Anniversary edition

Anniversary edition

Anniversary edition


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Volume 6 #1Number 61February 2 07PandaGVA Europeeting of the newgional organisationItalyw.ngvgroup.comRenewal and newservices o feredVolume 7 #1Number 74March 2 08NGV is promotedby OEMs in a lmediaNGV 2 08Attracting stakeholdersfrom everywhereVolume 8 #2Number 87April 2 09The new CO 2 tax reducessignificantly the tax burden on NGVGNV2009 MadridNGVA EuropeConference iscoming upExpoGNVThe Sao Paulo bigevent is coming upVolume 6 #2Number 62March 2 07IANGVStatisticsWorld CNGsignage one stepcloserNew charts: countries’evolution since 1 96Volume 8 #3Number 88May 2 09The NGVA Europe Conferences& Show gather global a tention.GermanyNatural gasturbos AMI2 09 in LeipzigExpoGNV BrazilMore stands available inthe new #1 NGV countryVolume 6 #3Number 63April 2007The NetherlandsThe Dutch NGVindustry is on the moveItalySpainGeneva Motor ShowPresentation of theOpel Corsa 1.6 CNGVolume 7 #3Number 76May 2 08ItalySuccessful NGVimplementationNGV 2008 in RioFew days for theIANGV eventVolume 8 #4Number 89June 2 09Chrysler+FiatMore NGVs forNorth America?GermanyNatural Gas Vehiclesare the trendVolume 6 #4Number 64May 2 07New NGVA EuropeFocus on lo byingactivitiesItalyStrasbourgThe ENGVA Conferenceis coming upVolume #4Number 7June 2 08The NGV industrybeyond the crisisItalyThe role of theConsorzio NGV SystemVolume 8 #5Number 90July 2 09PeruThe I Latin AmericanNGV Su mit iscoming upItalyAmazing Panda Pandasales in 4 monthsVolume 6 #5Number 65June 2 07Spain670 natural gasvehicles clean MadridEuropean milestoneMore than 1mi lion NGVS onthe roadsVolume 8 #6Number 91August 2 09GNV Peru 2 09Al ready for theLatin AmericaneventGermanyAMI LeipzigMotor ShowVolume 5 #5Number 53June 2 0624-NürburgringA resoundingsu ce s of 2 NGVsThe opinions and thoughtsof several manufacturersPeru, 6-8 JulyExpoGNV alreadyis a big su ce sVolume 6 #5Number 66July 2 07The industry held a m etingwith Congre s membersThe GVREuropeNGV, a real n edagainst po lutionThr e outstanding<strong>edition</strong>s coming upVolume 8 #7Number 92September 2 09SwedenWorld's first gr enbiogas ambulanceGermanyNGV is thebest alternativeItalyVolume 5 #6Number 54July 2 06The 10th Metanautois coming upHanding out of keys ofsome NGVs usedfor VIP shu tle serviceItalyThe NetherlandsThe World GasConference t ok placeVolume 6 #7Number 67August 2007NGV use to grow toa two-digit numberVerona, ItalyGermanyCar sales in the doldrumsNGVs defy the trendVolume 7 #7Number 80September 2 08Promotionaladvert campaignunderwayCanadaThe su cess ofCNG forkliftsVolume 8 #8Number 93October 2 09The GVRPromotionaladvert campaignat courseCompre sorsCo ments fromthe industryVolume 6 #8Number 68September 2 072030 NG industryoutlook for vehiclesEcora ly-RaidIran NGV goalsTo be achieved withcapacity and wi lpowerVolume 7 #8Number 81October 2008Clean O f-roadunits race towardsNGV2010GermanyHybrid-CNGtechnologyVolume 8 #9Number 94November 2 09NGV 2010 RomaIANGV 2 ndCompe ling Reasonto A tendCzech RepublicInternationalConference in PragueVolume 7 #9Number 82November 2 08NGV System ItaliaTowards EUWhite Paper onTransportGermanyNew company aimingto market NGVsVolume 8 #10Number 95December 2 09ForecastingMiddle andlong-term NGVoutl okOil is over $80!A real o portunity forthe NGV industryVolume 6 #9Number 70November 2 07NGV System ItaliaSelf-service andmulti-fuel dispenserArgentinaSwedenAbout subsidies in the‘biogas country’Volume 7 #10Number 83December 2 0825 years of ‘GNC’ItalyNew StationsA sociationVolume 8 # 1Number 96January 2010GasHighWayProject of astatio net fromFinland to ItalyItalyOpinion aboutstations networkVolume 6 #10Number 71December 2007GNV2009 MadridSupport from theCity CouncilItalyCzech RepublicLatest developmentsand ConferenceVolume 7 # 1Number 84January 2 09Methane powers 9,5 0, 0vehicles through 14,5 0 stations.Italy is the #1 OEM NGV market.Increased NGVuse brings healthynews2 09 NGV CaravanTo the Olympic Wintergames Capital cityVolume 8 #12Number 97February 2010A the righ timeThe greatinternational eventof the yearGermanyNGVs go turboVolume 6 # 1Number 72January 2008The NetherlandsMore interest the NGV busine sIANGVGovernment involvementin CNG ProgramsVolume 7 #12Number 85February 2 09New monthly reportEuropeanA sociation inThe GVRItalyCo ments fromthe industryVolume 9 #1Number 98March 2010NGV System ItaliaLeadership,i novation andtraditionItalyMore than 35 0 OEMNGV sold in 2 06Volume 5 #12Number 60January 2 07NGV bus marketOpinions fromseveral OEMsWorldwideFree a ce s to NGVstatisticsVolume 6 #12Number 73February 2008United KingdomSucce sful biogastruck trialItalyA case studySelf-service to bea lowed this 2 08Volume 8 #1Number 86March 2 09Swedish NGVsalesItalyNew section Voicesfrom the industryVolume 9 #2Number 99April 2010BoLarNGunVolume 9 #3Number 100May 2010sma l carce s: in the first month of salesreceived 3, 00 ordersNew growing marketNGV gainsmomentumKing Juan Carlos I and Qu en Sofía of Spainwhile opening a new Gas Natural buildingGermany car taxNGVs haveth edgeFrom the marketNews on NGVfrom EuropeThe Fiat Panda Panda great su ce s,London doubled congestion charge zoneand more…Few days to goGNV2009MadridNGV growth in EuropeCo ments on the European #1 market, a methanizedfunfair in Germany (photo), Czech Rep., etc.MILA Alpin 4WDHybrid CNGCompact o f-roader launched atthe 2 08 Geneva Motor ShowGetting outof the nicheThe industry aims to create a sustainablebusine s based on sustainable mobilityAlong a l roadsNGV use in EuropeMitsubishi Evo 9 CNG , maybe mostpowerful CNG rally-car a the momentAfter NGV 2008Comes ItalyFew available spaces for the IWorld Fair of NGV, biogas and H2V24-hour NürburgringNGV SuccessVW Sciro co GT24 CNG raced to victory atthe 24-hou raceOEM NGVsItalyEnvironmental MinistryGermany61,175 were sold in January-May: analystsdefine 2 09 as the year of the NGV b omNGV has proven to be a clean,economical and sustainable alternativeNGV buses in europeA growing sectorNGV in EuropeThe EU targets10% market share by 2020 plus 8%biofuels -including biogas. Is it credible?European ParliamentNGVs inStrasbourgGermany 2006NGV and theWorld CupAgainst global warmingNGV2010 RomaNGV: a solutionat handNews from Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden,Ru sia, Switzerland, Brazil, Afric and more.The event of theyear is coming upNGV in Europe2009 outlookThe engine of tomo rowNGVs with brainsIt is predicted as the year when sales wilrealy take o fOEMs work on NGV tailor-made i novative technologies.<strong>Anniversary</strong> <strong>edition</strong>100From Europe to the world,continuos work promoting NGVClimate-friendly fuelGermany rewardsNGV drivers7 seats Opel Zafira 1.6 CNG emits only 138 CO2g/km. With a mix of 20% biogas just 13 g/km2nd NGV World FairA world-class eventTurin 2008: Display of lates technologies andinternational m etingsHuge CO2 savingsLNG FerryBesides Natural gas and biomethane,LNG also brings benefits.New NGV modelFiat Grande PuntoFrom January to August, Fiat sold 43, 0 NGVsin Italy - 3, 0 during the same period in 2 07.Starting in 2010Scirocco CupVW organises a one-make cup featuringBio-CNG-powered vehicles.NGV Concept carFiat Panda AriaEco-compatible materials in and outside,CO2 emi sions cu to a record of 69g/kmWorld sp ed record327.2 km/hA retrofi ted biomethane-fueled AudiA4-B7 ha se the high sp ed recordA must a tend eventNGV 2010 RomaA convergence of time and place for the global NGV industryAcro s the world7.2 mi lion NGVsImpre sive growth of methane vehicles. It ispredicted 65 mi lion NGVs by 2020+25% globa ly2008 NGVnumbersDakar Ra lyRacing with NGVTwo Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 showed that NGV can compete inthe most demanding roadsBarajas, MadridNGVs to the airportWere introduced thr e models of new ground handlingequipment powered by ultra-low imi sion CNG enginesRecord-breaking tripEcoFuel TourTo visit and test each of the 8 0 Germanrefueling stations within 80 days.54 mi lion more NGVsNGV2010 RomaThe global event in Italy, gatewayto the most successful NGV decadeA political su ce sClean Power ProjectNGVs on theEuropean agendaThe European Parliament voted a reporthighlighting methane role as transportation fuelConsortium forLNG use in trucksNGV, a solution at handOil is around $100Because of economics, ecology and energydiversification, CNG is the answer todaySpain NGV market500 moreNGV trucksGrowing interestBarcelona tender: the 4 city’s cleaningcompanies to use NGV trucksRome ConferenceNGV se to dominate alternativefuels arena in coming decade

2May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportNGV news in EuropeInfo from the International NGV AssociationThe Monthly Column of Peter BoisenFive public refuelling stations in PragueNGVA Europe May ReportNGV2010 Roma brief overviewMessages for The GVR 100 th <strong>edition</strong>Clean Power ProjectColombia: the NGV vehicles fleet rose above 300 thousand unitsNews, Products, Technology4182022232426283030Worldwide NGV statistics 32NGV’s statistics balance 36The GVR: 2010 Journalistic timetable and NGV eventsEdition Month Deadline Special reportNon-European market-placeanalysisEvents with copies massivedistribution96 January 16 December LNG Argentina – Korea97 February 15 January Updates of OEM NGVs made in Europe Brazil – Thailand98 March 12 February Italy: the 1st European marketplace Peru – Indonesia99 April 12 March Cylinder and vehicle conversion equipment Venezuela – Pakistan100 May 12 April Celebrating GVR 100 consecutive <strong>edition</strong>s Colombia – China NGV China 2010, May 13-15101 June 07-may Special <strong>edition</strong>, NGV2010 Roma, Official Media Partner Global NGV Analysis and Outlook NGV2010, 8-10 June, Rome102 July 15 June Balance of NGV2010 Roma Exhibition and Conference Ecuador - Armenia103 August 9 July Outline of the bus market in Europe Dominican Rep. - Malaysia104 September 13 August The EU and Natural Gas Vehicle Chile - Bangladesh105 October 13 Sept. Europe: Marketplace and the industry Trinidad&Tobago - UAE106 November 15 October Gas for transport sector in 2011 according to compressor Bolivia – India NGV India 2010, 24-26 Nov.107 December 15 November Your marketing tool: 2010 NGV statistics balance Uruguay - EgyptThe Gas Ve hi cles Re port is a pu bli ca tion of NGV Com mu ni ca tionsGroup, pu blis hing hou se and fairs-con fe ren ces or ga ni zer:www.ngv group .com. In Eu ro pe, it al so pro du ces the In ter na tio nalNGV Gui de. In Ko rea, Asian NGV Com mu ni ca tions. In Ar gen ti na, theGroup pu blis hes Pren sa Ve hi cu lar, Ar gen ti ne CNG Gui de, maps,books and bro chu res. In Bra zil, it pu blis hes Fol ha do GNV,Bra zi lian NGV Gui de, maps, pos ters, among ot hers. Sig ned ar ti clesare ex clu si ve res pon si bi lity of the aut hors, as well as ad ver ti singcom pa nies and agen cies are res pon si ble for the pu blis hed ads.Member ofPERUKOREAAv. Brasil 3222 Oficina 403300-5 ■ Changchon-Ri ■ Namsan-MyunA Magdalena del MarChuncheon-Si ■ Kangwon-Do ■ 200-911 KOREACP: Lima 17Tel./Fax: +82 33 260 3419pvperu@ngvgroup.comE-mail: asia@ngvgroup.comwww.ngvgroup.comwww.asiangv.comARGENTINABRAZILUspallata 711 ■ CP 1268 ■ Capital Federal ■ Argentina Av. Rio Branco, 131 Sala 1.701Tel./Fax: +54 11 43074559 /5201/ 43006137 CEP: 20040-006 ■ Rio de Janeiro - RJE-mail: info@prensavehicular.comTel: +55 21 8572-1086 / 9999-0549www.prensavehicular.cominfo@folhadognv.com ■ www.folhadognv.comVisit: www.ngvguide.com - www.ngvgroup.comSubscriptions: subscription@thegvr.comPrinted: Rigraph S.R.L.• Constitución 4, 28.511 Madrid - España• Tilcara 3.146, Buenos Aires

