Dean Rusk Arrives for SEATO Conference - Lcgmn.com

Dean Rusk Arrives for SEATO Conference - Lcgmn.com

Dean Rusk Arrives for SEATO Conference - Lcgmn.com


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12<br />

allies, the Anglo-Saxons. They are, indeed,<br />

her natural allies because the<br />

French people, in turn, are the modern<br />

DESCENDANTS of one of the twelve<br />

tribes of Israel, namely R EUBEN!<br />

The situation, however, will be quite<br />

different during the next WORLD WAR,<br />

France wi ll no longer fight at the side<br />

of her <strong>for</strong>mer allies; she will turn<br />

AGAINST them. The descendants of<br />

Reuben will play their part in selling<br />

into slavery their brother Joseph- just<br />

as Reuben did some 3700 years ago.<br />

You are now beginning to see why<br />

the relations between the United States<br />

of America and France are gradually<br />

deteriorati12gf You are beginning to<br />

understand what's actually happening<br />

in Europe, and why De Gaulle had<br />

to go to Russ ia! P1'ophecy is <strong>com</strong>ing<br />

to pass!<br />

Back in 1939, H itler could not have<br />

started h is ruthless war with the allies<br />

without first signing a NONAGGRESSION<br />

PACT with Russia which protected Germany's<br />

backyard against any <strong>for</strong>eign<br />


invasIon. Likewise, today, the alreadyfo<br />

rming nucleus of a UNITED STATES<br />

OF EUROPE must fi rst have a pact signed<br />

with the Soviet Union-as fragile as<br />

that pact may be-wh ich wi ll assure<br />

them that the Russians will not strike<br />

at their back- at least temporarily!<br />

We all have heard the official repon<br />

that was issued at the end of De<br />

Gaulle's visit to Moscow. We all know<br />

the officially exposed views and aims<br />

of the two governments in volved. Nevertheless,<br />

despite what was made public,<br />

it is obvious that President de Gaulle<br />

- whether knowingly or not - LAID<br />

THE GROUNDWORK fo r a mutual u non_<br />

aggression" pact between France<br />

(hence, eventually on behalf of the<br />

United Siaies of E"rope) and the Soviet<br />

Union, just as the Third Reich did some<br />

time ago.<br />

Yes, history does repeat itself- but<br />

men don't learn the lesson from it.<br />

Reuben will once again play an instfllmental<br />

part in SEL LING his brother<br />

Joseph !<br />

T he Bible Is Plain<br />

August, 1966<br />

A few years ago, when I made this<br />

same statement in another article published<br />

in The PLAIN TRUTH, a British<br />

Colonel took offense at what I said.<br />

"Reuben did not sell h is brother, nor<br />

was he responsible or instrumental in<br />

the whole affair," the Colonel wrote.<br />

"In accordance with the Bibl ical account,<br />

Reuben played h is part as he<br />

should have-with courage and dignity,<br />

doing everythi ng in h is power to stop<br />

his brothers' p lot."<br />

Is this true? D id Reuben really do<br />

his job tiS he should have-with cOllrage<br />

and dignity? Let us examine what the<br />

Bible says: "And when they [the brothers}<br />

saw him [Joseph} afar off, even<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e he came near unto them, they<br />

conspired against him to slay him. And<br />

they said to one another, Behold, this<br />

dreamer <strong>com</strong>eth. Come now there<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

and let us slay h im, and cast him into<br />

some pit, and we will say, Some evil<br />

(Continlled on page 32)<br />

European auto sticker (reproduced actual size) advertising a United Europe. National flags clockwise<br />

:rom .top, are of. France, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands/Luxembourg, Italy and German/ Note the<br />

mcluslon of Austria, not yet a member of the Common Market. This sticker was purchased in Swit.<br />

zerland, another non-member supporting a United Europe.

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