dadavani - Self Realization In 2 Hours

dadavani - Self Realization In 2 Hours

dadavani - Self Realization In 2 Hours


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have, they all verily intrinsically connected<br />

with dwesh. Raag has arisen later. Thereafter<br />

starts the picking and leaving, choosing and<br />

discarding (veynaveyn) like this is better than<br />

this, this is better than that; that is better than<br />

this, this is better than that; but does one say<br />

good or bad when he is hungry?<br />

Rise-fall according to inner intent<br />

Questioner: One who is very hungry,<br />

he will have more dwesh, is that so?<br />

Dadashri: Yes, yes, when there is less<br />

flame of hunger, there is less flame of dwesh.<br />

He will have less dwesh if he is less hungry.<br />

One who has made an intent of<br />

brahmacharya (to be free from any sexual<br />

impulse) in his past life, i.e. if he has charged<br />

such a bhaav, then effect of such karma of<br />

brahmacharya will unfold in this life. He will<br />

not have hunger for sex or anything sexual,<br />

after that, the effect of the intent made in<br />

past life unfolds. Hence his dwesh<br />

(abhorrence) in any matters of sexuality is<br />

gone. So in that matter he has become<br />

vitadwesh (without aversion-abhorrence at<br />

all). Furthermore, in whatever matter the<br />

hunger does not spark-get lit (laagey), in<br />

that he has become vitadwesh.<br />

Questioner: There is bound to be<br />

hunger, as long as there is the body.<br />

Dadashri: No, but if one has made a<br />

bhaav (inner intent) of brahmacharya (in<br />

the past life); such a one will be free from<br />

this one hunger of sex. The other types of<br />

hunger will surely spark and flame up<br />

(laagavani).<br />

Questioner: Yes, the hunger for food<br />

will be there for sure, so then will dwesh<br />

never go away at all?<br />


Dadashri: So dwesh will not go away<br />

at all. That is why ‘We’ give You this vitarag<br />

Gnan and thereby have made You<br />

vitadwesh.<br />

Questioner: Hunger sparks and flames<br />

everyday, then how can one say that he has<br />

become vitadwesh?<br />

Dadashri: It is when you understand<br />

this science; it will show you. This science still<br />

remains to be understood by you, does it not?<br />

They all (mahatmas) sit here having<br />

understood who is getting the hunger signals<br />

and whom they are not lighting-burning. They<br />

know all that. ‘You’ know who has the hunger<br />

pangs, do You not? And those people (agnani,<br />

those who do not know who am I?) only<br />

know, ‘I am hungry’.<br />

If one did not feel hungry or thirsty,<br />

these sadhus (monks) would not come out<br />

of their monasteries. Raag has arisen later.<br />

Raag means that this is good and this is bad;<br />

it is the part that has arisen later. The root of<br />

all this has arisen from here. If one grabs<br />

hold of the root of this, then His work is<br />

done, for sure.<br />

Therefore, You have been made<br />

vitadwesh. Now You have to remain with Me<br />

and become vitarag. Sit with me however<br />

much you can. Get whatever benefit You can<br />

get, out of sitting with me. And one has one<br />

life, two lives, three lives, five lives, or at the<br />

most fifteen lives before attaining final moksha,<br />

but he is not going to incur any other loss, is<br />

he? And the bliss of ‘That’ is being experienced<br />

by us all, no?<br />

Be with the Gnan of vyavasthit<br />

What ‘We’ have said is that do not be<br />

contemptuous towards food. Whatever comes<br />

in front of you, do not have contempt towards<br />

24 January 2013

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