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4May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportEnglishNGV news in EuropeItalySeveral initiatives are taking place inthe market days away fromNGV2010 Roma:Atac Roma, sponsor of the Romanevent, will add 24 NGV buses to itsfleet –the largest in Europe- thissummer, as announced by theCommunity Advisor Sergio Marchi.Next May, an LNG refuelling stationwill start operating in Villafalletto,Cuneo Province. This will be the firstliquid methane dispensing point in Italy.Several companies have made upthe Consortium Cryotrucks,European Cryogenic Gas FuelTransporters Association. The goalof the consortium is to spread allover the Continent the use of motorsand tools necessary for the liquefiedcryogenic natural gas for theIndustrial and Public Transport.SpainAlberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Mayor ofMadrid, said that the City Council ofMadrid is preparing a regulation thatwill prevent the purchase of newtaxis and urban buses running ondiesel.Qualityalwayswins.For many, NGV total operatingcosts are still too high. But, youcan drive them down by usinghigh-quality components. LetSwagelok Company show youhow at:SWAGELOK BOOTH A5NGV China 2010May 13 to 15andSWAGELOK BOOTH B14NGV Roma 2010June 8 to 11In the Veneto Region they havecreated the project Clean Power(Project for the conversion of theheavy goods transport on trucks toliquefied natural gas for the abatementof polluting emissions and costs).Czech RepublicAlready a fifth CNG refuelling stationwas put into operation for the publicin Prague. This new, and at the sametime the first low-energy CNG stationconnected to a high-pressure gaspipeline, is also the first CNG stationon the left bank of the river Vltava.Vehicles are refuelled on aself-service basis and the station isin non-stop operation.Twenty-five public CNG refuellingstations are currently in operation inthe country.According to NGVA Europe,Gallardón also stated that “TheTransport Municipal Company (EMT)will not buy diesel vehicles and thetaxis renovation will not be done withdiesel vehicles anymore”.The NetherlandsAccording to Rolande LNG B.V., aspecialist in supplying LNG and LBGfor road transport applications, thefirst truck running on liquid biogashas been introduced recently: anIVECO Stralis CNG was convertedinto a truck being capable of runningon LNG/LBG.The Gas Vehicles ReportWith this <strong>edition</strong>, our magazinereaches 100 issues. To celebratethis, more than 8,000 copies will beprinted since now, arriving at 80countries of all five continents. Also,as usual, this month <strong>edition</strong> andprevious ones may be downloadedfrom www.ngvgroup.com.This publishing landmark had notbeen possible without the faithfuland continuous readers’ renewal aswell as the sustained support of theindustry through their advertising.To all of them, we say thank you andguarantee our commitment to keepon working for the marketdevelopment.© 2010 Swagelok Company

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6May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportItalianNotizie sui veicoli a gas naturale in EuropaItaliaA poche settimane da NGV2010Roma, il mercato si sta muovendo:Come annunciato dall’assessoreSergio Marchi, Atac Roma, sponsorprincipale dell’evento romano,aggiungerà l’estate prossima 24ulteriori autobus a metano alla suaflotta, la più grande d’Europa.In maggio sarà operativa una nuovastazione di rifornimento GNL aVillafalletto, nella Provincia di Cuneo.Sarà il primo punto di distribuzione dimetano liquido in Italia. Numeroseaziende hanno creato il ConsorzioCryotrucks, la “European CryogenicGas Fuel Transporters Association”(Consorzio europeo per il gasmetano criogenico per i veicolipesanti). L’obiettivo dell'associazioneè di diffondere in tutta Europa l’usodi motori e strumenti necessari peril gas naturale liquefatto criogeniconel settore del trasporto industrialee pubblico. Nel Veneto è statolanciato il progetto Clean Power(progetto volto a convertire i mezziper il trasporto di beni pesanti incamion che funzionano a gas natu-rale liquefatto alfine di ridurre leemissioni inquinanti e i costi).Repubblica CecaA Praga è entrata in funzione anchela quinta stazione di rifornimentoCNG per il pubblico. Questa nuova eprima stazione CNG a bassa energiacollegata a un gasdotto ad alta pressioneè anche la prima stazione CNG della rivasinistra del fiume Vlatva. La stazione è infunzione 24 ore su 24 e i veicoli sonoriforniti su una base self-service.Attualmente nel paese sono infunzione venticinque stazioni dirifornimento CNG pubbliche.SpagnaAlberto Ruiz-Gallardón, sindaco diMadrid ha detto che il consigliocittadino sta preparando unadisposizione volta a prevenire l’acquistodi nuovi taxi e autobus cittadini chefunzionino a diesel. Secondo l’NGVAEurope, Gallardón sostiene che“L’azienda municipale dei trasporti(EMT) non acquisterà veicoli a diesel eanche il rinnovo della flotta di taxi nonsarà più basato sul diesel”.Paesi BassiSecondo l’impresa Rolande LNG B.V.,specialista nella fornitura di GNL eLBG (biogas liquido) per applicazionidel trasporto su strada, recentementeè stato introdotto il primo camion abiogas liquido: un IVECO Stralis CNG èstato convertito in un camion atto afunzionare con GNL/BGLThe Gas Vehicles ReportCon la presente edizione la nostrarivista raggiunge le 100 pubblicazionimensili. Per celebrare questo eventod’ora in poi saranno stampate 8’000copie che raggiungeranno 80 paesiin tutto il mondo. Inoltre, come diconsueto, la presente edizione e leprecedenti possono essere scaricateda www.ngvgroup.com.Non sarebbe stato possibile raggiungerequesta pietra miliare dell’editoriasenza il rinnovo costante e la fiduciadei lettori, nonché il sostegno continuodell’industria attraverso le suepubblicità A tutti, un sentito grazie!Assicuriamo che manterremo ilnostro impegno e continueremo alavorare per lo sviluppo del mercato.

12a Conferenza ed Esposizione Mondiale dell’AssociazioneInternazionale dei Veicoli a Gas Naturale - IANGV12 th World IANGV Conference and ExhibitionDall’8 al 10 giugno 2010June 8-10, 2010Nuova Fiera di Roma New Rome FairPadiglioni 10, 11 e area esternaPavilions 10, 11 and outdoor areaRoma, Italia Rome, ItalyCreating a Revolutionin TransportVerso la Rivoluzionenel Trasportowww.ngv2010roma.cominfo@ngv2010roma.comSponsor PrincipaleMain SponsorSponsor BronzeBronze SponsorsUn evento diAn event ofOspitato daHosted byOrganizzato daOrganized by

8May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportGermanEuropäische Erdgasfahrzeug-NewsItalienWenige Tage vor Beginn derNGV2010 Roma erscheinen auf demMarkt verschiedene Initiativen:Atac Roma, Sponsorin der römischenVeranstaltung, erweitert diesenSommer ihren Wagenpark – dengrößten Europas – um 24Erdgasbusse, kündigte der CommunityAdviser Sergio Marchi an.Im nächsten Mai wird eine LNG-Tankstelle in Villafalletto in der ProvinzCuneo in Betrieb genommen. Dies istder erste Verteilerpunkt fürFlüssigmethan in Italien.Verschiedene Firmen haben dasKonsortium Cryotrucks gegründet, dieeuropäische Cryogenic Gas FuelTransporters Association. Das Ziel desKonsortiums ist die Verbreitung aufdem Kontinent von Motoren undInstrumenten, die nötig sind für dieVerwendung von verflüssigtem kryogenischenErdgas im öffentlichen undindustriellen Verkehr. In der Veneto-Region haben sie das Projekt CleanRAILgets the world movingwhile helping the environmentPower gegründet (ein Projekt zurUmrüstung vonSchwerverkehrstransportern aufverflüssigtes Erdgas zur Reduktion vonAbgasen und Kosten, die durch dieUmweltverschmutzung verursachtwerden).Tschechische RepublikBereits die fünfte öffentliche CNG-Tankstelle wurde in Prag in Betriebgenommen. Diese neue Tankstelle istgleichzeitig die erste, die an eineHochdruck-Gaspipeline angeschlossenist, außerdem ist sie die erste auf demlinken Moldau-Ufer. Die Fahrzeugekönnen in Selbstbedienung betanktwerden und die Tankstelle ist ohneUnterbruch geöffnet. 25 öffentlicheCNG-Tankstellen sind zurzeit in diesemLand in Betrieb.SpanienAlberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Bürgermeistervon Madrid, kündigte an, der Stadtratarbeite an einer Regelung, die denAnkauf von neuen Dieseltaxis und -bussen verhindert.Laut NGVA Europa sagte Gallardonaußerdem, dass “die Transportfirmader Stadt (EMT) keine Dieselfahrzeugemehr kauft und Taxis nicht mehr mitDieselfahrzeugen erneuert werden”.NiederlandeinjectorsSERVICE EXPERIENCE INNOVATION TECHNOLOGYRAIL S.p.A.Via A. Grandi , 10 - 42030 Vezzano sul Crostolo (RE) Italy - P.IVA e C.F. 02207560356tel +39 0522 603801 - fax +39 0522 602145 - www.railspa.net - info@railspa.netLaut Rolande LNG B.V., Spezialist fürdie Verteilung von LNG und LBG fürden Straßenverkehr, wurde vor kurzemder erste Lastwagen mit Flüssigbiogas-Antrieb eingeführt: Ein IVECO StralisCNG wurde umgerüstet, um mitLNG/LBG fahren zu können.The Gas Vehicles ReportDiese Ausgabe der Zeitschrift istunsere 100. Nummer. Zur Feier desEreignisses steigt unsere Auflage aufüber 8000 gedruckte Zeitschriften,mit einer Verteilung in 80 Ländern aufallen fünf Kontinenten. Wie immerkann die aktuelle Ausgabe sowie dieder vorigen Monate unter www.ngvgroup.comheruntergeladen werden.Dieser Verlagshöhepunkt wäre niemöglich gewesen ohne immer neuetreue Leser und die ständigeUnterstützung durch die Industrie mitihrer Werbung. Ihnen allen möchtenwir danken und wir garantieren, dasswir uns weiterhin voll für dieMarktentwicklung einsetzen.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report9www.brcfuelmaker.itCompressors for CNG refuelling

10 May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportFrenchNouvelles des NGVs d’EuropeItaliePlusieurs initiatives prennent placesdans le marché de ces jours-ci endehors de NGV2010 Rome.Acta Roma, sponsor de l’événementRomain, va ajouter, cet été, 24 bus augaz naturel à sa flotte –la plus granded’Europe- a annoncé Sergio Marchi,Community Advisor. En mai prochain,une station de fourniture de LNG seramise en service à Villafalletlo, dans laprovince de Cuneo. Cette station serala première en Italie qui fournira dugaz naturel liquide. Plusieurscompagnies ont créé le ConsortiumCryotrucks, European Cryogenic GazFuel Transporters Association. Le butde ce consortium est de répandrepartout sur le Continent l’usage demoteurs et d’outils utilisés dans ledomaine cryogénique du gaz naturelliquide pour l’industrie et les transportspubliques. Dans la région deVeneto, ils ont créé un projet intituléClean Power( Projet pour la conversiondu transport des produits lourds parcamions en utilisant du gaz naturelliquide tout en réduisant les émissionsde polluants ainsi que les coûts.)République tchèqueUne cinquième station de fourniturede CNG a déjà été mise en service àPrague et est destinée au public.Cette nouvelle station est lapremière station ‘’ basse-énergie ‘’connectée au réseau haute pressionet est aussi la première sur la rivegauche de la rivière Vltava.Les véhicules sont alimentés selon lesystème self-service et fonctionne24h sur 24. Vingt cinq stationsCNG ouvertes au public fonctionnentactuellement dans cette contrée.EspagneAlberto Ruiz-Gallardon, maire deMadrid , a annoncé que le Conseilde la ville de Madrid prépare uneréglementation qui interdit l’achat denouveaux taxis et de nouveaux busfonctionnant au diesel.Selon NGVA-Europe , Gallardon auraitégalement dit que ‘’ La CompagnieMunicipale du Transport’’ (EMT)n’achètera pas de véhicules au dieselet le renouvellement des taxis nesera plus fait à l’aide de véhicules audiesel.Les Pays-BasSelon Rolande LNG B.V , unspécialiste dans la fourniture de LNGet LBG pour les applications dans letransport routier, le premier camionutilisant du biogaz liquide a été misen service récemment : c’est unIveco Stralis CNG qui a été converti demanière à pouvoir rouler au LNG/LBG.The Gas Vehicles ReportAvec cette édition, notre magazine enest au centième numéro paru. Pourcélébrer cet événement, plus de 8000copies vont déjà être imprimées,délivrées à 80 pays des cinq continents.Egalement et comme d’habitude cetteédition mensuelle ainsi que lesprécédentes peuvent être chargées àpartir du site www.ngvgroup.com.Cette 100ème édition marque uneétape et n’aura été possible quegrâce à la confiance de nosfidèles lecteurs et au soutienconstant de l’industrie au travers deleurs publicités. A tous, nous vousdisons merci et nous vous assuronsnotre volonté de continuer à œuvrerdans le but de développer le marché.COMPOSITESMOVE MORE GASLeading type 4 cylinder technologyand complete storage systems• Transit busses, trucks and passenger cars• Gas transportation and stationary storage• CNG and hydrogenwww.rafs.no

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report11Your partner inCNG systemsServicewww.samtechgas.comMade in Italy - Cervarese Santa Croce - PadovaCNG stations Engineering Service CNG storage CNG components CNG Dispensers

12May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportSpanishNoticias del GNV en EuropaItaliaA días de la realización de NGV2010Roma, en el mercado tienen lugarvarias iniciativas:Atac Roma, sponsor del eventoromano, agregará en este verano24 nuevos buses a metano a suflota de NGV buses -la mayor deEuropa- según anunció el Asesorcomunal Sergio Marchi.En este mes de mayo comienza aoperar en Villafalletto, provincia deCuneo, una estación de carga deGNL. Se trata de la primera estaciónde metano líquido en Italia.Varias empresas han conformado elConsortium Cryotrucks, EuropeanCryogenic Gas Fuel TransportersAssociation. The goal of the consortiumis to spread all over the Continentthe use of motors and tools necessaryfor the liquefied cryogenic natural gasfor the Industrial and Public Transport.In the Veneto Region they have createdthe project Clean Power (Project forthe conversion of the heavy goodstransport on trucks to liquefied naturalgas for the abatement of polluting emissionsand costs).República ChecaComenzó a operar la quinta estaciónde carga pública en Praga. Estenuevo punto de aprovisionamiento -es la primera estación de gasnatural conectada a un gasoducto dealta presión- es también la primeraestación en la ribera izquierda del ríoVltava. Los vehículos sonabastecidos mediante un sistema deself-service que funciona las 24horas. Así, son actualmente 25 lasestaciones de carga de metanooperativas en el país.EspañaEl Alcalde de Madrid, AlbertoRuizçGallardón, declaró que elAyuntamiento madrileño estápreparando una regulación queprevenga la compra de nuevos taxisy buses urbanos diesel.Según NGVA Europe, Gallardóntambién sostuvo que la EmpresaMunicipal de Transportes (EMT)no comprará vehículos diesel y larenovación de taxis no se harámás con vehículos impulsados agasoil.HolandaAcorde a la empresa Rolande LNGB.V. -especializada en la provisión deGNL y GBL (biogás líquido) paraaplicaciones en el transporte- fuepresentado el primer camión queutiliza biogás en estado líquido: unIveco Stralis GNC fue convertidoapósitamente.The Gas Vehicles ReportCon esta edición, nuestra revistaalcanza su edición mensual número100. Para celebrarlo desde ahorase imprimen más de 8000ejemplares de GVR, llegando a 80países en los cinco continentes.Además, como siempre, la edicióndel mes así como las pasadaspueden descargarse online desdewww.ngvgroup.com.Este hito editorial no hubiera sidoposible sin la fiel y continuarenovación de lectores y el sostenidoapoyo de la industria a través de susanuncios. A todos, nuestroagradecimiento y compromiso deseguir trabajando por el desarrollodel mercado.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report13

