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5<strong>ESTONIA</strong>NFLAGThe blue shade of the tricolourcaused some argument duringthe reinstatement of the statesymbols in the 1990s – should itrender the blue of the cornfloweror represent the cerulean of theskies? To resolve the matter anexact tone in the Pantone colourchart, No. 285C, was determinedby the National Flag Act of 1993.The Presidential flag features the greatstate coat of arms in the centre.The small coat of arms embellishes theswallow-tailed naval ensign.One of the most cherished nationalsymbols of Estonia is the blue-blackwhitecolour combination, along withits most significant expression in thenational flag.The birth of the tricolour is linkedwith the rise of national awareness inthe 1860s – the flag is therefore thesame age as the political history ofits people. The process culminatedin the blue-black-white flag beingdeclared the official state symbol bythe Estonian Provisional Governmenton 21 November 1918.The Estonian flag is hoisted everymorning at the top of Tall Hermann– the main tower of Toompea Castlein Tallinn. The banner is permanentlyflown on the premises of governmentinstitutions, municipal offices andborder checkpoints. In addition, thenational tricolour flies over schools,universities and colleges on schooldays.The flag is displayed on all residentialand public buildings on 13 Flag Daysannually, including Independence Day(24 February), Victory Day (23 June),and the Restoration of IndependenceDay (20 August). Quite naturally, allEstonians have the right and privilegeto raise the national flag on other daysas well.The flag is hoisted at sunrise, but notearlier than 7 am and taken down atsunset, but not later than 10 pm.On Midsummer Night (23/24 June) thenational flag is not lowered at all. Inother cases, any continuously hoistedflag must be illuminated during thehours of darkness.

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