February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press

February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press

February Edition 2007 - New York Nonprofit Press


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4 <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Nonprofit</strong> <strong>Press</strong> www.nynp.biz <strong>February</strong> 07EDITORIALA <strong>New</strong> TeamTakes the FieldThe Spitzer administration is taking shapeand members of the nonprofit community arelooking on with a combination of excitement andthe same old ever-present anxiety. Enthusiasmover the Governor’s first round of selections totop positions is real and widespread. Advocatesand agency executives who have been around fora while recognize the makings of a team with experience,vision and talent.In this issue, we offer only the most superficialintroduction at the new administration. Welook forward to following their future progressand accomplishments in greater detailIn the meantime, we offer them our congratulationsand best wishes on a long and successfultime in office.For Late Breaking <strong>New</strong>s & the Latest Job ListingsSubscribe to the NYNP E-<strong>New</strong>sletter contactpublisher@nynp.biz.Corrections and Clarifications: Problems at PSCHLast month’s article “Problems at PSCH” has prompted responses from two organizations who believe that clarifications and/or correctionsare appropriate.Trooper Foods has requested that we correct our statement that the company was “headed by Frank Fauci” and has taken issue with otheraspects of our article. Trooper’s letter and our response, including our acknowledgement of this error, are presented in full below.Our article also included mention of a prior food purchasing and bid-rigging scandal at Odyssey House involving Mr. Fauci. While we notedthat these events occurred between 1993 and 1998, we did not give Odyssey House an opportunity to comment on that case or the steps whichthe agency has taken since then to strengthen its administrative and financial controls. We regret that oversight. NYNP never intended to implythat these events should tarnish Odyssey House’s reputation a decade later. For Odyssey House’s full comments see their letter below.Trooper Foods RespondsDear Sir:I am responding to the article inyour January 2006 issue in which Ifeel my company, Trooper Foods, wasslandered. I find it hard to understandhow an article with such obvious misinformationcan be published on yourpaper. You have been victimized bypeople who have their own agendausing the <strong>Nonprofit</strong> <strong>Press</strong> as their vehicle.In response, I wish to make thefollowing points clear.First, I, Anthony Demarinis, ownTrooper Foods. Frank Fauci is not anowner nor does he have any equity positionat Trooper Foods.Second, I wish to emphasize thatTrooper Foods was not involved in theOdyssey House scandal. Trooper wasfounded in 2000, many years after thisscandal occurred.Trooper Foods has NEVER beeninvestigated, questioned, or contactedby any government agency. We havethe finest reputation in the food industryin respect to quality, service,Letters to the Editorpricing and INTEGRITY.PSCH is a house account ofTrooper Foods. We supply PSCH withexcellent quality and service at competitivepricing. Any time you wish tocontact any managers at any one of thehomes that we supply, we invite youto do so. We will even supply you thenames and numbers.I completely disagree with JeromeGoldchain’s claims regarding our pricingand services. I also disagree withMr. Goldchain’s interpretations of ameeting held in 2003 to discuss foodservice and payments due from PSCHto Trooper Foods. I attended thismeeting with my employee Mark Marrero.Mr. Marrero never acknowledgedproblems with our service or “askedfor…forgiveness,” as alleged in yourarticle.Trooper Foods is only one of severalfood vendors serving PSCH anddid not deserve to be singled out inyour article. Trooper Foods stands onits merits.Sincerely,Mr. Anthony DemarinisPresident/OwnerTrooper FoodsEditor’s Response:In our article, NYNP referred toTrooper Foods as being “headed by FrankFauci” which, based upon your letter, wasinaccurate. You have indicated to us thatMr. Fauci is a salesman for Trooper Foodswho handled the PSCH account. We acknowledgethis error and accept yourstatement that you, Anthony Demarinis,are the owner of Trooper Foods. We mustnote, however, that prior to publication, wemade repeated efforts to contact Mr. Fauciby telephone and fax at your main office.Neither he nor anyone else from TrooperFoods responded to our calls.We also agree that Trooper Foods wasnot involved in the Odyssey House scandal.NYNP never represented that Trooperwas involved at Odyssey House.Odyssey House RespondsDear Editor:The Boards of Trustees, officers, andstaff of Odyssey House couldn’t agreemore with your front page story “TheName Game (Jan. 07), that a non-profit’smost valued asset is its good name. Wewere, therefore, troubled that our goodname was repeatedly mentioned in yournews report “Problems at PSCH”, andagain in your editorial, on allegations ofquestionable practices at that non-profit.While we understand it is informativeto tell readers that the allegedly questionablepractices were conducted by thesame individual who was imprisoned forbid-rigging at Odyssey House ten yearsago, we feel your repeated citing of OdysseyHouse without also attempting tobring readers up-to-date on our servicesand management procedures, lacked balanceand editorial clarity.During that difficult period ten yearsago, we were grateful that our governmentsupporters stood by us, in particularthe <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> State Office of Alcoholismand Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).Working closely with OASAS, and othergovernment officials, we establishedstringent bidding, auditing, and accountingprocedures that include both externalauditors and board oversight.We are pleased to report that this actionby board members and senior staff hasmore than paid off in allowing us to growand strengthen the agency.Today Odyssey House delivers vitalservices to needy <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>ers on behalfof several government agencies and privatefoundations. With their financial supportwe provide a wide range of services toadults, seniors, women with children, andteens who have substance abuse, mentalhealth, and medical problems. We also offerremedial education and job training services.We provide housing for the homelessand community-based outpatient services.Our list of state, city and federal governmentpartners includes: OASAS; <strong>New</strong><strong>York</strong> State Office of Mental Health; <strong>New</strong><strong>York</strong> State and <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City Departmentsof Health; <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City HIV/AIDS Services Administration, Departmentof Homeless Services, Human ResourcesAdministration, and the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>City Board of Education; the federal SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health ServicesAdministration, and Medicaid. Our privatepartners include the: Fan Fox and LeslieR. Samuels Foundation; Milton RosenbackFoundation; Elizabeth and Barets O.Benjamin Charitable Foundation; Danieland Florence Guggenheim Foundation andothers.Not only have we retained, but wehave increased our number of partners – atestament to the quality of our programs– many of which were pioneered at OdysseyHouse.Odyssey House counts on our goodname to continue to gain the financial supportwe need to continue our mission tohelp the 1,000 men, women, and childrenwho each day turn to us in their struggle toovercome substance abuse, mental health,and medical problems.Sincerely,George RosenfeldChairman, Odyssey House and OdysseyFoundation Boards of TrusteesPeter Provet, Ph.D.President and CEO, Odyssey House andOdyssey Foundation

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