Fourier Spectral Moving Mesh Method for Willmore Equation of ...

Fourier Spectral Moving Mesh Method for Willmore Equation of ...

Fourier Spectral Moving Mesh Method for Willmore Equation of ...


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area is not unchanged. Since we have no requirement <strong>for</strong> the boundaries, we cannot assumethe physical area is an unit square. Hence, it’s hard to propose the boundary conditions <strong>for</strong>the Navier-Stokes equations. I have some ideas as follows:In order to <strong>for</strong>ce an unit square we need to <strong>for</strong>ce the displacement dx(x, y)| ∂Ω = 0 aswell as dy(x, y)| ∂Ω = 0. But we also require both dx and dy are periodic. And dx, dy arethe solutions <strong>of</strong> the MMPDEs. Hence, we cannot guarantee the existence <strong>of</strong> such a solution.And I need your suggestion on such issue.Another problem is about the semi-implicit scheme. Let’s review the equation(1 + ξ(λ ∗ κ 2 ) 3 δt)(ˆ¯φ − ˆφ) = δt{ ˙⃗x · ∇x φ + ξ∆ 3 φ − 1 ξ ∆2 W ′ (φ) − 1 ξ ∆(∆φW ′′ (φ)) +∫1ξ ∆(W ξ′(φ)W ′′ (φ)) + M[3 Ω 2 |∇φ|2 + 1 4ξ (φ2 − 1) 2 dx − β](−ξ∆ 2 φ + 1 ξ ∆W ′ (φ))} ∧I remembered in Hangzhou you told me that the splittingu t = a max ∆u implicit + (a(x) − a max )∆u explicitwill enhance the the stability. Hence I’m not surprised to see such a splitting scheme, whichutilized ∆ x φ = 1 ∇ J ξ · (JA∇ ξ φ) and it is some what like the splitting scheme above. And myquestion is that, why would such an semi-implicit scheme more stable? I use such a schemeover and over again, but I don’t know why? I failed to think it out. Is there some papers torefer to? Or would you mind explaining it to me?7 AppendixThe <strong>for</strong>mulas in this paper have been cited many times,and here we give the detailed pro<strong>of</strong>.a i = 1 J a j × a k , a i = Ja j × a k , a i · a j = δ i,jJ = a 1 · (a 2 × a 3 )Pro<strong>of</strong>:First <strong>of</strong> all, by the definition <strong>of</strong> Jacobian Matrix it is obvious that J = a i · (a j × a k ) as longas i, j, k are in right hand order.Secondly, using the fundamental <strong>of</strong> inverse function, we have a i · a l = δil14

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