14May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportDutchNGV nieuws uit EuropaItaliëVerschillende stappen worden in demarkt ondernomen, nog dagen voorde NGV 2010 in Rome.Atac Roma, sponsor van hetRomaanse evenement, zal 24 NGVbussen aan zijn vloot toevoegen, -degrootste in Europa- nog deze zomer,zo verklaarde Communiteit adviseurSergio Marchi. In mei zal een LNGtankstation operationeel worden inVillafalletto, in de provincie Cuneo. Ditzal het eerste vloeibaar methaanverdeelpunt in Italië worden.Verschillende maatschappijen hebbeneen Consortium Cryotrucks opgericht:European Cryogenic Gas FuelTransporters Association. Het doelvan het consortium is, het gebruikvan motoren en gereedschappen dienodig zijn voor het vloeibaar makenvan cryogenic aardgas voorindustrieël en publiek transport te verspreiden.In de regio Veneto is menhet project Clean Power begonnen(Dit is een project voor de conversievan het zware goederen transportnaar vloeibaar aardgas om tot eenvermindering te komen vanvervuilende uitstoot en kosten).Tsjechiesche RepubliekIn Praag werd alweer een vijfde CNGtankstation voor het publiekgeopend. Dit nieuwe en tegelijkertijdeerste low-energy CNG station,verbonden aan een hogedruk gaspijplijn is ook het eerste CNG stationaan de linker oever van de Vltavarivier. Voertuigen kunnen tanken opbasis van self-service en het stationis 24 uur geopend. Op dit ogenblikzijn er in het land vijfentwintigopenbare CNG tankstations in bedrijf.SpanjeDe burgemeester van Madrid, AlbertoRuiz-Gallardón is een regeling aan hetvoorbereiden die moet voorkomen datnieuwe taxi’s en stadsbussen nog opdiesel rijden. Volgens NGVA Europaheeft Gallardón ook verklaard dat hetgemeentelijk vervoersbedrijf (EMT)geen dieselvoertuigen meer zalaanschaffen en dat er geen renovatiemeer zal plaatsvinden aan dieselvoertuigen.NederlandVolgens Rolande LNG b.v., specialistin de levering van LNG en LBG voorweggebruik doeleinden, is recentelijkde eerste truck in gebruik genomendie rijdt op vloeibaar biogas: eenIVECO Stralis CNG werd omgebouwdtot een truck die kan rijden opLNG/LBG/.The Gas Vehicles ReportMet deze editie werden er 100afleveringen in omloop gebracht. Omdit te vieren worden er meer dan8.000 kopieën gedrukt die sinds nugestuurd worden naar 80 landen inalle vijf continenten. Ook kan dezemaandelijkse editie en de voorafgaandeedities worden gedownloadvan www.ngvgroup.com.Deze gepubliceerde mijlpaal was nietmogelijk geweest zonder de trouween voortdurende vernieuwing vanlezers en de steun van de industriedoor hun adverteren.We danken henallen en garanderen onze inzet omte blijven werken aan de ontwikkelingvan de markt.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report15Alternative FuelsReliableSafeCNG DispensersWith a breadth of installations in the field, Gilbarco Veeder-Root’s CNGdispensers are designed for the highest safety, reliability and performance.Gilbarco Veeder-Root offers the leading solutions and technologies thatprovide convenience, control, and environmental integrity for retail fuellingand adjacent markets.To find out more, contact a Gilbarco Veeder-Root representative:a Gilbarco Veeder-Root, Crompton Close, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3BA, UKpe w www.gilbarco.euHighPerformance

16May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportRussianНовости европейского рынкагазобаллонных транспортных средствИталияЗадолго до начала римской выставки NGV2010 на рынкеосуществляются несколько инициативПо заявлению Советника муниципалитета СерджоМарчи, транспортная компания Atac Roma, выступающаяспонсором вытсавки в Риме и эксплуатирующаякрупнейший в Европе парк газобаллонных автобусов,летом этого года приобретет еще 24 машины наприродном газе.В мае этого года в Виллафаллетто (провинция Кунео,Пьемонт) начнет работать первая в Италии станциязаправки автомобилей сжиженным природным газом.Несколько компаний организовали консорциум Cryotrucks– Европейскую ассоциацию перевозчиков криогенногогазового топлива. Целью создания консорциумаявляется распространение в Европе практикиприменения газовых двигателей и оборудования дляиспользования сжиженного природного газа напромышленном и общественном транспорте.В области Венето был инициирован проект "Чистаяэнергия" (проект переоборудования тяжелогоавтомобильного транспорта для работы на сжиженномприродном газе в целях сокращения объемазагрязняющих выбросов и расходов).Чешская республикаВ Праге была открыта пятая по счету заправочнаяАГНКС общего пользования, предназначенная дляобслуживания метановых транспортных средств. Этапервая энергосберегающая станция, подсоединенная кгазопроводу высокого давления, также стала первойстанцией КПГ на левом берегу реки Влтавы. Заправкаосуществляется в режиме самообслуживания; станцияработает круглосуточно. В настоящее время натерритории страны действуют 25 общественных станцийзаправки КПГ.ИспанияМэр Мадрида Альберто Руис-Галлардон (Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón) сообщил о том, что Городской совет Мадридаготовит постановление, которое позволит остановитьзакупку новых маршрутных такси и городских автобусов,работающих на дизельном топливе. По сведениямЕвропейской газомоторной ассоциации, Галлардон такжезаявил, что: “Муниципальная транспортная компания(EMT) прекратит закупать дизельный транспорт, а парктакси больше не будет обновляться за счет дизельныхавтомобилей”.НидерландыПо данным Rolande LNG B.V., компании,специализирующейся на поставках СПГ и сжиженногобиометана для автотранспорта, недавно был введен вэксплуатацию первый грузовой автомобиль, работающийна сжиженном биометане: IVECO Stralis, работающий наКПГ, был переоборудован в грузовой автомобиль,способный работать на СПГ/СБГ.Отчет о работе журналаДанный номер нашего журнала является юбилейным,100-ым по счету. В честь этого события будет отпечатано8000 копий, предназначенных для распространения в 80странах на всех пяти континентах. Кроме того, читатели,как обычно, смогут загрузить текущий и предыдущиеномера на сайте www.ngvgroup.com.Этот рубеж в издании нашего журнала не был быдостигнут без постоянной поддержки со стороны нашихверных читателей и со стороны отрасли в виде рекламы.Все они заслуживают нашей благодарности и могут бытьуверены в том, что мы будем продолжать свою работу,содействуя развитию рынка.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report17PortugueseNotícias do GNV na EuropaItáliaA poucos dias da realização daNGV2010 Roma, no mercadoacontecem várias iniciativas:A Atac Roma, sponsor do eventoromano, agregará neste verão 24novos ônibus a metano a sua frotade ônibus a GNV -a maIor dAEuropa- segundo anunciou oAssessor comunal Sergio Marchi.Neste mês de maio comença aoperar em Villafalletto, província deCuneo, uma estação de carga deGNL. Trata-se da primeira estaçãode metano líquido na Itália.Várias empresas fizeram oConsortium Cryotrucks, EuropeanCryogenic Gas Fuel TransportersAssociation. O objetivo do consórcioé espalhar por todo o Continente autilização de motores e ferramentasnecessárias para o gás naturalliquefeito criogênico para otransporte industrial e público.Na região de Veneto, criaram oprojeto Clean Power (Projeto para aconversão do transporte pesado demercadorias em caminhões para ogás natural liquefeito para a reduçãodas emissões poluentes e os custos).República TchecaComeçou a operar o quinto posto deabastecimento público em Praga.Este novo ponto de abastecimento -éo primeiro posto de gás naturalconectado a um gasoduto de altapressão- é também o primeiro postona ribeira esquerda do rio Vltava.Os veículos são abastecidosmediante um sistema de self-serviceque funciona 24 horas.Assim, são atualmente 25 os postosde abastecimento de metano emoperação no país.EspanhaO Prefeito de Madrid, AlbertoRuizçGallardón, declarou que aPrefeitura madrilena estápreparando uma regulação que iráprevenir a compra de novos táxis eônibus urbanos a diesel. Segundo aNGVA Europe, Gallardón tambémdisse que a Empresa Municipal deTransportes (EMT) não compraráveículos a diesel e a renovação detáxis no se fará mais com veículosimpulsionados a diesel.HolandaDe acordo com a empresa RolandeLNG B.V. -especializada nofornecimento de GNL y GBL (biogáslíquido) para aplicações notransporte- foi apresentado oprimeiro caminhão que utiliza biogásno estado líquido: um Iveco StralisGNC foi convertido.The Gas Vehicles ReportCom esta edição, nossa revistaalcança sua edição mensal número100. Para celebrar desde já serãoimpressas mais de 8000 exem-Italian Industry for natural gas vehicleswww.ngvsystem.complares de GVR, chegando a 80países nos cinco continentes. Alémdisso, como sempre, a edição domês assim como as ediçõspassadas podem ser baixadas onlineno endereço: www.ngvgroup.com.Este marco editorial não haveria sidopossível sem a fiel e contínuarenovação de leitores e o apoio daindústria através de seus anúncios.A todos, nosso agradecimento ecompromisso de seguir trabalhandopelo desenvolvimento do mercado.

