Package 'Hmisc' - R

Package 'Hmisc' - R

Package 'Hmisc' - R


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46 curveRep<br />

Usage<br />

whether subjects on different treatments are assigned to different time-response profiles. To write<br />

the frequencies of a variable such as treatment in the upper left corner of each panel (instead of the<br />

grand total number of clusters in that panel), specify freq.<br />

curveSmooth takes a set of curves and smooths them using lowess. If the number of unique<br />

x points in a curve is less than p, the smooth is evaluated at the unique x values. Otherwise it is<br />

evaluated at an equally spaced set of x points over the observed range. If fewer than 3 unique x<br />

values are in a curve, those points are used and smoothing is not done.<br />

curveRep(x, y, id, kn = 5, kxdist = 5, k = 5, p = 5,<br />

force1 = TRUE, metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan"),<br />

smooth=FALSE, extrap=FALSE, pr=FALSE)<br />

## S3 method for class 'curveRep':<br />

print(x, ...)<br />

## S3 method for class 'curveRep':<br />

plot(x, which=1:length(res), method=c('all','lattice'),<br />

m=NULL, probs=c(.5, .25, .75), nx=NULL, fill=TRUE,<br />

idcol=NULL, freq=NULL, plotfreq=FALSE,<br />

xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y),<br />

xlab='x', ylab='y', ...)<br />

curveSmooth(x, y, id, p=NULL, pr=TRUE)<br />

Arguments<br />

x<br />

y<br />

id<br />

kn<br />

kxdist<br />

k<br />

p<br />

force1<br />

metric<br />

smooth<br />

a numeric vector, typically measurement times. For plot.curveRep is an<br />

object created by curveRep.<br />

a numeric vector of response values<br />

a vector of curve (subject) identifiers, the same length as x and y<br />

number of curve sample size groups to construct. curveRep tries to divide the<br />

data into equal numbers of curves across sample size intervals.<br />

maximum number of x-distribution clusters to derive using clara<br />

maximum number of x-y profile clusters to derive using clara<br />

number of x points at which to interpolate y for profile clustering. For curveSmooth<br />

is the number of equally spaced points at which to evaluate the lowess smooth,<br />

and if p is omitted the smooth is evaluated at the original x values (which will<br />

allow curveRep to still know the x distribution<br />

By default if any curves have only one point, all curves consisting of one point<br />

will be placed in a separate stratum. To prevent this separation, set force1 =<br />

FALSE.<br />

see clara<br />

By default, linear interpolation is used on raw data to obtain y values to cluster<br />

to determine x-y profiles. Specify smooth = TRUE to replace observed points

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