairs ( continued from Page 24 )<br />

identifying with the Orthodox establishment.” I think that is really how observant Conservative and Reform<br />

Jews in this country feel too, they are observant, but not in the Orthodox sense. They follow the rules of<br />

their movement to the best of their ability.<br />

Summarizing, a few other conclusions: We shouldn’t panic over the what is perceived as a<br />

strengthening of the Israeli Haredi community because maybe, just maybe, it is just them panicking over<br />

our success!! If Israeli moderates are tired of hearing that the moderate streams have no way of<br />

succeeding in Israel – here’s a window of opportunity, opened wide. It is the time for our movement in<br />

Israel to seize it. Having many self-defined Conservative and Reform Israelis is probably nice, but it will<br />

not be truly important if the number of practicing Conservative and Reform Israelis doesn’t significantly<br />

grow. Finally, dividing Israelis into “religious” and “secular” with some “traditionalists” in the middle is<br />

losing relevance. There’s an important silent center of moderates that needs to be heard. Maybe some<br />

of them are sending their kids to Tali schools and are meeting like minded others and will start talking.<br />

We know there is unrest about the way marriages must be performed currently in Israel. Now we hope<br />

these same people will realize that affiliating with a movement will encourage their voices to be heard<br />

and they can do something about it. There is strength in numbers !! Talk to your friends and relatives in<br />

Israel. Maybe even we can make a difference !!<br />



Looking for an hour of action, drama and excitement on Wednesday night? Take in a<br />

classic series that has been delivering the thrills for more than 2000 years. Join Rabbi Conn,<br />

for all the action on selected Wednesday evenings at 8:15 PM.<br />

Rabbi Conn will continue to guide our class through one of the Bible’s most dramatic<br />

stories in the Bible: David ascent to the kingship, his breathtaking successes and stunning<br />

failures. Join us for a lively and stimulating discussion of this riveting story. The class meets<br />

in the Library, usually twice a month on the first and third Wednesday. Refreshments will be<br />

served. Free and open to all. Bring your own Bible or use the study sheets provided in<br />

class. No Hebrew necessary.<br />

Next Session: May 2nd<br />

II Samuel 2 - Long Live the King? Civil War in Israel<br />

Text Study with Rabbi Conn<br />

Most Shabbat Afternoons between<br />

Mincha (Afternoon) and Ma’ariv (evening) services.<br />

Begin the new week with a few minutes of study. This fall, we will focus on a question<br />

from the weekly Torah portion and the answer given by Rashi, the most famous of all<br />

commentators. Our discussions are always brief, and usually insightful. So join us for prayer,<br />

study and camaraderie as we explore the Torah together.

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