NGVA EuropePanda PandauredM eting of the newregional organisationItalyNGV is promotedby OEMs in a lmediaVolume 6 #1Number 61February 2 07A big sma l carAmazing su s: the first month of salesItaly, Fiat received 3, 0 ordersw w.ngvgroup.comRenewal and newservices o feredVolume 7 #1Number 74March 2 08New growing marketNGV gainsmomentumKing Juan Carlos I and Qu en Sofía Spainwhile opening a new Gas Natural buildingNGV 2 08A tracting stakeholdersfrom everywhereVolume 8 #2Number 87April 2 09Germany car taxExpoGNVThe Sao Paulo bigevent is coming upVolume 6 #2Number 62March 2 07From the marketNews on NGVfrom EuropeThe Fiat Panda Panda great su ce s,London doubled congestion charge zoneand more…StatisticsNew charts: countries’evolution since 1 96ExpoGNV BrazilMore stands available inthe new # NGV countryVolume 6#3Number 63April 2 07ItalyNGV growth in EuropeCommentsCo ments on the European #1 market, a methanizedfunfair in Germany (photo), Czech Rep., etc.The NetherlandsThe Dutch NGVindustry is on the moveGeneva Motor Showresentation of theOpel Corsa .6 CNGVolume 7 #3Number 76May 2008MIL Alpin 4WDHybrid CNGCompact off-roader launched atthe 2 08 Geneva Motor ShowNGVs haveth edgeGNV2 09MadridGe ting outof the niche2 The new CO tax reducessignificantly the tax burden on NGVGNV2 09 MadridNGVA EuropeConference iscoming upIANGVWorld CNGsignage one stepcloserVolume 8 #3Number 88May 2 09Few days to goThe NGVA Europe Conferences& Show gather global attention.GermanyNatural gasturbos at AMI2 09 in LeipzigSpainSu ce sful NGVimplementationItalyVolume 8 #4Number 89June 2 09NGV 2 08 in RioThe industry aims to create a sustainablebusiness based on sustainable mobilityAlong a l roadsGermanyFew days for theIANGV eventactivitiesChrysler+FiatMore NGVs forNorth America?Natural Gas Vehiclesare the trendVolume 6 #4Number 64May 2 07NGV use in EuropeMitsubishi Evo 9 CNG , maybe the mostpowerful CNG ra ly-car a the momentNew NGVA EuropeFocus on lobbyingItalyThe NGV industrybeyond the crisisStrasbourgThe ENGVA Conferenceis co ing upVolume #4Number 7June 2 08After NGV 2 08Comes ItalyFew available spaces for the IWorld Fair of NGV, biogas and H2VItalyThe role of theConsorzio NGV SystemVolume 8 #5Number 90July 200924-hour NürburgringNGV Su ce sVW Scirocco GT24 CNG raced to victory atthe 24-hou PeruThe I Latin AmericanNGV Su mit iscoming upItalyA azing andasales in 4 ont hsVolume 6 #5Number 65June 2 07Environmental MinistryGermanyEuropean milestoneMore than 1mi lion NGVS onthe roadsNGV has proven to be clean,economical and sustainable alternativeOEM NGVsItalySpain670 natural gasvehicles clean MadridVolume 8 #6Number 91August 200961,175 were sold in January-May: analystsdefine 2 09 asthe year of the NGV b omGNV Peru 2009Al ready for theLatin AmericaneventNGV2010 RomaTh event of theyear is coming upGermanyAMI LeipzigMotor Show24-NürburgringA resoundingsu ce s of 2 NGVsNGV in EuropeThe EU targets10% market share by 2020 plus 8%biofuels -including biogas. Is it credible?The GVRVolume 5 #5Number 53June 2006NGV buses in europeA growing sectorThr e outstanding<strong>edition</strong>s coming upThe opinions and thoughtsof several manufacturersPeru, 6-8 JulyExpoGNV alreadyis abig succe sVolume 6#5Number 6July 2 07European ParliamentNGVs inStrasbourgThe industry held a meetingwith Congress membersEuropeNGV, a real n edagainst po lutionVolume 8 #7Number 92September 2 09SwedenWorld's first gr enbiogas ambulanceGermanyNGV is thebest alternativeItalyThe 10th Metanautois coming upItalyNGV use to grow a two-digit numberVerona, ItalyPromotionaladvert campaignunderwayVolume 5 #6Number 54July 2 06Germany 2 06NGV and theWorld CupHanding out of keys ofsome NGVs usedfor VIP shu tle serviceThe NetherlandsThe World GasConference t ok placeVolume 6 #7Number 67August 2 07Against global warmingNGV: a solutionat handNews from Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden,Russia, Ru sia, Switzerland, Brazil, Afric and more.GermanyCarsales in the doldrumsNGVs defy the trendVolume 7 #7Number 80September 2 08NGV in Europe2 09 outl okIt is predicted as the year when sales wi lrea ly take offCanadaThe succe s ofCNG forkliftsVolume 8 #8Number 93October 2 09Th engine of tomorrowNGVs with brainsOEMs work on NGV tailor-made innovative technologies.The GVRPromotionaladvert campaignat courseCompre sorsCo ents fr othe industryVolume 6 #8Number 68September 2 07Climate-friendly fuelGermany rewardsNGV drivers2030 NG industryoutl ok for vehiclesEcorally-Raid7 seats Opel Zafira 1.6 CNG emits only 138 CO2g/km. With a mix of 20% biogas just 13 g/kmIran NGV goalsTo be achieved withcapacity and wi lpowerVolume 7 #8Number 81October 20082nd NGV World FairA world-cla s eventTurin 2 08: Display of latest technologies andinternational m etingsClean O f-roadunits race towardsNGV2010GermanyHybrid-CNGtechnologyVolume 8 #9Number 94November 2009Huge CO2 savingsLNG Fe ryBesides Natural gas and biomethane,LNG also brings benefits.NGV 2010 RomaIANGV 2Compeling Reasonto A tendndNew NGV modelCzech RepublicII InternationalConference in PragueVolume 7 #9Number 82November 2008Fiat Grande PuntoFrom January to August, Fiat sold 43, 00 NGVsin Italy - 3,0 0 during the same period in 2 07.NGV System ItaliaTowards EUWhite Paper onTransportGermanyNew company aimingto market NGVsVolume 8 #10Number 95December 2 09Starting in 2010Sciro co CupVW organises a one-make cup featuringBio-CNG-powered vehicles.ForecastingMi dle andlong-term NGVoutl okOil is over $80!A real opportunity forthe NGV industryNGV System ItaliaSelf-service andmulti-fuel dispenserArgentina25 years of ‘GNC’Volume 6 #9Number 70November 2 07NGV Concept carFiat Panda AriaEco-compatible materials in and outside,CO2 emi sions cut to a record of 69g/kmSwedenAbout subsidies in the‘biogas country’Volume 7 #10Number 83December 2 08World speed recordItalyNew StationsA sociationItalyOpinion aboutstations networkCzech RepublicLatest developmentsand ConferenceClean PowerConsortium forLNG use in trucksVolume 6 #10Acro s the worldNumber 71December 2 077.2 million NGVsImpressive growth of methane vehicles. It ispredicted 65 mi lion NGVs by 2020327.2 km/h2008 NGVnumbersA retrofi ted biomethane-fue led AudiA4-B7 has se the high sp ed recordVolume 8 # 1Number 96January 2010A must a tend eventNGV 2010 RomaA convergence of time and place for the global NGV industryGasHighWayProject of astation net fromFinland to ItalyGNV2 09 MadridSu port from theCity CouncilItalyIncreased NGVuse brings healthynewsVolume 9 #3Number 1 0May 2010<strong>Anniversary</strong> <strong>edition</strong>Dakar RallyVolume 7 #11Number 84January 2009+25% globa lyMethane powers 9,5 0, 0vehicles through 14,500 stations.Italy is the #1 OEM NGV market.2 09 NGV CaravanTo the Olympic Wintergames Capital cityVolume 8 #12Number 97February 2010Racing with NGVTwo Toyota FJ Cruiser V6 showed that NGV can compete inthe most demanding roadsA the right timeThe greatinternational eventof the yearBarajas, MadridGermanyNGVs go turboVolume 6 # 1Number 72January 2 08NGVs to the airportWere introduced thr emodels of new ground handlingequipment powered by ultra-low imi sion CNG enginesThe NetherlandsMore interest inthe NGV busine sNew monthly reportEuropeanA sociation inThe GVRIANGVGovernment involvementin CNG ProgramsVolume 7 #12Number 85February 2 09Record-breaking tripEcoFuel TourTo visit and test each of the 8 0 Germanrefue ling stations within 80 days.ItalyCo ments fromthe industryVolume 9 #1Number 98March 201054 mi lion more NGVsNGV2010 RomaThe global event in Italy, gatewayto the most su cessful NGV decadeNGV System ItaliaLeadership,i novation andtraditionItalyVolume 5 #12Number 60January 2 07A political su ce sNGVs on theEuropean agendaThe European Parliament voted reporthighlighting methane role as transportation fuelWorldwideMore than 35 0 OEMNGVs sold in 2 06statisticsNGV bus marketOpinions fromseveral OEMsFree a ce s to NGVVolume 6 #12Number 73February 2 08NGV, a solution at handOil is around $1 0Because of economics, ecology and energydiversification, CNG is the answer todayUnited KingdomSu cessful biogastruck trialItalySelf-service to bea lowed this 2 08Volume 8 #1Number 86March 2 09Spain NGV market5 0 moreNGV trucksBarcelona tender: the 4city’s cleaningcompanies to use NGV trucksGrowing interestA case studySwedish NGVsalesItalyNew section Voicesfrom the industryVolume #2Number 9April 2010Rome ConferenceNGV se to dominate alternativefuels arena coming decadeBoliviaLarge-scale fr eNGV conversionunderwayVWA 4for18May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportInfo from the InternationalAssociation for Natural Gas VehiclesCongratulationsto GVR Magazineon the 100thIssue of GVRBrett JarmanI’ve never published a printmagazine and have noplans to. While I’mcomfortable with onlinepublishing, I have nothingbut admiration though forthose who publish in printon a regular basis. It’s ahigh risk business withrelentless deadlines, aconstant stream oflogistical concerns andoverheads that I shudderto even think of.Though I don’t know thestatistics for sure, I’mpretty certain that thereare more magazines thatfail than succeed.A magazine that makes itto 100 issues would thusbe a rare measure ofsuccess in a difficultindustry. For that reasonalone, the team at NGVCommunications Groupdeserves thecongratulations of theindustry. Of course thestory is much bigger thanthat. The company hasalso given birth to severalother niche magazinescatering to this industry –Prensa Vehicular, PrensaVehicular Peru, PrensaVehicular Colombia, AsianNGV Communications andIANGVExecutive DirectorFolhadoGNV,100A continuous work promoting NGV inthe world.each atvarious stages of evolutionat this moment.Let’s add to this thecompany’s achievementsin the events arena.I’m familiar with thelogistics and headaches oforganizing conferencesand exhibitions and don’tenvy the events schedulethat the NGVCommunications teamsets itself each year.IANGV congratulates theNGV Communicationsteam, not just for the100th <strong>edition</strong> of GVR butfor all the otherachievements in theindustry.We’ve enjoyed acooperative andproductive relationship inthe past and look forwardto a continuation of thesame in the years tocome.Felicitaciones amigos ytodo lo mejor para lospróximos años.UN LNG SignageSuccess AnotherStep for NGVsUN-approvedsignage for LNGand CNG. Comingsoon to a highwaynear you?A meeting of theUN Working Party 1 on Road Safety (WP1) inGeneva has resulted in furthersuccess for the NGV industry, with the groupagreeing to allow Consolidated Resolution (R.E.2)status for LNG fuelling station road signageproposed by the IANGV.The proposal was submitted subsequent to IANGV’ssuccessful efforts to achieve R.E. 2 status for CNGfuelling station signage last year, part of a jointsubmission with the AEGPL for LPG road signage.Achieving R.E.2 status provides international legaljustification to use these signs as accepted by theUN, although it does not legally bind countries touse the signage.Typically R.E.2 status is a step that can lead toincluding the signage in the 1968 Convention onRoad Signs and Signals, which makes them legallybinding as international road signs for countriesthat are signatories to the Convention. IANGV willcontinue with efforts to include the signage in theconvention but will promote their use in themeantime.Also successful was a proposal by a Norwegiancontingent to allow Hydrogen signage attainingR.E.2 status as well. Additional proposals areexpected for electric vehicles sometime in the nearfuture. The IANGV proposed amendment;ECE/Trans WP.1/2010/6 (Norway and IANGV)Consideration of the Amendments to theConsolidated Resolution on Road Signs and Signalsis available atwww.unece.org/trans/roadsafe/wp12010.html.Reports on the meetings of WP.1 are available at:www.unece.org/trans/roadsafe/wp1rep.html.IANGV members can also see a full IANGV meetingreport on the IANGV Members’ Portal atwww.ngvglobal.org.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report19Industry Evolution Continues withFleet CommitmentsIn this column last year I congratulatedUS telecoms company AT&T for theircommitment to add 8,000 naturalgas vehicles to their fleet over thenext 10 years (GVR April 09). At theconclusion of that item, I asked thequestion, “Who’s next?”Since that time, several fleetoperators in the US and elsewherehave announced reasonablecommitments to introduce NGVs totheir fleets. In April of this year, thequestion was answered whenanother US telecom company,Verizon announced a commitment toadd 1,100 natural gas or hybridvehicles in their fleet. The splitbetween the two wasn’t announcedbut that’s not important. What isimportant is that another largefleet operator has committed toalternative fuelled or poweredvehicles in a big way.This is not just any large fleet.Verizon reportedly operates thesecond largest private fleet in the US,with more than 50,000 vehicles(2009 figures), comparable with AT&Twho operate a 77,000 vehicle fleet.This and other recent news itempoint to a shifting tide towardsalternative fuels. US consulting andtechnical training firm AlternativeFuel Vehicle Institute (AFVi) recentlycarried out a phone survey of 135companies with fleets ranging in sizefrom 70 to more than 70,000vehicles. The survey showed almosthalf of fleets plan to purchase alternativefuel vehicles (AFVs) in the nextthree years. By fleet size, thesecompanies are in the top 10 percentof all commercial companies in theU.S.The Government fleet in the USpresents another valuableopportunity. The NAT GAS Act, if it’spassed in its current form, could see50% of the Federal Govt fleetconverted to alternative fuels andpowertrains in one form or another.That’s a lot of vehicles! 2008 statsfrom www.government-fleet.comindicate a US government fleet ofalmost 650,000 vehicles. Given thevast range of applications that NGVsare suited for, it would be reasonableto expect that natural gas would fuelIf you are a regular reader of thiscolumn you will have already seenthe 10 compelling reasons toattend our upcoming conferenceand exhibition, NGV 2010, inRome from June 8-10. Enoughhas been said on the event itselfbut to date we haven’t mentionedthe background activities in thiscolumn.The IANGV will be conducting ourusual round of Council, ExecutiveCommittee and Technicalmeetings during and before theconference dates. As well as theusual general business, the agendafor the Council and ExecutiveCommittee includes what could bea large percentage of thispotential market.The bulk of the world’s NGV fleetis currently in the ‘Mums andDads’ market, and mostly indeveloping nations. The shifttowards fleet operations and theeventual inclusion of developednations in the NGV big league isan exciting but inevitable step inthe evolution of the industry.So, let’s ask the same questionwe asked last year – who’s next?Which fleet operator, anywhere inthe world, will be next to make amajor commitment to addingNGVs to their fleet?Association Changes on the Cards for Romethe final step in a year-longprocess of review of the IANGVgovernance and structure.Members will be asked to voteon a new set of rules designedto help the association set itselfup for what is likely to be themost dynamic decade theindustry is ever likely to see.The proposed changes includeincreased options for joiningIANGV, either directly orthrough our affiliated regionaland national associations.Without preempting themember’s vote, I look forwardto reporting details on thesechanges in a future issue ofthis column.IANGV Sponsors

20May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportThoughts about NGV potentials provokedby new article published in USAMonthly columnPeter BoisenIn an American study(http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2010/04/american_fuel.html) published on April 14 I found thefollowing statement:The United States should continue topursue electric and plug-in hybridelectric options for gasoline-poweredlight-duty passenger cars and trucks,but these technologies are unlikely tobe efficient or cost effective forheavier vehicles.The study goes on to project a closeto 100 % share for natural gaspowered heavy duty vehicle sales by2035. HD NGVs would by thenaccount for 3.5 million out of totally15.9 million HD vehicles in USA, andthe increased NGV use would meana reduction of the oil demand by 1.2million barrels per day. The predictedoil shortage is obviously the maindriver behind the growing NGvolumes. Reduced CO2 emissionsare seen as a side benefit. Fortrucks used in long distance haulagethe study also points out that thenatural gas used would have to bedistributed in the form of LNG ratherthan CNG to achieve a sufficientlyhigh operating range with full tanks.So far only a small fraction of therequired LNG refuelling outlets havebeen installed.The extent to which electric or plug-inhybrid electric vehicles will be able toreplace light duty vehicles withinternal combustion engines is still awide open issue. Production andmaintenance (battery replacements)costs would have to be dramaticallyreduced before the electric vehicleswould be commercially competetive.Considering the worldwide need toreduce oil use and greenhouse gasemissions governments cannot putall eggs in one basket and onlysupport electric vehicles. Alternativefuels must also be considered.Natural gas is still the only alternativewhich on its own could replace asubstantial part (10 % or more) ofthe oil demand. And, looking atbiofuel alternatives, biomethane(chemically identical with natural gas)is a superior choice - based onrecycling of any kind of organic wasteor surplus, offering extremely lowgreenhouse gas emissions (in somecases on a well-to-wheels basis evenwith a "negative" GHG impact), likenatural gas no toxic orcarcinogenic emissions, and noblending restrictions.Countries like Pakistan, Iran,Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, andBangladesh have alreadydemonstrated that NG poweredvehicles could account for 15-25 %or more of all light duty vehicles. Inmost of these countries the successwas mainly built on conversions ofexisting fleets, but in Iran OEMproduced NGVs are already moreimportant than retrofitted vehicles.In Western Europe light duty NGVcustomers are usually no longerinterested in NGV concepts using gascylinders fitted in the luggage compartment,but instead choosing OEMvehicles with under floor gas cylinderinstallations. The sales achievementsvary significantly between differentcountries, and are influenced by thedensity and standard of the refuellingnetwork, and also by variousincentives offered by the authorities.In Italy more than 6 % of all newcars sold in 2009 were NGVs, inSweden some 4 %.Looking into the future the politicaldemands on reductions of CO2emissions will help to boost NGVsales. Downsized compressor and/orturbo charged NG engines, combinedwith new technology to avoidthrottling losses, will e.g.help theEuropean car industry to meet the130 g/km CO2 target from 2015,and the later 95 g/km target from2020.Oil companies have in general (inmost countries) not shown any senceof urgency concering the offer of NGrefuelling at their retail outlets. It is,of course, difficult to develop themarket for privately owned NGVsunless the car owners can count onadequate refuelling facilities beingavailable. Until this problem is solvedthe NGV market is in many countriesstill more or less limited to municipalfleets of buses or garbage trucksrefuelled at municipally owneddepots.One concept for solving theinfrastructure issues is to subletspace at normal gasoline and dieselfilling stations to gas distributioncompanies. These gas companieswould supply the gas and provide thestation operator with a commissionon the value of the sold gas. A broadintroduction of this kind ofcooperation could be supported bynational government initiatives. Thereare numerous ways in which such

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report21developments could be encouraged,e.g. by linking building permits atattarctive sites to the offer of gasvehicle refuelling.The fact that NG is now alsobecoming an interesting fuel optionfor ships (particularly ships used oninland waterways or in coastalwaters), and then normally handledin the form of LNG, means increasedavailability of supply points for LNGintended for use within thetransportation sector.Summary:In a post recession market, wherecrude oil prices are again set to takeoff, security of supply concerns havein USA evoked a strongly growingsupport for natural gas used as avehicle fuel. The argumentspresented are valid all around theglobe. The critical issue, whetherdiscussing heavy duty trucks used inlong haulage traffic, or privatelyoperated light duty vehicles, is theavailability of required refuellingservices. If national governmentswish to reduce the dependence onoil, it is in many countries high timethat they take action to provide anadequate NG refuelling infrastructurevia the use of suitable'encouragement'.To secure sufficiently largereductions of the crude oil demand itis also necessary to build aconfidence among fuel consumersabout the longevity of costadvantages achieved via the use ofNGVs. To switch all effortsconcerning reduced oil use into avery expensive financial support ofelectrical vehicles would be a veryirresponsible policy. Putting all eggsinto one basket is never a good idea.

22May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportFive public Compressed Natural Gasrefuelling stations in PragueBy Pavel NovakNGV Manager,Czech GasAssociationAlready a fifth CNG refuelling stationwas put into operation for the publicin Prague in February 2010.This new, and at the same time thefirst low-energy CNG stationconnected to a high-pressuregas pipeline, is also the first CNGstation on the left bank of the riverVltava.The station is located in Praha 6 –Liboc, on the Evropská Street on theright-hand side in the direction fromthe centre of Prague to the Ruzynairport, next to the parking area ofthe Divoká Šárka natural park andnear a McDonald’s. Vehicles arerefuelled on a self-service basis andthe station is in non-stop operation.Customers have all the options forpayment – payment cards (VISA andMasterCard), CNG CardCentrumcards, or in cash.At a gas regulating station, the CNGrefuelling station is connected to a24-bar high-pressure gas pipeline;using the high pressure of the gasupstream from the regulating stationas the input pressure for thecompressor is the greatestadvantage of this solution, whichultimately helps to reducecompression work and achievesignificant savings of the electricalenergy required for operating thecompressor (the compressor onlyneeds 0.13 kWh of electricity forcompressing one cubic metre ofgas).Prior to compression, the gas isfiltered and completely dried in aZander unit. The IMW compressorhas an output of 234 cu m/hr. It isan oil-free compressor, which helpsto avoid potential complications withoil in output gas. The outputpressure of the gas flowing into CNGstorage tanks is 30 MPa, andvehicles receive CNG under apressure of up to 24 MPa. Thepressure vessels have a gas storagecapacity of 980 Nm³. During peaks,more than 500 kg of CNG can befilled in two hours. The dual-hoseKraus Global HAM dispenser has anNGV1 nozzle for up to 20 kg/minute(for passenger cars) and an NGV2nozzle for up to 70 kg/minute (fortrucks and buses).Bonett Gas Investment, a.s., themain supplier, has delivered and builtthe station on a turnkey basis.Having opened the CNG station inPraha 6 - Liboc, Pražskáplynárenská, a.s. has increased thenumber of public CNG stations inPrague.It currently also operates a CNGrefuelling station on its compound inPraha 4 - Michle, in Praha 4 -Hodkovi ky near the Q100 fillingstation, in Praha 9 on the PodŠancemi Street on thecompound of Pražské služby a.s.,and in Praha 10 - Zahradní M stoat a Shell fuel filling station.Twenty-five public CNG refuellingstations are currently in operation inthe Czech Republic. For moreinformation please visit www.cng.czor www.cgoa.cz.

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report23European Association May ReportBiomethane: A key fuel for 2020 targetsManuel LageNatural Gas Vehicle Association EuropeNGVA EuropeGeneral ManagerWhen we talk about availablebiofuels, we refer to three differenttypes: bioethanol, biodiesel andbiomethane. Bioethanol is basicallyethylic alcohol that can be used as areplacement of petrol, somethingthat has already been done yearsago in countries like Brazil.It can also be mixed with petrol indifferent proportions, but thebioethanol composition is totallydifferent from petrol and thecombustion characteristics aredifferent.The same happens with biodiesel, orFat Acid Methyl Ester, a product thathas enjoyed a certain interest insome countries in Europe during thelast years. But now it is mainly usedonly as a 5% mixture with normaldiesel oil. Again, biodiesel hascombustion characteristics that canbe considered to a certain extentsimilar to mineral diesel, but withother significant differences like thecalorific power, fuel stability andlacquer formation, that limits its useas a full substitution of the mineraldiesel.On the other hand when we talkabout biomethane, we talk about thesame molecule than of natural gas:CH4, just methane. And this fact isextremely important becausebiomethane does not need to beblended with fossil based fuels beforeit is used in combustion engines.Biomethane is thus truly, on a standalone basis, an automotive fuel.Chemically both fuels, natural gasand biomethane mostly consist ofmethane, it is only the age and theorigin which differs.Now, when looking at the possibilitiesof biomethane production, we findother extremely good news; thereare several and differentiatedsources available:® Landfill gas, produced by theanaerobic fermentation of urbanwaste. This is a very interestingsource, because it is perfectlypossible to reach an easy andvirtuous circle: CNG trucks carrythe urban waste to the landfill, thelandfill produces biogas, the biogasis purified into biomethane and thenused to fuel the same garbagetrucks (or buses). And all this with aneutral CO2 balance.® Crops. As well with cropsbiomethane production has anadvantage: the efficiency by hectareis much superior (from 40 to 300%)than with other crops producingbioethanol or biodiesel. Also notethat biomethane, contrary to variousother biofuels, could be producedfrom any kind of crops, thus no needfor monocultures.® Biomass® AlgaeBiomethane is a renewable fuel, andbiomethane is the same fuel, havingthe same composition than naturalgas. The consequence is clear; wehave to increase the running park ofNGV’s to pave the way for thegrowing use of biomethane, a CO2neutral and renewable fuel.NGVA Europe is permanentlypromoting these great benefits ofbiomethane and natural gas togetherat the European level.NGVA Europe also would like tocongratulate our member and mediapartner, The GVR, for its 100 th issueof this worldwide recognised NGVexpert magazine.For any inquiries, please contactinfo@ngvaeurope.euWith my best regards,M. LageNGVA Europe… for sustainablemobility

24May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportNGV2010 Roma brief overviewPreliminary Conference & Poster Session ProgramTuesday June 8th09:00 Conference – Welcome and Opening Ceremony10:00 Italian Government MinisterRichard Kolodziej – President, IANGV; President,NGVAmericaVanni Cappellatto – President, Consorzio NGV System ItaliaENI Executive ManagementGuido Rossignoli - General Director, ANFIA (AssociazioneNazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica) - NationalAutomotive Association (Italy)Claudio Kohan – Director, NGV Communications Group10:00 Conference Coffee Break10:3010:30 Opening Plenary Session – Plenary Hall12:00 Session Chair – Richard Kolodziej – President, IANGV;President, NGVAmericaNatural Gas Vehicles – Creating a Revolution in TransportWith the environmental, economical and energy securitybenefits of natural gas vehicles now well proven, the NGVindustry is beyond the ‘pioneering phase’ and has entered aperiod of sustainable growth. In many markets, NGVpenetration exceeds 5% of all vehicles, arguably makingnatural gas a mainstream fuel. How can this be duplicatedelsewhere? This opening Plenary Session sets the tone forthe rest of the conference, with examples of mainstreamsuccess and a business model achieving extraordinarysuccess in niche markets.Andrew Littlefair – President & CEO, Clean Energy (USA);Chairman, NGVAmerica.Don’t Sell the Problem – Sell the Solution. A SuccessfulBusiness Model in Action.Taking a ‘top down’ approach, targeting high flow users,Clean Energy, North America’s largest supplier of naturalgas for transport, has built its business by offering clientspractical ‘total package’ solutions to the adoption of naturalgas vehicles. While the solutions themselves may differ, themodel and philosophy is one that can be duplicated almostanywhere in the world.Francesco Caria - Managing Director, ENI Gas & Power Div(Italy): Vice President, IANGV.A Matter of Balance – The Italian Success Story So FarItaly boasts a national CNG refuelling network of more than670 stations and more than 580,000 CNG vehicles on theroad. With more than 6% of new cars sold in Italy nownatural gas vehicles, Italy’s balance of infrastructure,availability, economics and policy serves as an example forthe rest of the world.12:00 Exhibition Opening & Welcome Reception13:0014:00 Country Reports – Asia - Breakout Room 115:30 Session Chair – Brett Jarman – IANGV Executive DirectorLee Giok Seng – Asia-Pacific NGV Association (ANGVA)Asia-Pacific NGV Market OverviewShahzad Iqbal – Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA)Pakistan...see the complete Preliminary Program here:http://www.ngv2010roma.com/en/preliminary-program.phpGala DinnerConference delegates and Partners- Programparticipants will be transferred on NG buses to enjoyan unforgettable and exquisite Gala Dinner, as guestsof our main supporter ENI, in one of the most famoustourist attractions of the Ethernal City: CastelSant'Angelo.More info:http://www.ngv2010roma.com/en/activities-gala.phpTechnical TourOn Monday June 7 participants will visit aninteresting NGV site: Atac Roma Tor Pagnottarefueling station; it is the place where refuel CNGmore than 200 methane powered buses that everyday ply Rome streets.The transfer will be done on natural gas bus andparticipants will enjoy refreshments during the visit.More info:http://www.ngv2010roma.com/en/activities.php

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report25Expo floor plan and list of exhibitorsSTANDA1COMPANYOMVLA2 MTM - BRCA5 Fornovo GasA9 TÜV Saarland automobil GmbHGreener CitiesCavagna GroupA10MetatronRaufoss/RagascoA13 OMB SaleriA17 CryostarA18 AEB srlA19 Kraus Global Inc.A20 IMWA21 MotonicA23 3B FibreglassA31 CNG Part Co Ltd (CNGauge)B2 IdromeccanicaB6 BookedB10 Dresser WayneB14 SwagelokB18 KwangshinB19 ITT ConoflowB20 ROTAREX AutomotiveB21 BookedB22 TAB23 DK TechB24 Vitkovice CylindersB25 BookedB27 BookedB29 BookedC2 SafeC8 Angi EnergyC9 XebecC10 Landi RenzoC13 TenarisC17 GreenfieldC18 TartariniC26 BookedD2 GNC GalileoD6 KioshiD7 GilbarcoD10 ENID14 EKC International FZED18 BookedD20 Weh GmbH Gas TechnologyD22 COUTHD24 Endress+Hauser Italia SpaD26 xperion ALPHA Composites GmbHE2 Emer GroupE3 Atac RomaE8 ZavoliE10 Aspro GNVE11 Sinoma Science & Technology (Suzhou)E14 LuxferE17 LMFE18 BRC FuelmakerE19 NGV2012 ChuncheonE20 NGV Communications GroupE21 IANGVE23 NGVA EuropeE24 Consorzio NGV SystemE25 BookedE26 Lazzero TecnologieE28 BookedE30 Stafetta QuotidianaE32 BookedF2 Belletti EditoreF6 G.I.& E.F10 Cramaro Italia & CryotrucksF11 Aldesa Autogas EquipmentsF13 Vanzetti EngineeringF14 Polargas S.r.l.F18 Gemels s.r.l.F20 R.T.I - RHPSF22 CompositeTechnical SystemsF24 Versus GasF25 BujscholtzF26 BookedF27 BookedF28 BookedF30 BookedF32 Air BlastF36 BookedOutdoor AreaIVECO IrisbusBRC Fuelmaker

26May 2010Gas Vehicles Report100 <strong>edition</strong>sWith pleasure we publish several messages received because of this 100th <strong>edition</strong>NGVA Europealso wants tocongratulate ourmember and mediapartner, The GVR,for its 100th issue ofthis worldwide recognisedNGV expert magazine.Manuel LageNGVA Europe GeneralManagerCongratulations to GVRMagazine on the 100 th Issueof GVRBrett JarmanIANGV Exectuvie Director(see the note on page 18)To all GVR Team !!!!Congratulations for the greatwork done over the last 8 yearsand the 100 <strong>edition</strong>s of theGVR in order to promote theNGV in the WorldForza Ragazzi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vittorio PiemontiDresser WayneEMEA Dispenser MarketingSupportDear GVRColleagues!Several years havepassed since thebirth of the GasVehicle ReportMagazine. It became a reallyinternational and professionalpublication that helps to buildglobal NGV market.Information is a key instrumentfor cooperation and GVRprovides professional communitywith really valuable and timelyknowledge. We wish GVR tolast at least to the 1000th <strong>edition</strong>.Best regards,Eugene ProninInternational Gas UnionWorking Committee 5 –Utilisation, Deputy ChairmanStudy Group 5.3 – Natural GasVehicles (NGV), ChairmanNGVRUSPresidentWhen the Gas Vehicles Report published its first <strong>edition</strong> inFebruary 2002 from its office shared with the EuropeanNatural Gas Vehicle Association (ENGVA) in Hoofddorp,Netherlands the NGV universe was a fraction of what it istoday. There were 2.1 million NGVs worldwide and only36,248 in Europe, discounting Italy’s 400,000 NGVs and35,000 in Russia. The GVR has been an important stakeholderin the growth of the European and worldwide NGV industry.The magazine’s hardworking staff, along with the NGVCommunications Group supporting the GVR’s on-goingefforts, is to be congratulated for its sustainedcontribution as it achieves its 100th <strong>edition</strong> anniversary.Dr. Jeffrey SeislerCEO, Clean Fuels Consulting & foundingExecutive Director of ENGVA 1994-2007Уважаемые Коллеги пожурналу GVR!Прошло несколько лет срождения журнала Gas VehicleReport. Он ста по настоящемумеждународным ипрофессиональным изданием,способствующим развитиюмирового газомоторногорынка. Информация являетсяодним из ключевыхинструментов длясотрудничества, и журнал GVRдает профессиональномусообществу действительноценные и своевременныезнания. Желаем журналудожить как минимум дотысячного номера. С УважениемЕ.Н. ПронинМировой газовый союзЗаместитель руководителяРК 5, Руководитель ИГ 5.3Президент НГА

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report100 <strong>edition</strong>s27My congratulation toThe GVR staff incelebration of theirexcellent publishingwork to promote theNGV industry, and fortheir great cooperative spirit, which Iappreciate very much. Reaching the100th issue of The GVR proves thatis of high quality, and a rich source ofworldwide NGV information andupdated news. Well done!!Pavel NovakNGV Manager Czech Gas AssociationThe GVR raggiunge ilcentesimo numero. Unpercorso lungo centoedizioni che haaccompagnato il nostropercorso di crescita comemezzo fondamentale dicomunicazione e comestrumento indispensabiledi aggiornamento suitrend del mercato del CNG.Da parte nostra unringraziamento a TheGVR per quanto ha fattosinora e l'augurio checontinui ad essereal nostro fianco nelraggiungeresempre nuovitraguardi.Tutta l'azienda IdroMeccanica si congratulacon NGV CommunicationsGroup per la 100ªedizione del GVR eper il successo ottenutononché per l'impegnomostrato per lavisibilità del settore.AUGURI!!!Gabriele Gozzi,DirettoreCommercialeThe GVR reaches its100 issue. A long wayof 100 <strong>edition</strong>s that hasaccompanied ourgrowth as vital mediaand indispensable toolto keep updated aboutthe NGV market trends.From our side, we thankThe GVR for what theyhave done so far and it isour wish that we maykeep on working togetherand we may always reachour goals.Franco ZanariniSafe CNGTechnologyPresidentIdro Meccanicacongratulates NGVCommunicationsGroup on TheGVR’s 100 <strong>edition</strong>,as well as on thesuccess attained andall the efforts madein order toshowcase thesector.All thebest!!!100 <strong>edition</strong>s touchdown for“The GVR”. How many newsand statistics, and visibility forcompanies that have invested inadvertising. Since January 2002,The Gas Vehicle Report is anauthoritative guide for allprofessionals in a sector that, if 8 years agowas registering large figures only in someworld areas, today represents more than 11million vehicles and 17,000 gasstations. A few months ago Pike Researchhas predicted that, in 2015, 17 millionnatural gas vehicles will circulateworldwide. Maybe we’ll read the GVR,discovering they will be even more.Corrado StorchiLandi Renzo External Relations ManagerOggi si festeggiano le Today we celebrate 100100 edizioni di The issues of The GVR:GVR: e' la cifra del this is the successsuccesso di questa figure for the thisrivista di settore, uno magazine of the sector,dei principali punti di one of the main pointsriferimento per gli attori of reference for thosedel mondo del metano involved in the NGVper conoscere le novita', world to get to knowle iniziative, le tendenze the latest news,di mercato e punto initiatives, trends of thefocale per contatti di market and focal pointnatura commerciale. for commercialNGV System Italia networking. NGVaugura lunga vita a The System Italia augurs aGVR e nuovilong life for Thesuccessi a tutto loGVR andstaff.more successCongratulazioni!to come forthe whole staff.Michele ZiosiDirettore di NGVCongratulations!System Italia

28May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportClean Power ProjectProject for the conversion of the heavy goods transport by truck to LNG for the abatementof polluting emissions and of the costsAlbertoCastagnaroPresident of theConsortiumCryotrucksThe serious crisis caused by theirrepressible cost of fuel, madeworse by the atmospheric andacoustic pollution, has deeplyaffected the field of forwardingcompanies, who have decided toresolve directly these problems.Italian forwarders, sensitive to thesolution of these problems, havesetup the consortium Cryotrucks(European Cryogenic Gas FuelTransporters Association), whosemembers are: ConfartigianatoTrasporti e Servizi; Fox Energy andCramaro Italia, tarpaulin systems forthe transport and logistic industries;VRV cryogenic tanks ; ResearchCentre for Thermo Machines in Lyon(France)ffor transformation of gasmotors; Cryogas Distribution; Ing.Giovanni Merli Test Centre for thehomologation of cryogenic tooling.The goal of the consortium is tospread all over Europe the use ofmotors and tools necessary for theliquefied cryogenic natural gas forthe Industrial Transport and PublicTransport, with the following tangibleresults:® Save up 50% respect to the costof fuel,® Reduced dangerous emissionsand noise that allow to deliver thegoods directly to towns and drivethrough Countries next to Italywithout polluting and withoutdisturbing.® Feed the Industrial Trucks thatuntil now could not use the naturalgas, due to the weigh tare of thehigh pressure tanks;® Eliminate the weight of the gastanks normally placed on the roofs ofurban buses;® Allow driveability and efficiency asoffered by Diesel powered vehicles® Offer a good autonomy, better fuelquality and great safety, reducingalso costs and refueling time.To achieve this goal, the CryogasConsortium, together with CramaroItalia and the other membercompanies from the ItalianRegionVeneto, have created theproject CLEAN POWER.Scope of the project is to encouragethe conversion of the heavy goodstransport trucks from diesel oil toliquefied natural gas, makingavailable for the transportcompanies, municipal enterprises ofthe metadistric of Veneto, acompletely innovative alternative interms of technology andcombustible, with the goal to:® Dramatically abate the emissionsdangerous for the health andacoustic pollution® Decrease the operating expensesfor fuel and maintenance, withpositive results on the occupancylevel of the operators;® Comply the existing fleets to thefuture anti-polluting standards,extending the lifecycle.The activity we carry out has thespecific objective to prove the utilityof the liquefied natural gas LNG asclean innovative fuel for truck fleetsand public means of transport,through the following work-packageand pilot projects:® Installation, test and performancerating of a series of LNG bi-fuelconversion kit on the existing HGVs(LNG + diesel oil)® Engineering and manufacturing of2 innovative pilot fuel servicestations located within the region,enabled to the distribution of bothtraditional fuels and the newcryogenic natural gas (including theanalysis related to omologations)

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report29® Technical-scientific analysis of thetesting results and demonstration ofthe effects of the alternative fueldiffusion to the polluting emissions,on the operating costs andoccupancy level of thetransport/public transport/publicservices organizations;® Education of the drivers/forwarders and personnel of theservice stations and workshops, soas to create new professionalismsand competences, useful to themetadistrict companies.In particular, the diffusion of the useof the liquefied natural gas / LNG(which shall not be confused norThe European Commission hasfixed the target to replace 20%of petrol-originated fuels withalternative energy sources (likethe natural gas obtained from theconversion of organic materials)within the year 2020.The diffusion of the systems andtechnologies that will bedeveloped within this projectwould place the Veneto region inthe forefront in Italy and in theEuropean Community in the fieldof the sustainable mobilityopening the doors to the use ofthe natural gas for the heavygoods transport, with drasticdecreases of the pollutingemissions, PM (ParticulateMatters) and of costs for thetransport companies in general,thus bringing an evidentcompetitive advantage for theregional economic system.Start and end of activities of theprojects: February 2010 –February 2012BUDGET price approved by theVeneto Region: € 1.000.000Contribution towards expensesauthorized by the Region:€ 390.000 = 39% (Call of thedistricts of the Veneto Regionyear 2009)Participants: Approx 40companies form the Venetoactive in the field of thelogistic/transport industry, unitedunder the temporary CompaniesAssociation led by Cramaro Italia.with GPL, originated from petrolheavier than the air, nor with thecompressed CNG methane,currently used on certain types ofcars), may allow, according to theanalysis, the following tangibleadvantages:® Reduction of CO2 emissions by25%;® Total abatement of the PM(Particulate Matters);® Net reduction of toxic andcarcinogenic compounds;® Reduction of the acoustic pollutionby 50%;® Reduction of the fuel costs by40% for the transport companies;® Less need of maintenance for thevehicles;® Reduction of the electricconsumption by 70% for the fuelstations (compared to compressedmethne)From the technical and proceduralpoint of view, we have to say that upto now, HGVs could not use themethane gas as cars do (in the formof gas or CNG) because the stockingtanks were too big and heavy.As a result, some applications wereavailable for the private transport,but not for the heavy goodstransport.Now, with the new technologies it ispossible to use the liquefied methanegas, or LNG, by stocking it insidetanks having the same dimensions ofthe diesel oil tanks.Such tanks can stock liquefiednatural gas at a temperatureof -162° C with a concentration 600times greater than its gaseousstate, normally used on roadvehicles.100 <strong>edition</strong>s"Proud Grandparents"On behalf of the internationalpublishing department of NGVCommunications Group, we feelextremely happy and satisfied "withthe sweet taste of an accomplishedmission” by announcing that The GRVcelebrates 100 uninterrupted<strong>edition</strong>s. Only by putting this intowords and thinking deeply, we realizeits real meaning and importance.From our publishing group, we feeland act like a family, we support andaccompany the "life" of each of ourmagazines. That is why, when one ofour "children" reaches such anachievement, we take pride in it andit fills us with happiness. This time,with our kid turned into an adult, webecome witnesses watching withemotion, as a "proud grandfather".Today more than ever, we emphasizethe tenacity, strength, andprofessionalism of Claudio and Ita(heads of this project), as well astheir tireless hard work capacity andtheir decision to keep on growing.Congratulations with all ouraffection and recognition!"Abuelos orgullosos"En nombre de la redaccióninternacional de NGVCommunications Group, nossentimos profundamente felices ysatisfechos -con el dulce sabor de lamisión cumplida- al anunciar que "TheGRV" cumple 100 edicionesininterrumpidas. Únicamente al poneresto en palabras y reflexionar, escuando podemos darnos cuenta de ladimesión de su significado. Desdenuestro grupo editorial, que sentimosy manejamos como una familia,apoyamos y acompaños la "vida" decada una de nuestras revistas. Espor ello que cuando uno de nuestros"hijos" alcanza un logro semejante senos "hincha el pecho" y nos colma defelicidad. En esta oportunidad, connuestro vástago ya crecido, nostransformarmos en un testigo queacompaña desde la emoción, comoun "abuelo orgulloso". Hoy más quenunca, destacamos el tesón, lafuerza, el empuje y el profesionalismode Claudio y de Ita (cabezas de esteproyecto). También, su incansablecapacidad de trabajo y su ahínco porcrecer constantemente.Felicitaciones, con todo nuestrocariño y reconocimiento!

30May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportColombiaThe NGV vehicles fleet rose above300 thousand unitsThe NGV industry in Colombia started the year with a gradual increase in the number ofconversions. It is expected that both conversions and refuelling stations reinforce itsdevelopment through the promotion and efforts made by private and public sectors.Colombia is one of the mostdeveloped NGV markets in theregion. It is the third in LatinAmerica and the eighth in the worldin terms of number of NGVs, withmore than 300 thousandconversions to this date. Accordingto statistics provided by the GasDivision of the Mines and EnergyMinistry, the total quantity of unitspowered by natural gas in thecountry is 303,549.This number reflects the magnitudeattained by natural gas the last fewyears within the local automotivesector. It also represents remarkableeconomic savings for Colombians,since with the increase in gasconsumption the country might stopimporting about 185 million gallonsof gasoline per year.With nearly 20 years of experiencein the segment, Colombia grows inthe segment not only throughRatio of vehicles converted to natural gas - as of December 30, 2009

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report31conversions but also due to theincreasing number of CNG refuellingstations.Currently, the country has aninfrastructure of 601 stations, thatmeans 116 more than by the end of2009, spread throughout 79 cities,among them the capital Bogotá (with145), Cali (with 77), Barranquilla(with 59 ), Medellín (with 48) andCartagena (with 22).According to estimates made byindustry experts, different measuresare being taken to encourage thegrowth of the sector, from plans withthe main automotive manufacturersto produce OEM NGVs to theimplementation of advertisingcampaigns and incentives bydistribution companies.On the other hand, the Mines andEnergy Ministry has developed aprogram to boost the use of naturalgas as main vehicle fuel, thusreplacing liquid fuels such asgasoline and diesel, which are moreexpensive and polluting. To executethis plan, several laws andresolutions were approved, amongthem VAT exemption on CNGrefuelling station parts andequipment vehicle conversion kits.In addition, it is expected a progressivedecrease in subsidies for liquid fuelsin the short and medium terms. Thiswill inevitably result in periodicincreases in the price of petroleum,what in turn will bring about morecompetitiveness for natural gas.It is also important to note thatthere are several companiesinterested in starting to use CNG inpublic transport in the mainColombian cities, like Bogotá,Cartagena, Santa Marta andSincelejo. One of them is Gazel,whose executives are determined toencourage the use of this fuel andthat is why they mention Medellín asan example, the first city in the countryto make the decision to use it for itstransportation service Metroplus.NGV Evolution in ColombiaNGV growth and coverageRatio of vehicles converted to NG - as of Feruary 28th, 2010Thus, the gradual growth of thesector, which places Colombia in thetop 10 countries of the world interms of conversions during the last10 years, shows not only how boththe public and private sectors havefostered its development but also thecredibility that it has generated inColombian drivers and car owners.Source: Prensa Vehicular ColombiaContact: pvcolombia@ngvgroup.com

32Swagelok Company announced on12th April today that has acquiredthe shares of RHPS B.V. as part ofits strategy to broaden the company’soffering of products andservices for fluid system technologycustomers around the world.Located in Nieuw Vennep, TheNetherlands, RHPS is amanufacturer of high-quality pressureregulator products used mostly in oiland gas, chemical/petrochemical,alternative fuels, semiconductor,biopharmaceutical, and otherdemanding applications. Terms ofthe purchase were not disclosed.“We are excited to welcome theRHPS team to Swagelok,” saidArthur F. Anton, Swagelok presidentand chief executive officer. “We thinkthe two cultures are a natural fit andhave similar values including thepassion to truly understand the needsof our customers and act on them.”May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportNews, Products, TechnologySwagelok Company acquires RHPS B.V., broadens regulator lineFor more than 20 years, RHPS hasbeen designing and manufacturing arange of relief valves, back-pressure,and pressure reducing regulatorproducts. “The RHPS acquisitionallows us to offer a more robustregulator portfolio,“ continued Anton.Headquartered in Solon, Ohio,U.S.A., Swagelok Company is amajor developer and provider of fluidsystem solutions, including products,assemblies, and services for theresearch, instrumentation,pharmaceutical, oil and gas, power,petrochemical, alternative fuels, andsemiconductor industries. Itsmanufacturing, research, technicalsupport, and distribution facilitiessupport a global network of morethan 200 authorized sales andservice centers in 57 countries. Formore information about Swagelok,visit the company’s Web site atwww.swagelok.com.First truck in Europe running on dedicated Liquid Biogas (LBG)According to Rolande LNG B.V., aspecialist in supplying LNG and LBGfor road transport applications, hasbeen recently introduced the firsttruck running on liquid Biogas.Rolande LNG made this conceptworking by converting ,in closecooperation with IVECO in theNetherlands, an IVECO Stralis CNGinto a truck being capable to run onLNG/LBG .For this purpose RolandeLNG provided not only know how butalso the special cryogenic tanks andheat exchanger being necessary touse LBG as fuel.The truck is bought by Chr. VermeerTransport B.V. in Dongen, TheNetherlands. This transportcompany wants to be the first in theNetherlands,to collect experiencewith a truck running on LBG in thedaily transport service.But it was also necessary to makethe proper fuel(LBG) available inorder to let the truck run. For thatpurpose Rolande LNG collected withone of his ADR certified special tanktrailers the first load of LiquefiedBiogas made from gas coming out ofa landfill . It is gas made fromorganic waste material , so noadditional agricultural land wasnecessary to produce this biomethane. As gas treatment andtransport only absorbs a limitedamount of energy this fuel is by farthe most sustainable and CO2neutral (80%) practical usablealternative available today.Using LBG as transport fuel givesbetter or equal emission qualitylevels than EEV or Euro 5 dieselengines in trucks and busses. Butthese levels can be attained withoutexpensive and maintenancerequiring sooth filters and Ad Blue.A simple three way catalyticconverter will do the job. But lookingat CO2 emissions from Well toWheel then is using LBG madefrom landfill gas by far the mostattractive alternative compared toany other bio fuel currently available(up to 80% CO2 reduction comparedto diesel).

7May 2010Gas Vehicles ReportWorldwide NGV statisticsNatural Gas Vehicles NGV Refuelling stationsMonthly gas consumption (M Nm3)33CountryTotalCars/LDVsMD/HDBusesMD/HDTrucks% of totalOthers NGVs inthe worldTotal Public Private Planned% of totalfuelling stationsin theVRAworldAverage consumption(actual report)The consumptionin theoryReportedconsumptionLast updatePakistan 2.250.100 2.200.000 100 50.000 19,91% 3.145 3.145 18,12% 398,80 0,0% March 2010Argentina 1.826.845 1.826.845 16,16% 1.858 1.858 10,71% 32 213,52 328,83 64,9% January 2010Iran 1.734.431 1.728.909 5.522 15,35% 1.079 1.058 21 840 6,22% 189,00 327,77 57,7% December 2009Brazil 1.631.173 1.631.173 14,43% 1.782 1.782 10,27% 7 143,59 293,61 48,9% February 2010India 700.000 680.380 12.000 715 6.905 6,19% 500 181 319 2,88% 52,00 159,39 32,6% April 2009Italy 676.850 673.350 2.300 1.200 5,99% 770 725 45 70 4,44% 199 62,03 129,06 48,1% December 2009China 500.000 320.000 150.000 30.000 4,42% 1.652 1.453 199 232 9,52% 9 531,60 0,0% January 2010Colombia 303.549 280.089 13.800 9.660 2,69% 601 601 3,46% 3 45,00 99,54 45,2% January 2010Ukraine 200.019 10.000 120.000 70.000 19 1,77% 283 91 192 40 1,63% 8 83,00 417,80 19,9% November 2009Bangladesh 200.000 168.412 3.233 8.355 20.000 1,77% 500 500 2,88% 13 91,55 47,70 191,9% January 2010Thailand 173.480 140.050 11.720 20.030 1.680 1,53% 404 379 25 36 2,33% 0 95,60 76,48 125,0% March 2010Bolivia 122.812 122.812 1,09% 128 128 0,74% 46 26,28 22,11 118,9% May 2009Egypt 122.271 119.598 1.217 711 745 1,08% 119 115 4 16 0,69% 36,00 25,78 139,6% December 2009Russia 100.020 57.000 8.000 35.000 20 0,88% 249 202 47 1,43% 12 27,71 62,26 44,5% December 2009Armenia 101.352 69.971 9.831 19.626 1.924 0,90% 275 9 266 14 1,58% 28,50 57,88 49,2% September 2009USA 100.000 86.500 11.000 2.500 0,88% 816 816 4,70% 4.747 55,00 50,57 108,8% September 2008Germany 85.000 79650 1550 3650 150 0,75% 863 776 87 150 4,97% 804 14,60 21,91 66,6% December 2009Peru 84.035 84.024 11 0,74% 95 95 0,55% 10,04 15,16 66,3% Peru 2010Bulgaria 60.236 60.000 216 20 0,53% 76 75 1 13 0,44% 13,00 11,46 113,4% September 2009Uzbekistan 47.000 47.000 0,42% 63 63 0,36% 8,83 8,46 104,3% September 2009Malaysia 42.631 42.105 466 14 46 0,38% 137 135 2 0,79% 10 8,99 0,0% January 2010Japan 38.042 14.587 1.467 20.566 1.422 0,34% 344 293 51 1,98% 672 23,55 0,0% September 2009Myanmar 22.821 4.527 18.290 4 0,20% 37 37 0,21% 55,69 0,0% October 2008Korea 25.744 1.470 23.475 798 1 0,23% 157 157 5 0,90% 13 81,68 71,33 114,5% March 2010Sweden 23.125 21.749 963 412 1 0,20% 134 104 30 55 0,77% 21 6,77 7,13 94,8% December 2009Venezuela 20.000 20.000 0,18% 143 143 0,82% 8,15 3,60 226,4% December 2009France 12.450 9.500 2.100 850 0,11% 125 15 110 0,72% 1.290 8,69 0,0% December 2008Canada 12.140 9.500 240 0 2.400 0,11% 101 85 16 0,58% 3.789 2,55 0,0% December 2007Tajikistan 10.600 10.600 0,09% 53 53 0,31% 4,13 1,91 216,5% December 2007Chile 8.064 8.055 9 0,07% 15 15 0,09% 1 3,20 1,48 216,7% December 2007Switzerland 8.599 8.348 135 56 60 0,08% 122 119 3 7 0,70% 117 1,14 1,96 58,0% December 2009Kyrgyzstan 6.000 6.000 0,05% 6 6 0,03% 0,60 1,08 55,6% December 2007Belarus 5.500 5.500 0,05% 25 25 0,14% 3,00 0,99 303,0% December 2007Moldova 5.000 5.000 0,04% 14 14 0,08% 1,00 0,90 111,1% December 2007Austria 4.983 4.936 41 6 0,04% 208 160 48 15 1,20% 12 0,50 1,02 49,2% January 2010Singapore 4.578 4.533 30 15 0,04% 5 5 0,03% 0,92 0,0% December 2009Trinidad & Tobago 3.500 3.500 0,03% 13 12 1 0,07% 0,80 0,63 127,0% December 2006Turkey 3.339 1.850 1.489 0,03% 14 8 6 0,08% 35 0,40 4,80 8,3% April 2010Mexico 3.037 3.037 0,03% 8 8 0,05% 22 0,02 0,55 3,7% November 2008Georgia 3.000 3.000 0,03% 42 42 0,24% 0,54 0,0% January 2008Indonesia 2.550 1.755 335 210 250 0,02% 9 9 0,05% 1,50 0,0% December 2009Australia 2.825 100 1.700 275 750 0,02% 47 4 43 39 0,27% 130 5,38 0,0% November 2009Netherlands 2.032 1.350 542 140 0,02% 51 35 16 32 0,29% 558 1,98 0,0% November 2009Poland 2.106 1.502 300 4 300 0,02% 33 32 1 0,19% 49 1,19 0,0% August 2009Spain 1.863 213 847 760 43 0,02% 42 1 41 0,24% 21 3,52 3,19 110,5% December 2008Czech Republic 2.000 1.665 270 20 45 0,02% 38 25 13 0,22% 4 0,67 1,13 59,7% March 2010Slovakia 622 287 308 27 0,01% 8 6 2 4 0,05% 0,91 1,00 91,1% February 2010Latvia 500 30 10 187 273 0,00% 4 4 0,02% 11 0,23 0,0% December 2007Greece 520 0 414 106 0,00% 2 2 1 0,01% 1,33 0,0% August 2009Portugal 504 46 354 54 50 0,00% 5 1 4 3 0,03% 1,11 1,12 99,6% December 2009Finland 769 650 95 8 16 0,01% 18 17 1 5 0,10% 10 0,45 0,41 110,0% February 2010Serbia 326 320 6 0,00% 5 4 1 0,03% 0,015 0,08 19,8% April 2009United Arab Emirates 305 305 0 0 0,00% 2 1 1 0,01% 1 0,05 0,0% March 2007United Kingdom 294 4 217 73 0,00% 33 12 21 0,19% 115 0,40 0,18 224,8% December 2008New Zealand 283 180 66 37 0,00% 14 14 0,08% 0,23 0,0% March 2007Norway 376 212 138 10 16 0,00% 10 6 4 2 0,06% 4,55 0,46 987,1% January 2010Luxembourg 215 174 41 0,00% 7 5 2 0,04% 2 0,06 0,15 35,9% December 2009Belgium 143 143 0,00% 9 4 5 0,05% 60 0,03 0,0% December 2008Lithuania 150 50 100 0,00% 3 1 2 3 0,02% 1 0,200 0,31 64,7% January 2010Croatia 130 92 30 8 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,013 0,04 31,7% April 2009Algeria 125 125 0,00% 3 3 0,02% 0,02 0,0% October 2004Iceland 120 101 2 17 0,00% 2 2 1 0,01% 0,04 0,04 103,2% September 2009Lichtenstein 104 72 31 1 0,00% 3 3 0,02% 0,11 0,0% December 2009Hungary 72 30 42 0,00% 4 1 3 0,02% 12 0,13 0,13 95,1% December 2008Nigeria 60 60 0,00% 2 2 0,01% 0,01 0,0% May 2005Macedonia 50 7 43 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,02 0,13 15,4% March 2007Philippines 36 11 25 0,00% 3 1 2 0,02% 0,08 0,0% February 2006Tunesia 34 32 2 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,01 0,0% October 2007Ecuador 40 40 0,00% 1 1 0,01 0,0% May 2009Panama 15 15 0,00% 0,00% November 2008Bosnia & Herzegovina 7 7 0,00% 3 0 3 0,02% 2 0,00 0,0% December 2007Montenegro 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,00 0,0% March 2006Estonia 4 4 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,00 0,0% December 2008Taiwan 4 4 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,01 0,0% April 2005Mozambique 4 4 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 0,01 0,0% May 2007Tanzania 10 10 0,00% 3 0,00% 0,00 0,0% January 2010Vietnam 1.002 1.000 2 0,01% 12 11 1 0,07% December 2009Ireland 2 2 0,00% 1 1 0,01% 1 0,00 0,0% October 2008Kazakhstan 10 10 0,06% September 2009Dominican Republic 1 1 0,00% 2 2 0,01% 0,00 0,0% November 2009Turkmenistan 1 1 0,01% November 2009Total 11.302.529 10.584.155 404.886 226.254 87.234 17.355 15.696 1.659 1.586 12.839 1.318,70 3.305,02 39,9% April 2010

34May 2010Gas Vehicles Reportwww.ngvgroup.com • Visit the biggest NGV portal in the worldCities with CNG refuelling stationsCountry Number of cities Last updateArgentina 330 Jan. '10Armenia 37 Mar. '08Australia 3 Nov. '09Austria 118 Jan. '10Bangladesh 8 Nov. '05Bolivia 6 May '09Brazil 295 Feb. '10Bulgaria 36 Sep. '09Chile 5 Dec. '07China 74 Sept. '04Colombia 79 Dec. '09Croatia 1 Jan. '09Czech Republic 19 Mar. '10Egypt 16 Apr '06Finland 14 Feb. '10France 26 Aug. '02Germany 735 Dec. '09Greeece 1 Sept. 08Hungary 2 Aug. '02Iceland 2 Sept. '09India 8 Oct.' 06Indonesia 2 Sept. '08Iran 611 Dec. '09Ireland 1 Oct. '08Italy 150 Dec. '06Korea 34 May. '05Liechtenstein 1 Sept. '04Lithuania 2 Jan. '10Luxembourg 2 Jan. '06Macedonia 1 Jan. '05Malaysia 6 Oct. '06Mexico 2 Jun. '05Netherlands 16 Dec. '08Norway 4 Jan. '10Pakistan 50 Apr. '08Peru 2 Oct. '09Philippines 1 Oct.'05Portugal 5 Dec. '09Russia 172 Aug. '07Serbia 5 Dec. '07Singapore 1 Jul. '05Slovakia 8 Feb. '10Spain 13 Jan. '06Sweden 63 Jun. '09Switzerland 21 Dec. '09Taiwan 1 Apr'. 05Thailand 39 Aug '08Trinidad & Tobago 11 Dec. '07Turkey 2 Aug. '04United Arab Emirates 2 Oct. '06United Kingdom 5 Nov. '04Venezuela 26 Nov. '081.4232.704Europe WorlwideCountry's share of the world's total NGVs and fuelling stationsNatural Gas Vehicles Refuelling stationsCountry% of total NGVs % of total fuelling Last updateTotalTotalin the world stations in the worldPakistan 2.250.100 19,91% 3.145 18,12% March 2010Argentina 1.826.845 16,16% 1.858 10,71% January 2010Iran 1.734.431 15,35% 1.079 6,22% December 2009Brazil 1.631.173 14,43% 1.782 10,27% February 2010India 700.000 6,19% 500 2,88% April 2009Italy 676.850 5,99% 770 4,44% December 2009China 500.000 4,42% 1.652 9,52% January 2010Colombia 303.549 2,69% 601 3,46% January 2010Ukraine 200.019 1,77% 283 1,63% November 2009Bangladesh 200.000 1,77% 500 2,88% January 2010Thailand 173.480 1,53% 404 2,33% March 2010Bolivia 122.812 1,09% 128 0,74% May 2009Egypt 122.271 1,08% 119 0,69% December 2009Russia 100.020 0,88% 249 1,43% December 2009Armenia 101.352 0,90% 275 1,58% September 2009USA 100.000 0,88% 816 4,70% September 2008Germany 85.000 0,75% 863 4,97% December 2009Peru 84.035 0,74% 95 0,55% Peru 2010Bulgaria 60.236 0,53% 76 0,44% September 2009Uzbekistan 47.000 0,42% 63 0,36% September 2009Malaysia 42.631 0,38% 137 0,79% January 2010Japan 38.042 0,34% 344 1,98% September 2009Myanmar 22.821 0,20% 37 0,21% October 2008Korea 25.744 0,23% 157 0,90% March 2010Sweden 23.125 0,20% 134 0,77% December 2009Venezuela 20.000 0,18% 143 0,82% December 2009France 12.450 0,11% 125 0,72% December 2008Canada 12.140 0,11% 101 0,58% December 2007Tajikistan 10.600 0,09% 53 0,31% December 2007Chile 8.064 0,07% 15 0,09% December 2007Switzerland 8.599 0,08% 122 0,70% December 2009Kyrgyzstan 6.000 0,05% 6 0,03% December 2007Belarus 5.500 0,05% 25 0,14% December 2007Moldova 5.000 0,04% 14 0,08% December 2007Austria 4.983 0,04% 208 1,20% January 2010Singapore 4.578 0,04% 5 0,03% December 2009Trinidad & Tobago 3.500 0,03% 13 0,07% December 2006Turkey 3.339 0,03% 14 0,08% April 2010Mexico 3.037 0,03% 8 0,05% November 2008Georgia 3.000 0,03% 42 0,24% January 2008Indonesia 2.550 0,02% 9 0,05% December 2009Australia 2.825 0,02% 47 0,27% November 2009Netherlands 2.032 0,02% 51 0,29% November 2009Poland 2.106 0,02% 33 0,19% August 2009Spain 1.863 0,02% 42 0,24% December 2008Czech Republic 2.000 0,02% 38 0,22% March 2010Slovakia 622 0,01% 8 0,05% February 2010Latvia 500 0,00% 4 0,02% December 2007Greece 520 0,00% 2 0,01% August 2009Portugal 504 0,00% 5 0,03% December 2009Finland 769 0,01% 18 0,10% February 2010Serbia 326 0,00% 5 0,03% April 2009United Arab Emirates 305 0,00% 2 0,01% March 2007United Kingdom 294 0,00% 33 0,19% December 2008New Zealand 283 0,00% 14 0,08% March 2007Norway 376 0,00% 10 0,06% January 2010Luxembourg 215 0,00% 7 0,04% December 2009Belgium 143 0,00% 9 0,05% December 2008Lithuania 150 0,00% 3 0,02% January 2010Croatia 130 0,00% 1 0,01% April 2009Algeria 125 0,00% 3 0,02% October 2004Iceland 120 0,00% 2 0,01% September 2009Lichtenstein 104 0,00% 3 0,02% December 2009Hungary 72 0,00% 4 0,02% December 2008Nigeria 60 0,00% 2 0,01% May 2005Macedonia 50 0,00% 1 0,01% March 2007Philippines 36 0,00% 3 0,02% February 2006Tunesia 34 0,00% 1 0,01% October 2007Ecuador 40 0,00% 1 May 2009Panama 15 0,00% 0,00% November 2008Bosnia & Herzegovina 7 0,00% 3 0,02% December 2007Montenegro 0,00% 1 0,01% March 2006Estonia 4 0,00% 1 0,01% December 2008Taiwan 4 0,00% 1 0,01% April 2005Mozambique 4 0,00% 1 0,01% May 2007Tanzania 10 0,00% 0,00% January 2010Vietnam 1.002 0,01% 12 0,07% December 2009Ireland 2 0,00% 1 0,01% October 2008Kazakhstan 10 0,06% September 2009Dominican Republic 1 0,00% 2 0,01% November 2009Turkmenistan 1 0,01% November 2009Total 11.302.529 17.355 April 2010

May 2010Gas Vehicles Report35www.ngvgroup.com • Visit the biggest NGV portal in the worldNGV’s statistics balanceBest growth in NGV population by numberWorld’s top 10 NGV countriesNGV x 1.000Round up figuresBest growth in fuelling station population by numberBest growth in NGV population by % Best growth in fuelling station population by %Last twelve years evolutionArgentina 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGVs 418.916 480.764 544.748 630.548 755.671 879.587 1.164.839 1.348.126 1.459.236 1.429.973 1.678.230 1745677Stations 570 646 770 871 982 1.049 1.152 1.330 1.494 1.636 1.744 1.806CNG sold (MNm3) 1.270 1.412 1.508 1.681 1.851 2.041 2.649 3.062 3.186 3.061 2.940 2.659Brazil 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGVs ... ... ... ... 284.751 380.515 642.844 826.364 1.052.295 1.325.823 1.467.219 1.588.331Stations ... ... ... ... 265 506 667 905 1.206 1.411 1.575 1688CNG sold (MNm3) ... ... ... 251 635 959 1.340 1.573 1.937 2.305 2.580 2.341Germany 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGV 1.059 2.040 3.245 (*) 6.829 10.509 14.420 19.105 27.175 38.933 54.772 77.191Stations 30 50 120 130 250 350 400 500 630 720 804CNG sold in MWh 132.472 165.127 239.871 325.546 424.697 527.314 685.836 963.204 1.400.000Italy 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGV (LDVs) 260.000 260.000 263.119 296.358 327.643 344.306 335.205 326.104 358.488 410.000 432.900 523.100Stations 276 281 298 323 344 402 456 498 535 589 609 700CNG sold (MNm3) 330 335 340 400 448 448 442 442 468 520 588 588Sweden 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGVs 657 1.079 1.374 1.725 2.000 3.309 4.248 5.298 7.897 12.119 14.536 16.900Stations 14 19 22 26 31 39 48 65 85 97 115 122CNG and CBG sold (Nm3x1000) 7.137 9.862 11.335 13.950 16.678 20.125 25.434 28.872 35.450 43.856 53.636 58.126Switzerland 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008NGVs 30 60 80 100 150 350 650 1.250 1.965 3.313 5.830 7.122Stations 3 7 13 14 20 26 37 50 64 78 97 112CNG and CBG sold (Nm3x1000) 220 451 840 994 1.575 1.859 2.281 3.054 4.422 658 10.200

36May 2010Gas Vehicles Reportwww.ngvgroup.com • Visit the biggest NGV portal in the worldEuropean NGV statisticsNatural Gas VehiclesRefuelling stationsCountryTotalCars/LDVsMD/HDBusesMD/HDTrucksOthers Total Public Private PlannedVRA Monthly gas consumption (M Nm3) Last updateItaly 587.577 584.577 2.000 1.000 732 690 42 80 199 49,00 112,02 43,7% June 2009Ukraine 200.019 10.000120.000 70.000 19 283 91 192 40 8 83,00 417,80 19,9% November 2009Armenia 101.352 69.971 9.831 19.626 1.924 275 9 266 14 28,50 57,88 49,2% September 2009Russia 100.020 57.000 8.000 35.000 20 249 202 47 12 27,71 62,26 44,5% December 2009Germany 77.000 72127 1513 3324 36 835 835 150 823 10,76 20,18 53,3% June 2009Bulgaria 60.236 60.000 216 20 76 75 1 13 13,00 11,46 113,4% September 2009Sweden 23.125 21.749 963 412 1 134 104 30 55 21 6,77 7,13 94,8% December 2009France 12.450 9.500 2.100 850 125 15 110 1.290 8,69 0,0% December 2008Switzerland 8.599 8.348 135 56 60 122 119 3 7 117 1,14 1,96 58,0% December 2009Belarus 5.500 5.500 25 25 3,00 0,99 303,0% December 2007Moldova 5.000 5.000 14 14 1,00 0,90 111,1% December 2007Austria 4.983 4.936 41 6 208 160 48 15 12 0,50 1,02 49,2% January 2010Turkey 3.056 2.564 492 9 5 4 35 0,40 1,94 20,6% July 2008Georgia 3.000 3.000 42 42 0,54 0,0% January 2008Poland 2.106 1.502 300 4 300 33 32 1 49 1,19 0,0% August 2009Netherlands 2.032 1.350 542 140 51 35 16 32 558 1,98 0,0% November 2009Czech Republic 2.000 1.665 270 20 45 38 25 13 4 0,67 1,13 59,7% March 2010Spain 1.863 213 847 760 43 42 1 41 21 3,52 3,19 110,5% December 2008Finland 769 650 95 8 16 18 17 1 5 10 0,45 0,41 110,0% February 2010Slovakia 622 287 308 27 8 6 2 4 0,91 1,00 91,1% February 2010Greece 520 0 414 106 2 2 1 1,33 0,0% August 2009Portugal 504 46 354 54 50 5 1 4 3 1,11 1,12 99,6% December 2009Latvia 500 30 10 187 273 4 4 11 0,23 0,0% December 2007Norway 376 212 138 10 16 10 6 4 2 4,55 0,46 987,1% January 2010Serbia 326 320 6 5 4 1 0,015 0,08 19,8% April 2009United Kingdom 294 4 217 73 33 12 21 115 0,40 0,18 224,8% December 2008Luxembourg 215 174 41 7 5 2 2 0,06 0,15 35,9% December 2009Lithuania 150 50 100 3 1 2 3 1 0,200 0,31 64,7% January 2010Belgium 143 143 9 4 5 60 0,03 0,0% December 2008Croatia 130 92 30 8 1 1 0,013 0,04 31,7% April 2009Iceland 120 101 2 17 2 2 1 0,04 0,04 103,2% September 2009Lichtenstein 104 72 31 1 3 3 0,11 0,0% December 2009Hungary 72 30 42 4 1 3 12 0,13 0,13 95,1% December 2008Macedonia 50 7 43 1 1 0,02 0,13 15,4% March 2007Bosnia & Herzegovina 7 7 3 0 3 2 0,00 0,0% December 2007Estonia 4 4 1 1 0,00 #REF! December 2008Ireland 2 2 1 1 1 0,00 0,0% October 2008Montenegro 1 1 0,00 #REF! March 2006Total 1.204.826 921.233 148.834 131.875 2.884 3.414 2.547 867 425 3.363 236,85 718,01 33,0% January 2010All data shown on this work sheet is result of a work conducted by The GVR and NGVA Europe.Fuel prices in EuropeCountryPremiumGasoline(Euro/litre)RegularGasoline(Euro/litre)Diesel CNGCNG price CNG price(Euro/litre) (Euro/Nm³)equivalent perequivalent perlitre gasoline litre dieselArmenia 0,67 0,63 0,61 0,32 0,29 0,33Austria 1,36 1,29 1,19 0,61 0,55 0,63Belgium 1,32 1,01 0,73 0,65 0,75Bulgaria 0,96 0,92 0,76 0,80Croatia 0,84 0,83 0,86 0,45 0,40 0,46Czech Republic 1,19 1,15 0,63 0,56 0,65Finland 1,31 1,05 1,07 0,96 1,10France 1,35 1,09 0,87 0,78 0,89Germany 1,11 1,15 0,90 0,54 0,92Greece 1,19 1,04 0,65 0,58 0,67Iceland 1,58 1,46 1,42 0,79 0,71 0,81Italy 1,05 1,16 0,53 0,50 0,55Lithuania 1,12 1,10 0,96 0,75 0,67 0,77Luxembourg 1,11 0,92 0,63 0,56 0,65Netherlands 1,44 1,08 0,56 0,50 0,58Norway 1,61 1,57 1,45 0,69 0,62 0,71Poland 1,08 0,00 0,51 0,46 0,52Portugal 1,35 1,11 0,45 0,40 0,46Russia 0,57 0,48 0,41 0,19 0,17 0,19Serbia 0,91 0,82 0,65 0,58 0,67Slovakia 1,21 1,01 0,61 0,55 0,63Spain 1,10 1,00 0,73 0,57 0,64All data shown on this work sheet is result of a work conducted by The GVR and NGVA Europe.

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